WHITBY LIONS OFFICIAL GIVES BLOOD A good number of the residents of Whitby and dis- trict gave donations Wed- nesday at the Whitby Blood Donor Clinic in St. Mark's United Chureh. Hall. Wil- First Year liam Schatzmdnn, first vice- president of the Whitby Lions Club, is seen enjoy- ing the refreshments after giving his donation. --Oshawa 'Times Photo WHITBY PERSONALS d WHITBY -- The approach of spring traditionally brings up that season of carnival, prior to Lent, "Mardi Gras," and to celebrate the event the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, went "all out." "Carnival" was everywhere throughout the Recreation Hall Tuesday evening as the revel- lers poured into the hall. Clowns, rabbits, sailors, gypsies and.a host of costumed dancers entered the Mardi Gras parade while the judges select- ed the King and Queen of the Mardi Gras and their cour- tiers. Gay Mardi Gras Held At Ontario Hospital The hall has never looked| gayer than on that night and it was evident to all who were present that a great deal of thought, effort and time had been put in by everyon? in the occupational therapy "Men's Workshop" which was mainly responsible for making the decorations. The King, Queen, Princess, Princessess, Dukes and Duch- esses being duly crowned and rewarded with prizes for their efforts by Mrs. M. Northey, Bernard 'Tierney's Orchestra again struck up its lively music and the capers continued. During the intermission for Whittlers Host Oshawa Group WHITBY --Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club, at their weekly meeting, entertained the Osh- awa Happy Gang at Kathleen Rowe School Mar. 2. Leader Alice Boychyn extended a wel- come. The event started with a buf- ~|fet style diet supper. Members were asked to supply. a low calorie favorite dish. The re- sponse was 'A plenty" and most co-operative. as the highest loser for the past week was Winnifred Brillinger with 4% lIbs., she was pre- sented with a rose for a Happy Gang member of Oshawa. Beverly Jallau, leader of Osh- awa Happy Gang then thanked Whitby Whittlers for their in- vitation and mentioned how close the losing contest was with a margin of only four pounds. During the recreational pro- gram social games were played and a sing song conducted by Winnifred Brillinger who play- ed Mr. Shnitz and also brought out a band who played on refreshments, the party-goers were entertained by vocal selections by the '(Merry Men," a recently formed singing group at the hospital under the able direction of W. Richard- son, a volunteer worker. The 'Mardi-Gras" Ball planned and carried out by the! occupational therapy depart-| ment staff who are always in- | debted to the many other staff| and patients' throughout the| hospital who work so hard to! ensure its success. As the master of ceremonies, | Mrs. E. Baillie, atinounced that the balloons would be let free | in a few seconds, the gaiety| and excitement reached _ its} pitch and in a colorful, giddy flurry of paper streamers and popping balloons, "Mardi Gras) 65" came to its nosy but Beauty Methods Demonstrated WHITBY -- In the absence of the president, Mrs. Robert Mackey, the vice-president, Mrs. John Rousseau, chaired the St. John the Evangelist CWL meet- ing in the parish hall March 2. Rev. Leo J. Austin 'spoke briefly and stressed the impor- tance for members of the CWL attending meetings, and in this way, support all church actiy- ities. that cook books are now on sale bers. Anyone wishing to pur- Mrs. . Alian. Following the short b 4 and distributed them to mem-|----- Any li AO. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 4, 1965. § TRUNK-SIZED BOAT of a car and can be assembled chase cook books could contact} POOLE, England (CP) -- Alin three minutes has been dem- five - seater wooden dinghy|onstrated at the harbor of this which telescopes into the trunk| Dorset town. session, Mrs. Crawford Russell, section manager for Beauty Counsellor, gave a 'make-up demonstration. A member, Mrs. Frank Canzi, volunteered to act as model, Mrs. Russell was pre- sented with a gift in apprecia- tion of her most interesting dem- onstration. Tea hostesses were Mrs. James McCarroll and Mrs. Mar- tin Chizen. _Mrs. William Allan announced NOTICE! ! There Will Be No More Friday Night Skating till Further Notice. The Management WHITBY ARENA ORCHARDS | Now Open For "]| Retail Sales... Monday to Saturday--8 a.m. to 5 p.m. THE SLEEPING BEAUTIES ARE HERE! Enjoy Crisp Juicy Controlled Atmosphere McIntosh, 212 Miles West of Whitby on Hwy. No, 2 At The BIG RED APPLES happy close. Following the diet supper the "Queen" for the month of Feb- ruary was honored. She had lost 154% lbs., runner ups were also honored: Anne Gallas, the "Juice Harp'? and impro- vised instruments. Another weight loss contest is in progress between Happy Gang led by Beverly Jallau and Alice Boychyn for Whittlers, Students Honored WHITBY -- Twenty - first year students were honor- ed at the End of Term Cere- Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Young, 112 Centre street north, enter- tained at their residence Sun- day on the occasion of Mr. Young's' 85th birthday. All members of their family were present: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young and their son, Ross of Lamkyja Rottine, also honored seven Why Pay Tt she mony and tea held at the On- th ar gs red ge ngs hg Be tario Hospital. Guests included Whitby: Mr and "Mrs. B G. the supervisors. Mrs. Sam u ' hae to ia fa -|Johnstone and family, Paul, Thorndyke and Miss Nobbilnonna Brian and any, Bor ON PREMIUM QUALITY Hara, the affiliating students from general hospitals, the sen- ior and intermediate students. Rey. T. H. Floyd, protestant chaplain, offered the invocation. Dr. W. H. Weber, hospital su- perintendent, spoke on the changing aspects of nursing. Mrs. Steffler, acting director of nurses, spoke on the ingredients of success. A candle lighting ceremony was held in which the acting director of nursing, Mrs. Mar- garet Steffler and Instructors Mrs. Donna Kidd, Mrs. Janet McEachern, Mrs. May Scott, Mrs. Barbara Lewis and Miss May McBean took part. Miss Doreen Pegnem, president of the student council, led the jun- ior students in the repeating of FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa And District lington and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Oshawa. Another guest was Miss Catherine Newton, Whitby. Among the refresh- ments served was a nicely dec- orated birthday cake which was | cut by the celebrant. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Russnell, 314 Dovedale drive, are cele- brating their 17th wedding an- niversary today. Their friends wish them every happiness. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Tarling, Port Credit, spent last Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Branton, RR 2, Whitby. Garnet, seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Armitage, RR 1, Whitby, suffered a frac- tured leg while tobogganing in BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. WHITBY Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Marlon Brando « David Niven t. is d " phn of Bh. Francis de Peterborough. He was taken to The Gi..con society, repr 2i hospital for a cast and is now confined to his home for the ed by Mrs. V. Henkelman and pest ok ee Mrs. Warburton, presented each student with a white testa- ment. Mrs. Henkelman brought an inspirational message from the Gideon Society, and gave a prayer of dedication. Thomas, son of Mr, and Mrs. D. S. Tushingham, 105 Mary street east, who is attending -- Hall University at South range, New Jersey, is a honor The ceremony closed | with) student on the Dean's list. 'This the singing of the "Queen"'. Re-|qualifies him for a scholarship freshments were served by Mrs 'Ito Graduate School next Sep- Marjorie Lee, residence super-|tember. Thomas will graduate visor and her staff. in J The following are first year ah te Aa -_ a eee ee nee nee TownGrader | Fells Pole lingham, Oshawa, Miss Joyce Binks, Rodney, Miss Joanne Blay, Weston, Miss Judith Bow- cott, London, Miss Judith Camp- bell, Wallacetown, Miss Leslie WHITBY (Staff) -- About 20 homes in the east end of the town were without pdwer for half an hour late Wednesday afternoon after a town grader Church, Owen Sound, Miss Joyce Clarke, Uxbridge, Miss knocked down a hydro pole. The grader operator was/| Georgette Desroches, Pene- cleaning away accumulated _tangue, Miss Christine Dock- man, Brampton, Miss Elaine Dupuis, Penetangue, Miss Ju- -| snow when he accidentally back- -|ed into the pole and broke it off. Whitby Public Utilities Com- dith Earle, Brighton, Miss Dorothy Mcintyre, London, mission employees were called in to replace the pole. | MEAT FARM SPECIALS wmarket by, Mrs. Elizabeth Morton, Col- This Week's SPECIALS Effective Thurs. to Sat. umbus, Miss Johanna Nelson, Toronto, Miss Denise Page, Osh- FREEZER ORDER 3 y. HOCKEY PLAYOFFS O.H.A. Metro Junior "B" SECOND GAME... Best of Seven Semi-Finals ETOBICOKE INDIANS WHITBY DUNLOPS WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA FRIDAY, MARCH 5th GAME TIME: -- 8.30 P.M. ADMISSION -- REGULAR SEASON PRICES A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Cross-country runs call for CHEVROLET workpower < FROM ALDER Karen Trivitt, Oshawa, Miss Karen Vibe, Toronto and Miss Cauleen Viscoff, Peterborough. Whitby Duplicate Bridge High Scores) The winners and high scores in the games played by the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club were: North and South -- Mrs. Bax- ter and Mrs. Love, 8844; Mrs. Spratt and Mrs. Wilson, 87; Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. McGilli- vary, 834; Mrs. Frost and Miss Lawlor, 824; Mrs. Chubb and) Mrs. Maundrell, 81 East and West -- Mr Mrs. Holmes, Miss Bovay Mrs. Bovay, 85% tied; Mrs Call and Mrs. Beaton, 8044; Mr and Mrs. McCann, 7914; Mr. and Mrs. Desrosiers, 7714; Mrs.! Watts and Mrs. McDougall, | 75%. | ----| } ROUND STEAK ROAST ». SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS PORK LIVER BOILING FOWL J. Keple writes: "We have used Chevrolet Trucks for 25 years and during this time we have never had any real trouble with them. Whether on local delivery or long distance haulage, Chevrolets stand up well. Power output from the six-cylinder or eight-cylinder engines is excellent. The 409 V8 is particularly good on our cross-country runs. "We watch our operating costs very closely and find Chevrolet Trucks give us a most favourable economical figure with the lowest downtime per unit." : Every operation can profit from Chevrolet Workpower --including yours! See your Chevrolet Truck Dealer today. and and Mc- WATER NEEDS The U.S. uses some 000,000 gallons of water a day) and its need is exyiected to dou-| ble w within 20° years | STEAM BATH] the way to relex--et ' George's Barbershop || Every Day from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M, Sundey from & A. M. to 3 PLM. peeeeey _ Ynys Dey day -- Closed All Dey Brock. 'ST. NORTH, WHITBY 1 awa, Mrs. Frances Potorski, Simpson, Downsview, Miss Beth merfield, Burlington, Miss Hindquarters lb. c ib. 19. A Ibs. of Butter FREE Oakville, Miss Teresa Senneker, Shinner, Simcoe, Miss Linda of BEEF of BEEF 'b. 4 9. : | , , With Each Freezer Order Mallorytown, Miss Marjorie Slack, Oshawa, Miss Lois Sum-| Fronts Cut and Wrapped FREE '65 CHEVROLET WORKPOWER TRUCKS WORK HARDER, LAST LONGER! AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET TRUCK DEALERS IN OSHAWA-WHITBY: Whitby ' Automatic Transmission zt Toone MARK ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LID HARRY DONALD LIMITED 405 Mary St. E., Whitby WH R ET 140 BOND ST. W . 668-4932 ITBY PLAZA FREE PARKING . WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE 725-6501 PHONE 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306 r