Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Mar 1965, p. 2

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amour ney mers" _' ArabsGrab [Ty ROBERT'S HEART HE KNEW| Montreal {Windfall Planned To Keep Muslims Deny German BARRY WASRIGHT, BUTLOST Will Try Stock Price Up-Reporter . : e : LOS ANGELES (AP)--Last about leaving for several s : . . November Robert Anselt told months, : irl First ] Terrorists his boss that he had such "This country has treated TIMMINS, Ont. (CP)--Greg-price rose and would thenjthe property sold to Windfall, ; faith' in Republican Barry us well," oad peocancnage Ad MONTREAL (CP)--A woman\°'¥ Reynolds, iii a scramble Ped buy hd eS ~~ vein Gee Ro - ' Goldwater's chance to be- construction firm owner. "Bu 7 + paper man with the Timmins|recover their positions, forcing|made f as his share 0 NEW 22, of Paters CAIRO (AP)--The Egyptian] come U.S. president that he'd we can't live in the past. I + pig rorya pices dae Daily Press, testified Wednes-|the stock higher to about $1. |the profits. YORK (AP)--The Black|madge Hayer, 22, of Paterson, government has arrested aj leave the country if Goldwater have a responsibility to my |New: York in : day that Viola MacMillan told] There would be hefty losses| 'Testifying under the Canada have denied anew any|N.J., was shot in une "be ey "network of German terror-| lost. agar wife and my kids to miake |2" alleged steel pS at him of her plans to keep up)for short sellers, Mr. Reynoldsjand Ontario Evidence Acts, ge hag yer 5 Raat peers yore a bos ists,' the semi - official news-| Early this morning Ansett, sure that they'll act gro op- pong renga vac Re the fs -- of Windfall Oi! and|said gg pein ner told ogy ah eat sre Ba his ag nnsgen ; ; i 4 th children tunity to think for them- i nes Limited stocks againstiand the manipulation wow! djcanno used against him in of a third Negro accused|had any Black Muslim connec-|P4Per Al Ahram reports. his wife, their three porns: United States is considered, a}iiciori sellers. 8 heli are ier Weil. nevetiany subsequent. court amie, ing' iviti j-| and another couple and their selves." z the assassination. _|tions. oe ert Wat fae three children sailed aboard Ansett, a bakery route |POlice spokesman said Wednes-| 7," 20 testifying before alself short again, Mr, Rowbechd: 'saikhe eiaked But police said the latest de- : f i F the SS Iberia for Australia salesman, said "Australia day. royal commission inquiring into| The stock climbed to $5.60|some claims which Texas Gulf fendant, Thomas 15X Johnson, e~ Chicago. just hours after socket nr Ey on the' United and a new home. presently is more socialistic ct id Fag mingpeon he circumstances surtounding the|from 56 cents on rumor that|thought it owned, of the Bronx, is a strong-| Johnson's arrest, the eldest son| Arab Republic the paper says.| 'My bet just brought the than the United States but the ba rocedure in the case of|"i8¢ and fall of Windfall shares|Windfoll had made a base metal| Mr. Rousseau's partners were atm member of the Black Mus-!o¢ piack Muslim leader Elijah - - the! situation to a head faster," trend there is toward conserv- Micheils Saunier through ex-|°%,the Toronto Stock Exchange|find in the Timmins area. It\John Larche and Don McKin- lims. He was charged Wednes-| vuhammad reiterated denial of| wes, "Germarg' areted, voc| said the Si-year-old Ansett, atism. It's just the opposite |Michelle Saunier through x Hin June, then fell to 80 cents when the\non. day with homicide. any Black Muslim blame for the be gp cy apr imed| 'We'd have left sooner or here." : Ag He told the commission thaticompany said it had found no) wr Larche testified earlier in Johnson is the second Black assassination. He said he had| cq feased (at he and other| later anyway, with things -- Ansett said he objected to Miss Saunier, a 30-year-old|/",May, 1964, Mrs. MacMillan, |ore. the day that the property had Muslim accused in the assassi-|never heard of Johnson. eee eee Ue ene Oe Te tha wir ey Aek." the tax structure, social se-- hology teacher at a Mont.|Wife of Windéall president) Mr. Reynolds told the heat-|heon offered to Neranda Mines min zits Seely | Pete, Mam, cut greene |R Eh et, arent acini tino ane meng ele ya ationalist leader " ' a i ighbor and on commerci | s rs. MacMillan on r , bo batted from the Black Mus | eet oe aati an vated toe! now travelling companion, the initiative from the ind\- |raigned Tuesday on charges of/winaray, 1964. He said she told him that| os No™anda Canada's largest lims last year and formed his|haye been marked for. murder|, Al Ahram also says Lotz con- said they had been thinking vidual." ain Ne explosives, She said she disliked short|Windfall was on the verge of Poeidilisinn ea undel' Patni t. Y .jfessed he was responsible for sellers because they were not|"something big." gto aggliony Sean. iddiclad 1 Agee gg mage Bah «ogy ih posting a parcel to a rocket sci- ' yer Pb carn rng a hy good for the mining industry,| On April 19, she told him the|Hartt questioned Mr. Reynolds i tist named Wolfgang Pilz. The od : : : Mr. Reynolds testified, company had bought a property|°" the source of rumors of a last month for first-degree as-|rival sect. ni j H t She and three youths were ar- a : strike on. the Windfall property. sault in the wounding Jan. 6 of| Police worked on the theory|Packet exploded and injured a ar Cc nows 1 Tl n rested in police raids here last|, S%0rt sellers are those who|which Texas Gulf Sulphur Com- as <b rag este enjamin Brown, a Black Mus-|that Malcolm was assassinated|S¢cretary, the paper says. cand sell stocks in anticipation of a|pany, through an error, had e reporter told the hearing ae me -- price drop so that shares can/|failed to stake ana which had|that he questioned Mr. Larche lim defector. Also charged in| because of the rivalry, but Mu-| Al Ahram says that among Ln T Naw tee rand lary: te ue tHat case was Norman 3X But-|/hammad himself was quick to|those arrested was Franz W. Wi th Win ds And Drifting dicted Miss Saunier, a native|P© Bought cheaply later, giving|been staked instead by three -- checking rumors of short -- ° ene oe aR aaLe2S 2 a:? i a, ; the seller a profit. rospectors. Mr. Reynolds blame for the slaying. |Kiesow, Cairo representative of harges . ies $4 y , =. Be rene' ataren™ " Her gncther daveloamant Car Mannesman' Steel Company of mio pb py ss sive teat Mg}: jMeciiilan was mies quoted Mrs. Mechilian as "Larche said he didn't know the second man accused in the|/Thomas, Jr., a Negro in his 20s,/ Duesseldorf. LONDON (CP)--March lumb-|hour winds fell from Poland t0jtg dynamite the Statue of Lib- wiemeti few 4 pie y Rol oud a aes Pra rl ray oe. pF Fag a _-- slayingof Malcolm .X was ordered held in $50,000 pois The West German embassy | ered 'in like a polar bear as the|Spain, leaving drifts more thaN|erty, the Washington Monument} yrice up 15 cents to about 75 property. heard trom Fred Roussean that ,Police believe five men in alljas a material witness in the/jast Saturday announced tha 10 feet deep in some aed. | jand Philadelphia's Liberty Bell..ents a share. Short sellers| Fred Rousseau, one of 'he Windfall had cut 175 feet of i | Cies: i iv worst snowstorm of the winter 4 ty E took part in the attack on Mal-|Malcolm X slaying. Lotz, Kiesow, their wives and | hipped across Britain and all! The blizzards raphe he The New York action coincided would be pe sy ta npg ovnesn yeni egg Br bal li tie ll jof Europe today. Germany, France and n with the Montreal arraignment, | ------_" "STA Lama a RM SM TE: colm X as he started to speak) Asst. Dist. Fig ag W./perhaps three other West Ger. be cai to 400 persons at a ballroom|McKeever sai jomas was! mans had been arrested by the|°f Europe tomty te con-litaly. vith the Mo rr = oe re ea aad cael toe on gd jhe | assassina-| Egyptians several days mesial zratulating themselves on reach-| Towns and villages in south- ; |thought Mr, Rousseau's source 13 shots from a shotgun and two|tion and had vital information ine the threshold of prin g|western Scotland were cut ott by Rare Bl d eo arga ] n ers oa Mss Jan Mr. --. eS 1 ' without too much ice and snow,|snowdrifts measuring up | 00 ' Rousseau dene ree Det es Mareen Teer. Klan Youths |old man winter delivered a blow/feet deep, : King Plans 50-Mile Hike | Pulled Boner "#2 si. c2itiera Sum J antenna] Saves Life Back To Contract | ze ot 2D cut off from the rest of the on many of the roads in donicountry, with every road| MONTREAL (CP) -- Doctors| PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Theyand Abel led in the unofficial | NORTH HAVEN, Conn. (AP)| blocked by high snow drifts. |will be able to go ahead today|United Steelworkers Union|count. ; ti [ a |Three youths accused of waging|a7¢ Sr diaganecs the sateen Passengers on a train which|with an operation to save the called together its. basic steel The Chicago Tribune reported 0 ea n 0 Ing Ws a campaign of terror against ae or the country, left Glasgow Wednesday night|legs of a 41-year-oid spores, We, dag age besa ag A pe Mg lnggegy oa that Abel had |family they believed was rac: spent the entire night stuck in a/cause supplies of nis rare m 4 y 6, votes. SELMA, Ala. (AP)--Dr. Mar-jwhile the Alabama legislature ially ae a ang even Ne Peg lon Ese ag snow drift in the Scottish high- type poe arrived in ea ake of contract '" cote Fdgabn 0 in Pitts-| i r Kin s tolis i ciai session. The session|the man they thought was a Ne-|* lands rom four widely - separate ' urgh sai union's. interna-| iodo Sane FE gyn web abd. to consider Gover-|gro, police say. (eee as winds chumed: up Dresuen in Germany was re-|United States cities, Following the meeting at|tional tellers were not expected ftom Selma to the state capitol|nor George Wallace's education The 16 + year - old boys, who|M@avy Seas. ported a dead city, with people} A continent-wide search for|USW headquarters, the union|to complete their count of the at Montgomery Sunday to dra-|bills called themselves the "Confed-|19-FOOT DRIFTS walking to work because traf-|Norbert Huard's rare "A" RH|negotiators were to meet with|votes until today at the earliest. eration of Connecticut Clans-| Snow whipped by 50-mile-an-/fic was at a standstill. negative vel blood type was in-|their industry counterparts to) ---------------------- VISIT * . | matize pleas for liberalization} King, cutting short a visit to oF as Wines. iat Shocnaac da gph pated = m- of Alabama's voting laws. Washington, flew to Alabama to|day 'night in hag aval stigated by the blood transfu-llay the groundwork for resu: HELP 'King, wh ] r ' sion service of the Montrealljing talksand to hear industry's olewah Welunetey tuc's Hegre ae tatide Jim' suburb of 20,000. dius | OBI i UARIES Red Cross to aid in the deli-larguments for an extension of Lb laborer shot to death during an og : Police said Eugene Teixeira, da raemor cate operation of grafting ar-/the May 1 strike deadline. KIDNEYS PASS outbreak of racial violence in} In a funeral sermon at on 28, the ooo gg MRS. ELIZA JANE BOWINS JOSEPH VAVASSORI .. saieis Aisle ee Steelworkers president David ga | ied ens the ht of Feb. 18,/for Jackson, a Baptist deacon|/guese - Italian descent a High Requiem Mass was sun o Canadian don ' lea said tednesda ight the pre-land leader in the right-to-vote|wife of French and Italian ex-| The death occurred yesterday Pn s sete i Varaseart Who died|tight type of blood were found)" McDonald made it clear iteviansa' hk Maes s y mg ; oy ' le has two\at Oshawa General Hospital of sep! eons, W C .|Wednesday night, however, that viously - discussed march defi-jbattle in Perry County, King|traction _The couple has two)a * ia J fepli f 974|following an explosion in Whit-|S0 the American Red Cross. un < & Annapolis Ave.) nitely is scheduled to begin|promised an ding' cam-|young children. Mrs, Eliza ie. She was in her| by, Monday, March 1, in his 60th|dertook the search, _ the union had no intention Of) sfost people pass about. three pints of Sunday afternoon. paign for racial equality in| During the past month, the ei raeogt raga 7 cleat, at Holy Cross Church,| The blood banks files of rare/granting an extension now. | liquid « day or about three pounds of : The marching Negroes, who/Alabama, "We are going to family has received threatening| biti betebtiarastie lOshawa, today at 9 a.m. Rev. [donors showed only 10 persons} 'The industry requested the| auidaweste, Now, if kidneys become Community 1 march through the streets 'untilltelephone calls and one abusive S°M" "ann is os the late Mr,|M. J Darby conducted the ser-|in the United States who met|ioint meeting earlier this week, der discomfort may follow. The result Sor ¥, every Negro can vote," helletter, police said Mra "John Martin. Mre{vice. interment was at Resur-|the qualifications, Telephonelsaying that mounting uncer-| S4%, be backache, and restless, nights, or Young vowed. Monday night, a .22-calibre ri--294 Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. rection Cemetery. calls reach donors in Portland,|tainty had already damaged| help bring relief. Dodd's stimulate Moderns saypaees fle was fired at the family's|Bowins was born in ye re Pallbearers were: Foster|Ore., Charlotte, N.C., Casper,|the steel industry and the union| Kidney section, help relieve the irri- : lhome, police said. bend a Hayden in ee cer, Donald Newel, John|Wy0., and San Mateo, Calif. [by forcing customers, edgy over| ache. Take Dodd's and see if you don't and So-o-0-o THER FORECAST | Police identified the members he iearried at Pontypool on|Fellebi, Richard Kotz, -William| The donations were made late|a possible strike, to turn to} feel ie tiane Kune en pidaes . ( of the 'Confederation' as Ar-|y.. 9 " |Reaman and Nick Doelman. Tuesday and early Wednesday|foreign markets to build inven-| drug counter. Used successfully by Convenient ' & thur Johnson, Antnony DePalma january owen eodivea pH land arrived in Montreal late|tories. millions for over 70 years, ; A d Snow and Robert Giaquinto. resbehnte pa aga * [MISS MARGARET CARMODY |Wednesday. | Webel nebitintions tor 8 ' ain n ) Police Lieut. Walter Berniere| Sh 'ea es a daughter. Mrs,|_.UXBRIDGE -- Miss Margar-| Mr. Huard is the father of|basic steel contract started last ;, RCRA OPEN TONIGH Y itera ' said the boys, from 'respected! ON nf vi 1 8 'h ~,jet Carmody, a long time resi-|three children, aged 16, 17 and| January but were recessed dur- middle-income families," were|T0m Neal (Velma) of Oshawa; | dent of Uxbridge, died on Wed-|99, jing the turbulent campaign be- ---- too See : ® ; : charged with assault with intent|#, 59, rey poh gt WO! nesday, Feb. 24, at Fairview|------------_--_----_--_--_--_____ltween McDonald and I. W. t OO er T 1 ay to commit murder. They were| Sisters, Mrs. Al ah Ferguson| 1 gage,' Whitby. ri Abel, USW secretary-treasurer, : released under $5,000 bond each,|(Eva) and Mrs. Olive Fergu-| "she was the daughter of Mar- Birth Control for presidency of the union. soiluish saan dtlaamiiahiak 1a ae ane ree dan garet, (Whelan) Carmody and ; _ a! MGON weosccrcece 5 ; -| William Carmody, and was born forecasts issued by the weather | PSYCHIATRIST dren, Mrs. Robert Talbot |i, them in Pickering on Septem- P am hlets OK office at 5:30 a.m.: (Carol) and Sharon and Ross\per 19, 1870. They farmed for Pp ie Vetiay ceetclia ee tans : FIDDLES TOO child, Laurie Talbot ©" |some, time in Uxbridge 22! TORONTO (CP)--The board] HEAT WITH OIL - ae y changing the rain | ' 4 ship before moving to Uxbridge. . i to snow or snowflurries in|St. : CHICAGO (AP)--There is a | The body is resting at Arm-| Miss Carmody was a staunch|°%, health recommended Wed DIXON'S northern and western regions of : vast difference between the |Strong Funeral Home. A service/Liberal in her political affilia- a pgp rely gg cen OIL the province. Kingston .... . drab buildings of a home for |Wwill be held at the Funeral|tions, and, although crippled for : ; t . Ces 'Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|Trenton ..... f ; delinquent boys and the gilt |Home Chapel on March 6 at 2/many years, never complained ciygtiesae be tage statement on your N /) Southern Lake Huron regions,|Killaloe .......... 3 concert halls of the world. /|p.m. The Rev. H. Dyck will of-|and consistently saw the bright Aone ON et, Winteer, ong Mee Moe MOMCOKE sssreser & But the life of Dr. Marvin |ficiate, Burial will be at Union| side of life. She was a member all ati action would not be] 313 ALBERT ST. arning colder with occasional |Nor' ays.» 35 38 | Ziporyn, 41, a practising psy- |Cemetery. jof Sacred Heart Parish. 4 i 3 showflurries. Winds north 15. {Sudbury ... 35 chistrist and successful con- STEPHEN BAKALA Requiem Mass was celebrat- sae tite niet ene 24-HOUR SERVICE Niagara, Western Lake On-|Earlton ........ : | cert violinist, encompasses , ed Feb. 27, at Sacred Heartlhe given by public health em- 723-4663 tario, northern Lake Huron, Al-|Sault Ste. Marie.. 3 | both. | The death of a former Whitby|Church, Uxbridge by Father ployees to residents asking for goma, Toronto, Hamilton:|Kapuskasing ..... ! 3 The slender, dark - haired district farmer, Stephen Bakala,|Marynen prior to interment in i The pobllc would" be" ine SERVING OSHAWA OVER Don't let all the changes in do ae . : 50 YEARS your income tex get you COMPLETE The election was held Feb. 9 Cloudy with occasional rain| White River.... | doctor, who he lag occurred Monday at the Oshawa|Sacred Heart Cemetery. 5 p gg ge ees tees) | violin 'at yy hg den pacing le ap following 8 a ee down. Take it to BLOCK for RETURNS 7, WiDGs Can, 18. {Timmins ...../.. private medical practice which |Biny street and was in his 75h | FATAL EXERCISE ite coer fast, eccurate service. Often Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali-| Observed Temperatures he handles in the evenings. | "art Sire! and was in his 7oth' INNSBRUCK, Austria (AP)-- you save more in added de- burton, Killaloe, Georgian Bay, | row overnight, high Wednesday, Recently, he offered his | The deceased was a native of A" Austrian army staff serg- ductions than the nominal Timagami, North Bay, Sudbury: Dawah: .2..<.0,.0 4 "| services as staff consultant at the Ukraine and came to|¢@nt Herbert Uri, 22, had or- FINAL FUR CLEARANCE tnee Se OS Tk ee ens, 43 54 | the School for Boys in nearby'|Canada 50 years ago. He farm. |t¢?S t0 bury a dummy for an smart thing te de. Whit R c h .|Edmonton 10 : St. Charles, which has facili- |eq in the Brooklin-Whitby area avalanche rescue exercise at a ee Vere OAS Basing: |... 7 | ties for 800 delinquent young- | until coming to Oshawa in [ERInINg DASE NGA DOte. He: Hes | We guarer lon of every tox Cloudy with occasional NOW| winnipeg . z 3 | sters. He also is staff psychia- | 1959 : jcided to play the part of the we make eny errors that cost you on: pk dln on ateren, and colder. Light winds. lLakehead ..- F trist for the Cook County | or" ? : __|victim himself. He crawled into wil 5s sedis Sk alia: g Western James Bay: Cloudy | white Rives. | Mental Health Centre. Mr, Bakala is survived by his|a prepared hole and had an: : pot _P* _ except mainly clear northern): soncert violinist, | Wife, the former Annie Chor-|oth b gy eco 'NSault Ste. Marie... 3! | And as a concert violinist, : : other, man bury him. Freed portion. Not much change 0 Caruskhsing .-.. q he is planning a tour of Eu. "eY: Three daughters also sur-lafter 39 minutes by a rescue ae co. temperature. Light winds, \Karlton rope in April. pre. Fe -- hors te ey unit, Uri died in hospital. |= Ha eeeheved " x Sagres ' Mrs. ick olinsky . (Stella),| --.._----_ ' Ferecost Sserpenptates jNorth Bayssceewee 33 Dr. Ziporyn won the Society |both of Oshawa, and Mrs. Lloyd| More than 2,000,000 tourists t NORTH AMERICA'S LARGEST TAX SERVICE Low tonight, high Friday: [Sudbury «sssssseee : of American Musicians con- |Nejson (Olga Violet), of St.|went to West Berlin in 1964-- e io , Be a ee 32 [Muskoka .....006. 3 test in 1939 and 1940 and was \Catharines. jan increase of 21 per cent over J 135 SIMCOE sT. NORTH St. Thomas....... 32 SA LWindbGr issieccces 4 5 named 'outstanding violinist | : Ith A frie | Two sons, Michael Bacall, of|'#© Previous year. ? of 1959" by the Arts Circle. Toronto, and. Peter Bakala' of | iturin WEEKDAYS 9 A.M, - 9 P.M.--SATURDAYS 9 A.M.-5S P.M. . "It's much easier to be a ees hiek Eien pera Oshawa, survive and 11. grand- y | e first - rate psychiatrist than ; : a PHO 725- 22 HERE and THERE | ven a" tenthrate violinist," [Silden and- five greegrand DUNN'S Special Weekend NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY he He was d sed Oshawa Fire Department members from Oshawa and laeaptier. ha Mare iaiies in 'dealt with two calls last Ontario County. Represen- { | 1964. night. A small fire was tatives from the Depart- W. kl A 'quickly dealt with at Mill- ment of Municipal Affairs | ee y u 0 (ane ggg Terie -- : 'work Builders Supplies on will also attend the dinner ® . ninerel servi i apr ih ' Simcoe north and there meeting at the Hotel Gen- Building Up iburedas. RA ROP : Pi onge was one lockout. City am- osha. St Tonnes Ukréinioh Geoek Or bulance answered six rou- TORONTO (CP) -- Canada's ~ 'tine calls. Dr. Donald Cleland, pro- | car makers have scheduled 15,- thodox Church will conduct the fessor of education at the {922 vehicles to roll off the as- right bd ~~ ago wae YOUNG MEN'S N bid @ Uxbridge Public School University of Pittsburg will |sembly line this week com-|'" Mount Lawn Cemetery. | Board has lowered. its mill address the Oshawa and |pared with 14,313 last week, the * Ski Jackets rate from 25 to 23 mills. District Council of the Inter- |Motor Vehicle Manufacturers' | REED'S 'Increased assessment and national Reading Associa- (Association said Wednesday. | S b b C additional grants were tion at the Dr. §. J. Phil- | Production continues to fall! WEEK-END | @e u ur an oats igiven for the reduction. . lips Public School auditor- behind the 1964 pace because of | CASH, CARRY © Car Coats ' jum Friday, March 12, in | strikes. | Fi * i * Congratulations are ex- the evening, and Saturday Chrysler remains closed by a/ awer Special Bie ae e Seated to (Mrs, rizabeth morning, March 18. He will jatrike for the "th sini] = ROSES Sines 14-16-18 @ Daniel of 7 Maple street; be accompanied by Elainie | week. Ray Pope of 510 Park Bilscek who will give a = |--------__ | Reg. $10 - $15 - $20 € A BUNCH road south, and Mrs. Leo demonstration Saturday on 'Keeler of 19 Nassau street, reading lessons at grade 2 Swho are celebrating their level. The Association, : THIS WEEKEND : ; : i Sometimes, a deep change of heart can affect.a man's birthdays. which ig Interested in_im- REED'S Florists SHOPPING CENTRE ONLY et whole pattern of life, He sees things differently. It's the > Charter night for the ve oat language, has 130 timeos Bond vie? Bloor w. " - pee shi iat comes through a clearer idea of God, when Lakeland Chapter of the teachers enrolled in the mB YOUR CHOICE you catch a glimpse of the real meaning and joy of life, sors wil 'te held Basch i. _ Oshawa and District ee 4 ab a alee word vt : : hippie baat wicca bade Wallace Parnell, Special Weeki -hour public lecture on this subject by Otto Bertsc 'of the Ontario Institute, will ue pecia eekly a l resent the charter to Lake- Your Clothes Message at e Christian Science Board of Lectureship. Titles land chairman Morley Par- { c The Meaning of Reformation." Everyone is welcome, fenluk, deputy assessment J @ Will Look Like New 9 | To Members Of HURRY IN FOR THIS ONE! ae Chapter, has about 50 @ Will Feel Like New | saan Grin = Open to 9 p.m. Thurs. and Fri. Chris | CLUB : oy . tte wid i. City-Wide Delivery 228 -- 28 Saturdied, tMacch & 8.15 P rv] : e Mone v) aturday, March 6, at 8. MM, : Mortgage Money INK! RS 1 MITCHELL'S ; ots / OSHAWA McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY AUDITORIUM : _B Reel_Estete- 'own DRUGS 2 3 YOUR SHOPPING (Cor. Centre and Bagot Sts.) -- Broker __Phone 725-1191 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 287 -- 132 CREDIT . CENTRE Auspices First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oshawa Day or Night - 728-4285 n Open Evenings Till 9 P.M Christian Seience lectures are for the public -- They ore Free A

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