fa sardine heyyy ere Si iy AO SR py lll hema eM Cr pM aemrgee cee BIRTHS JACKSON - Alfred and Marilyn (nee Mills) are proud to announce the arrival of a daughter, Dawn Michele, 8 Ibs. at the Oshawa 'al Hospital on Wednes- day, March 3, 1965. Special thanks to Dr. Hull. MITCHELL -- George and' Ruth (nee LeBlanc) are to announce the safe errival of @ daughter, Cynthia Denine, 6 Ibs., 12 ozs., on Wednesday, March 3, Oshaw: TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By auotstie gy aon tnane marked $. ations in cents 5 100d lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS STOCK MARKET 1965, at a Genera! Hospital. gl ee er and daughter both well Deo Gratis. Steet Sales High am. Ch'ge --Dr. and Mrs. Harry) Abitibi 865 $13 13% 13% are to the ar-| - Ackind 100 425 425 425 Sanderson me rival of Beth Julia, on Wednesday, March) Ackind pr 50 $25 . 25 s 3, 1965 at Oshawa General Hospital. Alta Gas pr 20 $106 105% 105% -- _ A sister for Timmy and Jane. | An i) w. ae 3 on] say STEFFEN -- Larry and Carole (nee; Algoma 212 $77¥2 77% 7a Robinson, RN) are happy to announce' Alliance A 200 $14va 13% 40 'ai the safe arrival of Todd Edmond, 6 Ibs. Alumini 225 $31% 31% 31% Ne 7 ozs., on Tuesday, March 2, 1965, at) Alum 4% pr 175 $42% a tere Oshawa General Hospital. A little brother) Alum { pr +0 Pte Be ion me for Brad and Jeff. Alum pr Ms 50% 50% + 9 Analog 5080 $52 Sia Siat+ We Ana' w 10 9 9 0 +5 THS fame Wa Sie Hk Hh DEA sae P wf Auio El 100 460 460 460 50 $282 282 28 Bank Mont 740 $68% 68 68 + Ye BAKALA, Stephen Beatty n 270 $124 12'4 12% Entered into rest in the Oshawa General) Bei; Phone 740 $63% 63% 63% Hospital on Monday, March 1, 1965, Ste-! Bow-M pr 25 $51% 51% 51% phen Bakala, beloved husband of Annie| Bramaiea 800 39% 94 Ia--V Chorney, and father of Mrs. Helen Glen-| Brama w 210 365 365 ' nie," Oshawa, Mrs. Lioyd Nelson (Olga) Barzil 3067 $6 644 64+ % Violet), St. Catharines, Mrs. Nick Polln-| BA Oil 640 $33% 33% 339 -- ski (Stelia), Oshawa, M'chae! Bacal', To) BC Forest 650 $304 30% 30/2 -- Ve : r Bakala of Winnipeg, in} BC Sugar 50 $45% 45% 45% + yonto and Peter B 9) 'his 75th year. Resting at the Armstrong] BC Ph é\4pr 50$105'4 105 105 ; Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral] Bruck A 200 $31 31 3 a "e service In the chapel Thursday, March) Burns 150 $21% 21% 21% + Ve 4 at 2 p.m. Intermént Mount Lawn) | Cai i ed a _ = Cemetery | Can Cem eSBs S84 | Can Foils A, 50 $31 31% Jiaw--la BIRD, Frederick John' | Can Meit '150 $25% 25% 25Va-+ Va! Suddenly at the Oshawa General Hospital| Can Perm 107: $7878 76 p on Wednesday, March 3, 1965, Frederick! CAE 625 $144 14% 14% + Me John Bird: beloved husband of Clara' C' brew 2105 $10'% 10' 10% + " *$mith, and dear father of Joseph of Wes- C Brew A pr- 25 $47% AT%q AT¥4 -- Vo fon, Norman of Whitby, Hilda (Mrs. A C Brew B pr 210 $53% 5354 53% Harrell) of Oshawa, Mervin of Brooklin) C B Al A w 300 410 400, 410 +10 and Lewis of Oshawa; in his 86th year, C Chem w 425 $ll'2 11¥a VN" | Resting at the Robinson Funeral Chapel) Cdn G Inv 365 $65 65 $5 | Brooklin. Service in the chapel on Satur:| C Imp Bk C 65 $71%4 71'4 71% | day, March 6, at 2 p.m. Interment Grove- C Ind Gas 600 $13% 13% al side Cemetery, Brooklin, Si ee - ye a ie @ e = y y NCOWE, Kenneth Cdn Pet 180 $1530 15% 15% + "~e ee County Hospital, Newmarket,| C Util 160 $40% 40% 40% ' on Weédnesday, March 3, 1965, Kenneth Cc Wesing 25 $67 61 67 ae Blencowe. on his 54th birthday, beloved) Chemcell 340 $20 2 Wig Ve husband of Helen Ewing and dtar father) Chrysler 200 esd * A , | of Judith and John of Oshawa, brother of ae ike ii stiee Mrs. G. Edwards (Evs), Aurora, Miss | | Shae lee eve Olive Blencowe, and James, both of To-| © vg Le i: 'one 4 eo ronto, Ross of Newmarket and Edward) Con 9 iy fe a 1 Con M S 450 $457 4558 4558 --He of Ashcroft, B.C. Mr. Blencowe is resting ST cow na 4 at Mcintosh Anderson Funeral Home, Con one 10122 $14 13% 13% 152 King Street East, with service in the cae nO $214 214 214 chapel on Saturday, March 6 at 2pm) Coy 0 36% 6% 6M | Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Crush int 900 $15% 15% 15% | BOWINS, Eliza Jane sp ga Pa ar Entered into rest in the Oshawa General mae Hand may ar We Hospital on Wednesday, March 3, 1965, D Bridge 141 $26V2 261 264 Eliza Jane Martin, beloved wife of the) pon Elect 275 $1i% 115s 11% late Howard Lorenzo Bowins, mother of potasco 400 $26Va 2614 + Ve Mrs. Tor Nea! (Velma) and Ross, Osh-) posco 200 $17 «17~--~«W? awa; sister of Mrs. Albert Ferguson' Dom Stores 375 $264 26 26 -- Vs (Eva), Enniskillen; Mrs. Olive Ferguson) pom Tar 1147 $23% 23% 23% and Gordon Martin, Oshawa, in her 75th) Dom Text 300 $41 41'2 41% + % year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral pover 250 $192 192 19% | Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in| Du Pont 110 $54 54. 54 me Me ir March 6 at 2 p.m; Emp Life 15$450 450 450 the chapel Saturday, Interment -Mount Lawn Cemetery.) Exquite A w 100 28 255 255 +5 hawa Falcon z) Me My 87% oe | Fanny F 72 $48 48 48 ney H, Fed Grain 100 $7 7 ghtots' he ee: In the family residence | Fleet Mfg 700 75 eS Th 353 Kingsdale Avenue, on Wednesday.; Ford (US) 300 $58%% 58% geen » March 3, 1965. Sydney H. Hall, beloved| Fraser $0 $33. 33 , "husband 'of the late Evelyn Cairns; father] Gen Bake 100 8 8% -- Ve of Miss Enid Hall, Oshawa; Donald W. Goodyear Hy wn 1" i * Hall, Orillia; orawes Tha yahoo ER gh Me ths Ga ea in his 87th year, Resting a mm ly ; , with) Hardee 200 68 él 68 eae ogg varng chopal Friday. Hawker-S 200 $65 a-- ont ai ara Interment St] Haves SH 135 $15% 15% 15% -- % Marcy at | Piss eppreni:| Home A 4250 $22 222? + areens wererery er Home B 350 $22% 22 2+ % mately 315 p.m. Horne Pf 100 310 310 310 --5 Hu, F i HBC 760 $142 14% 14% annie 2 ; ; on Weanesdey" March 3, 1965. et Teron, Hor Er. x in oe ee "i fo, Fannie Barton of 2555 Bloor Street Husk 30 si2% 12% 286 West, Member of Eastern Star Corinthian) HUSKY | | 210 $126 286 12 Chapter No. 12, beloved wife of the late) DUSKY, | SLO Ii George Heath. Dear mother of yg pl Tob KE hog tat B, 'and George of Toronto, Raymond o' "ed Ind Accep 330 $2514 25V2 25th = % Haven, Conn. Survived by seven grand) iid Gas 425 811% 11% 11% children. Resting at the Chapel - ster | Inlend G pr 100.$20% 2014 20%-- ¥ and Dodds, Queen Street West anc! | Bronze pr 720°$20 30 30 Strachan Avenue, Toronto. Se | Int' Nickel 28S $882 88% 8812+ et 1.30 p.m. Interment Union aga gti Int Util 75 $32. 32 Oshews. Inter PL 25 $93% 93% 93% + Ve | Inv Grp.A& 300 $1313 Moe! Clarence F. | ' : at Pamarie' Hospital, Bowmanville, on} pag al gl a age Thuredey, March 4, 1965, Clarence PF. 'ocrey ¢ 800 $514 +514 514 Hockin, in his 57th year, beloved hus-| yprigg non? a 4 band of Eve Jackman, end der. soir Kelly aie + i ¢ pg DIT 1 Ae Kelsey Co 450 $15¥%e 15 15'a+ ih Pat (Mrs. Robt. Marierri-| Me 1 Kelly). ' |. Labatt 761 $21% 21% 21% son) all of Bowmanville. Resting at the) ont on 7370 $6 ny Morris, Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville tomten 1375: St6Ve. lata an M Service in the Chapel on Saturday at 0 Ge a 000 26) 240 Ps Vi am, Interment Bowmanville Ceme) isd 100 ' Lau Fin 165 Lav F 125 250 $22 VEKIN, C, Reginald at" Memoria! Hospital, Bowmanville, on eo 1% Wednesday, March 3, 1965, C. Reginald teoee A rey Lovekin, Newcastle, aged 70 years. Be Tobea on50 loved husband of Helen Coulson and dear oe 75 father of James P., Toronto and Richard.) An pp 1075 Newcastle, Resting at the Morris Funeral faaneir ink. 300 Chapel, Bowmanvilie. Service in Sti wie Gard 25 George's Anglcan Church, Newcastle 0) syges a7 Saturday at . p.m. interment Bowman-| syig.west 200 ville Cemetery. (in lieu of flowers, don@| 'proison B 105 tions te Memorial Hosp'tal, Bowmanville.) Mon Foods Hy 4 would be appreciated.) Montex 1100 Mont Loce 275 RICARD, Sandra Mae Moore 50 At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, of) Nat Drug 100 Wednesday, March 3, 1965, Sandra Mae) Noranda 140 Ricard, aged 2 years, beloved daughter) Nw Util pr 7210 of Melvin and Ina Ricard, 5 Liberty) Ogilvie 150 Street North, Bowmanville and dear sis-| Ont Steel 34 ter of Donald and Daniel. Resting at the) Pac Pete 433 Morris Funeral Chavel, Bowmanville. Pembina 300 Service in the chapel on Saturday at 3.30) Pow Corp 275 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. A ae ag Pog 4 s 1 ir, James Herbert QN Gas pr 15 $148 8 ereres into rest in the Oshawa Gen-| Rape: ae 300 $914 BA i 1 Hospital on Thursday, March 4, 1965 ichhok 250 $30% 3 0° Y Sees Harcat Weir, beloved husband of Reveutoxe + ou v1 3 2 = "a Margaret Jane Belbeck; father of Mrs.| Rontioist bd re r] a da u a+ Ve Erwin Hudel (Verda-Jane), Kitchener, in} ba 8 . aan M : is his 62nd year. Resting at the Armstrong tc ry : int fy 4 224 Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral) sotnae' » 506 ied a service in the chapel Saturday, March 6 Sayvett $00. 350 t Mount Lawn) 28yvelte x 5 ee ose Pema cn lied of flowers,; Seven Arts 625 $1514 15% hb Cemetery. ev {| Shell Can 235 $18% 18% donations to the Heart Fund will be Thott ioe Sar oy Sf greatly appreciated) Shop. City $80 420 420 420 +5 | Silverwd A 100 $15%@ 1514 15% Simpsons 1535 $2794 27% 27% + LOCKE'S FLORISTS | HE", 'ig tye 7 MS i ngements oan Slat Steel 550 $14% 14% 4%u--- Funeral arrange So tee ails |. Set Aw 1350 875 875 875 +10 floral requirements | Siat BS 100 $20% 20% 20% casions | Steel Can 23139 2 29 +% OSHAWA SHOPPING | Stine A 2550 0 4 + % NTRE | Suptest ord 250 $20%4 20% 201% | Texaco 50 $55 55 CE | Tor-Dom Bk 75 $69 69! 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE i TENA 1450 $14% 14%e ld¥e + Ve 728-6555 | T Fin B tO $147 14% 14% + V2 = agra aera Tr, Can PL 270 $384 3814 38% -- VM |. Thans-Mt 800 $2155 21¥2 21% Kindness beyond Price, yet | Trans -PPL 7225 $97% 9% 9% Within reach of all | S S SPENCER -- In loving memory of a 390 KING STREET WEST dear brother, Stanley Arthur, who passed TELEPHONE 728-6226 [away March 4, 1959 IN MEMORIAM BLAIR -- In leving memory of Mrs. Jane Biair who passed away March 4, 1959. Upright and just in all her ways Loyal and ture through all her days, Silently suffered, patiently bore, Ged took her home to suffer no more. Ever remembered by husband Stanley end daughter Phyills. BURGESS -- In loving memory of a Gear husband and father, Herbert Burgess, who passed away. March 4, 1948 Some sweet day we wil! meet again, Beyond the foil and strife, And clasp @ach other's hand, Herb, in heaven, that happy land. Lovingly end family. MacKAY -- In loving rhemory of our dear father, Mr. Allan MacKay, who passed away March 3, 1963 What. would we give if we could say Helio Dad, in the same old way; To hear your voice and see your smile, To sif with you and chat awhile So. you who have a father, cherish him with care, ior you'll never know the heartache i) you see his vacant chair Too dearly loved, ever to be forgotten, ¢ ater, , Sonm-in-law Tom and grand- children Tommy, Nancy and Wendy. SHOULD A MEMORIAL To last for centuries be requir- ed, The best choice js our MATTHEWS BRONZE courteous advice alwoys MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 Albert | remembered by wife Alice! 'cently at home, Time speeds on, six years have passed Since death its gloom, its shadows cast Within our home, where all seemed bright, And took from us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will, The vacant piace, none can fill, Here we mourn, but not in vain. For up in heaven, we will meet again --$adly missed by sister Flossie, (CARD OF THANKS ALDRED -- The family of the late Mrs. Archie Aldred (Ruby) wish to ex- Press. their heartfelt thanks and appre ciation to the many friends, neighbors and relatives for the kindness and sympa- thy shown them in the loss of a dear jwife, mother and grandmother; for the wife, mother and grandmother; for the beautiful floral tributes, sympathy cards and acts of kindness -- we thank} you. Special thanks to Dr. Lowes, Dr.| Rowseil, nurses and staff on 4F and 5F/ of Oshawa General Hospital, to Rev. D. R. Sinclair and Armstrong Funeral. Home for their consoling words and services rendered. God biess all of you --Archie Aldred and family KAWZENUK -- We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives and friends, the palibearers, Rev. Panczenko and Rev. Zaparyniuk,| also Armstrong Funeral Home, for their many acts. of kindness shown us during our recent bereavement in the death of @ dear wife, mother, grandmother and daughter --The Kawzenuk Family. POTTEN -- | wish to express my: sin-| cere thanks to Dr. Maroosis, Or. Sturgis, Nurses and staff of 3A, for their care and kindness. To the Rev. J. K. Moffat for his ministry; members of Harvey Hunt UCW, Simqoe Street United Church; GMC Sewing Room Group and ail friends for flowers, cards, gifts, rg: my stay in hospita id more re. rice Potten Sinclar tg earn bepcbepebenibene Bie Terek Neti awa, one son John, also of Osh- rag PO, SF os a Lo en He was employed at the Gen- -- iP pcr meg? id United THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, March 4, 1965 2} Stock $0 hoe red i - c ny|Church will conduct the service. { awa, his father, William of New-jeral Motors of Canada Company 4 byob ug eo He pg a Ba " mazket. and two sisters, Mrs.|/Limited for 29 years, before his ee ine rtd St. ot | 1 Wet| N Kelore 2000 15° 15 15 + 1G. Edwards (Eva) of Aurora,jretirement in 1952. Andrew's Cemetery, a, ' " : stock sles Wigh ow am.chree| Mame IB? 12 1B 124 '2land Miss Olive Blencowe of To-| or. Hall was a member of Ithappened in Climax, Nevada... : | Un Cereide' Ws Same wm mmm Hl Nitey Jeet ois Mate tam?*) iromto. Three brothers, Rees SfiNorthminster Ua ited Charch, FANNIE HEATH ; "ghee ss (bona ei ron-land a former member of the f 100 $265 265% 2658 -- 14 1000. 18 18 18 Newmarket, James of To and a forme e death rred yester- vicar 8M $0 1h 9 | Nermat a at ap amt ito, and Edward, of Asherott|United Automobile Workers, agy ot 'Mrs, Fannie Heath, ersatile | 2 Y Norpax B.C. Local 222, 4 hey Well fin Ye 300 '300 oe cE eg 500 "14 te tee | Mr, Blencowe is resting at d by his 2505 Bloor street west, Toron by West Ind A 100 270270270 --10| N Rone 1300 as as as --4 'And Fu.|,,He was predeceased by hisito, She will be buried Friday | Weoast Tr 1350 $14% 14% 14% 4 Ve val io 192 132 132.41 |the McIntosh - Anderson first wife, Mary H. Cairns inlat Union Cemetery, Oshawa. fcatoal | Te SUM UM, MET Ue North Con 200 28 ze ae +2 ineral Home for -- o> 1944, and by his second wife,| Mrs. Heath was a member of Hors Bae ee oe, ee ee lem coun FG. Oday, of ce cr ese acini tae ne is meee | = ig? sp gig a Mr, Hal survivi s pter No. 12. She was the Hl Me 2 bari Vom AS 300 'sets 6 e+ 4) Gumne 2500 "hia"ee 'uy +'a|St. George's will conduc' tle nig' Hall of Oshawa, one son|wite of the late George Heath, yeas. Oe Sy 1s ava 18 tive SOviCOc: NO Donald W. Hall of Orillia and a) She leaves three sons, Leo- i o---- sgt al a deh ila as ae Mount Lawn Cemetery. brother, George, of Oshawa.|nard and George of Toronto and We 9 194 +12 Two grandchildren also survive.|Raymond of New Haven, Conn. 104 10% 10/4-- is) MRS. ELMA FOUNTAINE ' 0 ; OILS : The deceased is resting at the|/There are seven grandchildren. a for Mrs, Elma , ' 100 760 760 760 --20| Funeral service ior Armstrong Funeral 'Home for| The body is resting at the Acme Gas 9600 29h 9 1 19 184 18+ ¥slFountaine, of Bs ee service in the chapel Friday,|Bates and Dodds Funeral Home, Ane m0 asus 0 ao +10 Wa 12 12a pl eg Hospital Sun.|Match 5, at 1 p.m. Rev. H. A. Queen street, Toronto. Bi SH Sy Su Sin Zn nibh 1" 2" lday, Heb, 28, in ner S0th year, ; Argosy, pr 275 $26 25% 257+ % 470 620 620 --85 |WaS held. at St. in gg f i Banff 1400 261 260, 261 +1 10' 94 9¥a---12/Chureh Wednesday, March 3, a) cal 38 oe ea sus" 50s? 506 1579.30 a.m. Interment was at St. : Sexes 'soo iss 18) 182 Ft 10000 18% 174 18% +1%4/Columbkille Cemetery, Upter- a | CS Homestd 562 103. 103 108 19 13% 1% +} |grove, Ont. (Temporary inter- : bl AE is fits 1% 18% Teck Corp 460 595 590 595 ment Oshawa Union Cemetery.) Dynamic 1200 17 #164 17 Temont 157250 169 160. 165 +18 Pallbearers were: Howard' Murphy 100 475 475° 475 --S Thom L 7000 474 4 46 =) E Ted Nicholls Peter Nat Pete 400 330 330 330 Tormont 1000 300 COO $38 ssery, ill." Ger 1d Neo? 900 3s ats as --S Un butted 61000 "75 M4 78 cceny, Fred Soe ee ag $00 145 143 18 33 UCL_ Mine 3000 v Me 4 =, Robinson and Les Janes. 3100 : n Fort Ve ed cae, WB ae ah 4 | vem, We 2S fy, | Mame. WILLIAM GACH co ees le ee ee el eee ole Mee ne Tried Oil 2200 238-245-238 «-+3-| West Mines 128 520 520 520 +10 [iam Gach, of 307 dies st the Union Oi! 750 $162 16'2 16% Wiico 500 41% 41' 41%4--I'4inue, Oshawa, who led a THE MIRISCH CORPORATION U_ Canso #00 315 310 315 +10) Willroy 1475 168 166 168 Oshawa General Hospital Sun- Presents Wsburne 2200 130 Hs 125 +3 Yk Bear 600 156 156 156 +1 Feb 28, in aer 71st year W Decalta 1783 305 305 Yukeno 7000 7 7 day, Feb, 28, in aer | , DEAN MARTIN KIM NOVAK Yan Can 43500 5 5 S§ Zenmac 1500 384 36 6382 +2 lwas held at St. Mary's Ukrain- i Yo09 sia 314 Na-- Yalian Greek Orthodox Church MINES Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,977,000. Wednesday, March 3 at 24 ee FEATURE TODAY AT: RAY WALSTON " FOREIGN TRADING Rev. P. ggg ee eas or 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:20 4 Aeere 500 26 26 0 26 «OS | Shel 730 $18% 18% 18% the service. Intermen Hockey Ysuisbi © PM Bi Wders wae 4 Advocate 600 625 615 - 620 Agnico WS 45 145 Oshawa Union Cemetery. y 9! «M, Comudy, Agnico 1100 144. 144 144 Coulee 1000 399 3) +19 : Steve LEAFS vs, MONTREAL i Akaitcho 2100 80 80 80 Gunnar 100 555 555 sss --20|, Pallbearers were: : Ang Rouyn 1800 162 161 162 Lorade 300-180-180 180 +3-|Kemego, John Sydorenko, Nick|* -- 4 ae ee ee Tl Berit 100 488 aes a. tas |Kowalchuk, Frank Gazeliuk, ont ARAAS ae Cw eh ie : Michael Perozik and Nick Andr- ' oe MOVED OVER TO Bankfield 7600 15 4 i$ +1% movich. a beim "am me 778 OBITUARIES FELICIA FARR CLIFF OSMOND'SilY WibER q eae asco 11 10% WW SYDNEY H. HALL ss | THE BILTMORE! BILLY we LAL. DIAMOND NBER TRAUNER Black Gey 1000 13 4 Sydney H. Hall died at his soma wy GEORGE wo IRA GERSHWIN sane cont wv ANDRE PREVIN PANAVISION® aires. to 3 oH a Ua KENNETH BLENCOWE reaidence, 03 ga rs PICTURES Ld ; vs e+ v4} Kenneth Blencowe, of 294\nue, Oshawa, Wednesday, 24% UA Mat ' Ceara 2470 ra 3 +,%|Central park south, Oshawa, sade 3, page eof illness. STARTING Cae cn ae aie ae AID |died at York County Hospital Poinag ag Matehesash Ont., in . € Tung 1000 98 97 97 --S jin Newmarket, Wednesday,| Born in + the latele TO-DAY C Dyno 10 2 Ue dae tio [March 3 after a short, sudden|!878 he was the rig < vedo ; C Keeley. 15500 32% 32 32 jillness. He died on his 54th|Harriet and David Hall. He was|) | € Lencourt 2000 25 25 2 + | hirthday. la resident of Oshawa for 45 } Candore 20500 19 18% 18% \vears Captain 9500 154 14) 18 = | Mr. Blencowe suffered aj- air eT i i heart attack in Newmarket,| Chester 1000 15' 15% 154+ %4|Thursday, Feb. 25 while attend-| : ChibKay -- 2000 sts +1 [ing the funeral of his mother, ENTERTAINMENT ' : Comb Met $500 25 24¥a_ 25 |Edith Blencowe. | Wh t d y t i critiy ts "ty 17 | He was born in Usbridge, ont| » NIGHTLY 9-12 . at do you wan i C Callinan 1000 15 i. in , the son of William and) . 5: ® o i corer 4000 20 20 2 «=| Edith Blencowe. He left Ux-\| In The Beautiful in Stereo Hi-Fi? C Mogul 1525 560 560 560 +5 | bridge as a child, was educated) MELODY Son See" S000 teve téve tere --~ v9 in Newmarket, and came to Osh-| C Rambler 700 24) 240 24 +2 |awa 40 years ago. | OM _ Cee oe Oe ite Ive Wet | Mr. Blencowe married the| RO Conwest joo $75 575 575 +8 |former Helen Ewing at St. " I OPEN : vf ia ame A A ; NDAY Cop Corp 500 43% 43% 43/2 + '4/George's Anglican Church, Osh- (Whitby Hotel) ard su Coen" 500 3838, 22 |awa, on Nov, 14, 1936. 9 6:30 P.M. PHONE 725-5833 1:30 P.M, Courvan 50.2 2 2B +14) He worked as a painter and Featuring ... w v io 4 is 15%. +| decorator for the past 30 years. igmt 225 $15% 15% 15% ' chee 1000 9 . 9. ,,|The deceased was a member JOHNNIE McMANN Record-coddling Dual 1010 changer Deane ge ae ti lof St Genre a Churen. aw Denison 3333 $27/e 25¥e 25'2--2%' He is survived by his wife, Console Orgon Dome, 700 $3 oe sass |Helen, one daughter, Miss Ju-| Fiwest T 2000 15 Au Ae |dith Louise Blencowe of Osh-| | F Mar 830 550 sanniiiinae Frncoeur 2000 13% 13% 13% | ' Ser inasct "200 08 190-10 2 | DUPLATE EXECUTIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS \ Floating Micro-Track Cartridge _ | Torslon-Touch Lid _( Patent Pending), eee ee | = , Gunnar 100 SIs BR a8 OF TODAY'S You get them all in the Headway Hollinger 199232 2 T ' } D --"% twirenex tom nn Tl HLBCTROHOME Irish. Cop 500 4 4 4 9 pe ee ee DELINQUENT Scanda" for only $529.00 a2? Ene on ae 1 has all the f u've elex 0 a ve | Ud ur 9 | , . The superbly-styled "Scanda" has all the features yo Joburke Fe Ae cc DAUGHTERS! " ; $ ever ee more! Balanced 6 speaker system en ee ke eee : _ : duces every subtlety. Precision-crafted "solid Kerr Add 200 885 880 880 --5 rower ea state" chassis has 30 watts of music ovate flood © Burau 825 $15% 15% 188 + with your living room with music, AM/FM a stereo Lageneas soo "2 Dt Harvey Lembeck-Joyce Holden provide complete listening pleasure. Optional 360° Pater bre} sii in in +% Glenda Farrell Patricia Hardy 3 El jh Satellite Sp rs bring you 3-dimensional Latin AM 1000 142 144 142 +1% stereo. See and hear "Scanda' today! Leitch 300 480 480 480 +15 Lorade 300 180 180 180 +20 Macassa 200 280 280 280 +5 Magnet 9500 74 7 M+ Marchant 300 200 4 4 riya re % 46% =! Mattgm! 1090 $21% 21% 21)%-- Meinivre 210 $0 hw BRIG. F, C. WALLACE DIXON $. CHANT McWat 1700 472 40 47 ae Motel "Ave a0 oa et ee | The Board of Directors of Duplote Canada Limited and its subsidiary, Midrim 30000. 52 5) 5 + H itor 400° 14133 Smith & Stone Limited, announce the election of Brig. F. C. Wallace Mr Wright 1500 65. 64. 64 1 ease "soc " tH " +2 los Chairman of the Board arid Dixon S$. Chant os President. Brig. New ca es ia 0 0 continues in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer. i is Make It @ Must to visit our 2nd Floor Stereo Showroom | r en | 7 i Ti llers, individuals: aay | WILSON & LEE LTD. reasurers, comptroliers, individuals: é w COLOR Eastern Ontario's Largest Music Centre 1 '< A eho Comoury Li. Pctry = Unvrat Renan SEY ie oe us 87 SIMCOE ST. N. = Guaranty Trust will pay 444% interest 2 \ Open -- Thursday and Friday Evenings Till 9 : : La 8 P Y a calculated daily, on your idle funds and they remain available on demand. We have discovered that many idle or surplus funds of companies and individuals earn little or no interest! Now you can put such funds to work at a high rate of interest in a Guaranty Trust Savings Deposit Receipt Account, Here's: how this new type of account works: Minimum deposit: $5,000. Maxi- mum deposit : $150,000. Funds may be withdrawn at any time on demand. Interest at 414% is calculated on the minimum daily balance starting from day of de- posit. However, funds must remain with us for 30 days to earn this interest. EXAMPLE: If you deposited $10,000 on October Ist, it would have earned, $35.03 interest by November Ist. That is 31 /365th's of $412.50 (414% annual interest on $10,000). Deposits are recorded in a special pass book. Withdrawals are by a Guaranty Trust official cheque (your pass book mu: The Savings Deposit Receipt Account is a unique concept of Guaranty Trust. It. gives you, or your company, the opportunity to earn 412% in plus funds--while letting them re- main available on demand, Further details are available from the manager of your Guaranty Trust office. Please phone or visit him today, GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA 32 King Street E., Oshawa Tel: 728-1653 James I, Vessey, Manager st be presented), terest on idle or sur- Delicious!... Any Time...! McMURRAY'S Flakey, Deliciously Tasty .; . COUNTRY STYLE McMURRAY' _ DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT SIMCOE ST. NORTH at TAUNTON RD. FRIED CHICKEN