Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Mar 1965, p. 19

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th RR PR Oy a ly EO a bo cl Re anti y 20--Reel Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Reel Estate for Sele 20--Real Estote for Sale 20--Reel Estete fer Sele 20--Real Estate for Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thupsdey, March 4, 1965 19 18--Mele Help Wanted SALES OPPORTUNITY jon programme in io means we will re- quire two executive type salesmen age 25 to 45 years. Established resident prefer- red, Starting salary open. Full welfare plans provided. When requesting interview pleose include brief personal history. All replies will be ac- knowledged ond treated in confidence. Write Box 801 Oshawa Times SINGLE MAN Wanted for deiry farm in Blackwater area. Top good wages man. Port Perry, 9§6-7582. _ ELECTRIC HEAT OSHAWA Brick & Stone $21,900 ATTACHED GARAGE This nearly new prestige bet- ter built bungalow is olready to move in with all the mess of a new home cleaned up, YOUNG MAN required to work In drive in restaurant, Apply Manager, 1349 Sim- coe Street North, EXPERIENCED Shepherd, single, ideal living and working conditions. Large commerci: flock. Experienced with farm machinery. Write full particulars, Cedar Knoll Farms, RR North, Orono, Ontario. BOY WANTED for full time. store Prt Sprovie's Store, 272 King Street MEN with own cars to deliver two nights per week. Telephone 728-6481. 19--Male or Female Help Wanted Dependable Mature FULL TIME RESTAURANT WORKER Doys -- Interested in ad- voncement capable of managing, All replies confi- dential 728-1655 After 11 A.M, PART-TIME, approximately twenty hours weekly, collect active monthly accounts. Experience not needed. Car essential, For Interview write giving) feleohone number to Post Office Box 86, Postal Station "N", Toronto 14, Ontario. DUE TO INCREASING BUSINESS, we need salesmen and salesiadies, We will train you. !f you want fo earn better than sverage wages and like dealing with the pubile, contact the most progressive! Real Estate office for a confidential) Jon ing completed and mony extras not usually found when the builder hands the. keys over. You will be delighted with the fine workmanship and the choice materials used in this 3 bedroom, electrically heot- ed home. The cozy open fire- place in the living room is a standout with a beautiful rug brick mantel while the rough- ed fireplace In the basement is a good stort for the recrea- tion room, Walk-out base- ment, Extra washroom down- stairs. Best of all you con see your little ones come gut of the fine Public School across. the road and know where they ore. Need $7,000 down with pay- ments of $131.00 monthly to include Principal, Interest and 1 e N.H.A, RESALE -- low asking price on this 3 bed- room bungalow is worth your investigation, poyments of $95.78 Pair. For your comfortable living -there is offered a fully finish- ed recreation room, 4 pc. bathroom, storms and screens, back lawn landscaped and Taxes, What down payment have you? GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 668-8826 interview with the Sales Manager. Tele-| aig 723-1121 Guide Realty Ltd, Real-| lors. | SN aoe Oe | COUNTER HELP for estaurant. Experi-| enced preferred. Apply in person to 14 Prince Street, Oshawa. 20--Real Estate for Sale BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE DARLINGTON BLVD. S. LOT: 63' x 396' $1,500 down, broadioom in livi room, Priced to sell at $12,300. Contact Bill Millar: 725-1186 or 725-2557 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. OPEN HOUSE HARMONY VILLAGE 5 NEW EXCITING MODELS From $900 down or trade some ready to move into. Harmony Road South, East of Donevon Collegiate. FRASER BELL BUILDER PORT HOPE -- three-bedroom modern| 'brick bungalow, lovely kitchen, bullt-In cupboards, ol] heat, large lot. Owner must sell. Very reasonable for quick sale. Small down payment. Very tow taxes. Telephone owner 725-2539. 3 bedrooms, Robert W. McEwan Ltd. Builders of Fine Traditional Homes Whitby's newest residential crea, These homes are built among hundreds of apple trees and the Old English and Early American designs lend warmth and character to_an already charming area. The homes are different and are strategically placed on all fully serviced lots, for maxi- mum effect. Fireplaces, lead- ed glass windows, three wash- rooms, single and double car gorages, 3 and 4 bedrooms are common, This is a pres- tige area, yet our down pay- ments start as low as $3,500. We are located on Athol and St. Lawrence and are OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE Whitby 668-8981 or 668-5853 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS a APPLIQUE CHARM By ALICE BROOKS Be the centre of attention in "converstaion'"' aprons. Party- pretty, lovely gifts. Gayest applique! Tulips, pock- ets on one apron -- kittens romp on other. Pattern 7002: pattern; directions. Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. On- tario residents add one cent sales tax. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD- DRESS. 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CAT- ALOG -- 200 designs, three free patterns! Newest knit, crochet fashions, embroidery. 25 cents. Now! Send for elegant, new "Decorate with Needlecraft!" Five beautiful room settings, 25 complete patterns for decora- tive accessories in one book! Pillows, wall hangings, cur: tains, appliques, more! 60 cerits. Want-Ads Don't PRINTED PATTERN By ANNE ADAMS around the clock -- love more every minute! Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. 16 requires 3% yards fabric. : plainly SIZE, NAME, COMPLETE FASHION Summer Pattern Catalog TERN! fverything you for the life you lead -- Cost - They Pay design ideas! Send 50 cents GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 with monthly hedged. Close to schools and bus service, Don't delay - Call To-day. 1! @ HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! -- immediate pos- session on this older type home, located on Bucking- ham Ave. Close to schools, church ond bus service. This is a good family home. Pri- vate drive, detached garage, 3 bedrooms, low monthly payments. Good value here, call today. Ill e A GOOD BUY -- is represented here on this two- storey home priced to sell at only $11,900.00 low monthly payments with interest rate of 642%. Price includes broadloomed living and din- ing room, t.v. aerial, storms and screens, this is a must see, call today for an op- pointment IV e LUXURY LIVING -- will be yours on the purchase of this owner built home, lo- cated on Thickson Rd. N. on crea where many other beau- tiful homes are evident. Feo- tures double garage, breeze- way, large broadloomed liv- ing room, a dream kitchen with unique built in features. Many other extras, in this home. Selling at the asking price of $18,500.00. Call today for your appointment to inspect. V @ QUALITY WORKMAN- SHIP -- was « must in the building of this brand new 3 bedroom bungalow, located in the quiet residential dis- trict of Cedar Valley. Many other beautiful homes in this oreo. Features hollywood kit- chen, natural mahogeny cup- boards, 4 pc. ceramic tiled' bathroom with built in van- ity. Situated on a corner lot. this home offers comfortable living ot the economic price of $13,900.00 Vi @ IMMEDIATE POSSES- SION -- and good value for your money is whet You'll get on the purchase of this two storey home located on Adelaide St. W. Features mo- dern kitchen with. built in extras, separate dining room and living room, 3 bedrooms, recently modernized both- room with colored fixtures, separate garage. Full parti- culars available at our office, on this property which cor- ries for only $80.00. P.I. monthly. Vil @ ELEGANT LIVING -- in a suburban area, where the children may play in a traffic free zone, Has living room with natural stone fire- place, family size kitchen, and dining room. Railed sun deck across the back lends itself well to your enjoyment of the picturesque view of the countryside. Take the first step in being o, home owner, by letting us show you this attractive residence. Vill @ WELL ESTABLISHED BUSINESS -- located in Ajax, this barbershop is a going concern. New home also, which was completely « remodelled last year, includ- ing a new furnace, new plas- ter, aluminum doors, etc. This is @ good commercial property, in a fast growing arec. 1X @ EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY--Located on Ritson Rd, South Gorcery ond variety store with attached seven room living quarters. Fifteen year old building in excellent condition. Excellent investment with good pros- pects, call our office for further particulors. e X @ LOOKING FOR AN IN- COME HOME -- then look SOFT 'N' SWINGY There's a swingy softness to the skirt, princess curve to the bodice -- you'll wear this casual) no further until you have in- spected this tri-plex property. Priced at only $13,500.00 with a low down payment. Immaculately clean through- out, main floor has one bed- room apartment. Second floor has one bedroom, living room, self contained kitchen, ond well. Yours for only $2,500. down, and low asking price. Sophisticated Adult Living GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 X11 @ LOCATED EAST OF OSHAWA -- this spacious split-level home, is situated ona well landscaped lot. Has large bedrooms, with roomy closets, step saving kitchen, An added feature is two bed- room apartment. Enjoy the advantage of country living with city conveniences. Avail- able for your inspection, call today for en appointment. OPEN HOUSE QUALITY BUILT GALAXY HOMES BY ROMANIN Three and Four Bedroom homes--variety of styles to choose from. Open daily 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. except Weekends from | p.m. to 6 p.m. Directions--Rossland Rd. W. to Gibbons St. North to Glen- mar--Follow signs to Open House Model at 413 GLEN- MAR, RENTAL CASA MANANA COURT Offers You in-a Quiet Atmosphere Spacious 1-2-and-3 bedroom suites featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in bath- rooms, private balconies. The modern 7 storey build- ing with an elegant entrance, lobby, broadloomed corridors, twin elevator service, inter- com system and built -in sleeves for your air-condition- er. For March or April occupancy Call Rental Office at 723-6361 Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. daily. oe Call 723-1121 for full Particulars OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. After hours coll - Steve Englert ... 728-5581 Jeon Peacock .. 725-4330 Ernest Mueller .. 728-0208 Walter P. Mittler 728-7083 Edith Gifford ... 728-0768 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Manitius .. 728-2754 George Nymeyer . 725-4330 Ethel Love 668-2402 Lloyd Corson ... 723-2537 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 JOHN Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. with A-1 buildings, A-1 soil. cleoner, silo unloader, milking 'HIGHWAY FARM, 97 ocres F. DeWITH Realtor Phone 623-3950 SHOW PLACE DAIRY FARM Lorge dairy contract. Stable machine with pipelines. Lorge ce!lent location. HIGHWAY FARM ,125 ocres with A-1 buildings. Excellent soil, Close to a town. Asking $43,000. Terms. with brick home; all modern conveniences. 2 barns, Any offer considered. ; TAUNTON, 20 acres with brick . Modern con- veniences. Large bam. Ask- ing $26,000. Terms. 35 Acres with modernized brick home. Large barn, Onity 15 min. drive to Osh- awa, Asking $30,000. Terms. RICE LAKE oreo, 50 acre farm with completely reno- vated 7 roomed home, Baorn.: Asking $15,000. Terms. BEEF FARM, 400 ocres with exceltent_buildings. _Large strong trout. stream. Oppor- tunity for 35 acre loke at very low cost. Asking $50,- 000. Terms. OSHAWA HOMES: Valley Drive, 5 roomed new brick bungalow with attached garage. Asking $16,300. Low down payment. Wychwood Street. Beautiful 5 roomed brick bungalow in excellent location. Rec room. Only $3,000 down, Seneca Ave. Large 1700 sq. feet, brick bungalow with self contained and rented opart- ment. Anxious to sell. TAUNTON ROAD, 6 roomed electrically heated home with ultra modern kitchen, 2 lazy susans, built-in range, indirect lighting in valance. Many more extras. Very anxious to sell. BOWMANVILLE HOMES: 4 bedroom bungalow with liv- ing and dining rooms. Mod- oy conveniences, Asking $9,- 00, 2 opartment brick home east of Bowmanville. Asking $11,- 000. with $4,000 down. 7 roomed frame home on 1 acre lot, East of Bowmanville. Asking only $6,000 with $2,- 000 down. ORONO, 5 roomed home with attached . garage. Walk-in basement. Asking $10,000. 5 roomed bungalow under construction with walk-in basement. Nice location, Ask- ing $13,500. Terms. NEWCASTLE, 6 roomed ai-' most new electrically heated bungalow, with carport. Stone front. Aluminum siding. Storms and screens. Very easy to heat. Asking only $11,- 500. Terms. Don Mountjoy Guy LeBlane Idso Wiersma Ross Davidson Lorne C. Duff Mrs, |. Jorgensen Printed Pattern 4630: Misses' 35-inch FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pattern. Ontario residents add two cents sales tax. Print DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. PORT in our new Spring- coupon for ONE FREE PAT- 3 pc. bathroom, now renting at $75.00 per month. Third floor has two finished rooms. Private drive and garage. This property is close to in- dustry and bus service. Call us today for further details. Size AD- e Xi @ HANDYMAN? ---- Here is a 3 bedroom bungalow, lo- cated outside of Oshawa, where a week-end hobbyist will have lots of space to work in, Property has 7 stall RE- plus converted to workshop area, need!" bungalow has 3 bedrooms, stable with hayloft, easily ~ METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 V.L.A. § room, three bedroom bun- galow on two acres of good land, forced air furnace, taxes very reasonable, ond priced at only $12,500.00 with $2,- 000.00 down. BEAUTY SALON A going concern. Fully equip- ped, good location and priced reasonable at $2,150.00. Immediate possession. BUY NOW AND SAVE $1,000.00 between now and March 15th. Six room bun- galows with garages and car- ports, electric heating, pre- paid services, early posses- sion NORTH OF G.M. Six room, 2. storey brick home, private drive, garage, home in excellent state of repair, priced very reasonable at $12,500.00, TWO BEDROOM HOME and a very nice one close to transportation near shopping centre. Very clean modern 2 bedroom bungalow. large bedrooms, large kitchen plus dining room and living room, poved drive, garage, priced at $11,900.00. Early possession. EARLY POSSESSION on this lovely six room brick ronch bungalow with attach- ed garage, paved drive, built- in stove and oven, broadioom, 2 fireploces, large recreation room, and in a choice north west location. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Barriage Joe Mage Ken Hann MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B. MUST SELL OWNERS TRANSFERRED We have three nearly new bungalows in Bay Ridges. Small down payment. Real good value. To inspect call. Mrs. Squires. Dunbarton 839- 2546 evenings. WHELAN and DUNCOMBE LIST AND MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- REAL ESTATE -- -- INSURANCE -- ~-- MORTGAGES -- PAINTER'S SPECIAL Look, only $10,900 full price for this 6 room, 1% storey home. Large kitchen, living room, separate dining room, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath and oil heat. Outside of home newly painted. Needs only a little paint in the interior. Priced for fast sale with low down payment. Don't miss this excellent buy, Call now and ask for Mr. Rov Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. OWNER SAYS "SELL" TAKE ALL OFFERS Brick, 6 rooms and garage. Newly decorated throughout. Oil furnace. House now va- cont. Very central location. Only $2,000 down ----- asking price only $13,500.00. To in- spect call Mr. Jack Appleby ot 728-5123 or 723-3398. SHOPPING CENTRE 5 room brick, N.H.A, resale. 4-piece ceramic bath, large rooms, Carries for $93.00 a month, complete. $12,900.00 down payment. Cail now and ask for Mr. Jack Appleby at 728-5123 or 723-3398, 4 BEDROOMS Special for only $16,900. for this spacious 7 room 1% storev home. Features large living room, with fireplace, good size dining room, mod- ern kitchen, 2--4-pe. baths, hot water oil heated, plus other extras. Choice north- west location. Shown by ap- pointment only. Ask for Mr. Jim Brady ot 728-5123. or 728-0483 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening | Member of 0.D.R.E.B. SCHOFIELD-AKER BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED FOR FAST "ACTION" LIST WITH "ACTIVE" REALTY LTD. 728-5157 4 rooms in basement, garage, NORTH GM large six-room bungalow, expertly landscaped Builders' own private home. drows the attention of passer~ bys. This moderately priced 2 storey home with 4 bed- rooms plus a cosy den and attached garage is sig di @ very opportune time. 2 fuly lanthompad lot 44 x 126 a pleasure for children or adults. Spring. Call to-day. 8 room tri-level offers some- thing for every member of the family, Located on a well landscaped lot 60 x 132, an N.H.A. inspected home, offers many features such os 2 boths,. fireplace, rec. room with bar, outdoor flood lights, attached ond many others be seen to be appreciated. Easily accessible to schools, churches and shopping. Price $23,500.00. ORCHARD VIEW 1% storey, older frome home. Completely renovated. Modern bath and modem oil school, Excellent shopping and NEVER MIND THE CARS ee AC Tie 723-2265 vera Quinte REALTY LIMITED Century of Service) : 728-51 57 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION i One of the best homes in this |THE ROCK OF GIBRALTER foniensbia __colgnercy | IS"SHARY: COMPARED wn TO THE VALUE OF ACTIVE Just in time for GIBBONS STREET NORTH END workshop that must gerage, furnace. Close to St. Joseph's bus service, $75.00 P.I. Taxes $160.00. Make an of- fer. You can stop worrying about the dangers of children run- ning into the street. This house is away from the traf- fic, ideally situated for the youngsters' freedom! This 8 yeor old 2 storey brick home is located on a large landscaped lot 75' x 146', with 3 spacious bedrooms plus 4 pc. and 2 pc. baths. Low taxes. Asking $16,900 with substontial down pay- ment. Don't overlook this. It may be the very "'find" you have been seeking. "SO RARE" --is there a duplexed home in the North End! Don't miss this 2% storey 9 room house with double garage. Located on co lot 35' x 160' with beautiful garden and shrubs. Good condition. Asking $14,- 900, Call us now for more information. SIMCOE-ROSSLAND FOUR BEDROOMS Seven rooms, two bathrooms, good sized living room with fireplace, dining room and compact kitchen. Nicely land- scaped and treed lot with garage. This ideal family home is offered at a very reasonable price and down payment. Make it a point to see this home now. RETIRING? {If you are then this 6 room frame home is for you. Lot is 135 x 165 with lots of large trees and well hedged. Double gorage. Low taxes $167.00. Asking $10,000. Don't delay on this little honey. For full particulars call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Marg. Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Steve Macko 728-5868 Charles Chaytor 723-2265 Neil Campbel 725-1015 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Ed Drumm 723-9345 1, Cruikshonks 728-5205 Irene Brown 725-3867 Moible Boudreau 728-2233 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking Members of the Oshawa ond sink. Garage and private drive. Lots of trees on pro- perty. Dial 728-5157 for more information. e MORTGAGES ARRANGED DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? SO DO WE Jack Hughes 725-2338 Ralph Vickery 725-6342. Hertha Schmidt 728-5157 Elaine Lee 668-3068 Bob Johnston 725-6788 Charlie Rankine 728-3682 Bessie Crysler 723-2925 Pauline Beal 725-0239 Guy Bell 728-1070 Steve Lehan 728-9326 Doug Wilson . 728-5157 Bill Horner 728-2236 Dorothy Wood 728-5157 District Real Estate Board REALTY'S LISTINGS "RESIDENTIAL" Home in good area consist- ing of 4 bedrooms ond 2 ex- tra rooms on third floor. Lovely large living and dining room divided by french doors. Notural. fireplace. Deep lot with garage and big shade tree, Make your offer now. Coll 728-5157. "IF YOU HAVE A LARGE FAMILY" This is the perfect spot for you. Tri-level 4° bedroom brick home with attoched gorage in well built-up orea close to shopping centre. Con- toct 728-5157 for inspection. BARGAIN $14,900 Oni Grierson, exceptional 12 storey three bedroom home. Built-in air conditioner, gar- bage disposal unit in double Walter Crawford 986-4869 ACTIVE REALTY-LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 20--Real Estate for Sole W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street Bowmanville 623-3393 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estote Board Scenic 10 acre lots with stream near Tyrone. $3,000. $1,000 down. BOWMANVILLE HOMES: Centrally located 2. store brick, 2 bathrooms. $14,800. -- terms. Liberty St. S. -- valuable corner location 80' x 165' lot. $16,000. -- terms, Sunset Road -- 1 year old brick bungalow, $16,350 -- A. terms. High Street -- 8 year old bungalow: Asking $13,500. -- terms East Beach --- year round cottage $1,800 -- $800 down. , Oshawa -- Thomas St.. Brick bungalow with large fireplace, 2 bathrooms, recreation room. Many extras. $18,500. -- $4,000 down. Nash Road -- Courtice, 3 bedroom bungalow, V4 acre lot. $12,000--$1,000 down, H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 WECKER DRIVE For the womon who likes o nice bright home, Ample cup- boards in the Hollywood kit- chen. New broadioom in the living room also a charming comer window. 3 nice bed- rooms, 4-pc. ceramic tiled bathroom. Down payment $1,500 - $2,000. repayable $90.00 per monthly principal and interest. Full price $13,- 200.00. ROSSLAND RD. WEST Seven room split level home, four bedrooms, complete baths, large living room with waikout off dining room. Can be purchased with $3,000. down and $100.00 per month Principal and Interest. Look what $14,000. will buy! Three extremely nice bed- rooms, very large Hollywood kitchen, broadioom in the living room and hall, painted basement, divided for recrea- tion room. Spotless through- out. Oil heating cost only $120. per year. NORTHWEST Beautiful colonial side split with three good bedrooms, 4- pe. tiled bath with vonity, large 'living room and dining room and a kitchen any wo- man would be proud of, Pric- ed at $17,250 with $3,600. down. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES 11 suite apartment centrally located showing excellent re- tums, down payment $15,- 000.00. Simcoe St. S$. -- 2 storey building containing two apart- mients and two stores, reason- able down payment. GARDEN HOMES, East end area, 4 suite buildings show- ing approximately 18% net return. W. Schatzmann REALTOR 114 Brock St. North, Whitby 668-3338 BEST BUY IN TOWN $9,900. full price only for this lovely 5 room bungalow located on a heavily treed street, central in itby, Lorge 66 x 132 ft. lot with lots of fruit trees, 4-pc. tiled bath, all aluminum storms and screens and mony other features, This is truly the best buy in town. Terms can be orranged. PICKERING 5%% MORTGAGE 5 room brick bungalow on « nice quiet residential street in the village of Pickering. This home is in excellent con- dition and as an extra at- traction a large finished rec- reation room with built-in bar. $13,900.00 only, substantial down payment required, car- ries for $84.00, including taxes. WHITBY 2 BEDROOMS Very centrally located bunga- low within walking distance to downtown, cozy in-every way, large seporate dining room, full basement, lot 66x 137 ft., $11,900 full price. COUNTRY LIVING Beautiful 3 bedroom brick bungalow, new, 3 miles north of Whitby on a large treed lot. All modern conveniences. Living room -- dining room, good size bedrooms. All storms 'and screens, $15,300.00 full price less $500 winter works bonus . , . Hurry up... this one will be sold quickly. LARGE WOODED BUILDING LOTS Located north of Whitby, 75 x 200 and 83 x 181 ft. build- ing restrictions 1,050 sq. ft. minimum, $2,500 full price and terms ore available. 10 ACRE TREED LOTS Near Brooklin, beautiful loca- tion near Lynbrook Park, to offers now, Get yours first ond be ready to build by spring. APARTMENT TO RENT 2 bedroom modern apartment, centrally located in Whitby. Available April Ist. $120.00 monthly, No children. Call Helen Simpson evenings at 723-6296 or Bill Schatz- monn evenings at 668-3253. Split level, six years old brick home, new garage, poved drive, rec room, patio. This is a very clean home p to show, $100.15 monthly taxes. more porticulors, from Chic ing $4500.00, Call ond Phyllis Jubb 723-3240 Charles Smith 728-8254 Syd Goodfellow 723-7335 John. Kitchen 723-3788 Loreen Kellett 723-3770 $15,500.00 UNBELIEVABLE 1150 SQ. FT. NEW Brick ond stone, steel beam construction, double stainless steel sink, exhaust fan, color- ed bathroom fixtures, vanity, "storms and screens, cornice ceiling in living room and din- ing. room, valance boxes, Oshawa's best home 'value. Compare ond satisfy your- self and look, only $113.00 monthly, interest, principal and toxes, Just 2 at this low price. Now nearing comple- tion, Model available, Call Mr. John Bolahood ot 728- 5123. BROTHERS 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening 350 now, large kitchen, 4 pc. bathroom, fenced In front lewn, new Limited - Realtors $16,300. Don Stradeski Real 728-0423. Estate. CALL 623-3393 After 9 P.M. Pat Yeo 623-3077 J, Whiteman 623-3818 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Howard Forder 655-3853 Herb Cooper 623-3393 Member of O.D.R.E.B. KEITH. PETeR REALTOR - 728-7328 103 King Street. East CLOSE TO G.M.C. $11,000. full price--$1,700. down, $89.00 per month P. 1.T., brick home, 5 rooms with gorage. Call Robert Johnson for appointment 728-2548. 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW This bungalow with attached garage hos about 1300 sq. ft,, built 5 years ago, in a spotless condition, broadloom included in living room, din- ing room and hall, spacious bathroom and also good size family room, extra shower in bosement plus 2-pc. bath- room, Further information by calling Rolande Tierney 725- 5207. HARMONY HEIGHTS Building lot located on nice quiet Col de Lac close to Riverside Drive, asking $4,- 600. Cal| Earle Allen. 725- 7782, CLOSE TO SHOPPING PLAZA Full price $9,900, -- 7 room frame home with an extra large garage and private ing room with 3 plece bath, high basement full size. Phone A. Donaldson 725-9882. Good location with good repu- tation, stock, tools and equip- ment, house and shop in very good condition. Phone John Kuipers 723-6590. VERY ANXIOUS 150 ACRE FARM and esuip- ment. 54 registered holstein cattle can also be bought milk quota at present, good 20--Real Estate for Sele D. W. McQUAY REALTOR 519 Brock St. South Whitby, Ontario ' Whitby 668-5868 Toronto 925-2965 Claremont 649-2109 ; "SOUTH WEST" end 6 Corries for including Kellestine for . leasure Cell Ivon COMMERCIAL LOT 200' x 200° South of. Manchester, west B-Q, Ask- for Ivan Kellestine for more particulors, "LARGE LOT" WHITBY Close to Anderson High ond St. Theresa School. 64' x 233' deep, oll services ore in. $3900.00. Good building lots . ere hard to find, Coll Ivan » ee for more particu- jars. WELL CARED FOR HOME: Six year old brick bungalow > in Northem Heights. Three bedrooms and a finished ree room which could be used for - living quarters. The landscap- ing includes patio ond brick and stone work, School one block away. $4900.00 down ; and carries for $90.00 month- ly including taxes, To inspect this home call Ivan Kellestine. . MODEST BUNGALOW - Three bedroom ten year old » home that heots for $80.00 @ year. Large treed lot 66' x 124', A hard to beat carrying charge of $75.00 monthly including taxes; There is no * basement but a large utility room handles storage and washer ond dryer. There is ¢ > separate furnace room plus | carport with storage cup. boards. Ideal for retired couple or working couple. Call " Ivan Kellestine to view this home. "$98.27 P.LT." Five year old, five room home 3 with large well finished ree » room. Priced right ot $14,- ° 400.00, Preferred south west < area. Ask for Ivan Kellestine. - RESIDENTIAL -- ACREAGES ; TROUT STREAMS _ FARMS» LOTS COMMERCIAL BUSINESS George Blyleven REALTOR Phone 623-5300 Oshawa east; Three bed- room bungalow, recreation room, garage, fenced yard. Only 5 years old in excellent shape. Owner anxious to sell. Asking price $16,300.' Give us an offer, Bowmanville 4 bedroom brick home, 4 piece bath, gas fur nace on corner lot, Priced ot -- - Terms. Give us on otter, Near Highway 115 new $3 bedroom split level home, walkout basement, oil fur- nace on big lot.' Close te . Asking price $13,- 900. Terms. Newcastle 4 bedroom 1% storey frome home, space heating. Only 8 -yeors old. Asking - price $9,000 with $1,500 down. Balonce one . mortgage. Maple Grove 4 bedroom 1% storey frame house hot water heating, well decorated on % acre lot. Asking price $10,500 with $3,000 down. Give us an offer. ) Newcastle two older homes and 3 building lots. Asking price $12,000. Cash. drive, large kitchen and liv- < BODY SHOP IN OSHAWA OPEN HOUSE 17 models to choose from SAVE $500 BOLAHOOD DOCTOR'S HOME $2,700 down buys this beau- tiful completely modern 4 year old brick bungalow, re- cently redecorated through- out, Living room 24' x 14', 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, hard- wood floors, thermopane win- dows, fully divided basement, . panelled and tiled 40' x 14' recreation' room, attached garage, Full price $14,500. Owner tronsferred. Many Others $5,500 to $25,000 SHEA REAL ESTATE UXBRIDGE rolling land, nearly all work- under Winter Works pro- able, House with bathroom, eA 4 down payments. wei well, ord sup- eT. TOFS. ply, large barn and implement DIRECTIONS: Follow 'Park ay Bill Ratcliffe Rd, South to Phillip Murray. ve Bi ? Po ig Mgt oe rem daily : »M, to MM. UXBRIDGE JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377. 833 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH west of Dennis McCarthy 852-6640 or 852-3443 to note its extras. NEAT, three-bedroom brick bungalow, Shopping, Centre. Fenced back- yard with brick sarbeque. Low aski price with easy ferms. For appol A} inspect this house, cali Murray Boyle, 3-4270. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377, ATTENTION! Good income, two stores wit sell or trade. Located 184 Simcoe Street South (side door). THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow, L shaped living room with dini Carpet, 'n living room, dining area "and hall. You will have to Inspect this home its. perfect conttion and Call Joe Crawtord 723-1 Joseph Bosco, Realtors, 728-7377. SEVEN-ROOM brick house, two kitchens, Central. appointment at 942-4261. evenings, 9335, Manderhill Real Estate, Ltd, AJAX -- three-bedroom bungalow, love- 'y condition, oil heated tenced yard with --_ tw $2,000 down. vate. Cal! 728-7608, nr garage Just listed, oper to offers, with low down payment. Ca: Mr, Preece' for 728 20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 20) *

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