Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Mar 1965, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 4, 1965 15 Juice of 1 lemon tablespoons butter fish remains pear oy at reste = * to keep re 4 SOUTH PACIFIC SOJOURN its flavorful best. ough usu-|from sticking to the pan. "hi i e ally associated with a special|fish over high heat, allowing Drs pow --_ -- pan -- the bowl-shaped wok --jabout 2 minutes cooking time é ; ' stirfrying adapts perfectly to alon each side. You will know|Where the winds are balmy and regular frying pan or an electriclit -is cooked when it has lost|S0ft and the sun shines on blue ; ? Jatt ith | fish frying pan. its watery look and is milky in|Waters, fish are prepared in| Tf filets are large, cut into Drictle on pla aod bed . The following simple recipe|color. Remove it to the platter|many ways. Recipesiserving-size portions. Combine amy a ieee notes ue describes the technique, It|with the vegetable. from these ing Isles ar€lbeaten egg and milk. Coat fil- vee en een a aver fis makes a delicious dish and one| Combine water and corn- unusual but many are easilyliets with flour. Dip in egg-milk/ "OO, | lien Pair Nip Mis which has full nutritive value,istarch. Add to any juices re-|2daptable to our tastes and mar-|mixture. Coat with bread epriokis: with. Bovis since there is no loss of min-|maining in the pan. Cook and kets such as the following, crumbs. Pan fry in hot (not pareiey, Mapes ie saree erals and vitamins in discarded|stir until clear and thickened. Filipino Fried Fish smoking) vegetabie oil, turning ; cooking liquid. |Pour over fish. Serve at once.|2,, Pounds fish fillets once to brown on both sides. SINUSITIS Nervous Stomach | i ¥% cup flour The fish 1s cooked when it is Fish _ Green Vegetable Maes 4 servings. ie topuhames, 06% nik whie and will separa i poun sole 5 | | Ronald W. Bilsky,p.c. CHIROPRA' 100 King St. E., 728-5156 Around The World With Fish -- Inspiring Recipes From All Over 'Fish and shellfish, popular|with brown. Makes six serv- the world over, have inspired|ings. many countries |bananas. Dip >in lemon juice and coat wit crumbs. Pan oe ad minces rok fry until fightly browned. Ar h their national cuisines. Fish is an important food in tighten 'the Len'en table andjthe diet of the Dutch people spur appetites, let's take ajand Dutch cooks know how to table cruise around the world,|make it inviting. Smoked, salt- stopping at sundry ports of call ed and dried fish are especially J for a tempting dish of fish. |popular with them. Dutch § Guides on this cruise will belc®t for examele, is s toptcal the home economists of the De-|"s", which Canadians will ap- partment of Fisheries of Can- preciate. It is simple to pre- & ada who have collected and|Pare- ingredients are easily ob- tested the recipes widely. fel: tained in this country, and best. 7} low. Your passport is a willing- "4 fo pane L gooten yy of on ness to try new combinations of to tind y Canden ree ea ingredients. Anchors aweigh my hat cod which. makes & girls! We set sail from the port more appealing dish. of Halifax. Fish as well as people, are DUTCH COD international travellers and it) pounds smoked cod fillets is doubtful whether there is a tablespoons butter or single species found solely in margarine Canadian waters. However, medium onions there is a fishery product which cup milk is completely Canadian and that cup water product is chicken haddie. tablespoons flour teaspoon dry mustard About half a century ago, a sey Piquant sweet and sour sauces|! 88, beaten flakes. As the pieces are cook- fish hg . . or (are commonly associated with Y% cup milk ed, drain and remove to a heat- pound fresh asparagus Chinese cookery. Here is a re- 1% cups fine dry bread crumbsied platter. Keep warm in very oben ee |cipe for a delicious one to serve|, Vegetable oil for frying . |slow oven, 200 degrees F., until rena 2 g lover cooked fish or shellfish. It|? medium bananas all are cocked. Peel and quarter' teaspoon cornstarch tae ---- good with fish % cup water : BACKS, : F ' 'Pineapple Sweet and Sour Sauce Thaw fillets, if frozen. Sep- arate and cut into pieces about 1 = ounces) pineapple 2 inches by 1 inch, If using: as-|» tables S anueek paragus, clean, also cut off and|> ee discard tough,ends. Cut on a) % ering . long diagonal into 1-inch pieces.| ;? | poo of a If using broccoli, slice length- 4 easpoon = <-- wise into thin pieces before cutt- % cup coarsely borg: oar ca ing on the diagonal. Dip pre- 1% ph cel ninth rg pared vegetable in cold water.|,? j 4) poo! ba Drain. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil ablespoons water in frying pan. Carefully drop in| Drain pineapple. is decidedly different and good. --Department of Fisheries of Canada Photo Tender sole fillets and crisp, green asparagus, stir- fried in Chinese fashion,' make a Lenten dish which MOFFAT Compact 24" Range ARNON 98- a Complete with every Sa "ey Feature. Moffat ranges are competitively priced and are recognized for their high quality in de- SOUR CREAM AND MUSHROOM SAUCE tablespoons butter or margarine and tuna. Spread evenly in pie shell. Combine eggs, cream and seasonings. Pour over tyna-|4 cheese mixture. Bake in a slow Measure o-se eR ot Maritime fish company canned small haddock and called the product chicken haddie. When filleting and improved means cups hot cooked rice Paprika Rinse fish in cold water and drain well, Cut into six portions; of transportation increased the/slice onions thinly into rings. popularity of haddock, it was|Saute in a heavy frying pan in found that there was notitwo tablespoons of fat until enough left for the canners. AS|tender but not brown. Remove a -result, regulations WET Lito a greased baking dish and oven, 325 degrees F, for 40 to 45 minutes, or until custard appears firm when dish is gently shaken. Makes four to six servings. BUON APPETITO IN ITALY Most Canadians think of spaghetti as a food to be served with meat batis: In-Itaty, where ¥% pound fresh mushrooms, sliced medium onion, chopped tablespoon flour tablespoons milk cup dairy sour cream \% teaspoon salt ¥ teaspoon pepper Y teaspoon paprika wet vegetable. Sprinkle with % teaspoon of salt. Stir and fry over high heat for 5 minutes. When cooked, vegetable will be bright green and tender though still crisp. Remove it to a heat- ed pratter 'and keep warm in a \low oven while cooking the fish. | Heat remaining oil in pan. |Add fish and. sprinkle with re- juice and add. water, if neces- sary, to make 1 cup. Combine pineapple juice, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, and garlic salt; bring to the boil. Add % cup of pine- apple chunks and the green pep- per or gherkins. Combine corn- starch and water. Add to hot sauce, Cook, stirring constantly until thickened. Makes 2 cups sign and mai @. This rer d quality is not # luxury or an expensive extra. This outstanding model includes: « Clock controlled rotisserie « Infinite heat switches » Automatic clock with Minute Minder « Removable oven sides « Large oven picture window e Storage drawer « Many other fea- passed allowing tie addition of|arrange pieces of fish on top, tures, three other white-fleshed Atlan-| single saya deep. Combing spaghetti has been popular for tic species -- cod, hake and) milk and water; pour over cea elegans a tender, about five minutes, stir-| cusk -- to the Pack, \Bake in a moderate oven, 350 Vor a hae iwist to. winatlens De constantly. Add flour:| |. Chicken haddie, today, con-jdegrees F, for 15 minutes. Re- penis di into Italien calaine blend with fat in pan. Add milk] fg) } sists of the canned, flaked meat|move from oven and drain, ee i and % cup sour cream. Cook é | id Heat butter and add mush- ini 1 i rane eamasen .,;mainin 4 teaspoon salt. Youlsauce. : * rooms and onion, Cook until] ee eee wise Available in "Antique Color' Also REFRIGERATORS MOFFAT 24K60W RANGE of any combination of the four|saving liquid jand try this. and stir over low heat until fish mentioned. It does not con-/ Melt remaining four table-| Prepare Spaghetti' sauceisauce is smooth and thickened| # tain skin or bones, It comeS/gnoons butter; blend in flour|"S!"8 your favorite recipe, or 8) 4qgq remainder of sour cream} }/ packed in 7 and 14 ounce cans|and mustard. Gradually add|™X. Measure it and for eachland seasonings, Heat just to| and is inexpensive. The follow-|jiquid in which fish was cooked,|°UP!l add the drained contents| simmering temperature. Do not| ing recipe for Chicken HaddielCook and stir until thickened.|°! One Can of Canadian sar-inoij, Serve over fillets. Cups makes a simple luncheon! piace rice in a shallow, greased|tnes, coarsely broken. Reheat dish and one which is delicious|pa:ing dish and -- arrange and serve over spaghetti. |TO CHINA ; , The Chinese eat a lot of fish} enough to warrant a place OM|¢j<) and onion on top. Pour bigest cals POPULAR FARE IN POLAND| | the menu of an ocean liner. | sauce over fish. Return to oven| In Poland, a country ort Se Bet eee technique Ba ¢ BEDSPREADS @SLIPCOVERS CHICKEN HADDIE cups [and bake about 15 minutes long-iborders on the Baltic Sea, alwhich they excel 1s that of stir-| QUALIFIED DECORATING SERVICE 1 can (14 ounces) chicken |©" OF until fish flakes easily|variety of fresh and salt water|trying' This technique requires i 31 WARD'S "phone READY-MADE DRAPES @ DRAPERY HARDWARE ¢@ Custom Made Drapes S Every MOFFAT range has the new e lowered cooking Exclusive alls Z @ Every MOFFAT welded steel uni- range hee attih-off, ossieee @ith Sool sonsurie tesed edges to apitiovers, i for cleaning, Only MOFFAT 2 chessie with por- celninsurtece inside and out, FURNITURE 491 Ritson S. 723-3343 & APPLIANCE = oshawa |when tested with a fork. Serve |fis joyed. Pik rch li 5 Anthacet ; haddie hase jfish are enjoyed. Pike, perch,|that foods be sliced in bite-size Simcoe 3 eggs, separated poe arp with a generous|carp, herring, and sole S20 | slaves, then 'quickly cooked and South Phone 1 cup crumbled soda [open OF CARTIER. jpopular. So also are the wild) stirred in a minimum of fat over| crackers LA BELLE FRANCE jmushrooms which abound in}high heat. Y% cup melted butter | French cooks are noted for|the forests and thick, rich sour Stir-frying is an excellent way| | 1 tablespoon minced green |their pastries, In recent years|cr2™ Which the cooks put to a\o¢ preparing a combination of| § pepper a French dish which has cap- hundred uses. A Polish dish Of lFish and vegetables. Cooked by 1 tablespoon minced celery j|tured the public's fancy is distinction is baked fish served|thig method vegetables retain Y teaspoon salt quiche -- a savory custard pie with Sour Cream and Mush- their delicious crispness and Dash pepper served as a luncheon or supper wae ete room Sauce. ha 3. teaspoons lemon juice =» |main dish. | FILLETS POLISH STYLE Break up chicken haddie with) There are many recipes for? pounds fish fillets fork, Beat egg yolks. Combine) quiche, which originated in Lor- %c ilk | all ingredients except egg|raine in northeastern France.| ' -- | whites. Blend well. Beat egg|Bacon, onions, cheese, seafood, 1 teaspoon salt | whites' until stiff but not dry.|and sundny other ingredients|, cup fine dry bread crumbs Fold into mixture. Spoon into/are used singly and in various tablespoons butter or other six greased, 6-ounce custard|combinations to add flavor. In fat. cups. Place in a shallow pan of|the following recipe, cheese and| | Sour Cream and Mushroom| hot water. Bake in a moderate/tuna share the honors. Sauce Cut fillets into serving-size oven, 350 degrees F, for 30 minutes. Unmold and_ serve} TUNA QUICHE portions. Combine milk and with a drawn butter or cream|! can (6! or 7 ounces) tuna |salt. Soak fish in salted milk sauce, flavored with a little|!' unbaked 8-incn pie shell |for about three minutes. Drain lemon juice and chopped pars-|1% cups (6 ounces) grated and coat with bread crumbs. ley. Makes six servings. Swiss cheese Place, single layer deep, in a greased baking pan. Dot with _ |1 tablespoon flour ig, ol gg, Seager anmyrs ISLE |2 eggs, beaten fat, Bake in a very hot oven, here's luck in sharing,"|}] cup light cream 500 degrees F, , allowing 10 min- according to an old Irish motto:| 34 teaspoon salt utes ae "time sl inch Pride o'Erin Salmon Loaf is a thickness for fresh fish and 20 a © wen S. Caughts oo ne ve it, oug e F ; ; , salmon used to make it may| Drain and flake tuna. Prick|minutes per inch thickness, if bottom and sides of pie shell|solidly frozen. When fish flakes pl ggenet prog bole odiild with a fork. Bake in a veryleasily on testing with a fork,! top it from oun rte Core hot oven, 450 degrees F, until alremove from oven and serve this easy main dish iy care te delicate brown, about 10 min-|with Sour Cream and Mushroom bring compliments galore to the utes: Combine cheese, flour,|Sauce. Makes six servings. cook. | Picture it for yourself -- a fine, firm loaf of substance and savor, frosted with fluffy mash- ed potatoes, then put back into} the oven for a quick brown-up. | A grand dish to help you cele-| brate St. Patrick's Day, or any| other day of the year! PRIDE 0'ERIN SALMON LOAF 1 can (1 pound) salmon % coup milk 3 cups soft bread crumbs Y% cup of. butter or margarine, melted 1-3 cup salmon liquid _3 egg yolks, beaten tablespoons minced celery tablespoons minced onion tablespoon lemon juice g teaspoon pepper egg whites, stiffly beaten envelope instant mashed potatoes OR 2 cups fluffy mashed potatoes 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon melted butter Drain and flake salmon, sav- ing liquid. Scald milk. Add bread crumbs and butter then let stand five minutes, Add sal-| mon liquid. Beat mixture until| All-new FRIGIDAIRE smooth. Add egg yolk, green) pepper or celery, onion, lemon} | juice, pepper, and salmon, Mix} een thoroughly. Fold in egg white. i Pour into a well-greased, six- cup loaf pan. Set in a pan of hot water. Bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F., for about one hour, or until firm in the centre. Remove from oven and let stand five minutes before unmolding. Meanwhile prepare instant mashed potatoes accord- ing to package directions, or prepare fluffy mashed potatoes according to favorite recipe. Beat ) In- crease ov degrees Spread mashed|{ urges 144e FRIGIDAIRE loaf. Drizzle with melted butter.|| PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS BLACKS Ladies' Wear PRING FASHIONS everything fresh, new and exciting ES NEW KITCHEN FREEDOM Right in the mainstream of fashion, yet very individually yours... that's the look our wide assortment of styles can help you create, with ease. And ease is the word for spring '65's superbly feminine fashions. See them here. COME IN AND SEE THE NEW SPRING STYLES and the largest array of Sports Wear, on our lower level, by name brands such as: HIGHLAND QUEEN KITTEN som GLENAYR PANTMAN BOBBY BROOKS JANTZEN SABRE PATTE And Many More. BLACKS 72 Simcoe Narth OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TO 9 P.M, You really get Freedom when an all-new Frigidaire Dishwasher-Dryer does your dishes. Freedom from dishpan and detergent hands. Freedom from scouring pots and pans. Freedom from old- fashioned dishwashing and drying, for the rest of your life, Freedom to do what you like with the hours you save every day. Come see . . . Compare the big line of all-new 1965 Frigidaire Dishwasher-Dryers at your dealer's today See perfection. New patented Super-Surge washing. Special hot-air drying that leaves every- thing sparkling clean. Value for value, your best buy! Bake until potatoes are tipped IS "NERVE DEAFNESS" CUTTING YOU OFF FROM LIFE? or phone for your FREE COPY of "Nerve Deafness... Can it Be Helped?" COUSTICOn OFCOSHAWA PAUL BELLINGER 1119 Northridge St. 723-5401 LADIES' WEAR LTD. GOLL ANNIVERSARY HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. 90 Simcoe St. South 725-5332

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