Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Mar 1965, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, March 4, 1965 2 Ss Sh SO Petra Burka (right) of Toronto, winner of the com- pulsory figures division of the women's singles event, at Colorado Springs, Col- orado, wears a big smile THE BEST IN FIGURE SKATING as she receives congratula- tions from runner-up Chris- tine Heigler, after the re- sults of the World's Figure Skating Championships were announced. The figures 10-PIN ACTION & \ TAMPERE, Finland (CP)-- Corvairs Zoom To 2nd 227. ice world hockey championships will be another battle down to the wire and they have set up a schedule that differs little from that of two years ago, when the title was decided on the final | day. Two 600 triples by Bob Rich-|stones and Wilson's Men's;trouble disposing of the Minute} Russia, the defending cham- 5 ardson and Walt Crystal plus a} Wear, as well. Men 5-2. |pion, plays Canada in the final F 564 set by teammate Bob Edgar| Flintstones stumbled a bit on} Top Twelve of the week: Bob| game of the 11-day tournament i powered the onrushing Corvair|Friday, by bowing to Chevelles|Richardson 624 (213, 220); Walt Sunday, March 14, after Swe- % quintet to a 7-0 win over the|5-to-2, but Wilson's were 'red- Crystal 623 (239); George Turn-|den meets Czechoslovakia ear- Jast place Guardsmen and sec-|hot' as they walloped Jewell'sjer 601 (233); Alex Ross 599/ lier in the day. | ond place, in the GM Ten-Pin|Men's Wear 7-to-0. |(222);. Horst: Sommer 598 (213,|~ ~~ eioamunpuciensa as League. ; P Dapper Dans and Mainte-201); Don McLachlan 594 (234,| The win for the 'carmen' put/nance also made big gains in 205); Milt Corson 588 - (223); | Bobb Allen them within three points of the/ points, recording shutouts over{"@erry Fahy 571 (213); Zolt Big-| leading Paint Shop, who lost alRooks and Sparkettes in that|lin 569 (208); Ron Milne 568) 4-3 'toughie' to the Combines. |order. The Dappers involved| (202); Bob Edgar 564 (200); | P The Paint Shop, who a fewlin real close ones with-the|Tom Krawchuk 554 and Ron Petes Coach weeks ago, recorded five-|'birds', the Maintenance quite|Nelson 552 (204), straight shutouts in' as many|fortunate that Sparkettes play-| Standings -- Paint Shop 43, | | starts and lost a couple ofjed shorthanded as Don Mc-|Corvairs 40, Flintstones 38, Wil) prrERBOROUGH (CP) markers because of a league|Lachlan threw a 594 (234, 205)|Son's Men's Wear 37, Com-ipohby Allen has been signed ruling regarding roll-offs, now|and Frank Sobil 547 in a losing|bines 33, Dapper Dans 33, Main-/,, coach of Peterborough find themselves crowded, by|cause for the 'sparkers', tenance 28, Chevelles 27, Minute/cneedy Erns of the Ontario not only Corvairs, but by Flint- Die Room Twisters had little ie re a oe ca a Senior Lacross League, the -- --__------ ------|Jewell's Men's Wear 24, Spark-| ,), 5 'i Wednesday t jettes 15, Rooks 17 and OMe eens aera te the Ottawa Teams Prove Best™" cae a te | LANDER-STARK CLASSIC season, will coach from the With the schedule entering the home-|sidelines, the announcement * | stretch, oy seven games Aptana iit] said top and last place clubs. ext week's of | uposition-day. roll-off" should be 2 reall The new coach was the cen- " In Both Hockey, Basketbal |dandy. ae caiiaie' e-teaa| tal figure in the Mann Cup fi- * to to games, wilh s 240-1 decision over nals in 1957, when the then 5 MONTREAL (CP) -- Ottawa|Kerr, Sir George 19 13 32 |the, Tigers thanks to some' 'sharp-shoot-| Peterborough, Timbermen were 4 , Sir George 3. 32 | Ihe, k * e 4 teams dominated the race in|Berry, Sir George 10 22 32 |iPS.o0unc'® sine set by Vern Trimm ofsuspended from organized la- = both hockey and bascetball di-|Gertsman, Carleton 11 18 29 ya eT + terml renee for five years for refus- 3 vision of the Ottawa-St. Law-|Gagne, U of Ott 13 12 26 |for the Falcons, as he and George Reia/in& to take the floor against m | for e ONS, 9 lers 4 bs rence Athletic Association, final|Shatilla, Sir George 12 14 26 | combined for a 2-1 triumph over the Jets,| Victoria. bs statistics on the 1964-65 season|Newling, Carleton 14 11 25 |Sespile,9 Rat game, tor, Aine Mites" | Allen was ruled ineligible to +i showed Wednesday. |Bungess, Carleton 10 12 22| As ao result of these games, Falcons,/Play in that series because he ; University of Ottawa finished|Joly, U of Ott 101 2) ie ae ee ere int tee had not been granted a release > the 14-game hockey season with|Shaughnessy, Loyola 8 13 21 | Games off the pace, with the Lions hav-/by the Inter - City Lacrosse ¢ only one defeat, a defaulted|Hedgecee, Loyola 10:10 20, |g 8 ee oe stat oe League in British Columbia and o ame to Sir George Williams|Mitchell, Bishop's 8 12 20 |tive 2-1 decision. with the Eagles losing tne entire team refused to play. ~ niversity of Montreal. De Villemure, Macd. 7 13 20 the bettie of dnl on ° tidy 589, Long Branch Castrols took} - . 1 F rd turned i "r Ps rig i posites diye Baskethall Standings iim Thomaon, this week's Cole's Cleieicl i autauted in four cousecu - § ~s League award winner, topped 600 to lead , el ronsecu-| . with 35 goals and 19 assists for sheet WL Fo A Pts! Se Cate ah WeuoreceeTe [ve games by Victoria. Pa po 5. ae ; Carleton 16 01346 645 32 (223, 212); Jim Thomson 609 (246, 200);) - In basketball, Ottawa's Carle-| pyc 11 51308 931 22 Wait: Crystal ott aa) Boon Vann 575 . ton University went undefeated|;..,~» Fe ee ee ey Aree BiabI. WA. CO re . in 16 games for a first place pug: cl ' . pe ate fa Gane ys on A ' if 7 g 25 996 2! Standings Royals 38, Li » Jets) ome dgent Tangle wil Tom Toyola . 9 7 959 95818 |36 aN als ley 45, Eagles 32, * n, ' Bf ng c 4M-) Macdonald 510 929 1124 12 Hawks 32 and Tigers 2) s pionship with 389 points for an St. Pats 610 919 2 MEN'S MONDAY NITE t 1161 12 ae average of 24.3, IU. of Ott Wilson's Men's Wear took over sole | |U. Oi 313 933 1332 6 | possession of first place, by shutting out . ; HOCKEY STANDINGS Sherbrooke 114 7051117 2 their' closest rival, | Oshawa iv 7-0-0. « Final : : i y ilson's however, will have to een plug- » LEADING SCORERS Ring, 30. ay Job. Besar 8 ee . Wit F Art Market, industrial Tool. and Duniops all Re | P Pts Avg) won their games, to remain in the hunt U of Ott 2s ee Oe as VB the tit : Sir George 10 3 0 79 49 22) Gorman. Carleton 16 3824.3 | MEerocies "aained theic second shutout a ¢ RMC 9 41 66 44 19/9 ason, RMC 16 279 17.4 | in-a-row, by blanking Seaway Ford 7 to » i |Smith, Loyola 16 274 17.1 |0-, Industrial Tool took Dover's to camp z | Carleton 761 73 Bible. : +, |5-to-2, while Dunlops gained a 5-2 deci- a Loyola 6 8 0 59 66 12) ruiott, Sir George 14 248 17.7 |sion over the Go-Getters, a 6 rhea ip Leitch, RMC 16 243 15.2 | Poor 'ole' Aldsworth's met up with : Bishop's 310 1 46 80 7 West. I , ; Corvairs and wished in vain, as they Sherbrooke 311 0 46 76 6\n.>" .09%? 15 229 15.3 | dropped still another seven points, " Macdonald 311 0 42 90 6 ins, Macdonald 15 214 14.3) Some good triples turned in, with Bill : iNathan, Sir George 15210156 |e tray, 6 Cok sr Gey. oo Oa LEADING SCORERS cae |Ring, Macdonald 15 214 14.3 huizen 538 a bob Skelton als ' : A Pis.\Nathan, Sir George 15 210 15.0 | oreo une Mens ete Alain, U of Ott 25 19 44 |McDonaugh, Bishop. 16 208 13.0 Sr Gunlon Tire 37: ahewe Ty se, cor Morrissette, U of Ott 8 29 37 |Chambers, U of Ott. 152 vair 24, Seaway Ford 23, Dover's Men's | ' 15 207 13.8 r| Matthew, Sir George 18 17 35 !Kilfoyle, Carleton 16 207.12.9 tern ee) er Cleaners |r Goer: "LOW PROFILE" nm » wy * ny 2 t¢ H ' : , 2 ny i \, "Attention New Car Buyers" | 4 Wy ee \ } n i \ r Be SPECIAL PREMIUM | y, eee ' zt yes DOMINION | ~ Gee | " ECE ! | be #04) ROYAL Al E ca 66 f | it sa MASTER | CHEV. AND PONT. ; £6 | ¢ an oa LIMITED TIME ONLY for | al cg Chevrolet, Pontiac, Dodge and Ford Buyers $7.95 tio 5 NEW WHITE WALL any tor make . . . exchanged for * | ins 5 NEW PREMIUM ROYAL re MASTER TIRES only the 5 NEW BLACK WALL any : pla make . . . exchanged for é 5 NEW ROYAL MASTERS wa only ter las SALE END§ SATURDAY | liec | OSHAWA"S INSTALLED -- Terms $10.00 Month | NEWEST AND FI MUFFLER CENTRE * BUDGET TERMS YOUR TIRE HEADQUARTERS? NO REO TAPE | @ We Do Our Own Financing H 48 Bond West (Corner of Church) 725-6511 | e SOCIETY CHANGES? By JACK SULLIVAN Canadian Press Sports Editor Eleanor Holm drank cham- pagne. Dawn Fraser is a down- to-earth individual. She's a beer |guzzler. Beauteous Eleanor won an Olympic gold medal, and laugh- ing-eyed Dawn, a pleasant-look- ing 150-pounder, won a flock of them, And each was kicked out of competitive swimming amid great ballyhoo and controversy. The two incidents happened nearly 30 years apart, but the story of these two women will live for years. It wasn't a great shock this week when the Australian Swim- ming Union put the boots to the 27-year-old Miss Fraser, the self-styled "'best beer drinker in Australia." She had been step- ping on official toes for years, accepted their penalties and continued to win gold medals and break world records .at a fantastic pace. The ASU slapped a 10-year suspension on the_ greatest woman swimmer the world has known. And the amateur offi- cials blithely said the reasons would neyer be made public. it was a lot different in 1936 in Miss Holm's case. The American Olympic team was en route by luxury liner: to the Berlin Games. Miss Holm, who had won the women's 100- metre backstroke in the 1932 Games and was a living doll by any feminine standards, was un- ceremoniously kicked off the team by Avery Brundage, the outspoken president of the U.S. Olympic Association. SWAM AT FAIR Brundage, now president of the International Olympic Com- mittee, wouldn't tolerate his athletes imbibing and he made it clear that Miss Holm's cham- pagne drinking was the reason for her expulsion. 'He shut the door-on her Olym- pic. participation, but the move opened many others back h Dawn Fraser, 30 Years Later, Gets Eleanor Holm Treatment has, cheerfully accepted the all. of world-recognized for the gal with the body beauti- ful. She married band leader Art Jarrett. That ended in di- vorce and in 1939 she married Broadway showman Billy Rose, became the No. 1 aquabelle at the New York world fair, the an Francisco fair and then went into motion pictures. None of this glamor is at- tached to five-foot-eight Dawn Faser, married in January to bookmaker Gary Ware. If the suspension sticks, and the ASU brass says there's no appeal, Dawn can look back to a decade of competitive swimming un- matched by any male or female in the world. And, of course, a lot of laughs and -nonsense. There was none of this dedi- cated training for her. An old woman at 27 by all accepted standards in international com- petition, she's an athlete who WORLD'S HOCKEY event counts 60 per cent to- wards the title and in the 'free skating' to follow, Miss Burka is without peer. --(AP Wirephoto) By ROD CURRIE Russia vs Canada In Tourney Final This scheduling is the same as at the 1963 championships in Stockholm. Sweden, boasting a_ perfect record of six wins,: including a 2-1 victory over Russia, went into the final day against Czech- oslovakia and lost 3-2. A couple of hours later, Rus- sia defeated Canada 4-2 and wound up in a points-tie for first place with Sweden but won the title on goal spread. The Russians were 14-6 in the |goal spread--the difference be-| tween goals scored and goals allowed in the games played among the top five teams. Swe- den was 12-5. The Russian dif- | ferential was one goal higher--|East Germany vs. Norway, | eight to Sweden's seven. In the opening round today, Canada drew a bye. The Canadians play their opener against Finland Friday. Then they face Norway, the United States, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Sweden and Russia in that order, The schedule of champion- ship-round games (VTIMES ES Thursday, March 4 Czechoslovakia vs. East -many, 7 a.m: Sweden vs. United States, 10:30 a.m. Russia vs. Finland, 1:30 p.m. Friday, March 5 Russia vs. Norway, 7 a.m. Ger- Sweden vs. East Germany,|ican League. Taylor will re-| who has} 10:30 a.m. Canada vs. Finland, 1:30 p.m. Saturday, March 6 Cariada vs. Norway, 7 a.m. US., Czechoslovakia _ vs. 10:30 a.m. Sunday, March 7 over for the Timbermen and! Russia vs. East Germany, 10:30 a.m. {Sweden vs. Finland, 1:30 p.m. Monday, March 8 Czechoslovakia vs. Norway, | 10:30 a.m. |} Canada vs. U.S., 1:30 p.m. | Tuesday, March 9 |East Germany vs. U.S., 10:30 a.m. | Finland vs. Norway, 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 10 Canada vs. East Germany, 7 | a.m. | Russia vs. 'Sweden, 10:30 a.m. | Czechoslovakia vs. Finland, 1:30 p.m, Thursday, March 11 Sweden vs. Norway, 7 a.m. |Russia vs. U.S., 10:30 a.m. Canada vs. Czechoslovakia, 1:30 swimmers eight, nine, 10 years her junior and simply over- whelmed them in Olympic and British Empire Games competi- tion. WON 10 GOLD MEDALS In all, she won 10 Olympic gold medals, about the same number in the British Empire Games, and was the first woman to crack the 60-second barrier in the 100-metre free- style. She won the 100-metre freestyle in the 1956, 1960 and 1964 Olympics and has dozens of records. Two years ago at the B.E. Games in Perth, Australia, she said in an interview that she does as she . pleases. "Some- times before a big meet, I feel myself getting tense, so I go out and unwind--a good party and a few beers. I eat what I please." She hasn't a coach because, as she said two years ago, "T don't want anybody telling me what I must and must not do." "I know myself. better than anybody. I think one of.the rea- I have is that I have not let the sport take complete charge once in a while." She has been in the ASU dog- house since 1960 at the Rome Olympics when she was _ in- volved in a face-slapping inci- By THE CANADIAN PRESS In a savage 15-rounder, Gene Fullmer retained his middleweight boxing title four years ago tonight--in 1961--with a unanimous de- cision over five-times cham- pion Sugar Ray Robinson, The bout, staged at Las Vegas, saw both fighters set a torrid pace. There were no knockdowns. Rob- inson, then 40, dodged ques- tions about his retirement immediately after the fight. Today he is in training again in a comeback at- p.m. Friday, March 12 10:30 a.m. Finland vs. U.S., 1:30 p.m. Saturday, March 13 Czechoslovakia vs. Russia, 7 |Canada vs. Sweden, 10:30 a.m. | |Finland vs, East Germay, 1:30 | p.m, Sunday, March 14 |U.S. vs. Norway, 4 a.m. |Sweden vs. Czechoslovakia, 7 | a.m. Canada vs. Russia, 10:30 a.m. | | RANGERS GET HELP NEW YORK (AP) -- New |York Rangers of the National |Hockey League Wednesday re- jcalled Ted Taylor, a centre, jfrom Baltimore of the Amer- |place Phil Goyette, set) sons I have lasted as long as|, of my life--and I let myself go| REMEMBER WHEN? ..|, youngsters In the final of the 100-metre freestyle as they pre- pared to step on the blocks, did a little jig and went out and won it in 59.5 seconds, six- tenths of a second off her own world record but the best ever in the Olympics. ' She had been looking forward to the 1966 B.E. Games in Jamaica and the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. She figured she could still beat the world at 30 years of age. Who would doubt it? dent with team-mate Jane An-| drews. The ASU had the opportunity then to hit her with a long sus- pension, but she was 23 at the time and it is presumed the 1 will loan you amateur officials figured she had enough left to cop some} up to more gold medals for her coun- try. They acknowledged the in- cident by banning her from go- ing outside Australia for inter- national competition between British Empire and Olympic Games years. Dawn won three gold medals at Perth, in the 110 yards and relays, and it was believed then that all had been forgiven. But the ASU continued to snub her by omitting her name from the list of Australians named to New Zealand. But this blue - eyed woman with a shock of brown hair con- tinued to go her own way. In the 1964 summer Games at Tokyo, 'Grandma Dawn patted $5,000.00 ot @ reasonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose «+ + providing you are steadily employed and have good credit. Telephone 723-4631 | Mom's Happy Now! 'Cause Experts Made a Landscape Plan Yesterday . . . for Spring Planting. CALL NOW 23.5757 VAN BELLE GARDENS , Hwy. No. 2 East of Oshawa "YOUR FRIENDLY GARDEN CENTRE" 728-1601 HAVE GUN MINOR AND: MAJOR REPAIRS _728-1601 WILL GREASE ALL MAKES AND MODELS A JOHN T. MARKOVICH, Proprietor Oshawa Esso Service Centre tempt. | for ST. JOHN FIRST AID or HOME NURSING (Jr. and Sr, Courses) Phone 668-4666 | Evenings 725-4197 [been in hospital with a virus. } | | Mufflers installed in 15 minutes by iolists Speedy Muffler King specialists install a brand new quolity-built muffler in just 15 minutes. Free check-up « « « free installation. You just pay for the muffler. LOOK AT THESE LOW, LOW PRICES: | PLYMOUTH AND DODGE FORD 6 CYLINDER "54-63 (most models) | 58-62 (most models) | 60-63 (most models) $8.95 THI SPECIALIST 206 King NEST JUST WEST 728-6268 Open Mondoy through Soturdey 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Friday nights till 9 p.m. 9.95 Street West OF PARK ROAD A high gloss interio in all colours. QUARTS Reg. 3.80 SALE 2.85 97: & KING ST. WEST at PARK RD. ®e r and exterior paint available PINTS Reg. 1.30 SALE GALLONS Reg. 12.50 SALE 9.37 RIPOLIN YACHTING ENAMEL » Reg. 3.60 Qt. up NOW 25% OFF ALL BRUSHES & ROLLER ACCESS. LESS 1 0x ALL SNOW SHOVELS REDUCED TO CLEAR! ASK ABOUT OUR 6 MONTH DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 Open Daily 7 A.M. till 6 P.M. -- Fri. till 9 P.M.

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