Ci AS a RT s Mrs. Lorne Thompson, Mrs.) It was announced the World 4 M4 i Essa Prize Grant Campbell and Bruce|Day of Prayer will be held 'Faviovian Lxperimen obinson fiouse Y ar A AE Xe : ° + celled last Thursday and Fri-|Camp expressed appreciation of a! bern ie | resent day due to the storm. Men with|her Christmas gift. March 25\councit'to define its entertain-| ment of his claim for an ease- I or n co 0 1CS x ension iven snow removal shovels on their|was: set as the date for £86| ment policy, if such a policy ment expropriated across his | i BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Karen aClarh rere, Het} Sark, Stelte apartment lenders, |S eee ems Mr. Seakew of 00 --The ing. ' The Oshawa Historical So-|"active steps" have been taken gs AIS veways an "s nance , at an r} mi A 4 aula lic, Fig pd oth = other slasses placed on ciety has been granted 8 tee. by the Society pa reparation Siranges = errno aithe plows got through. ; Pe -- ee reine 9 Oe mootins ites couned bas 0 oat ia nncerta dance ath te last 4 containe ion of tim city|for submission of a definite plan 5 : : '. , ; his Brahh By Thi "nis Phe ager Ata The man eo gece A othe po to the council. pla" |School_ Can Take Part in. the UCW MEETING commentaries for the churchlto the finance committee, referred to the public works glass of wine knew what would nappen when|the preservation and restoration Fair Program", at the Ontario} Twenty-two members attend-jlibrary. The UCW will cater for comiaittes, We Tas aees Oo tases Dill Greuk them, Hach time, thslof dup Heoiasen House at hel. nne, 50 several offers of f-lagrinaitural Socletion Coaves-ied the mosting @ te United|the Shorthorn Banquet on April| sevina Associates Ltd., in- as 18 volts of electric-junpleasant charge shot through|Qshawa lakefront. be gsr pA scat "hovel in Toronto. 'The a Church Women. Mrs. Harold/8. ; formed council by letter it] Council endorsed a City of y shot h's head. His/him. M. Mcintyre Hood, Society|" materials haveltion was made by Mrs. Mon-ikyte presided. Mrs. Harvey| The members were asked £07| 11.405 t9 purchase the parcel o{|Windsor resolution "that the eyes facial muscles} There was @ painful throb-|president, told council by letter| "ee" received and 'that a fi-lture frum the Six Nations In-lGraham conducted the worshipja special donation to be sent "lOntario minister of labor be re- twitched ine the coun end tterward.|- : nance committee is in the pro-ldian Reserve near Brantford./service, The Esther Unit pre-lto Miss Muriel Stevens to assist|land, being a part of Fernhill/ quested to recommend to the tient at Pontiac State Mt"'geemed to last. a longlate the bar, as well as theliate th nine at to under-|Mrs, Monture was the firStisented a play on "The Stew-lin her work in the Congo. |boulevard closed, for a price of/ Ontario legislature that the Con- deplal, he was taking a new(time," drinks, with the experience. funds. movers (er tae hsaotiation: of: Aeram ito tack: Gat ea ee $2,062.50, The firm said it also| struction Safety Act be amend- vised by Dr. John J. Hsu, re} Hsu explained that the pa-| Hsu's treatment covers a five) 0 ae octeties of Ontario, which Part were: Mrs, Glenn Lartet,|, PHONE'S ANNIVERSARY |wishes to purchase all othe:/°d by « provision for financial search director. - Itient, by connecting the alcohollday period, He said he had The University Women's Club|tural Societies o 1 » which) Mrs, Keith Van Camp, Mrs. Har- 1A Shiid shel io the oreo. Hiei ce to municipalities. in Beforehand, he had swallowed|with' the shock In4.a'be condi-ltreated 87 patients and all had|of Oshawa told council by let-|was founded in 1937. old McLaughlin, Mrs, William) The golden errit yrs pd ~~ as referred to. thc | Ne enforcement of the Act, glass of milk Nothin hadjtioned to avoid alcohol, The|been helped to varying degrees. ter it favored the Society's plans} Among those from this area|Mahaffey, Mrs. Richard Vanjfirst heme yp ee pci matter moet ge OP Act being a responsibility of ; happened. Next, he davesd wa-lmake-believe bar is used to|He said the amount of voltage for the preservation and res-jattending the convention were:|Camp and Mrs. Merrill Van) 'egg 44 US. g parks, Yin y orevaaan government." ; ter and fruit juice Again noth-|make the patient's mind associ-lis too small to catise harm. 'toration of the Robinson House./Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright,|Camp. i j Fg M. Stalker " Edwin . Brown, owners of property on the south-west corner of Thornton road and street west, made application by let- ter to have their land, which has a frontage of 145 feet on King street and a of 348 from buffer to C-1. The applica- tion was referred to the planning board. Albill Investments Lid., ap- plied by letter ta have property at 808 Simcoe street north re- zoned from R-1A to R-4 to per- mit a 41-suite apartment build- ing. The application was re- ferred to the planning board. \" ~ Council of the County of On- tarlo informed city council it \ 'e G9. has appropriated $68,350 for the ] | \ construction and maintenance of roads and bridges under the An $11,025 grant request from ™ '4 /'/ if wot completely satisfied with ANY ~~~ |sis'ize' cuatc 7 fresh meat you buy from LOBLAWS ~~ ji. cnmters. ete \ the Children's Aid § of the ~ uivalent amount will be re- | \ bs a ~~ quired from Oshawa. County of Ontario and City ies of Oshawa was referred to the budget committee. The request is $1,925 more than the 1964 grant. David Hatton, district field secretary of the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind spoke to council on services pro- vided for blind Canadians, He said there are 40 blind persons in Oshawa and 110 in Ontario County. The CNIB's request for a grant has been referred to the budget committee. ( The Dominion Day Oshawa : y Folk Festival asked council by letter to give consideration to - Jentertin g acivic float in this year's parade, The matter was refé: to the park,s property. @ and recreation committee, Council passed 8 motion adopting Daylight Sa' Time, effective at 12.01 a.m. 3 April 25 until 12.01 a.m., Sun- day, Oct, 31. The times will co- incide with railway spring and summer train schedules, Council endorsed a Publie » ' Utilities Commission resolution ali that it "strongly opposes" a re- commendation by the Ontario government's Select Committee on the Municipal Act and Re- lated Acts that the functions of » LOW PRICES Plus STAMPS ¢ =="= ® LOBLAWS PROTEN* BEEF ® A bylaw was approved amend- » LOW PRICES Plus STAMPS « gswecise'ascnki tio cgeearae a balcony on an apartment building of three stories or greater to extend up to five feet C into the minimum side yard. yy aaa pecta STEAKS ov ROASTS .. 65°. JAFFA PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN® ing the off-street parking by- law on the total floor area clause, Other bylaws passed: LARGE C mepium CBONELESS BOSTON BROIL OD iccctts ene foot reserves wero SIZE SIZE or established as public highway; DOZ. ' poz STEAK OVEN LB. the $00,200 storm sewer pro- PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Garden Fresh From California! No. 1 Grade! gram was authorized; certain PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN® PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN® lands were established as pub- ER e c J " PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! MAPLE LEAF PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Garden Fresh From Arizona! Mild Flavour! 3 RINDLESS SIDE ef ACON ty ha BOYS STEAL, we 25 PRICES EFFECTIVE MAR. 3, 4, 5, 6 LARGE b t lor the o SIZE *REG'D USER OF T.M. o oner pay f pening of Oxford KEY CLUB Boneless Canadian oe at Oaioek Towsee agneed to STEAKS c POT ROASTS us Cc certain conditions set down in cnacs se cemeces cnconene . os eweees © Gnio Sed suaceieewviinn € PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! CHOICE SMASH AUTO MINCED BEEF .43: COD FILLETS . = 33°) 22.3 at BUNCHES barely able to see through a car windshield, were a ceteetinns PS atcmannneg mesa nee een ect ca WITH COUPON & PURCHASL OF Ont 9 FL. OZ Borne DAVIS OF LONDON FURWITURE WAX 01 COUPON ExXPmES man. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 24 FL. OZ. JAR SY. WILUAMS STRAWBERRY JAM WITH PECTIN 1! COUPON EXPIRES man, 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 62) COUPON EXPIRE Man, 16 WITH courom & puRcHasE oF Ont PKG. ETTY chocken ALL VARUTIES MUFFIN MIXES 6.31 COUPON HxFEES man. 10 WITH CouroM & PURCHASE OF OME REGULAR BOTTLE BROMO SELTZER 22 COUPON EXPINES man. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 4-07. SHAKER PKG. ACCEAT 0.12 COUPON EXPIRES man. 10 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 48 FL. OF. TIN SRIGHT'S DANCY TOMATO JUICE O42 Courom EnPrnES man. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO GATH SIZE BARS 'WOODBURY GREEN BEAUTY SOAP 0.92 COUPON EXPIRES Man. 19 I EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 7 PL. OZ. BOTTLE ANTISEPTIC LISTERINE 0.3 COUPON EXPIRES MAR, 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 12-07. PKG. BETTY CROCKER INSTANT MASHED POTATOES ©13 COUPON EXPIRES MAR. 18 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 15 FL. OZ, JAR THANK YOU SPICED WHOLE CRABAPPLES O49 COUPON EXPIRES man. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 248, POLY BAG STOKELY'S FANCY FROZEN KERWEL CORN 0.23 COUPON IxPmES aan, 10 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 5] PL. OF. BOTTLE SILVIKRIN SHAMPOS O04 COUPON EXPIRES Man. 10 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 12-07. PKGt. PINE OR BROAD LANCIA NOODLES 0-14 COUPON EXPIRES MAR. 16 MEAT PIES 0.34 COUPON EXPIRES MAR, 10 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 4-07. JAR NIVEA SKIN CREAM O5 COUPON ExrinES MAR, 18 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 40's PRG. JOMINSON'S PLASTIC STRIPS 0.15 COUPON IxPaEs MAR 10 I WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Ont 200K BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS MEALS WITH A FOREIGN MLAIE 0.25 COUPON DIPIRES MAR. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 15-02. 7G. OURRYLAND FARM FANCY PROTEN SLICED STRAWBERRIES 0.25 COUPON ExPinet Man. 16 is BG "STAMPS MenMiiaadiaaaldiideatiod STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ON 12.2 OF. The "BONUS OFFER: LADY PATRICIA SOFT STYLE e FIRM CONTROL, HAIR SPRAY. 0.16 COUPON EXPIRES MAR. 10 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 1-18. PKGS. COLOURED MARGARINE SOLO PTT Tate O24 COUPON Exrines man. 10 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OnE 9 FL. OF. JAR o-- swieeie heed MARMA-JEL 'wwirs EXTRA GRAPEFRUIT "STAMPS bitadbandhadtedenmadl == STAMPS iy O38 COUPON ExPiNES MAR 10 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 01-02, PRG cma COCO PUFFS @1P COUPON EXPIRES man. 10 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-L8, TIN BORDEN'S INSTANT CHOCOLATE MALTED 18 COUPON EXPIRES MAR. 18 peexisy LIQUID HONEY | @}8 COUPON EXPIRES man, 10 SHOPPING CENTRE STORE OPEN a THURS., AND FRI, TILL 9:30 P.M. - DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN THURS, AND FRI. TILL 9 P.M. brought into juvenile court Monday on delinquency charges after rolling over a stolen 1964 convertible in a chase with an off-duty con- stable at speeds.of up to 80 miles an hour. Police said the pint-sized pair, who escaped with a few scratches, had driving down to a science. While the 13-year-old oper- ated the steering wheel, his younger brother man- ipulated the brake pedal. The policeman chased the car when he noticed the size of the driver, DOGS CAUSE' ACCIDENTS READING, England (CP) -- Councillors at this Berkshire town are aiming to reduce road recidents by banning dogs from 'he streets unless they are on leashes, Last year there were \L18 accidents involving dogs.