"| ree eps PEMD BG ESET Om, o 7 rrr ss iit Bil) 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Maren 1, 1965. oes APPLAUDS Heavyweight champion CassiusClay applauded as Elijah Muhammad, wearing be-jewelled fez, addressed closing session of Black Muslim convention in Chica- go. Mohammad spoke from center of platform on which he was walled in on all WOULD OVERCOME LANGUAGE, CULTURAL BARRIERS OTTAWA (CP)--Four influen- tial cultural organizations called today for a wide variety of programs aimed at overcoming the language and cultural bar- rier between English. and French-speaking Canadians. The proposals. were contained in separate briefs to the royal commission on bil'ngualism and rigs 9 ee w . A h << . ublic hearings at the Chatea' Eaurier Hotel after making pub- lic Thursday its outspoken pre- liminary report. te The groups appearing . ferent views As the current state of French-English rela- tions, but their recommenda- tions were in the same general vein. --The Canada Council, which has been seeking increased fi- nancial support trom the fed- eral government, said it would like to be in a position to spend Canadian books and exchanges between students and cultural groups of both cultures. --The Canadian Library Asso- ciation called for a $5,000,000 federal program to assist. all types of libraries to build up more money on translations of language and publish bilingual picture books for school chil- dren. It also advocated the creation of a graduate school to train translators. The Royal Socie'y of Canada said the provincia! school sys- tems should increase instruc- tion in the second language, ed| French or Englisn It favored schools for translators, ex- changes of scientists, scholars and students and translation of more textbooks and works on Canadian social sciences and humanities. . --The Dominion Drama Festi- val said its annual competition for amateur theatre companies of both languages and various exchange visits by performing groups help Cana-tians to open "direct communication and sin- cere friendship which tran- scend political corflict." ; The Canada Courcil, a public body set up by Parliament to foster the development of arts, humanities and sovial sciences, said mutual sympathy between the two language groups is en- hanced by cultural exchanges and contacts--translations of lit- erature, television, radio, thea- sides by rows of guards. Ghost-Like City Lies 1,000 Ft. Under Detroit DETROIT (AP)--A ghost-like city complete with its own net- work of four-lane highways lies 1,000 feet beneath the heart of industrial Detroit, unknown to most of the city's 1,600,000 res- idents. The underground "city," with 50 miles of its own roads, is the gigantic operation of the In- ternational Sa]t Mine Company. The miners and company of- ficials seldom number more than 100, no more than is necessary to convert the mine's sodium chloride into usable salt. st free, the|lawyers arrived in London by been yor air Sunday to present the claim of a Nova Scotia woman and her family to a fortune dating back 173 years. underground city has an unwav- ering climate of 57 degrees and a humidity of 56 per cent. Driv- {ng down one of the mine's un- # ys" gives the impression that it's a desolate|living in the mining town of Florence on Cape Breton Is- 'with new snow (that's salt) and|land, believes she is entitled to between $450,000 and $600,000, The ceiling is 25 feet over-|the residue of the estate of an 18th century peer, Lord Tucker. eountry road, covered lightly eut through a rocky hill. Police Kill Burglar early Saturday. The dead man has been iden- tified as Richard George Nich- olls, 24, who lived with his par- ents at a trailer camp at Old- castle, 20 miles south of here. He was shot by Const. Craig Robinson, 43, a 14-year veteran of the Windsor police depart- ment. The officer was admitted to hospital with a possible frac- tured leg after he was struck by a wrench thrown by one of the fleeing burglars in a chase on foot from the rear of the pharmacy. ANSWER CALL Police reported Con stables Robinson and William Kaszas 'answered a call to the pharm- acy at about 2:30 a.m. 'wo men were seen running out of a rear door of the build- ing when police arrived. Const. Robinson gave chase after Nicholls through back yards and across fields. Officials of the detective div- ision said Const. Robinson fired the fatal shot after he was struck by a wrench thrown by the escaping bandit. A money ously identified in an earlier re- port here as Mrs. Annie Carter. McCaffrey and Norman Mac- Kay, said their client believes she and her children are the di- WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--A po-|rect descendants of Lord Tuck- lice officer shot and killed one|ér's daughter Alice, who ran of two burglars who broke into|@way to either Newfoundland or a downtown Windsor pharmacy|Cape Breton in 1792 to marry head. Breaking up the vast area are 60- by 80-foot pillars of salt --the only supports for tons of rock and city buildings above. Between the pillars stretch the "rooms," 50 feet wide and sometimes several thousand feet in length. Seek Fortune 173 Years Old LONDON (CP)--Two Boston Mrs, Annie King, 65, a widow The woman had been errone- Mrs. King's lawyers, Owen her father's footman, Pat Mal- loy. tre, concerts, ballet and art ex- hibitions. The council's contri- bution to translations had been modest and should be in- creased. SAYS MISUNDERSTOOD 5 "The whole problem of bi- lingualism has been grossly misunderstood throughout the country, the brief said: "Surely there can be no se- rious thought that all Canadians should be able, or in any sense required, to speak both lan- guages." The council' said the promo- tion of bilingualism means em- phasiziing. the need for "wide- spread recognition and cordial acceptance of the fact that there are two official languages in this country, French and English." fhe council suggested that a committee of leading French- and English-speak'ng scholars be set up to inquire into the possibility of producing a more objective, common approach to Canadian history School and college students were being taught two different, prejudiced versions of Canadian history, according to their mother tongue. CITES FUND SHORTAGE The library assoviation, repre- senting 1,900 librarians and 700 ic and book stores across Canada, said libraries are short of funds and cannot develop bilingual programs with- out massive. federal financial aid; An "initial amount" of $5,- 000,000 was suggested. : The group also said qualified translators were in short supply and a Canadian university should be asked to set up a school of translation. 3 QUEBEC (CP) -- Police esti- mate 300,000 visitors were in town during the weekend for the climax of the annual Quebec City Winter Carnival, which be- gan Feb, 11. The hard - put constabulary handled more than 700 calls-- accidents, fights and other in- fractions. Every hospital had extta staff on emergency duty and they handled scores of bruised, frac- tured, lacerated or drunk revel- lers. The revelry officially ends Tuesday midnight. Spirits ran high, as usual. One float showered fireworks on the crowd, setting a few mi- nor blazes and adding to police headaches. bag was still clutched in Nich- olls' hahd. lined the route to help out. HERE and THERE schools--10 of them--were to have their official Maple. Leaf flag- raising ceremonies at 11 a.m. today. A few of the schools are getting new flagpoles, as well as new flags. ONTARIO STEEL PROD- UCTS has announced it will build a $1,000,000 plant for the manufacture of coil springs at Lacolle, Quebec, 45 miles from the new Gen- eral Motors plant at Ste. Therese. JOANNE GLOVER, a 19- year-old home economics student from Oshawa, was crowned queen of the col- lege royal ball at the Uni- ' versity of Guelph, Saturday. Certificates were won at *the Kiwanis Music Festival of Greater Toronto by two _* pands from, McLaughlin Col- "legiate and Vocational In- * stitute. Michael . Crosbie, * musical director, said today that the junior band, with * Grades nine and ten pupils, * took third spot in its class. The senior band, made up of Grades 10 to 12 pupils, was awarded fourth place in Separate its class. More than 80 pu- pils of MCVI travelled to Toronto to take part in the contest Two other area residents took the top place in the ac- cordion duet contest, Tina Kozub and Ann Klaar, of Newcastle, were awarded first prize. Some 500 soldiers 300,000 See Que. Carnival Ten trains, the smallest car- rying 515 passengers, pulled in Friday night and nine more, each with at least 650 passen- gers, arrived Saturday at the CPR station alone. An RCAF Yukon from Tren- ton, Ont., brought a load of stu- dents from the Royal Military College at Kingston. Three Fly- ing Boxcars came in with mili- tary personnel from several parts of Canada. People danced in the streets and folksongs in both French and English echoed through the Present Briefs On Bilingualism book collections in the second) The association recommended] that the selection of profes- lsional librarians should not be subject to a bilingual require- ment. The Royal Society, a bilingual group of 627 writers and scien- tists founded in 1882 by then governor-general Lord Lorne, urged the creation of a "'coun- cil of educational co-operation" to work toward standardization jof education policies and school curricula. The council would be advisory only and group representatives of the provincial education de- partments and national volun- tary associations interested in education, The society said the use of both English and French in the federal public service should be a working rule, but the principle of equality of the two languuages had no practical ur legal justi- fication in seven provinces where French-speaking minorities are small. : An exception was made of Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick. The Dominion Drama Festival made no specific recommenda- tions but described its own ex- periment in bilingualism. Crash Kills Bilingualism Report Said 'Depressing' NEW YORK (CP)--The Sun- day Herald Tribune says the preliminary report of Canada's royai commission on bilingual- ism and biculturalism is "a depressing document." The report, presented to the Canadian government last week, said Canadian unity is more seriously threatened by the divisions between the coun- try's French-speaking and Eng- lish - speaking populations than most people realize. There ex- isted 'ta grave danger for the future of Canada and of all Canadians." In an editorial on the report, the Herald Tribune says the ex- istence of such a danger is in itself "reason for much con- cern in the United States," Expressing the view that Quebec's withdrawal from Con- federation would probably re- sult in the complete breakup of Canada, the newspaper says the United States "could only view the balkanization of Can- ada with horror." "A separate French + speak- ing state would have attrac- tions for the Quebecois who have emigrated to other prov- inces and to New England, and would probably cause acute frictions with the English-speak- ing groups whose greatest sins thus far have been compla- cency and _ incomprehension. Even if it meant more stars in the American flag, there would be little satisfaction in acquir- ing them through the ship- wreck of a good neighbor--and they would bring headaches with them." SAIGON (CP)--The growing strength of various peace move- ments in South Viet Nam today was. reported to be worrying the country's 13-day-old government headed by Premier Phan Huy Quat. At a press conference today, Quat called for a halt to Com- 'munist infiltration, subversion and sabotage as a prerequisite for "true peace." Quat said the government is determined to smash all propa- ganda aimed at deceiving the public and sowing confusion among the people, While the Buddhist-led peace movement officially opened its campaign Sunday to end the war against the Communist Viet Cong, it was disclosed that B-57 air strikes against the guerril- las in the Mekong Delta area were halted after the U.S. bomb- ers accidentally killed four South Vietnamese troops and wounded 15, . Government forces with U.S. helicopter support continued a ground-sea-air offensive in the delta area 150 miles southeast of Saigon. REPORT NO DAMAGE There were no reports of dam- age to the Viet Cong, but gov- ernment forces came under heagy mortar fire this morn- ing. Two soldiers were killed and 18 others wounded. The B-57s and South Vietna- mese Air Force Skyraiders had battalions of paratroops. were flown to the front in 137. heli- copters. It was the biggest lift of the war. Government forces fanning out through the region reported no major contact with the Com- munists, but the area was heav- ily mined and there was some sniper fire, The Buddhists launched a peace drive in Saigon during the weekend, calling for an end to foreign intervention in the di- vided land, f ARREST 30 Informed sources said poli Reds Infiltration South Viet Nam Fear peace in Viet Nam and Laos, both western and Communist forces should withdraw. te atime ee oe See 79 SUGGESTS LEAGUE Cambodia, Laos and North and South Viet Nam -- should be formed. His comment~ were in munist and leftist delegations from Laos, North Viet Nam and Cambodia are present. EX-PLAYER CHARGED COLUMBIA, 8.C. (AP)-- Kirby Higbe, 49 whose major league pitching career spanned 13 years, was charged Thurs- day with selling dope to a con- vict at the state penitentiary where he has been employed as a, "py was released rom custody after. postin $1,500 bond. No triai date a set, GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Noon to 2 P.M, DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M, FULLY LICENSED DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Oshewe arrested about 30 members of the National Self-Determination Front, another group calling for a cease-fire, Led by Saigon intellectuals, the group was publicly branded as a Communist front. Some South Vietnamese of- ficers also suspect that Brig.- Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi, the military governor of central Viet Nam and a leading force in the ouster of Lt.-Gen, Ngu- yen Khanh, is becoming a rally- ing point for the peace move- ment. Thi has expressed determina- tion to fight the Communists to the death, but he has refused to get tough with elements dem- given under Section onstrating in his area against the Saigon government and the United States. In Phnom Penh, Prince Noro- dom Sihanouk said to restore] 'W. A, TWELVETREES, P-Eng, County Engineer, been pounding the area for five days. The ground operation was launched Saturday when two 3 In Family SHARBOT LAKE, Ont. (CP) Three members of the same family were killed and four other persons injured in a head- on collision 12 miles north of here on Highway 509 Sunday night. Dead are William Joseph Ohl- man, 55, his wife Margaret, 60, and their 14-year-old son, Allan. They had lived in Plevna, 35 miles northwest of Belleville. The injured, whose names had not been released, were taken to hospital at Perth. MIAMI BEACH, Fla, (AP)-- A former lieutenant - governor of Ontario and his wife beat off a biack-masked holdup man in their Miami Beach island home during the weekend. Ray Lawson, 75, grappled with the six-foot intruder Fri- day night and Mrs. Lawson bat- WEATHER FORECAST TORONTO (CP)--Forecast is- sued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m.+ Synopsis: Southerly winds are bringing moist warm air and rain up the Mississippi Valley to Chicago and Minnesota while farther north there is a belt of freezing drizzle and. light snow to the west of Lake Superior. This belt of weather is expected to advance slowly eastward across Ontario during the next 36 hours, Lake St. Clair, Windsor: Cloudy and mild. Intermittent| rain lasting through Tuesday. Winds east 15 becoming south- east Tuesday. Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Al- goma, London: Increasing cloudiness today followed by in- termittent rain tonight. Tuesday cloudy and mild with intermit- tent rain and fog. Winds east 20 becoming southeast 10 Tuesday. Western Lake Ontario, Nia- gara, Toronto, Hamilton: In- creasing cloudiness this after- noon, Cloudy with occasional rain and fog late tonight and Tuesday. Milder. Winds east 15. Eastern Lake Ontario: Sunny today. Increasing cloudiness late tonight followed by occasional rain Tuesday, Milder. Winds light today southeast 15 Tues- day. Georgian Bay, Halibur- ton, Killaloe, Timagami, North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny today, In- creasing cloudiness tonight fol- lowed by occasional light snow or freezing drizzle Tuesday. city. Milder, Winds east 15. Car hunting? Bargain with HFC cash With cash from HFC you can seek out the best car values anywhere you choose. Pay on the spot and repay HFC conven- lently. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians every year choose House- hold for trustworthy City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M. money help--to buy cars, pay bills, get new appliances or furniture, fix-up the house and for many other good pur- poses. May we help you? DANWAKHSH Ask about 3] Saanribba credit life insurance at low group rates a. Suite 208, (northwest corner, AJAX: 66 Harwood Avenue South. . (over The HOUSEHOLD FINANCE) 2 OSHAWA OFFICES Oshawa Shopping Ctr.--Ph: 725-1138 ever Fairweather's) 64 King Street East--Telephone 725-6526 (next to the Genosha Hotel) Rain, Fog On Way Milder Spell White River: Intermittent light snow or freezing drizzle late this afternoon tonight: and Tues- day. Milder. Winds east 15. Cochrane: Clear today and tonight. Cloudy Tuesday with occasional light snow by. after- noon. Milder. Winds light be- coming east 15 Tuesday. Forecast Temperatures Low overnight, high Tuesday: Windsor -....<se000 28 40 St. Thomas. 25 38 London: ..... 20 35 Kitchener ..... ooo 6220 35 Mount Forest..... 20 35 Wingham .. oe 620 35 Hamilton ... 20 35 St. Catharines.... 20 35 TOPONtO ..-..ec08 . w 35 Peterborough .... 15 35 Treziton 15 35 Kingston ... 15 35 Killaloe .. 0 32 Muskoka . 5 32 North Bay 5 28 Eariton 5 25 Sault Ste. Marie... 20 32 Kapuskasing ..... 0 25 White River....... 20 25 Moosonee .esoeere 10 18 TimMiINS ..es0e0s . BLADE STEAKS Ex Lt.-Governor, Wife Beat Off Holdup Man tered the man with a rolled-up newspaper. The man fled after the Lawsons' granddaughter, Lorena Kennedy, 18, ran to an upstairs telephone and called police. Police using dogs captured a man in the neighborhood and said his pockets contained a black handkerchief and a knife. The man was booked on a holdup charge as Percy Lee Thomas, 23, after Lawson picked him out of a lineup. PLANNING A... © BANQUET © CONVENTION @ MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 TUESDAY AND ALL DAY WEDNESDAY . 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Please rush me compiler: gogormationt on the Highlander ESTATES Now you can own a second home, for no more than pay- ments on a second car! The "Highlander" is an outstanding, spacious 2 bedroom home that can be yours for only $45.00 a month! Built on your own lot. For week-ends and vacations, it will get you away from the strain and frustrations of city living. Here in beautiful Sun 'N Lake Estates, you will enjoy excellent bass fishing, white sandy beaches, a community club house and pavilion, boat launching facilities, paved streets, telephone and electric service. Stores, schools, churches and shopping are conveniently nearby, It's Florida for FREE formation * Precious full width Florida screened lanals %* Oversized carport and utility room %* 65,000 BTU heaters %& Spacious closets vite FOR FREE PHOTOGRAPHS AND FLOOR PLANS NOW! Name. Address. | City, Pp check here Informati ui (1) Seekiy, monthly er'sanponel rentelen ce ee for AD645959 (F-1B) ee ee ee