Whitby Department Wins Snow Battle WHITBY (Staff) -- Scoring a 1 triumph ove: the ' ments' Whitby Works Depart- ment employees have won their to keep the community; crag throug Paeranncsd 6 through Wednesday|They and evenings, clearing the streets of wet, heavy snow. Commenting on the effort, town engineer Bill McBride sald' Keep Culverts Clear, Urges Town WHITBY (Staff) -- Calling on the town's citizens for assist- ance during the next few days at least, Whitby's engineer Bill McBride is asking the public} to keep the culverts in front of their homes clear of snow. "There will surely be a great deal of flooding if we suddenly receive a fast thaw or more rain," Mr. McBride stated, "We would appreciate having these culverts kept cleac since it is almost too big a job for our department." The engineer stated there are over 2,000 culverts within town limits and each ore presents a definite threat. Snow piling up at the ends of the culvert pre- the crews have done a 'terrific' job. "The men deserve a 'of applause for the way they' have worked. We had the entire; crew of 20 men out both Wed- nesday and Thursday evening. worked through to Friday noon hour," he said, "then re- tired for a well deserved rest." The engineer sa'd the snow plough crews worked around the Engineer vents the natural run-off of melting ice and snow. This con- dition attributes tu flooding of basements and erosion of prop- erty in many cases, it was ex- plained, "Our department cannot hope 'o cope with such a situation," the engineer said "We have only sO many men and cannot "hago have the steam jenny operation at every culvert all at the same time. Assistance from the private citizens is of the utmost importance." There is a tremendous amount! of snow lying all over the town at the present time," Mr. Me- Bride said. "If we have a sud- den thaw we are in for serious trouble." clock to keep the streets open, taking only four hours off for' sleep during each day. "Three passes were made along every| street Thursday evening," he said, "This was necessary in view of the onslaught of first snow, then sleet, then more snow accompanied by freezing weather." During 'the 'battle' the works' department employed outside equipment in an attempt to sup- plement the town machines which were virtually swamped by the storm. One snowblower and a backhoe were hired from George Harding Contracting Co. while a frontend loader was was also obtained from Frank §. Barclay Constr:ction, Brook- lin. A- fleet works department trucks assisted by a number of privately owned vehicles also assisted in 'Operation Clean- Up'. "In many cases the general public were caught unawares by WHITBY (Staff) -- 'We mean business and do not intend to back away from our convic- tions,' Raymond Mclntosh, president of the Park Vista Ratepayer's Association told the *Times' yesterday afternoon. Mr. McIntosh was referring to a meeting the Association had with. the Whitby Town Council recently over the question of storm sewers in the subdivision. The residents of the subdivi- sion are currently facing an at- tempt by council to place all storm sewer installation under the general tax levy in regard to payment. A bylaw to this effect was drafted but has been temporarily 'shelved while dis- cussions with the ratepayer's group is continuing. Under the terms of the bylaw all property in the town would share equally in the cost re- gardless of where the sewers are installed. "We are presently paying for Ratepayer's Group Intends To Fight Sewer Decision tax levy," the president . said. "Asking us to pay for it under; general tax levy is too much." Further steps to head off the bylaw in regard to Park Vista and the neighboring subdivision known as Blair Park, will be taken if necessary, he added. A Whitby town official stated the storm sewers, gutters, curbs' and a road paving plan were' requested by the Park Vista Ratepayers two years past. Im- provement to the boulevards, curbs, gutters and road paving is charged under the general tax levy. é Storm sewer installation has been charged under the local levy on a per frontage basis, which has been authorized by a local improvement bylaw. Under the terms of the bylaw the town absorbs 26 per cent of the cost through the general rate while the homeowners take care of 74 per cent. the storm," the engineer said, "and were unable to move their cars off the streets. On the whole however, the public did co-operate with us as best they could," he said. One request by the engineer was directed at the public. "The department would be greatly assisted if they couid keep their vehicles off the streets during the next few days al least, mak- ing it possible for us to com- plete the job of cleaning up." WHITBY P St. John the Evangelist cWwL, held a most successful Bridge and Euchre, officially opened by Mrs, Warren Mowat The enjoy- able event was convened by Mrs, Marjorie Newman, Mrs. Donna Abrams an'% Mrs. 0. R. Gay were the br.dge winners while Mrs, Pearl French, Mrs. Mary Kennelly, Mrs, Hazel Rodgers and Mrs. Jeanne Gagnon took the euchre prizes. The. door prizes were won by: Mrs. Pearl French, Mrs. Mary Lundmark, Mrs. Harold Forbes, Mrs. Steve Coe, Mrs. James! McCarroll, Mrs. Jeanne Gagnon, Mrs. Mary Anthony, Mrs. Kay Daigle, Mrs, Evelyn MacDonald, Mrs. Doreen Kerno- han, Terry Munro, Mrs. A. Val- lee, George Steftler, Shirley King, Mrs, Laverne Rousseau, Mrs. Frances Spellen, Margaret McCormack, Mrs. G. M. Burk- hart, Mrs. J. Seymore, Mrs. A. J. Jaynes, Leo Kennelly, Rose Sutch, Rose Jones, Teresa Jor- dan, James King, Mrs. Donna Abrams, Mrs. 0. R. Gay, Mrs. Jack Lawrence and Marion Jones, Belated happy birthday wishes are extended to Maynard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wiersma who celebrated his tenth birthday Feb 26. Srd Whitby Cumpany Girl Guides are holding a_candle- light enrolment at St. John the Evangelist parish hall. Mothers will be attending. Special guests will be 1st Whitby Guide Com- pany accompanied by their Cap- tain Mrs. Wilfred Edwards. Arthur Spencer, 9 Churchill avenue, is celebrating his birth- day Feb. 28. For the occasion Mr. and Mrs. Spencer will be visiting their parents, Mrs. Wil- liam Spencer, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Metcalfe of Lakefield. Janette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherman, is cele- Sa her fourth birthday Feb. Miss Margaret Ross very cor- dially opened her home to mem- bers of Grounvd No. 3, St. WHITBY CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, March 1 Co-Op Credit Union banking night ist Whitby Scouts Salvation Army Brownies. Whitby Baptist Church Ex- lorers ESDAY, March 2 Whitby Whittlers 10PS Club Whitby Duplicate bridge Club Red Cross work room Salvation Army Cubs 2nd Whitby St. Mark's UCW general meet- ing St, John the Evangelist Church CWL WEDNESDAY, March 3 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chil- dren of the Church Whitby St. John's Ambulance Co-Op Guild : Almonds United Church Women Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No. 132 Knights: of Columbus Council 4895 THURSDAY, March 4 Whitby Chapter Grder of the Eastern Star No. 248 Whitby Baptist Church Cub Packs Salvation Army Women's Home League | All Saints Anglican Church St Margaret's Guid Christian Reformed Church La- dies Society Work and Pray Faith Baptist Church WMS FRIDAY, March & Red Cross Senior Citizens So- cial Club Pentecostal Church Young Peo- ple's Christ Ambassadors SATURDAY, March 6 Salvation Army Guides oven Army Timbral Brig-| ade ERSONALS Andrew's Presbyterian Women, for the purpose of planning an "Trish Night" in the Church Hall. The date was set at March 19, During the afternoon tickets were made by members and the program and refreshments were discussed. It was decided to show. a film of Ireland and a variety concert followed by re- freshments. Further plans will be made at the regular meeting of Group No. 3 March 8 at the home of Mrs. Irene Dafoe, 917 Annes | street. Refreshments were served by th- hostess. Raymond Bibeau, 719 Maria street on the occasion of his \birthday to be celebrated Feb. Benevolent Rebekahs and Odd Fellows are spons ring a home- bake sale and tea, to be held March 5, at 1.30 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall, Brock street south. General convener Mrs. Gwen Halton will be assisted by members. Odd Fellows hav: volunteered to pick up all dona'ions of home- baking. Please call 668-8068. Sorry to learn that both Percy Bent and his son John Bent, 300 Walnut street, are in the Osh- awa General Hospital. While Mr. Bent is under observation, John underwent surgery. Miss Sally Bedd.ng is cele- brating her 16th birthday Feb. 27. To celebrate the occasion a family dinner pary has been arranged. Brock Street South Home and School Association is holding its annual skating carnival at the Best wishes are offered to Bank-Robber DuPont Canada Opens Market | TORONTO (CP)--Du Pont of Canada Ltd. will issue an ad- ditional 500,000 common shares from its treasury to reduce the withholding tax on dividends paid to foreign shareholders. The tax is 15 per cent when less than 25 per cent is Cana- dian-owned, H. H Land, Du Pont presi- dent, said underwriters have' been asked to give whatever priority is practicable to orders from Canadians. Co-operation Night At O'Connor High WHITBY (Staff) -- Friday evening was 'co-operation night' at the Denis O'Connor High School when members of the Whitby Theatre Guild visited the institution for the purpose of setting up scenery. The scenery, arranged in pre- sentable form hy the Guild members, will play a very strong part in the fourthcoming 'Irish hing: | Night' to be pre- sented at the school by the student body. Supervision and direction of the show is in the hands of many members of the community, wor! under the watchful, a ative eyes of the school faculty. Guild members set up the scenery to be used primarily in a comedy play scheduled as part of the program, Continuing the Irish flavour of the evening is the play entitled, 'Merry Molly Malone.' : Ambitious and ever ready to assist in the devélopment of culture within the town, the Guild have provided technical knowledge at the Anderson Street High School for the bene- fit of the school's drama s0- ciety. Assistance has also been given to the Henry Street School. Currently underway are plans for a play to be presented later in the Spring. In preparation for the forthcoming presentation the Guild will be holding a dance at the St. John's Hall, on March 6. 'The remuneration from this dance will assist in' financing our future program," one member of the Guild stated. Samanski 792, Jack Veitenheim- er 757, Fr. Cochrane 715, Tom Hammond 645, Bill Schroer 638, i eins Harald Feebes 13, Bob ley 616, 5 403 'ROAD Edwards 607, John Majcher 604, mare ised Tec Hughes 570, Matt Kolster 569, Bill Goverde 566, Allan Oerton 558. Men 200 Singles and over: Jack Veitenheimer 317, 230, 210, Ed Samanski 311, 252, 229, Fr. Cochrane 296, 263, Dick Copley 259, 217, Harold Forbes 249, 206. Abb Samanski 238, 217, Bob Ed- wards 233, 207, Tec Hughes 226,) ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED BOWLING NEWS ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, Whitby MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Standings after February 22, 1965, as follows: Beatles, 7, 14; Hot Moc's 5, 10; Jerks 3, 10; Nuts 7, 9; Go Getters 2, 7; No Names 7, 7; Strikers 0, 7; Spitfires 4, 4; Blind Mice 0, 2; Hot n' Tots 0, 0. Ladies 500 Triples and over: Nellie McCarroll 627, Mary Forbes 617, Sandra Taylor 586, Olga Majcher 520, Irene Teel 506. Ladies 200, singles and over: Irene Teel 236, Nellie McCarroll 227, 215; Mary Forbes 215, .207; Olga Majcher 213, Sandra Tay- lor 211, 201. 202, Allan: Oerton 223, Bill Schroer 222, 218, Tom Hammond 219, 213, 213, Ray Wadden 217, John Majcher 216, 209, Bill baad 207, Matt Kolsteren <P WEND-N-FIT ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Rev, W. J. S. McClure, B.A. 7. Minister Mrs, P. N. Spratt, Organist 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M, PRE-COMMUNION SERVICE "A good gpg? ae @ bed men fT | uray pa Junior A apa BAHA'I oI WORLD FAITH Men 550 Triples and over: E PUBLIC MEETING controlling interest of E, I. Du- Pont de Nemours and Co, to 74.8 per cent from 80.75, the company announced Friday. With at least 25 per cent of its common stock held by Canadi- Shoots Self JOLIETTE, Que. (CP) -- Po- lice said a bank robber shot himself to death rather than face capture Friday night. A bandit held up a caisse pop- ulaire (credit union) near this community 40 miles northeast of Montreal at 8 p.m. and fled on foot with $1,700, police said. On seeing himself surrounded by constables called to the scene, police said the robber shot himself in the head with a 45-calibre revolver and died within minutes. March 1 from 2.30 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for best cos- tumes and skating races. Re- freshments will be served by executive member; |would qualify for a 10-per-cent BROCK Evening Shows Start at 7 and 9 Saturday Matinee at 1:30 ans, Du Pont of Canada Ltd. STEAM BATH George's. Barbershop from .Sundey from 6 A.M. to 3 P.M... Tuesdey -- Ledies' Dey Monday -- Closed All Dey BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY -~inerica's first woman President «.and look who's the new "First Lady"! KOT ENE NAH pronon anneews EL everett LT epele derstood Presented by WARNER BROS. WALLACH Applications will be received for the position of The Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Whitby will be held ot the 1.0.0.F. Hall Brock St. $. Whitby. Every Sunday evening et 8:15 P.M, EVERYONE WELCOME Refreshments served. Water Pumphouse Operator until 12:00 o'clock noon March 8, 1965. This position entails shift work. Applicants are to have complete equivalent of Grade 12 -- Ontario Standards. Applications are to be in writing and addressed to the Chairman, The Public Utility Commission, Box 59, Whitby. R, CAWKER, Chairman. H. C. SIMPSON, Secty. & Gen. Manager Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKay, formerly of Huntsviile, have es- tablished residence at 1015 Dun- das street east. Their friends wish them happiness in their new surroundings. Jody Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Batherson is celebrating her s:xth birthday Feb. 2 Family Monuments Created To Individual | FREE TIC KETS AT THE TO SEE THESE POPULAR PICTURES BROCK THEATRE | The CORNER PIZZA SPECIAL'ZING IN , © PIZZA © SPAGHETTI © BAR-B-Q CHICKEN © SPARERIBS HOME DELIVERY 668-8807 $. Hancock, 173 Westmount (Open 7 deys @ week) 107 COLBORNE ST. Ww. | EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE tach week for 26 page the nam name should ed end presen jacks there will end you locete et the Oshewe You will then receive your guest tickets te the Brock Th appeer in the edvertisements on this addresses of 12 tucky people in this e@ree, If your it, elf you ere asked te do is clip the Times Office in Whitby er Oshewe. eatre. D. A. MacDuff, 20! Fronces SHIRLEY MACLAINE Week of March Ist Monday -- Tuesday -- Wednesday WHAT A WAY TO GO -- In Color PAUL NEWMAN STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Whitby Community Arena, "TREASURES' DENIS Studi Call 668-3442 to have and to give PORTRAITS from. . S.W. Corner Brock & Dundas, Whitby a | Why Pay More. ON FUEL OIL SAVE!! Phone 668-3341 DX FU EL OIL Serving Oshawa And District oc eammanwonemsceitet ANNOUNCING... TOWN AMBULANCE Owned and Operated by W. C, TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. | 110 Dundas St. East, Whitby | Phone: 1. 668-3410 Day or Night 2. 668-3768 3. 668-8433 Rates: (A) A basic minimum rate of $5 for transportation within the corporate limits of the Town of Whitby. (8B) Transportation from the Town of Whitby: to points outside the corporate limits the sum of $5 plus $2 per mile up to and including ten miles of the said corporote limits and thereafter the sum of $1 per mile (all rotes apply to one way mileage only). It is further understood and 'agreed that there will be reduced cates for trips of 50 miles or over Salvation Army Yuung People's j Band for Matchless Living GO ELECTRIC ALTERATIONS REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES 668-4278 1, Whitby. (JIM) ELECTRIC LTD. With STARTS 7:30 P.M. -- THI Evening Shew ar Starts at 9 p.m. PLUS EAST OF SUDAN in Technicolor an An Ser Ca: Marlon Brando -- David Niven -- Shirley Jones IN BEDTIME STORY -- Eastman st FRIDAY --SATURDAY . Color 7 and 9 P.M. @ COLLISION CUSTO: e 324 ASH ST., WHITBY CLUB BAYVIEW -- TABLE SERVICE -- DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Atkinson 5., 408 Peel @ Persons name epp: this pass te Bayview Club DANCING 9-12 og in et Times o ffice. may request guest $3.00 PER COUPLE PHONE MERCURY AUTO BOD em 2% M BODY WORK SATISFACTION GUARA' KONRAD CSER--OWNER 24 HR, ROAD SERVICE tED RES, PHONE 668-3208 srreaceint nc cemremeaac esa tonre ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH 11 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP THE VERY REV, J. R. MUTCHMOR Past Moderator The United Church of Canada will be guest minister 7 P.M. -- BOY SCOUT and WOLF CUB SERVICE 4TH WHITBY GROUP WILL PARADE siasieilaiiiiitinaeiiniiiazaiil FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street North REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES anit JOE ROBINSON "Your B.P. Dealer" SERVICE STATION @ TUNE-UPS @ SERVICE CALLS @ GENERAL REPAIRS 668-4585 616 BROCK N. WHITBY 9:15 A.M.--"Faith Tidings" Broadcast, C.K.L.B. 1350 on Your Dial 9:45 A.M.--Bible School with Classes for all Ages 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. THE PASTOR WILL SPEAK AT BOTH SERVICES WEDNESDAY EVE. 8:00 P.M, PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY FOR EVERY OCCASION Moke It... FLOWERS by DEAN 668-3142 131 Brock S. Whitby NI_E= Crew,_921_Byron_5. "THERE'S ALWAYS A WELCOME AT FAITH" SPECIAL SERVICES WITH THE REV. RALPH WILTON cman OLIVE 515 HOWE REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL -- INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES BROCK S. -- 668-5853 SCUGOG CLEANERS SHIRT LAUNDERERS STORAGE WHITBY OFFICE 130 Brock W. 668-4341 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA Robert E, McGrath, 328 Drew CLARK STUDIOS @ Fine Oil Peintings @ Portraits @ Model Services Custom Picture Freming Self-Improvement Classes 668-4497 Brock N. .. 325 . Whitby BARBER SHOP 668-5751 EXPERT BARBERIG HAIRCUTTING & HAIRSTYLING 137 BROCK N., WHITBY VIC'S SPUR SERVICE STATION MURPHY OIL CO, LIMITED 668-3644 501 Brock N. Whitby Fred D. Owen, Courtice COPPING CARPET SERVICE @ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS @ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY 942-0535 CLEANING @ IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES "WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" TORONTO also Music By THE SLAVIC EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH ORCHESTRA in the WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH (Colborne St. West at Centre) Saturday, February 27 at 8 p.m. Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. YOU ARE INVITED All Saints' Anglican Church WHITBY A&aT MOTORS @ 2 Licensed Mechanics @ Automatic Transmissions @ Complete Tune-ups 668-2893 701 Dundes E. Whitby HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 @ INDUSTRIAL © COMMERCIAL @ COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 609 HARRIET WHITBY = Wrs._A. Vallee, 104 Brock N._ oe Bree COMPLETE TRANSMISSION See Our Displey Of New '65 RAMBLERS Quantity ef Good Used Cars" ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE 668-5391 1003 Breck 5. WHITBY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS 405 MARY ST. EAST V. Jendrika, 323 Ballard Whitby WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS @ RE-CHROMING @ NEW AND USED PARTS "LATE MODEL WRECKS : A. Kemp, 2 NO. 12 HWY.---1 MILE N. @ GRILLES @ NEW FIBRE GLASS FENDERS ~ @ SUMPERS BOUGHT AND SOLD 88 Arthur OF WHITBY 668-3223 BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. "HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" M. Harkness, 125 Watson 668-5818 419 DUNDAS ST. £. 'SA| () SUPERIOR PROPANE LES & SERVICE' W, R. Archer, 640 Carnegie 668-3328 VICTORIA ST. E. -- WHITBY Dudley M, Gough, Thickson S. BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS @ CUSTOM WORK © INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS (OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE) 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE R.R. NO. 1 PICKERING -- 942-0720 i Wednesdays in Lent 7.00 a.m.--Holy Communion 10.00 a.m.--Holy Communion 4.30 p.m.--Children's Service ~--chlidren's morality play in the puppet theatre -- six episodes 7.30 p.m.--Service and Address --Concludes at 8:05 p.m. 8.15 p.m.--Adult Bible Study THREE SERVICES EVERY SUNDAY at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 7:00 p.m. CHURCH SCHOOL AT 11:00 A.M.: two nurseries 'one for infants and one for toddlers SENIOR BIBLE CLASSES at 10:00-a.m. iL