THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, February 27, 1965 Fashion Editors Choose Six Cotton Fashions MONTREAL (CP) -- Winners in six fashion categories were chosen by fashion editors here at the Canadian Cotton Coun- cil's press preview Tuesday. 1a 28 The entries, submitted by 70|,,D°0" Ann ha Mere uty. The( Stabbed checks out of my hands\ings with those in close circles. of Canada's top fashion houses} nan j've been going with is 30. before. When she does this I feel/pDo not put too much faith in for presentation "in, the He was engaged to a girl two like a ee between a og new and sudden "romances." annual cotton fashion awards! years ago. She was killed in an year-old child and an out-of- FOR THE BIRTHDAY show, ranged from beach c08-|2 .ojdent work nebbish. 3 : tumes to evening wear and in-|). 0) jt and he ts still getting If you have a solution to this} If tomorrow is your birthday, ded children's clothing. ,./problem I'd like to hear it.--jyour horoscope indicates that, yee editor's ios gyp AE The man is a manufacturer'siwiptING TO PAY even though you may not have was a golden brown corduroy|'ePresentative and bs p sges on) Pear Willing: Tell yourjattained all the goals you set coat, double - breasted and|'he road about hal # aad mother-in-law that if she joins|for yourself late last year, it's loosely fitted. The rib was used|! see him weekends. in 'ast! vou fot dinner at your invitation|time to take heart. True, while horizontally over the yoke, ver- time he was home he as - me/she is your guest and you want|you may not achieve all that tically over the midriff and hor-|'° take a week's feral a no debate over the check. you wish within the next 12 izontally over a skirt which was|™Y job and travel with him. It} {¢ yoy and your family are|months, stars do indicate that gently gathered from a lowered sounded like heaven. HER guests, suggest that she|you should make good headway, waist. I've always wanted to stay atjarrange in advance so that the|jobwise, in late April and early The sleepwear favorite was ajfirst class hotels, dine in finejcheck is not brought to the. ta- May and also presage a fine pale pink puckered peignoir restaurants, see movies in the ble. She can slip away quietly boost along this line next. De- with matching negligee. The|afternoon, shop in the country's|while the coffee is being served cember and January, So be peignoir was set off by a large most elegant stores and justjand pay it unobserved. alert to all opportunities to deep pink rose at the neck and loaf a little. It took a lot of will} Dear Ann Landers: I could capitalize on your. skills and matching velveteen streamers. |power to turn down his offer./kiss you for telling the world talents between now and the end A yea-yea coat in navy with| I'd like to marry this man|that more wives. handle the|of December, since progress in a bright green striped dickie|and I think he7d like to marry|pocketbook than husbands and|1966 'will depend a great deal and back belt was the editor's|me. I'm afraid if I play toojthat they usually do a better/on this year's efforts. choice in the rainwear cate-|hard to get he'll find someone|job. You will have excellent mone- 4 gory. who is more agreeable. + We've had the problem in our|tary periods in mid - March, . Please remember we're not|family for years and I've been|@atly May, all of July, the lat- GOWN SLEEK teen-agers, Ann. 1 need some|begging for a chance to handle|ter half of September, mid- For evening, the winner was|smart advice.--MARIA the family finances, After my|Qctober and January. Just a sleek gown in a large black-| Dear Maria: Someone ought/husband read that column he don't speculate -- especially in and-white floral print with|to start an organization called|agreed to hand over his check|June and November. : black velvet V- straps and a|Temptation Anonymous for gals|beginning with the next one, and Best a i --: loose back panel. who are on the verge of doing|see what I can do. I can tell ei hl eM & = ine 4 A white cotton lace coat with|something foolish. It would bejyou now I couldn't do much a i oP hg e firs + elbow-length sleeves, worn over|wonderful if you could call up ajworse than he has done. We've ey hid y of Ju vi dav will a white pique dress with shoe-|friend who would come over|gotten. so low at times that b ch iti orn sat ll y seher string straps, was anotherjand sit with you until your we've had to borrow milk hi iy tht sticks ul an group choice, The coat re-|brains became unbraided, money from the baby's piggy|™8my 'ru y: mained open from the waist] No is one of the most effec- bank. _|DAY AFTER TOMORROW down in an inverted V line. |tive words in the language, and) I've been fighting for this} Despite the possibility of Editors selected a little girl's|I urge you to keep saying it un-jchance for 14 years and couldn't|some minor complications. Mon- dress of white ribbed pique with|til he asks you to marry him.jget to first base. And now youl day should be a fairly good day. matching coat in the children's|The woman who is interested in|come along and do the trick] Routine affairs will probably + wear category. The dress had|the long haul should beware of|with three sentences. advance more than new enter- » a lowered waist marked with|Short trips. You've got a pretty smart|prises but, in the latter con-|§ + the Swiss embroidered ribbon| Dear Ann Landers; Last week|head on those 45-year-old shoul- that provided a colorful trim|/MY wife's mother and three|ders, Ann. Thank you for what > for the coat. other relatives (hers), plus ourjyou've. done for me.--HEAD- 4 A black - and - white striped family of four, went out to din-|ING FOR THE BLACK swimsuit and jacket with an|Mer- When the waitress brought Dear Heading: I'm glad I oriental influence was chosen|the check my mother - in - lawjhelped. And now, just to keep ' from the beack-wear entries.|took it right out of my hands.|the record straight, the head is / The matching beach bag re- My mother-in-law is a good-jresting on 46-year-old shoulders. * sembled a golf bag hearted person but she is ex-|I added one--while you weren't ' : : tremely domineering and has'looking. THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Planetary. influences make ANN LANDERS this a day in which to be realis- 'No' - In Right Place san, olan Is Best Defence ae oe 'person: P source of irritation in the past, and try to avoid misunderstand- nection, practically any con-|all of July (an all-around . structive plan or chdeavor|period for all Pisceans) should show some progress. FOR THE BIRTHDAY. April and early May, w! will be most propitious, this line. Results from ing recognition for efforts put forth between now and then. Best periods for finances: mid. March, early May, all of July, mid - September, mid - October and January. ' The first three weeks of Jul will be excellent for travel. Where romance is concerned, OF OSHAWA PAUL BELLINGER 1119 Northridge St. ingly good periods in late June, FOR THE FINEST Custom Made DRAPES in the Latest Shades and Fabrics 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 TRACKS EXPERTLY. INSTALLED DRY GOODS Mom's Happy Now! 'Cause Experts Made a Landscape Plan Yesterday . . . for Spring Planting. CALL NOW 623.5757 VAN BELLE GARDENS wy. No. 2 East of Oshawa "YOUR FRIENDLY GARDEN CENTRE" When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 EVERYONE" "Home-Nursing Care for fabric to shape this very young good-looking coat to emphasize the figure. It was also chosen as the outstand- ing fashion from all 79 en- tries by a panel of Cana- category of the Canadian Cotton Council's Second An- nual Cotton Fashion Awards Presentation in the Queen Elizabeth Hotel on February 23, 1965. The designer has incorporated the cords of the THE PANEL of Canadian Retail Fashion Buyers se- lected "John Warden's vel- vet finished corduroy coat" from Aukie-Sanft Boutique as the most outstanding gar- 4 3 ment in the Better Apparel diar Fashion Editors. Whitby and Oshawa COF Courts ears mae Vw Join In Dance At Airport Ce 4 Wink PRESERVER Courts 1871, Oshawa, and 1443, Whitby, of the Canadian Order of Foresters held their annual dance at the Oshawa Airport, which was suitably decorated asing the Valentine theme. (Many door prizes and spot dance prizes were distributed. Among those seen dancing were: Mrs. Earl Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Terry, Mr. Garry Kunkel, Miss Gina Van- Deuren, Miss Judy Peters, Mr. Norman Doust, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jarvis, Miss Doris Grif- fin, Mr. Thomas Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grenier Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell, Miss Diane Chatterton, Mr. Gordon Grills, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs, Everett De Hart, Mr. John McKenzie, Miss Pauline Pare, Mr. Robert Skinulis, Miss Darlene Powlen- zuk, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Low- den. Miss Anne Reece, Mr. Thomas Mikolash, Mr. and Mrs. George Field, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hogle, Mr. and Mrs. Gillian Zwicker, Miss Rita White, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard: Clark, Mr. and Mrs. William Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hall, Miss Sharon Yourth, Mr. Kenneth Rehill, Mr. and Mrs. James Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. - Peter Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Trail Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Follest, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Miers, Mr. and Mrs. John Gagnon, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Burgess, : Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs, George Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barker, Mr. and. Mrs. James English, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McGahey, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kowalski, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Miss Bernice |gag Stewart)" Yuill, Mr. and Mrs. Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sut- cliffe, Mr. and "Mrs. George Cochrane, Miss Susan Shipp. Mr. Keith Fice, Mr. Douglas Fice, Miss Judy Wadell, Miss Dianne Pierce, Mr. John Brough, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beauchemin, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Chatterton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, Mr. and Mrs, Ed- ward Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Couvier, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allen, Mr. and Mrs. John Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Jed Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broome, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wil- son, Mr, and Mrs. William Far- row, and Miss Sharon Percy. DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. ARVILLA McGREGOR WMS The Arvilla McGregor Women's Missionary Society met in the lounge of Knox Pres- byterian Church. The president, Mrs. A. J. McDonald, read a m. Letters of thanks for Christ- mas gifts were received from the Birtle Indian Residential School and the Cecilia Jeffery School. Plans for the twenty-fifth an- niversary service to be held on Sunday, February 28, were finalized. Miss Madeleine Sinclair con- ducted the worship and led the group in a study, "See Our- selves as Others See Us." Miss Madeleine Sinclair served tea to the members. FIRST BAPTIST WA Mrs. Walter Wellman opened her home for the February meeting of the Women's Auxil- jary of First Baptist Church --* 28 members were pres- ent, Mrs. Walter Nickerson led the devotional period. A kitchen shower of numerous small items and a donation of money was made to the Harmony Bap- tist Mission whose members, Mrs: Ronald Collins and Mrs. Harold Audley, thanked the Auxiliary: A presentation was made to Mrs. Walter Wellman who has served as the secretary for many years and has also served in many other ways. Several members offered to assist in the ._Tuck Shop at Hillsdale Manor It was announced that the auxiliary would cater to a ban-| quet for the choir members on r IN THE TROPICS A new type of rayon fabric thai is crease-resist- ant and water-repellent was used by Harold Levine for this marvelous cruise and sight-seeing dress. The one gleaming is also available in marigold, pink or blue. It is a sleeve- less, softened sheath with a shaped bib that is slightly raised above the waist in The attached belt the back, falling into the natural pictured is in white but the frock front. slopes gently toward waistline. --By TRACY ADRIAN '| eggs in a recipe, you may sub- stitute a half tablespoon of corn- starch for one egg. When reducing the number of HOUSEHOLD HINT To remove tar from clothing, tub with shortening and let set an hour or more, then wash in hot, soapy water. CHS. Any Sizes Up SIZES; To A Full 315 S4- Fe Slipped Disc Pains Nervous Headaches Ronald W. Bilsky, pc. CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E., 728-515 for EXPERT SERVICE DRAPES Custom Made @ SLIP COVERS @ BROADLOOM @ VENETIAN BLINDS "Free Estimates" i Call 725-3144 meetings and activities of March 6. Small green socks were given to each member to be filled with pennies to twice the size of the foot and to be returned next meeting. Re- freshments were served by the hostess. ST. PETER'S WA The St. Peter's Women's Aux- iliary (Anglican) held a_ suc- DO YOU WRITE LETTERS? DRAPERIES oshew Oshawa | HOWARD'S :-.. Oo eee aR CALL HOWARD'S If you write letters you will be interested in our Stationery Line. Personalized BROADLOOM THE ALGER PRESS LIMITED 61 Charles Street P.O, Box 277 Tel. 725-3501 Oshawa, Ontario cessful Valentine's tea, recent- ly. Mrs. H. S. MeNair, con- vener, introduced Mrs. L. M. Ware, who officially opened the) tea Door prizes were won by Mrs. Charles Templar and Mrs George A. Leaming, with the dresser doll won by Miss Cathy Osborne, Bowmanville. At the regular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary, the Rev- erend Stanley Armstrong of All Saints' Anglican Church, Whitby spoke on "Nourishment of One's Own Spiritual Life'. A question period followed his address. Refreshments were served. CUT TO REMEMBER MONTREAL (CP) -- James Foster, a New York beauty con- sultant, said here that the hair- TEACHERS All Others Interested EASTER WEEK TOUR caimolpril 19-23 by deluxe all points of interest. Optional extra... TRADE WINDS TRAVEL SERVICE For Information Phone 728-1556 or Write P. O. Box 299 Colborne, Ontario stimulating 3%- motor coach to Washington; includes hotel and sight seeirig tour of |} return via New York for an evening ond following day at World's Foir. Full information mailed on request Up te 307 sq. WALL OR ROOM BROADLOOM pad of your choice. many brand names such as He and others. nants in odd sizes. Credit terms easily arranged. CALL COLLECT 531-1177 Toronto ft. of WALL.TO- "7 129,00 Including installetion end under- 16 colors to choose from, Featuriny ing's, Brinton's, Conedian Celonese Wide choice of imports. Alse rem- cut for women has come back into being but that it may take women a while to accept. He said some women "have got used to wearing their hair teased to a huge size and lac-) quered so that they combed it} only twice a week." for ST. JOHN FIRST AID or HOME NURSING (Jr. and Sr. Courses) Phone 668-4666 Evenings 725-4197 LUCIT WALL PAINT CANADA SOON AVAILABLE AT PATTE' PAINT AND WALLPAPER 85 Simeoe St. N. -- 725-3529 CALL NOW- FREE SH OSHAWA AREA PLEASE CALL NOW ae (25-8801 OP AT HOME SERVICE| Days, Nights, Weekends...24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE j OUT-OF-TOWN CALL COLLECT WITHIN 50 MILES HAMILTON 529-4136 TORONTO 767-2183 LONDON. 434-1891 ST. CATHARINES 684-9832 KITCHENER 744-0732 IM INDUSTRIES OF CANADA ¥ Ey BROADLOOM INDUSTRIES OF CANADA, ~ i 92 ARROW RD., WESTON, ONT. Name sccccccccvccsccosccseses eeseeccceveses City. . cocesce TOM oes twill be home= Day... cccccsose Phone Number. ...+cescccscessos WAREHOUSE: 92 ARROW AD, WESTON, ONTARIO