Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Feb 1965, p. 6

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(G THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 3, 1965 oe ® wet BE Be The highlight of the "At * Hone" held recently at the "Port Perry District High + School was the selection of Susan Roach of Manches- ter, left, as Queen and of Gale Forder of Port Perry, right, as Princess. The Queen was crowned by Bar- bara Holtby who held the QUEEN AND PRINCESS CHOSEN honor last year; while the Princess was crowned by Margaret Craighead, the 1964 Princess. More than 400 students, ex-students and teachers attended. -BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A Gaskatchewan man, Clifford Johnson, was remanded in cus- tody until Feb. 4, after being convicted of theft under $50. * Johnson, evidence showed, had stolen bedding, linen and other goods belonging to the Oshawa-~ Motel. Mrs. Margaret Siegel, wife of the owner of the .motel, testi- fied that after Johnson had left she noticed the articles missing from his room. Constable Pat Cornell, OPP, testified he had been patrolling the main street of Bowman- ville when he saw a car with Saskatchewan licence' plates. I ealled Constable H. Cook Stole Bedding From Area Motel his brother were sitting, he| said. "We went to the accused's house and found some of the stolen articles there." Failing to notify the Depart- ment of Transport of the sale of a motor vehicle cost a King ston car dealer $25 and costs. Mac Amey Motors Sales were convicted of the offence after a vehicle involved in an accident on Highway 35 and driven by another man was found to be registered in their name. Failing to have three lighted! lamps cost. James F. Trimble and Kenneth Langford each $5 and cost or three days in jail, Trimble had been stopped on tnd we-both went in to a res- taurant Where the accused and Highway 401 and one of his headlights was found to be miss- - gat $7 7>° THE MOST OUTSTAN seasationa! offer \Mafional Branded first = at the 65 sTY NO APPOINTMENT 17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 low prices. qroality the ONE LOW PRICE ~ $17.50. LES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO GHOOSE FROM Choose the bifocals that you went and only you need for YOUR special require- | trams. Select trom a wide assortment of frames, the one your taste, pecsonsiity eed facial contoer. King offers the Lowest Prices aed the Highest Quality at one low price. Won't you compere... . comparison proves. SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, $1195 GLASSES WITH SIMGLE VISIO LENSES....STLL OWLY 11 We fill oll PSI, Oculists, Optometrists | itl ntinit ine aa ind Histo Ory ing. Langford was also stopped on Highway 401 and both his tail-lights were out. On Wednesday, Jan. 27, The Oshawa Times carried a court story on page 8 that Howard Brooking, of Bowmanville, had been convicted on a charge of hit-and-run and was fined $150 and costs or 10 days in jail. This story was erroneous. Mr. Brook- ing had been fined $25 and costs for failing to file an income tax form for 1964, The Times wishes to apologize to Mr. Brooking for any embarrassment to him and deeply regrets this error. TOMB DISCOVERED AMMAN, Jordan (AP) -- An ancient Roman tomb carved out of rock was uncovered after re- cent floods at Karak, 80 miles south of the Jordanian capital of Amman. Jordan's. director of antiquities, Dr. Auni Dajany, said it contained pottery, instru- ments; and: coins. FEATURE EVENT DIRECTORY FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT PLEASURE IN TORONTO COMPLETE WITH FRAMES AND BIFOCAL LENSES KRYPTOK ULTEX Hey seed $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE COMPLETE WITH FRAMES og BIFOCAL RE yes ONLY 212 @ OFFER IM OPTICAL HISTORY complete with the frame of your expecially for 1965, Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily CLOSED ALL DAY WEBNESDAY Prescriptions ot some SO ; Feb. 13 - Mar. 14 ART GALLERY }Art in Engineering by the Ontario |Art Museum; also Cartoons" by |Duncan MacPherson G200 Jan. 20 - Feb. 6 Feb. 8 - Feb. 13 O'KEEFE CENTRE Boker Street Judy Garland @200 Jan. 22. Feb. 9 ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM Exhibition of Etruscan Vases GYM Jan, 25 - Feb. 20 ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE Dear Me the Sky Is Falling GRLCO February HOLLYWOOD THEATRE Mary Poppins Continuous Show from 1;30 p.m, @200 February UNIVERSITY THEATRE My Fair Lady Matiness - Wed., Sat., SERRE eR Re I LEE Sun. For economy end friendly service plan to stay et Toronto's LORD SIMCOE HOTEL ®@ conveniently located in the heart of downtown (et the sub- woy). Singles 6.50 to 10.50 Doubles 10.50 to 14.50 Free Overnight Parking LS THE LORD SIMCOE HOTEL KING AND UNIVERSITY | TEL: 362-1848 CLARKE HIGH Lollipops Defeat Killers 5-4 Score By LIZ KOZUB In a rip roaring action-packed huckey game, played at Clarke High School on Monday, Low- ry's Lallipops defeated Cole's Killers by a 5 to 4 score. Mr. Lowry's cigar is reported to have accounted for the Kil- lers disintegration. They could- n't see for all the smoke. (Mr. Lowry's goal - getters were: Garry Richardson with two goals; his second goal breaking the Killers 4-3 score. John Mather, also scored twé goals; his second goal broke the 4-4 tie. Earl Cobbledick was credited with one goal. For Mr. Cole's team it was: Doug Moffat, one; Wayne Mil- ler one and the ever-present Terry Graham with two. goals. MANGLERS WIN On Tuesday, Mr. Rutherford's Roughriders and Mr. MacMack- ins Manglers: met. The Mangl- ers won! On Wednesday, at our assem- bly, prizes were given for the Candid Camera Contest. The prizes were: first, a Beatles for Sale' album; second, the top two hits; third, two rolls of film, The first prize picture was of Mr. Lowry and was taken by Heather Best. The second prize picture was of Mrs. Butler and was taken by Sheila skill by getting four goals for! Clarke. Terry Walton and Terry Slater, Gunter Tschincel was the third prize winner. His pic- ture was of Ross Wannan, Congratulations to the win- ners and thanks to all those who entered pictures. If you would like any of your pictures put in the yearbook, please con- tact Grant Williams. John James of The States- man judged the pictures, In fact this is the third year he has judged them and we apprecaite it very much. CHURCHILL TRIBUTE At this assembly Mr. Wither- spoon gave us a talk, honoring the great Sir Winston Churchill, who recently passed away. We also saw a film concerning cere- bral palsy and many of the un- fortunate children who suffer from this disease, Thursday afternoon our offi- cial schoo! hockey team travell- ed to Millbrook, where a very exciting game was played. Our guys piayed a terrific game and, with inst a little more time, I'm sure they could have won. However, the game ended in a} 6-6 tie. . | Our faithful goal-getter, Peter McCullough, proved his hockey) Graham added the other two. I also have some _ honorable mentions and we couldn't have done without a single one of them. They are Bob Best, Garry Richardson, John Mather, Do Moffat, Dennis Rudman, Bob Call, Earl. Cobbledick, Ar- nold Wallace, Ron Best and our Charlie Reid, Mr. MacMackin coached and. encouraged the team through the game. TWO TEAMS LOSE Thursday afternoon also, our girls played basketball vs Bow- manville. Both our juniors and seniors lost to Bowmanville. Better luck next time girls. In boys' basketball in Osh- awa, on Thursday, our boys lost to St. Joseph's. Gordon Allin was the leading scorer eld Clarke. Thursday evening brought the| Camera Club sponsored film| "Rome Adventure', The Cam-| era Club thanks you for your support. It was decided by the Stu- dents'. Council that we would date for the Kentucky Derby order two ping-pong tables which would provide recreation) for the siudents at noon and at! 13.15, Friday, the Students' Council} also staged a sock-hop at 3.15) p.m. The students are respond-| ing to these very well and we plan to have many more in the future, Gibson Heads | Pack Invests ~ Health Unit | 5x New Cubs WHITBY -- At a recent Cub COBOURG -- Reeve L. Gib-|meeting. at St. Mark's United son of Millbrook was electedichurch, the Cubmaster of "B' chairman of the Northumber- looking forward to Feb, se ag of fine food, ; and a guest s: er, A, Maclver of the Romer Safety Association of Ontario. land and Durham Health Unit Pack, Bill Hay, invested six new at a meeting here Jan. 27. aa Wally' Peaaise: Other members of the board ley were: Wally Paddic! are: Reeve A. L. Blanchard,|Donald Cockburn, Garry Slee- Darlington Township; Reeve J. wan Brian Millar, Joe Mc- G. Honey, Cramahe Township; a and David Gartshore. At Deputy Reeve R. Porter, Man-|!@St Friday's meeting the assis- vers Township and Mrs, George|'#"t district commissioner, Bill Edwards, Cobourg, who is the|@Wler invested a new assistant} lieutenant - governor's represen-|© me gerd for "B"" Pack, How: tative, L. R. Griffiths, Co- rd Elliott. bourg, is secretary - treasurer "Final plans for Fourth Whit- of the unit. In accordance with regula-/and will be out for. an. indefin- tions under the Public Healthjite conn it was learned Tues- "AGE TAXI 723-5241 OSHAWA'S Newest Toxi Offering Sate, Courteous Servite Act, one. member is appointed 46 King St. W. Oshawa py the Lieutenant-Governor-in- Council. The other four mem- bers are appointed by the Counties Council. It is their re- SAVE $ $ ON sponsibility to see that the pro- visions of the Public Health Act and the regulations are carried) out, | AUTO INSURANCE SADAIR INJURED MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -- Sadair, world's biggest money - win- ning thoroughbred as a_ two- year-old, and promising candi- May 1, suffered a foot injury fell at DIAL TEAM BATH and MASSAGE mas-2400 pines 735-2109 668-8831 If you are an Abstainer you save up to $18.00 on your auto insurance. "JOHN RIEGER 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY ale STEINBERG CUT UP CHICKEN POULTRY SPECIALS! LEGS OR BREASTS =e LAMB SALE! LAM TOP QUALITY -NEW ZEALAND LAMB LEGS OF tb. CHICKEN WINGS =<" CHICKEN LIVERS = TOP QUALITY IMPORTED LAMB BASKET =o 23 CAPONS "<= PACKED-TENDER oe panne ty na semen me As Sanat et mm em cg EREE: | PLASTIC Png iene FIGURINE HEN YOU BUY TEINBERG FRESH BAKED STEAK PIES #07 ror PKG. OF 39 - ~aenereateeesor: = nmauatthantstin petentanetactephts tgtemmeveuteenme wtih cateegeennnr 1s penne CRACKERS 2:2. CRACKERS REG. 49¢ BA. A PKG. OF 15 with. prod PAGODA TEA BAGS: ott. AN 8% oz. PKG. OF EDUCATOR BEER CHASER F ¢ with oxrehate ofe SCOTCH 9% © CHASER FOR A 12 of. PKG. OF RALSTON REG. 33¢ EA. 5, CORN or RICE CHEX = pa A ott FREE 2-33: SAVE Ti¢ No Deposit No Return Bottle NEW from Cott DRY GINGER ALE 22210": convenience ! FOR $ FROZEN ICE ==... CREAM BROOKPARK FROZEN SAVE I1¢ Ave otfers you 7 special meat buys this week! STEINBERG FRESH CHERRY PIE MEA r 8 OZ. PKG. $ die PiES:; Ovi * Spd SHOPSY'S MINUTE MAID FROZEN STEINBERG FRESH ROAST BEEF 6 oz. TIN Denne TS] with ore a or Bor-B-Q sauce ped 1 00 Raspberry Gems A5e doz. INSTANT, CREAM-O 1G SZ. JAR SAVE 14¢ $939 TOMATO KETCHUP HUNT'S 11 OZ. BTL. COFFEE + ~4 ALLSWEET COLOURED 10: LIQUID STEINBER BLEACH 2 "39° 20 r. PEAS * ry 4.17 OF 188 OF RosteTIONS mroETED OTM ORAMBE VER OF GOLDEN 'common a8, ws ANTISEPTIC @ Shopping Pla @ Dundas Street @ Island Road ROUGE HILL OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TO 9 P.M, Ajex Store Only, Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to 9 p.m. >) MARGARINE rienced Standard SAVE 16¢ KIN OZ. TIN 8~' uni chops cowon women rea soses F ze AJAX WHITBY SURF oerexcenr G SIZE 40¢ OFF VALLEY FARMS FROZEN CHO cou BAS COUPON expines FER. 6/65 'with THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE a 42 OZ. 80x OF ERTED LONG GRAIN UNCLE mo | A Fee. 6/68 WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 3.48 OZ. TINS OF HUNT'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 3 10 $1.00 ¢ COUPON expines 6s 'With THIS ARP HRN Se ORTON'S FROZEN DINNERS BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY 4% SALISBURY STEAK,HAM °$) COUPON Expines rin.6/43° 7° 97: MORTON FROZEN 20 oz. 3ron $] MORTON FROZEN 11 oz. Salisbury Steak, Turkey Beef, Chicken, Ham 49¢ Meat Dinners Jresh! TOMATOES Peach Fruit Pies FLORIDA G wee 2 Re NO. 1 GRADE P.E.1 CANADA NO. 1 Grave Bf) ts. ¢9 9) POTATOES" HO)»%s $299 CALIFORNIA'S FINEST INEST SWEET ORANGES 'Met ox HG Green STEINBERG FRESH Cake Donuts FLORIDA GROWN LARGE Peppers} FOR 24 vx De ok D ron RC GOLDEN RIPE CABANITA BANANAS - 2s 296 WIN [31)G eas PhiIZleSteee LUCKY rial 1) \_Mon- Fi 1:00 to 1:30 p.m.on ees APPLE QUANTITIE ALL PRICES B.C. RED DELICIOUS GRADE MED. LARGE, txrra LARGE @©000000900000 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT FANCY Jeon Qe WITH THIS COUPON © AND PURCHASE OF Vinyl save ase. BABY PANTS REG, 25¢ EA. FOR 49: S$ NO DEALERS PLEASE EFFECTIVE FEB. 3,4,5,6 1968 ie ceitpng etree

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