Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Feb 1965, p. 2

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© Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 3, 1965 Eichmann Helper sets Five Years FRANKFURT (AP)--A West German war crimes court today sentenced Adolf Eichmann's top aide, Hermann Krumey, to five years at hard labor for com- plicity in the murder of at least 300,000 Hungarian Jews. His co-defendant, Otto Huns- che, was found not guilty of the same charges. After an often stormy trial that lasted more than nine months, Krumey was found guilty 'of participating in the 1944 deportation of 437,000 Hun garian Jews to the Auschwitz concentration camp where the majority of them were gassed. He was acquitted of a supple- mentary charge of extortion. Krumey, 60, former § § (Nazi elite corps) lieutenant - colonel and Eichmann's deputy, once offered to trade the Western al- lies 1,000,000 Hungarian Jews in return for 10,000 trucks. His of- fer was rejected. WILL APPEAL The prosecution said it would appeal. Krumey's defence law- yer said he, too, would prob- ably appeal, In an earlier trial, Hunsche had been sentenced to five years for complicity in the mur- der of 600 Hungarian Jews. He appealed and faces a new trial. The time that' Krumey has been confined since November, 1960, will be subtracted from his sentence. Hunsche also was arrested in| 1960. He earlier served two} years and three months for hav-| ing been a member of the Ges tapo. Eichmann, hanged in Israel in 1962, was to have been the main| defendant of the trial. But he| was captured, tried and exe- cuted by the Israelis. Joel Brand, the main Jewish| negotiator in Eichmann's lives-| for-trucks deal and a star wit-| ness at his trial in Jerusalem, collapsed while testifying at the; Krumey - Hunsche proceedings| EICHMANN'S MAN 'KRUMEY "SUN SHINES FOR QUEEN Queen Elizabeth II,wear- ing a wide-brimmed blue hat, shades her eyes against glaring Ethiopian sunshine as she chats with a guest Queen Visits 'Ethiopian Countryside ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) -- ot a garden party at the British embassy in Addis Ababa today. The queen is the first British monarch to a formal state visit to Ethiopi ja. --AP Wirephoto via radio from Addis Ababa "page a OB om of confidence on assy Britain's affairs About 300 workers in the motor WEATHER FORECAST TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts Cold Continues, And Sun Stays with a few cloudy periods to- pa sa as ae ae ae ar ae ae Tt WILSON WILL FORGE AHEAD NOW LONDON (Reuters)--The La- bor government was de- termined today to forge ahead al its policies after easily s *y fist 100 days in jovernment defeated an iseald ion motion of censure in 300 GE Workers Return To Jobs PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- and generator section of Cana- dian General Electrie Co: Limited here began to go to work Tuesday night follow. ing a dispute Monday that. re- sulted in a walkout'.and sub- sequent suspension of the work- ers. The men, members of Local 524 of the United Electrical Workers (Ind.), attended a membership meeting Tuesday afternoon. Part of the group was persuaded to return to work on the evening shift and the rest were to return today. Union - company negotiations concerning pay systems are continuing, the House of Commons by a aad of 306 to 289--a majority of The ng came after a rowdy debate in gry the deputy speaker | to. intervene time and again to call for order. Labor's narrow edge of three votes in the House was boosted by five vacant seats in "'safe" Conservative districts and by the abstention of the nine-man Liberal party. The Conservatives tried to bring down the government with a censure motion that said Prime Minister Wilson's first 100 days in office .were filled with 'hasty and ill-considered" y | decisions, URGED TO QUIT There was an uproar on the Labor side of the House when Opposition Chief Sir Alec Doug- las-Home called on the. govern- ment to quit, charging the so- cialists had broken "a litter of pl Douglas-Home declared: 'The honeymoon is over. If the gov- ernment had a shred of political integrity they ought to resign." But this was dwarfed in pan- demonium on the Conservative side when the last government speaker, Economics Minis- ter George Brown, accused the a Vote Of Confidence Heartens Laborites Tories of doing their best to sa- government efforts to re- store the country's economy. For about half a minute Brown and s - Home stood glaring each. other across the table dividing the House. Other protests from Conserv ative legislators held up Brown's speech for about three min- utes. At one point the chairman told the squabbling politicians "the House should be mindful of its reputation." The government majority also. was 17 again when the House voted for a Labor mo- tion deploring the previous re- gime's "irresponsibility" and pledging remedial measures to strengthen the economy. The bitter debate was the first major attack by the Con- servatives on the socialists since Labor gained power by a nar- row majority in the October gen- eral election. NEED... FUEL On ? PERRY Dey or Night 723-3443 BUEHLERS Sirloin, T-Bone | & Wing Steaks | Boneless Rump or 12 KING E. 723-3633 FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. OPEN DAILY 'TIL 6 P.M, leaminatetctiscaarmmiaaiaseredl [3 LEAN BACK 4Q:| SF SP ear 49 LEAN SLICED SIDE BACON 39: Round Steak Roast PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLLS SLICED BEEF LIVER 39: day and Thursday. Winds north- west 15, issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.™, est: Synopsis: Local snowsqualls and, considerable drifting will likely continue during the day today east of Lake Superior jand Lake Huron while ehse- where there will be some cloud- iness and scattered snowflur- ries. Temperatures will range from 10 to 15 in southern On-| Wingham tario and barely reach the gero| Hamilton nee degree mark in the north. Con-ist. Catharines.... tinuing cold and partly cloudy|Peterborough .... weather is indicated for Thurs- day. |Queen Elizabeth will make her first trip to the Ethiopian coun- tryside today when she visits cotton plantations at Tendahos, about 215 miles northeast of Ad- dis Ababa. | The Queen will fly to Tenda- \hos, where she will be joined by 3 tS tela Bi aig ls 4, Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Thursday: Windsor .. St. Thomas LONdON 6. ccccccces Kitchener ....++++ Mount Forest..... atiwtstet MONTREAL (CP) -- Meeting ines. SEASONED JITNEY BURGERS 2: en EXTRA SPECIAL! Fresh Killed Eviscorated cunmoucscooucon wy Naoououws ono ee there are still about a dozen} non-monetary items to be set- tled before financial questions The talks broke off about jmidnight and will resume to- day. Northern Lake Huron, South- jern Georgian Bay, Western Al- lgoma: Mainly cloudy with E |snowsqualls and blowing snow|Sault Ste M ° today and Thursday. Cold./North Bay........ Winds northwest 20 to 25. Sudbury Haliburton, Killaloe: Vari-|Muskoka .. able cloudiness with a few brief|Windsor ... snowflurries today, Mainlyj|London .... clear tonight and Thursday./Toronto . Cold. Winds becoming westerly|Trenton , 15. /Ottawa .. Northern Georgian Bay, Tim-! GOOD FOOD | He was charged with second- degree murder and released under $2,500 bond. FREEZER SPECIAL HINDQUARTERS = 91 lb FRESH MADE SAUSAGE MEAT 4 ] 00 GET 4 LBS. ANY ONE ITEM $1.00 4 lbs. Country Style Sausage 2 Ibs. Polish Sausage 3 lbs. Pork Hocks TENDER 79 LIVER Ib 5 ACON §Q SKINLESS WIENERS 2. 89" °. 1.89 Ends Cuts SIRLOIN TIP ROAST BONELESS RUMP ROAST 79:|. lb BLADE ROAST ., 41° CROSS CUT _.. 59° PRIME RIB, 79° Come Once and You Will Come Agein Personalized Service To Each Customer at NORTH END OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Mon., Tucs., Wed. & Sat., 8:30 to 6:09 Thurs. 8:30 to 8 and Fri. 8:30 to 9:00 and died a short time later, |Emperor Haile Selassie travel- jling aboard a separate aircraft. "behind closed doors into early|have been set. men, jaccompanied by Prince Philip, is Smorning, Montreal Roman Ca-| At issue in the negotiations is} The unions want the min-|Paying an eight-day state visit strike--in the form of "'study|the teachers' demands. Present/fers to create male - female| She was due to return to Ad- ; ( = sessions," since Quebec law.for-|minimum salary paid by the|parity by making $3,700 the|dis Ababa later to present the|Sunny with a few cloudy inter- North Bay. | vals and continuing cold today|Sudbury > "The Montreal Catholic} § 1 |the weekend. : z 1 hasn't ta | The stallion, named Robes-| Lake Erie, Southern Lake|Kapuskasing school board ¢ taken us se- Some Progress Reported | ipierre, counts the 1949 English/turon, Niagara, Eastern Lake|White River.. seurs Catholiques de Montreal, ; representing pea 7,000 French- Tonight, the Queen will give|flurries today and Thursday. Kingston '....+.+++ la state banquet in the empe-ifocally heavier sno w squalls teachers' aggressiveness." | oes | Mr. Nault was speaking to re-|been some progress in contract| onto and Woodstock. At a British Embassy garden| Western Lake Ontario, Tor-|Dawson ... George Burt, Canadian direc-jparty, where she met somelonto. Hamilton: Becoming|Victoria . : up to reject a union execu- ee that they sey-Ferguson Limited, a union|pe reached before the strike|white cap tried unsuccessfully to|cjoudy intervals. Cold. Winds} Winnipeg a } official said Tuesday night, but! qeadiine. lhand the monarch a letter. westerly 15 to 25. tions. The federation of Eng- lish - speaking Catholic Teach- th |Th ursday has been set by the|ing under terms of the old con- Pee ee eee | company's 6,200 employees atitract which expired Dec. 15. COOKSVILLE, Ont. 'CP)-- zi | Would you rather live in Pey- - are having a tough time de- HAD STRIKE BEFORE | ciding what to call themselves | e £ More recently, teachers in Que- Sh k K ll Council asked for sugges- |comin i 5 : sige : Fads es : 9 g mainly sunny this} bec's Eastern Townships. spent) OC noxvl e | tions. Little did they realize |atornoon. Variable cloudiness and a current teachers' walk-| KNOXVILLE, Tenn .(AP)--| Truck driver William Douglas have been proposed. One resi- |the day, Cold. Winds northwest| Uatsaayd giagog dent listed 46 different sug- |15 es if | DINNER 5:30 te 8 P.M. Scept teacher demands. Others three, persons after a raging|mean to shoot but that "they a" are still holding out. An advis-|Snowball fight by University of|kept throwing snow in my eyes| ' ; 7 : oala to HibtOwn, fed Ook [one with a 'ew snowflurries H mg Jy Mir Plots m lovernight. Mainly sunny Thurs- OTEL LANCASTER . galize teacl teacher s strikes. a recurrence, Several students -denied that , i balased oe " . 27 King St. W., Oshewe ------ Freshman Marncll Goodman,jany gang threatened Willett. | He eee ei Baal delio' wie al a FOODMARKET © VANCOUVER (CP) -- Union|Tuesday at a Gases: arte e Mine Disaster "pickets were set up around Pa-|where he had gone for treat- 'early foday as 200 trainmen| The wife of Roland Lawson, "went on strike to back their de-|58, Knoxville, who died of a heart attack seconds after his|!ent pre-dawn explosion ripped | car was showered by snow- |through a huge coal mine near 7 e Continues -- Teachers | The British monarch, who ar- 'tholic teachers have stuck toja $1,000,000 gap between the|imum made $4,000 for both men|to Ethiopia, Africa's oldest bids teachers to strike--to back|board to beginning teachers is}minimum for both. jemperor with a chestnut stal- and Thursday. Winds northwest/Earlton .... said Aime Na s- Nie, Profe Derby winner Nimbus among|Ontario, London: Variable|Moosonee eaking Catholic teachers In 'Ferguson-UA Talks | Observed T at : jror's honor at the British Em-lalong the lake shores. Cold. erved Temperatures rs at 2 a.m. today follow-/negotiations between the United i tor.of the UAW, said hope is|2,000 Commonwealth guestsS|mainly sunny this afternoon.|Edmonton hold off on strike action in ers, with a membership one raised, Workers at the Massey-Fer- strike in Montreal. would send| | tan" Place. oF Ookpik? Resi- + French - speaking teachers after applying for incorpora- | a month in "study sessions," what they'd get, with a few snowflurries tonight out in suburbs of Quebec City|Community leaders stunned by|Willett Jr., 27, Greeneville,| gestions. Names ranged from FULLY LICENSED bory committee recently urged| |Tennessee students have calledjand I fired a shot to scare the| 18, Swampscott, Mass., was} 200 Trainmen driver after students pelted his| 909 Simcoe St. N. 728-3361 'cific Great Eastern Railway|ment of ear injuries suffered Toll Now (i "mands in a contract dispute balls, blamed his death on the|this city Tuesday, killing 21) men No prospective strike. dates|$3,700 for women and $4,000 for|tived in Addis Ababa Monday "their decision to resort to a|board's pay increase offer and|and women, while the board of-|Christian country. : Lake St. Clair, Windsor:|Muskoka = their pay demands. jlion flown from Britain during . ", 15 to 20. Sault Ste. Marie.. riously,"" ident of L'Alliance de Profes- " his ancestors. cloudiness with a few .snow-}. t's what's caused the | TORONTO (CP)There has|five plants at Brantford, Tor-|bassy. |Winds westerly 15 to 25. Low are high Tuesday: a show-of-hands vote by his : y Auto Workers (CLC) and Mas-|stij1 high that a settlement can|Tuesday, a man in a_ beaded Thursday sunny with a few|Regina *hopes of progress in negotia- about 1,000, took a similar vote| A strike deadline of 2 p.m.|guson plants have been work- IN ONTARIO? some 205,000 pupils home from| 'Sn owk all' De tl S dents of Toronto Township struck in Montreal in 1945. tion as a town lagami, Eastern Algoma: Be-| | , EB ! : | . g BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH So far 700 different names |ang Thursday, clearing later in has caused one locality to ac-|the edaths of two, and possibly,|Tenn., told police he didn't} . oe F i ' . uae Lady Bird to Moses, from White River: Variable cloud DINING ROOM GRADE "A" LARGE 'the Quebec government to le- ifor strict measures to preventigang as they closed in on me.' shot fatally by an irate truck |vehicle with icy snowballs, : Strike In BC | Another trucker, ba os Lee) ¢ \Yow, 55, Albemarle, died Phone Orders Accepted "sproperties in British Columbia/when hit by a snowball LENS, France (AP)--A_ vio-| swith the government - owned affair. Mine. It is B.C.'s only north- "south railway. Immigration Figures Rise OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada re-| ceived 112,606 immigrants last year, biggest annual tota) since 124,851 arrived in 1958, the im- migration department announc- sed Tuesday. * The figure was up 19,455 from 1963 but stili well down [he 1st, a | war peak of 282,164 set in 1957.) ' Immigration Minister Trem-| blay said that 59 per cent of| immigrants who entered the la-| 'bor force were in the more skilled categories. geese Egy lh data "qmade up the est, .group again in 1964 ef 20,279, compare with be ea the previous year. immigrant source was Italy, at 19,297 and third) the United States, 12,565, In 1963 Italy provided 14,427 im- pc" to Canada and the U. S.| "There is no doubt about the| The victims were part of a |deaths of Goodman an Yow,"|$mall off -hours maintenance) jsaid Police Chie' French Har-|and security crew. A few hours ris. "I can't say about Mr. Law-| jlater about 1,200 miners would |son's death but I think his wife|have been at work in the mine. |has every right to blame it on} The explosion brought down \what happened out there near|timbers and caused slides at \the university." jthe 2,200-foot level. The university threatened dis-| The cause of the blast of fire- ciplinary attion against students|\damp wads a mystery, Officials involved in any future snowball|said equipment in the mine de- incidents, and Harris said fu-|tected the presence of the gas) ture incidents would result in|but not in proportions consid- mass" arrests ered ee a Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa And District BABY CUBE STEAKS BABY BEEF LIVER SHORT RIBS _. 45° POT ROAST. 39° HAMBURGER BEEF PATTIES We 80 uw. 39° Why Pay raha chs by the Piece 12 KING ST. E. 6-LE. BOX 723-363? Avg. 50 Patties

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