MOOSE STILL THERE -- BUT THEY'VE MOVED? Where have the moose in Newfoundland gone? This is a bone of contention be- tween hunters and officials. Government officials say that moose are still plentiful on the island, only further back in the bush. Wildlife Chief Harry Walters says most hunters expect to get their animals on the sides of roads. But guides say a government moose depopu- lation program in 1960 got out of hand and resulted in the elimination of too many. --(CP Photo) GORDON BROOKLIN Brooklin Senior; party i? ems its aeenel meeting on Monday a the Brooklin arena, in" the chief business of the meeting being the election of the offi- cers and executive, for the 1965); season. ' Wm. Vipond was re-elected! president for his fourth term, by acclamation. Art Bradley, -- was elected vice-president, has served on the executive in pre- vious years. Cliff Gordon and Secrelary is the treasurer is Luther Vipond, |while the executive eommittee Mann Cup Finalists Elect 1965 Executive is comprised of of Walt Haines, Spee McLellan, "Chuck" Rich- ardson, Don Vipond, Jerry Gray, Lionel Baker and OLA lifeemember Gene Dopp. The 1965 officers and execu- tive have called their first meet- ng for next Monday evening, at ied Brooklin Arena, when will be formulated for the com- ing season. Brooklin's Senior! high of success, all the way te The Mann Cup|#24 finals, losing out in their bid for the Canadian championship, in the final seventh game. COF LEAGUE In the charmed circle, eongratuaton| hea go to ~ Stata this week, for 728 (233, 214, 281 oat rats tae Robinson 1c. Low: oon. 293, 2203 Frances Eg ai (as, ci Erode prt (206, 205, 229); Molly Hi 621 (258) and ioe O'Reill git (a7), 200 rs 263, ingles Bob Spiei Art Peeling 260, EV. State 258, Lucy Peeling 253, Dorothy Elliott 239, Boyce Blair 235, Bob Gibbs Bob Dart 221, Gloria Robinson 214, Png Dawson 212, 200, Allan Masters 206, Don Aide a. Stee Tip- pett 202 and Neil Gifford 20 Points eaken-- Suds 3, misitts 0; Peps 2. ae Appa Nomads 1; Bamps 2 Blows 1 Ci ratulations fo "The Peps," Norm oO' Rellly. Lucy Peeling, Neil Gifford, Joan Dart, June Davey and Stewart Tip- pett, for total points for the second sec- tion. Nomads, Robinson, with Marilyn Gibbs, Don Boyce tf Ross. Fulling, CANADA OUTDOORS Hunting Fatalities Slightly Up In 1964 By JOHN LeBLANC Canadian Press Staff Writer Despite widespread intensifi- cation of hunting-safety meas- ures, fatalities among Canadian hunters crept upward in 1964 from the low figure for modern times of the year before. A compilation by The Cana- dian Press in a -Canada| Survey shows 55 accidental shooting deaths among hunts- men, slightly over the 53 of 1963 though far under the recent rec- ord of 94 in 1960. It was a spotty year around the country. Prince Edward Is- land had no deaths, for the 'second straight year, and Mani- toba had only one, also for the second time in a row. But Saskatchewan and British Co- jumbia each equalled their top marks of nine, and each had four more than 1963. Quebec's death toll by nine. Ontario, though it had hy highest provincial total with 4, dropped one from 1963 and hea les than half its 1960 figure The totals by Provinces, with 1963 figures in brackets Newfoundland, 1 (3): Nova -- 5 (2); New Brenevit, 3 (2); Prince Edward Island, 0 (0); Quebec, 10 (19); Ontario, 14 (15); Manitoba, 1 (1); Sask- atchewan, 9 (5); Alberta, 3 (1); British Columbia, 9 (5). There were no new departures fn safety measures during the 'Motor City' In 7th Spot The Oshawa "Motor City" team moved into sole posses- sion of seventh place in the 16- team Toronto C: ny ee §-Pin League, on Saturday, by taking a 3-2 decision from the Manu- facturers Life Insurance team. Motor City rolled a five-game total of 6288 for three points, compared to 6107 and two points + for the losers. The results * moved Motor City to within four points of the last playoff berth currently held by Bayview Bowl. Motor City lost the first two es 1452 to 1348 and 1304 to $23, before coming back in fine fashion to win the last three games, 1238 to 1116, 1188 to 1058 and 1291 to 1177. Saturday's action took place at Aprile Lanes and once again Harold Ballem was the only - 'member of the team to go the . full five - game distance, He bowled a five-game total of 1274 ' made up of games of 278, 206, _ 271, 210 and 309. ane Himes bowled extremely ; in relief, and picked up 477 7 pins in 17 frames. John Trott also emerged from his slump and picked up 1108 for 43 frames which included games of 304, 263 and 268. Other scores for Motor City were as follows: Al Perry 1136 for 46 (262, 287, 244); Si Rizun 1186 for 45 (287, 263, 311); Ron Swartz 883 for 39 log! Pye and Orval Brown 22% for 10 frames. Walt Prudence wat high man for the losers, with 1305 for : 47 frames, followed by _ Bill Jackson 1116 for 43 and Al Rich- ardson 991 for 39, which in- cluded a fine 384 game, mainly a for winning the sec- ond P petunia', Motor City Th travels to Bowlerama, to take on Ace Bowl, who are currently only three points behind Motor' City in the standings. A. E. JOHNSON, 0.0. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 dro; ped! was year, except that Nova Scotia adopted legislation making it mandatory for all hunters to carry basic survival gear in a waterproof container. Alberta t into effect the hunter train- program now common in most of the provinces and qual- ified 195 instructors who trained more than 500 students. Other provinces pushed ahead with existing programs. Quebec and Ontario, particularly, cred- ited the safety training projects of the last several years with holding down their fatal shoot- ings. The bag of game varied from area to area but appeared gen- erally satisfactory, though there were few statistics on kills. The Ontario lands and forests de- partment reported a "banner" for hunters, particularly r and deer. The moose hunt by rain and snow. Bird hunting in the prov- ince was good, with duck bags reported up to excellent. Quebec kept a count on moose and reported 7,435 killed--al- most double the previous year's figure. There was an open sea- son on females and young, to help balance the herds. GOOD B.C. BAG On the west coast, British 'Columbia's moose kill was indi- cated as up 10 per cent; deer vd fractionally, and mountain sheep and goat, grizzly bear and caribou about the same as last year or slightly lower. The waterfowl season looked "'fairly good," and the grouse kill ap- parently was edging upward after a cyclical decline. In Alberta, there were no fig- ures on big game hunting but Dorothy had total pins. Standings are -- Peps 20 (26, 218); Sud: a 24,824) 3 Nanecs 13 (25,124)3 Duds 1 Ya' s 13 (24,950); Misfits 6 (20,357 vay LEAGUE Group 1 -- G.B. 3, Home Appilances 1; Tumey's 3, Clint's Texaco 1; Meads 3, Goch 1;_ Bank's Flooring 2 Acadian Cleaners 2. Group 2? -- Durno's 4, Johansens Martin Esso 3, Foley's 1; Russ Service 3, Esso Service Centre 1; Local 3, Houdaille 1. roup 3 -- Town - Country 4, Bosco's 0; the upland bird bag was slightly improved and the duck harvest was slightly down. There was an abundance of pheasants but hunting conditions were not good. Wildlife officials in Saskat- ing "generally successful" and the best year ever for pheasant and hungarian partridge, with pheasants described as perb." The year also was one of the best for geese, though lack of water in sloughs cutlior down the duck-shooting areas. in some years a "bucks only" the province's south, where most hunting is done. Officials said the season came up to expectations. Reports on the moose season from Nov. 27 to Dec. 31 said severe weather made shooting difficult and the kill was believed gd than chewan report big-game_ hunt-|F' the deer shoot excellent. It was|s. " SU-/ 799, In Manitoba, for the first time phe De law for deer was in effect in r Giilerd's 3, bg 's 1; Canadian Corps 3, Al's Bi-Rite 1 Cleaners 2, Tony's 2. Group 1 -- Clint's @-41, Goch 8-39, Tumey's 7-46, G. and B. 7-30, Mead's 7-32, » Home Appliances 420, oup 's 11-42, Russ' 9-96, Esso Centre 7-24, Martin's 633, Local 2784 6-38, Foley's 5-24, Johansen's 332, Houdaille 1-41. rebate 3 -- Tony's 9-37, Scugog 8-40, Berge's 8-32, Town-Country 8-38, Al's BI Rite rea all a 5-21, Canadian Corps -- K, Johnson 834 (306) 1 | 208 . Love 705 ey Cernicol 701, V. Conlin < 695, A. Hruska 693, R. iregor F, yt gi 686, D. Tilk 'as (304), A. Tay- Ferguson 577, C. c mecabe 673, P, vo 672, H. Ki jeauchemin 670, C. Rout 662, J Me 61, G. McKnight Duffield 617, J. Holden 617, 616, W. Morrison 608, K. S 608, Veenhot 605, Carey 03, R Sore faced D. Stovin 'st and re, MeDermai OSHAWA MEN'S MAJO! Sabors hela on io top og In the usual. The d was only fair, and some of the duck migration byt the in a tie Treats remai spot beating § 'their after more popular areas and re- duced the bag. Indications from deer and bird hunters in New Brunswick are that the season was as suc- cessful as the previous year. A six-day moose total was at least 298 and not all reports are in. The kill in a similarly brief 1963 season was 296. The open sea- sons on moose started in 1960 after a ban since 1937. Nova Scotia's deer kill is ex- pected to pass the 20,000 mark, compared with 19,000 a year earlier. It works out at about one for every two hunters. Prince Edward Island, with no big-game hunting, reports continuance of a 10-year decline needed -- for upland gunning. Officials feel this likely indi- cates a drop-off in the popula- tion of partridge and pheasant, though kill statistics are not kept. Newfoundland officials report an apparent decline in the num- Ber of hunters and slight fall-off in big-game kills. The island for the first time had an open sea- son on moose--30 days in the Avalon Peninsula--and there were 50 kills. There were no estimate on bird bags. Heather Collins : 25,088); Jem Bamps % Seay) Blows 10 (24,800) and mer K 0; | (263) city 6 en W '|Shorts 6, Dizzy Dyngs ISOM) Refuses 5. Carey 675, -- 8. Coleshaw 607, roup y taking 8 2-1 Win) ¢, from 'sivwekern while Hicks and Dutch ined for second | ys in non-resident and urban resi- dent licences -- the only kind OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS by thei alive. sr hopes all @ contest byl ba and the two > et helped to club In a tie 4 first a with in New comers who gained Rockets, Don Reld sterred for New comers. Lucky Strike Just managed @ 2-1 vic- ix and It's rumored that Ollers. led by another P Reid clean, picked up 6'2-1 win over Ollers. Standing, Group 1 -- Sabers 7, Treats 6, Hicks 6 jonseas 5, Ji bgp inid 4, Goofers 2 and Oldt! Group 2 -- Sluggérs 7, Newcomers Lucky Strike 6, Beftles 4, Ollers 3, toy Six 3, Strikers 3 and Rockets 3. Individus! High scores A) tad Dutch Lugtenburg 892 tan a: Gavas 657 (343); Bob 821; Hank Brown 805 (346); tee i iiyren 793 on Jay 774; rest 754; Lioyd Sabins 752 (303); Red Merdle 744; Harold Creamer 743; sohn VanDyk 738; peed Bell 738) Gord Brown 732; Pal- 728; D. Reynolds 725; Hill 1 Roy Nesbitt AE Henk genre sky 712 and Ron Swartz 708. Group 2 -- Wes Shae Fy (310, ef 778 (300); Klapow 728 Don Reid 290); A. Reid 7423 Bua Kernp 715; Earl Jordan 710 a Joe Ristich 708 (285); C. Mowers 703 (276); Taylor 704 Sonny (288); H. Gar. ness 692; Bil Galbraith batt ; er: Dutch me F. General S75; Jim White 668 Attention -- All team captains are urged to remind ". bowlers that no bowing off will authorization Is teenie from the Secre- tery or President or Treasurer. without such authorizetion, will recognized. net BLECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 200 Games -- Jean Cook 270, Sutherland 262, Shella Jukes 259, rrott 248, Ed , 21% Dan be 219, --_ 218, Jane Thertell 217, Jack Strank ne Gerri cane 208, Leo , Deane Fry 204 end & Gert Markalous (263) Blow Outs 1 0, FRIDAY NIGHT gta gg FO Points Taken -- Motor High 7 Triples -- P. Skidmore 781 (24) apt R, Poole 238); art 'M. Smith 230, H.C oe i a Pell are ee re 218, 209; G. i, Bo rioher Goa a. Blement "~ 'aa Le &. Leiistus TOWN AND COUNTRY LEAGUE High Triples -- Sleanor Vall 661 (278, 207). Audrey Hi Barb git 618 (283), (227, 215), Elizabeth (219), at ay Brain 567, Betty G 565 (203), Jan Cosburn Legere 'si (208), Betty Vi $48 (255), Irene Srabin and Shirley Milne pA nd wen Weodcock Rite Pri Phinney 97, pig Byman 86 and Blanche Szekeres 40. 3, Homes by Harrison 07 Quality Fuels 3, Genosha '650, Yoo vaest Geeen 3, Acadian 0; Westmount ~| 303, 217)3 709 (228, 707 (286, 268, Pi A. Vatitencourt Gow 686 (247, 162, 277)7 Le 227); W. Helmiche '622, rp 483 (250, 206, 6n, F. Key 618, W. be 680 tit, 276, 210); C. B. Maeson y 508. Fh Me ye --- Mary DePratto 205, June bog weno oe ne Drinkie 200. Team standings -- Liiles 9, Violets 9, Pansies 7, Asters 4, Tulips 4 and Daises 3. HOCKEY IN MEXICO MONTREAL (CP) -- Bull- plans) vould meet. oo oy ' ote oa girls-- a couple Ca bo gr Bilboa of Toronto Carolyn Hayward of St. John's, Nfld. -- have become bullfighters in Mexico. But who would have thought the Mexicans, with their sub- tropical climate, would ever embrace hockey? Implausable as it may seem, the game was introduced in Mexico City a few years ago by Canadians living there. And now it's played on two rinks by 17 teams -- a five-team senior elleague and a 12-team junior from| circuit. Having established a beach- head, Mexico's organizers now are anxious to refine their game by learning from the ex- perts. They settled on Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League. Last fall, Jamie Roberts, sec- retary of the Mexico City Hockey Association, wrote to Canadiens appealing for assist- ance. Canadiens invited him to Young Star Getting Tips From Canadiens} City, Robert's 17-year-old son Chacho, who learned to skate At home, Chacho plays for a team called Canadiens although it wears blue uniforms pat- terned after those of Toronto Maple Leafs there aren't enough rinks for all the players," he said in precise English. His grand- father was a Canadian but his father was born in Mexico. "He's a good lad," Bowman . "He has a lot to learn but if it's possible to judge by his interest and all the ques- tions he asks, he'll learn quickly."" ;jeral 'days observing the team in operation. And Montreal as- signed Scotty Bowman, coach erjof the Junior Canadiens, to con- duct hockey schools next sum- mer in Mexico City, at Cana- diens expense. Meanwhile, back in Mexico' Montreal where he spent sev: COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa a 728-7515 Insurance Res: 725-2802 or 725-7413 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 3, 1965 5 caret 8 sh Chacho is eager BAD BOY see SELLS FOR LESS /| FREEZERS -21CU.FT. | § Year Guarantee mode by Beaty Free $198 3-WAY HOME p THEATRE FM/AM _ Radio, Changer, 23" nv on in one ay Free Logis Service aa 23" BIG -- 7 , Hand wired circuit, full power trons- = | 8 B8 former.. Up-front tuning, AGC P tg Swin-out chassis, praca Fidelity tone audio system. W' WE ARE OPEN al NIGHT wines Lik 9:30 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE . Everybody Knows the Place--Bad Boy--King St. E. 728-4658-4659 permitted, uniess Scores be cLUB Ross Bul gr Ing 234, Diane Charuk 2: Saintes Stainton 221, Flo Strenk 221, petty Corbett 208, Se eltend i. arb Holland -| 600 Games -- Bi Corbett (244, 202, 226) or Sam Stainton Mwy ~ 201) 641. end Total Points -- promt Ww Fe ob gg O's efilis 6 and i' Elmhurst 203, 290 206. Laagee = MecArdie 8 end lancourt rn 631 (276), Helen Eccles 597 (219), Jay Shewring 575 scott 564 (246), Jackie 'erge 356, Blanche. Szekeres 551 (278), Maddy by st4 5332, Dona coe 529 (215, 205), Isobel Bigiin 510 Gana) coven 108 ANYTIME GOOD FOOD TIME Lunch with busi ness associates, Sunday breakfast with the fami- ly, late evening s ling ora movie... is the right time nacks after cur- yes, anytime for good food. And, anytime is the right time te visit The 1867 Restaurant. Our good food, friendly sta and typically Canadian atmos- phere will bring you back to see us many times. MacDenald-Cartier eg at Interchange 7 (Courtice Read) TELEPHONE 725-823 7. 7. 8. 0x1 8. UP TO Assorted Sizes @ Some Whitewalls DOMINION TIRE STORES RAND X TIRE SALE These are first line, original tires that have been taken off new cars and ION ROYAL TIRES. 75xl 75xl 00x1 List Price 30.40. Tubeless Blackwall, Tubeless. Blackwall, All Prices Include Mounting (Equivalent to 7.50x14) Tubeless Blackwall SALE (Equivalent to 6.70x15) Tubeless Whitewall Uist Price 33.45. SALE List Price 34.10. SALE .......sseeeeceees List Price 26.20, SALE .............-005 (Equivalent to 7.10x15) Tubeless Blackwall List Price 34.10. SALE exchanged for DOMIN- 0% OFF! 45.20 16.75 17.05 13.10 17.05 beeeeeee @ All Prices Plus Your Recappable Trade CHARGE IT AT DOMINION INSTANT CREDIT $i DOWN $i WEEKLY DOMINION TIRE STORES BETTER QUALITY SERVICE GUARANTEED BY DOMINION RUBBER AND COMPANY LIMITED FREE PARKING ! 48 BOND WEST (Corner of Church) 725-6511