| | BEAUTIFUL NEW | Hl) PLANT You BOUGHT af TODAY, $0 IT Neg WiLL GROW , 3) { SETTER BUT Pr wil NEVE] GROW BACK--- | 1 T'S } HL ARTIFICIAL PLANT | By SS co © King Features Syadicare, fee, 1965. World righ = os = ENED 'To THE | LIVE apg ' WAP || i. MARRY ONSANITARY ONEDDICATED US ? OUR CROWD |S -5°B/?. READY TO MARRY-uGH!- YOUR CROWD! -- IT DOESN'T MATTER TO US WHO GETS WHO/? LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY OF I KNOWL PUT IT DOWN $0) MEPLACE THE HOUSE? g H| SHE WANTS ME TO GONNA BE AROUND Do Ir! : TARNATION! THAT'S EXACTLY THE SAME THING IT STARTED DOIN' YESTERDAY // | © King Faatarse Syndicate. Inc. 1965. Wadd rights tmerved VECRET AGENT X93 NOW, IF I ONLY HAD SOMETHING "TO SELL! JULIET JONES PATRIK BURNS AND H/S BROTHER FARMING NEAR MINNEDOSA MANITOBA, BUT «+ WHEAT- 'M TIRED OF PUSHING A PLOUGH. | HAVE A eee THAT JUST MIGHT WORK. DOES WORK! HE BUILDS UP. 8 (CEN OES NO eee, RING THEM IN CARAVANS MOVING WEST PROM LA THE OSHAWA TIMES, | Tuesday, February 2, 1965 | 17. BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) East dealer. Both sides vulnerable, THE LONE RANGER AS THE LONE RANGER AND TONTO HIDE OUTSIDE, HUNTING WOLF STRIDES INTO THE SACRED oid Sense meme reatures Sywitionte. ine 196. A MAN JUST BOARDED THIS TRAINS 2--Butfalo 3--Barrie 4--Buttalo 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo Channel &--Rochester Channel 9%--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton ceeecememnnmnnemst mn Channel Channel Channel Cnannel Weather 9--Metro F 6--Viewpoini TUESDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M. li--Family Theatre 9--Five O'Clock Matinee 2 9--Pierre B @ King Fentarse Syulcate, ben, 1968. World ghts nmerved. pyex INSTANTLY, SHARKS ARE TEARING AT THE PACKAGE AND THRASHING WILDLY IN THE WATER BELOW, saan aM yeeany YOU'RE RIGHT, LAREDO..... EVEN IF | SHE POES MEET JOE MAXROY, roeee TS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS, MICKEY MOUSE GOOW at Se VViCL\: 4 if of 2 Xi] J i War ins Pradestone be NZ World Rights Reserved 7 'man r $3--Fireball XL--S 8-2--Tonight 2--Woody Woodpecker 5:30 P.M. @--Leave It To Beaver 6--Music Hop 3--Aquanauts 2--Tales of Wells Fargo; 6:00 P.M, 7--News Central 6--Generation 2--Today, 1965 6:15 PLM, 4~Headiine News Chuck Healy 6:30 P.M, 11-9-6-4--News ; Weather. Sports 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley News 7--Maverick 6--Across Canada 6:45 PLM. |. _. Daddy N--Family Theatre 6-3--School 7:00 P.M. a -News %The Littlest Hobo 10:30 6--News, Weather, Sports 4--Car 54, Where You? 3--Candid Camera 2--The Detectives 7:30 P.M. N-Shindig Let's Sing Out 8-2--Mr. Novak 7--Combat 6-On The Scene 4--Many Happy Returns 3---Wendy and Me 8:00 P.M. W--Special Movie 9--Petticoat Junction 63--Jack Benny Show 4--Joey Bishop Show 8:30 P.M. %--Red Skelton 2--The Man From U.N.C.L.E, 8:00 11---Schnitzel 9--News: 4--Captain 8:30 9--Romper 9:00 9--Playtime 4--Mikes © 2--Movie 9:30 | 6--Musical 9--Bingo 8-2---Whal's 7--Trallmast Are 11:00 11~-Searlet H 9--James Bi 4--Andy of 11s 19:30 Hi--Albert J 9--Toronto 8-2--Jeopard 7--Price ts 4-The McC 12:00 7--McHale's Navy 4-3.-Danny Kaye Show " 4--Red Skelton Hour. 9:00 P.M, 6~Elwood 9:30 PLM, 9--The Virginian $-2--TW--3 7--Peyton Place 6-3--Front Page Challenge 4--Petticoat Junctiion 10:00 P.M. li--That Regis Philbin 8-2--Bell Telephone Hour 7--the Fugitive $-3--News Magazine 1:00 4--Doctors and Nurses 12:30 }9--1 Love b 7--Father K 4--Search f 3--Noon-day 12:45 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 11:18 P.M, 11:20 P.M, 7-4--Late Show 6--Night Metre 11:30. P.M, 11--Wrestling 6--International. Cinema 3--Man of the World WEDNESDAY 7--Dialing for Dollars: Girl Talk Ed Allen , 10:00 A.M, 4:00 11--Super Bingo §-2--Make Room 6-3--Across Canada 4--Presidential Parade §-2---Concentration 6-3--Friendly Giant $-3---Chez Helene 6-3--Butternut Square §-2-Say When 7--Donna Reed 4--News and Weather 3--Popeye and Pais 7--Tycoon 12:15 P.M, 4--9peaker of the House | 8&2--Truth or Consequences 4--Guiding Light N--Lucky Score TELEVISION LOG 9--Decernmer Bride 8--Matinee 7--Aftternoon Show 6-3--Movie Matinee 4--Meet The Millers 2--Mike Douglas Show inal 1:30 P.M. Ul 1l--Mid-Day Matinee 9--Millionaire 4--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 9--Abracadabra 4--Password 2--Loretta Young and Sports ap hind 2:30 P.M. 9--Four of A Kind 8-2--The Doctors 7--Day in Court 6~Loretta Young 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo AM. House Miss Helen 3:00 P.M. 9--People in Conflict 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 63--Moment of Truth 4--To Tell' The Truth 3:30 P.M. ll--Funny Company 9--its Your Move 8-2---You Don't Say 7--The Young Marrieds 63--Take Thirty 4--Edge of Night PLM. 11---Lloyd Thaxton 9--Mickey Mouse Club $--The Match Game 7--Flame tn The Wind 63~As The World Turns 4--Secret Storm 2--Captain Bob 4:30 P.M, 9--Sea Hunt 7--Early Show 63--Razzie Dazzle 4--The 4-Thirty Show WBRONESDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M, ll--Family Theatre -- 9--Five O'Clock Movie &--Superman 6-3--Forest Rangers 2--Peter Potamus 5:30 P.M, 8--Leave it To Beaver AM 6-3--Music Hop Steed 3--National Velvet Today 2--Tales of Wells Farge ly 6:00 PLM, Right 7--News Central 6--Live and Learn 3--Provincial Affairs 2--Today, 1965 6:15 P.M. Kangaroo A.M. Room A.M, with Bobby 'arnival A.M, Interlude For Telecasts A.M, 1]---Father. Knows Best This Song er A.M, Wi eard Show Mayberry A.M, oys NOON 4--Headline News Glover 3--T.V, Derby 6:30 PLM, 11-9-4-3--News; Weather and Sport: 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley P.M. News ucy 7--Cheyenne 6--Across Canada nows Best lor ~fomorrow Report P.M, 6:45 PLM, 1l--Family Theatre-- 7:00 P.M. N--Gilligans Island 9--The Farmers Daughter. 8--Richard Diamond 7-6--News, Weather, Sports P.M. YOUR HEALTH KIDS ARE DIFFERENT NOWADAYS... THEY USED TO JUST STOP BY AFTER SCHOOL BUT NOW MANY OF 'EM TELEPHONE IN ADVANCE TO CHECK IF I HAVE PLENTY OF COOKIES) ON HAND TO MAKE SURE AVISIT 1S WORTH WHILE MUGGS AND SKEETER RIDING... -- WELL, IF I COULDN'T GO SLEIGH RIPING TODAY, I CERTAINLY Of Suppository Rv JOSEPH MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Please write about infant suppositories, which I have used a few times with my two-year-old. 1, I thought they were sup- posed to melt or dissolve. They don't. They come out in the potty. 2. I thought they were pain- less, He cries. Why? 3. I thought they brought. in-| action. They don't; He sometimcs moves 15 or 20 min- utes later. Is this natural?-- MRS. K. 5. You aie worrying for no rea- son. and I'll explain why. First: Most suppositories havé a cocoa butter or glycerine base. They will soften and melt eventually But if they are ex- peiied before that they will ap- pear undissolved. Second: They don't hurt, But a baby may protest (by crying) over a fuss that he doesn't un- derstand He may be slightly} Stat uncomfortable. Explanations Given Use Third: Suppositories are not intended to cause instant action. They aren't an irritant. They are a lubricant, and are very helpful in giving a gentle hint to Nature as to when to act-- that is why.they can be valuable when properly and moderately used, in helping a child to de- velop whatever his normal bowel rhythm is going to be. You aren't: (or shouldn't be) trying to force the child's colon to move at any given instant. Likewise you will retard and confuse his normal development if you give suppositories at dif- ferent times of day. The idea is to encourage him gently into developing regularity. Dear Dr. Molner: M. P, was asking about exercises that would help paralysis caused by a stroke. She should write to United States Printing Office, Superinterdent of Documents, Washington 25, D.-C., and ask for Health Service Publication CROSSWORD 2. External seed coating 3. Staple food in the Orient 4 Chinese pagoda 5.Creep ACROSS 1. Market place 5. Applauds 10. Airs 12, Spur wheel 13. Book of the Old Testament - 14, Conscious 15. Malt beverage 16, Uncooked 18. Kind of shrub 19, Different earths 21, Counting instrument 24, Jumps 28, Chin whiskers yarn 22. Girl's nickname [ETRIE FEIDIOIM} R (OlUIR BWIA RIMIETR) RIOIMIE MERIOIOIF | AIDIAIR Ee SIUILIU] (LIE TNIAR HVE TE |i corrosives 35. Additional 36, Box ecien- tifically 29. A c) for gems ep 'wZ Wy 30. Simple 31, Modestly MY 32. All ~iwhere the The bidding: East South West North Pass 1NT Pass 3 NT Opening lead -- five of spades. This hand was played in the Trials staged in Phoenix in 1962 to select the American interna- tional team. At five of the seven tables hand was played, South became declarer at three notrump on the bidding shown and went down one when the defense cashed the first five tricks. All the North players were surprised as well as dis- appointed by the result, in view of the unusually strong support. they had for an opening no- trump bid. , At the sixth table the bidding ZS jwent exactly the same way, but South succeeded in making seven notrump. This came about through a partnership misun- derstanding in the defence. At this table West led the jack of spades, a lead recom- mended with this combination by most textbooks and some- times referred to as an interior sequence. East, who did not play this convention and as< sumed that the jack was West's highest spade, failed to play the king because he thought - that declarer had the A-Q. As a re- sult, South made all the tricks. At the seventh table, the bid- ding went in this peculiar fash- ion: Kast Gouth West North Pass INT Fuss 4@ Pass 49 Pass 4NP The North-South pair at this table were playing a special convention opposite an opening notrump bid. The four diamond response was an artificial bid requesting South to identify the size of his notrump, that is, whether it was minimum, me- dium, or maximum. South, with a bare 16 points, showed his minimum values by making the cheapest bid pos- sible, four hearts. Warned by the response that there was not much hope of a slam, North Signed off with four notrump. West, acting under the im- pression that the opponents were on the verge of a slam, decided he might save a trick by not leading a spade. Accords ingly, he chose the "'safe" lead of a heart. This didn't prove te be safe, since South made siz notrump. LOOTERS ARRESTED KARACHI, Pakistan (Reut- ers)--Police Monday arrested 10 persons in the Liaquatabad area here on charges of rob- bery, arson, looting and unlaw- ful assembly in connection witl political riots early last month, SALLY'S SALLIES "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M, to 10 P.M. COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. at Church St. 728-6341 46. Songs for 4 two people 47. Flotks es OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days e Week @ Groceries © Fresh Fruits @ Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY 48. Merriment DOWN 1. Peruvian fertility 2-1 596, Strike Back at Stroke. The price is 40 cents and worth its weight in gold --READER Thank you and I am glad to pass along the information on how to obtain this helpful pub- lication. Dear Dr. Molner: Is it pos- sible for a girl's voice to change, or become husky?--L.M. Yes, A person's (male or fe- male). voice can change as often as three or more times in a lifetime A smal! boy's voice is usually high-pitched. It changes to a lower tone and may gradually settle into an intermediate pitch. girls' voices change, too, al- though net so markedly. But when you mention a voice turning "husky,"' I add a word of warning. If there is, for no apparent reason, a change to hoarseness or huskiness, it war- rants a checkup to make sure that it is not caused by some- thing that needs attention. The cause may be major.or minor. But find out! FSE ES ERNIE CAY ., DOORS - SASH and ROOFING FREE DELIVERY "If it's, LUMBER call our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.