Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Jan 1965, p. 34

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| 3Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Jenvery 27, 1965 38--Coming Events NOTICE TO |31--Compect Cars for Sale 'Aeply 3 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Twin beds. bus. Call between 6 - 8 p.m. 723-5137. 29--Wanted to Rent PEUGEOT and VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repoir ond Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GEORGE ERNEST WHITEFORD, deceased, et eS Lene fea Whiteford, late of the Village of Brooklin, in the County of Ontario, retired, who on or about the 9th day of November 1964, are 1 od bene tage el E sesised A-1 condi to Hon, Telephore 728-08: with red interior, iat COMET tit bee Fully TWO- or three-bedroom _ apartment house wantas' by famity with three sm children, Immediate possession. phone 728-1244. EXECUTIVE needs three- or four-bed-| delux north-west _resi- room home, preferably -- area Telephone evenings 668-8706; Ss 723-2227, THREE BEDROOM house, page banker and family, two ters. Brooklin 655-4831. daugh-| ana driven since new. Call Ron at 745-4524 until 4 p.m. 1961 CORVAIR Monza, four-door auto- Briand original miles. Lady owned x4 Gus Brown Motors, TWO or three bedroom house wanted close or south General Motors. 32--tTrucks for Sale to schools Willing to pay $75 to $80 monthly. 723-6223) Wo-TON stake truck, 1954 Mercury, @X- 30--Automobiles for Sole BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 cellent condition, four-foot solid $695 cash or finance. Also '51 GMC. ct ton, good metur, new tires, $95; '48 rolet, three-querter-te "ton, $95. Liberty Nore series 623-3074 Bowmanville. hereby notified to send ry the u presentative of the said v4 ceased on or before the 4: doy of February, 1965, full porticulars of their claims. OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200. in. cash. prizes Jackpot Nos, 57 and 57 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted NOVEL BINGO THURDAY. Breas va n ag at ST, GEORGE (Albert and pooh, Me) Games Ba* 'as 2 $20, "$300 IN JACK Door Prize $15 Towichin and had lived in Aud- ley and Toronto prior to mov- me to pire ae rs. Chapman was a mem- iber of Pickering United church and was formerly active in the work of the church. Mr. Chapman, who _predeceas- ed her ll years ago, was an editor of MacLean's Magazine and taught at Pickering Col- lege when it was located in Pickering Village, . Mrs. Chapman survived iby a sister, Mrs. W. F. Disney, of Brookiin. She was predeceas- ed by a pivtuer, Frank Gibson, of Greenwood. Also surviving are a_ niece, Mrs. Everett Bryant of Whitby and three nephews, Vernon and Elmo Dis- ney of Pickering and Ross Dis- ney of Greenwood. | The funeral service will be held at the McEachnie Funeral Home, Pickering, at 3.30 p.m., Jan, 29, followed by inten in Friends' Cemetery. Rev. M Immediately ofter the said date the Personal Representa-- -. tive will distribute the assets ° of the said d BIRTHS Buttars, minister of Pickering United Church, will conduct the service. d pale regard only to claims of whic' she shall have - notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 11th day of February, 1965. CHARLOTTE ANN RAHME, Administratrix By her Solicitors, MACKEY & BAILEY, Barristers & Solicitors, 36% King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontario, TWO-TON stake truck, Ford Yeton good shape. Telephone 728-7781 after 9 p.m. Call 725-8060. tow Lad fet Akg ll ick, inch, 300 ft Dodge truck, et one ton GME it" "Hampton 263-2445 or 725-986) 1954 FORD, half-ton, good motor efore 1 and body. 1' am, apply Apt. No, 4 165 Verdun Road. 728-5883. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars, or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quolity SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 5 buys '57 et DOWN, $9 weekly 'buys 57 Chevy, Inside and yal in toe ligper-- e condi- tion. Cash, terms af Nicol's Motors, Whitby by 658 501 10 PER CENT DOWN, $55 weekly buys 1964 Pontiac V-8 convertible, stick shift, loaded with extras. Still under warranty. Cash, trade or terms, at Nicols Whitby, 668-3331, $10 DOWN, $7 week' lovely sar Pontlae 4door hardtop, Cash, trade @ Nicols Motors, Whitby 33--Automobiles Wanted DEPARTMENTS OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS OF CEDAR POSTS CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Tolk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 CASH for a 1960 model Chevrolet or Pon- tiac car; also a 2-ton pick-up, any year, | good condition. Write Box 502 Oshawa imes. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecking. Telephone 7: 725-2162 or 7-45. LAKESHORE AUTO 0 WRECKERS \ want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 200 Wentworth East, 725-1181. 34--Automobile Repair SUPPLY CONTKACT NO. SA-64-3900 Sealed Tenders on forms sup- plied by the Department for the above Contract will be re- ceived by the District En- gineer, Department of High- ways, Box 129, 138 Hope Street North, Port Hope, On- terio, until 12:00 o'clock noon E.S.T. Monday, February 15th, 1965 Specifications, Information to Bidders. Tender forms and envelopes may be obtained by calling at or by mail address- ed to the District Engineer at 24 HR. TOWING AND LEAGUE ROAD SERVICE 728-7781 Snow plowing, parts and service. the above mentioned address. The lowest or ony Tender not necessarily accepted. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS | ONTARIO DOCc'S AUTO 1600 KING E. Speed Custom and Auto Accessories EXPERT brake service and front suspension alignment. 226 Celina street, Call 723-4233. Motors,| TRANSMISSION specialists, transmissions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North. hone 728-733. OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert carburator and auto electric service, 222 King Street West, 728-0817. 93! 35--Lost and Found 1959 METEOR, V-8 automatic, 2-tone brown and beige This car on to be seen Fi mee Gus_Brown Motors, LOST: Glasses, January 21, between 30 Nassau Street and 205 Bond Street. Finder eon call 723-9013 or return to 30 Nassau Stree! LOST: Black and fae. pup, Enniskillen Monday. Oshawa |! Tenders will be received by the School Board of T.S.A, of Darlington for a one-half ton pick-up truck, standard mo- del, six-ply tires, snow tires, heater, twin windshield wip- ers and washers, two stand- ord © mirrors, until Friday, February 5, 1965. Reference. M. J. Hobbs, Sec-Treas., Enniskillen, Ontario. Office Phone 263-2401, Residence 263-2608. of 841 Ma on 1961 PONTIAC ggg oom four-barrel, | 725-5809. oe radio, T 728-9164, $25 DOWN, gy Fag this lovely 198 Chevy, with V8 motor, ogee radios te Cashy trade or terms Nicols Motors, Whitby 1964 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, pole 8 cylinder, a tie transmission, oor radio, whitewalis. Telephone im CHEVROLET Bel Air, 4door seden, tion. Telephone 725-6316. 1962 MERCURY two-door tow mileage, $1495. Call 627-2916, 1963 CHEVY Supersports, with 327 motor. This car must be seen to be Lc gga Showroom condition, 10 per cent down, $20 weekly. Cash, trade or terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby 668-3331. 1962 SUPER 88, four-door hardtop, Olds- mobile, pind loaded, new licence, Tele- Phone 725-2900. USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make trailers, also used tires, 509 Bloor Street East after 4 723-2281. 1957 BUICK two-door hardtop. Good con- dition, $250. or best offer. Telephone €68-5154, 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian lene gi V-8 automatic, A-1 condition. Open - to offers. Telephone 728-3817. 1954 CHEVROLET coach, excellent tires, motor and body Radio, power steering. Was lady's car. $125. Télephone 723-5387. 1959 OLDSMOBILE sedan, $695. Dial 623-7218. 1963 PONTIAC, two-door, six, automatic, sharp. Dias 623-7218. 1963 PARISIENNE two-door hardtop, V-8 automatic, radio, other extras, low mile- age, private, one owner. Terms avail- able. Telephure 725-7792. 1964 OLDSMOBILE 88 hardtop, 2-door, radio, power steering, etc. Call 725-4353 efter 6 p.m 1854 BUICK, 4door, Runs like a top! Body exceptionally good. Asking $1: Dial Ajax 942-3033 after 6 p.m. 1964 BUICK LeSabre, four-door hardtop, automatic, power brakes, power steering, faiu etc. Ore owner. Like new. Tele- phone 728-9485 1957 OLDSMOBILE, power brakes end steering, radio. Runs sore $250. 728-1306. pet PONTIAC, good fires, motor and Apply 1265 bil Street South or felephone 723-7788. 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne sedan, 6 cyl- Inder, standerd, excellent throughout. Small dows payment. Take over pay- ments, $33 monthly. Sickness, must sell. 728-4817, 1952 CHEVROLET with Re . fair con- dition, $65. Telephone 1958 PONTIAC Foie 4 fully equipped with power steering brakes. $600 or best offer. Call 728-4405. hardtop, Bowmanville 1959 CADILLAC convertible, white red trim, white roof, fully power pod ped. Low mileage and mechanical fully guerentees Gus Motors, 725-1861, 1963 PONT!AC Parisienne, two-door hard- top, finished in saddle tan with matching trim, 6&cylinder custom radio. Low mile- soe. Fully Leigh a Gus Brown Mo- tors. Telephone 7: 1959 PONTIAC Farisonss convertible, V8 automatic, power brakes, power steering, custom radic, previous owner's name on request. Low mileage. Fully guaranteed. Gus Brown Motors. Telephone 725-1801. 1959 IMPALA, two-door hardtop V8 auto matic, power equipped. Custom radio, spotless inside and out. Gus' Brown Mo tors. 725-1801. 1961 VOLVO deluxe model with custom radio. ae os, SS car. $1250, Must sell! Pi 5- 1801. 956 Ci LET four-door hardtop, no fust, needs some motor re pairs, offer. Apply 130 Warren Av 317edlieont Cars for Sale 1963 VOLKESWAGEN deluxe, red, radio, srow tires, four new summer tires, A-) conditior. Telephone 728-1820. $10 DOWN, $7 weekly buys 1960 Vauxhail| LOST -- Grandview and King, January 16, off moving van, jewel box, weddl vell and tiara; ring black onyx with dia- mond; valuable Keepsake, Reward. 723 2297; evenings 728-4842. for any debts my name by anyone on or after this date ng seeeery 26, 1965 without my written con- Maicoim Henderson 1, ALFRED S$, DEAN, 19/2 Bond Street West, Oshawa, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone, on or after this date, Januery 26, 1965, without my written consent. --Alfred $. Dean. 38--Comina Events aN NOTICE CITY OF OSHAWA PROPERTY OWNERS 1965 INTERIM TAX BILLS ARE IN THE MAIL If Not Received by Jan 27th Please Phone Tax Dept. 725-1153 Unless your Mortgagee Pays Your Taxes (These have been mailed or delivered to your Mortgage Company and will be mailed to the owner when paid by the Mortgagee' Company.) SEND CHEQUES EARLY TO AVOID OVERLOOKING Please Read Back of Tax Bill 1965 BUSINESS TAX WILL NOT BE MAILED UNTIL APPROXIMATELY APRIL 15th THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY of OSHAWA TAX DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO Thursday, Jan., 28th 20 GAMES AT $20 5 GAMES AT $30 1 -- $150 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2--$250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 53 and 58 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200 PER FULL CARD IN 53 AND 58 NUMBERS. THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES. EARLY BIRD GAME EXTRA PRIZES, DOOR PRIZES $1.00 ADMISSION RED BARN, OSHAWA CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED JAMBOREE WEEK END WHEELING, W. VA, Leaving February 5th Returning February 7th Tour includes transportation, Accommodation and _ tickets to THE W.W.VA. WORLD'S ORIGINAL JAMBOREE For information and reservations call COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE BOWMANVILLE 623-3265 BINGO 'FERNHILL PARK CLUB HOUSE WED., JAN. 27TH EARLY BIRD -- 7:30 P.M, 16 games $6 each 1 each $10. $15 - $20 - $30 Share the Wealth Free Admission---Door Prizes 27th CUB arid SCOUT GROUP CARD PARTY WED., JAN 27th -- 8 P.M. ST, GERTRUDE'S HALL Adm. 75¢ -- Lunch < Prizes For Tickets Call 725- 2835 T Henderson Simcoe Stree! south, Oshawa will not be » contracted in ery. Pipesesen remote vel -- John and Millie 4 COLE -- Wr. ana Mrs. James L. 4 ere happy tc announce the arrival of a son, Robert Michael, wy Ibs. v7 ozs., at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday, January 21. 1964. A brother for Danny and Kenny. LAMBERT -- Phil ane Diane are proud fo announce the birth of a son, Richard John, 8 Ibs. 13 ozs., at the Oshawa Gen- era! Hospita! on Saturday, January 23, 1965, A brother for Rita. General|Everett Bryant, Frank Wonna- The pallbearers will be Ver- non, Fimo and Ross Disney, cott and John Wonnacott. Mins. i:RBERT VINE BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- The death of Mrs, Herbert Vine oc- curred very suddenly at her home in Cartwright, three miles west of Nestleton, Jan. 20. She was preparing to retire for the night when she suffered a DEATHS stroke. Margaret Vivi Elizabeth Irwin was a daughter of the late BARRETT, Samuel H. At South Burnaby, B.C. on Monday, Jan- vary 25, Samue' Hillard Barrett beloved husband of Olivette Barrett, father of Mrs. Tony Martin (Geraldine) and Elean- or, kg of Oregno and brother of Mrs. Harry Thorne (Clara) of Oshawa and Mars. " Witiam Holtby (Aletha) of chester. Buriai on Wedni 27 at South Burnaby B.C. BULDYKE, Paraska At Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Tuesday, January 26, 1965, Paraska Buldyke, be- toved wife of the me John Buldyke and dear mother of Nick, Paul and Fred. at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, . Service in the chapel on Fri- day, January 29 at 2 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. (Friends are requested not to call at the chapel until Friday afternoon.) CAMPBELL, Robert (Bob) William Allan Suddenly, the result of @ car accident, at the Toronto General Hospital on Mon- Gay, January 25, 1965, Robert (Bob) Campbell (of Thickson's Road, RR 1, Brooklin) in b's 2ist year, dearly beloved fon of Jean and Archie Campbell Jr., loving brother of Mrs. N. Pascoe (Sharon) of Myrtle, Suzanne, Brett and Brian at home, dear grandson of Mrs. R. Brett (Phylis) of Brooklin and the late Robert Brett, Mr, Archie Campbell Sr., of Whit- 44 Leg the late 1 Hg Campbell. Resting at the W. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. for jariice In the chapel on Thursday. January 28, at 3.30 p.m. In- ferment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. Minister the Rev. S. Arepeirone, vistors 7 pm. 5 CHAPMAN, Lena 8, Entered into. rest at Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, January 27, 1965, Lena B. Gibsor, beloved wife of the late Frank M. Chapman of Sherwood R: East, Pickering, and dear sister of Ger- frude (Mrs. W. F. Disney) of heal and loving aunt of Vernon and we ga Pickering, Ress of vena or and Di thy (Mrs. Everett Bryant) Whitoy. Mrs. Chapman Is resting at MeEachnte Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Road West, Pickering. Funeral service in the chapel on Friday, January 29 at 3.30 p.m, In- terment Friend's Cemetery. MacNEAL, George Edward Entered into rest suddenly, as a result of an accident, Monday, January 25, 1965. George Edward MacNeal, beloved husband of Jo-Ann Carruthers, RR 1 Nestleton, Ort., and dear father of David; Mary Ann; Heather; Rexford; Gerald; and Sandra; loving son of Mrs. MacNeal and the late Roy MacNeal of 58 Windsor Street, Ajax. Mr. MacNeal is resting at McEachme Funeral Home, 28 King- ston Road West, Pickering. Funeral ser- vice in the chapel on Friday, January at 2 p.m, interment Erskiné Ceme- PATTERSON, Letitia May Entered into rest suddenly af the Alax day, January 24, 1965, Letitia May Myers, beloved wife o* the late John Patterson of Valley Farm Road, Pickering, and dear mother of Velma (Mrs. John Cooke) of Winnipeg, Thelma (Mrs, George Tav- erner) of Bracebridge, Alvin of Oshawa, Opan of Pickering, Mildred (Mrs. Lioyd Macleod) of MacTier, Dalton deceased, and loving sister of Helena (Mrs, C. Herman) of Bracebridge, Lilly (Mrs. M. Boynton) of Huntsville, Oliver of Oshawa, Norman..of Hazenmoor, Sask., Frank of Caledon East, Howard of Toronto. Mrs. Patterson is resting at the McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Road West, Pickering. Funeral service in the chapel Wednesday January 27, at 2 p.m. Tem- porary eniombment at Erskine Ceme- tery. Spring interment at Cemetery. SOROKA, Harry Entered inte rest in Oshawa, Ontario on *honday, January 25, 1965, Harry Soroka, beloved husband of Mary Stempkowski and father of Mrs. M, Rabczak (Antonia) of Toronto; in his 70th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home Tuesday and at the Ukrainian National Hall Wed- nesday. Funera' service in St. John's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church, Thursday, January 28, 9.30 a.m. Inter- ment St. Mary's Cemetery. (Prayers in| the hall Weanesday at 8 p.m.) .|active worker of Nestleton Wom- oad| Laurel Vine, of Nestleton; Anita and Pickering General Hospital on Sun-: Torrance} Thomas and Prudence Irwin and was born in Toronto, July 23, 1897. On Dec, 23, 1923, she was married to Herbert Vine and 25 years 2go they moved to Cartwright to a farm. Prior to her marriage, she was a stenographer for 10 years in Toronto. The deceased was an active member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter Day Saints. She was a very en's Institute, having held most of the offices over the years, and at the time of her death was first vice-president of West Dur- ham District Institute. She was held in high esteem by all who knew her. Mrs. Vine is survived by her husband; two sons, Wilfred H. of Nesiicton and Charles F. of Whitby and one daughter, Eleanor E. (Mrs. R. E. Middle- ton) of Cooksville. One son, Ralph, predeceased her. Also surviving are eight grandchildren: Gordon, Thelma and Bruce Middleton, Cooks- ville; Herbert, Christopher and and John Vine of Whitby. The funeral service was held joro-' Jan. 23 from the McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Home, Port Perry conducted by Rev. Wil- liam Archer of Toronto, Inter- ment was in Nestleton Ceme- tery. Pallbearers were George Bowers, James Irwin, Reg. Kent, Mervin Werry, John Beacock, Ralph Sadler. Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements ond floral requirments for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 IN MEMORIAM COCKERTON -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Emily Cockerton, who passed away January 27, 1948. What woula we give her hand to clasp, Her patient face to see, To hear her voice, to see her smile, As in the days that used to be, Some sweet day we will meet again, Beyond the fol! and strife, And clasp each other's hand once more, In heaven, that happy life. --Sadly missed by daughter Dolly; son- | in-law oe! grandchildren and great- OBITUARIES ROBERT ALLAN WILLIAM CAMPBELL Robert Allan William Camp- bell of Thickson's road, RR 1, Brooklin, died in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital Tuesday as a re- sult of a car accident at Man- chester Monday night. He was in his 2ist year. Born in Toronto to Archibald, and Jean Campbell, he receive his primary and secondary school education in Whitby. Mr. Campbell played minor hockey here, and pitched his Brooklin Concrete baseball club tothe Ontario Intermediate Championships last year. He had worked as a clerk at Dunlop Tire and Rubber Ltd., in Whitby, and recently joined the General Motors staff. He was a member of All Saints Anglican Church, Whitby. Survivors include his parents, two sisters, Mrs. N. Pascoe (Sharon) of Myrtle, and Su- zanne Campbell at home, and two brothers, Brett and Brian, also at home. He is also survived by his grandmother, Mrs. Robert Brett of Brooklin, and his grandfath- er, Archibald Campbell Sr. of Whitby. Funeral services will be held Thursday in the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, con- ducted by Rev. Stanley Arm- strong of All Saints. Interment will be in Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. MRS. FRANK M. CHAPMAN A resident of Pickering vil- jage for the past. 12 years, Mrs. gr COCKERTON -- In loving sided Hho dear mother and grandmother, my apa ll wh. passed away January 2) ecdien an old fashioned song Brings us a thought of you, Sometimes a flower as we pass along, Or a sky tha" is azure blue; Or a silver lining in the clouds When the sun is peeping through, There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. --Ever remembered by daughters Elsie and Dorothy, son-in-law Jimmy grandson Dennis. D"EATH -- Ir loving memory of a dear husband, Walter Robert D'Eath, who passed away January 27, 1962. Love's greatest gift -- Remembrance. Sadly missed by wife, May. OSTAPOWICH -- In loving memory of & dear son, John, who passed away Jan- vary 27, 1962, We often sit and think of him When we are all alone, For memory Is the only thing That grief can call its own. --Sadly missed by Mom and Dad, OSTAPOWICH -- In loving memory of a dear brother, John Ostapowich, who bassed away on January 27, 1962. Gone from us, but leaving anere Death can never take away. Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. --Aiways remembered by sister Olivia, brother-in-law Fred, Lynda and Bobby. OSTAPOWICH -- In loving memory of ® dear father, John Ostapowich, who passed away January 27, 1962, Looking back with memories Upon the peth we trod, We 'bless the years we had with you, And leave the rest with God, You left us so quickly, Your thoughts unknown-- But you left us a memory We are proua ts own. ~--Lovingly remembered by daughters Donna and Rosemary and sons John and Michael, MONUMENTS--MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA OFFICE EVENINGS 723-1002 __- 728-6627 Frank M. Chapman, died early today at the Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. Chapman, who was in her 90th year, had been in peor health for the past year. The former Lena B. Gibson, the deceased was a daughter of MOUNT LAWN Has for many years, supplied, installed and cared for , MEMORIALS by MATTHEWS GLECOFF "S surcewnncer WHEN YOU SHOP AT GLECOFF'S YOU CAN BE SURE OF THE BEST IN PRICES LIKE: GLECOFF'S CASH PAY CHEQUES AND BABY BONUSES PORK HOCKS WIENERS MEAT SPECIALS ESSEX NIAGARA u. 25°| BACON 3 us 99°| HAMBURG FREE DELIVERY WITH ORDERS OVER $10.00 u. 65° 3 ss. 1.00 GROCERY SPECIALS MecLARENS SWEET MIXED PICKLES LIBBY'S Deep Brown BEANS ROSEDALE TOMATO JUICE DEMPSTER'S BREAD CLUBHOUSE RICH .AND SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER REG. 59c SPECIAL GLECOFF BRAND BUTTER VEL "yee AJAX vitencenr MAXWELL HOUSE 6-0Z. JAR INSTANT COFFEE CRISCO OIL 79° CRISCO OIL 32-0Z. JARS 15-02, $] TINS 48-02. $} TINS 24-02. $] LOAVES 2-LB, JAR PRODUCE SPECIALS CRIMSON RED HOT-HOUSE MEXICAN VINE-RIPE NO, 1 TOMATOES = 29: RHUBARB CABBA us, 53° 12¢ as PRICE 18° nso. PRICe 20° nec Price og 39¢ "i 69° us, 29° ww, 9 NEW GREEN' IMPORTED FROZEN FOOD OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE 6-0Z. 99" TINS McCAIN FRENCH FRIES 0 rxcs. 1.00 PKGS, be sofe be sure cot 174 RITSON RD. S. DRUGS AND CLOTHING WINTER ond SPRING CHILDREN'S 2-14 YRS. DRESSES emu ta TO 6.98 HAIR CREAM °° *"** HAND LOTION °"™* "=" 2.25 REG. 1.25 1.00 FOR ONLY SHOP WHERE YOU SAVE THE MOST OSHAWA GLECOFF'S suru FREE PARKING Cresta This is a very economical car! Cesh, trade or terms 'es Nicols. Motors, Whitby, 725-1153 Wm, Greenhalgh, Mgr, 723-2633 BINGO." Bathe Park, Evlalie Avenve,/the late Judson and Carrie Gib- Neca 2 p.m. Euchre, Saturday, 8 son. She was bora in Pickeri

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