{a willingness to accept the fact|social sciences through the De-)'Father of Our Language,"--a City Unit arian Ss that Cpa one may be|partm 1 -Jsomewhat severe father, with a 'Tt ig sometimes difficult to|the University of Toronto, In ¢ forthcoming fw 1959, he accepted the appoint-/t h 9 glean the truth 'Twhen much ment of business manager for/will help to show him as what Hear Lectur money and confused facts are f r ; involved, but one must not wait|the society of Ontario Hydro/ne was: A complex and dy- . to follow and echo public opin-|Professional Engineers. namie man, who wrote white- can Nee ibrar ofjof many people, continued Mr. 0d All a aren ary con- P hot poetry. shawa heard a talk Sunday|Scott. Unions and automation|tribute as individuals and one's Official celebratio: : by Mr.. Val Scott, The subject|are combining to make this sojactivities must include the un- Italy Celebrates poet's centenary begin < bs of the lecture was 'Toward an called dream an imminent real-|informed and the uninitiated." spring. f Educated Democracy." ity and many people feel they} Mr. Scott was born in Shang- Dante Centenary : ; He said: "Education is a con-| would be at a loss to know what|hai, and spent the first 12 years Now Man Wear stant, continuous process and|to do with so much leisure, andjof his life in China. In 1940, ROME (Reuters) -- Italy is y SR ER starts at a very early age. The|it could become a serious social/he moved to Victoria, B.C., and|celebrating 1965 as Dante Year FALSE TEETH home, church, public institu-/problem. What is needed arelspent six years attending|to mark the seventh centenary . } : tions, theatre, TV, all these con-|some fresh concepts, continuous|schools theré and in Vancou-|Of the birth of her most famous stitute early education and are,|education, training of character|ver. Bet w een. 1946 - 1950, he|poet, patriot and man-of-action. for the most part, good. Educa-|/and a social consciousness. Why|served' in the Canadian Mer-| So highly regarded is this tion is not merely the learning/should one's education be re-jchant Marine then joined the|Florentine writer in his native o! something that one does notjstricted to the first twenty or|RCAF and sérved in the Ad-jcountry that his portrait decor- know, but of learning to be-|so years of life? We must all/ministrative "and Educationjates everything from bottles of have and live as one should.|become well informed, we must|branches until 1957. During this|olive oil to bank notes, There has to always be a be-|all learn and teach. This re-|period he took DVA courses| The predominating image in ginning but there should' never| quires effort and sacrifice and{followed by courses in arts and'Italy is of Dante the thinker, be an end to education. Not many decades ago, an edu- cation was considered ta be a luxury. Now, however, with advancement in science and technology and allied fields, an education is a vital necessity. "Expense is not a _ good enough excuse for providing a poor educational system. The question is not can we afford it, but rather can we afford not to afford it. Expense is the main stumbling block to overcome, "The Needs of the Commu- nity-- It is rather obvious that the needs of business and _ in- dustry in a community would dictate to some extent tht edu- cational requirements of its pp ieeraten arrest populace. Mr. Scott quoted Dr. Blotz ie ae ' by saying, "The child must not ' * & be considered as a labor unit, but the needs of a child must be studied as a potential unit in 5 y bi society, so that he will con- tribute to society rather than T have -- the world owes me a e CEDAR LODGE INSTALLATION living, philosophy." air Spray 99. Value Immediate Past Master, Fred Britten, right, newly during an impressive cere- on at centre is Wor. Bro. G. Mr. Scott continued: "The Wor. Bro. R. A. Stone, left, installed Wor. Master of mony at the Masonic Tem- Branton, Installing Master. {national education system a congratulates Wor. Bro. Cedar Lodge, AF and AM, ple Tuesday night. Looking --Oshawa Times Photo |Should extend from nursery school to a full university pro- ; gram for all who can qualify.| ASPERGUM suce. List 1.00 89e NIVEA CREME sues. ust 1.33 1.09 s . a 2 s In. thei yn interests, it be- DISTRICT NEWS Police Commission Limits comes apparent that industry | ~NOXZEMA was tir, Yas 1.16 | LAVORIS Mouthwash = sea itt. 59e some of the financial responsi-| MODESS wee. air 126 1.49 | HALIBUT LIVER OIL wa reer bs 88e Install Officer Ss Amount Of Assault Claim ful'tvom the higher levels off BUFFERIN TABLETS suee'ir ys, 66¢ | BAN-SMOKE GUM wuee. usr 100 199 educated people that they will GERITOL LIQUID Bla , rave 2,59 CREST Tooth Paste svea. ust eee |= S7€ draw their personnel. 250's ege : SARNIA (CP)--Sarnia police|struck him on the head with a . 100's Of Auxiliary commission Tuesday rejected/police nightstick. me DISCUSSION SOMINEX TABLETS sus. 206 1.50 1.19 ONE-A-DAY 449 Viud.99 8.75 VALUS 6.59 a move to obtain more than] Hugh D. Garrett, lawyer for; "The prospect of a four-day . REG, 2 PORT PERRY (TC) Gonia teagar Havén conducted the peo }$93,000 from the city in satis-/Williams, argued last. month week in the not too distant MACLEANS Tooth Paste 1.09 VALUE 87¢ SCOTTIES Facial Tissues tor x7 2 for nH ; = i boo en Con 5 'ifaction of a Supreme Court|that the municipality should be|future brings fear to the hearts rade Claire Warren conducted|gram which reviewed the work] judgment send & fonts ay responsible for pee Pac ped SILVIKRIN Shampoo rao vas §=97E PEPSODENT Tooth Paste 0 vavus the installation of officers andjof the CGIT for the past 50/noliceman who has left the/when a member of its policelinsurance policy which:t'we feel] | executive committee at the Jan-|years. Mrs. Heron told of the) oountry: department leaves the country|indemnifies the police in cases| ; Seo the 'Gu Gee at Evangel Hall. The judgment is against without making a payment. like this," and any further/ Legion. | sore (TC) -- a _ former corporal Richard Gunn 'aa cae ar ae scleean hos se ogagang be taken under this] | gare' rks is spending the udgment he/policy. Mrs. Hunter of Seagrave and) vinter with her son, Alan, in|""® # Supreme Court JUrY! would seek to recover from the e Mrs. Andrews were welcomed) y 0 \oyico, said, used excessive force inicity the costs of the damage COSENS & MARTIN | é | SUGG. LIST 79e as new members. browh ed jarresting William Williams, 29,|action, fixed at $4,127. 5 i Alice Woodcock was presented) ,cHRURN (TC)--The Ladies'|during a scuffle in a downtown] Magistrate J. C. Dunlap, po- Insiranee FOR SMART HAIR GROOMING. Puts LIFE in dry hair with a gift in appreciation of/pinie Class met at the homelapartment building. lice commission chairman, told | her hand er a ad ante: of Mrs. Edgar Heron. Mrs. Roy| The jury awarded $88,891 to|Mr. Garrett it was unanimously 67 King St. E., Oshawa | Com Graham conducted the . pro-|Williams last February for "'se-|decided that his request "not be|| All lines of 728-7515 oo : re pins, By ane et pos R. Buntane eanerd and irreparable brain|referred to city council." serervent er split os 743 : 'comrades ines, v 'led the officers. damage" suffered when Gunn' He said the city carries an 2 ff | 2 Read and Wallis were named) -- ---- : d : wtNERAL ELECTRIC as conveners. Comrades Evans, | | Seciaice sn the wehipbiens cect Everything that's required for a Florida-like tan in the winter. Enjoy the soothing, SUGG. LEST 18.95 inted to the telephone com- : ' : dey es tation af winges! err : beneficial ultra violet rays at the flick of a switch. Kit includes a Sun Lamp, safety 1 7 5 ° mittee. The question of bingos} was discussed. | : = guard, adjustable clamp with switch and Noxzema Suntan Lotion. PORT PERRY (TC) -- Unit) ; d ch f the pro-| : | grim tthe WoW meeing 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. | | president, exreseed appre ony | | General tlecrie HEAT LAMP Ki president, expressed apprecia- EXCEPT SUNDAY Featuring... 1.G.E, heat lamp wtih heat resisting glass. Red filter to reduce glare. SUGG, LIST 7.95 tion for the co-operation ac- corded her during the past two opreciation *e be searing Built-in reflector to concentrate the heat. One adjustable holder with safety guard. & 9 5 | | 8' cord. -- Button switch. Be { officers, The worship service was taken by Unit No. 2 and Unit No. 3 conducted the program. . GENERAL ELECTRIC AG-1 or M2 12's SUGG. LIST 1.68 Rey. A. Rice spoke on "World| Missions." Vocal _ selections 4 j 4 4% j "a ; 5 | were giver by Mrs. Samuel) #3 / y ; i he Cawker. Mrs. Lloyd Wakeford] Fi j Ae: 4B : : read a poem. or : ji B i Be : PORT PERRY (TC) -- Mr.] ee 5 AQ and Mrs. Fred DeNure were presented with gifts by a num- ber of friends and neighbors at the Motes ot Mr, aod Mee _-- | GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC TOOTHBRUSH | Mr, and Mrs. DeNure_ will ; ke their home in Oshaw: ea | oe ee ee no. } ¢ This cordless power toothbrush is ideal for the whole family because it comes és : } , with four color-coded brushes. It's completely safe and proven to be far more ] PORT PERRY. (TC) "--Mer-| f ; lin Dowson entertained at a) , effective than hand brushing. Holder automatically recharges battery-power- surprise party in honor of his J ed handle between brushings. wife's birthday. The evening it 4 > ; ; was spent playing cards. ° te Vie, 9 beet aaa Ae ol ja OES Tihs | FRUIT-A-TIVES 7 tained at their home in Agin- The "soap" is NEUTROGENA, But It is unlike any soap you've ever ial in honor of their _grand-| a om _ has eine SAY GOODBYE TO oss Constipation used! Many women with dry skins just won't use soap, They've learned mother, Mrs. Fred E. Reesor,| from experience that some soaps dry their skin, removing the maturel Port Perry, who: will c . Se atte ve : her birthdny ae Prtac Tas} ; : sp whe Fresh Fruit and Extract Nature's 39° 75° oils as they clean; But NEUTROGENA'S gicerine formule doesn't de-fet attending from Port Perry were | SA i a * Herbs Vitamin Bl the skin. It's non-alkaline, mild and pure, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Reesor, Sens ' pe ae Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gibson} e.. a ; ; Bones een Me and Mr. ers] ge A MAJOR BREAK-THROUGH IN SHAVING COMFORT ems } en Donna Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Mer- lin Dowson, son Kenneth and ; daughters Shirley and Nancy; |] gg 'i . . . : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reesor . WHYTE'S Enjoy the sheer comfort of HOT lather shaving with this brand new product. Just hold My and son Larry and Mr. Donald|| top of the can under hot water for a ftw seconds and presto, you have a hot creamy, beard- softening lather: Gibson. Miss Maureen Mc- 4 Master, of Oshawa and Mr.|| @ " a and Mrs. Hartwell Powers, of 4 ' Unionville were also among the é| SA F 0 guests. 5 : 4 V 4 Cc FORT PERRY (TC) -- Sev-| ae ® a Schick hot lather eral families have left for a : southern holiday. Others have f fase Ste J Shave Cream and returned.-Mr. and Mrs, George Et lather , New Double - Edge Emmerson have returned from] g@; : em lima Razor with Stainless a Caribbean cruise. Mrs. Arthur | j q wd Brock, who recently returned|}: | i ae Steal _ Blades, from Europe where she visited |} # r) ; her son and daughter, has left|] Mi. WHYTE S _e ' with her husband for Florida. Schick hot lather Shave Schick hot lather Shave oedlggo™ po gg igen i Cream and Stainless Steel Cream with Stainless - BOTH ONLY ae bot she ne "ome Injector Blades. Stee! Double-Edge Blades, , ef . have returned from a visit tol | wei ONLY *789 | Both Only 2-00 Both Ony 1-79 1.89 '4 cd Arizona. am (3 packages ge rhage (TC) -- Mrs. he sé | ttin was hostess f ae WMS Notting Mra Med eke » in one' EASTVIEW LAW'S KARN'S MITCHELL'S conducted the meeting. Mrs.) (ig ; PHARMACY 1204 Wecker Dr. 28 King St. E. 9 Simcoe St. N. RR: 573 King St. E, 725-3594 725-3525 723-4621 723-3431 A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. |] 7% OPTOMETRIST |] 4% JAMIESON'S McCORDICK LANE'S NORTH SIMCOE 1 241 King St. E. 360 Wilson Rd. S. 302 Stevenson Rd.N. | PHARMACY Ltd. eo ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA & WHITBY | 725-1169 725-8711 '723-1131 and 2 907 Simcoe St. N. 723-3418 ; d Pe 2.29 VALUE