Fy ae 53203_53 # seo = +11 s M4 . = = = 24 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Thundey Jone 21, 1965 2 -- Apartments Ser nen TREES oo. ea | 38--Astomebiee Nenvec | STOCK MARKET 20--Real Estate CARS WANTED forSale |23--Real Estate Wanted THE CAVALIER yd iat Buyi New Car? f wey The Cuibiesireae Shick Sales' Nigh Low asm. Cpe ; lw luying a New Car: Toro Stock Exchange--Jan. 2 | ITL Ind pr 100 $23. 2 . The Most Modern |ment parking working mother s Sell your used car to "Ted (Quotation. Min contd unleen marked $.| Jetferson"' 10% stile five 11% We eaaghige SELLING! é' | |Peatl mnne Tak iGo" fo te, New | tg tsecae Mt acinth ie eo, TWO cei ao a Medium _ Car Dealer and oom s right pravies' boordher closing sale.) dock CB 100 gio we oe = ON SIMCOE GIVE Apar ments TES CAMPIN MOTOR ' ' "Gi bby' gf in i be BUYING OR SELLING 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 INDUSTRIALS | 100 35% 3m 5 $500 Stock A TRY FEATURING TED CAMPIN aeuawa AUTO PARTE dad Aula Wiedk.| Abitibi -- OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- Alta 750 $385 38% 38% " we! * ers, 117f Nelson Street, want cars for large 3. 1% sigs 728-7576 _ Exclusive decorating MOTORS _|stscin. Sesh Tie) r Taxa] Als om w igh Bah i, aa t : Hoge AAD t+ se 853383 237253282 ? alee BS 35 Electric heating with fin- nl + ae € Caeon 86 Member of O.D.REB gertip control, in. each 607 KING ST. --OSHAWA |34--Automobile Repair Pee ori we Ey Lambin a : 7 te ee ' ng Tor 4 bedroom room at no extra cost, (Just East of Wilson Road) 2 2 28 Wa 7 Perec cre rene an ee Contac Sieve row aroma shopping 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 _| 24 HR. TOWING AND LEAGUE ar 0 me a $ d Levy 3s 20 Sins Ws Wa ' a S. A ae nings 720-5068. Plenty of free parking 598.7781 oe eae PRIVATE LISTINGS ar scarce, your home is need- Professional full time mon- $ ALL CASH $ 'iim anon | =r. Ss t OILS ' ae teas , Pea ay oe 5 Hyman Res! Estate. Limited, 728-6286 agement, that cares for For clean cars, or trucks " Y DOC'S AUTO ay) thee ee MB PR 525 $35 'ee sp nelled wall in eh room, A CASH OFFER for your home, For fast your comfort. deal up or down. Liens paid, a M Leaf Mill 600 6 Calvert 7 a 3 gexeeeeegesescaceatade 62+ 1 +% 27 oS ~~ agas8s39 ; "e diee febtu 1600 KING E. Bowater 7100 $6% Mass-F 785 $264 28% che we . has Pret Nandacoped Fenced mm [actin cal et once 'Active' Realty Numerous other features. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Sesed Custemn and Bramalea _ 600 24 he ties SS Se eae Litd., 728-5157. fs . Brazil 1193 Mon Foods 100 | € Ex Gas 1500 152 153 yard. Close to school and . r Furnished 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Auto Accessories BA Oil 1445 $2642 36% 36 Montex pr 300 c Homestd 2000 104 102 102 --2 shopping. Full price $12,400. |24--Stores, Offices, Storage , Suites Across from Royal Hotel OSHAWA tuneup Centre offers BC Forest 140 Mont Loco 250 % 1% | Cdn oe Ol! 700 $182 18% 182+ Ve pert | DIAL 668-2998 Whitby 668-3331 a burelor ond auto electric service, 222) BC F aT a a | MONE 1 Sle aoe tous Com 100 815 815 B15 " z | ete pr 360 360 360 SAVE G0. on winter works :. 2 | tnresbedroom brick ag en ows at Se OFFICE PA Open from 2 pm. TRANSMISSION Seat transmis- $8 Nat Pg Xo i toe Pate 3390 os as as" +15 tions of the city. ge till 9 p.m. daily SPOT CASH sions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe Nat Hees 220 70 70 NC Oils 2500 320 310 320 +10 details, cali Jim Gibbens,' Sots ag North. Phone 728-7339. bol (Sa Re Neon 200 Permo 35 a 35 Bosco, Realior. 76777, At 400 Grenfell Street PAID FOR EXPERT brake service end front end 20 | Noranda 251 sea fan eee eee VARIETY STORE with living quarters. t ren suspension alignment. 226 Celina Street.| 2" NO NGes 400 Triad Oil 1100 222 220 20 --2 Good clean cars, Trode up or Hi = Very central. close to, school and apart In Ti Buildi at is na eer Ave. aon ies peid off. Call 723-4233, : a Sati as Ta -- % Unt 12S $10 16 16 -- $12,800 including property and equipment. n times Building ae ee DODD MOTOR SALES |35--Lost and Found 5 Overland 210 74 W Deceit toe a ae = howe CONTACT 725-9934 - 728-4283 314 PARK RD. SOUTH LOST -- Black, white and tan, mole A Se Pac Pete oa Yean Can 2500 de ah dh J ut ound, white tip on ta nswer: e , var ale. Re agg ne = is Heng og ie a WILSON 723-9421 "Beagle." Stevenson Road North area.| Al fb ve Pow Corp After 4.30, call 728-0019. Premium 5 Peg pedlck and La oer afagh resi- : C Brew 4090 vv | Price Bros 75 $ Accra 1000 Sand Ta Sina tiie si'! = At the Times. | CASA MANANA | kexty DISNEY [torr ans. tm, meme ao) Gh om 1mm tan "| Adeoate "Sa To see, Call Tony Zakarow 725-4366 or) USED CAR LTD rinse He wwursaer V a! Ariens: 0 | 2 eee Pr 50 $170%8 170 170% --1%| Agnico 4400 zeae. WC. Wann Besiter. COURT ' "Prince." Telephone 668-5239. Reward. | 3s 8 | RYen A Bee Bo ae ane tente ie ie ' THREE - BEDROOM spiit-ievel ai brick FOR RENT 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST 1s 15+ Vil Rothmon tan a Ang Rovyn 2000 1 B-A APPOINTMENT home in east end. Down ent only Offers Y: WHITBY --. 668-5891 '| 50 350 " Hg Hae Bom. an sohn" Kitchen, 723-3788, H. PICKERING ers You 36--Legol : | 0 350 289 Royal Bank 142 80% 80% + %) Area 06Q 264, 260, 240 --5 Millen, Real Estate Limited. : Sophisticated Adult Living Cars bought and sold "james Patrick (Pat) Barry, 205 Dunlop| coz Me Ath Sayvette, 200 25 305 ms phn ae ae $1908, DOWN -- Neat four bunga| Store or Office Spaces 4 evap h Liens paid off Street West, Whitby, will not Be Fe8P0r| Ci 61% 6Iet+ Ye! Selkirk A- 205 pf -- RE | . . . { ontract in y Ve -- Ye! low are io Garon tnd,ow eet| on Main Street in Pick- | in @ Quiet Atmosphere | trade up or down (2, 8), Srna Mtns" aa | & imp B4,Cy lat Mae Sek) Seen Ate 28 site teu se | Bem" a vak a8 7a ford, 7a-N07), Joseph Bosco, Realtor.) ering. Spocious 1-2-&-3 bedroom | Always top quolity |Janvary 20, 1965, without my written! CpR 1719 64 64Ye-- %| Shell 1 pr $2844 284 28% Bibs 3. 2 | Cdn Pet 200 UN 710 710 10 Bralorne 5 520 S05 520 Ese Bivoaiee See Soon, i ode x ------ eC EEercnammdl | y Brunswk $16% 16% 16%+ REASONABLE RENT suites featuring modern 196) CHEVROLET Bei Air sedan, V8 | C. Refract 250 1% 100 $17% 17% i Bunker H feb | Se H i iti automatic radio, Excellent condition. | penne tior ns | Cdn \Tire 55 47 SI 4 | 21--Farms lle le equipped kitchens, vanities | reels sell Telephone 942-5693, Alax. |37, Auc " | CWN Gas 7100 18% i Gita oa yl ae Telephone ' ; ; we é AJAX 942-0760 with lorge mirrors in both- | cleVROLMT sede ssssciatel Caribbean 1000 a $5 55% rooms, private balconies. transmission Rebuilt motor. Good tires, | Chat-Gai +275 15% Slater Steet 500 $24 23% 23% --% a JOHN F. DeWITH : The modern 7 storey build ja egret meazcemce) AUCTION SALE | srr, tg ta° oe ¢ A order, evrolet, runni a no Oshawa 725-4569 ing witt. on elegant entiance, |plates. 1955 Ford, running order. 1957 inv Weiiaebeoll: Gatavien: Tha Clairtone | 900 Mm ot < Pita REALTOR lobby, broadioomed corridors, | Pontiac, rebuilf motor. 1954 Ford, 1 ton. jouse ' BIRTHS Can Keeley . 4 A : 19 is. Oxford, needs motor work. Col Cell Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. OFFICE twin elevator service, inter- | Dump trailer, 16 te Pg Telephone Bow.| Property of Mrs. Margaret i. Computing Candore Aree | Phone 623-3950 com system and built-in |manville 623-5756. | . Wilbur, Lot 35, Con. 5 Dar- - RAITT -- Don and Belty (nee Harvey)| Cariboo ACCOMMODATION sleeves for your air-condition- i969 'GhuvaOL ET Aue 'adoor Hers | lington Township, Taunton, e 40% are hey 1 announce ire. arrival of I lop, 8 cylinder, automatic, power eq | 14¥/ son, Gordon Harvey, weighing 8 Ibs. HIGHWAY FARM, 89 Acres Prociicoll looki f wiki ped, radio ant other extras. Immacuiate.! Ont. On Sat., Jan. 23, 1965, 7% ozs., born on Thursday, 'senoary 14, 1965| Cheskirk with new, 6 Roomed bunga- ractically overlooking four For March or April occupancy | Best offer. 728-0057. | 1:30 E panera 21% + Valat the Oshawa General Hospital. A little! goa low, all modern conveniences, corners of busy King and Sim- call 1955 BUICK, automatic, green and white,| "of |: Pe oro om 20% brother for Sheila Lynn. A grandson for) ci?! 2 barns. Spring stream, Only coe Streets. Suit lawyer, fin- |new tires. Good mechanical condition,, Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. | Ryz and Wee. Roper! Mahe sit or te | Coch Will $10,000. down. ance company, insurance | GUIDE REALTY LTD. |s2. Telephone 723-4524, ferliient ues ra nd y vo rene «ae. for Mrs. Mary Raitt ot To oo agency, etc. Address second |1964 PONTIAC, custom sport, bucket ook Stove rincess ¥e|and nursing staff of 4th floor. | Coniagas HIGHWAY FARM, 100 acres | to none. Call PAUL RISTOW 723-1121 |seats, 327 V-8, 4speed, radio, 16,000 miles,| Refrigerator (Norge), Wash- % | Sonfaur i G Be LIMITED 728-9474 x i . | still under warranty. $2,700. Can be fi-| ing Machine, Rangette, 1 Bed- % | elle with 7 roomed home, barn oes ba at or or Rental Office 723-6361 |nanced. 725-4187. ee Suite Desssars, 1 Chast- | c Hell ond 4 ireom. Asking $24,- 5-815 from 2-9 p.m. daily, |1962 MERCURY two-door hardtop, V- tea Site 4 Dining Room | Bem fime 00 / m DEATHS | The British American Oi! Company |, berms. C snvsnnesshnmesiantanesneseateneiessinnisetiansitihatambannahange wit le $1495. Call jowmanv| | " inde e cron Telephone sane vend Greta Shots otter 6 p.m. Suite, Kitchen Chairs, End Dosco 210 imited has announ tl 4) ore we p Eccl CO | | ment of D. E. Howard as HIGHWAY FARM, 125 Acres __.-- | GOVERNOR MANSIONS | iss pontiac" Laurentian' fourbarrel,| Tobles, 4 Rockers, Vacuum Bom ftores 180 $2404 24 | BENNETT, Lorne C. Con Negus 8 1B < H = with A-1 buildings. Excellent 25 Houses Pam Rent 2 Bedroom Suite | sutematic radio, tubeless. veeteasecid Cleaner Viking, other house- Don Text 100 5% | sudceny, Fl gcd Sangry' i, 9 Bret ede Lal > J Seeiee so eas hemally iJ, Close to town. Asking ine ray __..| hold articles too numerous to Du Pint 205 +1 Jin his 65th year. Brother of Gordon, To- $43, Wve: Ferme . FIRST ADULTS ONLY | pa a Win ene iran 1105 or i mention. 1 garden tiller and Emp Lite "0 sass as as font hist ohn: ey orn (ues. oorieie 'ar Selene a af pene end IGHWAY FARM, 31 Acres, OSHAWA S IMMEDIATE POSSESSION offer, Dial Bowmanville 623-2993. tools. 1 L-Case Tractor and Exayte A w £0 iss 155 i vw/ en Marshall) Oshawa, 'Resting at. the! 500 slhe the the ce ees joined British ro of Bowmanville. New TELEPHONE 57 CHEVROLET twoaew, ral implements, 2 troilers, flat cal bisy Se ae ae Posted eviews < Bilger di alg ta Sag 500 11% 11% 1% American in 1951 as Training oor. . GARDEN H M eal good runner, $165. Dial ie "9a. bottom hoyrack., Filey Mfg 1000 75 75 75 +4 | chapel Fog 'i "yn at 3 o'ctock. | Be dae. | Supervisor and continued in that home, barn. Only $5,000. 723-1712 -- 728-2811 |5003 Siter 6 p.m. Fictwood "150 Salle aie aie 4 vy | amet On Friday, January 22 at 3 o'clock.| Cusco 1 100 egdebGeseeiedageesedgs jconsent. sadgeage 3883 D. E. Howarp g38s 1 We at lown ppo fan | erin 1 Ve Vat rowed until his appointment in Ni for famil For Apgomtinent | Bae RPLaL, \ ne corre eS ~ epmemeoe eeoee ) PO aati ik Weis Delhi Pac > 20 20 "\1956 as Manager of Services for i -------- -- condition with many extras, $1195 or Bot | rt Oshawa General Hospital on N@s-|- Denison Ay t HIGHWAY FARM, 97 Acres, ew concept: Tor TOMY | eeu caer: heataa [otter Dal' pameremratiie anb-ser 38--Coming g Events Feehauf = -215-$11_ 1 day, January 20, 1965, Mery Jane Hopper,| pison, $24 24 246% + '| Ontario Division. Later he became L ide GAC 210 $1041 10412 1041 in her 82nd year, beloved wife of Fred- District Manager of veep ene home, oll modern con- Iving Hydro paid. Apply Hilltop Snack Bar after year, | 10% 10% 10' brick e, rm ¢ an 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - G Paper 145 $25% 25% 25% + Velerick 0. Kirby and dear mother of Mrs.| 415 410 410 Pep cay For the past two years veniences. 2 Borns. Close to | Two and Three bedroom |oe automatic, radio, tubeless. Tetepbon| OSHAWA GL Power 50 $26% 26% 26% -- |Wm,. Bawks (Mildred) Oshawa, Ronald| we sitat afler Ascott 4 on i ployee 4 4 : 0, partment, 728-9 Pe ae: ae @N Cap 25 $734 7%, 7% E. Kirby of Cobourg and the late Murray a town. Asking $30,00 homes stov rr s Telephone 7239762 | i9g3-MaRCURY worden' her vdiopy V4, | LIONS CLUB FW Coal A' 800 400 380 395 | Kirby. Mrs. Kirby is resting at Mc-Intosh-| Geese le A hy <a [tnd Dealer Relatonsat Heed Terms. BENS ' after 5.30 evenings. liow mileage, $1495, Call Bowmanville $reyhnd z55 $14 14 . |Anderson Funeral Home with service | Gnt Masct 1 Individual patios LGRURIOUS tne Baas eae , dard Carp 325 $9 29 the chapel on Friday at 3.30 p.m. Inter- 2 18 93 ACRE FARM, North of within walking distance of South General Wa" Carp'A 525 825% 28 25%-- Ya|mant Union Cemetery. ith Full basement SOORInG Beal, alovesaras MAA 1961, CHEVROLET Bei Air, 6 cylinder, B | N GO Hawker-S 235 $6% 6% b/a-- Ve | Spsleny with. modern home. : lors, swimming pool, elevators, hi-fi,| automatic, padded dash, windshield wash- Hawker pr 10 $102" 102 1024 LEATHERS, Frances Estelle ! Large strong stream, Asking Rumpus room po jagncr Bl ger Her taee Serrioorstr | ars. Good condition. $1,395 or best offer. Hayes Stl 225 $17Ve 17¥e 17% At the Fairview Lodge, Whifby, on! $37,000. Refri Stove - Drye GROUND FLOOR, four rooms, duplex | eee WED. NIGHT Lome B. has aatte Fveraiierce tel terme psemary 21, i Rrences Be] ig. - ve - r a ir rooms, duplex,/1959 PONTIAC two-door. Tan and white. a neg telle Dayton, beloved wife of the late DAIRY FARM, 185 Acres as 9 |heated, unfurnished, Parking. Central.|standard six. Custorn radio, good tires rig oa a LF Frank J. Leathers, dear mother of Wil- | . a build So wanveniGht 16'sd ic one | Immediate possession. Adults only. Tele- $575 'or best offer. -668-45 $1,200 in cash prizes Oi G 750 $166 16% 16% liam D. of Birmingham, Michigan, | e concern. Good build- r hoo! |phone after 7 p.m. 725-6939, aa GURU ms Hur Erie 110 $707% 70% 70%---- Ye\U.S.A. in her 80th year. Resting at the| ings. 70 Head of Guernsey shopping. Location--Farewell | ment, re-| fully ie fen . two-door hardtop, Jackpot» Nos. 56 and 56 Husky 5610 $12¥2 12% 12¥%@ | |W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for| . Gnd Poplar Ste. hic Husky D w 2900 600 590 600 +25 |service in the chapel on Friday, January | OF CANADA LIMITED cattle. Full line of machinery. Pp pirated ery pene bp ralaroty (meus | imp Life 25$278 278 #278 =+3 | 22 at 1.30 p.m. Interment Brookside Mili-| HI i Asking $62,000, Terms. i im.|1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, V| Imp Oil 1341 $58% 58% 58% + % tary Cemetery, Winnipeg. Minister the s RENTAL OFFICE AT SITE persagie AW gly heehee Reo: _ automatic, power steering, radio. All ac- JUBILEE imp Tob 00 $15 15) 15 Reverend J. Smith 40 ACRES with brick home, |cessories, Cali 728-8263. | Ind Accep 26% 267% -- Ve all. modern conveniences. OPEN 2 - 5:30 DAILY TWO-BEDROOM apartment for rent. Re-| PAVILION } Inland | Gas % 22+ Ye! MILNE, William frigerator, stove, drapes, Intercom., FM| 1955 METEOR, winterized | including two Int-City Gas Large barn. Pond. Paved Closed Sunday music, controlled entrance, Laundry facil-\snowtires, radio, 56,000 original miles. 1BM a 4m +10 \Dist an Wedsesters Jeriery antes rood. Only 15 min. drive to ities. Apt. No 104, 291 Marland or phone|Very good condition. 725.0317 or 728-2537. FREE ADMISSION | IMC 10 $4747 7 [Gallant Attina' weleced husbaba we -thed Oshawa. Asking $16,500 phetiad 194 CHEVROLET convertible, V-8 auto-| Children Under 16 Not Admittey | [nt Nickel $88'4 88Y2 88' -- 34| late Gertrude Guthrie and dear brother of | iJ : ' THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment,| matic, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, | tet unt $34% 34%e 34¥e-- 14 | Alan of Brooklin, Resting at the Robinson | 50 ACRES with brick home private bath heavy wiring, parking, TV| Padded dash, red, black fop, low mileage. | Intpr ls 240 240 240 Funeral Chapel, Brooklin. Service in the] 5 work .| Dial 623-5976. | Inter PL 897% 97% 974 + Val chapel id t born, Including tractor. Ask- REAL ESTATE LTD. [iron abstainers avaliable" immediatly. | NOVEL BINGO Inv Grp A 125 $12%4 12%4 12% | am Interment. "Groveside Cemetery. | ber $900" win 41500 "Snes "heal agi moien| THURSDAY, EVENINGS 7-48 | TL iol _8 WRT a Satara 728-1679 TWO-ROOM apariment In Newcastie, |Must sell. Telephone 725-5079. at ST. GEORGE'S HALL | 13g _ Coming Events 29 4 : Furnished. Refrigerator and stove, newly|i963 PARISIENNE, 2-tone, 283, d-door (Albert and Jackson Sts.) NEAL,' William Henry Our Niagara Plant hos immediate opening for graduote NORTH OF OSHAWA, 64 © HOUSE, 5 cones and oe. Possession A Frag bend Private entrance. $50 month-|hardtop, powder blue, bucket seats, auto- Suddenly, at Oshawa General Hospital, on Chemical, Mechanical ond Industrial Engineers with Asking $4,900. Terms SMALL self-contained apariment. Suil-|iN9 and brakes, 2-speed wipers, push but- May be doubled or tripled Neal of Whitby, beloved husband of the from one to ten years experience in development, plant trees. | . Terms, | ing 0 26--Apartments for Rent I ng. Laundry facies. $45. Dial 728-464g| speakers, white wails. Telephone! PARK Mrs. Charles Fownes (Frieda) of GENTLEMAN FARM, 150 ; [eee 170. Door Prize $15 England, Patrick J. of Whitby, and ea | | Acres with 800 Christmos | LA aa Bhat jmatic Console on-the-floor, power steer- Games $6, $12, $20 | SUNNYSIDE > |Wednesday, January 20, 1965, William H. | able for one lady, Central location, Park.|t0n radio, seat belts, front and rear! $210 IN JACKPOTS late Martha Votch and loving father of engineering, maintenance or methods engineering fields, dees Bek hanes All ino IMMEDIATE lw CADILLAC convertible, otis wih'._.__ eke | James Neal of Oshawa; in his 87th veer. Interested applicants con telephone our Mr. J. R. ences, 0c acheo "wr iouth GM Resting at icintosh-Anderson Funeral dern conveni 'ed trim, whire root, fully power equipped M | n ; Pela "4 re OCCUPANC mt "n shawa, Rei x. SM | Cow mileage and.' mec condition GTH M @) N S R Home, Oshawa. Service in the chapel on Jones, Park Plaza Hotel, Toronto, for an interview be- 2 s. Ask- we Pst in Oshawa, R jebie t ants, Dial) \ Hleage a hanical iti BRIN iS" | F trout ---. ¢ ; [fully guaranteed. Gus Brown Motors, Balboa Wsctge MeeLA endeared tween 10:00 A.M. ond 10:00 P.M., Friday, January ing $21,500. Terms. © eat § biden paehosea a SPECIAL Interment St. John's Cemetery, Ral 22nd, 1965 | 'abil' | namic, joor | Wh ev. © . BEEF FARM, 200 Acres. 8 | Spacious siiltee \27 Rooms for Rent |sedan. One owner. Low rae power B | N G O | Armia diiciafing. : | » cust aug ; : i Roomed brick home. 2 Barns. | ATTRACTIVELY Ten tee Welale sei, Phone Oabaws; Y2 PRICE PASS | ; ' Prior appointments may be made by calling Mr. J. R. 150 Acres workable. Asking | tn 723-7473 after 5 p.m. i Kindness beyond Price, yet Jones, collect, at Niagara Falls, Ontario, 354-1621, $28,000. Terms. | OXFORD PARK Towers | FURNISHED ROOMS tam PONTIAE,,pertlere, rvary CLUB | Within reach of all ; : : ; 'ondition. Telephone 728-4405. \ 2V%4 ACRES with 10. Roomed Available in private home, | Y2"¥ bn _Telaphor To The home on paved road. Ali mo- Stove & Fridge included Call between 5 and 7 p.m. ps Paggne pig =. Gs > wtaenes | N SAL CHAPEL dern conveniences. Only Broadloom corridors & 82 PARK RD. N Unt j FUNERAL | i ' "eGR PSO MN Maem | n. 22 (King St. E.--one block east $1500. down. Elevator service 728-8671 frallechs alan Concsaizee' py Rlocr: Strout Fr day, Ja of city limits--Opposite 'Bad 390 KING STREET WEST Donald Mountjoy - Guy LeBlane Pireproof construction Wie a |East after 4 723-2281. ag Boys'). TELEPHONE 728-6226 Idso Wiersma - Ross Davidson Balconies | WHITBY: $10 each, shared motel accom-.|1964 CHEV. Biscayne, 4-door, standard dishearustit ntaes zs haces ON Niemen: Theres ¥ modation; $22. with board; also private | shift, 6 cylinder, aqua blue, radio, wash- IN MEN FRIDAY JAN. 22nd Thomas _____|. Paved Parking units. Whitby 668-2067 [ere finted window, belts, onty 000 miles. LOCKE'S FLORISTS | AVELY laccs By us? se Is 'arewe! enue, 22--Lots for S forScle poinrins Pool esa foe: ree" 7521. Spotless. Also 1950 Chev, panel $1200 IN PRIZES Funeral arrangements ond ituated within easy walking °| 728-1816 : | aye SUPER CAR : oral requirments for "a distance of G.M. ROO ior gentleman. TV. Parking "Sa ron an ee ma Silomelic, tone EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7:45 occasions. Model suite and rental of- ble elon is garalohed ite i appreciated. Gus Brown Motors, 20--$20 GAMES--20 OSHAWA SHOPPING Good location -- Builder's | fice open from 2 - 9 p.m. apartment, use a taciiities. ne pial «AES Se 1--$150 JACKPOT--1 CENTRE terms. Available for building daily {ing Street East, Apt. 6 or telephone | |31--Compact Cars for Sale| ey Fis ie 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE diately. For location lore 3 p.m. 728-6555 ot ail ' For further information call SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25) JACKPOT NOS. 56 & 60 HOWARD McCABE or GUIDE | SGRRVENER RaBer-ior-semneneeor| SABYAN ONE MUST GO DOUG GOWER te home, hopping: Contre, ond MOTOR SALES LTD. REALTY LIMITED uk: Generar Motors plant, Call 728-261. | VOLKSWAGEN ot the ADMISSION $1.00 | IN MEMORIAM OREW STREET, 4@,-- Partly furnished| Sales and Service DOOR PRIZES WAGON. in foul ' = ing memory of my dear S D HYMAN Realtors -- 723-1121 [DeuseResping reemne to rN n't A ~ og bags Peterborough On Na: Children Please nao, or Ee ones of ty Bene ae? |. or Rental Office 723-6361 |P.m. evenings anh te Memorial Centre Love's greatest gift, Remembrance, from 2 - 9 p.m TWO MEN to share furnished room with | 723-3461 --Sadly missed by wife Violet and family, REAL ESTATE LTD. --_-- Higa a yo Bech Crerar Avenue East) Open Evenings HOLY CROSS SMITH a repagives | or telephone -- In loving memory of a | L._ Smith, 728-6286 LUGANNE VICLA [oe ------------ OVER ge ga BE vn R a emori e so dear, LARGE LOT, 100 x 12, northeast arse. SPANISH PROVINCIAL DECOR oa | PEUGEOT and VOLVO | BINGO ey due Co B ly Sg ll Sally Wallace, 725-4297. Feoturing-- ROOM AND aur ma om, or {wo SALES and SERVICE | 8 100 In our hearts he liveth yet, : Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. ~----Electric Heating to share ons entrance. Parking. JAKE and BILL'S | ' FREE ADMISSION BE plate pe Be i) we and) pore iy a ee NG --Controlled Entrances lome privileges. Call 725-4434, GARAGE Friday, Jan. 22nd daughter Rose and family. 23--Real Estate Wanted -- --Loaundry on each floor gentieman in General "fi and IN PRIZES 20 sal GAMES a --Broadloom Corridors re eae oe hears: Tale ; i Nothing on earth will mem- phone 728-7085 Auto-Electric Service includin 18 Games at $10 each tak | b URGENTLY --Flevator Service LRGAKG Rekan Brel" Boat teak 449 Ritson Rood South g 1 Game at $30.00 orialize for longer or better ---Dinette and Dining Room jin private home. Lunches packed. Home| Oshawa 728-0921 1 Game at $50.00 than a bronze memorial de- | gaeudees esa NEEDED --Ceramic Tile Bath and Privileges. Ajay 942-0524. _ | "palit signed by Matthews and sup- IN WHITBY Vani YOUNG. lady boarder wanted. $18 weekly, | 1963 ACADIAN Super "sports, convertible, New 1965 Specified Car SPECIAL JACKPOT plied by Mount Lown Mem- Ly --Well supervised and Rs ley rege 0d meal home| | Restaurant, Highway Me Neweaste ater $220 in 56 Nos. oriol Park, Year round instal- Three bedroom bungalow, maintained | hospital and downtown. 728-3577 from dealer of your choice $20.00 Consolation lations, courteous informa- i Designed for your convenience |ROOM and board for gentlemen only. | re VAURWAUL 8,000 miles. One owner. i 723-2633 eenirolly, Necated. ee with luxury at no extra cost, | Five-day week Willing to share Lunches | Take over payments. Phone or call or $2,000 Cash "-- sie Reta V MACKO packed. Telephone 728-4112 723-3 on Saturday. or before 2 p.m. i ine STEVE 330 GIBB ST. ROOM and BOARD for gentlemen oniy.| eunning Monday said SHARE-the-WEALTH MONUMENTS--MARKERS Schofield-Aker Ltd. Very centrally located. Lunches soit) "| 1961 ~CORVAIP Monza, four-door aulo- $1,000 Hi-Lo Game RIMAR . : THREE-ROOM apariment for rent, stove Apply at 296 King Street East near Ritson| Matic, custom radio, padded dash, '26,000) Regular, Jackpot $200 in 54 Nos. 723-2265 and refrigerator, TV antenna, very clean. | Road. guaranteed original miles, Lady owned| $1,600 Big Snowball (54 nos.) Evenings 728-5868 Apply 229 Gliddon Avenue, en eke seine ee eed | sad aeiven since new. Gus Brown Motors, $20.00 Consolation MEMORIALS 4 | installed FEEL in MODERN, 4 large rooms, upper duplex, |Apply_2 260° Atho! Street Eas! $1300 Small Snowball GOOD PARKING 152 SIMCOE ST. S. stove and refrigerator. Tile bathroom nee ~|1959 VAUXHALL Cresta four-door, ne ' : | NEED and iiichen. frivate enirahen Coupies| ROOM AND "BOARD for = girls, One | paint lob, custom radio, runs excullently. (53 nos.) 7:45 P.M OSHAWA only. Available now. $110 monthly.. Tele|room single beds. Central. Reasonable| Gus Brown Motors, 725-1801 me NO CHILDREN OLDER TYPE HOME note Rl iar ae " Annsco |1964 CORVAIR MONZA coupe, 110 HP $600 reguior games. aa ----| OFFICE EVENINGS tO h 9, d fi ~ - ND BOARD for young gentie-| : ; ' 723-1002 728-6627 a s awa's newe: THREE-BEDROOM = apartment, mai four-speed. les, - Pak Red, ' NOW !. Niner oF duclen, buitian' cron ed' seve nlm inate 'toon bary. Greeks Phone [black Interior Phone ie 448 ater six $450 Special gomes. OSHAWA JAYCEES st an nest 0926, Se "a try." ene" Se Ba a | " MUFFLER INSTALLATION CENTRE For Cosh Buyer Coll ste Ra - Central te N 1 oo ne bade A acta Bl NGO | { P D MM R K. N BILL JOHNSTON petty ill igtavcdyy rhalbod uae ake ofr "phone. 725-208. mea JEEP, i ton cab over engine, 4wheel Many Free And JAM ES S. EE Y UFFLE I. G | ae 4 4 --------------eennneroeeecnem: | drive with free wheeling front end. Equip: vator service controlled doors. Adults; | : | We |ped with snow plow. Must sell at once, 4 | 0 G Schotiel Aker id. {eter Amp Sted Har 29---Wanted to Rent 3 Valuable Door Prizes| TONIGHT tas 3 206 KING ST. WEST Aversa = __| EMECUTIVE needs house for April 1, CAL Gist Win Di a a 1 | | 728-1066 WHITBY: "Twobedroom "apartment in| three persons. Two bedrooms, in goed! Telephone pik pic a ee | TEL. 728-6268 n \ s bl ney Bruins Biot conveniences. Foor ig area, near school, Telephone | yy eons after & p.m Don't forget to buy the 20 games ot $20, 5 gomes | RO OL BERR A pelle . | i947 CHEVROLET, tow truck, pow 3 1 : PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, aged 26,|URGENTLY NEED by Feb 1, two 1 EVER, er economy pack for value ot $30 -- $150 Jackpot | Ltd. WE WILL PAY CASH FOR has a 3bedroom apartment in ae will bedroom house or by Caereary Uy Tae" winch, 300 ft cable. Dodge truck, 1949, ie - $250. Jackpots | Construct en 2 share with | to 2 other men. Mr. B in Bowmanville district or Oshawa. Tele- | oN? fon "OME Diet Hempren eadaated nf ond save money: M th Sat, 8 A.M. 6 B. YOUR HOUSE. CALL Dial 942-1020 days only. | phone 728-8784 or 987-4587. at OTR it aaprecegeess ---------|__ NUMBERS 52 and 57 t 7 2 3-7 | 2 2 On. Thru e to M. $40 MONTHLY, two rooms and kiichen-| |YouNG" LADY wants room and board In + See ' + | JOHN F DeWITH ete. "Ulity, and heat included. Close 10] good Christian home, 7day week, close to] Se Automobiles Wanted _ | Want Ads Don't Early Bird Game 1 | I Friday nights till 9 P. M. town - any pita' ne or tw jes'north Genera! Mot Aft 4 Auto Wrecking Co., bought, * t . : preferred, Cal' 725.2003 ee Re. Lparty tor sale' tron. and metals : bought, 1° Homes @ Additions FIVE-ROOM apartment, electrical heal-| FAMILY of seven requires home in Osh-|°? Bloor Stree East 725-231) RED BARN "Sin, Gi a damon REALTOR 9, (ridge and stove. Uiitles pald. Onelawe or. vieinity. Immediate possession. |LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want Cost -_ They Pay | @ Offices @ Remodeling : child weicome. monthly. Avaliable) Reasonable rent, Telephong 723-9761, askicars for wrec! Highest prices paid. % Bowmanville 623-3950 March's, Telephone 668-2448, Ifor Mra, Jeon, |00 Wentworth West, 7481101, wer | Children under 16 not | i '