but is especially good on choco- late or spice. Use it on frozen cakes whenever you need one the cake ready in a hurry; Z thaws while the icing browns. 4 ' For the honey rolls, with herd built-in spread, you may prefer, recipe ta use your own familiar for the dough, though this one/os is very easy to make. HONEY FROSTING This recipe makes enough frosting for a small cake (about 5 x 10 inches); for a large one double the recipe. Blend together 4 cup honey 3 tablespoons melted butter, cup crushed or chopped, drain centre rack in oven and until the coconut browns. HONEY CINNAMON ROLLS * Dough: / 1 package fast rising yeast % cup lukewarm water ; % cup 2 tablespoons butter or mar- garine Y% cup sugar teaspoon salt Y ed pineapple and % cup shredded]; coconut. Spread lightly on cake (hot or cold). Place cake on TORONTO (CP)--If a food is good for you, it's not neces- sarily true that more is even better. If you are normally healthy, few foods will do you harm unless you eat too much them. "In our society people should be well-fed," says Mrs. Garnet Brooks, nutritionist with the Visiting Homemakers Associa- tion in Toronto. "Yet in our "Iwork, we find both under- and over-nutrition. People think if a little of something is good, more is a lot better. Your body can only utilize'so much food value n a day. "We tell low-income families particularly, that if a child only needs the vitamin content of a four-ounce glass of orange juice, there is no need to give him more," WORRY OVER FADS Mrs. Brooks says nutritionists are concerned about food fads and. misunderstandings about the effects of various foods. Oveiloaiding With Food. - 'Does Not Build Good Health for in- stance, I can't eat potatoes, they're fattening. It's only the excess of a food that is detri- mental. Except for people who have special problems, nothing is. detrimental amounts. "Nowadays people take vita- min pills to make up for things they think have been processed out of foods. With a good basic diet, adults have no need for vitamins unless scribed. "If natural products are pro- cessed out of a food, the food is often enriched to make up for it." Mrs. Brooks is in favor of the eurrent concern with over- weight. "Overweight can be a form of malnutrition--of bad nutrition. It was once considered a pros- perous thing to see a man with a pretty good pot. It meant he could afford to eat well. Now 'People often say, in limited they're pre- we know better, people should keep their weight down. "If it's only a few pounds, and you know you're snacking or eating too many desserts, you can cut down. Otherwise, though, you should see a doctor and be put on a diet." MAKE A LIST Mrs. Brooks says that from the point of view of both nu- trition and economy, women should shop carefully, es- pecially since 20 to 25 per cent as family income is spent on "Women should give a little and shop with a. list. Women are great impulse-shoppers. If you have a list, you're likely to stick to it." vance, and if you want to use a prepared menu as a guide, don't. be discouraged if it in- like. You can substitute. A simple way to determine whether you 'are basic nutrition needs is to be products. more thought to meal planning| Plan a week's menus in ad-|* cludes food your family doesn't|" sure each meal includes some) -- - animal products and some plant} There is a Canada food guide published by the nutrition divi- sion of the national health and welfare department which lists the type of food everyone should have every day. It includes milk, two servings of fruit, one of potatoes and two of other vegetables, preferably yellow or green and often raw. Bread with butter or fortified margarine and one' serving of whole grain cereal should be on the menu. Every day should include one serving of meat, fish or poultry, eggs, cheese, dried beans or peas. You should eat liver oc- casionally and eggs and cheese at least three times a. week. Don't Neglect Slipping satisfying |* "Some fads are old ones that} come down through the family. | Some are a result of misread- Develop Your Confidence, Influence and although you may substitute MEAT MARKET OU ALITY --SERVICE--SAVINGS FREEZER SPEC IALS e BEEF HINDQUARTERS @ Ib. 516 FRONT QUARTERS lb. 31+ HES : ing a story in a newspaper or| Speaking Ability magagine. fc By Taking The CHRISTOPHER LEADERSHIP COURSE A 10 Week Course Beginning Jon. 25 In HOLY CROSS HALL aot 8 P.M.,. @ All Welcome to Participate @ Sponsored by Catholic Laymen @ Costs $15 per person or $20 per couple Classes Are Limited to 30 Applicatnts FOR REGISTRATION & INFORMATION CONTACT MR. TERRY O'CONNOR -- 1453 Oxford St. -- 725-8670 1 HONEY IMPROVES BAKING 2 NO CHARGE FOR CUTTING, Honey Adds a Delicate Flavor, And Keeps Orange Bread Moist Because honey helps keep;for several days, that is, unless cakes and other baked foods|you have a large family, moist and fresh, it is often used Which case the bread will dis- in bakeries. You can use it for, *PPeat a' one sitting! similar reasons in your kitchen, HONEY ORANGE BREAD egg cups sifted all-purpose flour Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water, Scald milk, add butter, | sugar and salt and let stand ¥ teaspoon. salt about 14-inch thickness, Spread % cup orange juice , the rest of the honey mixture cup bran cereal (not flakes) -- a Lr ti ad over it and sprinkle raisins and Blend shortening and honey; |jjour, Beat for about 2 minutes|Cinnamon on top. Roll dough up beat in egg and orange rind.|to blend. Stir in the rest of the|like a jelly roll and pinch the 'Sift flour, baking powder, soda|fiour gradually. Cover and let edges together. Slice into 24 and salt together; add to honey/rise until double in bulk (this/pleces and place, cut side down, mixture alternately with orange|takes about an hour). in muffin cups. Let rise until juice and stir the bran in last.|Spread: Bl wage: in spite (about an hour), Pour into one large (5 x 9) %4 cup honey then \bake 12 to 15 minutes in inches) or two small loaf| % cup butter or margarine |425 degree F. oven. | as well as for the flavor bonus/2 tablespoons shortening |pans that have been greased.| 14 cup chopped nuts (optional) -------- = honey gives these flour mix-| 1 - cup honey Bake in 325 deg. F. until a| % cup raisins OO = wo tures. | 1. egg toothpick inserted in the centre|2 teaspoons cinnamon ill . id In this recipe, honey is the| 1% tablespoons grated orange|comes out clean (about 1%| Mix honey, butter and nuts) | Starts Tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. only sweetner used, Its delight-| rind hours for large loaf less time'and drop about % og val ful flavor blends perfectly with) 244 cups flour for small ones). into each of 24 greased muffin| | We have enlarged our store so that we can now give you « wider selection of HATS, SUITS and DRESSES to the orange and bran. It also} 2% teaspoons baking powder keeps the orange bread moist! 1% teaspoon soda choose from. We have also added 2 modern fitting rooms for your convenience, DAVIDSON'S Mid-Winter e SUITS _-e DRESSES @ ACCESSORIES Come in and Save! MILLINERY WORLD 5 King Street East SHL'D. PORK CHOPS 2-Ibs. SLICED SIDE PORK 2-Ibs. COUNTRY SAUSAGE ALL-BEEF 5-Ibs. WRAPPING AND FREEZING SKINLESS WIENERS 3-lIbs. LEAN MINCED ] 0 0 CHUCK STEAK 2-lbs. ANY ONE ITEM BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST Boneless POT ROAST cups. ; Besides being used in baked! Roll out the raised dough to STEAKS & ROASTS | . Sirloin Stea T-Bone é ; Wing * Roasts Ib Boneless Round Rump Roast SLICED BREAKFAST BACON 22 Simcoe St. N. | BUDGET TERMS GLAZIER'S JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES Further reductions en entire winter stock. Must be to make room for Spring merchandise arriv- ing shortly. Time for you to savel. OPEN EVERY THURS. & FRI. TILL 9 P.M, and Every Wed. till 6 P.M. LADIES' FUR TRIMMED COATS Thrilling styles, lovely shades . . . with fur trims of Silver Fox, Mink, and still more! Warmly interlined. Meke your selection now. You'll be gled you shop- ped at Glezier's. 99.95 pee Oshawe HAZEL LANGTON BUDGET TERMS FINAL 3 DAYS JANUARY CLEARANCE BEDROOM SUITE VALUES 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Weainut finish, double dresser, chest, bookcase bed... JANUARY CLEAROUT one LARGE BEDROOM SUITE with Triple dresser, chest and bookcase bed . » « JANUARY SPECIAL ' ' gop °"* FRENCH PROVINCIAL Bedroom Suite . . . dresser, chest end bed. ONE ONLY .. + JANUARY CLEAROUT . Ace Sas eee Prrdicecnceves 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE > JANUARY CLEAROUT .............. Reg. to 99.95 SAGE 3. ek. ces Reg. to 79.95 SALE SPECIAL RACK LADIES' COATS Special grouping of fur tri d and rimmed coats in ive styles. 1 9.39 Values to 49.95. SALE M LADIES' BETTER All this season's latest fashions being cleared ot. "give-away" prices, Shop Glozier's for BIG SAVINGS! Ideal for that extra room .. STARTS THURSDAY 9:00am. ® ALL SALES FINAL ® @ NO EXCHANGE - NO REFUNDS ® DAVIDSON'S SHOE STORE 31 SIMCOE ST. NORTH FREE PARKING SMOOTH TOP Mattresses Sold for 49.95 JANUARY SPECIAL JANUARY SALE 22.00 | 49.88 CHESTERFIELD SUITES 2-PCE. SERTA CHESTERFIELD SET Frieze covering; .00 wing filled mattress inside .... 2-PCE. MODERN 4-SEATER Sofa Suite . . . bowele fabric; foam cushions. Originally sold for 249.00. JANUARY CLEARANCE 100% NYLON 3-SEATER SUITE Foom beck and cushions; walnut showwood. Don't Miss this One! CONTINENTAL BEDS Smooth-Top Construction with Hi-Grade Damask Ticking Com- plete with Headboard ana Legs. Sells for 79.50, FLAKE FOAM PILLOWS Non-Allergic WHILE THEY LAST 17 Limited Quantity SPECIALS First Come - First Served! Men"s SHIRTS Better quolity white dress irts and sports shirts. Reg. sh $3.98 & $4.98. 1 99 CHILDREN'S LINED SLIMS Conadien mede. Sizes 2 te 6X. Reg. $1.98 to $2.98 SALE 1 .00 LADIES' SHOES Clearing lines thet normality sold for $4.98 & $5.98 Broken ranges and sizes. SALE foam cushions BED CHESTERFIELD Foam cushions and back; 100% nylon, VALUES TO $29.98 14.99 VALUES TO $24.98 VALUES TO $19.98 SALE SALE 2. SALE ALL CHILDREN'S COATS & COAT SETS & SNOW SUITS Reduced up to V2 OFF Some Even More 498 SIMCOE SOUTH Across from South Simeoe Schoo!) FREE PARKING : 6x 9 LINOLEUM REMNANTS oa 9.99| x 23. WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH STREET 723-3211 JANUARY SALE CLEAROUT CLEAROUT -- PER FT. FREE PARKING | TTS - = -- . AIEEE rE mae: ONINUVd 339u4 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA