Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jan 1965, p. 15

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, January 19, 1965 |30--Automobiles for Sale ,36--Legal STOCK M ARKET nn te Weel bie tle ben se: os eee KELLY DISNEY THE CORPORATION OF Wasting 30 SiSia Sey Asin + V6). Tamblyn 220 SiaMk BN 26 Mcintyre 210 64 Ve 66% 66Y2 TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS 1) Net '0 'sere 6s z "io200 $13 18.13 McWat 2" a" Bb' -M, a $ ic Wal USED CAR LTD. THE CITY OF OSHAWA By The Canadian Press Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 100 $10% 200270 270.270 +20) Merrill 1000 64 64 f 5 Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan, 19. | sib ih $232 234 23 1015 $41% 41 41% -- %| Meta Uran y : : 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST (Quotations in cents uniess marked $.| By"0; one ike a | Con Bidg Me 350 $21% 21% 21% -- | Metal Mine 2 172 WHITBY -- 668-5891 NOTICE OF z--Odd lor, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| ra | Me 0% 8 Trans PPL. 150 $9% 9% 9%4-- ight ie irs 1@) ear rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is) ke tg MS 4% Turnbull 100 $12 12 «12 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $115 month-' Cars bought and sold ' from previous board-lot closing sale.)! Brockyill as 4 42 42 Un Carbide 1050 $267% 267% + Va ly stove, fridg and swimming pool. Feb- Li id off , STREET CLOSING | od F 1, Un Gas 65 26% ruary 1. Telephone 668-5602 Whitby ns . | Bulolo 200 $714 Tie ou ; Trade up or down TAKE NOTICE thot the INDUSTRIALS | Burne 240 $14 18% 18 Coes petal dll mn tvenndabe vee ea tei At SR GROUND FLOOR, three-room irtment, Crestbrk ° , Se: 8 ivate. entrance, private bath, parking. Always top quality Council of The Corporation Net| Cal Pow 150 $20% 20% Poe dog hae Bi Sai oi Reasonable. "Appi 762 King 'Street East of the City of Oshawa at its Stock. Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Can Bread 300° $12, 12 | Crush Int 325 $12% 12% 12% + Ve : 440 440 26--Apartments for Rent |30--Automobiles for Sale plex, 728-2291. 1957 CADILLAC convertible, white with Can Cem red trim, white roof, fully power equipped] meeting to be held on Mon- Abacon Can Cem pr be oes 9% | Cygnus A 700 76 75 75 Low mileage and mechanical condition Abitibi 2555 $14 13% 13%-- 4! Cygnus B 500. 500 500 Westeel H doy, the 15th day of Febru: CD sug 200 $2812 2% Cygnus r "vie 7 Pie wating Weston A THREE-ROOM apartment in apartment 2 building. Abstainers. Adults only. ae aby piece Gus Brown Motors, ary, 1965 at 7:30 o'clock in Alta Gas 300 38 38%-- ve Cl Fndry $472 103 Wilson Roac North, Apt. 3, 'alter Alia Gas w 1940 1% W%+ Ye) Can Perm 25 $77! bie a 7a AT 1962 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic, 4door|- the afternoon at the Council Na x Ce 35. 35 il Pe ad --_ 200 2 $35 Weston B 27--Rooms for Rent sedan. One owner. Low mileage, power| Chambers, City Hall, Osh- % 2s $6 bY Dhaene 2850 $3: YA Ya Woodwd A steering, power brakes, custom radio, 4) Qwa, intends to pass a by- 550 550 $12% 12% 12¥4 Dot: new fires. Estate sale. Phone Oshawa, law 6 close up the southerly ed ATTRACTIVELY ! a Brew _---2070 $11 11'm 11% $24 25. 28 + Ne 723-7473 after 5 p.m 2 2 FURNISHED ROOMS e a Wa S INT CHEVROLET Impala convertible one hundred feet of Fernhill | Alum 44 pr 175 automatic, power steering, power brakes.| Boulevard as shown on PJan Alum lpr 215 23 $165 165% Brew A pr 210 $492 49\2 494 vate hae 4 vend ner 3 er! , BHA ne be + i Acme Gas uU BY Bh-- a f pe 2 Y Sy i in pri i 2 494 Caw wa S67 36% 6%, Alminex "5 «0 Available in private home, $1,500 or best offer. Financing can be] 263 and being that part of nn El tae ji Found 64 6M + $55% 5512 55¥2-- Vo on 6 uM 8 Call between 5 and 7 p.m, arranged. Telephone 725-8962. the said highway which lies iow i ms Pr "a yar Cae a aa oid Ch Tr 4 ssa 462 46a + % $25, 25 3S 82 PARK RD. N 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, south of the easterly produc- | Anthes A xd 100 Mm ec ik fie a ee eel 10 825% 254 2 Ros 1959 FORD Ney Stee Soe e 728-4405.) tion of the southerly. limit HH Wis 68% 68% Falcon 325 $834 83% 83% + Ya, 945 945 945 1962 SUPER 88, four-door hardtop, Olds- f lot 41. Plon 436; A pl 135 1434, 14% + Va radial Fam Play 290 $23%4 23% 23% + | 815 815 815 --5 ba mobile, fully loaded, new licence. Tele-| © lot 41, Flan By atatet 250 $19%4 19% 19% =| CL. 100 mu 24 Ford Cda 72$195 195 195 +7 | ek a A FAIRLANE phone 725-2900. showing the port of Fernhill 450 $67" 67% ; 70 FPE-Pion A 100 $11% 11% 11% Domi 317% 17% 17% ONE room in new house, suit two = Boulevard to be closed is on 867 4 1%4 19a + Va R 950 $61% 612 6144+ % Frosst A 350 $20% 20% 20%%-- Ye Fr Pete pr 200 360 360 360 gentiemen willing to share. Telephone FORDOR SEDAN USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make : 210 42M 42% 2100 $14% 14% 14% + %' Fruehaut Pe eae y Rae | Midcon so 6st SO 723-5565. trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street file and may be examined in Bel! Phone 699 64¥%e-- Ye C Util pr 225 $103 103 103 Gen Bake 250 $7 7 7 Mill. City 40 40 «40 WHITBY -- Fo rent, light housekeeping] Tutone coral and white. Eco- | East after-4 723-2281. the Office of the City Clerk, GMC 221 $104 1034 104 _| Murphy 1016 415 405 «415 +20 room with private entrance. Telephone] nomical 6 cylinder engine, | 1955 BUICK, automatic, green-white, new, City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario, | 245 $14 ldo 14Ve NC Oils 300 300° 300. +5 668-2332 or apply 542 Mary Street East} Alito Trans, radio. Low mile- | tires: good mechanical condition. $300.' ANID TAKE FURTHER NO- | | | G $98%4 98% 98%4 Numac 155 155 155 afer 6 ito, Toons, tacho. Low mile col rage betwen toe! | "ee-shae the Corporation of | | BIRTHS DEATHS ote | Berme Bh 184 Brat Me FURNISHED bedroom. twin beds; in| 998- owner Car, Sold ne 1964 CHEV Biscayne, 4-door, standard) 41° Cit of Oshawa intends to | | $25% 25a -- Ve pare 100 Ld 2 a 2 aviet for two women only. Close} by us. Guaranteed. shift, 6 cylinder, aqua bive, radio, wash- ity of Os drab | | g "ate Ponder 500 4 to downtown and hospital. ers, tinted window, belts, only 5,000 miles.) pass o by-law to authorized | $52 Sva 5) BE oie Sil Eureka 300 300 FURNISHED room for ae tia Bente. 3 Must sell this week. 188 Farewell Avenue, the sale of the part of Fern- | CORBY -- George and Beverley (nee; PEARSON Ralph Clark Teta oe aay | ae as Silverfield 290 280 290 +15 men. Apply 103 Elgin street West, or| 1961 FORD 1ae7511., Spotiess. Aloo 1950 Chev. panel) F111 Boulevard to be closed, | Dacels) wish, 1 announce the acrival Ct) Entered into rest in the family resi-) Ha Chem A 200 $134 "3 South U 9 a einer a iy tel: 725-0148. Fst RE DR AY A OY ESR SS ' fe : * 4|dence, 65 Townline Road North, Darling- 4, r 1 p t Ss er jelephone : 4 FORDOR SEDAN 1959 PONTIAC station w Va, stand- reserving, however, to the Pun vig ae he ie wt a i pelt lton, on Monday. January 18, 1965, Ralph ie cate a its} na i as Leer Oi Siscoe 500 320 ROOM for one gentleman in furnished ard shift, Rune like. neu! Gus' Brown| Corporation of the City of omer. Tor Lenny, berry. am * Clark Pearsor, beloved son of Mr. and) jawker-$ 37% 7. 7% CUnion Olt Steep R 4200 665 650. 650 ~--5 Tine Strut East lida al Pb Finished in Rangoon red with | Motors, 725-18C1. | Oshawa an easement to main- HOUSTON -- Jim and Linda (nee col| MTS: Charles s. Pearson and brother of Hawker pr 10$102 102 102 -- 1% U Canso Sud Cont 29% 28% 29h + ve 728-5450 after 6.30 p.m. | contrasting interior A-1 con- |i949 METEOR, V-8 automatic, 2-1one| tain an existing storm sewer |wel') wish to announce the birth of their | Tony Usinars Clacoveline; aytuib Wrs;| Hayes sti 200 $174 17% 17% + Ve Ne tint ee ae ee 400 on 590 590 --10 TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms, dition throughout. Low down -- |trown and beige This car has to be seen| across the said closed-up |$0n, Shaughn Jeffery, 6 Ibs., 6 ozs. (pre-| Ruth, all of Oshawa, In his 29th year. ie ie ie +, Yan Can 42 dh, Me Torbrit 500 63 +1 ; i ; ; 1965, v4 suit young working couple. Close to bus.| payment will handle. we ee een highway, Cotatve: General Hospital, May' thenks| Caee'ty wr the, Armetrens Foetal: Hote) 310 310 310 +5 | Tormont. $80 Eig . * . | ribag _ Apply 306 Pacific Avenve. Seal fo Dr. Sanderson, Dr. Kowalski, Dr. A.|trude's 'Church' on Wednesday, January) HEC. ae ee ee MINES Trin Chib 1000 13 CONNAUGHT and Greta Streets ae 1962 CORVAIR 31--Compact Cars for Sale AND TAKE FURTHER NO- |Rundie and nurses on fourth floor. Firstloo, af 10 a.m. Interment Resurrection| iaty ano it tite te + vl U_ Asbestos 260 oO a mcr 2 - faleletelal nannoag 120 320 furnished fron room, private home. Ab- TICE that at the said meet- [grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. E. Colwell)! cemetery. Knights of Columbus prayers \ 1 Ye 32% %| Un Buffad 59 H H q : : ' 7 ¥ ' * : Imp Life . 75$280 280 280 Accra 1000 32% 324 32%2+1% mioeongeeeaibl garage $8 weekly. Tele} ZA ing the Council shall hear in ok ple gd irent-arandchild| Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Church prayers at) imp oil 1145 $58%4 SB 58V4 Advocate 550 590 580 580 --10) UCL Mine oe pie uncdt nha ne | MON S A B y A N person or by his counsel, so- | : : : t PM. Imp Tob 475 $14% 14% 14% + Ye Agnico 2122 145 144 144 Un Keno 985 985 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, S-day| COUPE | ficitor or agent. ony. person. |. KELLY Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelly Ind Accep 310 $26% 26% 26% + % A Am Moly 300 225 225 225 Un Fort soo 1 ov week No shif' work. Close to north GM MOTOR SALES LTD. "$Me | ye (nee Nancy Compton) are happy to an-| Inglis $00 405 405 405 +5 123900 150 144 150 +8 | Utd Pore 18¥2 18% 18% and hospital. Cali 725-6881. | VOLKSWAGEN who claims that his land will née the BIN of a ton, Bradiey| Inland Gas 2120 $92 92 94 2000 35% 35¥2 35Ve Urban Q 0 23 222 22a -- Va aT ree Gleaming black finish with vite oe ee 4 : if | Int 34 892 894 -- Y 500 110 110 110 --2 |- Viol LARGE furnished light housekeeping Sal S be prejudicially affected by James, 8 Ibs. 4 ozs., on Sunday, Jan- Int "Nickel = 410 $8994 89¥2 8934 -- Ye lolam 295 295 295 room, private entrance. Suitable for two| White vinyl interior. 4 speed ES Coe ary tce the by-law and who applies [vary 17, 1965, at the Oshawa General IN MEMORIAM inler es 1 on oe te Black B 500 a "4 "3 tt When a a girls or working couple. 179 King Street} trans. Radio and whitewalls. New and Used Cars to be heard Hospital. Special thanks to' Dr. Mani- Higa gt us oF or ar Bralorne 720 510 500 510. +15 West mines 5 6 os ts" East. A sharp car for the sports 334 Ritson Rd. S. ' tvs and the 4th floor staff. SANT ins Ga Wa dear) I0Y Gro A 325 $122 12% 17% Brunswk $167 16% 16%¢-- Ye) Wiltsey 500 10 10. 10 SINGLE ROOM for rent, centrally ioceied| minded, Easy monthly pay- 723-3461 DATED at Oshawa this 19th | LICHTY -- Leroy and Pat are happy 10! mother, Annie Rebecca Flint, who passed! j4t Ind | 100 $9 9¥4 sla + wm) Bunker OH ie Hari vale toes LS Ra near North General Motors. Apply ments fe E ; day of January, 1965 announce the arrival of Carla Lorraine) away January 19, 1946. | L ind pr 7245,$23 23 2. ale Le 500 16a 16% 16 Colborne Stree' East, Oshawa. | pen Evenings | : t Pamela, 10 Ibs., 12 ozs., on Saturday.| "From our hepey honvesend circle | Jamaica PS 1350 $11%4 11% 1l%*-- ve paid poked qi Bear i 7" 156 7 SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 ca L. R. Barrand, Esq., | January 16, 1965, at the Oshawa General) Gog has taken one we love, | Jenene. oe Cate SL ulapa 2 + $1 ivisi t Hospital, A sister for Carol and Richard. i | SURNIGHEP ROC 1961 CHEVROLET VOLVO _Gity 'Clerk. |" | $e"stbete' some aber 7" | Jock aor 100 sae te, aie + Mal Ting 2 7 ra} ee es DI ; ---- oo cae % 24 2A FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, pri SELBY--Davio and Anna (nee Prince)|_sadiy missec, always remembered by! Keitey"Co is siz 'a2 3) 4 vl C Austrar 2000 10% 10% 102 FOREIGN TRADING ¢ 2150150. --7 vate home,. near Shopping Centre and BISCAYNE SALES and SERVICE dca Ripee te wnhounoe Ma. arrival OF 6} south Genera; Motors plant. Call 725-2614. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN based AR son Whelsby and daughter-in-law Ethel. | Labatt 230 $20%2 20Ye 20% Dyno 400 15: ner JAKE and BILL S | son, Derek Wesley, 8 Ibs., 4 0zs., born on atatne 100 $134 13% 134+ | Cdn. Keeley 8000 37 36% 36¥ =" 100 $60 480 500 8 8 TWO single, furnished rooms, for steadily FORDOR SEDAN GARAGE that The Corporation of the | Saturday, January 16, 1965, at the Alax! GREEN -- In loving memory of a dear, [afarge 1480 Captain , 4 oe 28% 28% 28% +4% 50 340 340 340 ; : 4 4 8 employed gentlemen, one block | from } City of Oshawa will apply to | and Pickering General Hospital. |wife, Frankie, who passed away Janu- : ; ne ans north GM. Parking, $8 weekly. 728-6697. Oshawa blue with white top. General Repair and the Legislative iweinbly 7 lary 19, 1964 LOnt am ms Y Sosa 19 ne ie 1M Though her smile is gone forever, Lakeland 300 $7 7 7 Coch will 100 315 315 315 jon to} .Auto, trons. P.S., radio, new Auto-Electri rvice "4 FURNISHED bedroom, good location to c Servic the Province of Ontario at And her hands we cannot touch, Lakeland Ww (300 Coin Lake 1000 21 ia Fda i Map 200 158 158 1588 --7 bus and downtown, in clean, quiet pri-! tires and .chrome discs. A-1 449 Ritson Road South i i _ +e its session commencing Jan- Still we have so many memories i a | Con-Ke 1000 «+11 one ern fs throughout. Oshawa 728-0921 uary 20, 1965 for pf Act DEATHS OF the one we loved so much, eur er bi ine bred C Belitk 500 9 BES 2 0 a me '* ler memory is our keepsake, , ure FURNISHED room. Close to North Gen- 1963 ACADIAN 'super sports convertible, authorizing the Corporation With which we'll never part, ae a tg tud ae MM) CHa 1500 3 eral Motors and downtown. elephone loor shift, A' condition. Apply Oasis God has her in His keeping, au Lays 1962 FALCON Sane Tr enWey Ue Newcastle: etter iw Prcaggcbe ed gntees ih veel a h General |. \ve, have. her in our heart tay A i vie a Me € Morrison 1000 ta --- | 6 pm. lo nter into rest a! shawa ner. Loving! b a iss evy pr 2 ane Ome eee Sirois. Fornisned). DELUXE a VAUXHALL, 6,000 miles" One owne grants to the Women's Wel- | Hsszits!_ on Tuesday, January 19, 1965,| og ty Rustenc Alle SA AT Cary 8 pe 225 Tee 104 -- to] EM ems T7ERR room, main floor apartment. Kitchen) 1964 VAUXHALL, 8,000 miles. One owner. | Winnitred M. Robinson of Myrtle, Ontario y tebe" A 400 8% Bat C Northid 500 Cravnegse. Thome 735-1700. ces TUDOR SEDAN Take over payments. Phone or cali fare League of Oshawa to | itormeriy of Claremont), beloved wife Of GREEN -- In loving memory of a dear) LObCo B 300 $8%% 8% 8% ¢ ioe DREW STREET, @ -- Partly furnished| 7233203 on Saturday or before 2 p.m.| help defray the cost of oper- | Robert Dawson and dear mother of Helen| mother, Frankle, who passed away Janu-) Loeb M. 2185 $12%% 12% 12%e-- wi & geacout oom housekeeping rooms for two working} Arcadian blue with matching wail Boden shiner ating the recreational centre | Mary (Mrs. Weir) of Whitby, Robert Jr.| ary 19, 1964 MB PR 820 $35 34% 35 Conwest girls. No parking, Apply between 5 and 8 interior. Equipped with radio F I ai known as Simcoe Hall Boy's and Wayne of Myrtle, and loving grand-| Sq many things have happened, M Leaf Mill 100 $16 16 16 Cop Corp p.m. evenings. | and whitewalls. A-1 condition matic, custom radio, padded dash, 26,000} h h f h mother of Carey Ann and Billy. Mrs Since you were called away, Mass-F 1758 $28% 282 282 Copfield 39 «139 «139 TWO MEN fo share furnished room with : * [guaranteed original' miles. Lady owned) Club in the City of Oshawa. [Dawson is resting at McEachnie Funeral so many things to share with you, Met Stores , 225 $10% 10% 10% Craigmt $162 16% 16% twin beds. Apply $92 Crerar Avenue East} Fully guaranteed. and driven since new. Gus Brown Motors, | aren ai Gal ee |Home, 28 Kingston 'Road West, Pickering. Had you beer left to stay. Molson A 40 $38 38 Daering % 5 6 +% or telephone 728-1514 sins Seat : | at Oshawa, this t! patie Ra 'tee Pp Sate ment, Every day in some small way, Mon Foods 100 $9% 9% | Deer Horn AOR é em § f pede. «eka owe tele ESET Ser Ons 1959 AUSTIN + urea" sala f : jay, January # abe of Memories or you come our way, Mont Loco 72100 $15% 15% Denison $24% 24 24%4-- Ve HOUSEKEEPING room. Private, er) 1064 GALAXIE repair, but lary 'owner selling as is, $225.| Bey Of onuary, 176m Erskine Cemetery Though absent, you are ever near, Moore 475 $59%4 592 Dicknsn 555 555 555 pate floo Mga I bso Dial 942-0917 | E. G. McNeely, B.A HALL, Wittiem Emmerson | Still missed, loved, always dear. " ist Contain 225 $6%4 6% a Discovery 320. 315 --5 4 prob! " lephon ' 1 BA. . --Always remembered by son Alf, daugh- eon THA 8294 | 9% East Mal 200 200 725-7273. 500, XL ort be gps ve scone four-done new 50 Centre Street, At his late residence, 238 Gibb sire: ters Madge and Helen. Noranda 475 $53% 53% z Fiwest T 36 1 i lob, custorr radio, runs excellently on Monday, January 18, 1965, William NO NGas 925 $24) 2470 f F Mar 415 4 28--Room and Board TUDOR HARDTOP Gus Brown Motors, 725-1801. tg hg Emmerson Hall, in. his 57th year. Be: KING ~ In loving memory of my dear) Nor Phone. 100 $12% 12% Frobex 30 "90 i959 VAUXHALL sta, fourd : __ solicitor} bho pricant. _._| loved husbane of the late Dorothy Jane| parents, Thomas King, who passed away, Nor Tar Ch 290 $5 5 5 Genex 3% 6 350CO35 ROM AND BOARD for centiemen.| Silversmoke grey with red | Dar, VaUanee Sanh ie eet i R. J. Keith Good will not be responsible Walker and dear father of Mrs. Sam|January 17. 1958, and Laura King, who Ocean Cem 25 $22 22% Giant YK $16ve 16 16 -- % Apply 260 Atho! Street East. aut Mb bucket seats [Gus Brown Motors 725-1801. for any debts contracted in my name by Mentin} Cnaxine) 4 speonte ane ae pessed away January ay W999, ilies Ont | st6el yo $0 _ sce 12 (12 2 ROOM AND BOARD, gentleman. Home-| and fully equi ow mile- 7 CORVAIR MONTA Couns Tin ap (anyone on or after this date, January|Colin Cairns (June Eli 4 MV #¥ou Gear parents, res} and seep, gs nn Exp s cooked meais, 5-day week. Parking space F Ate pped. L Sova 1964 CORVAIR MONZA coupe, 110 HP, 16. 1965, without my written. consent. "| Brother of Mrs. Frank Speirs (Hazel) Of, Your memory we'll always keep. Pac Pete $12% 12% Ve Granduc Home privileges. GM worker preferred $F 00" ry warranty. ve [ipegend ogg casi "rhe Red, R. J. Keith Good.|Lindsay; Mr:. Harvey Deans (Rena) iA --Sadly missec by daughter Amanda,/ Pow Corp S1S% 15' Gunnar 530 786. ; A je 728-6448 after six. Douglas Hal. of Toronto and J. Earl! Hall|son-in-law Wil: and grandsons. Prem Tr $392 391 Cieee Bath Senet NS. |S. Bamibn Events of Oshawa, Mr. Hall is resting at Meln- . = Price Bros $43'2 43% 432 390 ROOM AND BOARD for two girls, one 32--Trucks for Sale | g tosh-Anderson Funeral Home with ser-| Kiothing on earth will mem- QN Gas 1800 $13Y%e 12% 12%e-- % pee BERS | room, single beds. Central. Reasonable 1963 PONTIAC . tices |vice in the Chapel on Wednesday, Janu- add P QN Gas pr 215$175%4171 171 5 $78 77% 78 rates. Telephone 728-3565. 1964 GMC '2-ton pick up, like new. $1,550. | O A lary 20 at 3.30 p.m. Interment Union! orialize for longer or better QN G63 w 175 Int Helium 105 104 104 MILL STREET, 103: Large room with PARISIENNE Ee ad 725-6534 before 5 p.m. or SHAW Cemetery. than a bronze memorial de- Revelstoke 150 tron Bay 126 125 «(126 board, for two or three gentlemen willing +3785 atter & p.m. ca ene j ciched 'by Mathews and R-Nodwell 100 Iso 490 470 «(485 to share. Lunches packed, Large parking| TUDOR HARDTOP 1947 CHEVROLET tow truck power winch LIONS CLUB | LAYCHUK, Barbara Joan i ¥ eee. |: Renee. ae Mj Jaye Exp facilities. Appiy address. 300 ft cable Dodge truck. 1949 one ton Isuddenly, as the result of an accident). plied by Mount Lawn Mem- Romfield 500 170 Jonsmith 17, 1965, Barbara Royal Bank 414 $79% 792 79%%+ %, Kerr Add MEL KRUGER ROOM AND BOARD for young gentle | Gleaming bleck with rich blue |OMC- Dial Hampton 263-2445 or 725-9861. B | N G O Fee a iee ved daughier of Mr| - cial Park. Year round instal- SIL Cem w 130 $17 17¥2 17¥a+ %4| K Anacon 285 280 285 +5 man, eae room, Sday week. one) interior. Auto trans., radio, Ghehe Mea take oa power Jand Mrs. Raymond Laychuk of 547 Park lations, 'courteous informa- Salada 290 $12%4 12% 12% L_ Dufauit $13% 13% 13% + Ve REPRESENTATIVE 728-0926. en CENaere | : inch, , * lCrescent, Fairport Beach, and loving tion, -723-2633. Sayvette 300 330. 325 325 --10 Lakehead 2% 252 26 + ROOM AND BOARD, for three gentle jig rena lbiian chrome discs. ona ton GMC Dial Hemnpton "26-2445 or WED. NIGHT sister of Rendy. Barbara Is resting. at|------_-__-_______| Seven. Arts 200 Siéi 16¥%, 164 -- Ye) Langis 0 8 : | L \ a. , men. Central to North and South General! rue beouty. tsa a eee . McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston AAQONUMENTS--MARKERS Heal Nat a oie Mi ut ap allies is rae a SUN LIFE Motors. Phone 725-2008. | 1961 CHEVROLET '2 ton pickup, used| Road West, Pickering. Funeral Wednes- Pp Ma 4a cour' | only for furniture moving. Like new. Cus- day, January 20, at 11.30 a.m. to St. RIMAR Shop Save 680 $18% 18 181% + %*| Lorado 29--Wanted to Rent 1962 METEOR ltom. cab, longa Fleetside box, custom $1,200 in cash prizes Mary's Church, Rosebank -for requiem Silverwd A 200 $15% 15% + % Louvict 24 y Assurance Co | radio. 728-7954 high mass at 12 noon, Interment St. Fran-| MEMORIALS Simpsons 410 $29%2 2912 + Ve Macassa 275 275 uran mpany rad mcs Jackpots Nos. 56 and 56 cis de Sales Cemetery, Pickering | a see ash aan ae Madsen 000. 230 230 230 of Canada | tic at RCE AR OROE | Soei Chatetion toto: Doey ooeks clove ts) CUSTOM 133. A biles W d | 1025. $24 24 + | Magnet 500 9 Ble HT north General Motors. After 4 p.m.| FORDOR SEDAN utomobiles Wante | LISCUM, Theodore | 152 SIMCOE ST. S. 200 $11¥4 14 Maralgo 1% 1% Wht 728-3990. JUBILEE | Entered into rest at St. Michael's Hospi- OSHAWA 4 ae ee ee "a one " fia ibe a |] RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: | 723-7900 725-4563 2 ; m8 | 5 ' 18, - sve or vicinity. immeciate pessesson |. corinthion white with con- CARS WANTED -- | PAVILION |is6s,"Theadore iscdm, beloved husband! OFFICE EVENINGS || Sere, ls oe pen Meee a4 24 3 , 4 trasting interior -8 engine | J f eel. Can Va s | aybrun "a Va 15¥2 Reasonable rent. Telephone 723-9761, ask 9 # Christine Peever and loving father o! is EE : r A for dara. Jeans. | guto. trans., radio, power Buying a New Car? | Sed and James of Peterborough, Don of 723-1002 728-6627 | Steinog A 50 $39% 3934 39% + | McAdam 4 2 2 SOT EE GEE) ering Par ree, Coke | Se ge ee ee | MSN na (er Bee, Srey ee Pega dl re and Pan and runs like new. Guaran- | Children Under 16 Not Admitted |Apsiey, Mrs Joy Thompson of Gilmour, not essential. Telephone 723-9541 teed, Car Besley and. "Saver. | Childr Anetay, irs, doy Tne et Menong WANTED -- two-room, furnished apart-| $ Bullied, both of Apsley; dear son of Mrs ment, parking working mother and child, TED CAMPIN MOTORS Annie Hicks of Burley Falls, in his 64th ee ieee eer | * eens oll nese oso BINGO as es eae ° | Home, * J ee ee | r drew's A LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want on Wednesday afternoon at St. Am 30--Automobiles for Sale Cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. TU ES JAN 19th Bore oe eee Ugeenic MANY OTHER A-1] 200 Wentworth East, 725-1181. | 7 - | service at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening.) SHAW Auto Wrecking Co., cars bought, 7 30 Pp M i , . MINNS, James Donald parts for sale iron and metals bought C 'oe awa USED CARS 89 Bloor Stree East, 725-2311 20 regular games $8 and $10 |A! his late residence, 22 Ritson Road OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- ' South on Monday, January 18, 1965, ; TO CHOOSE FROM N78. Meise Sitact want care Share The Wealth James Donald Minns, beloved husband ers, want cars for wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. $150 Jackpot of Kathleen Cawker and dear brother of Clarke Mi f Preston.. Dr, John E MOTORS re 34--Automobile Repeir |S! N2% $20Conciotion [Sant a Erni ry M ot dsor r inns is restin FREE ADMISSION lat. Melntosh-Anderson Funeral Home, F ISSUE OF 24 HR. TOWING AND LEAGU: {with service in the Chapel on Wednes- LIMITED LOW, LOW DOWN roam service. |. DNIPRO HALL jee, Jheey 62 tour | 728-7781 ~ officiating. Entombment Union Ceme- 200 D d St, W. A Snow plowing, rts and service. Corner Bloor Street and Edith tery Mausoleum. With interment in Ball Whit ioc. | a ecm $450,000,000 y CE-UP TO 1600 KING E. KINSMEN_. BINGO 668-5893 30 MONTHS Speed Custom and TUESDAY 8 O'CLOGK) . Sindasss. beyond Files, yet NON-CALLABLE Auto Accessories FREE ADMISSION | Within reach of all REPOSSESSION OSHAWA tune-up Centre olfers expert| EXTRA BUSES | woomro mse |e RRR) reel Gt Oe aPEL GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS Fordor sedan tu-tone blue TRANSMISSION. specialists, _transmis- | sh bi td H KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE oS cua We ee Norin."hone_Tanragn.. = '™ S|" "109 COLBORNE ST. W 390 KING STREET WEST * Wiss be acid! No veosonchie. | ' EXPERT brake service and front end | EASTViEW PARK Euchre, Boys' clus. | ELEPHONE 728-6226 965 offer refused. e a Wa Y Paige bhai 26 Celina Street. Every Monday night, 8 p.m. sharp. 50 Ce DATED FEBRUARY 1, i semen my See see cents. Lunch and prizes. , ------ |. LIRR St Gris. LOCKE'S FLORISTS ee | |35--Lost and Found Sure onee. 206 Harmony Church. Hall) Pe be Riireaste and Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions for a $ ALL CASH $ | : Bist whit aed ea on Wednesday, Januery 20 at 9.30. a.m.| 1 4 : For. eleon edis, of trucks we | MOTORS 'houna, whe Wot ee foe nn for all loan, to be issued for cash as follows: deal up or down. Liens paid: | atter'430, eat reo0. "NY **® 17----Female Help Wanted | OSHAWA SHOPPING --1 year 3 month 314% bonds due May 1, 1966 NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | LIMITED LOST -- Black and tan four-month-old| CAPABLE WOMAN fo come In and mind| CENTRE Issue price: 99.20% i ; 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Lent) tharsda yey Oe moseaale Drives| children, 'three hours daily in afternoons.| 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Oe Oe Nor AuthorsDen Oe ee ae oe lool ee | 728-6555 Yielding about 4.16% to maturity Whitby 668-3331 | For Ford's Family | - 2 2 : Of Fine Products" SPOT CASH PAID FOR | 200 Dundas St. W. Interest payable May 1 and November 1 Three months' interest payable May 1, 1965 Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 Canadian Central Holdings Ltd. and --8 year 8 month 5% bonds due October 1, 1973 COLLATERAL TRUST Issue price: 100,00% down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 668-5893 cota Se aaingsi BUYING OR SELLING ® hsbc: - " hind 7963 PONTIAC. Parisienne V8 tour- | ; Serial Notes Interest payable April 1 and October 1 | | Good clean cars. Trade up or Whitby | "oor hardtop power steering, power . brakes, radio, . whitewalle, | automatic TED CAMPIN . Two months'. interest payable April 1, 1965 Street. 728-1067 : MOTORS (One to Five Year Reriods) Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 194 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, four-door, 8 'Lamm: Tada wheweln. Talignone wit sa sb maphvataiss @ May be purchased in denominations as low as $10.00. pie} of Canada has already agreed to acquire a minimum of $100,000,000 of the new ar aR TE two-door hardtop, eeierg 'i is Interest payable quarterly, half yearly or annually. Ban Oper BetD HEU = ; black with red bucket seats,, automatic 'naa CHEVROLET "Ba ai Gea INTEREST © Information and Prospectus On Request. Proceeds of the offering will be used to. redeem $415,000,000 of Government of Canada Rora Master, re, Seotiete Gas brow auiomatle. power see rn ' spade gh 3/4% Bonds due February 1, 1965, and for general purposes of the Government of Canada. Mn a, | See ey Sen Call 720) as bee eben ee ac ouaees MMiail Mile G Th i i : ; Se SOT iE OME fre : se oi i fob peytie te Rake enki end apps teed moe Pde ltt yg condition. ou fh Hl maltrato i tinge bg ad A. M. Greenaway, President ; y nada. ncipal is payable at any Agency of pri ago oe cote ly extras, Te ae fama, tad Bank of Canada. Interest is payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank without fetta Fe: Tihs Sy NOM SA TO OG hh ht tera A ROE RTE ae Anadian Centra oldings Ltd. sas . . " ines CHEVROLET, Bel Air fourdaor}¥¥68 CHEVROLET Bel "Air sedan, "V8 Suite 909--35 Yonge St.. Telephone 364-2492. ee be Shige cnet Stee February 1, 1965 and thereafter in jan, custom radio, ' + | au ic 1 steering, radio. - : ret ag ' Sees camaean uate" sagheal sates: | coment Cake io. All ac sTeigdes 1. Ontadie. ab hk yea oped pap eae aod eg an prod registered form with interest payable a Scpimesrce: maar ae ne METEOR cus r, VB auto-| as to denontinatien and/or form witieolit fares ( 'blest to Gav Le a > ardtop, ic, custom radio, ires, | , / i Hind seuer hee fires, radio, good condi: | mechanically" on accom' Weer Enclosed is, my cheque/money order for $ 3, ed alee Reserve ments where applicable) ee Yion. Telephone 728-7902, 725-1001. ee ae for me eis Canadian Central Holdings-Ltd. Collateral Trust Serial 7% Notes to cover . 1962 MERCURY two-door hardtop, V-8,/1989 CHEVROLET sedan delivery, eg the above amount. Register the notes in my name as shown below and mail them to me. The new issues are authorized under authority of an Act of the Parliament of Canada and i Bow itt . . Py COTE feo onl og ial atau gal a Fact at anne both principal and interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. por Mh a ie PONTIAC 6 cylinder, automatic, me ma wel urentian, r-barrel,|radio and washers, $1,400. Also 1960 Fair- '* Mal SERIE Lanai, MaceereL rate and washers, $1.80. Also oie Fer. ? Subscriptions, subject to allotment, may be made to Bank of Canada, Ottawa, TRINA, ey ing country Phone 723-2084. : through any Investment dealer eligible to act as a primary distributor or throug 19 CHEVROLET V-@ automatic, good| 1955 METEOR, winterized including two pe teeeeenees any bank In Canada condition: with. many extras, $1195. or best|snowtires, radio, 56,000 original miles ¥ 5 offer. Dial Bowmanville 623-2993 Very good condition. 725-0317 or 728-2537 radio, A|1999 CHEVROLET Bei Air, V-8, auto-| real good runner, $165. Dial Ajax, 942-| matic, radio discs, new white wall tires. 3033 after 6 p.m. Perfect condition. Reasonable. 725-2960. City . ee BELPER ee ear Province

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