Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1965, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jenuery 9, 1968 § Home League | Rape Charge | iciis Meeting Club Ready {145 Poon e Is Reduced glam un" wees) TO Resume ' BO Staff meeting at the Citadel with Mrs.| whitby Whittles TOPS Clubjhundred and fo ive persone cr ad- j " Captain Clarence Janes in The preliminary hearing of a| During the first part of the resume its activities Tu: at|were on welfare rape charge against 24-year-old|hearing the court heard how snort of me devotional and|tjnited Church House with Mrs.|\ber, R. J. Welsh, John Redmond, of RR 2,|Redmond had followed the|USiness meeting. Alice Boychen presiding. ministrator, made known in his Aurora, was abandoned at Whit-|woman's car. All yearly reports were pre-|.Twelve regular members and|monthly report. iby yesterday. In the witness box the woman|sented, and plans were discuss-jone new member were present] There were 23 heads of fam- Re-opening the case, which|said that she had been return-|¢d for the coming year. Mis-jat the weigh-in with thre elilies receiving welfare, with 72 began on Tuesday; Crown At-|ing from Newmarket when the/sionaries will be assisted by the) members losing (but other mem-/dependen ere were five de- torney Bruce Affleck requested|honking of a horn behind her|SToUup during the year. bers being fined 10 cents per|sertions with 16 that the charge be. reduced to/caused her to stop. At the close of the meeting/pound for indulging over theleight singlé persons and 13 pa- one of indecent assault. | She stopped and Redmond,/|Mrs, Jim Reed was tea hostess. holidays, tients in nursing homes. This was accepted by Magi-;who had been driving behind The Losing Lassies of Osh-|- The total costs of welfare strate Harry Jermyn. Redmondjher, told her that her trunk lid pest invited the Whitby Whittl-| December was $4,918.55. pleade guilty to the new) was open. He had closed it. Bogus Cheque i a a luncheon Jan, 21 charge and was convicted. | Further sc: the same driver : a mA . en al He was remanded in custody] cut in front of her, and forced Is Cashed : 7 meeting will be held MEND-N-FIT until Jan. 19, so that a pre- ~ to oes a * glinien. Jan. 42, Senin sentence report could be er attacker gra e keys} pBoWMANVILLE (Staff) -- -tS obtained. /of her car through her window); oca1 merchants are gcd a to VIEW OF HEA TING ' Redmond was alleged to have|and dragged her into his ownlhe on the look out for people|.,4, summer exhibition in the WORK THATS assaulted a 24-year-old Sandford! car. The woman stated that she/cashing cheques they do not British resort city of Blackpool teacher after forcing her car|was attacked and then the man|inow, will show many aspects of' the to a standstill on Oct. 7. drove off. One phoney cheque for $100 Canadian way of life. has already been Ergon in the town and more in Oshawa. | ; WHITBY PERSONALS by cheque here Me en) BAHA'I! , .,|to c fro: shawa | Guests during the holidays at,Stan Suddard, Mr. and Mrs, Neil aria Ege ge sav. | WORLD FAITH the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs, Cecillings account cheque on the Bank| Ross, 911 Lilac Terrace were:|Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter|o¢ Montreal with savings mark-| ¥ 1 1 D Pohuck, Mr. and Mrs, John Vil-|6q out and Current written in. PUBLIC MEETING Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Dowson, . Bell, i n Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeShane, Gaare. yn Te Tom| Police are looking for a neat, Pi INDUSTRIAL i : 7 and Ricky, Mr. and Mrs. ; ' clean shaven, dark complexion will be held at th RESIDENTIAL Owen Reader, Byron and Shara: ga Ag A gg elle man about 35 years old, 5 foot| sik ei Y \| E o NEW PICKERING VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETS lyn, Mr. and Mrs, Neal McNulty ' mney? '|10 inches to 6 feet tall and 1.0.0.F. Hall. Brock St. $. wea ; ; : and Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack| Mrs, Florie Adams, King|weighing about 185 pounds. Whitby, Every Sunda 1) KSLS Pickering Village council, office at Friday night's in- Reeve Ross A. Murison, Dingley and Councillor Clare |nowson and daughter Lee, Port|street entertained members of| thy, Every y JURA the ninth since the village augural meeting, Pictured Clerk: Bruce Hogarth; Back Balsdon. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Co-op Ladies Guila at a sociall COMMUNIST MEMBERS evening at 8:15 P.M, . was incorporated in 1953, is left _to right, front row: Row: Councillor | Willred Oshawa Times Photo |Dowson, Beverley and Barbara,/evening. Euchre was played and) There are more than 1,000,000 shown taking the oath of Councillor Basil Kearney, Hunt, Councillor Victor Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs./the hostess served refresh-|members of the League of Com- Garnet Palmer, Deep River. ments. |munists of Yugoslavia, led by EVERYONE WELCOME Secretary - General President id | ("Sars Ni h All Saints Anglican Church ! § s Anglican ure Mrs. Ronald Roberts, 702 : ; Wada Is See! i Civic 1g. t "Dessert Games. Night" will be|Maria street is now convalesc- Ls 2 dahlia eae ne Refreshments served. held Jan. 11 at the parish hall,jing at her home after 10-day | \general public invited to attend.|stay at the Oshawa General Family Monuments o be > "d At Kinsmen | On Jan. 11 Linda will be two wes where she mosses! a | ? om A and Betty will be three years : | w /, North Whitb United Church h 1C er In appreciation of a job welligid, they are the daughters of) Mr. and Mrs. Avard Wagner OF yj y done Whitby Kinsmen hold their/Mr. and Mrs, Albertus Mondria.|spent last Saturday evening in| fbb } Created To R NG (Staff) -- Reeve] Councillor Basil Kearney was) Councillor Kearney said the avd Nd Jt ata alee. Best wishes for a happy birth- eae eee Mr. and| Rae eral \ Welcomes all visitors to worship in this friendly aff) -- Reev y § Ww : ' Si ult, Soap turison a Friday night|named chairman of the finance|number of members was re-| "The event will be held at the|day are offered to Mr. Gene| s y Theria church held at Palmerston Ave, School. there is a possibility that a new/committee. j _. duced so that a quorum could 'spruce Villa Hotel. The complete/Sandison on the occasion of his) Donald St. John spent a week STAFFORD BROS. : 'provincial highway may be con- Newly-elected Councillor Clare | be obtained for meetings. (Town Council together with|birthday celebrated Jan. 9. lvisiting his uncle and aunt Mr.| Church Service -- 11 A.M. structed through the village|Balsdon will head the public) 'We discussed having female|council officials. Chief of Po- - haha ofand Mrs. Avard Wagner, 610, LTD. f within the next two years. works committee, Councillor|representation on the board,"|lice, heads of local industries, ana amyl wh Re ome pp | Dundas street west. MONUMENTS Sunday School -- 11 A.M. He did not elaborate on the,Wilfred Hunt, also serving his|he said, "but thought it wouldjrepresentatives of Planning Mr. and Mrs. Gordon na 1 | ' ; 518 bunbas aast statement in his inaugural meet-|first term, will be chairman of|be difficult to ask a woman to/Board and the two School High street, were Mr. nit ae At an executive meeting of Student Minister: MR. TOM YORK ing address. the protection and property com-|serye with four men." \Boards will attend to receive William Ross and family, To-/Dundas street east Home and 668-3552 tudent Minister: Rat The reeve said the next two mittee and Councillor Victor) 4 motion was passed by coun-|the thanks of the Kinsmen Ciup, |Fon 0. pevoetay ee Papa met | Choir Director: Mrs. M. J. BAIN years will also see an extensive|Dingley the health and social i) authorizing Clerk Bruce Ho-| Guest speaker for the night! New year's day dinner guests ments Ww e Mr. Murison is starting his|the standing committees with!present it at the next meeting. |tion Control Division of the On-| vere Mr. and Mrs. Sherman ; onl first two-year "term as Fike aos Sibley ex-officio member-| Reeve Murison said the mu-| '000 Tain a 4s noe ; Jewell and family, Peterbor-\pe pea sangeet Sime ve EXCHANGE and his come a . ee af = This is the ninth village cr9sg (ticipality now pays $150 for a), ui sreeaite ont wither a ough. | village council. He replaced for-|cil_since incorporation in 1953./runeral of this type but funeral|t*e University of Toron |. Dinner gueste at the home of 7 iis hae ta rock Street Nort e REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Mini . ster Spooner UP : : He told fellow council mem-|Maurer, one year; Kenneth Butt ; e "i iin the engineering and sales ; bers and Eatepayers that we and James McLean, two years; yg ge ry eerie of the fo groe eh and) Me oo fore roa sor garam Jan. 9. SP 0 RTSMANS SUNDAY SERVICES ear's council stalled its street|Kenneth Cooper and Donald) ¢¢ hic servi aca Ga combustion: control industries. |Dovedale drive, entertain | : an : z a - of his service to the village as/°"0 GS a member of the Tech-la New Year's Eve party at| _ LANDMARK'S AGE | CORNER i 9:15 AM.--"Faith Tiding" Radio Broadcast their streets and then rip them)reeve's substitute in case of his); F 1 devotions | the International Joint Commis-jlas Weales, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ing scrubbed clean for the first! WHITBY wid, on pag! ay edi in the oo Board: Mrs sronor\"#004, government comes when| 3107- 'liam Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs.|time in 254 gears. | for You 5 $ sold elected member: f govern-! ° H H H services first and then put down|Buttars, one year; Mrs. Vera THUie live berweah Teen of 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship Service fore every street in the village|Councillor Dingley. in the clouds and all talk". | 6:30 P.M.--Pre-Service Prayer Fellowshi : ; | y' P will have lights. Pickering Community Centre} If it has only realism there| ----|Board: John Patterson, J.Jj, "corruption, expediency, 7:00 P.M.--Evening Gospel Service . Knowles, Donald Clarke, Coun-|pribery, bickering and no con- Whitby Dunlops :: verses yale reir AON aaa WEDNESDAY EVE,--8:00 P.M. nae icant otal oe fo ve By CLIFF GORDON | Metropolitan Toronto and Re-|pe foolish not Crowe ue Whitby Dunlops chalked up ajgion Conservation Authority: | Mr. Morley said he has a new ; ST. MARK'S EMMANUEL sanitary sewer program and a| welfare committee. garth to prepare a new bylaw|will be William Bradley Drow-|.+ the home of Mr, and Mrs, comune age Soe or BE da SKATE -- mer reeve Cyril Morley who re-| The following were appointed/nomes have complained that\sineering. Before joining the) Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ward, 105\mr and Mrs. Ron Rieger will be signed in 1963 after serving half|to special committees: they cannot do it pd that price. | Air Pollution Division of the De-|Mary street west, spent Thurs-\7r and Mrs. John Maacher on paving program until the sani-/Scott, three years; . Councillor i h } : tary sewers are installed. Hunt' and Councillor Dingley gy of council the last) iia) Advisory Board on Air|their residence with the follow-| St. Paul's Cathedral, the fa-| 1350 on Your Dial the pavement." |Murison, two years; Mrs. Helen|igealism and realism." Continuing our messages on "THIS WE BELIEVE" Mr. Murison said it will only|Cooper, three years. He said that when a govern- "JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH" Committee of Adjustment: Mr. Morley, 'former _reeve, PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY \Jack Simons, Harry Westwood|.aid "it is necessary and essen- "IN PHILIPPIANS 5-2 victory last night up in Can-|Councillor Balsdon. |Canadian flag on order which he nington over the Sutton-Canning-| Board of Alden School for Re-|will present to council as soon UNITED CHURCH REFORMED ton Twins of the OHA Jr. Cjtarded Children: Gordon ad is received. Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A. 8.0, REV. GERRIT REZELMAN centennial project. All four councillors serve at regard to indigent burials and|ley, Director of the Air Pollu-|pobert Ross, 703 Clarence driveltion Officer of this district. willl FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH of a two-year term. Planning Board: Bert Retiring Councillor Leonard |Pattment of Health he worked /qay in Lindsay. the occasion of Mr. Rieger's "Some municipalities pave}who was appointed as the! Rey Melville Buttars, deliver- Pollution (Canadian Branch) of|ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Doug-| mous London landmark, is be-| 103 Byron St., S$. 9:45 A.M.c-'Thete's a Ploce in Our Stble School be a matter of a short time be-| Ontario County Health Unit:) ment has only idealism it is "up Top Cannington ay eget Es el \tial that the younger generation : "THERE'S ALWAYS A WELCOME AT FAITH" League. The game was strictly|ditch. mic re PR orp hifere grt Py : | Newton, cone: an exhibition affair with plenty Mrs. J. L, Beaton, A.R.C.T. ts some spots of REDUCE NUMBER | eae ay eee ee Donald Henderson, a former Ts. i ry | wee visas tend, 8 Captain Brian Fletcher paced|member of the community cen- | ommun sue. tee GRIM hal a ; tre board, asked council why the | 11 A.M, and 4 P.M, the Dunnies as he triggered raid | SUNDAY SCHOOL four goals, his best output of/b0ard was cut back to five on ucts eet | SUNDAY SCHOOL the season. Hard-working Danny| members from the _ original) ; i} 9.30 em--Junvor, Intermediates 2 P.M, Sandford got the other goal late/seven and why no ladies were' Mrs. D. B. Fry presided at I 11.00 a.m.--Nursery, Kindergarten, DUTCH SERVICE in the game. appointed? All: Saints Anglican Church St. C Primary. 7 P.M. Dale Mcleish triggered both} jMargaret's Guild. | |] Infant Care, Junior Congregation ENGLISH SERVICE See io 6 toning case. First Meeting 'iGusie sailed cane Tie | EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED same fellow was in the Dun- |group's adopted child from nies' camp last fall and was Is Conducted Saag He Milan yy pis | WHITBY Si ANDREW'S making a strong bid for a spot with Dunlops' before meing cut] Po were shown of his way of BAPTIST PRESBYTERIAN for different reasons by man-| Benevolent Rebekah Lodge)!!ving. (Colborne Street West ot Cent ager. Ivan Davie. |N6. 132 held its first meeting of| St. Margaret's Guild members i] (Colborne street eet teeoD § Comer Byron at St. John The game served as a warm-|the year Jan. 6 with Noble|will be catering Jan. 26 at the i Me. W. 8 big ple ATOM Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. up for the big match at the|Grand, Sister Wanda Tizzard, annual vestry meeting. At the os eee oe vy AT hom. Minister i is af i ssi > Vice-|close of the ati st- | Mrs, P. N. Spratt, Organist Whitby Arena this afternoon|president, assisted by Vice e meeting tea host | 045 AM. SIBLE SCHOOL P' i) when the Dunnies tangle with\Grand, Sister Verna Attwood. {esses were: Mrs. Ray Holmes, M Hy t M t | H h | the Weston Dodgers in a regular} District Deputy President|Mrs. W. S. Stannett, Mrs, Eve- oving 0 on rea, wit enera Motors ? weniias 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School league fixture. |Kileen Thompson of District No.|!yn Spratley, this was followed 11 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M FIRST PERIOD '7 made her official visit and was/by a social time with games 7 P.M. GOSPEL SERVICE SERVICE OF ORDINATION Ys. Whitby, Fletcher (Thompson) 10.30/introduced by Sister Isabel) enjoyed. | First, see Winston-Muss at Lorraine : 8:15 P.M, -- BY.P.U OF ELDERS 2. Whitby, Fletcher (Reid) 13,02 eir. iiinjandedliciehesicae ig | ' oa a ge ae tot : as Tec aa Enjoy country club pleasures--right at home! Marina, swimming pool, 18 hole WEDNESDAY 7:30. P.M. Nursery care and Junior Congraga- 19.36, MeLeish and Leach 19.52. accepted, from Pickering Lodge} Speed Limit championship golf course, 4 sheet curling club, parks, playgrounds. | Prayer and Bible Study 4, Cannington, McLeish Hl a 5.29, Smith 5.29, Fletcher 12137, Myles) Just 4 miles from new plant: 6. Whitby,. Sendford : driver Robert Anthony Davidson! Penalties -- Dionne 5.27, Taylor 10.36,| " } , f i; 19.27, Fairhall 17.36, Smith 18.02, Neii, An invitation was received and ; tion during Divine Worship SECOND PERIOD to hear the three delegates who 3. Cannington, McLeish (Neil) 1. were sent to the United Nations | Complete municipal services. Safety roads, street lights, sewage system, (Fairhail, Josephson) 119.38 by the Oddfellows who will give! Pee amie oe 1630 Myla talk on theif trip Jan, 14. | water system, police and fire protection, mail delivery, garbage removal, all 1.04, MeLeish 3.26, Neil 4.00, Sandford)" Coury 19 report that one of the xcee e H utilities underground. TOWN OF WHITBY 13.27, Goodfellow 14.20, Leach 18.12, Whit: local active members, Sister | | by penalty 18.58, Taylor 19.52, Lena Pellow has been confined) 11 was a matter of life and __ : T X THIRD PERIOD ; : ' %. Whitby, Fletcher (Reid) 2 th that caused Toronto taxi| ; Siaien : . . a : ; } ": Wnitoy. Fletenoe (Leach), oan we Members were asked to keep], exceed the speed limit, Jus-| 2 oe - an " 3 ena -- MeLeis! » Cotten , | 3 , Jus- : : » ET or Phila and J osephsonin mM Fa gagery ath gpa. © Of tice of the Peace Garnet Robert- eee , ' ' PREPA Y MEN I ; : ia ie a penne, | SON Heard At Whithy yesterday 4 BROCK Evening Shove Stort ot 6:55 88:30 [ 'Downsvier har locked . Ld bel : | CERTIFICATES 5 at speeds of up to 75 miles Yr WHITBY SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 _ . fai cha wares fcbonet te an OPP cruiser on Highway 401. L'Elegante Colonial Cottage.-8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, family room, height : Prepayment receipts may now be purchased ot the Treasurer's ee ee, Selanne te the court David- purpose basement with 700 sq. ft. of space, po i" » Family Office in the pg = Shad $10.00 or ony multiple thereof, the " son said that he had been taking g aee . discounts are os follows: : WOMAN! a Torohis aan tn eee hla tk 5 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. Ranch bungalow, sp!it level, mid-level, colonial cottage mother at Oshawa General Hos-| 15 INCL, YOUR WINTER JANUARY FEBRUARY pital. | ' 0- 19,280 FROM 1,075 DOWN} 0: GRANT Amount Tst-15th 16th-3Ist Ist-15th 17th-28th The woman was dying and the 10,00 9.89 9.91 9.93 9.94 |man was in a hurry to see her. APRIL. OCCUPANCY / HOMES QUALIFY FOR WINTER BONUS $ 50.00 49.47 4955 y 49.71 The man had taken a cab, 100.00 98.93 ; 99.42 Dayideos said, because that had * . | $00.00 494.63 495,50 ; 497.10 een the only way of getting to M Wi M L f i : é x been the o getting ove to In ston- USS at orraine | 1,000.00 = 989.26 += 991.00 : 994.20 Constable Bill Jordan of Whit- These receipts may be applied on any 1965 taxes by the Te baie wi ae by OPP, who had been driving In the foothill Laurent p minutes from purchaser surrendering the same with the tax bill on the due Wi (Fier Roa Cat womCOlORE |ithe police--cruiser, said that . -- Pe on ae oe downtown Montreal, ll dote of the first instalment, April 15th, discount allowed ty {Davidson had t ti Phone: (514) 625-0 the purchase of prepayment receipts ore in addition to the bignre hg iagpar ton ' Ca sai regulor discount allowed on prepayment of taxes in full by lthis when he had been stoppe Another " i Dismissing . the teeta 'Andel © Water Met Oe Sonu Muss (Quebeo), Ltd. April 15th, WHITBY IN THE NEWS. orkut homie wr oT | PURCHASE NOW j Davidson that he might have Those interested in submitting news reports, social da much easier for = AND OBTAIN MAXIMUM DISCOUNT items and advertising in Whitby are invited to call the caren Sl had explained to X Whitby Office of The Times Telephone number is 668-3703 "T 'am sure that if you had Sivsconese | . John R. Frost CHRIS DENNETT, explained," he added, "the : Town Treasurer. police would have escorted you Whitby Office Manager to the hospital," .

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