Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1965, p. 17

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SS ae Ede noes oa US St TERRACE DINING 9° o* E s KITCHEN 160 9+ i "7° PLANTING LIVING ramen ava aR UES | HOME DESIGN NO. 253 This split level combination brick and frame design with its uncluttered wall:. spaces afid floor areas is a comfort- able labor-saving home which every family will enjoy. The three levels, divided into work, living and sleeping areas are planned for easy traffic circulation, With the garage and utility area design- ed for the lower level, the first level includes a separate entry, fireplace in the living area and a terrace opening >. off the dining room and kit- * ghen. The plan calls for two bedrooms and a study which could also be used as a third bedroom. When completed, this will surely be one of the finest looking homes in the aeighborhood. Standard Blueprints for this design No, 253 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Canada by return mail. (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax). Now available at this News- paper Office (or from ad- dress below) is our new DE- SIGN BOOK entitled "Subur- ban and Country Homes De- signed for Canadians', price $1.00 tax free. This edition in- cludes information on Cost of The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, C0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). Name Address Building and Financing in Canada, Heating and Insula- tion, Constructional Details, etc., plus meny outstanding new designs -- ranch, one and Prrreeii i) PTITrei half storey, split level. two storey colonial, homes, Also included in this book are full details on how to order Blueprints. Counties Council Has New Faces A number of new faces will make their appearance in the thamber when the council for the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland holds its first session of the year in Cobourg this month. The personnel of the 1965 coun- cil is: DURHAM COUNTY ; Bowmanville, Reeve Sidney Little and Deputy Reeve Ross Stevens; Newcastle, Reeve D. J. Cunningham; Cartwright, Reeve Merrill Van Camp and Deputy Reeve John Hamilton; Clarke, Reeve J. W. Stone and Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault; Darlington, Reeve A. L. Blan- chard and Deputy Reeve H. C. Muir; Manvers, Reeve Louis McGill and Deputy Reeve Rod Potter; Cavan, Reeve L. A. Hooton and Deputy Reeve Don- ald Lang; Hope, Reeve William Lightle and Deputy Reeve George Finnie. ' NORTHUMBERLAND COU: NTY Alnwick, Reeve S. J. F. Mc- Millan; Brighton, Reeve. Roy Chatten and Deputy Reeve Reg. McCann; Cramahe, Reeve J, G. Honey and Deputy Reeve' J. F, Cochrane; Haldimand, Reeve Nelson Usher and Dep- uty Reeve Ed. Roddy; Hamilton, Reeve Gordon Carruthers and Deputy Reeve Elgin Cochrane; Murray, Reeve Douglas Mc- Master and Deputy Reeve Ger- ald Ross; Percy, Reeve Arthur Wartman and Deputy Reeve Alvin Anderson; Seymour, Reeve Morden McMillan and Deputy Reeve Mel Wight; South Monoghan, Reeve Jay A. Whittington. Campbeliford, Reeve A. L Brown and Deputy Reeve R. J. Locke; Cobourg, Reeve A. L. Brown and Deputy Reeve Lenah Fisher; Port Hope, Reeve R. C. Everson and Deputy Reeve Ruth Clarke; Brighton Village, |Reeve J. E. Solomon; Col- lborne, Reeve George Moore; Hastings, Reeve Ross Burn- ham; Millbrook, Reeve Lavern Gibson. AT BLACKSTOCK Inaugural Is Joint Meeting BLACKSTOCK (TC)--A brief history of the township and references to some of the early councillors and their descend- ants was given by Canon Ash- more, FRGS, at the joint in- augural mnoring. this week of the Cartwright Township Coun- cil and Board of Education. Reeve Merrill VanCamp and Dalton Dorrell, chairman of the board, welcomed the new mem- bers and voiced appreciation of the close relations between the two bodies. After the members took their oath of office the council, board and officials were guests of the township at a chicken dinner. SEEK WORK Jack Neil and Douglas Frayer, who sought winter employment with the council, were informed no work is available as the regular employees are putting in time cutting brush and trim- ming trees. Appointments made by coun- cil were: Welfare administrator, Reeve VanCamp; parks board, Reeve VanCamp and Councillor Swain; cemetery committee, Council- lors Gwain and Getting; con- 4 struction advisory committee, John R. Hamilton and William Ferguson; Port Perry Hospital Board, Reeve VanCamp; feder- ation of agriculture, Councillor Ferguson; bylaw enforcement officer, Deputy Reeve Hamilton. Council passed a bylaw au- thorizing the borrowing of $60,000 during the year. SCHOOL EXPANSION Chairman Dorrell of the board of education informed il 35 Births At Ajax Hospital AJAX (Staff) -- The Ajax and Pickering General Hospital re- ports 35 babies were born in the hospital during November. One hundred and ninety-eight patients were admitted. Of the patients admitted 103 were from Pickering Township, 64 from Ajax, 15 from Pickering Village, five from the Town, of Whitby, and two each from Whitby Township and Oshawa. A total of 640 out-patients were treated. One hundred and twenty-nine x-rays were taken of in-patients. There were 507 x- rays of out-patients. Seventy- three miniature x-rays were also taken. Laboratory tests for in- patients totalled 1,444 while tests for out-patients totalled 100. Thirty-three blood transfu- sions were also given. There were 21 major and 27 minor operations during the month as well as 25 ear, nose, eye and throat operations. Remand Suspect UAW Hall Theft BRANTFORD (CP) -- John Casey, 40, of Hamilton, charged with breaking and entering and theft in the Nov. 12 burglary of a Brantford Union Hall, was re- manded Friday to next Tues- day. The break-in at the Local 458 hall of the United Auto. Work- ers of America (CLC) netted thieves about 100 packages of cigarettes and eight cases of beer. Two men have been con- victed for theft and. another two for possession of stolen Casey was arrested Thursday by police in Hamilton on a war- rant from Brantford, and duplex | FIRST AID TO ALCOHOL ON DESK TOP QUESTION: A bottle of rub- bing alcohol standing on a desk was accidentally knocked over and spilled, leaving stain on the wood. Is there any way I can remove these? ANSWER: Remove the finish in the stained areas down to bare wood (paint remover for varnish; denatured alcohol for shellac). When the bare wood is dry, sand it smooth with fine sand- paper. Wipe off the dust and apply a stain to match the rest of the desk surface. Allow to dry and apply two thin coats of fin- ish to match rest of finish. Sometimes touching up dam- aged areas with blemish-remov- ing preparations for furniture, available most hardware, house- wares and variety stores, is effective. MILDEW ON SIDING QUESTION: Dark mildew spots have devéloped on our painted siding. What treatment is necessary when repainting to remove these and prevent a re- currence? ANSWER: Scrub the mil- dewed areas with a stiff brush and a warm detergent solution. Then rinse with clear water (a garden hose is good for this job). Treat the area with a household bleach solution (one pint in a gallon of water), allowing to re- main on the surface four to five minutes to kill any remaining mold spore; then rinse again. When repainting the house, use any top quality mildew-resistant paint, or add a "'mildewcide" to a good standard paint, following label directions. NAILS UNDER LINOLEUM QUESTION: Several years ago, we covered the wood floor in a bedroom with linoleum, Re- cently the nails seem to be coming up from the wood floor under the linoleum and raising bumps in the surface. Is there any way to hammer the nails down again without damaging the linoleum? ANSWER: Place a emall block of wood over the nailhead and pound down on the block, never slamming directly on the nailhead itself. This is only a highly temporary remedy, how- ever. It won't prevent a recur- rence, because apparently the nails have loosened in their holes, The only way to replace those too-short ni: is to re- move the linoleum and drive in AILING HOME ange nets ovick will Bhd af . Suggestion: pping down the present ak as de- scribed, at least for a few times. They just might stay in pew thereby saving you lots of effort. RESISTANT HOUSE PAINT QUESTION: Our vacation place is an area exposed to a great deal of spray from the ocean and to peri of heavy fog. The wood siding needs re- painting. What kind of paint do you recommend under these conditions? ANSWER: Good quality vinyl plastic latex paints are highly resistant to the effects of mil- dew and salt spray. These can be applied over either wood or masonry surfaces, even while the surface is damp. Excellent results are also achieved with top quality oil-base paints. But, for these, the surface must be he: Whatever follow the 1 directions carefully. THE OSHAWA TIMES, 17)= Seturday, January 9, 1965 D. W. Kemp Heads Ajax School Board was elected chairman of the Ajax Public School Board at its inaugural meeting this week. Mrs. M. L. Devolin will serve as vice-chairman. Rev. T. Rex Norman, minis- ter of Ajax United Church, con- ducted the devotional. He gave an inspirational address and 'prayer for the divine guidance of the trustees in the exercise of their responsibilities in the coming year. : Members of the board for 1965-66 are B. D. Gowdy, Mrs. H. F. Philp, D. J. Reid, D. A. (Lewis, D. W. Kemp and Mrs. M. L. Devolin. The new mem- DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS New Haven, Conn. -- Fowler W. Harper, 67, veteran profes- sor of law at Yale University and author of several standard legal case books in the United States; after a lengthy iliness. Toronto--Ivan Wilbur Keefer, 74, a native of Kitchener, who rose from store stockman to vice-president and treasurer of the F. W. Woolworth Company Limited. Montreal--Geonges Heon, 62, judge of Montreal magistrate's court since 1949 and a former Progressive Conservative mem- ber of Parliament. Dublin -- Jimmy O'Dea, 66, Irish comedian who played the King of the Leprechauns in the Walt Disney movie Darby O'Gill and the Little People; after a long illness. or EALT Buyin ! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President © DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Trees. 16 SIMCOE ST. $., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 ber, David Lewis, was warmly welcomed by the chairman. at the meeting are: Management -- H. F. chairman; and Mrs. Devolin, -- B. D.. Gowd Finance iy, chairman; and Mrs, M. L. M. D. J. Reid, chairman; and B. D. Gowdy. Public relations--D. A. Lewis, chairman and H. F. Philp. CLOTHING COSTS A wardrobe costing more than $2,600 was required for the im- ew dressed actor Sean onnery in his latest movie, Goldfinger. \ Construction Ltd. ) 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions 1! @ Offices @ Remodeling , ; UU CARUR UNA (VAY ® Residential FREE, SAFE, EASY PARKING et rear of building et 360 King St. West VY AAA AAAAAARARAARAAAARAR A DODQOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOO OOOO: heres VY \ v\ aaa VA ae OO © Commercial MORTGAGES Tet end 2nd, Arranged end Purchased MOVE IN NOW AND START LIVING ! The work is all done in hg 1100 sq. ft. clay brick home, Good size living room, 3 bright bedrooms (larger than ) We mention this bec the down, Excellent recreation room complete with bar, Give us a call soon on this new listing or you may public school buildings must be expanded and that three to five rooms would be needed. He said that if favorable arrange- ments can be made for: con- struction no debenture issue will be required. Council gave its approval. Council decided to hold a spe- cial meeting Jan, 11 to complete the list of appointments and to discuss the road program for the year. LIVING STANDARD An estimated 850,000 Cana- dian families subsist on an in- come of less than $3,000 a year, the minimal sum for what is living' a "decent standard of ERNIE CAY fay LUMBER /: ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS FREE DELIVERY "lt it's LUMBER coll our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST, s is just as we ing. NEIL CAMPBELL 725-1015 ¢ AAAARARARARAAAAAAARAAAA) DODO OAV AT YOUR SERVICE Cherles Chayter 723-7996 728-2870 728-3868 728-1066 723-1353 725-0201 725-1726 728-2233 723-2894 725-3867 ARR AARAAAAARAAAAA RAD DODOODOOOOODOOOOOO00000 360 KING WEST (See additional Listi AAD y WODDOOOOOOOO0 0000000 WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY . . , LOOK TO SCHOFIELD - AKER @ Industrial HOURS 9 A.M. till 9 P.M. SAT. till 5 P.M. sey kitchen, 4 pe. bath upstairs and large 2 pe. washroom Leceted goer te 2 schools and handy to bus service, be too late. EAST END -- QUIET STREET Very desirable 3 bedroom bungalow located on a 60' x 132' professionally landscaped lot in the Vincent Massey School area, Well planned modern home in spic and span condition. Completely finished Fecreation room, plus extra 2 pc. washroom. Owner transferred only reason for selling, List price $16,900. ® LIKE BUYING TWO HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE use i and lovely as the main floor, Basement has been aompletely finished , with quality materials and excellent wortinanetin, So many extras are in this extremely well maintained home. We suggest you give us a call real' soon to in home, You'll be glad you did. When you compare It with others, home right away. Location North End handy to everyth spect this fine know you will want to buy this Don't Setils faz fess Let KASSINGER build your home Then be sure it's a success "Over @ Quarter Century of Service" SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 723-2265 is Advertised Daily. in Classified Section) AAA AAARAAAAARAARRAAD DOODOOOOOOOO I) DOODOOOOOOOILKK) AJAX (Staff) -- D. W. Kemp|7 Standing committees named . Philp, |e Lie _ : : oy ad an agli gin PR RBC EE BG et. bMS Al EATON'S in OSHAWA Boys' | Fully Lined Corduroy SLACKS There's nothing quite like corduroy for wear -- par- ticularly these corduroy! They're doubled at the knees; have a half elastic waist with inside hook and bar closing, belt loops, one hip pocket with button inside. And that isn't all. Inside there's a repair patch, firmly wov- en cotton corduroy lining and heel guards. A BUY ! Even for the roughest, toughest fellow on the block! In charcoal, brown or navy; sizes 6 to 14 in the group. SPECIAL, each 4.59 2 for 9.00 TELEPHONE ORDERS ON SIZES 8 TO 12 ONLY EATON'S MALL LEVEL DEPT. 232 PHONE 725-7373 Women's Dress And Walking | Shoes Much Below Usual Price! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Renowned names such as Joyce of California... Glen- eaton ., . Coronado. Delightful town and country wear for fashion-conscious women! High, illusion and walk- ing heels in a variety of smart fashions. Black, blue, red, and brown calf, black patent and some black suede leathers in the group. Sizes 6 to 10, AAA to B widths in the group, but not every size in each style, width or colour..Ends-of-lines. 9.88 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 238 SPECIAL, pair... a EATON'S Open 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday fo Saturday _ Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 p.m.

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