Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jan 1965, p. 1

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' i { The Hometown Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville, Pickering and neighboring centres, VOL. 94 -- NO. 2 She Oshawa OSHAWA ONTARIO, MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1965 | + MWS Author! Second Class Mall Post su vg Bie 3 sag Office Departm Ze gk Weather Report Sunny With A Few Cloudy Periods. A Little Warmer. High-35, Low-25. ent f Postage in Cash, EIGHTEEN 'PAGES Sukarno May Try To Another UN JAKARTA (CP)--Indonesian President Sukarno is expected to try to form an organization of young nations as a rival to the United Nations. It is: believed here that Indo- nesia's opposition to the seating of Malaysia on the UN Security Council was only a pretext for quitting the world organization, which the Indonesians claim has "degenerated into a mere tool" of the United States and Britain. Sukarno is thought to envision Indonesia taking the lead in a new organization of what he} calls the NEFOS--New Emerg- ing Forces -- as against the OLDFOS -- Old Established Forces. Sukarno got little support Form tions in Cairo when he said their. approach was outdated and should be replaced by his concept of the New Emerging Forces. However, Sukarno might pro- pose a regional grouping sim- ilar to the Organization of Afri- can Unity that would not re- quire other nations to pull out of the United Nations. An occa- sion for him to put forth this proposal would be the second Afro- Asian conference in Al- giers in March. There was no word from the |presidential palace in response to UN Secretary - General U Thant's appeal to Sukarno to re- consider his withdrawal deci- sion. Foreign office officials Won't Quit Viet ar Says Rusk VERY REVEREND MINISTER NOT SO VERY BOCKING, England (AP)-- Very Rev. Kenneth Wade, Anglican dean of Bocking, is only five feet, three inches tall, but he's one of Britain's foremost judo experts. But how was the after-mid- night, six - foot intruder to know this? REVERENT "He landed with a thump on the drive and dislocated his shoulder," said the clergy- man. "I had to help him up. I could have broken his shoulder had I wanted, for judo teaches you that." Winded and in considerable Secretary Dean Rusk has coun- selled against "reckless action" in-Viet Nam and said he would not abandon the war or expand it. "South Vietnamese Can Turn Back Communists" Along the way, he said, he does not favor expanding the struggle or having the U.S. pull out of it. The first, he said, would sub- ject Asians to devastation and lead down a trail "the end of WASHINGTON (AP) -- State have the United States Rusk also ruled out for the when he withdrew the entire|were not available for comment "T was locking up and hav- pain, the man limped off. time being a political settle-|which no. one in any country Indonesian team from the 1964 Tokyo Olympics after the Olym- pie committee barred his coun- try's swimming and track per- sonnel from the games because they had competed earlier in GANEFO - the Games of the New Emerging Forces, a Su- karno brainchild. Only North Korea, placed under the same conditions by international offi- cials, joined Ind ia in the d headquarters in mal withdrawal Friday.) cott. Nor did he draw much sup- since today is a Moslem holi- jay. (Indonesian diplomats at UN New York, were believed preparing a for- statement' to follow up their oral. declaration In Malaysia, a British - sup- ported defence buildup was un- der way amid expectations that Ind ia would step up its mil- itary campaign against the fed- eration, which it charges is a ing a last look around," said the 50-year-old dean, "when I heard a rustle in the bushes outside che house. "T found a man in his early 20s crouching there. I asked him what he was doing and to my surprise. he took a flying leap at me." The dean pitched the truder over 'his shoulder. in- "1 traced him later by in- quiring at local hospitals," said the dean. "I told him I didn't intend to take any fur- ther action. I think he's had his punishment." For 17 years before coming to Bocking, Dean Wade preached in London's tough Victoria docks area. It was there that he took up judo. ment of the struggle against the Viet Cong guerrillas--a drawn- out affair in which the United States has invested men, money and materials. The South Vietnamese can turn back the Communist insur- gents, Rusk maintained Sunday as he reviewed the war and the international scene generally in a year-end review on the NBC could possibly see with assur- ance." The second, he said, would encourage China to be- come more aggressive. He dismissed a political set- tlement -- a third alternative to present policy -- as impossible because the Communists' have refused to give up their aggres- sive designs. television network. | Elsewhere the debate on South Viet Nam continued as Rusk conceded he shares with many Americans "a sense of port last October at the second|device to perpetuate British a NEW ONE CHOSEN lrrystration that things are not|four senators urged a re-evalu- : conference of non-aligned na-|colonialism in Southeast Asia. Rumors Of Anarchy Among Press Faction JAKARTA (Reuters) -- For- eign Minister Subandrio said Sunday night there were indi- cations of anarchy among Indo- nesian newspapers and the gov- ernment would have to put them in order, the official Antara news agency reported today. In a statement Subandrio said in future newspapers must have the backing of the masses or In recent months, newspapers have been criticized by the gov- ernment for their 'press pole- mics." Political differences of opin- ion have been aired by the news- papers of varying political shades until government offi- country's unity, called a stop. Under present legislation the information minister has wide ficials, fearing a split in the) | This two-man spacecraft, | scheduled. for the first man- | ned Gemini flight later this | year, is being loaded aboard EN ROUTE TO LAUNCHING PAD an ainplane today for delivery I. (Gus) Grissom and John to ae goto ga fo W. Young on a_ three-orbit cone-shaped spacecraft will be se ; to piloted by Astronauts Virgil npasion, (AP_ Wirephoto) a strong guard. around Princess Margaret today after threats against her by the outlawed DUBLIN (AP)--Police threw| | political parties. 'powers for controlling the press. Princess M Guarded In Ireland argaret with leaflets urging Birr's townspeople to "show your hos- tility." Despite the leaflets a crowd cheered as the cade took another route, osten- sibly to avoid icy roads. Heavy security was clamped down as the couple arrived at Airport to stay at Birt)of ~ Appeal To Indonesia Irish. Republican, Army. Two big trees...wese. felled across the route which the prin- leess and hér husband, Lord |Snowdon, normally would have \taken Sunday night from Dublin \to Birr Castle, their Irish holi-| day home. Dublin as guests of the Karl and Count jess of Rosse. 'ine countess is |Snowdon's mother. | The felled trees brought down power lines and blacked out vil- lages along the 80-mile route to | Birr. 4 200 housine "#ntered 'the castle gates. "The Car's interior! lights were on, and the prin- cess waved cheerfully, |height and was one of the. high- Backed By Canada WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Ex-| "The only way to uphold or- ternal Affairs Minister Martin| ganizations such as the United today Indonesia to recon-\Nations is by compromise and sider its decision to withdraw|understanding," he said in his ba one pray on: ' statement. e said in a statement from! .. ss ' his home here he has instructed) . Indonesia's action, if Pp Canada' sisted, would be the first time bs -- > the), member of the United Nations UN to support the appeal made hed tus acted'? to Indonesia by UN Secretary- General U Thant. Mr. Martin said he planned to grettable because keep in close contact with the independence was made poss' situation during the remainder|ble by action y of today. \United Nations, he added. al e\basis, a system that includes|I have cited, applicable to a te ae K & SAM'S SONG Sam, a five-¥ear-old chim- nzee owned "by Henry Spristar of Rechester, Ind., already an hed ice be Vibe 4 skater, winds up and wails a song known only to him (AP Wirephoto} | Police said young IRA ex- Air Canada per-| + |the formal budget. Re Five others were partly sawn|tremists had launched a cam- through. But the Royal motor-'paign against the princess' visit! FINANCE MINISTER'S FORECAST: 'Smallest Federal Deficit Since 1958 TORONTO (CP) -- A federal| He spoke to the Canadian |pudget deficit of between $150,-|Club of Toronto. Club president| 000,000 and $200,000,000 for the|is Donald Fleming, former Con-| year ending next March 31 was servative finance minister. | forecast today by Finance Min-| A text of Mr. Gordon's speech ister Gordon. was issued to the press before It would be the smallest|delivery. federal deficit since 1958. (Last federal surplus on the Last spring Mr. Gordon pre-jordinary budget accounting dicted a $455,000,000 deficit on|method was $257,500,000 in the the basis of a 5% ~- per - cent |1956-57 fiscal year. The next growth. in national production. | year there was a $38,600,000 de- The growth rate turned out to/ficit. Between 1958-59 and 1963- be eight per cent. 64 the deficits totalled $3,465,- Also at that time he had fore-| 200,000.) cast a $40,000,000 federal defi-| Mr. Gordon said at one point: cit on the "national accounts"| 'The facts and figures which government revenue and spend-|year in which we still have ing beyond the normal scope of| more unemployment than we should have and in which we Mr. Gordon said today it now shave an excessive margin of is evident there will-be a "sub-|economic potential over our eco- stantial' surplus on the na-|nomic performance, show con- tional-accounts basis, though he/vincingly that our tax system Revenues Up |Whitehorse and within 15 miles Wrong Mountain Named After JFK OTTAWA (CP)--Another Ca-) nadian. mountain has_ been) named after the late President| Kennedy because the one| chosen in November is not as lofty as first thought and is overshadowed by towering Mount Logan, authorities said) today. | Prime Minister Pearson an- nounced Nov. 20 that a moun- tain in the Yukon near. Alaska is being named Mount Kennedy to commemorate the assassi- nated' president. At that time Mr. Pearson sali the mountain was 14,000 feet in est peaks in Canada that hith- erto had no name. A statement from the prime minister's office said the moun- tain was 180 miles due west of of the Alaska border. It was in the St. Elias Mountains and overlooked Seward Glacier to MONTREAL (CP)--Air Can- ada's gross revenues in 1964 reached a_ record figure of] more than $200,000,000 President | G. R. McGregor announced to-} day. | He said in an annual review) that the airline showed a profit) in 1964 for the 11th time in 14 years, and expects to record a profit again in 1965. For the third year in succession, it would not be necessary to bor- row any capital. He gave no profit figures. Air Canada carried 4,707,000 passengers on scheduled flights. jan increase of five per cent over 1963, and charter flight passengers increased nine per cent to 91,000. Mr, McGregor also noted a "dramatic increase" in air freight traffic in 1964. Air freight was up 26 per cent to 40,000,000 ton-miles, air ex- press rose 15 per cent to 4,326,- 000. ton-miles and air mail 11 per cent to 15,400 ton-miles. Hostages Held, did not cite a figure. now is strong enough to balance Mr. Gordon said it would be our budget and indeed to pro-) blithe first surplus on this basis|duce a surplus under conditions $50,000 Stolen the south. |catastrophe." a comparative) However, study of panoramic photographs of the area has shown that the mountain is not an unencum- bered peak but a subsidiary peak in the St. Elias Moun- tains. These photographs were not available at the time the peak was chosen, The study showed that the peak was only some 12,300 feet in height and was overshadowed 'by Mount Logan which. rises 18,850 feet. As a result the name Mount Kennedy will be applied to a 14,000-foot mountain peak in the St, Elias range which is closer to the Canada-United States border, A spokesman for the Cana- dian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names said the peak is about three miles east of Mount Hubbard of the Yukon Alaska boundary. ation of the U.S. role in the Southeast Asian country and Japan's new premier, Eisaku Sato, said in a copyrighted in- terview in U.S. News and World Report that South Viet Nam either the direction of defeat or|will be an important subject in the direction of a very greatiduring his forthcoming talks with President Johnson. somehow moving more rapidly toward a conclusion." But, he said, the situation calls for per- sistence and coolness, not "reckless action which would move us over thoughtlessly in NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Low-Income Housing For Oshawa OTTAWA (CP) -- The Ontario and federal govern- ments announced today that an 18-unit rental housing proj- ect, at an estimated cost of $242,784, will be built wa 4o house families of low income. Under the terms. of National Housing Act and x cost of the project. The announcement said the lation the federal government Of the province will pay 17% per cent and 18 units will pay 75, per remaining 25 the ¢ will three bedrooms and six with four bedrooms. The semi- detached units will be built on the east side of the existing 42-unit Federal Provincial housing project. f frcl cent, the per. cent. le 12 with per 8th Canadian Hussars Off To Egypt OTTAWA (CP) -- A-Squadron of the 8th Canadian Hus- sars will replace the Reconnaissance Regiment's D - Squad- ron early next month in the United' Nations Emergency Force in Egypt, the defence department announced today. NEW CH RCH ROOF COLLAPSES MEXICO CITY (CP)-- 54 were injured when the of a new Roman Ca church collapsed during day mass at Rijo, 75 eight Mexicans were killed and Worshippers Fifty- Rijo is a vill the mill. HEARD ROAR roof nearby A tholic Sun- miles habitants, mostly workers of Killed being used formally for the first time Sunday, and the mass was to dedicate the building. The interior structural sup- ports of the church's aisle had been removed by construction age of 5,000 in- tencingo sugaf southeast of Mexico City. About 300 worshippers were seated in their pews when the concrete roof suddenly col- lapsed with a roar. Officials said a preliminary investigation pointed to defect- ive construction as the cause of the tragedy. Among those killed was the priest officiating at the mass, Rev. Ezequiel Alvarez Ortega, whose brother, a mason, was said to be the designer and builder of the church, Police said they were seeking the mason for interrogation. "I heard a roaring noise and looked up and saw the centre part of the roof coming down," said one survivor, Alfonso Es- camilla, 15. Escamilla was in hospital in Puebla, capital of the state in which Rijo is located. He was the only one of four persons in hospital there who was able to talk. Red Cross officials in Puebla said those who escaped injury were seated at the back of the church, where the roof had not been completed. The church, of brick, mortar and concrete construction, was crews Saturday. Survivors joined other towns- people in rescue groups to dig through the rubble in search for dead and injured. Five tractors from the sugar mill plowed away the heavy debris. Help from outside was hours in arriving because of Rijo's remoteness from any large towns and its lack of telephone and telegraph, Red Cross units from three towns moved into Rijo and took the injured to, neighboring hospitals and to Puebla. since the 1956-57 fiscal year. lof full empl ent.' | BRAINTREE, Mass. (AP) -- nine /Three gunmen invaded the bed- BUFFALO (AP) -- A down- ward trend in cigarette con- sumption, after a federal report] outlining the health hazards of smoking, was brief because it| was not followed by an inten- sive program to educate the public about these hazards, says a@ cancer researcher. Dr. Morton Levin of Roswell }Park Memorial Institute here, a leading cancer-research entre, said Sunday night there was a "marked decrease in cigarette consumption for three to four months" after.a report last Jan 11 from the office of the U.S. surgeon-general. The report, compiled by group.of medical scientists, said cigarette smoking was a cause of lung cancer and other fatal illnesses. Levin, chairman of the hospi- tal's cigarette cancer commit- tee, outlined a three-point pro lgram for vast public education about cigarette health hazards, ee a of cigarette packages with a health warning and re- Cancer Hazard Report Lacked A Follow Up "| room of a bank manager and lhis wife at 4 a.m. today and lafter holding them prisoners for |some hours robbed the bank of lwhat state police estimated as "upwards of $50,000." Two of the gunmen forced Frederick Dowling, 25, to open ae i _ |the bank while the third man jstrictions on cigarette advertis-|held the manager's wife, Donna, jing. 20, and their two - months - old "We have to have some way baby as hostages in the home. |of counteracting the commer-| The bank robbers tied up |cial aspects of cigarettes, he | Dowling in the bank and tele- added, jphoned their accomplice in the The Federal Trade Commis-,Dowling home that it was time sion has issued rulings, effec-|to leave. \tive July 1, requiring the health} The trio apparently met in warnings and advertising re-\two cars a half mile from the strictions that Levin advocates.'!bank and escaped in one car. THE TIMES today... City Council Committees Named--Page 9 Woman Minister For Columbus United Church Circuit--P. 5 Last-Minute Win For Generals--Page 6 Obits -- 16 Sports -- 6, 7 Television -- 13 Theatre -- 12 Whitby News -- 5 Women's -- 10, 11 Weather -- 2 Ann Landers -- 11 City News -- 9 Classified -- 14, 15 Comics -- 13 District Reports -- 5 Editorial -- 4 Financial -- 16 A TOWN'S CARPENTER gives the finishing touches to a coffin in which one of the bodies laying beside him will be placed. The 'roof of the San Felix De Rijo's Catholic Church, 80 miles southeast of here, caved in Sunday and killed 55 of the estimated 300 worshippers hearing the 9 a.m, mass. (AP Wirephoto)

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