rere re cee rn ee 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale oc AVA 20--Real Estate for Sale |26--Apartments for Rent Se 30--Automobiles for Sale H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot Street 728-1679 FOUR CORNERS COMMER@1AL Business opportunity. TRENT ST. 3 bungalow. HORTOP ST. 3 bedroom bungalow -- at- tached gorage. GUELPH ST. 3 bedroom split level. ATHOL ST. E. 3 bedroom storey and a half, HUMBER AVE. 3 bedroom bungalow. CONNAUGHT ST. 3 bedroom -- 2 storey. BESSBOROUGH ST. 3 bedroom bungalow -- at- tached garage. BUCHAN ST. 4 bedroom, 2 storey, car- port. MAXWELL VILLAGE 4 bedroom: executive home. BRAEMOR GARDENS 3-4-5 bedroom homes bungalows, splitt and 2 storeys. NORTHRIDGE AVE. 4 bedroom, 2 storey, garage. GLENECHO ST. 4 bedroom, 2 storey, garage. For further information call: Syd Goodfell 723-7335 John Kite 723-3788 Loreen Kellett 723-3770 Charles Smith 728-8254 Phyllis Jubb 723-3240 OPEN until 9 p.m. fine traditional HOMES 3 and 4 BEDROOMS TREES on every lot built by Robert McEwan Ltd, sold by Olive Howe Realtor ATHOL ST., WHITBY 688-8981 OPEN until 9 p.m. OPEN HOUSE DAILY HARMONY VILLAGE 7 NEW EXCITING MODELS From $900.00 down or trade some ready to move into Harmony Road South, East of Donevan Collegiate (Florell Drive). FRASER BELL BUILDER GLENCAIRN -- Executive type home, exclusive design in a beautifu' low, In this desired location. ind bap nal decorated, | » dish washer, fully finished ice space private CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 SOMERVILLE One year old seven room brick home in desirable location. Contains 4 well decoroted bedrooms' with ample closets, 2 attractive tiled bathrooms with vanity, lovely living room, full dining room, a dream cf a kitchen with built- in stove ond oven, beautiful rec room with stone fireplace. Situated on a nice lot large carport. A real family home. Asking $21,900 with terms. Owner leaving city. Phone Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. EXCELLENT VALUE NORTH Spacious ranch bungalow on beautifully landscaped lot. At- tached garage, large living room with fireplace, 3 extra large bedrooms with double closets, extra sized bath with vanity ond large mirror, roomy kitchen, large dining area, laundry room. Located on a quiet street. Owner anx- ious to sell, price reduced, reasonable down payment. Call Jim Brady at 723-1133, evenings 728-0483. READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN This five room red brick home is in immaculate condition, three bedrooms, living room, kitchen and one bedroom and bath on main floor, beautiful rec room, large deep lot 49 x 198', paved drive, nice foundation plantings. Asking price $12,900 with terms. Contact Wes Elliott at 723- 1133, evenings 728-0581, 299 King St. West 723-1133 brick bungalow on quiet residentiai street, close to all schools, transportation and shopping. Features three bedrooms, large living room, modern kitchen and four- piece tiled bath. A' good buy at only $13,500. with terms. Cail Henry Stinson at 725-0243, Carl Olsen, Realtor. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE -- Just fisted this Immaculate six-room bungalow with carport and walkout basement, almost new, contains three bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room, four-piece bath, lecorated throug! , also & partially finished rec. room, fruit cellar and a He-man's work room. Enquire about this one if considering a new home. Call Henry Stinson at 725-0243.| Carl Olsen, Realtor. $9,200. Exceptionally clean | Clean home. | for retiring couple or newlyweds. taxes, Call Bill Johnston 728-1066. eal field-Aker Ltd. PRIVATE ESTATE SALE, nneroon| house, on short Albert Street. Open for offers, oe te seen by appointment. Tele-| phone 7: 23--Real Estate Wanted WHITBY HOMES WANTED CALL BILL JOHNSTON Schofield-Aker Ltd. 728-1066 or 723-2265 WE WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE, CALL NORTH-WEST -- Alfractive fiveroom| ai| modern kitchen, IMMEDIATE - "OCCUPANCY 2 and 3 bedroom spacivus suites METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St, East 728-4678 ' NORTH AND EAST Only two left, brand new 6 room bungalows. Lot fully sodded, clay brick with partial OXFORD PARK TOWERS Stove & Fridge included Broadloomed corridors & Elevator service Enquire about our delayed stone front, tiled bathroom inn and (askiee your with vanity, storms, screens, -- pais 7 lose to separate ond ; etc. C Model suite and rental of- public schools, Only $16,195. with $2,678. down. Balance on One N.H.A, Mortgage. CHOICE FULLY SERVICED BUILDING LOTS 60 foot widths available for your new home building now. Selling fast, get yours ordered now. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION One left --- 5% room bun- golow with walk-out _bose- ment, fully, sodded lot. holly- wood kitchen, storms, screens, vanity, tiled beth. A_ real gem with only $2,400 down, Balance on One N.H.A. mort- gage. MELROSE STREET You'll like this 3 bedroom ranch with extra large holly- wood kitchen. On paved street, partially finished rec. room. Asking only $15,700. with $3,200. down, OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE DIAL 728-4678 fice open from 2 - 9 p.m, daily. i --or-- Reserve now for March Ist occupancy 1, 2 and three bedroom suites in the soph- isticated atmosphere of Casa Manana Court, Adult living in an excellent location. For further information call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors -- 723-1121 or Rental Office 723-6361 from 2 - 9 p.m, TWO furnished or unfurnished house- keeping rooms. Close to Shopping Cent Self contained. One child welcome. Cali 728-7998. MODERN quiet 2 bedroom apartment, top floor, small building, Free laundry facilities. Adults only. Available Febru- vary | 1, After 5.30 p.m. 728-4134. WHITBY -- One and two bedroom apart- ments in apartment building. All modern conveniences, Whitby, 668-8560, 00 NEWLY DECORATED four room apart- | ment, all conveniences, heated, Fn | entrance, hot water, ample parking, !m- | mediate possession. Adults only. Apply |165 Verdun Road. | --_ ; comfortable, ; . |THREE-ROOM apartment, Dick Barriage Joe Maga partly furnished, kitchen cupboards, Ken Hann Jack Osborne | parking. Adults, abstainers. Immediate Bob Johnston eco Diat mornings 72§-2798--untll 3 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM apariment, on main ----------| floor, balcony, range, refrigerator, wash- 21--Farms for Sale ler, dryer, Available February 1. Apply --_--_----_--- ~ 9 Lansdowne Drive, malin floor. two reliable men over 21 to iment. Apply 925 Bay Shore JOHN F. DeWITH farses |WANTED | Tatars ata REALTOR |TWO-BEDROOM -- apartment it for rent, lrefrigerator and stove, Available Janu- ng an adults only, $105. monthly. Call MEMBER OF 0.D.R.E.B. kitchen. Terms, Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. |728 ers only. For further informaiiun call ized home, large barn, Com- [ment building, modern, up-to-d $100 ONE-ROOM -- "apartment, fully furnished Terms. West, Oshawa. Call 723-5804. roomed home, atteched gar- stove, refrigerator, drapes, laundry facil- Avenue, Apartment 104. | Asking $15,000. ly private, duplex, day care included, For en for rent, five rooms, main fl f bi low, qui dults, abstain- Phone 623-3950 |' ,ot, penn, cuit, atu, se | | 728-1086, i |. 80 Acre farm with modern- [Two BEDROOM apartment in new soart- A thly. Possession January 1. Aduits muting distance to Oshawa, 70" ; only. Close to hospital. Telephone 728-8876. Price. reduced to $17,900. -- with refrigerator and stove, close to downtown, abstainers. 200 King Street RICE LAKE AREA, 50 acres Call oe "with completely renovated 7 |TWO-BEDROOM apartments for rent, ful Hi ities, interior controlled entrance. Call age. Beautiful living room, | 778-9094 after 6 p.m. Apply 291 Marland mahogany potas tease WORKING MOTHER and infant to 9 share| furnished apartment with same, complete-| information call 723-4569. |TWO-ROOM apartment, central, rangette, 40 Acres with brick home, modern conveniences, barn, \heated. Suitable for elderly couple, Adults pond, only 15 min. drive |only. Abstainers. Whitby 668-2333. from Oshawa. Paved road, 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between. 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | |SINGLE room for rent. Centrally located, |near North GM, Apply 136 Colborne Street East. Asking $16,500. 50 Acres with brick house, barn, tractor. Asking $5900 with $1500 down. 100 Acres with good build- ings, 1 ecre pring pond, 85 acres workable. Asking $17,- 000. Terms. 100 Acres with barn and par- tial lake. Full price $6,500, Terms. "stat JOHN F. DeWITH| A REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 2 and private Yor yard, For complete ask for Henry Stinson at 725-0243, Carl Olsen Realtor, 1 NEED your home now. If you are look- pe B for a good fast sale, cali Bill John- ston, 728-1066, Schofleld-Aker Ltd. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS A CHILL-CHASER By ALICE BROOKS A fashion favorite! Keeps you warm and pretty, also will pro- tect your hairdo, Two-needle wonder -- simple, swift to knit; just sew up back. Smart tucked in or over coat collar. Pattern 7114: directions for scarf-helmet. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps,| please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add 1c sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME, ADDRESS. First time! FREE PAT- TERNS in big, exciting 1965 Needlecraft Catalog! 200 de- signs -- smart stoles, jackets, hats, toys, afghans, linens, everything Send 25c. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 complete quilt patterns--pieced and applique, for beginners, ex- petts. Send 60c now. Want-Ads Don't Cost - They P ay \diga toast" Send aw * PRINTED PATTERN no oe ie tn wd ~ 2 > . HMA LIGHT, NOT TIGHT By ANNE ADAMS Light, not tight, is fashion's shape story. Just 2 main parts |--whip up this fresh'style swiftly |with a high, round or V neckline. | Printed Pattern 4701: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 requires 2% yards, 39-inch fab- ,| Tic. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, pléase) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. COMPLETE FASHION RE- PORT in our new Spring-Sum- mer Pattern Catalog plus coupon for ONE FREE PAT- TERN! Everything you need 4 VERY LARGE furnished room, single beds, for two friends to share, parking. Close to South GM. Call T5295, FUR ROOM for | GM employee preferred. ease 773-6844 or 559 Ritson Road South. 64 Acres, located north of Oshawa with 8000 christ- mos trees, Asking $4,900. Terms. 100 Acres with brick house, co eel main ceoina Py rance, ; barn, 2 trout streams. Only |appiy 218 Celina or telephone 723-1667. $12,000, 100 Acres on a highway with house, born and trout stream, Asking $15,000. Terms. 10 Roomed home, ali modern conveniences with 21% acre, on paved road north of Osh- awa, Only $1500 down. 148 Acre farm with 2 barns, waterbowls, 8 roomed home, Asking $18,500. Terms. COLUMBUS, only 4 miles from Oshawa, 93 acre farm, with beautiful stream, Mod- ern 8 roomed home. Asking $37,000, Donald Mountjoy Guy LeBlane ROOM AND BOARD, Sday week, close 0 th GM, hospital and downiown. Idso-Wiersma _Ross Davidson | apply 155 Brock Street East, Oshawa, Norman Thomas ROOM AND BOARD for refined "gentie- five-day week, willing to share. 24--Stores, Offices, Storage| nrc beds, ample parking, shift work- Jers welcome. Apply 574 Mitchell Avenve. OFFICE SPACE \cARGE ROOM: "goed" masts; loncier AVAILABLE | seubed, parking, quiet home, gentleman. In Times Building SINGLE furnished room for one steadily |employed gentleman, one block from | North GM., parking, $8. weekly. Tele- | phone 728-6697 | Telephone 723-6988. | SINGLE furnished bedroom, in quiet |home. Gentleman preferred. Telephone | 728- 8380, |two. furnished rooms with kitchen en priv- ileges, suitable for young man. Day shift worker only: Near Shopping Centre oiid south plant. Call 728-0451. | ROOMERS -- Bright, large rooms, cen- |tral, Free parking. relephone 720-1816. GENTLEMAN, in quiet "clean home, Near bus stop. Abstainer. Apply 255 Mc- McNaughton Avenue. | 28--Room and Board | Room | AND BOARD for gentlemen. | Apply 260 Athol Street Gast. | Telephone 728-4845, ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, 6-day | week. 147 Brock Street East. Telephone | 725-2938. ---------- | | 29--Wanted to Rent eget ow couple wovid like to rent two furnished rooms in Whitby, CONTACT |near steel plant. Box _345, Oshawa Times. iG [ WILS "| HOUSE -- 10 rooms or more, willing to . . jsign two to five-year lease, reasonable A Whitby, 668-2243 after 6 p.m, At the Times BANK ACCOUNTANT requires two or --.. |three bedroom home to rent in Whitby | 25--Houses for Rent area, Telephone 668-2129, |HOUSE, 6 rooms, near high school in 30--Automobiles for $ Sale | | Whitby. $95 monthly. Vacant February 1,'----- on ' KELLY DISNEY | 1965. Telephone 668-3428, in| USED CAR LTD. WOODCREST STREET -- Five bungalow, garage, breezeway, recre: 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 cid oil heat, $110, monthly, Posses! Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Alwavs top quolity SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES ADULTS ONLY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION oe pee oo TELEPHONE a 723-1712 -- 728-2811 | $¢ ALLCASH $ _...__For Appointment For clean cars; or trucks we WHITBY: Three-room unfurnished apar-| deal up or down. Liens paid. t, heated, private ba' % | wiring, "Adults preferred, One child cor| NICOLS MOTORS LTD | 146 BROCK ST, NORTH sidered. $70 monthly, 668-2900. ONE two-bedroom apartment, | stove "and | Across from Royal Hotel ° WHITBY 668-3331 refrigerator, $95. One 1I-bedroom upper! yew Bete North end, near ever ining. | vailable now. After 5 p.m. call 7 eT | ive CHEVROLET, Bel Air, four-door, SELF-CONTAINED two-room "aan cylinder, automatic transmission, apartment, $65 monthly. One adult pre-|power steering, radio, whitewali tires. ferred. 723-7691, Call 723-7164, +ROOM apariment; new retrigerator,| 1956 PONTIAC Laurentian, automatic, 4 stove. Ground floor, heavy duty wiring.|door sedan. Exceptionally clean, rust central, $75, Also basement apartment.ifree, recently overhauled engine ot) Between 68 p.m. cal 725-2284. ___|fransmission. Must go! ! Telephone January Ist. Telephone 725-0635. " FAMILY willing fo share home with father and two schoolage children. Free rent in exchange for taking care of chil- Gre -- Four-bedroom, seven room s@, one storey and half. Available im- mediately. $125 monthly. Garden Street, Whitby, 668-8031 wait, Seat. | ShccAparvanale| for Rent | GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite is DODGE Conch) 1954 Metec> coach: |ROOM for rent, Close to north plent.| A NEW YEAR Nearly New Car WITH 1965 LICENSE PLATES from Seaway MOTORS -- LTD. 200 Dundas St. W. Whitby 1961 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Beoutifully finished in Ron- goon Red with contrasting in- terior. Mechanically A-1 and immaculote throughout. $1349 1964 GALAXIE 500 XL TUDOR HARDTOP Silversmoke Grey with Red vinyl interior, V-8 engine, automatic transmission on the floor, power steering and brakes, radio, safety pack, whitewalls, wheel covers, tint- ed glass, back-up lights, elec- tric clock and bucket seats. Factory warronty. $3499 1961 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF TUDOR SEDAN Economical 6 cylinder engine and automatic transmission. Looks and runs iike new. $1499 1962 METEOR CUSTOM TUDOR SEDAN Fieldstone Tan with Beige in- terior, automatic transmission and radio. A one owner new cor trade-in in A-1 condition. $1599 1960 METEOR TUDOR SEDAN Seamist Green finish with matching trim. Money saving 6 cylinder engine and radio. Must be seen, $1099 1963 GALAXIE FORDOR SEDAN Arcadian Blue finish, auto- matic transmission, Immacu- late throughout. $1899 1961 GALAXIE FORDOR RANCH WAGON Tutone Burgundy and White, V-8 engine, automatic 'trans- mission, radio, whitewalls and wheel covers. Ideal family car. $1699 1961 MORRIS MINI MINOR WAGON Economy at its best. Ideal for retuming Christmas gifts. $499 1960 CHEVROLET TUDOR WAGON Tan and brown finish, Immac- ulate condition, Many miles of trouble free driving left. $1299 1960 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN FORDOR WAGON Tutone Brittany Blue and White, automatic transmission and economical 6 cylinder en- gine. A-1 mechanically and immaculate throughout, $1299 LOW DOWN PAYMENT AND A PAYMENT PLAN TO SUIT YOU. Open Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Seaway MOTORS LIMITED - "Your Authorized Dealer For Ford's Family Of Fine Products' and bath, kitchen completely equipped. Reasonable rent. Telephone 725-3501, Mr.\qood transportation, best offers, Also! Clayton. ltowbar for sale, fits any type bumper.) TWO-BEOROOM apartment, available | 723-8387. | immediately, Modern kitchen, fridge, and\1989 CHEVROLET sedan, six, automatic, stove included, wall to weil carpeting. | radio, iteer| Telephone Bowmanville, 623-3975, fen. in "sell reerenely. Meee ' 200 Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-5893 FUNERAL OF G. ERNEST HOPKINS The {funeral service for G. Ernest Hopkins, who died Dec. 27 at the family residence, 60 Cadillac avenue north, was held Tuesday at the MciIntosh- Anderson Funeral Home. The service was conducted by Rev. L. W. Herbert, of King Street United Church, and interment in' Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. The pallbearers were: Clifford Solomon, William Glover, Donald Stuart, Lloyd Masters, and Earl and Leslie Moore. FUNERAL OF JOHN ROVID Funeral services for John Rovid were held at the Mc- Intosh-Anderson Funeral Chapel today. Mr. Rovid, a native of Nagyresce, Hungary, had died 30--Automobiles for Sale 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, two-door hard- top, six-cylinder, betes ga Im- Dial 655-4476. 1964 BEL AIR Chevrolet, Foylnde, 8,000 fully miles, plus extras, Telephone 723-7564. USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make OBITUARIES Dec. 24 in his 446 Farewell avenue home after falling down BIRTHS a flight of stairs, He was in his 69th year. The son, of the late John and Katherine Rovid, he came to} rn, Oshawa in 1926 and worked at the General Motors stamping plant until his retirement last year. During the First World War he served in the Hungarian|" Artillery. Mr. Rovid is sur- vived by a sister in Hungary|ere (Julia) and a nephew, Joseph|, Rovid in Oakville. tery, following the 10,30 a.m. services. Pallbearers were: John Molnar, Louis Kajel, George Koviacs, and Steve Kiss. HAROLD JAMES LING The death occurred at the Bowmanville Memorial Hospi- tal this morning of Harold James Ling, of RR 2, New- castle. He was in his 49th year.| 4h A son of Mrs. James Ling, of Oshawa, and the late Mr. Ling, the deceased was born in Osh- trailers, aiso used tires, 509 Bloor Street) East after 4, 723-2281. 1956 CHEVROLET, $150 or best offer. T 725-8905. 1957 OLDSMOBILE 68, good mechani ly and body. Will accept older car as part) payment. Call 725-5555. 1957 CHEVROLET, coach, good condition, lers, anit | wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723- tus | best offer. Call 725-8338. |31--Compact Cars for Sale' VOLVO | SALES and SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Oshawa 728-0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings | -- |1961 VALIANT, two door, standard shift, clean car. Reasonable. Telephone 942-5693. 1961 AUSTIN 850, radio, new battery, 40 miles per gallon. Good condition, Must sell. 723-5480. 1960 TRIUMPH HERALD, 2 tone, in good condition, $350, Dial 942-5785. 1961 PEUGEOT, bieck sedan, | Must sell. T |33---Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'Save', TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 __ Res, 725-5574 LAKESHORE pare. WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 200 Wentworth East, 725-1181. SHAW Auto Wrecking Co., cars bought, parts for sale, Iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. YOUR NO LONGER Sarees rable bee sell oe for cash when ertise them in # buyer reaching 5 Times "ction Want Ad. Telephone 723-3 Y. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Ni 1175. Nelson Street, want cars in, excellent 728-1335. 34--<Automobile Repair 24 HR. TOWING AND LEAGUE ROAD SERVICE 728-7781 Snow plowing, parts and service, DOC'S AUTO 1600 KING E. Speed Custom and | Auto Accessories OSHAWA | tune-up yp Centre offers expert! carburetor and auto a service, 222 King Street West, 728-0817. transmis- TRANSMISSION ipacialists sions. are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North, Phone 728-7339. EXPERT brake service and front end! suspension alignment. 226 Celina Street. Call 723-4233, 35--Lost and Found LOST -- Boy's red skis, still in 1 carton, on Monday afternoon, vicinity Park Road- Ritson - Bond, or Shopping Centre. Christ- mas present. Reward. Telephone 723-2407 | LOST -- Various parcels Purctinsed in} Eaton's, put in wrong car by Ubeghoded Monday morning. Will finder please c 723-2183. Reward, LOST: Labrador 'dog, | female, vicinity of Wilson Road. Will answer to name "Lucy"', Cal! 725-0520. LOST: Bive Tick, black and tan hound, vicinity gg and North Simcoe on Christmas morning, light tan collar. Foster's Chicken Villa, 728-9449, Lost -- recently, vicinity | St. Gregory's Church, man's gold wrist watch. Finder please telephone 723-2879. LOST: Brown svede change purse with sum of money, vicinity of Toronto Do) minion Bank, Simcoe Street South, De- cember 22. Reward, Call 728-6610. COST: Lady's pearl and biack hematite gold ring, vicinity of Fairweather's, Osh- awa Shopping Centre. Reward, Call 725-2867 36--Legal - i, HENRY K. RACZKOWSKI, 30 Nassau Street, Oshawa, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name on or after this date, December 29, 1964, by anyone, without my written consent, -- Henry Raczkowski. 37--Auctions AUCTION SALE 33 Holstein Cows and Heifers, 2 Horses Property of Frederick Scheid- erbauer, Lot 7, Con. 9 East Whitby. 1% east of Raglan, Saturday, January 2 'Sale at 1:30 TERMS CASH TED JACKSON Auctioneer | __ 38--Coming Events OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes Jackpot Nos. 53 and 53 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION at] Mr. Ling | Louisiana; awa. He received his education ----|at South Simcoe and Cedar- |dale Public Schools, had been an assem- |bler with General Motors for 31)? years. A member of the Angli- can Church, he had attended |the church in Newcastle since moving to that area seven years "|ago. He was also a member of| |the GM 25-Year Club and Local iA 222, UAW. | He is survived by his mother; Interment was in Union Ceme- George Majer, Eser Kondrad,|°s" ARNOTT Dr. and Mrs. James Arnott (nee Joan veetir, beg happy to announce the birth of their daughter, rage on Toendey, December 1964, the Toronto Western Hospiten A intle sister for Brenda, BOWMAN -- Ann and Orm wish to an- nounce the arrival of Ormond Tod, at 9.05 a.m. Tuesday, December 29, 1964, at Oshawa General Hospital, 4 a¢ cat, soacie' Menke to Ors. a nai 8 °F Pant and ath floor staf COLLINS -- Neil and Joan (nee Ayres) re happy to announce the arrival of their mys Stephen 'ad on Monday, ember 28, 1964, at the Oshawa Genera! Hospital. A little brother for Jennifer and judy. brother of Lewis of Myrtle (Mrs, M, Stone) of wed 7ist . Resting Pine "oreye Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM GARDYNIK -- Camille and Donna nee are Bouckley) to the birth "gh sone Christ Scott, inday, December 27, 1964, at a General Hi al randchi ae 'and Mrs. Thos, Bouckley, all of Oshawa. : ronge rsd - jet and Reng nee Hudson) are announce arrival of @ son, py: ba diony 4 tbs., 14 ozs., born on Wi , December 23, 1964, at the Oshawa General Hospitel. pg ales to Dr, Ross and staff of LOCKE -- Mr. and Mrs. + ig bit gt daughter Saturday, December 26, 1964, a the Oshawa General Hospital, ahd gti -- Ernest and Vere are pleased to announce the arrival of @ son, Shawn Patrick (7 Ibs. 5 ozs.) on Sunday, December 27, 1964, Oshawa General Hos- a. ig dy brother for Brenda Lee and Many thanks to Dr, R. Hall Dr Stock Stocks and 4th floor staff, DEATHS BLUNT, Nellie + Memorial Uy sgh on Tuesday even- ing, December 29, 1964, Nellie Wright of 1b eens Street, Bowmanville, in her 77th year, dear mother of Mrs. N. lluck (Kay) ihis wife, the former Thelma of Forests Claude of Sal Doug me ond 'oronto, @ ran jow- | Ferguson; a son, William and a manville. Resting at the Northcutt and sister, Mrs. David Carey (Vera) 449 Ritson Rood South - California, | The funeral service will be held at the Morris Funeral |Chapel, Bowmanville, at 3 p.m., iJan. 2. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. MRS. CHARLES F. BLUNT Following a lengthy illness the death occurred at the Bowmanville Memorial Hospi- tal Dec. 29, of Mrs. Charles Bowmanville. Mrs. pains aha in her 77th year. The former Nellie Wright, the deceased was. born in Eng- land and came to Canada about 50 years ago. She lived in Bow- manville until 1928 and then in Toronto until 1956 when she re- turned to Bowmanville. Mrs. Blunt, who was a mem- ber of the Anglican Church, was predeceased by her hus- band in June, 1955. She is survived by a daugh- ter, Mrs. N. Iluck (Kay) of For- est; four sons, Claude of Galt, Douglas and Clifford of Toronto and Frank of Bowmanville; two sisters in England and 17 grandchildren. The funeral service will be held at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m., Dec. 31. Interment will! be in Bowmanville Cemetery. ALPHA WARREN PINCH The death of Alpha Warren) Pinch, a former resident of Bowmanville occurred Dec. 24 at Sarasota, Florida. He was in his 81st year. He is resting at the Morris Funeral, Chapel in Bowmanville to await burial Saturday. Mr. Pinch, a Charter Mem- |ber of the Canadian Order of Foresters in Bowmanville, spent his summers in. Hawke Lake, Ontario and his winters in Flor- the fonmer Ethel Cooper; daughter, Mrs. Doug Wilson | (Elsie), of Cleveland, Ohio; and |five sons: Horrell of Sarasota; | Edward of Cleveland; Gerald of on| Scarboro; William of Charles, and Alan of San Francisco, California. Funeral services will be held in the Morris Chapel at 1.30 |p.m. with interment in Bow- | manville Cemetery. Visitors will be received in the chapel from 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday. Frederick Blunt, 16 Jane street, | Mond ida, He is survived by his wife, Pee one | Chapel Smith Funeral Home. Funeral service 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Bowmanville cemetery. Interment, DENNIS, H. Lovise pipe ne ei the Oshawa ta ehg ee es December 28, Louise Stonehouse, beloved wife 5, 4 late pr od J. Dennis and loving mother of Miss and Derwin and sister of Mrs. Nereee Little (Susan) of Oshawa, The late Mrs. Dennis is resting at Melintosh- Anderson . Funeral Home. Service in the chapel on Thursday, December 31 at. 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. in_tiev of flowers, donations to the Heart Fund would be appreciated, DUDLAREK, Nicholas Entered into rest in Whitby, Ontario, on 3 ther Mary, . and brother Olynick of Oshawa, and Annie Boyko, of Belwood, Ontario, in his 67th year. Resting ef the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with High Mass _in vi George's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Thursday, December 31, at 9.30 a.m. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. (Prayers at Nig funeral home Wednesday at 7.30 p.m.) LING, Harold James COCKERTON -- In lovi ory Aied dear father and Cockerton, who passed away and sore Sometimes it's hard to Why some thi: have to be, But in His wi God has ep ge Re INCE, farewell he left us all. To be witn us in the same old way, Would be our dearest wish today. Pre Rg hg son - In fimmy end grandson Denn is. COCKERTON -- In memory of our Hit ence eISSN enn i away "Every locket holds @ pictu 4 picture, hearts 8 locket wear; That the world will ever know. remembered --Fondly by daughter Eliz abeth, inet y gf ' Vivian and Gerry. Pv ice sp Sho oie In loving memory of dad, who passed away December 30, 1947, and irother who passed away Jenuary 7, 19 The world changes year to year, And friends, from day to day; But never will the ones we From memory pass away. --€ver remembered by daughter Nellie, and son-in-law, Fred. COCKERTON -- Jn. bn 8, memory of Dad and Mother, who pasted away De- byrne! 30, 1947 and January 27, 1948, Every memory is a. keep: With which welll never part, God has you in His keeping, We have you in our hearts. --Sadly missed end tabways remembered by Albert, isa and grandchildren, COCKERTON -- In loving memory of @ dear father, Alfred Cockerton, passed away December 30, 1947, bind say time heals all sorrows helps us to But time so ter has only Proved How much we miss you yet. God gave us strength to fi 4 nd cour the blow, But what MB lf bic lose you, No one will ever --Sadly missed by duphter Dot pre l md in-law virwhadg grandchi of | grandchildren, JOHNSTONE ~ In loving memory of @ dear father and Granetetner , Peter John- a who passed away December 30, We cannot, Lord, Thy pur see, But all's well that's one | Thee. 'ver remembered daugh ter-in-law Irene and srendhons Robert and Ronald. esday, cember 1964, Harold James Line In his 49th ba RR 2, ye castle, beloved husband of Thelma Fer- oe and dear father of William. Resting the Morris Funeral chapel, Bowman- whe Service in the chapel on Saturday at 3 p.m, Interment, Mount. Lawn ceme- tery, Oshawa. McCARL, Anne ' In Collingwood, Ontario, on Tuesday, December 29, 1964, Anne Carefool, In her 93rd year, widow of David McCari and dear mother of Gordon, Royce, Aubrey, Floyd, and Mrs. A. C. Bendell (Violet), all of Collingwood; Mrs. Earle Alcock (Enid), Kenora, Ontario, and Bertram McCarl of Oshawa, Predeceased by @ son, Austin, in 1963, Funeral service end interment in Collingwood on Thursday afternoon, December 31. | MeLAUGHLIN, Florence | Suddenly . St. Joseph's Hospital, To| |rontor on Tuesday, December 29, 1964, alga ead McLaughlin, of the late Wm. McLaughlin and the late Ellen Bond McLaughlin. Dear reed te ae Street West for service In the on Thursday, December 31, at i ne Interment Bowmanville Ceme- PINCH, Alpha Warren a Sarasota Florida, on Thursday, jecember 24, 1964, Al Warren Pinch, in his 81st year, beloved husband of Ethel F. Cooper, summer residents of Hawke Lake Ontario, dear father of Edward, Cleveland; 4, borough; Lake San 2nd, p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. The family will receive visitors in the chapel on Friday, January Ist, from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE = ore cago a 2 eter Johnstone For in the hearts that loved you, Your memories linger Abed "gh remem! wife Liy, daugt ter Lily and son-indaw John, MCKELVEY = In loving memory nth LJ dear nephew, Baby David McKelvey, whe passed away December 29, 1963. Sweet little flower of heavenly birth, Re Ses sae sae Se een rere Always remembered by Aunt Ann and Uncle Bill, MCNEIL -- In loving New Year's, 1962. Poles Eyed missed by Isobel, Ron end arry Lintner. SIMPSON -- In = Bibygilent.d of our om, _aevener who passed awa' ly December 20, 1963. if "tite "aa we know when we awoke that The s sore the ay would he RaeRre end the shock Her call was sudden severe. What would we ~ fe hear her voice and see her To come and St wth ub aoe dint une laugh awhile; Harmes mee a by her Dad. MONUMENTS -- MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA OFFICE 723-1002 EVENINGS 728-6627 . Nothing on earth will meme orialize for longer or better than a bronze memorial dee signed by Matthews and sup- plied by Mount Lawn Mem- Orial Park. Year round instal- lations, courteous informa. tion, 723-2633. (~ ~~F966555 ru FLIES LIFE Houseflies have been known to live for almost a month. SEASONAL CENSUS The Audubon wildlife soci-| ety's Christmas bird count be-| gan in 1900. Kjhdness beyond Price, yet , Within reach of all GERROW 'FUNERAL CHAPEL | 390 KING STREET WEST | TELEPHONE 728-6226 CARD OF THANKS MacLEAN -- In the midst of | wish to extend my thanks and ore ciation to relatives, friends and nelgh- bors for their kindness and sympathy to me and my family in the loss of my dear Dr. Bell and Minoan': Apaerton eo Home for services and 'kinaness" rvenet ~--Vera MacLean. PICKERING REVIEW PICKERING (Staff) It's difficult at times to say what is} important in the life of a vil lage but one of the best ways to judge a municipality of any| size is to look over the record of the achievements of its elect- ed officials. Here is a short glossary, taken from the minutes of council meetings, of what Pick- ering. Village Council did in 1964. Many items have, natural- ly been left out. At its inaugural .neeting, Jan. 2, council elected R. A. Murison for reeve for the remaining year of the two-year term when Cyril Morley resigned because of business reasons. Victor Dingley was appointed as the fourth councillor to take Mr, Murison's place. Village borrow- ing for the year up to $125,000 was authorized by council. DOG CONTROL OFFICER Jan, 22 -- Pickering Village gets a dog control officer when an agreement is signed by George Jenings. Feb. 3--A library grant of} $1.25 per person is authorized) by council for the village's 1816 Children Under 16 Not Admitted inhabitants. |ries by three to two. Feb. 11--Council advances the jrink house committee $1200 to proceed to the near completion of the rink house. March 9--The Pickering and District High School budget is approved by council. The road department employees work week is reduced from 44 to 40 hours weekly. TAX RATE SET March 21--The village tax rate is set by council, taxes to be paid by April 20. April 14--The Pickering and District High School addition ex- pected to cost $990,000 is ap- proved by council. May 5--Pickering Village re- jects door to door mail delivery because it will lose its post office if it accepts. The vote to tiirn down carrier service car- May 12--61.53 per cent of the 1964 taxes have been received. The village decides to have a public meeting on sanitary sew- ers on June 1 GARBAGE AGREEMENT May 28--A garbage collection agréement is entered into with Norman Irish at 35 cents per 2 Council Highlights During The- Past Year dwelling per pick-up. The vil- lage will collect from the home owners and pay Trish in arrears, June 9--Pickering Village ap- proves a capital budget for the next five years. The only item except for debenture paymenis is the sanitary sewer system costing an estimated $407,590, Sept. 8--Village ratepayers are asked to return the sanitary sewer questionnaire. A new truck is purchased by the vil- lage at a cost of $3,387. Oct, 13--The storm sewer nro- ject for 1964 is completed and potter's field on Mill street will be cleaned up. LOAN SOUGHT Oct. 20--A loan of $209,333 under the Municipal Works Assistance Program is askad for to construct sanitary sew- ers in the village. Nov. 10--A Centennial Com. mittee is set up to study a suit- able project to celebrate 100 years of confederation. Dec. 8--Cyril Motley gets ;council approval to head a three. man committee to compile a history of the village for its first 10 years, i and Bill, who passed away lay st Pesta one :