DRESS REHEARSAL Sixteen - month-old Rhonda diaper as she gets in a few Duckett doesn't appear to be hot licks on her new piano. bothered by a low hanging The piano was a New Year's gift from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Duckett of Marion, Ind. (AP' Wirephoto) Official Beaten, $299,000 Robbery BUFFALO (AP) -- Two gun-; Mae Wicks, a cashier, told men today robbed the city|police: treasurer's office of an esti-| "I was holding the money mated $299/000, believed mostly|bag. The count was $299,000, in cheques, police reported. | mostly cheques, when the two One of the pair beat City men confronted me from out- ' de the counter. I was or- Treasurer Melvin Elliott on the|\ i head as Elliott sought to stal]|dered to hand the bag over and them in the office. Patrolman Thomas Wright, assigned to the treasurer's of-| - fice, was in another part of the ETERNALLY HOLEY office at the time. | PORTH, Wales (CP)--Resi- When told that the gunmenjdents along the main stree: in had fled with a money bag,|/this Glamorgan town now are Wright ran outside. familiar with a hole in the road "I got outside in time to see|which no one has been able to the last of the two entering the|mend in 23 years. More than car and the car pulling away,|500 tons of fill have been poured and managed to get one 'shot/into it, but it always reappears at the getaway machine,' helafter a storm. Experts think an told a reporter. "I think I hitjabandoned mine lies beneath at." the road. jone had a nickel-plated revol- ac I dropped to the floor. I saw) |view, |\that freight revenues increased CNR Picking Up -- Gordo: MONTREAL (CP) CNR President Donald Gordon says there was a marked improve- ment in the publicly - owned system's freight and passenger movements in 1964 but the gains will be obscured by heavy debt|wage-and-hour offence, he has} charges. He says in his year-end re- made public Monday, more than seven per cent and passenger revenues more than 19 per cent in comparison with 1963 figures. Further improve- ments were expected in 1965. While operating expenses in- creased by more than seven per cent, he said "indications are that, when final figures are in, Canadian National will show an improvement in its fi- nancial position." TIED PRIESTS IN CHURCH Ski Hooded Gunmen Get "Large Haul' CHICAGO (AP). -- Police}. The gunmen, wearing Hal- jfled with the money in 'a car sought three men today whojlowe'en masks and a ski hood,| Brink's officials declined to} bound two Roman Catholic|bound two priests in the rectory|estimate the amount taken until) priests in a church rectory,jin suburban Norridge late Mon-lafter an inventory. seized a guard and escaped with\day, then -jumped the Brink's what "officials described as alguard when he arrived to col- "Jarge haul" from a Brink's In-|lect the church's Sunday collec- In the Paterson robbery, three gunmen wearing Hal- lowe'en masks robbed a DORION INQUIRY REOPENS OTTAWA (CP)--Some law- yers at the Dorion inquiry are seeking to establish a connec- tion, if any, between the Rivard and Bonanno cases which were before the courts in Montreal concurrently last summer. Lucien Rivard, 48, was ar- rested June 19 in Montreal for the U.S. justice department on a warrant charging him with smuggling heroin for the Mafia crime syndicate. | Joe (Bananas) Bonanno, 59, a Mafia figure, was jailed in Montreal earlier the same month on a charge of perjury for falsely claiming in an appli- cation for Canadian citizenship that he had no criminal record. Seven witnesses are sched- uled to testify today and Wed- nesday at the resumed inquiry .jinto allegations of bribery and influence-peddling against fed- eral ministerial aides in the Ri- vard case. Rivard is still in Bordeaux Jail while his lawyers try to get him out on bail or through habeas corpus proceed- ings. Immigration Minister Rene Tremblay swore on the witness stand last week that there is no relationship between the Rivard and Bonanno cases. MAKES DISTINCTION He said the former is a jus- tice department matter, the lat- ter an immigration case. The evidence so far at the in- quiry has shown no direct con- nection between the two. cases. But some of the 18 counsel keep stated reasons. : Joseph Bonanno, alias Pep- |pino Bonanno, alias Johnny Ma- jnanas, alias Johnny Boventine, jalias Joseph Bonaventura, alias \Joe Bananas, is a_ reported |tacket kingpin in Brooklyn, Ari- zona and Nevada. He entered Canada at an ob- aon border crossing point in Quebec in May, saying he was an Arizona businessman. Bonanno took part in the 1957 meeting of crimina!s at Apal- achin, N.Y. He had earlier been arrested on a long string of charges ranging from gun-run- ning for the Al Capone mob to violating the U.S. Federal Wage and Hour Law. Except for the never been convicted, LAWYERS THE SAME The Montreal lawyers in the Rivard and Bonanno cases were the same and there has been testimony that the two cases were discussed at meetings be- tween the two. Pierre Lamontagne, who has |made the accusations of a bribe offer and coercion, is the fed- eral prosecutor in Montreal in narcotics cases. He was acting for the Canadian government in the Bonanno case, for the U.S. government in the Rivard case. By ATHOL RETALLACK DAWSON CITY, Y.T. (CP) It was 68 below here Monday in this old gold rush commu- nity 400 miles south of the Arctic Circle 10 degrees lower than the previous rec- | ord for the date, set in 1917, But Klondikers were unper- turbed by the deep freeze. The last time a prolonged cold spell hit the town, made famous. by the Klondike gold- seekers of 1898, some people burned their furniture for probing at this point for un-| Klondikers Get 68 Below, Fings Ain't Wot They Were' Rivard-Bonanno Link Sought By Lawyers Raymond Daoust, Montreal criminal lawyer, was acting for both Bonanno and Rivard at the same time, Mr. Daoust has testified that Bonanno left Canada _ volun- tarily July 30 but that the Cana- dian government claims he was expelled, He has said he came to Ot- tawa July 15 to discuss the Bon- anno case with federal officials in an attempt 'to have his client remain in this country. He said he discussed the case with Raymond Denis, then ex- ecutive assistant to Mr. Trem- blay, in the presence of Guy Rouleau, Liberal MP for Mont- real Dollard who resigned in November as_ parliamentary secretary to Prime Minister Pearson when the Rivard case broke. TELLS OF MEETING Mr. Tremblay said the meet- ing between Mr. Denis and Mr. Daoust was held in Mr. Rou- leau's Commons office but that |he didn't know whether Mr. }Rouleau was present, Mr. Rou- leau has not yet testified. Mr. Lamontagne said Mr. Denis offered him a_ $20,000 bribe July 14 to grant bail for |Rivard and that for two months jafter he was put under political) pressure for the same end. | | Mr. Tremblay and Mr. La-| |montagne have said they dis- cussed the Bonanno affair in Ottawa July 14, though ' their testimony conflicted on how \long the discussion lasted. | Mr. Tremblay and Mr. La- }montagne both said the Rivard case was not mentioned by either at this meeting. Mr. Lamontagne and Mr. Da- ane Rp ee ke MASS POS FOE SOR ss ae Italy's Fifth President A Former Banker, Writer ROME (AP)--Giuseppe Sara- gat, round-faced socialist elected Monday as Italy's fifth president, looks more like a friendly family doctor than a skilled politician, Saragat, 66, who created democratic socialism in Italy, leaves his job as foreign min- ister to become chief of. state for seven years, The job gives him power to name premiers whenever a government col- lapses. The former bank employee and journalist served Italy three times as deputy premicr --under Alcide de Gasperi in 1947, under Mario Scelba in 1954 and under Antonio Segni's pre- miership in 1955, Saragat was born Sept. 19, 1898, in the northern industrial city of Turin. He took a univer- sity degree in economics and commerce. At the age of 24, Saragat became a Socialist. When the Fascist regime of Benito Mussolini cracked dowh in 1926 on socialists and Com- munists, Saragat fled to Aus- tria and then to Paris. He re- turned to Italy in 1943 and was arrested by the Nazis. He es- caped and resumed political ac- tivity. MONTREAL CP) -- Quebec is not in revolt against the rest of Canada, says Dr. Wilder) oust said they discussed both Chez Son Pere. restaurant in| Montreal and on other occa-} | | ies | Nasser Gets Wheat Anyway WASHINGTON (AP) -- Only| five days after President Nas- ser of the United Arab Repub- lic told the United States in ef- \fect to take its aid and "zo to |hell," the United States is go-| ing through with plans to pro- vide him with $16,994,000 worth) of surplus wheat. | The agriculture department} issued an authorization Monday} for the purchase of that amount} of wheat under the food-for- peace program, The department will pay cash| for the wheat in the open mar-} ket and the U.A.R. will pay for the grain in its own currency, a part of which will be spent in U.A.R. Theatre, restored for the Dawson gold rush festival two years ago, the plumbing has frozen. But this wasn't ex- pected to stop Dawson's gala New Year's. Eve entertain- ment 'here The only concession of Daw- son party-goers to the weather is to hire taxis rather than | walk on house-to-house visits. Outdoor clothing includes fur parkas and Eskimo muk- luks. Many resemble sacks of potatoes, But no one cares. Penfield. | cases at a meeting July 28 at| The famed Canadian neuro-|but 'now al surgeon is co-chairman of the) current American A'ssociation for the Advancement of Science convention here. He told delegates Monday that Canada is not headed for disintegration or civil war. -- Quebec's revolution, he said, is 'not against the rest of Can- ada. It is within and initiated entirely by French-Canadians, assisted by a wisely liberal change in policy on the part of the Catholic Church and organ- ized by the most efficient and far - seeing provincial govern- ment within the memory ° of Quebec citizens." News of federal parliamen- tary squabbles, student demon- strations, provincial claims and separatism is misleading, Dr. Quebec Not In Revolt . | Against Canada -- Surgeon GIUSEPPE ».. like a friend Canadian majority in every province made up of sane, re- alistic people." Dr. Penfield, American-born oyal Canadian who has joined the English-speak- ing minority of Quebec," said he sees "intelligent Canadian- ism growing, the people matur- ing slowly." Dealing with specifics of French - English co - existence within Canada, Dr. Penfield recommended that English Can- ada make more use of French- Canadians to teach French in their schools. He said French Canada has' vast pool of po- tential French-speaking teach- ers. He also repeated his view that second languages can be taught early to children with- out taking away from their grasp of their mother tongue. At early ages they have "'un- committed cortex' in their Penfield said. 'There is a solid WEATHER FORECAST brains, he said. Milder Today Light Rainfall TORONTO (CP)+-Forecast is- sued by the weather office 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: Southeast winds in- itiated a moderating trend in temperature in all except the extreme easternmost parts of Ontario Monday night. lhas been spreading. eastward lacross the province, associated| jwith an inflow of warmer air aloft. Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie, Ni- lagara, Windsor: Mainly cloudy today and Wednesday with slowly rising temperatures. Oc- casional light rain Wednesday. Winds southeast 15 today south- Cloud | Forecast Temperatures tonight, high Wed | Low Windsor ... St. Thomas. | London deve | Kitchener .. |Mount Forest..... Wingham .... | Wingham Hamilton .. SARAGAT ly family doctor Saragat was named president of the provisional Italian assem- bly that drafted the post-war constitution in 1946. LED BREAK Dissatisfied with the Socialist party in 1947, Saragat led others in a break from the Pietro Nenni-run party. He felt Nenni was becoming too Marxist in his 'United Action agreements with Palmiro T gliatti's power- ful post-war Communist party. Saragat formed the Demo- cratic Socialist Party and made it a staunchly pro-Western and anti-Communist leftist force. Although its share of the elec- torate was just over six per cent, the Democratic Socialists held enough seats in Italy's di- vided parliament to play a sig- nificant role in the country's politics. Last January Saragat and Nenni joined with Christian Democrat Leader Aldo Moro to forge the historic centre - left coalition cabinet that now gov- erns Italy. Moro became pre- mier, Nenni deputy premier and Saragat foreign minister. Saragat's wife of 35 years, Giuseppina, died in 1961, New Act Africans JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) A law that will affect the lives of all Africans in South Africa living outside the areas re- served for them will come into force at the beginning of 1965. The Bantu Laws Amendment Act, passed during the last ses- sion of Parliament, tightens the already strict control over Af- ricans in white areas, both ur- ban and rural. One effect of the new law is that Africans can be in white areas only if there is a need for their labor there. The act trims the few rights Africans still have in white areas, These now include the right to reside in an area if HEAT WITH OIL | DIXON'S | OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Trims Rights born there, or if the African has worked continuously for one employer for 10 years or sev- eral employers for 15 years, The new law reflects an as- pect of the government's "se arate development" (apartheid) policy. Since Africans have rights in their own areas, under apartheid they have no rights in white areas. A Flavoured Wine "SERVE COLD ON JHE ROCKS OR WiTH YeuR FAVOURITE MIX" St. Catharines.... Toronto Peterborough «+++. Kingston .sssceres Trenton 0.. Killaloe ... |Muskoka ..«+eeese |North Bay. "NORM" FISHER' Meat Market For Personalized Service STEAKS and ROASTS SIRLOIN - T-BONE corporated truck. tions. jbank truck while it was pick- The robbery was almost a) One gunman put on. theling up the Sunday collection at duplicate of a church holdup in guard's uniform and gained ad-|St. Anthony's Catholic church Paterson, N.J., Dec. 21 mittance to the armored truck|The bandits made off with the firewood because at 60 and 70 below zero it was too cold to go into the bush to cut fuel Inside it's warm enough to wear a cotton housedress. Dawson City schools will Sudbury ... Geor-| Earlton Mainly|Sault Ste. Marie. erly 15 Wednesday. | Lake. Huron, western gian Bay, london: AND WING STEAKS . . The guard involved in Mon-joutside the Divine Savior day's robbery here was taken to|Church. He slugged the driver, truck containing $513,000 after binding four priests and guards hospital with head injuries, butidrove the truck to a nearby|who entered the rectory to pick the priésts were not injured. POLICE OFFICER Ernest Bykowski examines safe that was rifled by three masked gunmen Monday night in rec- tory.of a church in suburban Norridge, Ill. Gunmen bound two priests and a guard and escaped with an undisflosed sum of money from rinks, Inc., truck which Was making a pickup. Brinks officials said haul may have included 'cemetery and the three meniup the money. 4 heavy Christmas collections from supermarkets. Gunmen escaped in the Brinks truck which was found abandoned in a nearby cemetery. (AP Wirephoto) supplies Now Dawson City's resi- dents--849 at last count--are geared for cold with oil-fired and electric appliances. Two feet of snow helped insulate water and sewer lines from the intense cold. It has been 35 below or more almost. daily since Dec. 1, Many predict anoiher win- ter like those of 1942-43 and 1946-47 when the temperature hovered far below for weeks. The cold Monday was made was no wind. effects of the cold was ice fog, caused by condensation from car exhausts and other heat - producers in extremely cold air. It has reduced visi- bility to 100 feet or less. In the old Palace Grand more bearable because there One of the few noticeable open in the new year despite the cold. Years ago. schools closed whenever the tempera- ture reached 50 below, Teach- ers noticed that the children played outdoors anyway, so decided they might as well be in school. __ Now the school board leaves it up to parents whether or not to send their youngsters out. About a third of Daw- son's grade one pupils went to school every day until Christmas. -The only possible hardship foreseen is the failure of the thrice-weekly mail plane from Whitehorse to arrive with sup- plies. Normally, it doesn't cloudy today and Wednesday with slowly .rising tempera- tures. Occasional light rain Wednesday. Winds east 15 to 20 today southeast 15 Wednes- day. ; Lake Ontario, Killaloe, Hali- burton, eastern Georgian Bay, Toronto, Hamilton: Mainly cloudy today and Wednesday with slowly rising temperatures. Rain Wednesday evening. Winds southeast 15. Algoma, White River, light snow or freezing drizzle today and tonight. Wednesday Sud-} bury: Overcast, with occasional} | Kapuskasing |White River.. |Moosonee . Timmins | Qpserved Temperatures |Low overnight, high Monday: Dawson 0.....+00. 6 Victoria 32 33 Sault' Ste. -Marie... White River...... Kapuskasing Earlton .... oe cloudy and milder with snow or freezing rain in the evening make the trip at 60 below or colder. Supplies usually can | be transferred to trucks, | which defy the weather in | PIRACY SAYS CBS this country. Them Dead MOSCOW (AP)--The Russian version of My Fair Lady is a hit in Moscow, but the Amer- ican. owners of the famed Broadway musical claim it's piracy. "The show was a great suc- cess,' Tass news agency an- nounced after the opening Mon- day night of Maya Prekasnaya Lady, as it's called here. The hit song was Get Me to the Church on Time But it was the wild Cockney dancing that wowed the Rus- sians more than the words .and Frederick Loewe. Western spectators found that the Russian translation did lit- tle for the original lyrics. The My Fair Lady Knocks In Moscow © jing | The adaptors threw in 'The Night They Invented Cham pagne from Gigi, another Ler ner-Loewe show, to fill the gap Hleft because the score had been | shortened | The Columbia Troadeasting System, which controls toreixn| rights to My Fair Lady, and Vice-President Michael Burke charged in New York that Sor) viet authorities had not |quested nor received permission to put on the show, Hurke anid) |CBS lawyers had prepared }protest to Moscow | The Russians are not signers) Ve») a ventions and usually ignore | such protests | Tickets for been bought the out have weeks show for fee At Wings southeast 15. Most White Captives Still Alive? EOPOLDVILLE (Reuters)--| least half the estimated 160) whites held by Congo insur-| gents in the Paulis-Wamba area are still alive, said reports quot- i 10 Greeks found alive by white mercenaries forces Mon- day south of Paulis. Radio reports from the mer- venary column, which reached) réliable sources in Leopoldville, | did not say anything about what} happened to the other half of) NEED A NEW... OIL, FURNACE? Call PERRY Day or night 723-3443 PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR 187 King East 728-9474 | the whites, who comprise|= moxtly missionaries and = mer- chants The Greeks found at the town of Metchl, along a secondary} road about 25 miles southeast of Paulis, told the mercenaries an unidentified United Nations World Health Organization doc-| tor working in the area was be- music. by Alan Jay Lerner and/of international copyright con-|lieved killed by insurgents in late November Protestant missionaries who were evacuated to Leopoldville from Paulis on Nov. 26 said Rain in Spain Falls Mainly injahead by audiences apparently|then that the entire white pop- the Plain became Corals from Cora, Carl usual fare as The Merry Widow.| Stole|anxious for a change from suchjulation of Wamba was killed by the rebels. HOUSEHOLDERS Save On FUEL OIL 16= 668-3341 DX Fuel Oil SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS BRE AKFAST BACON areneanevnrnsarict serene sameeren open nt BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST Ci STEAK MINCED BONELESS BLADE ROAST - THICK RIB ROAST C BONELESS lb POT ROAST 39 WE WISH A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS Open Wed., Dec 30 'til 9 P.M. Open Saturday After New Year's (acuuczezrnaeaauirrnngmae teen Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732