20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reol Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale } JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville 14 Frank la Phone 623-3950 OSHAWA, Volley Drive, 3 ond rented ment with all modern con- veniences. Excellent for in- come home pose gs ; with SHOWROOM opartments, Oshewa. Asking Terms. Close to $39,500. COURTICE erea, 8 roomed home on 2 acre lot. All mod- ern conveniences. Double gar- age, hen house. Asking $12,- 500. Terms. - 2 bedroom bungalow with ot- teched gorage. Modern con- veniences, Asking $8,500. EXECUTIVE TYPE BUNGA- LOW, almost 1300 sq. ft. liv- ing space, attached garage, finished rec. room, paved driveway. Over acre lot. Only $5,000 down. BOWMANVILLE, 11% acre lot, INDUSTRIAL ZONED, with 5 roomed home. Asking $7,500. 7 roomed brick home, with attached garage in excellent stote of repair, Asking $14,- 500. Terms. Brick home on Main street with bathroom, Only $1,000 down payment. 4 bedroom bungalow with liv- ing room, dining room, kit- chen, bathroom. Modern con- veniences. Only $9,000. HAMPTON, 5 roomed bunga- fow, all modern conveniences with 2 extra lots. Only $2,- 500 down. NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed, al- most finished brick bungo- law. Nice property. Treed lot. Asking $13,250. Terms. 5 roomed brick bungalow with atteched gorage. Close to shopping areo, Asking $15,- 500. Easy terms. 2 three bedroom bungolows under construction. Stone fronts. Vanity in bathrooms, Only $2,000. Bolance N.H.A. mortgage. Donald Mountjoy Gug LeBlane Idso Wiersme Ross Davidson Normon Thomos SELLING? CALL DON HOWE REAL ESTATE 725-7732 GLENCAIRN -- Executive home, exclusive design in 8 beautiful six room brick bungalow, in this desired location. newly and stefully decorated, equipped with many extras, dish eae garbage disposal, etc., All tai JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor 728-7377 833 Simcoe St. South Four room bungalow with aluminum siding, large lot, fenced back yard, low taxes, early possession, pPovin no = bungalow, re- decor low taxes, asking only $1 2, '500,00 Highland Ave. two bedroom bungalow, paved drive, fenc- ed back yard, Immediate possession, Three bedroom 'bungalow, large lot, aluminum storms, screens and doors, with many extros, only $13,500.00 New three bedroom bunga- low,, built in stove, oven, hood with fan, immediate pos- session with only $1700.00 down, North end, three, bedroom one and half storey, paved drive with garage steam io ted with greenhouse. Only one and half years old, three bedroom bungalow on Somerville Ave. with built in stove, oven, hood with fan, rec. room, immaculate con- dition, Jack. Crawford Fred May Jim Gibbens Sally Wallace Murray Boyle 723-1021 728-0035 723-9750 725-6297 723-4270 REALTY LTD., 16 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ontario. JUST LISTED 3 bedroom, modern bunga- low, with ranch type fenced- in back yard, This charming home features large picture window in living room, cera- mic tiled 4 piece bathroom, step-saving kitchen seporat- ed from dining area by an open. shelved room divider. Portially . finished panelled rec room, with. extra room ideal for office, study or extra bedroom, Oil heated, side entrance, available for your inspection now. Call us to-day. RESTAURANT Ask to see this going con- cern, situated on busy through street in Whitby. Seating capacity for 45 cus- tomers, and features a large, easy to work in, open kit- chen. Asking price only $3,- 700,00 90 ACRES of scenic farm land near Kirby, excellent location for Ski Club or Summer Resort SAVE $500 ARMSTRONG HOMES Wilson Rd. S. at Dean Ave. from $15,400 MODELS OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 10 P.M, "All Armstrong Homes heated with clean dependable gas" PHONE 723-6461 H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER OPEN until 9 p.m. fine traditional HOMES 3 and 4 BEDROOMS TREES on every lot built by Robert McEwan Ltd, sold by Olive Howe Realtor ATHOL ST., WHITBY 688-8981 OPEN until 9 p.m. | rec room with bar, extra office "space with private entrance, 2 bathrooms, hedged and oe. yard. For complete! informetion ask ooh Stinson at) 725-0243. Cari Bhan Realtor SIX-ROOM insul-brick house with acre of | land, 35 miles north. of Oshawa, Full price $3,000. Low down payment. Avall- able os oka Little Britain, | phone 87. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Has water pond, and 150 ft, frontage on Highwoy 115. LOW TAXES on this 6 room brick bun- galow, located on Gifford Street, makes this property on excellent buy, Features new furnace, venetion blinds in all rooms, Asking price only $10,000.00. Arrange now for an early appointment to inspect. PLAZA LOCATION of this Doiry business, spe- cializing in Jug Milk, has been a proven point, that @ good location is a must for a going .concern. $6,300.00 is the monthly turnover, this well estabilshed business rents for only $60.00 monthly, 2 BUILDING LOTS BOWMANVILLE -- lot size 66' x 100' each, has: pre- paid services, full price for eoch lot - $2,600. Inspect now for spring building pro- jects. INCOME HOME 9 rooms ideally\located just north of King Sf. E. within walking distance to G.M,! North Plant, and downtown shopping. Large home with many _ possibilities. Asking price $14,200.00 A FAMILY HOME This 1% storey home, in immaculate condition, locot- ed in the north-east area, features paved driveway, storms ond screens, beoutiful treed yord, an ideal play area for the children. Excellent financing is available on this attractive buy, Your inspec- | tion is invited. OSHAWA EAST Well kept, compact and com- fortable bungalow with at- tached garage is close to public school, 3 minute walk to city bus services, yearly tele-| THE WARDROBE By ALICE BROOKS Dress a teen mode! doll in newest knits for the shore. All are just the latest clothes! Shift, bikini, beach cape, 3- piece suit, shorts, slacks -- just what an 11%4-in. teen doll needs for vacation. Pattern 7096: knit- ting directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) | for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of! The Oshawa Times, Needlecratt Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add ic sales tax. Print ors nly PATTERN NUMBER NAME, ADDRESS. ¥ Nore time! 38 FREE PAT- TERNS in big, exciting 1965 Needlecraft Catalog! 200 de- signs -- smart stoles, jackets, hats, toys, afghans, linens, a Send 25c. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 complete quilt patterns--pieced| ; poet lique, for beginners, ex- nd 60c now. Walitdde Don't Cost- They Pay PRINTED PATTERN TO SIZE 48 By ANNE ADAMS Here it is -- the young look you search for, seldom find in larger sizes. Unwaisted line makes you look slimmer--curve collar is graceful. Printed Pattern 4599: Women's Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48. Size 6 requires 4% "lyards 9-inch fabric FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 2c Sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. COMPLETE FASHION RE- jmer Pattern feoupon for ONE FREE PAT TERN! Everything you need jfor thé life you lead -- 350 de- isign ideas! Send 50c now, Catalog. plus PORT in our new Spring-Sum-! taxes only $174.00. A pro- perty to be seen to be ap- preciated, Call us to-day. RENTAL Office for rent on | Pearson Street. Suitable for Real Es- tate, or other office work, completely serviced and ready for immediate occupancy. Rental - $75.00 monthly, has parking area for 4 cars, BOWMANVILLE 3 bedroom bungalow, de- tached garage, low cost oil heoting, situated on 1% acres. Reasonably priced at $9,900. FAMILY HOME Situated on well landscaped lot, this 3 bedroom home, hos large kitchen, separate dining room, within walking distance to G.M. main office, north and west plants, down- town shopping, An attractive home worth your inspection. 2 ACRE LOT Could be divided to form an extra lot. Located to south G.M. Plant, has solidly built insul brick home. MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS Can be made through our office where necessary, for the purchase of most of the above properties. OPEN DAILY FROM 9 AM. TO 9 P.M, L. S. Lofoy Kenneth C. Toms Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Jean Peacock Ernest Mueller Walter P. Mittler Edith Gifford Nick Siblock Steve Englert Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock R. Av Young 655-3821 723-1121 725-3454 728-2754 725-4330 728-0208 728-7083 728-0768 725-5701 728-5581 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 For full particulars, call 'Guide Realty Ltd. | Realtors, 723-1121 Guide= 200, Ex pot for retiring couple or Lage Low taxes. call re Johnston 1066. Scho- or . IVATE ESTATE SALE, nine-room short Street. Open for Albert . 6 Con be seen by appointment. Tele Phone 728-4113. 23--Real Estate Wanted WE WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE, CALL JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 1 NEED your home now. if you are look- Ing for a good fast pitt al F 'eth John- ston, 728-1066, Schofleid-Aker WANTED, three-bedroom = north- 27--Rooms for Rent 37--Auetions eteprpn 38--Coming Events oe an ee a a cilin il da Jag Hy ey Aap pede Sit pp haga tay Rag Mpc ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 ond 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | ROOMERS -- Bright, la rooms, rel, Free parkings Telephone 7201816. ORNTLEMAN, in quiet clean home. Near stop.Abstainer. Apply 255 Mc- joNaugttion Avenue, ' 28--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. yon packed, parking. Telephone 723- pong! AND BOARD for three men, 7 day week, willing to share, parking, shift workers welcome, 237 Nassau Street, gentie- imple pply west area, Hav down 24 ment. No seis please, Write Box Oshawa Times. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. Apply 260 Athol Street East. 24--Stores, Offices, Storage furnished if desired. SHOPPING ida agi 5 lhsel room OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON At the Times 25--Houses for Rent FAMILY Willing Yo share home with father and two schoo! children, Free rent in exchange for taking care of chil dren, 728-5624, WHITBY -- Four-bedroom, seven room house, one storey and half. Available im- Whitby, 668-8031. mediately. $125 monthly. Gerden Street, | for T 728-1773. ROOM AND BOARD, Sday week, close to north GM, hospital fag downtown. Apply 155 Prock Street East, Oshawa, ROOM AND BOARD for ined gentie men, five-day week, willing to share. Single beds, ample parking, shift work- ers welcome. Apply 374 Mitchell Avenue, LARGE ROOM, good meals, lunches packed, ge we home, gentleman. Telephone Leg ah =a tor week, 147 Brock Street 725-2938. 29--Wanted to Rent MIDDLE-AGED couple would 'like fo rent two furnished rooms in Whitby, near steel N plant. Box 345, Oshawa Times. HOUSE -- 10 rooms or more, willing fo sian two to five-year lease, reasonable Whitby, 668-2243 after 4 p.m. BANK ACCOUNTANT "requires two three bedroom home to rent in Whitby Telephone 668-2129. Automobiles for Sale b aatiale tO éday st, Telephone area. 30. |26--Apartments for Rent | IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 2 and 3 bedroom spacious suites OXFORD PARK TOWERS Stove & Fridge included Broadloomed corridors & Elevator service Enquire about our delayed lease plan and reserve your apartment now Model suite and rental of- fice open from 2 - 9 p.m, daily. nie Oh ae Reserve now for March Ist occupancy 1, 2 and three bedroom suites in the soph- isticated atmosphere of Casa Manana Court, Adult living in an excellent location. For further information call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors -- 723-1121 or Rental Office 723-6361 from 2 - 9 p.m. GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite ADULTS ONLY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TELEPHONE 723-1712 -- 728-2811 For Appointment THREE- ar page self-contained apartment, cen- KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD, 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Alwavs top auolity SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 S$ ALL CASH $ For clean cars, or trucks we deal up or down, Liens paid, NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 1999 CHEVROLET sedan, six, automatic, radio, power steering. Excellent condi- tion, Will sell reasonably. 942-5693. 1961 VALIANT, two door, standard s shin, clean car, Reasonable. Telephone 942-569: 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, two-door ae. top, six-cylinder, radio. im- AUCTION SALE Ordered liquidation of fine furniture, rugs and appliances To be sold in detail _and without reserve. WEDNESDAY Dec. 30th at 2 P.M. at 133 Brock Street North Whitby (next door to Brock Theatre) by order of trustees. Custom built French and Ital- ion Provincial chesterfield suites in hand cerved fruit- wood frame. and fine brocade coverings -- Provincial and modern chairs and tables -- table and floor lamps--Scan- dinavian, Donish and chintz contemporary living room suites -- period and modern bedroom suites -- leather couches and chairs -- Lazy boy and swivel T.V. choirs-- bed chesterfield suites--dav- eno beds--dinette ond kitchen suites -- nationally known mottresses and continental beds -- custom made love seats ond cane back chairs-- wing choirs -- quantity of broadioom, Oriental and do- mestic rugs. Appliances: Lotest model mamebrand portable and floor model T.V. sets -- refrigerators, stoves ond washers, stereo, hi-fi sets. Portable and console sewing machines--radios--ete., etc. TERMS OF SALE CASH CHEQUES ACCEPTED Sale under direction of Jeff's Furniture 'Ltd., Toronto. For Information eall Whitby 668-4334 KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 50 and 54 EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. W. REOPENS TODAY BUCHRE -- Radio Park, Grenfell Ave' mission 0c, P High monthiy score. monic maculate condition. Dial 655-4476, bs vag AIR Chevrolet, city 8,000 tes. extras. Telephone ria 1864. USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make trailers, also used tires, 509 Bloor Street East after 4, 723-2281. 1961 CHEVROLET mee convertible, 6 pga fully equipped. Excelient <-- . Financing available, Call 725-8962. im Ninety $150 or best aie: Telephone 7: 1987 SCEaGSIEE "BB, good mechanical- ly and body. Will accept Geer car es part unfurnished, tral location, Telephone 725-2558 after 5) p.m, TWO furnished or unfurnished _house-| keeping rooms. Close to Shopping Centre. nie contained, One child welcome, Call) 998. one. BEDROOM apartment at 390 Park Road South. Apply Apt. 1 WHITBY: Two - bed:oom ) unfurnished apartment with own basement, hot water heating, hydro, water Included, heavy wiring, private bathroom, immediate pos- session, Another ground floor apartment. | Available January 15, 668-2900. BACHELOR apartmen 'also family | three bedroom apartment, "agi In triplex, park- ing. Close to south . Each $90. monthly. 728-4957. MODERN quiet 2 bedroom apartment, top floor, small building. Free laundry facilities. Adults only. Available Febru- vary 1. After 5.30 p.m., 728-4134. WHITBY -- One and two bedroom apart- ments in apartment building. All modern conveniences. Whitby, 668-8560. THREE-ROOM | apartment, private, Apply 592 Drew street. TWO-ROOM spariment, fully furnished. Suit GM workers. Parking space. Apply 410 King Street East. BACHELOR APARTMENT, "two I furnished rooms, self-contained, every- thing included. Private entrance. Sult two adults. $15 weekly. Telephone 723-1359. NEWLY DECORATED four room apart ment, all conveniences, heated, private) entrance, hot water, ample parking, Im-) mediate possession. Adults only. Aprty 165 Verdun Road. THREE-ROOM apartment, partly furnished, kitchen cupboards, parking. Adults, abstainers. Immediate | possession. Dia! mornings 728-2798 until 3 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM floor, balcony, range, refrigerator, wash- er, dryer. Available February 1. Apply 589 Lansdowne Drive, main floor, ~25-4183. FOUR ROOMS, Fpiece | bath, lower r part of duplex, near shopping centre. Suit small family. Immediate possession, $70. 725-1846 after 5 WANTED two reliable men over 21 to} share apartment, Apply 925 Bey Shore! Heights Road, Suite 72 TWO-BEDROOM apartment for rent, refrigerator and stove. Avaliable Janu- ary 1, adults only, $105. monthly, Call 725-7752 completely large , comfortable, "apartment, on main Yo '\sell fast for cash Call 725-5555. |1961 4 AUSTIN 850, radio, new battery, 40 |miles per gallon, Good condition, Must |sell, 723-5480, |1964 CHEVROLET, Bei Air, four-door, jelght-cylinder, automatic transmission, power steering, radio, whitewall tires. Gan 723-7164, |31--Compact Cars for Sale } VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa _728- 0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Seles and Service New and Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings '33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. | 200 Wentworth East, 725-1181. | SHAW Auto Wrecking Co., cars bought, parts for sale. |ron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725. 2311 UR NO LONGER NEEDED pial _| them In a buyer reaching Times Action Meat Ad. Telephone 723-3492 today. FOUR ROOMS, Leen ground floor, duplex, only. 83 Adelaide West. Tele unfurnished, | rking. Adults 725-6939 | | AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- lers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for |wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. after 7 p.m. THREE-ROOM unfurnished |34--Automobile Repair Telephone 725-5223. APARTMENT for rent, five rooms, main floor of bungalow, quiet adults, abstain- ers only. For further Information call 728-1086. TWO-BEDROOM apartment In new apart- ment bullding, modern, up-to-date, $100 monthly, Possession January 1. Adults only. Close to hospital. Telephone 728-8876, ONE-ROOM apartment, fully furnished with refrigerator and stove, close to downtown, abstainers. 200 King Street West, Oshawa. Call 723-5804, apartment, private bath, heavy dufy wir-| ing. Parking. Suit couple or bachelor.) 24 HR. TOWING AND LEAGUE ROAD SERVICE 728-7781 Snow plowing, parts and service. DOc'S AUTO 1600 KING E. Speed Custom and Auto Accessories OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert carburetor and auto oe service. 222 King Street West, 728-08 TWO-BEDROOM apartments for rent, stove, refrigerator, drapes, laundry facil- ities, interior controlied entrance. Call 728-9094 after 6 p.m. Apply 291 Marland Avenue, Apartment 104. TRANSMISSION peaiatie transmis- sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339; EXPERT b brake y service and front end 226 Celina Street. WHITBY -- Furnished two rooms and bath. Girls or couple only. Rent $70. Pri- vate entrance. Po floor, Available Jan- vary |. Dial 6 WORKING | mora 'and infant to share furnished apartment with same, complete- ly private, se day care included, For) _-- inform all Tw niral, rangette, heated. Suitable sia 'elderly couple. Adults only. Abstainers. Whitby 668-2333. 27--Rooms for Rent Call 723-4233. 35--Lost and Found LOST: Labrador dog, female, Wilson Road. Will answer "Lucy", Cal' 725-0520. LOST: Bive Tick, black and tan hound, vicinity eggs and North Simcoe on Christmas ning, light tan. collar, Foster's Chicken Villa, 728-9449. LOST -- recently, Vicinity St, ay at Church, man's gold wrist watch. inder please 79, vicinity of to name VERY LARGE furnished room, single beds, for two friends to cy parking. Close to South GM. Call 725-2915. FURNISHED rooms, close to denrionns hospital and North GM aay » -- Street East or telephone sum of money, vicinity of Toronto minion Bank, Simcoe Street South, cember. 22. Reward. Call 728-6610. COST: Lady's pearl and biack hematite goid ring, vicinity of Fairweather's, Osh- Do De ONE furnished room, c suit-gentieman Telep! | FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, GM Jemplovee preferred. Telephone 723-6844 or | 659 Ritson Road South, ' "| 725-7067, awa Shopping Centre. Reward. Call LOST: Yellow canary, ences aon: vicinity Olive Avenue and Oshaw: vard South, Child's pet, Reward, Sabsiss, when you advertise) LOST: Brown suede change purse with| . 38--Coming Events CORINTHIAN CLUB'S 19th ANNUAL NEW YEAR'S BALL at 0.C.V.1. AUDITORIUM Thurs., Dec. 31 9- Till? Jack Shearer and his Band Table Service, Hats, Horns, Noise Mokers, Refreshments TICKETS ON SALE AT: Maurice Winter, 83 La Salle Ave. 725-4609 G: Lavictorie 728-5600 Sam Rotish Men's Wear 7 King St. E. 725-2433 $7 PER COUPLE SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE CLUB CAMELOT KING ST. EAST Buffet -- Hats -- Horns -- Prizes $10.00 per couple RESERVATIONS NOW 728-023T 725-1392 728-8781 BINGO TUES., DEC, 29TH - T30 BM: 20 regular games $8 ond $10 Shore The Wealth $150 Jackpot 56 Nos. $20 Consolation 3 extra games ployed for 3 chickens FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes Jockpot Nes. 53 and 53 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION S.| Children Under 16 Not Admitted Animal Tests Rid Retarded MONTREAL (CP) -- Tests showing how rats play, kittens seek comfort and monkeys win friends are pointing the way to projects designed to offset men- tal retardation in children, a panel of scientists reported here today: A series of reports at the an- nual congress of the American rst Mee oe Bigg Pgh p.m. Ad-|n refreshments. inarcotics smuggling seelat atte (CP)--Here Dorion inquiry, the courtroom drama in recent Ca- nadian history: Chief Justice Frederic Dorion of the Quebec Si Court, conducting the judicial investi- gation into allegations of at- tempted bribery and influence- peddling at lofty levels of the federal government. Lucien Rivard, 48, wanted in the United States on a charge of for the Mafia crime syndicate; in jail while his lawyers try to get him out on bail or habeas corpus. Association for the Advance- ment of Science showed that stress coupled with affection during infancy promotes mental and social growth "Cats and rats--and probably humans -- subjected to mild stress early in their lives react more adequately to stressful situations later, making learn- ing easier,' " reported psycholo- gist John M. Warren on experi- ments at Pennsylvania State University. "Stimulation in the first two months can determine whether a monkey will later be socially withdrawn or socially aggres- sive," said researcher Gene P. Sackett of experiments at the University of Wisconsin. "The.most important factor in early experience for monkeys-- generally more important than having 'a mother--seems to be having friends to play with early in life," Dr. Sackett re- ported, TEST CHILDREN _A test application of such findings among children in the southern United States was de- scribed by psychologist Susan W. Gray of the George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. The children come from homes where income and edu- cation standards are low. Forty per cent of the homes have no fathers and most of the mothers work. The children all are six years old and entered school last September. One group of children at- tended three special summer school sessions of 10 weeks each and had weekly visits in the home by specially trained teachers before entering reg- ular school, A second group took part in a similar -- but for a year less. A third group took no part in the program other than to take the same periodic tests given to the first two groups. Tests of intelligence and lan- guage ability show the first two groups made and maintained progress. Individual intelligence tests show the first two groups generally have a mental age of about a year more than the con- trol group. OFFSET RETARDATION? If the first two groups main- tain the gains already shown, "we are hopeful that the tech- niques we have used are effec- tive in offsetting progressive re- tardation in school perform: ance," Prof, Gray said. In the Wisconsin experiments with rhesus monkeys, Dr. Sack- ett found that experience in the first six months of life appears to be critical in determining fu- ture social, emotional, sexual and maternal behavior. The first six months in a monkey are roughly equivalent to two years in a human infant. "Monkeys reared without); friends and with little to see, hear and feel are inactive, do not explore or play, may be sexually incompetent and do not like to behave in complex situ- ations." Another discovery was that female monkeys raised without mothers are poor mothers themselves when they have their first infant, rarely nurs- ing, offering little protection BEATLEMANIA ROCKS CASTLE WINDSOR, England (AP)-- The ancient stones of : Wind- sor Castle rocked Monday night to British royalty's first beat party, with Beattle- topped Prince Charles as master of ceremonies. The 16-year-old prince and his 14-year-old sister, Prin- cess Anne, twisted and shook with more than 100 teen-age guests and served them cham- pagne to wash down their suppers. It was the first dance they have given together, Charles taped the music in advance from records and cut himself in as royalty's first dise jockey. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Sandie Shaw, who can't sing with her shoes on, topped Charles' selection from the Hit Parade. Charles himself owns a Beatle-type guitar to match his Beatle - type haircut. But whether he contributed a umber may never be known. The party. was staged in the Castle's Crimson Room, larg- est and most magnificent of its three private drawing rooms. A buffet supper of hors d'oeuvres, salmon and turkey was laid out with champagne and soft drinks. In one cor- ner a big Christmas tree stretched toward the ceiling. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip looked in duying the evening with Pringss Mar- garet and joined the twisting. This being strictly a teen-age affair, they didn't stay long. It all added up to the bright- est Windsor occasion in many years. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 29, 1964 15 Dorion Inquiry "Cast" Lineup to te cat in the |ing forthe U8 biggest|was offered a $20 cused by Lamontagne of ing him the bribe. Guy Lord, 25, former execu- tive assistant to. Justice Minis- ter Favreau; and Andre ur. Fawees, both siigel oe r. Favreau, have tried to coerce Lamon- tagne. j Guy Rouleau, Liberal MP for a gerllameeiary. secieeey tp as parliame 6 Prime Minister he had made representations in the Rivard case. Raymond Daoust, lawyer for Rivard, arged with fraud in Montreal, friend of Rivard. Robert Emilien Gignac, charged with capital murder in Montreal. Guy Masson, so far unidenti- fied. A certain Gelinas. Raymond Rouleau, brother of the MP. Ronald Crevier, former ser- geant in charge of the RCMP Montreal narcotics squad now re by Lamontagne's law rm, An RCMP Constable Poissan. A "Monsieur X" named by Daoust as a phoney influence peddler. A certain Gingras. ° A certain Bob, S. penitbly Gin- gras, RCMP Inspector J. P. Dra- peau. NAMES MENTIONED Erik Nielsen, Conservative MP for Yukon who broke the case open in the Commons, Pee Senator Louis P. Gel- as, Hon. Lionel Chevrier, former justice minister and now Cana- vm high commissioner in Lon- on. Edmund Asselin, Liberal MP for Montreal Notre-Dame-de- Grace. Antoine Geoffrion, head of Lamontagne's law firm. Industry Minister Charlies M. Drury. Former RCMP Inspector Maurice Poitras. Joe (Bananas) Bonanno, @& Mafia figure who left Canada July 30 after trying to obtain Canadian citizenship. Lawrence d'Antonio, an Ari- zona lawyer for Bonanno, CHICAGO (AP)--Rev. John V. Coffield came to Chicago Monday night to start his self- imposed "exile" from the Los Angeles Roman Catholic arch- diocese in protest against what he termed a "scandalous" ra- cial situation. Father Coffield, 50 and a priest in Los Angeles 24 years, said in a statement: "It would be extremely bad taste for a priest to publicly disagree with his cardinal, ex- cept that the position of Ne- groes in Los Angeles is so scan- dalous that I stand by the statement I made there." Father Coffield said earlier in Los Angeles that he ob- tained a three-year leave 0! absence in protest against Ca- lifornia's abolition of anti-dis- criminatory housing laws and against his silencing by his car- dinal on the race issue. He said at a press conference that James Francis Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop of Los Angeles, told him "I should not speak on race." and being abusive. But they im- prove with their second 'infant. "Scandalous" Racial Situation Says Self-Exiled RC Priest administrative discipline has been imposed on Father Cof- field. The priest said that in June he had been ordered to take a five-month "enforced vacation" because he had spoken out against a proposition which prohibits open occupancy laws in California. "On Nov. 14th, I was ordered to maintain a silence on rac- ism," he said. 'I choose in- stead a self-imposed exile from the diocese as a gesture of pro- test against, and rather than be a part of, the continuing evil of - silence, .. .," he add Msgr. Francis Ww. Byrne, chancellor of the Chicago arch- diocese, said he had been ad- vised that Father Coffield re- ceived permission a week ago from Cardinal McIntyre to leave Los Angeles and study at the University of Chicago. Msgr. Byrne said that as long as Father Coffield retains Car- dinal MclIntyre's permission to be absent from the Los Ange- les archdiocese, he will be wel- The chancery office in Los Angeles in a statement said no come in the Chicago archdio- cese. Lohan ee RRA OLAND'S STEAK HOUSE @ Open 7 Days A Week @ We are serving dinner on New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day. Please call our Manageress, Margaret McNeil for Reservations. DIAL 725-9111 To All Our Customers and Friends" We Extend BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.