Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Dec 1964, p. 11

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MARRIE D FIFTY YEARS Christmas Day guests at the home of Alderman and Mrs, Cecil Bint, Celina streei, will be their son, Mr. -_ Bint, and Mrs. Bint and family, Kingston, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watkinson and family, Scarbor- ough, Ontario. Christmas guests at the liome of Mr, and Mrs. Wendell Brew- ster, Florell drive, will be Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Love, Toronto and Miss Julia Brewster, Hope- well Hill, New Brunswick, Miss Carol Reardon, Toronto Teachers' College, will spend the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. Arthur Reardon and Alderman Alice Rezrdon, Dearborn avenue, | Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Russell, Simcoe street north, will have as their Christmas guests their daughter, Miss Linda Russell, nurse-in-training at Victoria 'Hospital, London, Ontario, and Dr. and Mrs. W.R. Fry and Mr. William Fry, also of London, Ontario. ® ORG EE | Christmas Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLellan, Tooley's Mills, will be Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bateman /University of Waterloo, and his YULETIDE HOLIDAY SOCIAL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rapley and daughter, Leanne; of \Halifax, Nova Scotia, will spend the holi- day season with Mrs. Rapley's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Schuerman, Thornton road north. and sons, Jack and Ross, and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Browne, all of Toronto, Ontario. Dr. Donald Pierson, who is in- terning at St. Michael's Hospi- tal, Toronto, will spend a Christ- mas holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Pier- son, Hortop street. Yuletide guests at the home| of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rarker, Hortop street, will be Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Radway, Mrs. Rob- ert Crouse, Dalrymple, Ontario, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Harring- ton and son, Michael, Weston, Ontario, Miss Maureen Healey, Orillia, and Mr. Ross Radway, Oshawa. Miss Lynda Thompson, stu- dent at Victoria College, Uni- versity of Toronto, will spend the Christmas vacation with her (parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Thompson, Somerville avenue. and son, Douglas, Scarborough, will be Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Thompson, Somerville avenue. Mr, John R. Robertson Jr., who is studying at the Univer- sity of Toronto will spend the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John R. Robertson, Hillcroft street. terrae eee Miss Mary C. Archer, who is attending t University of Western Ontario, London, On- tario, will spend the Christmas vacation with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Archer, Carnegie avenue. MOET Mr. Kent Stiles, student at the Cherry Valley, Ontario, will be 'Christmas guests of Mrs. Steen- burgh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gordon, Hortop street. roommate, Mr. Lobe Nwali- penja, who is an _ overseas African student from the Repub- lic of Cameroon, will be Christ- mas vacation guests of Mr. and Mr, and Mrs, James Wilks! Mr, and Mrs. Roger. Steen-| 'yurgh, Shane and Lee Anne, of! Mr. William Hanley, St. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael's College, Toronto, is|Murray Johnston, Taunton road home for the Christmas vaca-| east. ' tion with his parents, Mr, and Mrs; . W. Hanley, Jarvis street. | Mrs. F. W. Wood and Mrs. J. mance |N. Noble, Carnegie avenue, will be the Christmas guests of Mrs. Magistrate F. S. Ebbs and|Noble's 'daughter, Mrs. J. G. Mrs. Ebbs, Mary street, are de-|Bennett and Mr. Bennett, Agin- lighted to have their grand-| court, Ontario. daughter, Miss Mary Leigh, of} New York City, New York, with! PEEL EIS them for the Yuletide Season. | eceectee and sons, Leslie and Ronnie, Mary street, will be the holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rae MacLeod, Ottawa, Ontario. Mr. Donald Anderson, Queen's University, Kingston, is spend- ing the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erle ieupeeen Anderson, Churchill avenue. | wr and Mrs. Edward Me- |Lean, Hoskin avenue, are spend- acti ing Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Forder, William. Moore and family, -- Pew east, will mye Smiths Falls, Ontario, as their stmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hughes, son pnnnnnnns David and daughter Dianne, of; "Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McLean Scarborough. and Miss Judith McLean, Hor- top street; will be the Christmas fenenres guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr, and Mrs, Austin Franklin, Holtby and family, 'Spruce- posed vated will ei as their|dale"', Prince Albert, Ontario, istmas Day guests Mrs. Wal- ter Weir, Brooklin, Ontario and weoneres the. Franklin family of Man-| Mr. Cameron Hall, Trinity Mr, and Mrs. Mansel MacLeod, is spending the Yuletide vaca- tion with his parents, Judge A. C. Hall and Mrs. Hall, Masson street, Mrs. Gordon Summers, Mary street, will spend the Christmas season with her sister, Mrs. E, J. Latimer and Mr, Latimer, Brockville, Ontario. Miss Rosamond Hooker, stu- dent nurse at the Ontario Hos- pital, Kingston, Ontario, "will spend the Christmas weekend with her mother, Mrs. A. E. Pretty and Mr, Pretty, Masson t LOOKING? Forget Something? You'll Find It at BRAEMOR GIFT & VARIETY Stevenson Rd, N. ot Lowell OPEN EVERY DAY & SUNDAY i 8 AM. -- 11 PM, chester, Ontario. College, University of Toronto, Pe es ts! au i Mrs. C. E. Hill, Parklane| Apartments, Adelaide avenue east, will have as her Christmas| guests Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill) --Oshawa Times Photo i i ROAR s -\Mrs. D.. K. Stiles, Grierson | jand son, Roger, Montreal, | | street, Mr. Robert Taylor, student at | Quebec. Waterloo Lutheran College, will Mr., Mrs. John Smegal Honored On Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Smegal, Ritson road south, recently cele- brated their golden wedding an- niversary with a reception at the Polish Hall on Olive avenue. The couple came from Po- land in 1912 and were married in Hamilton in 1914, coming to Oshawa in 1915. They have six sons, John, Stanley, Benny, Walter, Steven and Frank and one daughter, Mary, Mrs. Stan- ley Gardynik. They have 19 grandchildren and 2 great- grandchildren. Mr. Smegal worked at the On- tario Malleable Iron for 40 years and retired in 1962. Mr. and Mrs. Smegal were presented with a dozen roses from the children of Mr. Stan- ley Smegal and a television set from the family. Congratulatory letters were received from the Honorable Michael Starr, MP for Ontario Riding; and Mr. A. V. Walker, MLA. They also received a plaque from Premier John Rob- arts. Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Smegal, Jr., Ferndale, Michigan; Mrs. Sme- gal's sister, Mrs, Stanley Maz- ier and Mr. Mazier, Mr. John Rekiel and Mr. John Rekiel, Jr., all of Hamilton. UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Holland. Sick and shut-in mem- ; KNOX CHURCH WMS (Afternoon Auxiliary) The regular meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of Knox Church WMS was held recently in the west hall in the form of a pot-luck supper, jointly with the two other missionary groups in the. church. Mrs. Malcolm McGregor, the president, opened the meeting with a poem entitled "Peace on Earth". A skit was enacted by the Arvilla McGregor and Lawrie Cormack Groups to illustrate the history of the Presbyterian Women in 1875 up until today. Mrs. A. H. Dancey read the scripture. é The three secretaries gave their annual reports respec- tively, Mrs. Jack M. Taylor, Miss Jean Macinnes and Miss Margaret Cormack. The presidents from the other ps were introduced: Mrs. lex J. McDonald of the Arvilla McGregor group and Mrs. Nor- owl Short of the Lawrie Cor- ma up. The Trightight of the evening was the inspiring message de- livered by the Reverend G. W. C. Brett outlining the true mean- ing of Christmas and gifts from the wise men. Wemen 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 26, 1964 bers will be remembered over| January 21, 2.30 p.m., 74 Wilson! road south, ° COURTICE H-S The Courtice Home and School Association held its Christmas meeting recently. A short business session was held) followed by a Christmas pro-| gram. } The play, 'The Littlest Shep-| herd," under the direction of Mrs. Lenore Hoar, was acted out with narration by April Muir, The little shepherd was Douglas Gearing; the angels were grade 3 girls and - the shepherds were grade 3 boys and the three wise men were played by Glen Bebee, Doug- las Beers and Stephen Baron. The back drop scenery was painted by grade pupils. | The Kitchen band from Long Sault gave a selection of songs and carols. Mrs, Alex Muir read Christmas poems with one espe- cially for the children. The highlight of the. evening was the arrival of Santa Claus with. gifts for the children and parents. Refreshments were served by the executive, the holiday season. | & The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Gordon Annis| § a | Ontario. CELEBRATE RUBY WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ten- nier, Westmoreland avenue, recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a family dinner party at their home. Mrs. Tennier is the former Winnie Nelson, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson, of Oshawa. Mr. Tennier is the son of Mrs. Lydia, Tennier, Campbellton, New Brunswick, who recently celebrated her 100th birthday, and the late Mr. Richard Ten- nier. Mr. and Mrs. Tennier were married in the Presby- terian Church in Campbellton and lived in Quebec for four years, coming to Oshawa in 1928. They have two daugh- ters, (Doreen), Mrs. Louis Kelemen, Oshawa, and (Haz- el), Mrs. James Griffin, Niag- ara Falls, New York. They have six grandchildren. and packed several baskets for the sick and shut-ins, Birthday greetings were sung to the pres- ident whose birthday falls on Christmas day. The group in charge. served) refreshments and it was an jnounced that the place of the jmeeting next month would be} Jesus." Mrs, Ernie Sargeant Sang a solo, and a poem, "A Christmas Letter,", was read. The Rainbow group, with Mrs, Douglas Bryant in charge, served the tea, ~ CANADIAN. CORPS. AUX. The members of the Ladies' '\Greer's mother, 7|\Greer, student nurse at Victoria ' |Hospital, London, Ontario. : with Mrs. spend the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor, Farewell street. Christmas Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Iorimer, Mary street, will be Miss Annie Lorimer and Mr. Alex Lorimer, RR 3, Oshawa, Alderman and Mrs. Hayward urdoch, Simcoe street north, will have as their guests for the /Yuletide season Mr, afid Mrs. J. .-W. Murdoch and family, |Prescott, and Mr. and Mrs. D. |i. Green and' family, Sarnia, Ontario. Mr. Ronald Dancey, who is lattending the University of To- | ronto will be home for the} Christmas vacation with his) parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. H. |Dancey, Lauder road. Yuletide guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Greer, Gardenia Court, will be Mrs Mrs. T. F.| Waller, Agincourt, Ontario, and| yy. their daughter, Miss Judy Mr. and Mrs, Grant Tamblyn, the former Miss Gail Marshall, | are coming from Montreal to) Rare lel end oe Tamebn's oe | Mr. Brian Tunnicliffe, who is Mrs. W. C: Marshall, King | attending the University of To- street east. Mrs. Marshall will|tonto and Mr. Grant Tunnicliffe also have as her guests her of the University of Western On- sister, Mrs. Elwood Dudley and|tatio, London, and Mrs. Tunni- Mr. Dudley of Colborne, cliffe, will be Christmas vaca- tion guests of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Tunnicliffe, street. west. Brock Reece Mrs. John MacKenzie, Mont-| real, Quebec, is the Yuletide ' guest of her daughter, Mrs. Wil-| Miss Rosemary Powers, nurs- liam Borrowdale and Mr, Bor-jing instructor at the Toronto rowdale, Switzer drive. General Hospital and Mr. and Mrs. Arden Mertz and family, wenneners |London, Ontario, will be Christ- Miss Marilyn Salmon, To-|mas Day guests.of Mr. and Mrs. ronto, will be spending the holi-|J. W. Powers, King street east. day season with her parents, nennnnee Mr, and Mrs, Edward Salmon, | Hortop street. Miss Linda McMaster, Queen's University, Kingston, quenrees | will be home for the Yuletide Warrant Officer 1 W. H.|vacation with her parents, Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown and"son,|jand Mrs, Harry McMaster, i ge of Fe Ontario,|Glenbrae street. will be spending the Christma | holiday with Mrs, Brown's eg negnnnnd ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.| Miss Carolyn Cooper, student Lambert, Athol street east. it +f i Miss Marilyn Slyfield, Univer: sity of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Arthur Slyfield, King street) Toronto, will spend the Christ- |mas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper, Sutherland avenue. |Breen, Collingwood, Ontario, jtheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. lat Trinity College, University of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Breen, | Richmond street east, will be| Christmas guests of their son,| Mr. Calvin Breen and Mrs.| Now is the time to come Into our stores and browse around for Christmas . . Decorate your home with e fashionable permanent center piece . , . For the Coffee table. , . the Officer Cadet Keith Hooey, Royal Military College, King- ston, is spending the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. little decorations are just and Mrs, William J. Hooey, lovely . . . the door Swags |Brock street west. |W will make your home say erent "Welcome". Miss. Robin Rice and Miss Margaret Rice, McMaster Uni-| versity, Hamilton, are spending thé Christmas vacation with THE BEST WAY TO SAY "MERRY send « Christmes | Flowers by Wire . . H. Rice, Hillcroft street. Bonded Members ice Mrs. Randell Campbell, Dun- vegan, Ontario, will spend the Yuletide season with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Grant Little, and Mr. Little, Elgin Court. Mr. Patrick Johnston, Queen's| University, Kingston, Ontario, is| DOWNTOWN 28 SIMCOE NORT jspending the Yuletide vacation|&% CHRIST- MAS" to your loved ones in ether pleces whether neor er fer, ls te Gift of « We ere of this J Gifts by Wire , start et $6.00 R. B. REED & SONS | FLORISTS LTD. 4 728-7386 DRIVE-IN 163 BLOOR WEST DUNN WILL BE OPEN TO ; OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 9 P. east. Miss Nancy Puskas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Puskas, training at London, Ontario, will Yuletide parents, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Miss Judith Rose, Victoria holidays nurse in Hospital, spend the with her MON. & TUES., DEC. 28th - 29th Save During Dunn's Mammoth Mrs. J. W. Swindells thanked as-'at Mrs. John Barber's home on/|Auxiliary of the Canadiai Corps|Oshawa boulevard nnorth, is Rose, Highland Avenue. Dollar Day Sale... sisted by grade 5 mothers. Mr. Brett and the members for their efforts in making the eve- ning a success. SILVER CROSS CHAPTER The Oshawa Silver Cross Chapter of the Remembrance association held its annual Christmas party at the Hotel Genosha. The members partook of a delicious turkey dinner and Mrs. Jessie Tooley acted as Santa Claus in the distribution of the gifts. Card games were played and the winners were: Mrs. Charles Gibbs, Mrs. E. F. Fallon, Mrs. 16TH SCOUT GROUP AUX. The 16th Scout Group Aux-| iliary closed the year with a pot- luck supper and enjoyed a round of games and gifts. The regular meeting followe with the past president, Mrs.| Harry Houston. A welcome was extended to the members and especially to the new mothers,| Mrs, Roy Anderson and Mrs.| Bruce Wristen. The secretary,| Mrs. Allan Barclay read the! Jack Hogan, and Mrs, Edward Prenuptia! Parties Showers, Honor Monday's Bride Prior to her marriage to Mr. David Glyn Rees, CA, Miss Marriam Montgomery has been honored at several showers and presentations. The wedding is to take place on Monday, De- cember 28, at 8 p.m. in Knox Presbyterian Church. The bridal attendants, William Horton and Miss E. J Baxter, held a bathroom acces- sory shower at the home of Mrs. Gerald Greig, Masson street. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weir of Caledon East, Ontario, held a dinner party for the affianced pair and presented them with a group gift. Mrs. Harold Wright and Mrs. George Hamilton of Oshawa were co-hostesses at a miscel- laneous shower at the home of Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Raymond Darling, Highland avenue, was hostess for a gathering of for- mer school friends at her home. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. John March, Rosedale avenue, enter- taining friends and neighbors of the bride-elect. Miss C. Manz was a co-hostess. The staff of Centennial Road Public School presented Miss Montgomery with a coffee mak- er for her new home. Following the rehearsal, the bridal party was entertained at the home of the future bride's mothér, Mrs. B. E. Montgom- ery, Rosedale avenue, minutes and. Mrs. Ralph Co-| |burn, treasurer gave her report.| \It was announced that a new) jscoutmaster, Mr. Kenneth Mat-| '\thews, would be taking over the|Hoar jscout troop in January. The Auxiliary supplied |freshments for the Cubs' Chris re- January 26, ST. GEORGE'S GUILD (Mary Parker Group) The final meeting for 1964 of the Mary Parker Group was} Mrs. Edwin Hoare, Rosmere| on Stereo was much enjoyed. | A short business meeting was| held with Mrs. 0. C, Richard-| son presiding. The treasurer balance to commence the new) year. A rummage sale was ar-| rnged for January. | Mrs. William Atkinson gave a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs.\the Corps building and enjoyed| e and Mrs. Eileen Parkin-| the many preparations they Association held their annual Christmas dinner recently, and enjoyed a most pleasant eve- ning. The dinner was held at the Town and Country restaurant, qjheld at the home: of Mr. andjand much merriment was add-|Pinecrest road, will have as ed to the occasion by the Kenneth Hann presiding in the|2venue. A turkey dinner with/appearance of Santa Claus, who absence of the president, Mrs.|hé Playing of soft dinner musicjlater distributed gifts to each|to. member present. Lucky draws, on Christmas cakes made by Mrs. Charles Donaldson, were won by Mrs. jgave a report of a satisfactory|Jack Corbett and Mrs. Frank Hood. A towel set donated by Mrs. Charles -Donaldson was won by Mrs. Ivan Titterton, Members later returned to an evening of dancing. for their hospitality and) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stacey, |both Corps members, who were t-|made. A delightful evening end-| celebrating their sixth wedding mas party, Mr. William Cook,|/¢@ With the singing of old time janniversary, drew- the winning Scoutmaster and Mr. David Johnson, assistant cub leader re- signed recently. The Auxiliary presented each with a gift. -A |presentation was made to Akela |Larry Ostrom in recognition of] \his work and time spent with! ithe Cubs. It was that announced the Mrs, next meeting would be January|the announcements 18 at 2.00 p.m FIRST BAPTIST WA Women's Auxiliary of First Baptist Church held its! monthly meeting in the lower| jhall of the church. Mrs. Ralph |Hopson presided. | Christmas hymns were: sung with Mrs. Walter Sewell at the piano. Mrs, George Hall was in charge of the roll call, and was answered. by a good attend- ance. | Mrs, Sewell was in charge of} the devotional period taking as her topic "There was No Place carols, SA HOME LEAGUE The Salvation Army Home League meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer, and the sing- ing of several Christmas carols led by Mrs, Major Fred Lewis. Mrs. William James gave} and Mrs.| George Beard read the) minutes, | A special prayer was offered for the sick. A letter was read by Mrs. James from Mrs. Lieut. Harris of the Salvation Army at Hazelton, British Col- umbia, thanking Mrs. Charles Langfied for the box she sent from the missionary group con- taining dolls and scarves. Mrs. Lewis read a poem en- titled 'Teddy Bear Blue" and the scripture was read re- sponsively. Mrs. Lewis gave al talk on "Mary, the Mother of} ticket on a Christmas cake won by Mrs, John Kearney. Spot dance prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wil- son, Mrs. William Watts and Mr. Jack Stacey, and the Ladies' Auxiliary draw prize won won by Mrs, George Price FOR THE FINEST IN DRAPERY MATERIAL in various colours & fabrics 8 & up M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 home for the Christmas vaca-| tion from Queen's University,| Kingston. Teme er eter jcoe .street south will have as itheir Christmas guests Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marshall,| rs, Michael McNamee and daughter, Michelle, and son, their yuletide guests- Mr. and ; Mrs, James Wagstaft of Toron- Scott Michael, of Windsor, Ont. dee Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Lee, Sim- | osname OA Yuletide guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, . H. Dunford, King street -east, will be Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jackson and Miss Donna-Marie Jackson, Hamilton, Ontgrio; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunford and daughter Karen, Lakefield, On- tario; Mr. and Mrs. John Jack- son and Mr. Robert Jackson, Toronto; and Mrs, R. J. Cour- tice, Mrs. Frank James,' Mr. and Mrs, Victor Cubitt and Mr. Gary Cubitt, Oshawa, Jutta's AS 21 725 i STARR Furniture & Appliances MODERN and PROVINCIAL STYLES "All Brand Names" . Krug Brothers Gibbard Gerard-Collins Broymore Beverley Bedding for Him in the Inn," and giv-| ing an interesting Christmas message. A presentation was made to Mrs. Hopson from the group in appreciation of her work as| president. The members brought in the Christmas gifts, | H TV and STEREO see WAYNE'S 78 Simcoe N. Telephone 723-1411 You'll love our Infonts to size YOUNG FASHIONS Budget Accounts Invited "The Best Costs Less At' OJUINIGHAIGIE|s| OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE selection from 14 Cooey Daveluyville BEFORE YOUBUY ... GIVE STARR A TRY 723-3343 491 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA NO DOWN PAYMENT USE YOUR CREDIT Adrien Hache, President of St. Gregory's Young People's cheque to Jim Valkanos of the POLARIS RESTAURANT for catering services very generously given at their Annual Charitable Christmas Dinner ond Dance. Left to Right. Nick Valkenas, Adrien Hache, Jim Velkanes, Art Bugelli Mr, Adrien Hache, President of St. Gregory's Young People's C Parish--a total of 30 people. Hall. of St, Gregory's Auditorium with 125 attending. music of @ 10 piece orchestra, and their generosity in our Charitoble effort. We also thank Decorations and everyone who helped make this Annual Event mos Program was well carried out by the Executives of the club. On Saturday--The club Donated Food and Gifts to @ mumber of needy fomilies of the Sundey ot 6 p.m. the club's first TURKEY CHRISTMAS DINNER wos held in the Dining Following the dinner--the club's ANNUAL DANCE wos held--180 people danced to the We wish to thank the POLARIS: RESTAURANT for the excellent Food and Catering Service, Club is shown giving @ lub reports this Year's Christe Art Bugelli for the beautiful a Big Success. = fi Ik k kK &k x

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