Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Dec 1964, p. 20

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- and den or 4th bedroom), 20--Rea! Estate tor Sale 20-----Keal tstate tor Sale METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. 7 room split level plus built- in gerage, (3 large bedrooms woshroom, bus ete. Only i. balance on One N.H aps ~ 6% % mortgage. a Pot DOWN AY MENT Only sis down and close to public and separate schoois. 4 really nice 3 bedroom clay low, only 10 years drive. Landscaped and hedged lot in a well built-up crea, Owner desires 6 larger home and is waiting for your offer SO ACT FAST on this value home. WALK-OUT: BASEMENT Brand new, possession on N.H.A. approval 5u%- room --- 3 bedroom bunga- hollywood kitchen. Lot fully sodded, storms, screens, fully tiled bath. All this for only $15,395. with only $2400. down. NORTH AND EAST Only two left, brond new 6 reom ranch . bungolows. Lot fully sodded, clay brick with partial stone front, tiled both- room with vanity, storms, screens, etc. Close to separ- ete and public schools, Only $16,195... with $2678, down. Balance on One N.H.A. mort- gage. SHOPPING CENTRE AREA! Only $2100. down for a really nice 3 bedroom, 5 room home. Fully decorated ond in nice condition, Call now on this one. CHOICE FULLY SERVICED BUILDING LOTS 60 foot widths for 'abl ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 A NEW HOME IN THE NEW YEAR SANDRA STREET EAST Living room and recreation room with fireplace, 3 bed- rooms, dining area off kit- chen, also carport. Builder will accept trades. For further information call. 728-5157. WILSON ROAD SOUTH 1% storey brick 3 bedroom house. Paved drive. Base- ment has 2 extra rooms, Home in very good condition, Car- ries for $95.00 monthly. Call 728-5157 for more details, PRESENTLY UNDER V.L.A. King Street East --- 4 bed- room moedrn bungalow on a 70 x 415 foot lot. A: real gem. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. For appointment, coll 728-5157 < 728-5157 14 SALESMEN TO "ASSIST" YOU ACTIVE REALTY LTD. __48 Simcoe Street South _ LIFETIME PENSION APARTMENT BLDG. Your chance to own this 14 suite, all 2 bedroom,. 442 room brick building. Only 5 years old. Fully equipped and occupied. Shows terrific re- turns. Hot water heated, and very reasonably priced, low down payment. For details call -- JACK APPLEBY 728-5123 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED | THERE'S NO WORK to apartment hunt- ing when you read the Apartments for Rent column. PRIVATE SALE large well! bullt 4 bed- room home, oli heat, spacious garden, orchard and lawn. Good terms. Outskirts of Oshawa. Telephone 723-7688. BARGAIN. Thirty acres,. fast flowing trout stream, cedar trees, hardtop road, close to Oshawa. John Kuipers 723-6590. Keith Peters Realtor. your new home building now. Selling fost -- get yours ord- ered 'now. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 PRIVATE ESTATE SALE, nine-room house, on short Albert Street. Open for offers, Can A seen by appointment. Tele-| Phone 728-41 $1,200. Soin. Brick three-bedroom bun- galow with recreation room, Whitby only, $105. ea month. Call Billi Johnston, Schotiels A ker Ltd., 728-1066. 22--Lots | for Sale Ken Hann Jock Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Borriage Joe Mage Member of O.D.R.E.B. COMMERCIAL BUILDING on BOND ST. WEST Top location for your busi- ness. C-2 zoning, over 2500 |TWO SUBURBAN lots, |feet. Bickle Sudtiision. |quick sale, $2000.00 each. pram ds Limited, 728-5157. |Lor FOR SALE. Hills of Kirby. Fast run- ning trout stream. Acreage on both sides jof stream. Brant new, three-bedroom |cottage. Complete all year round or use. Electric heat, fireplace. Small down pay- ment if you wish. North Shore Realty, 12 Reduced for) Call Active} Simcoe Street North, 725-3560. Pete netic ool | 23--Real Estate Wanted WE WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE, CALL JOHN F. DeWITH sq. feet. Porking evailable, ee chore REALTOR Cail Bill Millar 725-1186 Bowmanville 623-3950 WANTED, three-bedroom house, tel W. T. LAMSON ____ REAL ESTATE LTD: 817.460, NEW THREE-BEDROOM bunge- low with gg front and electric heat, pe on Low payment or trade. Cali Bob Johnston, Metcalf Real Estate, 725-9365. | rary Offices, orn HURRY and rent that vacant room with) 2 speedy Times Action Want Ad. Phone) 7%3-3492 for an ad-writer today. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS SNAPPY-WRAP By ALICE BROOKS Live in and love this pretty) wrap with a rose pocket. aad to fit--opens flat to iron. Apron or sundress Whip this wrap of thrifty ' ate | Pattern 7113: rose pocket; transfer; printed pattern, sm., med., ige. State size. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) thing--in a dress that's es for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care o! The Oshawa Times, Needle- craft Dept., The Oshawa Times, | Oshawa, Ontario, Ontario resi dents add ic. sales tax. Print plainly. PATTERN NUMBER, | NAME, ADDRESS. PRINTED PATTERN 49il SIZES 12%2--22%% « toe Morepeg ere be ne tN eH the RIT 100 feet X 214) 24--stores, urnces, storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON At the Times ps nag STORE for rent. Three display corner store for rent, 25 Prince 'Streets available January 1. Rent $100 per month, Call Mrs, Taylor 694-2945 evenings or write 40 Butt Avenue, Scar-| | Ontario. 25--Houses for Rent IMMEDIATE possession, three and four room house, Just completed. Brand new, all maintenance included. Free parking, Less than apartment rent. First choices, facing water. Phone owner, 942-1600, between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m, 26--Apartments for Rent THE CAVALIER The Most Modern Medium Rental Apartments in Oshawa)? FEATURING: @ Exclusive decorating @ Electric heating with fin- gertip control, in each room at no extra cost. @ Convenient to shapping and bus. Plenty of free parkinc Professional full time man- agement, that cares for your comfort. @ Numerous other features See Our Furnished de ik as laa ata A Ml Di ME Streeter te, sata pteneronpaer 2/--Kooms tor Kent Oy Cy a RR Leen OTE neta ABE PA meee ee STO 30--Automobiles tor Sale 35--Lost and Found FURNISHED rooms, close t Street East or telephone SINGLE AND DOUBLE furnished rooms, centrally located. Apply 55 Celina Street or call 728-4403. SOUTH END -- = Two nicely ely furnished single bedrooms. Suit a Parking, ged entrance, $8, weekly. Call nae F unfurnished rooms and bath, TV outlet, in Christian home, Centrally lo- cated. Abstainers only, Available Jan- vary 1, 725-7909 55 TWO unfurnished fooms. Suitable for light lab ly. Ti 728-6594. IONE furnished room, close to south GM, suit gentieman. Tel 728-2660. HOUSEKEEPING room, fridge and stove. Suit married couple or two gentie- men. Apply 25 Division Street. 28--Room and Board BLOOR STREET EAST -- Room and board for gentlemen, TV, parking, good) meals, $18 weekly. Telephone 725-2706. ff ROOM AND BOARD for , gentleman. | Lunches packed, parking. Telephone 723-| 6626. ROOM AND BOARD in private home, for gentlemen, ad cooked meals pond bread. Lunches packed. Apply 118 Sum- mer Street or telephone 725 Te case. am COLBORNE "§$TREET EAST, #7. Room and boerd for gentleman willing bg hare. Single beds. Close to Gen. eral Motors. Central to. downtown. Apply address. a ROOM AND BOARD for ¢ three gentle- men, 7 day week, willing to share. Ample parking, shift workers welcome. Apply 237 Nassau Street. LARGE ROOM, good meals, lunches packed, parking, quiet home, gentleman, Telephone 728-4845. : ae we ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen. Apply 260 Athol Street East, Telephone 725-7 SIMCOE AT KING. Room and boacd for workirlg gir!. Call 728-0025 after 3 p.m. ROOM AND BOARD FOR gentiemen| willing to share, 5-day weex, good meals. | Parking. Close to South GM and Shopping Centre. 81 Park Road' South ROOM AND BOARD. Parking, TV. jLunches packed. Call 723-1671, = - UNLOAD UN-NEEDABLES with Times Action Want Ads. Like- to sell something? Telephone 723-3492. 29--Wanted to Rent Model Suites Open from 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. daily. end of Marland Ave. (off Park Rd. S.) 725-9934 = 728-4283 _ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY _| 2.and 3 bedroom spacious | suites OXFORD PARK TOWERS | . Stove & Fridge included Broadloomed corridors & Elevator service Enquire about our delayed lease plan and reserve your apartment now P Modetsuite-ond~rerital of- fice open, from 2 - 9 p.m. daily, pase gee Reserve now for March Ist occupancy 1, 2 and three bedroom suites in the soph- isticated atmosphere of Cosa Manona Court, Adult living in an excellent location, For further information call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors -- 723-1121 or Rental Office 723-6361 from 2- ¥. p.m, GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite | ADULTS ONLY | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION | TELEPHONE 723-1712 -- 728-2811 For Appointment | WORKING MOTHER and infant to apartment. Day care included. Telephon 723-4569. Aponte BEDROOM apartment, availiable January 1. Stove, refrigerator, dryer, washer, Close to schools. Apply Apart- | ment 1, No, 1033 Ravine Street, -Oshawa. | THREE furnished room apartment, sec- jond floor. Available immediately. Adults please | Glecoft's Store) | THREE- -ROOM apartment, stove, private entrance. One child wel | come. $75. monthly. Available now, Tele |phone 725-3756 | TWO-ROOM apariment, fully furnished j Suit GM workers. Parking space. Apply 410 King Stree? East | THREE - ROOM Unfurnished apartment, | private bath, heavy wiring, parking, TV loutlet, working couple preferred, no chil dren, abstainers. Available | Telephone 725-4266 | SMALL 3 room self-contained apartment, |stove, refrigerator. Heated. $65. | Brock Street south, Whitby 668-4977 |MODERN housekeeping _ immediately. "units | couples. Apply 843 Dundas Street West, | Whitby or tel lephone | 668-8170. KING and Gibbon area, top floor, mod- ern two-bedroom, adults only, $105, Im- mediate possession. Mr, Bolahood. 728 tan APARTMENT -- Three rooms, bathroom, private entrance, heated, $60. | oath: near school and store. Hampton, | | 263- 2126 | BACHELOR apartment; also family fhree, | bedroom apartment, both in triplex, park-| {ing Close to' south GM, Each $90. ymonthly. 728-4957. |FOUR ROOMS, heated, unfurnished, ground floor, duplex, parking, adults. 83 Adelaide Wes}. |needed. Telephone 725-6939 after 7. At 400 Grenfell Street at | share) Apply 154. Tyler Crescent (near) refrigerator, | ~~~ 209 "in new| |motel. Reasonable rates for single or private Immediate possession if | TWO furnished rooms required by "young |lady, near GM north plant. Kitchen and | bedroom. Write Box . 441, Oshawa Times. |30--Automobiles for Sale KELLY DISNEY USED CAR: LTD. 1200. DUNDAS ST. EAST | WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Alwavs top quality SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down. Liens poid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH | 723-9421 lS. ALL CASH: $4] | For clean cars, or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 Anything useful may be ac- cepted as partial or. full down payment on a car at TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, EAST OSHAWA |1956 METEOR NIAGRA, V-8, automatic, |radio, washer, back up lights etc. Guar- antee A-1 throughout, $350, Whitby 668- 4517. 1961 OLDSMOBILE sedan, super 88, power steering, brakes, whitewalls, radio,| marron metallic. Excellent © condition.| Bowmanville 623-2204, 1 1962 CHEV station wagon, will trade vp! or down, Telephone 725-1053 | USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make) trailers, also used tires, 509 Bloor Street East _after id 723- 2781, |31--Compact Cors for Sale SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. | VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service | New and Used Cars | 334 Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 VOLVO SALES ond | GARAGE General Repoir ond Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 1963 CHEVY I1, 4-door sedan, automatic, Driven as second car, in good conattien low mileage, Telephone 723-4256 1960 ENVOY, condition, 3500. Telephone 723-9258. 33--Automobiles Wanted _ CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'Save', TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 SHAW Auto Wrecking Co., cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought. ~ | 89 Bi Street East, 725-2311 | FIVE-ROOM apartment, private bath and heist - jentrance. Available immediately. | Howard Streei or 725-7577. } | WHITBY -- One and two Kedroom apart: ments in apartment building, All modern conveniences. Whitby, 668-8540. THREE-ROOM apartment, private. Apply 592 Drew street APARTMENT: Two furnished rooms, pri- vate entrance Adults only. Abstaine rs Apply 286 Drew or telephone 723-3914 after 1S o'clock. 3 ROOMS and bath, second floor, , private THREE-ROOM self-contained apartment, EASY SEE PATTERN i hee | By ANNE ADAMS Slenderness is a very simple princess topped by knotted soft- ness. Easy-sew in wool, cotton, surah Printed Pattern 4911: Sizes 12%, 14%, 16% 2014, 2214. Size 16% 2% yards 54-in. fabric Half ired., Private entrance. Apply 231 Pala 1814, -- requires '27--Rooms for Rent FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins} just west of city limits. Heavy duty wir- jing. Adults. 728-6408 after 6 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM apartment "for rent, Re- 1. Adults only $105 monthly. Call 725-7752. | |WHITBY _ - Apartment, 48) completely frigerator and stove, Available January LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wani cars for wracking. Highest prices paid, 200 Wentworth East, 725- OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245, 34--Automobile_ Repair 24 HR, TOWING AND LEAGUE ROAD SERVICE 728-7781 Snow plowing, parts and service. DOC'S AUTO 1600 KING E Speed Custom and Auto Accessories | TRANSMISSION specialists, transmis- two furnished|sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe rooms, bedsitting room and kitchen, tele-|North. Phone 728-7339. ivision, utilities paid. Gentleman prefer | You LL COME BACK for more once ie get a taste of the easy problem solv' Action Want Ads give you, Dial 723- 3099 | | today _| EXPERT brake service and front end ATTRACTIVELY First time! 3 FREE PAT-| (no stamps, please) for this ra ' big, ogg 1985| pattern. Ontario residents add FURNISHED ROOMS Needlecraft Catalog! loc, sales tax, Print plainly Avail vailable ir e home. signs -- smart stoles, jackets,\ci77 NAME, ADDRESS, ew tbl pte ogee hats, toys, afghans, linens,/ ory) NUMBER. sess everything! Send. 25c. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16| complete quilt patterns--pieced| and applique, experts. Send 6c. now. Want-Ads Don't Cost - They Pay for beginners,| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Oshawa Times, jcare of The )Pattern Dept., Oshawa, On- tario. NEW! 300 sparkling designs, 15 exciting fashion and features plus coupon for ONE |FREE PATTERN +-- any Winter-Pattern Catalog, 50c. fabric one you choose! Send for new Fail- 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | Privileges. Suitable for young man. and south plant. Call 728-045) VERY LARGE furnished room, sin beds, for two friends to share, parking. Close to South GM. Call 725-2915. desired, Apply 25 Division Street, TWO FURNISHED rooma with kitchen Day! shift worker. only. Near sopping Centre single SINGLE AND DOUBLE rooms; meaia | W} suspension -alignment. 226 Celina Street | Call 723-4233 |OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert |carburetor and auto electric service, 222 King Street West, 728-0817 35--Lost and Found | LosT "Black and tan hound, Monday eve- |ning, north east district. Oshawa, An- swers to Butch. Reward. Telephone 728-0863. LOST: Maie dog, answers fo "Sam [Black and silver. Resambles German) shepherd pup. Two dog tags. Solina Road, | Bowmanville Friendly pet Reward 723-4522, Lost with 3 white' tipped feet and a patch on the throat, red collar, answers to "Pug" vicinity of south GM Reward, Telephone 725-4527, "Male, biack Labrador. retriaver fo downtown, |hospital and North GM. aes 29 Elgin). 728-3643. Open Evenings ~ | | | SERVICE | JAKE and BILL'S | four door standard | | LIMITED AT SEAWAY WHEN YOU BUY (i A USED CAR WOULD the person who took the beige coat with fur collar by mistake at the December redusibl 1%, YOU RECEIVE $200 CASH TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING | HURRY THERE IS ONLY 1 SHOPPING DAY LEFT ! 1964 GALAXIE 500 XL CONVERTIBLE Beautiful diamond blue fin- ish, blue nylon top, double power, automatic transmis- sion on the floor plus all the other extras thet make a luxury automobile, Factory worronty. $3595 '1960 METEOR TUDOR SEDAN Economical' 6 cylinder engine, radio, A-1 condition through- out, $ 1 095 1962 METEOR CUSTOM TUDOR SEDAN Smart fieldstone tan with economical 6 evlinder engine, automatic transmission, ra- dio, snow tires. One owner, A-1 condition. $1695. | 1960 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR WAGON Two tone ton and brown fin- ish, Fully gauranteed. $1295. 1959 METEOR FORDOR SEDAN Tow tone blue and white Ph ish with matching interior; V-8 engine, automatic trans- mission. One owner new cor trade, Cleon throughout, TENDERS SR. ALBERT LOVE SCHOOL Wilson Rd. N., Oshawa have been revised from December 29, 1964, 4 p.m. to January 14, 1965 4 p.m. Nine Classrooms plus general Purpose room, Owners -- rd of Roman Catholic Separate School trustees, Oshawa. Plans ond specifications available at the architect's office, Wm. Saccoccio, 215 Morrish Rd., West Hill, On- tario. '|life has been chosen to decide AVG 1 05s net cctinegtiy CONS io ean ane rE a Sere THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, December 23, 1964 19 Cure For Chosen Few VANCOUVER (CP)--A "jury" of six drawn from all walks of who among a small group of chronically ill kidney patients will get life-giving treatment at Vancouver General Hospital. A cloak of secrecy shrouds the identity of the committee members and énly one man, W. A. Street, chairman of the hos- pital board, knows who they are, Mr. Street said 'in an inter- view Tuesday that once a pa- tient begins the treatment-- which purifies his blood artifi- cially twice weekly--he is de- pendent upon it for life. The committee will have to decide who will be included in the hospital's new program known as chronic dialysis, an artificial - kidney treatment available for a limited number of patients whose kidney func- tion has been destroyed by dis- ease and who otherwise would die. Mr. Street said the commit- tee comprises a jurist, a cler- Deposit for plans and speci- fications $50.00. _ 38--Coming Events TENDERS FOR ST. THOMAS AQUINAS SCHOOL PACIFIC AVE., OSHAWA | have been revised from December 29, 1964, 4:30 p.m. until January 14, 1965, 4:30 p.m. \ Nine classrooms plus general purpose room. Owners-Board of Roman Catholic Separate School Trustees, Oshawa. Plons and specifications a- vailable at the architect's office, Wm. Saccoccio, 215 Morrish Rd., West Hill, Ont- erio, Deposit for plans and specifications $50.00, Notice To Creditors and Others In the Estate of John Walter Green, 218 Dearborn St., Oshawa, Ont., who died on Dec. 9, 1964. All claims must be sent in to his wife, Mrs. Vera Green by Jon. 10, 1965., 17 Hope St. N., Port. Hope, Ontorio. $995. 1961 GALAXIE COUNTRY SEDAN Tutorie burgundy and white, V-8 engine, automatic trans- mission, radio, power steer- new white walls and ing, wheel discs. Ideal family car in A-1 condition. $1695. 1961 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF TUDOR SEDAN Economy in this 6 cylinder, automatic transmission one owner car. Immaculate sun- light yellow finish. $1695. 1961 FALCON FORDOR SEDAN' Refinished in Silversmoke Grey with matching interior, economy at its finest, equip- ped with radio, A-] through- $1095. 1961 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Rangoon red with contrasting interior, Economical 6 cylin- der engine, low mileage, new car trade, sold new and ser- viced by us, Guaranteed. | $1395. 1957 FORD FORDOR SEDAN V-B engine, standard trans- mission. As is. $495. MANY MORE FINE QUALITY USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM For full particulars on receiving the $200 cash see us today, Seaway MOTORS | "Your Authorized Dealer For. Ford's Family Of Fine Products' 200 Dundas St. W. OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes Jackpot Nos. 52 and 52 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted » |sion, |SaTHe @ PARK ASSOCIATION announces bingos until further notice. --jeration are, estimated at about gyman, a housewife, a trade junionist, a busi and a | physician |WOULDN'T TAKE JOB "TI wouldn't have their job for lanything, " Mr. Street said. "I |haven't the foggiest idea how |they'll decide between patients. |That's strictly up to them." The program began a few jweeks ago with a 13-year-old | ginger- haired boy named Peter. | He has been in hospital about six weeks and is slowly becom- ling adjusted to a life that is ab- |solutely dependent upon the ar- |tificial kidney, a cumbersome, \stainless steel machine some- [what larger than a home wash- ing machine. Twice a week he must return to the hospital for a 12-hour jtreatment, although he can} jcarry on a reasonably normal |life otherwise. When Peter is connected to '\the machine, his blood flows} \through plastic tubing and into ja mechanical filter which elim- jinates. the poisons created by inatural body functions and peewee up by the blood. | TREATMENT EXPENSIVE | Five years ago when the jtreatment was started in Seat- jtle, costs were estimated at $30,- 000 annually for each patient: |The costs of the Vantouver op- /$3,000 ia patient. | With existing equipment and \staff, the program could handle nine patients, the physician in charge said. With more staff it 'could, theoretically, accommo- date 21. When available treatment fa- \cilities reach near capacity, the | case histories of applicants, with| f |their names removed, will be |submitted to the committee which will have the final deci- Vancouver General is only the fourth centre in Canada to} operate such a unit. The others are at Montreal, Edmonton and Ottawa, eileen! 'Union MOUNTS GET FAIRY NAMES OTTAWA (CP) -- Although they won't show up on most | maps, northern New Bruns- wick now has 10 mountains io serve as a year-round re- minder of Christmas. The 2,000-foot. peaks about | 49 miles south of Campbell- ton, N.B., will now be known as North Pole Mountain, Mount St. Nicholas, and Donner, Blitzen, Comet, Cu- pid, Dancer and Vixen. J.K. Fraser of the depart- ment of mines and technical surveys and executive secre- tary of the permanent com- mittee on geographical names, said the names were approved by the committee last June. "The idea for the names came from 'North Pole moun- tain,' which was an unofficial local name for one of the | hills," Mr. Fraser said. AREN'T MOUNTAINS "Actually the mountains are not really mountains, at least not when you compare them to the mountains in Brit- ish Columbia. "But we needed names for them on maps for forestry of- ficials and lumber companies. Mr. Fraser said there was a proposal to include a Mount Rudolph, 'but it was never seriously considered. "We figured the other names have been widely ac- cepted in folklore, but Ru- dolph was too new and too commercial." GOOD EVENING -- By JACK GEARIN -- THINGS ARE QUIET ON THE HUSTINGS Things are pretty quiet these days out and around the political hustings of Ontario County. But this situation can't last long, the way events are transpiring in Ottawa. Two upcoming social events in Oshawa are almost certain to attract hundreds of the party's faithful, insofar as the PCs are concerned. Both are in January. The first will be V. Walker will ce! m the 16th. when Mr. and Mrs, Albert ° ite their 25th. wedding anniversary at a special dinner in Knights of Columbus Hall (with their two children, Robeft and Judith, playing the host roles). He's the member of the Legislature for Oshawa riding. . The second will be on the 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Starr will play host at a gala reception in St. Gregory's Hall for their daughter Joan who is to be married that day to Robert Nicol (currently a Separate School representative on the Board of Education and Mr. Starr's manager in his two most recent Federal campaigns.) More than 500 are scheduled to attend, including many Tory big-wigs. Don't be surprised if Big Chief John Diefenbaker himself doesn't turn up for this important event in the life of Mr, Starr (one of Mr. D's most trusted and loyal lieutenants.) THERE'S NO DOUBT ABOUT DON, NOW Don: Jackson has left no doubt about it -- he's the greatest figure skater in the world today, amateur or pro. His victory at Lake Placid Saturday when he won the - world's professional title was as impressive as his scintillating 1962 triumph at Prague (when he took the amateur title.) -- What was most important of all to the folks back here at home, Don's Saturday performance removed any possible doubt that he isn't back in superb physical shape after being sidelined three months from overwork, physical exhaustion. The 24-year-old Oshawa performer has found that the role of an "Ice Follies" star can be demanding, what with tight schedules, constant travelling, rehearsals and promotional and publicity engagements. For those who would like another close-up of Don (cur- rently on holiday until the Follies reopen in Philadelphia Christmas Day) -- there will be a documentary on him on ABC's "Wide World of Sport' (Channel 7) January 2, includ- ing those immortal scenes from his 1962 Prague performance when he thrilled the sports world. He gave up a holiday in Bermuda, incidentally, to com-_ pete in Lake Placid Saturday. FINANCE CHAIRMANSHIP IS KEY POST MUNICIPAL NOTES: That all-important City Council caucus to pick committee for the coming year will likely be held Saturday, January 2. That's two days before the inaugural and first official meeting of the new council. One of the prize plums will be the chairmanship of Fi- nance, vacated by the retiring Walter Branch. Who will get it? There has been much speculation as this is the most im- portant seat beneath the mayoralty. The name of Alderman Gordon Attersley keeps cropping up as a logical contender, but politics is a funny game and Mr, A. could be unceremoniously shunted aside (as he has in the past) when the chips are down in that behind-closed-doors . vote session. This could happen despite his impressive cre- dentials (three times winner of the aldermanic and one term as Finance chairman some four or five years ago). Council- lors frequently ignore coll with heavy endorsation from the electorate in making wich appointments as Mr. Attersiey has learned by hard experience. Another strong contender for the job could be Alderman Christine Thomas, with a wealth of municipal experience behind her despite a two-year retirement period brought about when she lost-the mayoralty in 1962. Who is to get the important post of chairman of the Board of Works Yard? Will his colleagues remove Alderman R. Cecil Bint from the post because they think his health isn't up to it, because they feel the job needs a new look. There is one catch to such an appointment -- the alderman selected must have plenty of time in the day to devote to it, if it is to be admin- istered Promeny | OK's Agreement | MONTREAL (CP) -- Mem- | bers of the Seafarers' Inter- jnational Union of Canada (Ind.) |have ratified a new labor agree- |ment providing for a substantial | wage increase, a portable pen- |sion plan and other benefits, it was learned Tuesday, An informed 'source made the disclosure following a meeting of SIU officials and manage- ment representatives to discuss the contract situation. The agreement also was ap- proved by management, repre- sented by six shipping compa- nies who handle more than 90 per cent of the tonnage carried on the Great Lakes. It was the first contract ne- Laughlin was elected president of the 5,500-member union last month, He replaced Hal Banks, deposed as president by the fed- eral maritime trustees. | The portable pension plan is to come into effect not later than Jan, 1, 1966. It means a Great Lakes sailor may shift from one company to another and carry his pension with him. gotiated since Leonard J. Mc-| STRIKE STRIKES HARD Liquorless Quebec Prepares For Yule _MONTREAL (CP) -- Quebec-|can come only from spirits, but jers are sadly making ready for|for many Quebecers -- without \Christmas celebrations under-|stocks of liquor laid in--a pur- \taken with merry hearts and| suit of the scarce stuff would |unseasonably clear heads. | present more risks than prom- The only legal source of) lise of rewards. liquor in the province--the Que- | So far there has been one big bec Liquor Board -- has been Seizure of alcohol brought in closed to wholesale and retail|from outside the province. This customers since Dec. 5 because |ended with an arrest and a $200 lof a strike by its employees. a aig sag gy hiyotty | With negotiations at a stand- baer oe eee still, many citizens are looking|" +... MRR aE : '*| There have been two major Pe tae ak raids on private yoga lat- ontrea § ; est by the RCMP on Tuesday. Devoir), --e es me Josaphat Brunet, director - ROT ep bopen ne A , says his orce is too busy wi out with recipes for punch con-| other big problems like auto cocted with beer and even an'traffic to concentrate all its re- eggnog a la biere. __ |sources on a special Christmas Such wholesome improvisa-|campaign against illicit liquor- tions may lack the kick that!hunting. Humans Started Fewer Fires TURONTO (CP) -- Humans started fewer forest fires in On- tario this year than last--but they still accounted for 68 per cent of the total. Department of lands and for ests statistics released Tuesday said "man-caused fires dropped to' 1,242 of the 1,834 total this year from 1,566 of the 1,885 to- tal in 1963. Total acreage burned in 1964) slightly more than half.of the 56,138 acres was 28,322 or burned in 1963, CAPITAL ANCIENT Whitby Open daily ? a.m. to 9. p.m, | 668-5893 Amman, idan which stands on the site o ithe Riblical capital of Rabbah, pet has a population of 300,- 000, the capital of Jor- {| More than 150°members of the Golden Age Club attended a Christmas dinner arranged by the Oshawa Rotary Club in ROTARIANS ENTERTAIN GOLDEN AGE CLUB MEMBERS the Hotel Genosha. Major ident Stanley Lovell of Rotary Fred Lewis, chairman of the chat with two of the guests-- Rotary Club's. Golden Age Mrs, Edith Williams and Mrs. committee (on left) and Pres- Edith Adams, oe aapenieeemn sce i 'f 7 ig 7 NORRIE ME EBERT. « F ft

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