PULLOVERS FOR MEN For the man of the house, you can knit your choice of these handsome '"V" neck pullovers very quickly on No. 7 needles. Designed with rag- lan sleeves for an easy fit, they are sure to bring you much applause. You have a choice of a brand new tweed- like yarn or the favored knit- ting worsted, For the knitting worsted, you have a choice of knitting your pullover in stock- ing stitch or thrée other simple knit and purl patterns for an all-over textured effect. These designs are given for sizes 38,40, 42 and 44. If you would like the leaflet with the instructions for these pull- overs, simply send a stamped, self - addressed envelope and 10c to the Needlecraft Depart- ment of The Oshawa Times, requesting Pullovers For Men, leaflet number 10-64. A SURE WAY to keep youngsters amused for hours is to give them a supply of "play clay'? made from two kitchen shelf staples, baking soda and corn starch, plus water. Home Made Play Clay Keeps Children Occupied For Hours If you're at your wits' end, mothers, looking for ways to keep mischievous small fry amused this holiday, look no further than your kitchen shelf. There sit the makings of a "play clay" that can be whip- ped up in a matter' of min- utes and costs but a matter of pennies. It's that package of baking soda and that package of corn starch that you have to take down from their perch, The only other thing you need is water. For a small quantity of the "play clay,' enough for two or three children to work with, mix 2 cups of baking soda, (one 1- pound package), 1 cup of corn- \cups. of water, starch and 1% cups water in a saucepan, heat to boiling, stir- ring constantly. Remove from heat as soon as the mixture reaches a dough-like consis- tency. When cool enough to handle, knead slightly. If you want a larger quantity when little friends are invited over to play, you can accom- modate four to six children with three 1-pound 'packages of baking soda, one 1-poun package of corn starch and 4 following the same procedure as for the smaller quantity. If guests fail to show up, simply store the surplus in a pliofilm bag or air- tight container for another day. © HOUSECOATS © FINE LINGERIE 77 KING ST. E. SWEATERS (imported seaded sweaters) GLAMOROUS EVENING BAGS HOSIERY and many other GIFT ITEMS Wlodde vresses 725-4561 The clay will remain pliable ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I am writ- ing this letter in the hope that it will be read by my neighbor, the mother of a two-year-old The little girl weighs 60 pounds and wears size 14 panties. This summer that child, in her red striped bathing suit, looked like a beach ball with legs. I've watched the mother feed her and the mound of potatoes on the girl's plate looks like Mount Everest. When she stops eating, the mother shovels in more food. This is an unhappy youngster if I ever saw one. She cries over nothing and rarely smiles. She was a very slow walker-- probably because she couldn't drag her fat bottom around. I've hinted that the youngster should be taken to a doctor for a check - up but the mother laughs and says, 'Lord love her, she is just chubby." Will you comment, please?-- CONCERNED. Dear Concerned: In the old days a fat child was thought to be a healthy child. We know now that this is not necessarily true. Every child fat or thin, should be taken to a pediatrician for a check-up annually. Routine check-ups have turned up dia- betes, rheumatic heart disease and other illnesses which, when diagnosed early, are far less dangerous. Dear Ann Landers: Our 17- year-old son, Jack, is a poor student because he refuses to apply himself. He is one year behind in school but it doesn't bother him, Lucy, the girl with whom Jack has been going steady for over a year, is also a pour stu- dent. To listen to her talk you'd think she was in the sixth grade although she is a high school senior. My husband and I were pray- ing that these two would break up before they got into trouble. Well, three weeks ago when Lucy thought she was pr t THE OSHAWA TIMES, 11), Wednesdey, December 23, 1964 Fat Two-Year-Old Needs Check-Up thought the scare would teach them a lesson, but it didn't. They are still together every evening. Lucy's parents are brainless. when we won't give Jack our car. They give him and invite him on trips. He doesn't even ask us, he just goes. These people are making a bum out of our son and we don't know what to do about it. Can you help?~G.H.L. Dear G.H.I.: Why blame Lucy's parents for making a bum out of your son? y didn't raise him. You did. Jack has been intimidating you and getting his own way for years. Now you must seek outside help. The first step is to et counseling for yourselves. our counselor will take it from there. Dear Ann Landers: I can't believe it. I just can't believe) it. Not you, Ann Landers! When Kansas Grandpaw wrote and complained b They give her the family car|Years NOW OPEN! RESTAURANT Opposite Camp Semee '@ Completely New Decor @ Special Children's Portions, @ Banquets @ Parties @ Receptions, etc. Dini & Ai ct fs Finest la the RENDEZVOUS ROOM Simeoe N. 728-2171 Truly @ fine camera tripods, utility bags, films, L filters, slide projectors, movies, o « + mony ideal gifts. FULLY AUTOMATIC EUMIG P8 NOVA PROJECTOR A Masterpiece of European Craftsmanship ony 119.88 ELECTRONIC FLASH Neo more bulbs to buy. Uses iJ betteries, eye meter. Press ond jet. --Sturdy construction. Comoleha Wik tanh Jack told us what had been going on. When it turned out she was not pregnant we for a couple of months. Here are some projects, aside} from conventional modelling,| that you might suggest to the} smail fry. (1) A bill of notepaper holder} for your desk or Dad's. Roll! clay into ball, Flatten ball into} thick, oblong pancake. Insert) large paper clips, on end, into) clay, marchi clips in a straight line the length of the oblong, a quarter of an inch rt. (2). Paper weight or wall] plaque. Roll clay into ball, Flat- ten into thick pancake. (a) Peess little shells, colored peb- PHILOSOPHY MAJOR Actress Kim Novak, the daughter of a history professor, majored in philosophy at Los Angeles City College, before be- coming a model and an actress. have to wait long to see the finished results. Fourth is its safeness, even in small hands that are apt to be popped into mouths, for both ingredients are food products. Fifth and last, the "play clay" won't stain clothes, rug or furni- ture. Any crumbs are easily swept up with the vacuum. leather carrying case, SPECIAL 59.88 OSHAWA n-lite 100's of Cameras See our Famous Nome selection of cameras end equipment for Chiristmes Gifts, LLZS-OtL We sincerely wish our many customers and friends all the blessings of this happy season, and extend our thanks for their patronage through the year! BURNS JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE NORTH 723-7022 bles (such as you use in the| fish bowl), or snips of colored | aluminum foil into clay to form) a college-type design. (b) Press china, plastic or wooden figure of appropriate size into centre of pancake. Remove gently. Color indentation with paint or | felt tip marker. Press shells or pebbles inte clay around edge to form frame. There are five distinct ad- vantages to this "play clay" aside from its economy, avail- ability and good keeping quali- ties, First, it's gentle to hands. Remember, pediatricians recom- mend both baking soda and corn starch as bath additives to soothe skin rashes. Second is colorability. You can color the whole batch of clay by simply adding food coloring or tempera paint to the water before mixing it into the other two ingredients. Or leave clay white and let coloring be a separate operation! The clay takes any kind of paint, crayon or felt tip mark- er. Third, it hardens quickly; overnight if left to its own de- vices; within half an hour if Ronald W. Bilsky, >.<. Chiropractor If hurt on the job, ask your | employer to authorize Chire- || practic care. "It's yours for the | asking". 100 King St. E. 728-5156 @ Personalized rvice @ Warm, Friendly Atmosphere No payments e unti) Strike is over. "Won't you please come in", Nesbitt's Ladies' Weer 33 King St. East. placed in a warm turned-off oven. This means children don't NO MONEY DOWN -- BUDGET TERMS @ Hockey Stick and Puck 99e e@ 16" x 36" Hockey Game 4.99 @ Stock Car Racing Set Special 15.99 © Model Planes, Trains and Cars For Decorating: Holiday Floodlight 4.29 Christmas Tree Stand 69 Extension Cord 9 Christmas 15-ligh feet 66c t set 3.19 Christmas Wrap 12 assorted rolls 1.44 Christmas Corol Record 1.35 (Hi-fi and Stereo) Butane Cigarette Lighter 2.95 restone-- STORES 2s: 190 KING ST. EAST 725-6566 FREE CHRISTMAS BONELESS HAM With Your New Gas Range! 29 CELINA jm oe | VALUE IS UP! PRICES ARE DOWN! te) an P Poel ges ' i Xe tant pe. : eS / See J A SANTA SPECIAL ONLY Come in and see these Santa Specials at - (Gonsumers' Gas APPLIANCE CENTRE ST. 728-9441 4 ? Consumers' Santa Says. me du ee 7" 54a Si i log { a Get Both plus 2 FREE Gifts! INGLIS LIBERATOR DRYER INGLIS HERCULES WASHER PLUS FREE IRONING BOARD AND WESTCHESTER BEDSPREAD For 10 Per Week Only On your gos bill. 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