Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Dec 1964, p. 8

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Oe aie ae Fy ' : 'a duty to protect people who trol. i cunedl businesses ota WINS '1000 § %, te ys Shoplifting | %dd-Job Men TORONTO ed in if snowstorms pede oe feta sae 'school, but Increases Here SijsSive = crear eral hectares were y ' given gait) tivities, site acne a } Be a 8 | Marcel Antonio LaFranboise,|reachers Federation, -|was given a year definite andiwas docked half a day's pay 4 19,| other teachers, delayed by wea- Nquor hol , who a day's -- were: in a place o r than his home,|Sftery each y Cathleen Brown,| wr. Affleck said two bottles of] But, he says, teachers are 4, Bowmanville, wh0ispirit were found in a 16-year-|the only group he knows work- '¢ sweater valued at/ojd girl's purse when @ car was| ing longer hours than they were from a store in the Osh-| stopped for a spot check. Lupel|a generation ago. ewa Shopping Centre. said the liquor Ato him.| 'Teachers are used 'tor ticket Mrs, Janet Godin, 19, 74 Bond Magistrate Jermyn said: "I , crowd quelling, insur- ; gas, who stole three|doubt if you realize how much|surance agenting, inoculation ; Romen's Sweaters valued At/trouble you are in. I am saying|queuing, garbage guarding ' 9.94 from an Oshawa store. | this in as friendly a way as 1|(cafeteria patrol), dance bounc- : Mrs, Lillian Barrow, 64, 25 kiow but wateh iL? ing and textbook trundling." re ee 8 oe ot T, W. Latta, president of the ! A aps dep hoo] federation, | trom a local self service chain] EXPRESSION ACCEPTED [ST Tendon, Ont. that Mr. BERLIN (AP) -- KarllKe 's criticisms are not H r. Affieck said other cities Schmidt-Rottluff, a leading ex- pnp ghee the province. If | ia Ontario carried @ policy sen-| sionist painter, has donated|ext® duties do not hurt 2 ' tence of 30 days in jail for shop-|P aces teacher's performance, ho harm -- while in Oshawa the/all his personally owned works|;, done, he said. is a $100 fine. to the city of Berlin--where| Graham Gore, superintendent i said the offence was in-/some of his best pieces werelof Toronto's secondary schools, ' sing in "geometric progres-idestroyed by the Nazis as "de-|said odd jobs play a small part ' elon". generate art" three decades|in a teacher's life. Mr. Gore ane Pay vaseek destsooe te oan. x Gren cy) their] said the Toes ag ¢ sie * value at $2,500,000. The was|tion is sympathetic to teachers Mrs. Godin, that the court had) made on the artist's 80th birth-| who are late for reasons beyond He said: "You are lucky to have been convicted in Osh- he was going nd stopped 0 vheve & little no = to a if you let I will be off straight home." Barr had been in jail for four ' Magistrate Jermyn said: "Well, it being the season of the year I will make it a suspended + sentence." wolees out... .end glad wishes Joe cages: Aonkttened oohguaee ings for @ very merry Christmas to all. i 723-7122 METROPOLITAN 1° Homes @ Additions STORE @ Offices @ Remodeling 60 King St. East Downtown Oshawa YOU CAN T00! New Market, Ontario: PETER JACKSON Cash Award Winner, Mrs. E. Hart, 85 Walter Avenue, New Market, Ont., receives a0 ood PETER JACKSON Representative Mr. H. S. Appleton. A package of the new full King Size PETER JACKSON Filter Ti ped Cigarettes purchased by Mrs. Hart contained one of the epecial cartifates worth $1,000 cash package today --you too ena win $ Vege cuca KING SIZE # FILTER TIPPED FAMOUS NAME SINCE 1885 oon | Writing a. Pi BS her ay Rovarts, in, a Coristaeas pte Ciristanas gg peace a h The Bulletin, sage, on the people ofjearth, goodw tempted breaking and entering. |O.tao Second ar z, ,sceal Ontario Monday to be awarcland in Ontario and throughout F tr. Ken-|< sixinedy says teachers must belcountry which unite us in the|we have quite an enormous re- le "the highest - paid odd-job men|Common good far outweigh|sponsibility as well as an op- in the country." those which at times would ap-|portunity to share our good for- Lortie, 260 Athol street east,| He tells of a teacher wh0|pear to divide us." tune with those many millions helther from beageey by school! moments to think of the trueltake stock of the many bles- os: HOBARTS' YULE MESSACE: Uniting Factors Outweigh Dividers TORONTO (CP) -- Premierjmeaning and spirit of the fff = fre 'that the considerations in our|Canada we should realize that Mr. Robarts, read his mes-|0f people throughout the world six months indefinite, Lortie had) when he missed morning broadcast|Who are less fortunate than we|walls, towers, gates, mosqu a previous conviction. classes because his car was on ine vit eae and many of whom live in ajminarets--with "daring techni- stuck in a snowbank far from)ohoir from Queen's Park. He world of poverty and destitu-|cal decisions." A A fine of $100 was levied/other transportation, and two) said in part: tion... . "T think we should take a few; "So let us at this time of year Surrender Demand On Germany e ot "THE OSHAWA 'TIMES, Tunodey, Beembor 2, 1966.7 Mistake Say Ike, Germans 7 after my a Production of General Motors cars and trucks has resumed. Daily output will rise speedily and our plants will soon reach maximum capacity. We wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who has waited so patiently for this good news. Our appreciation embraces many people across Canada... our customers... our _. suppliers ... and our dealers. To the customers who have cars or trucks on order and are awaiting delivery, we are particularly grateful for your faith in our products, for your forbearance and for your understanding. Now that our production has started again, rest as- sured we will fill your orders as quickly as possible. To our suppliers, we extend our sincere appreciation and offer the encouragement that soon all our operations will be back to their normal level. Already, you are providing the many quality products and services that will enable us to reach peak OSHAWA. -- = GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA. LIMITED CHEVROLET + PONTIAC ¢ OLDSMOBILE + BUICK + CADILLAC « ACADIAN « ENVOY ¢ VAUXHALL -- CHEVROLET & GMC TRUCKS YOU production with minimum delay. We thank our dealers and their employ- ees--the men whose important job it is to sell and service General Motors cars and trucks. We know they will welcome this renewed opportunity to fulfil the trans- portation needs of every customer. Those of you who have not yet ordered your new vehicle can now buy your choice, confident that delivery will be made with- in a reasonable time. Every effort will be put forth by our dealers, our suppliers and ourselves to 'meet your requirements. It is our belief that our 1965 cars and trucks are the finest ever produced. This is confirmed'by the enthusiastic reports of the thousands of customers already driving them. Try them out soon at your General Motors dealer's. Again we thank you, and, along with all our employees, we extend warmest seasonal greetings and good wishes for 1965. ONTARIO

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