.8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 21,1964 ~~ ~~ grandchildren, 42 great-crand- was born March 28, 1901, fn fle delinquency, says he will go|based on the fact that th f children and. two great-great-|Winnipegosis, Man. Horsburgh Protests|{'" higher chureh. courts 'Mlintion of the board of Decem. , dchildren. She married Nicholas Kup- es necessary to get his former|ber 1, 1964 (reversing the ear- OBITUARIES -- . - shat soles came in Oshawa, in 1923, and Legal Fee Decision Park Street Church to pay hisjlier decision) does not rescind Pa fis: a lived here the last 41 years. legal fees. the motion to pay the legal 4 the Free Methodist Church, Osh-| Mrs. Kupnicki was a mem-| CHATHAM (CP)Rev. ) Rus-| w4, porsby said Sunday|fees, but acknowledges that Ch J MRS, C. D. ge built many homes in the dis-|,awa will conduct funeral serv-|ber of St. John's Ukrainian|sell D. Ho rsburgh, United|he will ale Ph appeal in . motion and resolves to take no ristmas Relen Hil wi "at C. Dougie trict. bd ice at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the|Orthodox Church, Church minister awaiting anjletter today to Rev. Charles/action," Mr. Horsburgh said. le of C Biya He was predeceased by his) armstrong Funeral Home, In-| she is survived by her|4Ppeal of his conviction on five|Plaskett, interim moderator of|' He said he will ask Mr. Plas: Greotinss and sincere of Lunenburg, di the/first wife, Jane Ann StephenSiterment will be in' Ashburn ibuti \- i » ; husband, a daughter, Mrs. John|Counts of contributing to juven-/Park Street United Church, kett to urge the official board wishes for a Fiserm n't Memorial Hospital an ae i ag es wife,| Cemetery. Saramak (Mary) of Oshawa; a ; Mr. Horsburgh was sentenced|either to rescind the July 6 holiday 1 iin hk miki MRS, NICHOLAS KUPNICKr |5%) Peter, of Oshawa; three|st. John's Ukrainian Orthodox|last month to one year in jaillofficial board motion or pay pong daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A.|,.2° 35 survived by five daugh- . ; sisters, Mrs. Felix Franko (Ann)/Chureh, will conduct funeraljon each of five charges of con-|the fees. warmih of « good, -- She was employed ' ters, Mrs. O, H. Pierson (Bea-| Mrs. Nicholas Kupnicki, 287/and Mrs. Joseph Shewchuklservice in the church at 9.30|tributing to juvenile delin-| "If the motion is rescinded, old-fashioned Christmas the provincial gove at. later: trice), Mrs. Oharles Taylor|Bloor street east, died Satur-|(Maria), both of Winnipegosis|a.m., Wednesday. The funeraljquency, with sentences to run|I can take this matter to the 9 going to Lynn, M where|({ima), Mrs. George Lyndejday in Oshawa General Hos-!and Mrs: John Pucholski (Pau-|procession will leave the Arm-|concurrently. '|higher courts of the church} she was married and resided|(L0uella), Mrs. N. V. Hartford pital. She had been in poor/jine), of Oshawa; three broth-|strong Funeral Home at 9 a.m.| His church in July agreed to|where it can be settled on an i saabehres for 10 years before coming| (Ethel), all of Oshawa and Mrs. health the last 1% years. ers, Nicholas and John of Win-|Prayers will be said at the|pay his legal fees, This. monthlethical basis," he said. H W ARD here. Ed Beverly (Evea) of Uxbridge;| The former Tessie Korman,|nipegosis and William of Winni-|funeral home at 8 p.m., Tues-|it passed a motion to discon-| He added that he is confident 926 Simcoe North three sons, George, Harold and|she was the daughter of the late|peg and two grandchildren. day. Interment will be in Osh-|tinue the payment. that a fair and equitable solu- ae ' 725-3144 Plow y y tae Geek han William all of Oshawa; 22|Mr. and Mrs. Alec Korman and| Rev. P. Panczenko, pastor of'awa Union Cemetery. "The concern expressed 1s'tion can be found. (Mrs, A. Chase), Victoria, BL: Gladys (Mrs. R. J. Cor- dick), er Ont.; Brenda (Mrs. G. J. Smith), Halifax and Miss Hazel Paul, Halifax and one. brother, Frederick, of Los les, California. funeral was held from ------------ tral United Church, conducting the service. Interment was in Hillcrest Cemetery. W. ROY MacLEAN W. Roy MacLean, 63, of 71 McLaughtin boulevard, suffered a heart attack and died Satur- day while attending the United Auto Workers ratification meet- ing with General Motors at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. He had been an employee of GM for the last 29 years and spent the last few years in the company's muffler department. Mr. MacLean was born in Fredericton, N.B., Nov. 1, 1901, and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacLean. He was educated in Winnipeg and Toronto and married the former Vera Parsons in 1926 in Toronto. |# , %: y : ' ; bee He came to Oshawa in 1936. es e : ; x : he He was a member of North : : # E rer . ; minster United Church and an : - ee honorary member of the board : ; : ae ' ; : : pe of stewards of the church and]: : E BS a : : @ member of Local 222, UAW. ' ti : eae se peas He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Russell Healey j 3 Nica (Margaret) of Oshawa; two : : Rs é As 1 sons, Gordon and Robert, both aes : ah aes j of Oshawa; a sister, Mrs. T. E. oy ; y Ol te Emerson (Edna) of Toronto and ' \ g eb 2 , three grandchildren. % : i = Rev. H. A. Mellow, pastor of ; 4 é Northminster United Church, will conduct the: funeral service et 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Mc- Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home. Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. FUNERAL OF KENNETH MacKAY Funeral service for Kenneth MacKay, who died Dec. 17 in Greenacres Nursing Home, New- market, was held at 2 p.m., Saturday at the McIntosh-Ander- son Funeral Home. Rey. R. Lytle, pastor of Cal- vary Baptist Chutch, conducted the service. Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Palfbearers were E. Gust, G. Tofflemire, Harry Topping, Ger- ald Topping, Harold Topping and J. Badour. FUNERAL OF JOHN R. (LEFTY) WILLS The funeral of John Russell bk ean Sc oes! SPECIAL oronto General Hospital Dec. GRADE 'A' GRADE 'A' 16, was held at Christ Memorial Church Saturday. THE FINEST: SELECTION OVER 20 } 10 TO 14 LBS. Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon conducted the service. Inter- COMPLETELY CLEAN ED LB, ment was in Mount Lawn Ceme- tery Pallbearers were J. Grosjene, ' W. Dowe, H. Cardinal, J. Cam- eron, E. Wilson and E. Mc- : ' . Cormack. GRADE 'A' GRADE 'A' FUNERAL OF MRS. EDNA MAE FOUNTAIN| wn LB. laa 5 Funeral service for Mrs. Edna nel heed Fountain, 29 Central Park ulevard north, who died Dec. i] ) a 16 in Oshawa General Hospital SPECIAL! GRADE 'A be Baber get Spl ra on ¢ SPECIAL! WESTON'S PLAIN or SALTED SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE zo wns "= PREDRESSED GEESE DIY SODA CRACKERS :: 32 APPLE PIE............. xx DO Matieay 'Usted' Crone nae, duiaaeas Okina a : SPECIAL! LOBLAWS BLANCHED 4 3 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE 4 9 ducted the service. Int 7 "hiciwertse | DREDRESSED DUCKS 4Q¢ SALTED PEANUTS: SO" MINCEMEAT PIE. .... &Y' rile Cowle, "Harvey Farrow ' 29 @ FROZEN FOODS -- AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS @ <bean SPECIAL! FULLY SKINNED-MINIMUM FAT-SHANK OFF-WHOLE OR HALF TABLE wGEeRs ones BQ & SPECIAL! CUDNEY FANCY SLICED 2 Ad Bigot age rg trmereng Cooked Smoked HAMS 55¢ LOBLAWS TANGY _ STRAWBRERMIES PKOs. fed penn fang Real for os _ OLD WHITE CHEESE.67: GREEN BEANS .2 =: 41: LOBLAWS COLOURED = Pxos. a ict tee enaati. SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM He was born June 12, 1872, ' and was the son of the late Ann 1 LB. ' C and Thomas Parrott, He resided | "7 48 in Oshawa about 30 years. PKG. n Mr. Parrott farmed ia Ashburn and Myrtle district and|FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIA! LARGE CLUSTERS! HONEY SWEET! Ideal G C Q y) : POUNDS on pose CS Ty 'B.C.'s FINEST! EXTRA FANCY GRADE! CRISP, RED BEAUTIES! 0 1p , 1x C ZA ee LARGE ° LIGHTING aA DELICIOUS A LES re) SIZE 4 % FIXTURES wi-dovm ||GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! NO. 1 GRADE! ol aaaareaes CELERY ; MAKES YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER COMPLETE! wan a * me C | FRESH CRANBERRIES DOOR CHIMES STALKS : TEMPTING TANGY FLAVOUR! or GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! THE TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS ORANGE ! is SPROUTS. 7 wie Care C | Seedless Navel Oranges SPROUTS . POUNDS IDEAL FOR THE KIDDIES' STOCKINGS! macme FANS Grectly Reduced =. | Double Your Money Back! Sarzateed!" Led. 725-3539 | 222 Bond West STN