NOT ME!ZHATE } "TABLE TENNIS/! | iN 1964. World sighs reserved. SECRET AGENT X9 'King Festuree Syadionss, la. 1964. Workl rights THERES ONE MAN IN THIS WORLD -- | HARRY SPARROW--WHO TRIED 70 KILL ME ANO DID CAUSE MAY WIFE'S DEATH, HE PROBABLY FEELS WE'D BETTER GET Sgoe| WE BEFORE I GET HIM. WE/RE GOIN' CALLIN' ON THE MAXROYS, LAREDO.,.. TO MAKE FINAL PEACE WITH THEM, THERE'LL BE NO MORE FEDDIN: wall ( OATS IN THE BARN, Seamus WE WON'T BE GONE LONG, WAIT FOR ME, PAW,...CHOLLA/ 1M GOIN, To / - MICKEY MOUSE MOM REALLY Gor AFTER ME THIS MORNING FOR NOT KEEPING MY BEDROOM PICKED / eg eg ER-R....I'LL SHOW I'T TO YOU TOMORROW, , BUTCH / an ea a ce etna Add oi hh i ol Le hal aa id eo PREETI OE PVF EOP TIE ye Myre Uye % ANTENA, seroma en THE LONE RANGER NEARB' oer " o wou THINK. WE SAVE RAILROAD . MENP TKing Features Syndicate, Ine, TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie MONDAY EVENING | 10:30 P.M, 5:00 P.M. | 6--Toronto File N--Famity Theatre 3--Four Just Men 9--Five O'Clock Matinee | 11:00 P.M. 12:45 P.M. $--Superman 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) 4~Guiding Light 7--The Early Show Wee*her and Sports 1:00 P.M. 4--World Of Nature n--Lueky Score 4--Five O'Clock Show | V:1d PLM, 6 _faatines 3--Movie | 9--Metro Final JA haere shee 2--Yoo: Bear | 6--Viewpoint 1¢-3----Movie 10 P. 11:20 PLM, 4--Meet' the Millers 5:30 P.M, S--Leave it To Beaver! agen rg Show 2--Mike Douglas Show 6--Music Hop +-Night. Metre 1:30 P.M. 2--Tales of Wells Fargo) 11:38 P.M, ll--Mid Day Matinee Ps | 9--Plerre Berton 4-As The Worla [urns 6100 PMA. 8-2-Tonight Show 2:00 PLM. 6--Karen é--The Fugitive 'ster pee 2--Today, 1964 | "Peyton : Pisce i TUESDAY 4--Password 1 OM H 2--Loretta Young 4--Sports with Chuck 8:00 A.M, Healy 11--Sehnitzel House | 9--News; Miss Helen 6:30 PLM, 4--Captain Kangaroo 11-9--News, Weather, | 2:30 AM. | 9--Romper Room 9:00 A.M. 7---M-Squad Playtime With Uncie 6--Across Canada Bobby 7--Dialing For Dollars 6:45 P.M. 4--Mike's Carnival VN--Family Theatre | 2--Movie 7:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 9--The Addams Family |11--€d. Alien &--Movie | -G-Meta: | 3:30 P.M. 7-6--News, Weather, | 7--Father Knows Best (1) Funny Program 4 prea Sh 10:00 A.M, 9---I1's Your Move ; ii Time Fo ow 11--Super Bingo &-2--You Don't Say Ca tide ¥ 9-Playtime With Bobby | 7--The Young Marrieds veh seul 8-2--Make Room For | 6-3«Take Thirty Daddy | 4--Edge of Nigh! | | | Consequences 3--Noonday Report 2:30 P.M. %--Four of A Kind 8-2--The Doctors 7--Day in Court 6--Loretta Young 4---House Party 3--Super Bingo 3:00 P.M, 11--Spotlight 9--People in Conflict 7--General Hospitai 8-2--Another . World &3--As the World Turns 4--To Teli The fruth Sports @-2--Huntley-Brinkley News eants 2--Bachelor Father | p--Girl talk 4:00 PLM. 1: PLM. | 6-3--Ivanhoe 9--Mickey Mouse Club %--The Lucy Show 4--News 8~The Match Game eee Bi Bottom 10:30 A.M, | 7--Major Adams, Trail 6b-tien Manele Jubilee 11+Father Knows Best 4--To Tell the Truth 2--Checkmate master ' 6-4-3--Secret Storm 2--Captain Bob 4:30 P.M, |1--Yogi Bear | 9--Abracadabra 8&--Bozo -- Popeye 6-3--Razzie Dazzie 9--Bingo 8-2--What's This Song | 7Price is Right 8:00 P.M. }6-3--Across Canada Twelve O'Clock High | 4--i Love Lucy 9--Bewitched 11:00 A.M. ee Fe NO. lita Geariett ac Hill 4I've Got ; ted | 9--James Beard Show | 4~Leave it To Beaver | 8-2--Concentration TUESVAY EVE. _ 8:30 PM. | 7--Message | ° 9--Bingo 63--Friendly' Giant | 5:00 P.M. ie Mg For | 4-Andy of Mayberry /!1--Family Theatre A-Andy Griffith Show | TS AN at Se i $-3--Chez Helene vnigat del 2--Have Gun Will Travel 'ite 'ahh 7--The Early Show : | : "ee $-3--Fi i XL-- l-Siattery's People [Ureee ts ae Soeive O'Clock show 9--Cara Williams baldasardy id | 2-Woody Woodpecker way ate 7--Missing Links 5:30 P.M. | 6-3--Butternut Square 8--Leave it To Beaver 63--Dangerman | 4--The. McCoys | 4--The Lucy Show | , } | 12:00 NOON | | | 8-2--Say When 6--Music Hop 3--Aquanauts 2--Tales of Wells Fargo | 7--Maverick 6:00 PLM. 6--Elwood Glover | 6--Generation | 4--News and Weather | 2--Today, 1964 3--Popeye and Pals | 6:15 P.M. 12:15 P.M. |4--Headline News 4--Speaker of the House Chuck Healy | 6:30 PLM, 11-9-6-4--News ; 9:30 PLM 9--Take A Chance 7--Bing Crosby Show 4-Star Performance 10:00 P.M 11--That Regis Philbin 9--Dr, Kildare 8-2--Alfred Hitchcock 7--Ben Casey Y wAND..¥'DONT HAVE Tir ri Rib OF YER BUBBLE GUM» eas PLAY IT! &3--The Sixties 4--Siattery's People YOUR HEALTH Christmas Season Presents Hazards By JOSEPH G. MOLNER. MD.|lights is an invitation to either Let's dispense with medical|Shock or fire. Two bare wires ailments. today -- except for don't have to touch to gee emergencies stich as burns,|Short circuit. Once I got quite sprains, lacerations and other|4 Shock for what seemed to be possible holiday casualties, | |N0 apparent reason until I fig- Gaik we cl sorabea you | ured it out. A defective socket "i haba de ~ {in One string was making con- must, but people still Bet hurt) rections 'checinahe me!) ms the by sheer neglect = Christmas| etallic tinsel on the tree to a Day and I don't want it to) vorn place in another string of happen to any of my readers. hts So I replaced those The picturesque, foolhard CUS-| strings tom of burning candles on the, Jf you've changed bulbs on a tree is gone, but some lesser, tree, you know how hot they can although real, perils have re-\ set. Don't have them' nestled placed it. Too many strings of|against something that is burn- electric lights on the same out-| able, let can overload the wiring) Turn off the decorative lights and cause a fire. (It can't hap-| when you go,to bed or leave the pen if you keep proper - size/house. Yes, I know. They don't fuses in place, though, Don't putijook as pretty turned off, but higher-rating fuses in if one} how about a house on fire? Se- blows. /And don't put a penny|ject a tree stand that can be behind a blown fuse.) filled with water, which will add Weather; Sports 8-2--Truth or 4 = . "NO, PROBABLY) .<cTEN, BLEVEN, TWELVE obser TO ¥ WELL, DIDN'T Mt FIFTEEN. 3 BY MUCH! See cE ~ CROSSWORD ACROSS 48. Mouse . Afternoon 49, French rests river Injure 50, Concludes . Little DOWN island 1, River . S-shaped between molding N.Y. and ae . Small wax * Ontario candle . Viper % a nal sua Rosary . Excuses Fr 14, King of . A finch: Bashan; Eur. note Bib, 5. Anelf 27. For 36. Make, 15. Island ina . Grows old example; | as cloth river: G.B, . To come abbr. 37. Surgical 17. Young into sight 28, -- Cupid 'thread oyster again 29. Prickly 40. Rational 18. Father: . A deco- plants 44, Varying colloq. ration for 30. Over- weight: 19. An valor indulge, India, intentional . Subject asa child 46, Of great slight matter 33. Milkfish age 21, Tack 7 om [CJO[Wit BS ICIAIR] . Pi 13: Pigpen MIABIOOMAIRIR ION ATIVE! 16. Taught . Diatonic. Saturday's Answer 34. Postpone 22. Anger 2 ac Ws Large volume 26, Scotchmen: VA Y old name Y f $1. Culture medium 6 32. Reputation: . Assumed. name . Ring- shaped coral island PSOE ME Tn. at pew 7 LOI ONL OLE IG SOE VE BT IOP N GE FS 26 THE OSHAWA Times, Monday, December 21, 1964 CONTRACT BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER Individual Championship Play) Dobie, Opening lead--nine of clubs. The setting for this remark- able hand was the regular Fri- day night duplicate game at the Wellesley Club in London, Eng- land. Declarer at four spades was John Collings, playing with Harold Franklin. Both are well- known British experts. West had doubled two hearts --and meant it-- and East had doubled four d with per- haps less exuberance. West opened a club. : It was not an easy hand to play. There appeared to. be enough tricks to make the con- tract--except for the details. Collings took the club with the queen and led the king of spades. East won the ace and returned a heart. There was no doubt in Coll- ings' mind that the heart lead was a singleton. West's double of two hearts plus the lead of the six, presumably East's high- est heart, made the situation all too clear. To duck the heart would bring immediate defeat, since West would take his king, and return a heart which East would ruff. The ace of diamonds would then provide the setting trick. So Collings went up with the ace of hearts and cashed the queen of spades, both opponents following suit, And then Col- lings made a strange play. He led the four of spades! East was astonished to find him- self the winner of a second trump trick--this time with the nine. It was an wnexpected windfall. But his satisfaction was shortlived--he had to lead something back. There was no escape for East. If he returned a club, declarer would discard three hearts and a diamond on dummy's® clubs. He would then come to ten tricks after conceding the. ace of diamonds. If East chose to return a dia- mond, instead, the play of the ace would end matters very quickly. With a low diamond re- turn South would win in dum- my, discard three hearts, and then lead a diamond towards his king. This would bring the de- fense to the same unhappy end. The deliberate sacrifice of a trump trick by Collings made East's position untenable. Narcotics Charges, Bail Set For Two TORONTO (CP)--Bail of $25,- 000 cash each was set Friday for Roland Boissonneault, . 41 and Fred Ruby, 29, both of Windsor, arrested Wednesday with three other men on nar- cotics charges. Both men were remanded un- til Wednesday when they are to appear in court with Philip Chiampi, 40, Edward Bowman, 31, and Ronald Barron, 24, all of Hamilton, Cash bail of $25,000 was set Thursday for Chiampi and $15,- 000 each for Bowman and Bar- ron. SALLY'S SALLIES = 1 "Well, you said to bring a good Jooking friend!" "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. . Skin Y disorder 2-21 sales i keep the needles from falling| gency calls on Christmas Day too soon, a can ne Spray |from people who -could have your tree with fireproofing m4") avoided accidents by using terial, _j|eommon sense. I very vividly If you still smoke, try to quit)-ecall a hand, badly cut in the 'ong enough while the presents|enthusiastic opening of. a_ bis are being unwrapped. Smotl-|nackage that happened to be : ering butts and flicks of ashes|carq table with fancy retractit: can sometimes set fire. to aljegs. Got the hand snarled u Worn insulation in strings of| moisture 'to the tree and will ; + Most physicians receive émer-ichinery, he did, snowstorm of wrapping paper-| wit a sharp corner on the ma- i ff "COLBORNE | GROCETERIA 'Colborne St. at Church St. 728-6341 OPEN ---- DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days a Week © Groceries © Fresh Fruits © Vegetables ¢ Meats FREE DELIVERY (Top record-holder in Mester' ~ a oe ape sbi ec, Sos cea