2 'THE OSHAWA TIMRS, Monday, December 21, 1964 GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATING | "Phony Bankruptcies Linked With Mafia | MONTREAL. (CPYQuebee ts isjmasterminds are said to ho seg? ilahaga its i lS aiaen, sumauing, wil Wack-ionce mid-1962; and its}mail as well as false insol- The aied sachets ove toll one bankruptcies are cot The government's inleyndlcates Ae, ee ing of dollars Nov. 28, 8\ several , with ope! yearly in Quebec, and racket!follow-up to less publicized in-lunder way in places are Canada Council Picks fell § | q Z i : *E ments of the Quebec Companies S a lider Pilot | 2 '| s es 8 the alr before the meniers anl ie fr ome a ote ,| PACE Steelies' Union Officials [1 sws'zsi.' =" its work has been "more and) Hag Near Scrape ; en -|more complicated by the incor- 5 .* -|poration of a great number of} LOS ANGELES*(AP)--A test, Exch e Barbed. com whose goal it to fool bringing in a paraglider ma a oe egg and aed. ic "| CHICAGO W. Abel, Pitts An inform on lig wo eo: Soe seeks to replace spread to Europe as president of the United Steel)': tho. invomnationsl, sastasting' ef| Donald = herbed #ardil separ, gold, jewels and diner aatthaae hag ' The bankruptcy racket in Met ir ORE Ais Fw LON Quebec is reported to work): ' if DON along these general lines: ; An approach is made cot. tanigueeinan with. an on sman with a credit- manned flight of the bat- file control over basic policy." cining or wh ie rrustrated for|paraglider, which the U.S.|He attacked McDonald's ad. -- pee : haw ag will a Gemini orbital cap poncarins 4 bagel ae Pe | et a for | : "role ng 4 net en = through the earth's port -- slate in the Feb. 9 elec- | canape cluded, of the bank- id on. ey deccek che ak oe. In the last test, Aug. 7, the) McDonald, also @ veteran of] - | chase is made at a price many|pilot had to bail out at 3,000/high union councils, challenged NEW WORLD PERFECTION times what the business is/feet because of control prob-| Abel to a series of debates. sie a worth. lems, In' a statement issued in a8 gs = ae = g 2 3% be 33 us ag bay g i= 3 & a E fe Hd : as ' ahi : a : 1: i i; [ : Je : fi a pledge to "restore rank and | ; it if H a g i 3 » BSF if g Fg '| OTTAWA (CP)--Four young)Toronto, will be with the Tor- Canadian businessmen with an Canadian Players. COSENS & MARTIN \\ ep AN y crags tr aere | | SESE) 4 + DRUG ees STORES ° MBIYN | fE.cee" 728-7515 Res: 728-2802 or 725-7413 CAMERAS | cwpisTMma S CARD RDS INSTAMATIC 100 Ourrir SPECIAL VALUE BOX eve. ane 1s wm 83° NOW OP eh J Reg. 21.50 oot y eon we 59: NO MONEY DOWN ania cae ASSORTMENTS " Hi and Pi tg ; ig we mo = "CITA , 10N" ia oe TOILETRIES FCR MEN "isi Fie = 22.95 GIFT SET nme | Containing After Shove SHELL GET THE 7 MESSAGE.. soy tenon el 9 Other Items & Sets from 1.75 te 3.50 PHILISHAVE ELECTRIC SHAVERS SPEEDFLEX -- gig COTY PERFUMES, TOILET WATERS 'ieee, ssis tae, taaae a a AND FRAGRANCE ACCESSORIES Len oo poss ngpte 29.95 SPEEDSHAVER 19.95 nent em GILLETTE ARISTOCRAT RAZOR -- With Stainless Steel or ' = weer HYPNOTIQUE ae. 5.00 : q eas | GIFTS FOR THE HOME BIOCKEY ENTHUSIAST a! eee a , ee eae | | SPECIAL--For The Primitif or | 1% OUNCE Hypnotique ty 4 Spray Mist MEN'S GIFT SET Complete with detochable cord, 9 inch PERFUME ail: a LOTUS GIFT SET en' Regulation Type HOCKEY HELMETS Toke, After Shaving Lotion Stainless Steet wero. ed aaa : ond safety trigger swi 1.95 ] lu 4.00 This Christmas give Beauty sive Du Barvy 3% : 4 ' i -- wall 7 ) 95 ; ®: ENG ae sahtig 4 DE-LUXE | USE WESTERN'S i. Efe gy Lt Nee } BUDGET PLAN i , Ys RE 94 Va -y HAIR DRYER While They Lost Ait IS in EE se oe OLD smca is ioc batis : =---- ELECTRIC BLANKET "2.59 , rm sat Double bed size wn oes port a ae e Ae : | m4 jie ty For ete 14. 79 ar. i ig, jommem...... 6.99 : ee | tin | ©) | HECTRIG FRY-PAN..... 11.99 $f pen 3 ac TRANSISTOR RADIO ===-_ 11.99 @ Electric Appliances § @ Inside Cor Heater a J3 -- 1.79 RPE or rneeircemRRERERR RE ® "si oa @ Snow Tires acuum Clea e Floor Polishers @ Auto Accessories JOHN KENT'S @ FOR FREE DELIVERY . CALL YOUR NEAREST TAMBLYN DRUG STORE @ Wester | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA * ~ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 'TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY 6 KING ST. 723-31 43 728-51 01 Sa aa PATER OAL CS yal thai cm 143 KING ST. WEST : 728-1607 : EAST