aire eoaaapmeaae oman ee Oe ee eee Eeoantarerss THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 19,1964 J 3 TOPS FEMME POLL WINNERS OF CORBY'S TROPHY BONSPIEL Above are shown the. win- mers of the annual Oshawa Club's Men's Open for the Corby's Tro- phy. Winners are shown here, as Ross Murison, Corby's rep- resentative for this istrict, presents his company's trophy to skip Gordie MacMillan, "Rich" Vesey, Bob Johansson and Bob Matthews. --Oshawa Times Photo COAST TO VICTORY Russian Nationals Swamp Saskatoon SASKATOON (CP)--The Rus- sian nationals swamped Saska- Broderick and centre Gary Din- een had checked into camp on Alexander Almetov and Paramoshkin picked up SOV. Yuri connhen tee by meng Petra Canedin Pee A trans te one of the most ctacular and crowd-pleas skaters in the world, is Canada's out- standing female athlete of 1964. The tiny 18-year-old Dutch- born figure skater, considered a serious threat for the North American and world titles in the next three months, was pushed to the top in the 30th annual Canadian Press year- end. poll announced Friday night. The voting was domi- nated by Olympic athletes. Miss Burka, a brown-haired blue - eyed dazzler, made it fairly easily in the balloting by the country's sports editors and sportscasters but there was a real battle for the runner-up po- sition, Nancy McCredie of Bramp- ton, Ont., the southpaw shotput and discus thrower, won it. In third place, just a short putt away, was Toronto golfer Gail Harvey, the only non-Olympic athlete to crash the top six. The selectors were asked to name the three individual ath- letes in order of preference. Computed on a 3-2-1 basis, the 148 participating voters gave five-foot-14-inch Miss Burka 212 points. The 19-year-old Miss Editor |McCredie collected 186 points, just three more than Miss Har-/Sh vey. HIGH JUMPER FOURTH Other Olympic pane} filled out the fourth, fifth and sixth places. Dianne Gerace of Trail, B.C., one of the world's finest high jumpers who placed fifth de- spite an injured left foot in the October Tokyo Olympics, was a, with 141 points. ion Lay, a native of Van- ome gh living in Covina, Calif., was next with 42 points on her fifth-place finish in the 100-metre. freestyle swimming at the Olympics, and team-mate Jane Hughes of Vancouver, fifth in the 400-metre freestyle, took|try the sixth position with 19 points. Marlene Stewart Streit of Toronto, the 1963 winner for an unprecedented fifth time in a bang-up battle with runner Abi- gail Hoffman, also of Toronto, didn't receive a mention. And Miss Hoffman, who finished far down the track in the 400- and 800-metre races at Tokyo, re- ceived only one second-place vote for two points. . Miss Burka staked her claim as the --- athlete last January when she déthroned Wendy Griner of Toronto as the in fa te) ic Games at y Ae Aust: and another third in the world championships. §) Now she's aiming at the hay in 1965--the cing early in| cuts February at Calgary, the North American at Rochester, N.Y., Fru the world at Colorado rings, Colo. age Rgors ay os She started 15-year-old in won the Canadian junior title. The next two years she was runner - up to Miss Griner among the seniors and finally -- all the way on her third With improvement in the bor- ing but important school fig- ures, which count for 60 per cent in the complicated scoring system, experts say she can be the hext world champion. She is an undoubted master in the free skating and proved this in the 1963 world tournament at Prague when she became the first girl to execute the triple Salchow--three turns in the air --and one of the most difficult jumps in the book, She finished fourth in Prague and commented that she felt she had impressed 'the tators more than: the judges." Burka Best in Canada, Preps For World aie Miss Burka, who came .|Canada as a four-year-old and celstarted figure ska' age of seven under coach- zis of a pee. con ie ampion olland, w days a week throughout the year at her chosen sport. She is on the ice seven hours a day during the summer but this to five or fewef during fhe school term. She is a Grade 13 student in Toronto. SEVETH IN SHOTPUT Nancy McCredie received her high ranking for a seventh in a Canadian woman has done in this event in Olympic history. It was a comeback for the Ca- nadian champion who had carti- leges of her left knee removed in March and was out of com- petition for a couple of months. Miss Harvey, a: tournament- tested veteran, won the Cana- dian women's close champion-| 22! She|ship in 1064 after second-place finishes in the 1963 Canadian women's open and close tourna- ments. She has been a member of Ontario's provincial team since 1959 and was Canadian junior " for three years Starting 195! Ten PP song women represent- ing skiing, track, golf, curling, ea oa swimming and orse riding were mentioned and their individual point totals at thels4 the ye at Tokyo, the best/5-4 in stayed in second and third respectively in the east- Quebec Aces, Duke Harris, i" Pd a zini and Murray Hi iy - ning goal for the Bisons at 7:16 cf the overtime period after Oscar Gaudet of Buffalo sent the game into overtime at 17:03 | Homets Break Jinx places ern division, well back of idle|' o- % PR et tae e OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Brewers Retail toon Quakers of the Saskatche- wan Senior Hockey League 11-3 their arrival from the Univer- ranged from two to six. sity of British Columbia. single. Saskatoon goals were scored Friday with the finest passing display ever witnessed by Quaker coach Doug Bentley. The former National Hockey League player paid the tribute after the Russian squad took 5-1 and 6-3 vier leads for the loo-sided vic "I don't 'oink they skate as fast as the national leaguers,|7@mpe' or have the individual stars to compare with the big names of NHL, but their team work, es- their passing, would e to rate as superior." It was the fourth victory for the Russians who defeated the Ca- nadian national team twice, 40 and 6-1, the Montreal Junior Canadiens 3-2 and held the Thonder Bay All-Stars to a 3-3 tie. The Canadian Nationals will add two more members of last spring's. Olympic representa-| dives to the lineup in Winnipeg Sunday when the teams meet i, -- squad for a third b Gordon Simpson, in a Winnipeg interview Fri- day night, said goaltender Ken Boston-Favored In Title Clash Boston Patriots have Babe Parilli and Buffalo Bills have a strong day's game for the eastern di- vision title will revolve around the seldom-used manoeuvre. Buffalo leads ty one-half game, with an 11-2 record, and can clinch the title with either a victory or a tie. Favored Bos- ton, 10-241, must win to dupli- cate last year's title and earn a return match with San Diego jae for the league cham- pionship. : And" it's not Parilli, the league's leading touchdown r with 29, or Gilchrist, the Coeou's No. 1 rusher with 929 yards gained, who may become the focal point. It could be the conversion rule the AFL adopted from the colleges when the league was formed five MAY BENCH ONE He said it is 'too early to make room for Dineen should he play. Both clubs will represent their countries at the world championships March 4-14 at re, Finland, ing a round-robin tournament at Colo- rado Springs, Colo., starting Dec. 27 involving Canada, Rus- sia, Czechoslovakia and the United States. Still missing from the Cana- dian team are Brian Conacher, a left winger, and Grant Moore, ja forward. Conacher injured his knee last Saturday in a college game and will not be available for three weeks. Leading the Russian attack lhere KEriday was Konstantin Loktev, who scored three goals. Two-goal efforts were contrib- uted by Veniamin Alexandrov, Yuri Volkov and Anatoli Fir- tell" who would be benched to by Frank Kuzma, Tommy Ren- dall and Jerry Esch. The game opened on fairly even terms with the first goal,|® by Loktev, coming at 8:33 of the first period followed by Fir- sov at 12:06. RUN UP LEAD Frank Kuzma put. Saskatoon on the scoreboard at 14:50 but Volkov and Alexandrov, with a pair, ran the Russian lead to 5-1 before the period ended. Saskatoon, with Rendall and Esch hitting within one minute midway through the second pe- riod, narrowed the score to 5-3. Loktev answered before the pe- riod ran out and the Russians ran away with the third period driving home five unanswered goals. Campbell stopped 23 shots for the Quakers while Vic- tor Tolmachev handled 17 for the Russian squad, 12 in the second period and only one in| pbown the final. 20 minutes. TORONTO (CP) -- Stafford Smythe, Loc ape of Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League, night he is ready to promote fuaring Ression aationel becbey nai ey team and Rochester Ameri- cans, Leafs' American League farm club. "Tf the amateur authorities agree, I'll bring Rochester in for a game at Maple Leaf Gar- dens before the Russians re- utrn home," Smythe said in an interview. , He was replying to a state- ment issued by Viktor Kuznet- Russian club, who said in Win- nipeg that his team is "'tired of all this rumoring and guessing" as to how good they are. such a game tomorrow," Kur- netzov said. MUST FINISH TOUR Staff Smythe Suggests Russia-Rochester Game sia, but our people would atl least provide stronger opposi- tion than the Canadian national said Friday|team. Smythe said he was basing|' his contention on an easy win Tulsa of the Central Profes- sional League over the Cana- dian Nationals. scored earlier this year by Seer INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Points Teken -- Navy 4, Ontario Steel "AY 0; Ideal Dairy 3, Legion "AY V7 Kine lock's 4, Ont. Steel "C"' 0; Legion "BY 4, Sklar Furniture 0; Albany Restaurant 3, pod i aes Ve Trie 3 and Ont. se Triples -- &. aon 779 (301); Sryant 71 (306); Gwilliams 767 Cas), "4 Brisebois 745 (as J Vasko 701 (251); R. Brown 691 (243); R. Mann 681 a B. Barta 668 (270) and B. Skelton High McLelland 265, A. Parry 264, E. J. Cook 25, B. Williamson 232, B. a 232, R. Adair 232 and A. Turkey winners -- K. Brown, G. Gwil- llams, R. Adair, P. Wilson, E. Roberts, $. Barta, M. Morrison, Bus Wilson, &. Sher- ren, 8. Willjamson, A. Brisebois and &. joreau. Chicken winners -- K. Kornic, A. Perry, G. Pantor, M. Edgar, B. ike, 5. Trausse, A. Moreau, A, Bryant, A, Pas- tor, J. Vasko, B. Johnston end N. Olesuk. Ron bie ST. bela hanes Plancke Bi) wee of the seq 94 'er singles of 341, 330 and' 223. Perce Clark led a nice. 706 with n sels 'of 280 and 235, high scores Bob Jacklin 650 (316), Doug Wilson r (298, 228), Ed. Holland 638 (239, 209), nieve en 631 Stan Gray 612 'a50), Fred yj B 605 (231), William Pike 601 (227, 202), Wilbu 222, Art Allman pi Mark Hill 217, Pronk Cooper 206 and Jim vr Grace Locke was with a triple of 647 (262). "Jetty Grandy followed with 241, Pearl Marlow 214, Win- nie Scott 212, 207 and Marg. Jacklin 203, The Stars and HotRods took all four poms from the Rockets and Beevers. The Bugs, Beatles and Whiz-B. took each from the Flintstones, Strikers and Movers. Team Standings -- Bugs 11, Stara 10, 10, trikers 8, Beasties 7, 4, Whiz-Bengs end to bring your Christmas gift with you next week. UAW LADIES AUX. 0" Doubles -- Joey Singles -- yg sfarrow BJ ts Sracxe® 264, Ellen Hilde Fad Flo, Panter "nT ind Olive NO. 27 Braiden Taken -- Gutter Snipes 3, Hards 0; June Bugs 2 = Vi Beatles % Ha nae WG Milerite | 2 and Ge-cettars | London Marksmen Repeat Their Win zov, manager of the touring "If it would be possible for amateurs to play the profes- sionals, we would be ready for OTTAWA (CP)--For the third year in a row a team of marks- men from the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment, based at London, Ont., has won the Duke of Edinburgh Trophy for shanpshooting under battle conditions, national defence headquarters reported Friday. The annual competition is be- tween all 23 regiments in the Commonwealth who have the Duke of Edinburgh as their col- 32, Go Geers 29, Beatles " Gutter Snipes 21, Stars 18, Try-Herds 17, Misfits 17 and June Bugs 10. les -- R, Plowright 290, H. ) Moreau] Kenned (234, 229), Andy Marlow 612 (256, 207),| iene | Willtams: 712 415) This ends the first section with the Hawkeyes winners on points and the Go- Getters winners "i weet pins. There were 18 | RAINBOW mesg Team Standing -- Grey 13, Green 13, Blue ) White 2 | Black ih Mauve 11, Bel Yellow 10, Brown 10, Purple 9 Pini , 'orenge, 9%, Red 8, Coral 8, Lime 7, bs hari 6, Tarn 6, Rose 6, Silver 5, and Gold 4. High Doubles -- F. Russell 563 (289, High Afiah, Singles --_M, Cockerton 211, Y. aber 8, 0. Chmara 232. Once again our- Christmas Party is over, turkey and chickens being won by high scores. Winners for Turkey Roll: F. Rus- sell and V. Kennedy. Winners for Chicken 'oll: $, Thomson and M. Cockerton. Consolation Prizes of Chickens and Wale 4 afl See you January 5, 1965. LADIES AFTERNOON LEAGUE =~ Ev. Redpath 878 (265, 310, we. i tt, 74 (327, 277), Mat aes 78), Ethel Tonkin Pg Panter u 9 (280), Marie Collison 610 (233, 203), Msdeling Morrison 8 (206, 244), Mary King 604 (201, 238), Jean Schoenay 683 (248, 210, 225), Mar- rd 606 Ag 208) and Done 2 (259, paver 200 -- tos "Rowden 205, 206, 203, Hazel Weddup 210, one Hilde Collins 216, Vera Szik- szay 202, Marion Weeks 200, Pauline Starr 214, Joan Maddock 210, 203, ye Whittick 204, Nan Bennett Lols Burden 238, Eliz Bateman ety Elsie Smith 219, f Ethe! Hoar 227, Lynn Barlow 217, 206, Irene Smith 251, Uze H 203, Marg. Fudger og 208 ~ Joan Mahatty 2 Team Points -- Old Ps 2, Lucky Six 2; ; Booties 1, Powder Puffs 2; Posies Hot-l4, Corner Pins 0; Bonnets 2; The Kittens 1, Buzy Bees 4, Reindeers 0; Pinsetters 0, Dolls 4; Cameos 0 and Budgies 4. The Dolls won the last section on points and Old Crocks won on pins, Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and @ Happy New Year. ORANGE LEAGUE High Bow! im Marshall 283, Michelin 207, Lorraine Helen Parker 213, G Arnold Smith a Archie Petch 215, Don Fisher 201, Ma Ht Smith 201, Ja 239, George je 219, , Joan Ellis nN 206, ilivary 216, Don Marshall 209, Sem Plume 265, Faith McLaughlin C Faster 24-Hour RADIO-CO oal & Supplies Delivery Service oo With our Fleet of -- NTROLLED ! and M. Girard 201. Missed) 207, Rove, Bills} jack jachey' 'Ethel Freeman! ong GIVEN RELEASE SEATTLE (AP)--Edo Vanni was given his outright release Friday by Boston Red Sox, for whom he managed the Seattle farm team in the Pacific Coast League last season. The Sox have turned over their Seattle franchise to Los Angeles, for whom -Vanni is expected to work as general manager in Seattle--if the Angels operate a triple-A team here. TO TOUR AND RETIRE AUCLAND, New Zealand (AP)--Peter Snell of New ea- land, world record holder for the mile and double gold medal winner at the Tokyd) Olympics, said Friday he plans to make a European track tour next July and then retire. He hinted he will try to improve his marks before he bows out. Young 233, Chuck Genolng 206 and Elaine ne| Fisher 2 214. Women's high triples for last week were Joan Ellis 600, Heather Parker 551 and triples were im Plume 633 "| and A cop Bickle 624. "one week of bowling 'left before of the section, isa You Like It... .. It Likes You Distributor 156 GIBB STREET PHONE 728-3042 Lee Bishop "RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning and Recoring New and Used Radiators 42 Bond St. W. 725-1633 MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Included were sprinters Jenny Wingerson of Toronto_and Irene Piotrowski of Vancouver, who competed in the Tokyo 'Olym- ics; golfer Joanne Goulet of egina; gymnast Gail Daley of Saskatoon, another Olympic athlete; equestrienne Gail Ross of Edmonton; distance swim- 'mer Claudia McPherson of Win- nipeg; skier Nancy Greene of Rossland, B.C., who competed in the Winter Games at Aus- tria, and Ina Hansen of Kim- berley, B.C., Skip of the Cana- dian women's curling cham- pionship rink. Your . Satisfaction Is Our Aim All Cars Carry Our GUARANTEE KELLY DISNEY USED CARS Ltd. 1200 Dundes E. Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET. TERMS DROP IN WILSON | ACADIAN SUDDARD'S : ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor Repair Overhauling--Rewinding te all types of Electric Motors New and Used Motors 395 Oshawa Bivd. S, \ PHONE 723-4362 SPO € CLEANERS PRESSERS-- , SHIRT LAUNDERERS STORAGE 299 BLOOR ST. W. PHONE 728-5141 HOTEL Gonosha. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY DEC. 21ST TO 23RD OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY DEC. 24TH ALL STORES OPEN FROM 10 AM. TO 6 P.M. ALL STORES WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY DEC. 25TH AND 26TH Special Hours of Sale BICYCLE SHOP TOYS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT FULL LINE OF. ¢. om, aes RALEI Keys Made 497 Simcoe St. $. PHONE 725-3079 ' Oshawa's Finest Hotel. FOR -- PARTIES - SALES MEETINGS BANQUETS -- CONVENTIONS Air Conditioned COFFEE SHOP © OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY e RTS HOUSTON'S DELIVERY TRUCKS! i Budget Plan = Automatic Weather-Controlled Delivery : The Russians are committed to finish an eight-game tour of Canada by Dec. 23 and then travel to a tournament in Col- orado Springs, Colo. They are scheduled to return home be- fore the end of the year. Kuznetzoy expressed prefer- ence for a game against an NHL team, a contest which would require clearance from the International Ice Hockey Federation. onel - in - chief. Among the competitors are teams from the Royal Canadian Regiment's ist Battalion, only other Canadian representation, two Gurkha regiments and five units of the Royal Marine Com- mandos The trophy is awarded for skill at rifle and sub-machine gun shooting over tough battle courses and the ability to cover years ago. ; "It will affect our thinking," admitted Boston coach Mike Holovak. "Buffalo has a big ad- vantage on being able to win with a tie. Whether we would go for one or two points would de- on the game situation, how we have been moving the ball and the time remaining." In other league action Sunday, day, western champion San Di- ego closes out the regular sea- ee ee, one Smythe said: "I'm not say-|three miles in battle order in Kansas City to play the Chiefs ing Rochester would whip Rus-'16 minutes or less. and Denver Broncos play the : Oilers at Houston. RECALL McCREARY MONTREAL, (CP)--Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League have recalled left - winger Keith McCreary from Hershey Bears of the American League, it was an- poset Friday night. Mc- a the Montreal train- last fall, be replace G with a broken leg. 3 YOU CAN EARN AN "ESTIMATED $1,400.00 PER MONTH IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS! $250.00 investment -- Work full or part-time -- Customers supplied We need copoble men to become fronahised deolers for one of Ontario's largest marketing organizations. We supply the inventory, established customers ond protected territories. You will supply @ new and much In demond service to families in your community, with no building to lease or stock to maintain. ¥ on retain your persent job until profits build up and earn up to $350.00 per month on © part-time basis while your business grows. Phone for appointment. ° RESIDENTIAL 292 KING ST. W. PHONE 725-2734 "Turn To Modern Living With Oil Heat' "10 BOWL TELEPHONE 723-3481 MOTOR CITY McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Lid. BOWLING 110 KING ST. WEST =~ OSHAWA 78 RICHMOND ST. W. PH: 723-3212 yc POOL TABLES rugged construction, Open Bowling E i 12 Models to Choose From +8 5 \"\ shaped legs, under Friday after Midnight The beautiful EI Dor- e eiuies Balls, cues, rack and cholk SPECIAL RATES ado slate table with Included with all tables, 139, 50 STEPHENSON'S full precision ground - GARAGE wood grained veneer duck levelling feet "Galaxie" Neo Money Down Neo Payments sicte -- lovely Specialists In exterior. WHEEL 'TH Feb., 1965 with Mejor Finance Plen GARAGE TEXACO PRODUCTS & borat lb Sal 5 Yatag "GUARANTEED" Collision, Body and Fender Work Our Price Is Right 67 King St. West Dial 723-7822 CALENDAR TONIGHT HOCKEY--OHA Junior "A" League---Hamilton Red Wings vs Oshawa Generals, at Oshawa Civic Auditorium, 7:15 p.m. * SUNDAY HOCKEY -- UAW League, schedule doubleheader at Brooklin Arena, first game ot 10:30 a.m. ... . Oshawa Senior League, Oshowe Juveniles vs Foley's, at 6.00 p.m.; Beaupre's Spurs vs Flyers ,at 7:00 p.m. and McGrath's vs Bad Boys at 8:00 p.m.; all games at Oshawa Civic Auditorium. . . . North Plant League--Black Knights vs Lord's Jewellers at 1:00 p.m, and Suddard's Cycle. vs Modern Grill, at 2:30 p.m.; both games ot Brooklin Arena, . . . OHA Junior "A" League--Oshowa Generals vs Hamilton Red Wings, ot Hamilton, 2:00 p.m. MONDAY - HOCKEY--Oshowe Senior Leaque--Bod Boys vs Juveniles, 7:00 p.m; Morrison's vs McGrath's, at 8:30 p.m. ond Foley's vs Flyers, at 10:00 p.m.; oll qames ot Brooklin Arena. . . . Oshawa Minor Assoc. Bantam League--Five ped gomes, ot Oshowo Children's Arena, starting at p.m THESDAY HOCKEY--Oshowa Minor Association B t Two , schedule games ot Oshawa Children's Arena, ot 5:00 p.m. Fe :00 p.m. and Midget League, three games starting ot Lm, WEDNESDAY HOCKEY--Oshowa Minor Assoc. Midget League--Four games, at Oshawa Children's Arena, starting at 5:00 pm... . by re "BY --Whitby Dunlops vs Kingston, at Kingston, TH URSDAY FRIDAY 'SATURDAY HOCKEY--Oshawe Neighbourhood Assoc. Pee Wee Leegue-- Nine schedule games, starting at 7:00 a.m., ot Oshowa Children's Areno. For Your Heating Needs We Corry FURNACES © OIL BURNERS e@ AIR FILTERS We Install Hydro Electric Water Heaters 24 HR. SERVICE W. Borrowdale HEATING SALES 29 SWITZER RD. W. OSHAWA PHONE 728.7537 T.V. SUPPLY LTD. T.V. Towers, Aerials, Apertment Systems ond Aeriol Repairs 361 GIBBONS ST, Phone: 728-8180 SS S Il " {fuuteeniini||| Itdunnausuudil Breathtaking design, a 2/8 ALIGNMENT Straightening General Repairs 15 CHURCH ST. Phone 725-0522 No Games Scheduled. Christmas Day. No Games Scheduled. 'Guerentecd Used Cars ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Chevrolet, Corvair, Oldsmobile Sales and Service PHONE 728-6206 42 Years Serving You ™ Let Us Handle Your Calls A NEW ANSWERING SERVICE FOR OSHAWA IS NOW AVAILABLE, e Doy & Night Service @ Reasonable Monthly Retes For Informetion Call . J FOOTE'S Telephone SERVICE Mr. Jim Patry, Sales Manager TOWN AND COUNTRY FOOD MARKETERS 88 Eglinton Ave. E., Suite 304 Telephone 487-3425 Famous for food service for over 14 years BILENDUKE'S ESSO SERVICE Licenced Mechanics. Complete Brake Service 1004 SIMCOE ST. S$. Phone 728-1411 e EQUIPMENT Corp. CAN. LTD. 725-9151 MAJOR POOL 690 DRAKE ST., OSHAWA After Hours Cell 725-3661 Answering Telephone 728-9446