THE OSHAWA TIMES, riday, December 18, 1964 : ) i Shope Comnhteni OPEN NIGHTLY UNTIL 10 P.M. A Division of the $. $. Kresge C. y Limited M Feet OF SES SS eT Se TS er Se ES Te ee KEY FIGURE on oS inter Pearson has asked to be | fds mr by? it | 2% Men Appreciate Economist Sees | si! \e ft | . be GNP Increase ere emai petints wn ; Wilco '6' Transistor Kowa '11° Transistor : {nCanada's gross national prod-| (ie RADIO RADIO { uet for 1965. Nicholas Takacsky of Green-| £3 § &3 & 77 shields Inc. said Wednesday , e e slightly more than four per cent) #2 of this increase will be in "real output of goods and services."| 54) favipped wi widest tor AM/FM radio with beautifully or address to Si "ge and this type ot radio. Complete finished cabinet. Complete with marketing personnel 0 yana- with earphone, carrying case tenne, Strong, clear reception. mid of Canada, Mr. Takacsky| f. 94 shoulder strap. or ' o said the main element of strength in thé economy now is business spending on plants and equipment. There are strong expansion trends in utilities, manufactur- ing and ------ be rien ; islet tion including hydro and pulp} #4; . . ' Pa : ¢ . ; ' and paper projects, he said. ; ' : Te, j Ij", 2. . Men $ Printed and Woven The possibility of personal] s3¥ and corporation income tax cuts 4 8 wal Me ; i COTTON SPORT SHIRTS in 1965 could also be considered,| § \ | ; : M, ioe ' he said. But conditions in 1965 will be a tions tn 2968 il wile Lis ; Shirts with long sleeves. : no "than! & ' ' ' in' 1964 sy 'chan chal- : ' A selection of patterns $9.87 lenges such as uncertainty in] { : Men's HI-BULK ORLON : Gnd color. sssssctess we a monetary field nat tee mowsent this looks . C ARDIG ANS ' ' the, hore "HE tatasky ' MAGNUS JEWEL ORGAN V Neck Cordigon with long Ve . S MEN'S 100% TEXTURIZED SENATOR CASTS | ie cri as tarome vee toys « P 3 9. ne: Se Ae ae, on $44.50 ae : POLO SHIRTS UY chord keys ond on/off switch, Fully iain Interlock Knit shirts with long WIFE'S LETTER | @ oo' eck Kit sir ties filed past the ballot box bg sgl gig ) , PULLOVERS we eolours: Sizes S-M-L. ..eseee i : = sleeves and 3 button placket or ' ROME (AP) -- When , . Italy's senators and depu- ; Boys' HI-BULK ORLON : : zipper placket, Assorted plain s.50 them fumbled. He dropped in a letter j ~~) < All over Jacquord design © sweater v a SAY. from his wife instead of his : : 4 ° > u ° ballot. Nit: og ' with round neck, long sleeves and 5 Vi Charge it " Judges ruled the vote HF ta : ' ribbed cuffs and waistband. Assorted e ' - didn't count. colours, Sizes S-M-L, ...00ses0 e080 Pension Plan | Be (Shree Grace Granted m™ No . " PORTABLE gmemrmeieeents| ME Bile HAND MIXER employers to amend their pen- ' : ; : ; f sion plans to ensure portability.| § 7 3 speed switch and beater ejector at Lad By Feb& 15, 1965, all private f 2 y pension plans must be amended| £ S b to comply with the provisions - of the pensions benefit act, if i unbeam Laurence Coward, chairman of the Ontario Pensions Commis-| 4 } . wat oe , ES ee HAIR * sion, announced today. The former date was Jan. 1.) / we : eee However, Mr. Coward said ; 4 ett ' ccm: DRYER some employers were having : : , Tom Baga ere ' difficulty in changing their 4 ee 3 f pnennee plans and still filing them with| (AN: : erent i ; me the pension commission by the| § 4. "st : toe i " $ e original time limit. é vite The pension benefit act. re- * quires that peivate pension : i ; * - "ar : i as en ' ~- 3 - Bras" single curl In 90 1847 ROGERS MUSICAL ¢ Siployese ged' 05 or over whol ow >} eaten tee SILVER TEA SERVICE JEWEL BOXES control lorge size have completed 10 years of beauty cap. Travel case continuous service. a epee - : aan ith ot ; Tae act Cs sels mintas| Hock : Pia Lg 2 : styling with zipper closing. $6:57 taeeed 9.3? * getandards for private plans, re- : _ Seis, se 'a Pee e . * quiring that they meet solvency ' : ee ee : . ; tests and that the funds accum- sae as an ia upntortias 'EEE I HOCKEY GAME The Ontario legislation con-| } flicts in no way with the pro- Size 35 x 21 x 342". Players in Montreal and Canadian colours. posed Canada Pension Plan, © Set uses two size "'D" Batteries. now being studied by a joint Commons- Senate € committee, i $ y | 7 ' ' ® Broker Jailed For One Year NEW YORK (AP) -- Invest- | \ = MEN'S and LADIES' er to sae| CHATTY bs TIMEX WATCHES day to a year and a day in cemere sie el mR 686.37 97 rta , 14 guns a fs cose 0 CATHY 6- 10 $33- an stocks. . t q gual clin wat Comshane : ; ' DOLL One year guarantee. Unbreakable maine troubles sprang from not re- i ee \ spring, unbreakable crystals, shock resist- porting the gains from sales of ee oA Re. ' : 4 arit and stainless steel back, © . stocks of his company, Camp- : bell Chibougamau Mines Lid..| [O--Si |, 0)' s : of Team, on which he evaded A he ee 4 88 SS TOP GRAIN Campbell, of Monmouth ; a : : BRIEF CASE BLACK AND DECKER Beach, N.J., was convicted . hia Sot | Nov. 17 of four counts of in- j wus ' wr 3 come tax evasion for 1055 ye 20" high doll with sleep- ' : $ | 44 DRILL SET SPECIAL through 1958 and one count in- j ' Ing eyes, double. pony tail Fx 4 4 : : volving a false entry purporting . velvet end lace dr Y d 1] Cowhide 17" Brief Case Plastic Carrying Case in to show a loss on a sale of stock : e dress 'an fe ee: "| with strong stitching ond cludes 4%" Utility Drill plus to his wife. i : also speaks 18 different } oe -- FREE 17 piece Black and " -- %Z; phrases. y ee. } leather ussets, eg. MINE WITHOUT MEN : us # $11.95 Value. Decker accessory kit. Russia claims that within two years it will have developed a completely automatic coal min« that will be controlled from th: surface and will obviate th meed- for men to go unde ba