* HS CE LOE ES Peace By HAROLD MORRISON PARIS (CP) -- Mrs. Therese im |Casgrain, 65 - year - old former OSHAWA LIONS CLUB ENTERTAINS BLIND CITIZENS Harold Phillips, chairman of the Oshawa Lions Club committee for the blind, chats with three guests at the. club's annual Christmas party, for blind people in Oshawa and district. Three of the guests are from left: Mrs. Peter Gatchell, Burketon; Mrs. Pe- ter Mountjoy, Oshawa' and Mrs. James Gatchell, Burke- ton. Also attending were of- ficials of the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind from Toronto. Helping blind _ »ple is one of the main proj- ects of the Lions Club which also has a sight conservatian program. --Oshawa Times -Phato president of the Voice of Women of Canada, says she and 15 other women from a number of NATO countries were locked in a police cell for three hours Tuesday after they tried 'to petition NATO ministers to reject the proposed multilateral nuclear force. With Mrs. Casgrain, a Mont- real resident, was Mrs. Kath: leen MacPherson of Toronto, the current Voice of Women president. Mrs, MacPherson now has left for London. "I wasn't frightened," Mrs. Casgrain said in an interview N | Wednesday, '"'But I am going to protest to the Canadian govern- ment. This was an injustice. We didn't do anything wrong." Mrs. Casgrain had joined a number of other women leaders in a quiet walk to the North At- lantic Treaty Organization head- quarters where ministers are considering the future of the al- liance and weighing the merits of some form of Atlantic nu- clear force. "The police said we were demonstrating but we were not." Mrs. Casgrain said. "'We tried to present a letter to our INTERPRETING THE NEWS Some Diplomats Unhappy UN Cyprus Force Results By CARMAN CUMMING Canadian Press Staff Writer The job of the United Nations Cyprus force seems to be al- most. over. But some of. the Western diplomats who helped set it up and make it go are far from happy about the re- sults. The UN troops have done ex- actly what they were sent to do. They have ended clashes be- tween the Greek and Turkish factions and headed off a real threat of war between Greece and Turkey, the 'big brothers" of the Cypriot fighters. But a disturbing question re- mains of whether the UN has simply given the Greek-Cypri- ots of President Makarios a breathing spell; a chance to bolster their forces and en- trench themselves. Some Western diplomats say flatly that this is just what has happened. They predict that Makarios will try to force the Turkish-Cypriots into line as soon as the UN withdraws. And they think he now has the power to do it. ANOTHER CONGO? Thus, the real test of the suc- cess. or failure of the UN inter- vention will come after the UN troops leave. There is consider- able fear that it could be an- other Congo, where the UN withdrawal earlier this year was followed almost immedi- ately by a wave of chaos. On the other hand, there is little sentiment for keeping the UN troops in Cyprus indefi- nitely--even if Makarios would permit it. The betting is that the Secu- rity Council within the next few days will authorize another GE Company Ruled Guilty Illegal Labor Practices WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. government ruled Wed- nesday that the General Electri- cal Company is guilty of a con- ce campaign of illegal la- bor practices, including at- tempts to "disparage and dis- eredit." union officials and re- fusing to budge from an open- ing contract offer. The National Labor Relations Board said GE's 'entire course of conduct" in 1960 negotiations with the International Union of Electrical Workers (IUE) ad- ded up to a refusal to bargain in good faith. | The company, accusing the board of "seriously weakening the whole concept of collective bargaining," immediately filed an appeal in the U.S, Court of Appeals in. Chicago. The case) is almost certain to go to the! U.S. Supreme Court later. IUE President James B Carey welcomed the ruling but} said the union is also appeal- ing on grounds the board didn't go far enough in forcing the company to comply with the National Labor Relations Act. REPRESENTS 70,000 Carey's union represents}, about 70,000 of GE's approxi- mately 250,000 employees in! plants all over the U.S Other points on which the board ruled GE guilty included: (1) Refusal to furnish informa- tion necessary to the union for bargaining at the national level; (2) Discouraging union mem- bership by refusing to rehire strikers; (3) Interfering with employees' rights to organize, and (4) Refusing to furnish the union with costs per employee of insurance and pension plan improvements. The board said the company tried to undermine negotiations by flooding its employees with "a tide of leaflets, plant news- papers, telephone calls, news- paper advertisements, radio messages, personal letters and other means." Chemicals Kill Maples OTTAWA (CP) --. There has been a "conspicuous dieback" jof maple trees in southern On- of the reasons has been the use of chemicals on roads, Forestry Minister Sauve said Wednes- lay. In a written reply to John R. Matheson (L--Leeds) tabled in ithe Commons, Mr. Sauve said "the condition is restricted to exposed trees along highways, secondary roads and streets in urban areas and does not ex- tend into natural stands of ma- ple." : There were several. factors discovered in studies so far and work was continuing to evalu- Saskatchewan Adopts Flag TORONTO wan has adopted a flag to fly over the province's diamond jubilee celebrations which open Jan, 31. The Globe and Mail says in a Regina story that the flag was adopted this week. It says a committee, headed by W. Patterson, picked a winner from 241 en- tries, selecting the flag design of Sister Imelda of St. Angela's Convent at Prelate, 261 miles west of Regina. The flag, Shalt red, half green, | carries a stem of wheat at the left and the province's coat of| arms in the upper right. The Saskatchewan Jubilee and Centennial Corporation, en- trusted by the legislature with arranging for the celebration of the jubilee and Canada's centennial, offered a $500 prize for the winning design. IZZA telephone 728-0192 EPI'S (CP)--Saskatche-| J. a former premier,| of prevention. | The reasons included: Chem- jicals used along highways to control dust, ice and weeds, oc- casional drought conditions, low jwinter temperatures and age. | from the office? Serve him CHICKEN IN THE DELIVER ROUGH 728-7321 | tario in recent years and one|~ ate them and establish means| three-month extension, then pull the force out at the end of March. Reports from Cyprus say Makarios will insist 'that this extension be the last one. By March, the force will have been in Cyprus exactly a year. during that time the Greek- Cypriots have greatly strength- ened their forces both in arms and manpower. This possibility was not un- forseen when the force was set up. One of the main conditions set by Canada for her partici- pation was that there should be some reasonable prospect for.a political settlement during the time the UN was keeping or- der. That condition, however, seemed to disappear in. the ur- gency created by the threat of Turkish intervention. NO PROGRESS Virtually no progress has been reported in efforts by the UN mediator, Galo Plaza of Ed- uador; to find a political settle- ment. The Greek - Cypriot side is placing high in a cam- paign for recognition by the UN General Assembly of what it calls its "'right of self-determi- nation and territorial integ- rity." In effect, the Makarios gov- ernment is trying to free itself from the curbs of its independ- ence treaties, which among other things entitled Turkey to intervene under certain condi- tions to protect the Turkish mi- ority. The Greek - Cypriots claim wide support for their position in the Afro-Asian bioc,. They backing in the past. But West- ern diplomats noted with some surprise that Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, in a recent assembly speech, the problem would have to be two communities in Cyprus." A Never before thie kind of screen ! «TWO WOMEN oa" UN reports make clear that also have enjoyed Communist) said) settled "on the basis on respect for the legitimate rights of the 2 Books Face Obscene Label TORONTO . (CP)--Magistrate S. Tupper Bigelow Wednesday reserved judgment until Dec. 30 on whether or not Lust for Two ministers or to some NATO au- received them by mail. She then gave them to Peter Coon, the attorney - general's adviser on obscene literature. Defence Counsel M. J. Bern- stein agreed the books had been mailed, but denied they are ob- scene and that Mr, McAuslane had mailed them. Marchers jJailed In Paris thority but the police would not let us into the building. "Then one burly policeman ordered us into a patrol wagon and took us to a district police headquarters where we were questioned by one officer after another, "They said we were not be- ing arrested, just detained for questioning, but they kept us on hard benches in a cold, damp cell for three hours and would Motor City Car Club Presents The after Four T.V.'s BIG TOWN BOYS SUNDAY, DEC. 20th 8:30 P.M, till 11:30 P.M. with membership card--$1 25 FEA Ae SAT. NIGHT Dancing CLUB CAMELOT KING ST. E. to Neil Matthews and His Ontario Coutity Boys @ Admission $2.50 per couple @ Refreshments @ Tables and Passion Floor are books. Limited of Toronto and its pres- ident, Gordon McAuslane were charged with mailing obscene literature after a policewoman investigated a complaint to the morality squad by an unidenti- fied out-of-town customer. Constable Helen Davis testi- fied she ordered the books and Gordon Magazine Enterprises : not let us havea lawyer or call THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 17, 1964 97 ~~ enti - : ony Sontag worry "ae it was against the law to dem- lecture. He said we were being|oustrate at the NATO building," let off easily this time, because/Mrs. Casgrain continued. | "We. kept saying we did not demonstrate but it made no dif- ference to the officer." $300 A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM AGE 65 . Here is a plan to provide your Saity if you should die, or for your retirement years if you survive... You make regular payment to the Sun of Canada, then at age 65, you start recefvitg 5 $300 a month for life, or if you prefer, $44,150 in cash. Both of these amounts can be increased by leaving your dividents on deposit. Should you not survive to age'65, a minimum of $30, 000 will be paid immediately to your family. 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LANSING MARK DANA SAT. & SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. oy FOR HOLIDAY TREAT TIME Make It McMURRAY' An mene Taste In English Style FISH 'n CHIPS OR DEEP BROWN--COUNTRY STYLE FRIED CHICKEN Come As You Are--Eat in Your Car or Take Home al Francis Jim HuTron IS OOKING Soe ee : on" ene etl ae, 2nd Color Hit! Z ibruns on LoVey | A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE N.H.L. HOCKEY TONIGHT @ 8 P.M. PIALA:® ATEN MATINEES ONLY Relax VISIT THE | FRIDAY AMERICA'S NEW HIT MAKER § CLAYTON THOMAS and the Fabulous SHEYS Dencing 9 p.m. 'til 1 is Admission 1,75 'by | | | | Cadillac Hotel Nightly Entertainment JOHNNIE McMANN TRIO Featuring From Bermuda Lovely Lee Webb Now Under The Liquor Licence Act BEAUTIFUL the SHOWN SATURDAY SHOWN SUNDAY At 12:00 - 2:00 - 4:00 P.M. At 2:00 & 4:00 P.M, SANTA reg CHRISTMAS FUN TO MARS! | JOSEPH & LEVINE GANTA CLaus CONQUERS SEE: The Martians Kidnap oa Santa's North Pole W The Fantastic Martian Toy Factory ; Earth Kids Meeting with Martian Kids! Space-ship Journey from Earth to Mars! 'Santa turn Mars-Robot into a Mechanical Toy! PLAYERS THEATRE McMURRAY' DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT SIMCOE ST. NORTH at TAUNTON RD. WHAT iS THE STRANGE TERRIFYING 5 SECRET OF THE DUMMY.,? AND WHY iS iT LOCKED iN A CAGE EVERY NiGKT ? = Dell | ol, be: It flesh or wood... alive or dead... man or monster? & Can a beautiful woman be enslaved CAN YOU KEEP THE SECRET OF THE MOST, DIABOLICAL ENDING EVER FILMED? RST SHOWINGS NO ONE ABMITTED DURING THE HELL-BENT FOR Kick Thritt hungry youth -- haunting the dark shadows Of the city streets -- searching out EXCITEMENT! Sanning DON FRANCKS DON BORISENKO - BARBARA BRICKER THE BLACK DIAMOND RIDERS re