{ ce See ad a nail ice a a a a a i i a a a LEGO OOOO DDD PLE PEE GI OIE NE ty three ll/Township will develop a $7, Maurice Lamontagne, who isjassist in the purchase of the township of Cornwall wi op a in the Beaver|purchase an $18,000 combined)recreational park and Williams- : responsible for the federal gov ~ oad developed' a5. & Pommunity hall and arena. burg will undertake a $9,350 5 ong Way Of" commented onan opinion ex-|eral: synod in Vancouver next M4 | ernment's centennial affairs. _ y j ' pressed earlier Monday by Dr.|August. The United Church gen- . d South| Ice facilities were popular,|improvement of park and play: Various Projects | 'The largest grant of $11,025|080K- | Maree "will 'spend|with the township of North|ground facilities, South Grimsby highest CENTENNIAL REPORT is Auld and Secretary of State| Beaverton received $1,206 to higher levels of government,;community centre. St. Joseph Church Uni on THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 16, 1964 23. mOsTO <CP)-tielee be Howse at a London, age --_ pre eyre --_-- ten est from each government went to 400 respectively|Gwillimbury putting up a $30,-|Township will acquire a $3,702 TO ion conference. Dr. Howse had de-|coui enomination--does the Toronto suburb of Long SS poten Paris will have 31000 ice arena, the improvement| park. tween the go on serene scribed the suggested alas of -~ om Senn = rea ait Branch to finance a $168,600/new band shell at a cost of|district of Elliot Lake, a $40,185) A $9,500 annex to the arena/© rches ; ane a long|union as "'a good working locu-| Dr. yen tes he, avor or rants community centre. The project] 12508, outdoor skating rink, the vil-|to house heated dressing rooms,|/"8Y og espite : My aye ment but only a beginning."|to see s ¥ £ re wee also qualifies for a contribution!' Hanover is building a perma-|lage of Teeswater a $25,000 ar-|a lounge room and wash rooms plan of a a y indo) n+|The plan was anounced Nov. era nehe 7 om 4 infor-|under the federal winter works|nent masonry building includ. tificial ice surface, and the|will be constructed in Cart-|glicans . pa _ Fae 13. saree s 4 ni- TORONTO (CP) -- Most ofjminister of tourism and infor: oom, ing a pavilion, kitchen and|township of Mono a $6,000 out-/wright Township. at London, Ont., ¢ in +] The London proposal will be we Ft Wilkin believed tee jo Municipalities|mation, announced today. 4!" troquois plans to restore a|washrooms for' $15,000. Tavi.|door arena. And Kingsville will build two|ers of both denominations say.|considered among many similar| | B's h op Wikineon, bebeved ) on gga Ng ebay Pi i th 4 and|150-year-old house for preser-|stock will construct an $85,000) WILL BUILD PARKS rubble walls 400 feet into Lake|- Rt. Rev. non yw eat plans by the national unity com- "ie ~ 0! or P pares = eee mi week, favre $0Ch Ie = 'ach con-|vation as a museum. Queen'sjarena and agricultural building) Bosanquet Township plans to|Erie to improve bathing facili-| Moderator of the UI urch|mittees of both churches. The poor y = n~ _ pI sarks, community centres, ar-ifederal government ett, (e'|park and Ottawa will supply|as its centennial project. lpurchase a school house for|ties at Lakeside Park, Cost willjand Rt, Rev. F. H. Wilkinson,| Anglican committee is to sub-jceded by "integration over ie seo a Phe ae cog bee wa The fointly by $1.127 of the $5,200 needed. [Matching grants with the|$12,000 and establish it as albe $9,856. Anglican Bishop of Toronto,'mit a plan of union to the gen- White Gift Service Held AUDLEY (TC) -- A White Gift Service was held at the Sunday School on Sunday, Gifts were also donated, to be given to the Ontario Hospital patients. The Explorers are planning to go Christmas carollong in the community on the evening of Dec, 21. The Baggotsville School Christmas Concert held Dec. 22, at 8 p.m. Three car loads of children, accompanied by some adults and the junior teacher, Miss A. Hardy, went to Toronto on Saturday to see the show, "Mary Poppins". UCW MEETING The UCW held its Christmas meeting in the church on Wed- nesday afternoon with 17 ladies answering the roll call "Glory". The kindergarten and primary chi'dren presented a Christ- mas pageant, under the super- vision of Mrs, Bill Guthrie and Mrs, Leonard Waltham. ee be wel eg Fao worship and read a as Po story. The president, Mrs. Bert SUPER RIGH T QUALI T Y gg conducted the business. A donation was made to the CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND "Over and Above" gift of the STEER BEEF M, and M, Fund. The hostess, It's The EAT In The MEAT That Counts! T f =a ° a ERVE + | |W COOKED -- READY to SER Msn: BROUGHAM (TC) -- The meeting of the B im Womens' Institute was held in the ball on Dec. 8. Mrs. Trolley . was in the chair. y A request for 4-H leaders was received for the next 4H unit. "What shall I wear', as Mrs. ; Kingstone is unable to carry on alone. : Mrs. George Gray gave a SHANK PORTION BU 7 | PORTION i brief report on the Consumers' Association articles from their : 5 bi-monthly magazine. sONeLESS # As * = Nig a party, Mrs, Blackman a Ts. . poe lysed SIRLOIN ROAST X Donaldson lead the pre-school SS RUMP ROAST WING STEAK and Grade 1 children in @ BONELESS ROUND STEAK BOTTOM or OAST ; number of games. while the POT ROAST s adults tested their skill with a BON: ¢ number of tricky ts. The or ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN STE A , arrival A. Sante, with a nee FULL E K candy for the en bro OR MINCED f the activities to a close. f Mrs. Trolly, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. ; prea and Mrs. Perry served : lunch. = womens --. Euchre f results on Tuesday night were: NO OENTRE SLICES REMOVED f Ladies ist, Irene Muirhead; A 2nd, Muriel Duncan;. Consola- HANK HALF b 9: * BUTT % ¢ } tion, Mrs. A. Gray; Genltemen Ist, Tom Ogden; 2nd, Isabel lb " era Consolation, Mr. Alm- y stedt, ® CENTRE CUTS or SLICED HAMS YA' ® The Rebekah Lodge dance, SRST re held gy! ---- Rem z ccess. e luc! 0 ¢ WHOLE HAMS «««« +53: « ie and partner. bie ge ban MAPLE LEAF, RINDLESS } went to the accordian player SIDE BACO vacpac stb pkg 4 5 ¢ rede tp opti gon tie Sunday School Christmas ag concert will be held Dec. 21. MINCED K Berd "yt og ye by Bo ock-Pickerin, ani ou CHOPPED SUET Ly: FRESH » 4a Q, | ea ees : weathe: Scriver and Tommy Drummond SMOKED, SLICED, RIND!.ess r permitting. Burne Smoked, Vac Pao Super-Right Quality, All Meat HAM STEAKS 69 WIENERS ==~53 § SIDE BACON sucoon 5, $ _| | Chairmen 8X BRAND Place Your Order for Your Christmas Poultry Now! C 0 LD Hold Meet will have the finest selection of tender, plump Grade "A", Oven Ready, Vac Pace Turk t Geese, Ducks, Mew ed oh ' Renting Chlawars om ae Fruited Hams and Butts. Alee available -- Freeh Killed, Grade "A", Oven Ready Turkeys 4 CUTS ASSOR TED 1-b phe re) 0. { Bik ee a heaw tae Pisce Snowbird Brand, Ocean President Don Ormiston held Cooked and Bread ' 2 his Presidents' Conference Mon- BERRY SAUCE 22.2223 som 2.Qc if PERCH FILLETS +31: © SWORDFISH fay ia com, tagir ~ Whole or Jellied STEAKS + 5% men present, 3 FLOUNDER FILLET Ss POLE STAR Each chairman was given an Ho pko AQe @ ' outline of what is expected of "ee ee "en ee his committee in 1965. There F Aes "eo ae . : Y are 18 standing committees and bor Caht Uthat RS I the chairman of each are as "4 4 7) yi el - eg Sath| bere, a - : irls; Mac Barnett, Voca' ane, Ji rhre?P Shop at A&P and Save on Foods for the Festive Season Guidance; Andy Sowals, Agr : YUKON C6LUB culture and Conservation; fcarneuas Robert Branch, International dene Parker 8 Relations; Dr. Roy Rowsell, | oe | Lt a aa FRUITS OVER bot het ah Everett Duncan, Support of Jane Parker, Herb Seasoned X 29 Carton of @ 12-fl-oxz btle BB ¢ Churches; Doug ie " ; ship; Cliff Bowes, ance; AND NUT STUFFING Mi a . Myron Shestowsky, House and Mild & Mellow (Custom Ground) {-Ib bag S1¢ 30-FL- C OZ BTLS 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE »+°2.37 ees Oomanen: Oe, Reg. Price tin $121--SAVE Se . (PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT) Powell, programs and music; we $69 rae $].39 | AaP VAC PAC COFFEE »=~1.73 era re ; Li iderick, Buile- AAP (in the Shell) ei Exos! Salted lations; Lloyd Weiderick, Buile | : MIXED NUTS exne49 MIXED NUTS woven Qe |] lie BHP et > 5-lb ring $4.29 ° Reception; Mansell Gerrow, Inter Club; Dr. Gord Adair, Membership Development, Edu- Go Red, White or Green -- 10-Inch , Ann Page The club is presently selling ALAD DRESSING biscuits to raise money for pro- | 63 jects. Some of the main com- CHRISTMAS CANDLES 2 tor] > S vuhiadad . mittees are the Boys' and Girls' AN N P AGE Jane Parker Reg. Price 590--SAVE 4e Paper (Poinsettia Pattern) committee, who with the help ERUIT CAKE «»40$1.93 2097: »4Q| POTATO CHIPS ~»-~~55« DINNER NAPKINS = ~-»49 oud members" sneer and League both at Simcoe Hall é and the Boys' Club. Members ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1964 of the club take a great number of the Senior Citizens out- for weekly Sunday drives. These people are picked up at Hills- dale Manor,