THE OSHAWA TIMES, December 14, 1964 11A = == a4 FAMILY OPEN FROM , FOOTWEAR |x| 10 a.m. TO 10 p.m. RO DAILY. | Ideal for « HRICF _Christmas 'SEMAS J Gitting! ee DRESS "OXFORDS Reg. $13.76 Value Men's and Boys' -- fs LEATHER MOCCASINS pire ca wars $3.76 roe $3.46 : English Import Oxfords with : Pema Ss full leather lining, leather Moulded Leather Moccasin type stip- ereeer aie ay eal ht pers with full shearling lining ond . ais i: : shearling cuff. Men's sizes 6 to 12, Ate 'S 2 to Boys' sizes 1] to 5. . WOMEN'S E SLIPPERS . a Shert haired shearling bootie with lomin- a. ated lining and big 76 WOMEN'S i Cee od CORDU ROY . Assorted colours, ; SLIPPERS ) mente CHILDREN'S PLUSH CHARACTER sq76 $ SLIPPERS and leather soles. Choose from Tiger or Sleepy Dog. Sizes 4 Corduroy slippers with gold binding on vomp ond foam sole. Assorted colours. Sizes 4 to 10. MEN'S AND BOYS' MEN'S Corduroy SLIPPERS °2.66 Washable Corduroy with side BOYS' elastic gore and _ unbreakable SS F eke, fg sizes 6 to 12, Boys' $9 46 sizes 1 to 5, bad : ie MOCCASIN SLIPPERS { : | se Your : Slippers with matching shearling $ 94 K-MART Gece a: Assorted colours. Sizes 4 to CREDIT CARD Children's Plush Slipper SOCKS with knitted sock top and padded sole, Sizes 4 to 10 HAERSE CSTE IP PES S ESE ETE ME eS tat (LS SLT SES SE CCE EE OER ET OR