© King Fosterm Syadimins tes, 1004 World tigi LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SS THE LONE RANGER |-- THE GIANTS L MUST €TART "TREATING HIN BETTER. I'LL BE VERY POLITE TODAY, V/ DO COME IN! AY Z HAVE YOUR HAT, PLEASE? & vy NO, YOU CAN'T \ HAVE MY HAT! BUY YOUR OWN HAT! Z SHOULDA KNOWN BETTER THAN TO COME OVER HERE!! Sodicate, Inc, 1964, We id rights vemmrwadl "THAT BONE SURG MADE A MESS OF YOUR DESK, Buz, BUT. WHO COLD WAVE PLANTED IT? ? z WONDER! OBVIOUSLY, SOMEBODY TRIED TO KILL YOU... BUT WHO? THE COMMIES? [=3 HARDLY. CLA. HAS THEM SPOTTED AND THEY'RE NOT LOOKING FOR AN OPEN FIGHT, OF PANC! GUERRI L © King Features Syndicate, Inc. 1964. World rights severved, THEN MAYBE IT'S SOME PERSONAL | ANYWAY, IT'S REVENGE, A FRIEND | A WARNING, HO OR THE } WE'LL HAVE LLAS, 'TO BE CAREFUL. E SPARK IS TH $ COULD repel Iv ny, A ROARIN' LAME S C) z AY QMeanwiie... MOSTLY THE FEUD WITH THE 3----™~ HANK MAXROy... THAT OL! CURLY WOLF / 'YOU'D? SELL THE COLD MAXROYS WAS OVER THAT WATER HOLE/ YOU SELL (T'TO THEM NOW... AN' IT WOULP BE THE SAME AS THEM WINNIN' THE WAR SPRING TANK TO A MAXROY/ NSTEAD OF UV: MICKEY MOUSE - 7 atin yr? ' asad ss Pa OG dul> fires . §! Distefbated by King Pastures Syniiogte, ROY IS 6URE HIS GON WILL GROW UP 'TO BE A OREAT ATHLETE ALREADY CRAWLS FASTER THAN ANY BABY HE EVER SAW.' cd » CHAS, 12-12» CHAS. MUGGS AND SKEETER IN HIS LATE "R YEARS, ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL PIONEERS AVIATION IN CANADA . HE DIES AT BADDECK,N'S.,/922. 12-12 MAN w WALT M°DAYTER: [AFTER HIS DEATH, MANY BICKER ON WHETHER } HIS TELEPHONE WAS INVENTED IN CANADA OR THE US. BELL HAD ONCE SAID... AS THE INDIANS RIDE OFF, TWO BRAVES HIRL ON THEIR MOUNTS, THEIR BOWSTRINGS Pam SNAP | a SECRET AGENT X9 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, December 12, 1964 CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Pley) West dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH @39852 9852 Aé (34ke AKQ104 7 $ Sree $3 @Kis753 109643 o63 | + weeend 9 #3872 'The bidding: West North East South Pass 1 £ Pass 29 Pass 2 Pass 49 Opening lead--king of spades. Let's say you're declarer at four hearts: on the bidding shown and West leads the king of spades followed by the queen, East discarding the eight of dia-. monds. Now let's assume that West then plays a low spade and you overruff East's trump with the ten. At this point there seems to be really nothing té the play, since you're looking at tne high- card tricks, However, when you lead the ace of trumps and East shows out, complications sud- denly set in. You still have those same ten tricks -- five hearts, four clubs and a diamond -- but how can you cash them? If you elect to draw West's trumps and then cash the A-K-Q of clubs, how will you get back to your hand to score the jack of clubs? And if you don't draw trumps at this point and try to cash the A-K-Q of clubs first, it is prac- tically certain that West will ruff one of them to defeat you. After all, West has shown up with five spades and four hearts and is therefore not apt to also have three clubs, which would mean that East started with eight diamonds, You have quite a problem to solve after playing the ace of hearts, but actually the solution is clear if you give proper weight to all the evidence, The most significant clue is that SATURDAY EVE. 46:00 P.M Mi--Strikes and Spares %--Mr. Magoo 7--Early Snow é--Country Time 4--Wrestling 3--Teen Time 2--Quarterback Club 6:90 PLM. N--Polka Party %--Johnny Quest 4--United Nations Re view 3--Ripcord 2--Pic-A-Polke 6:45 P.M, $-64-3--News; Weather) Sports 1: PM, Ni--Star Route %~--Voyage To The Bottom of The Sea $3--Beverly Hilibillies 7:30 P.M, (l--Club 11 Dance Party &2--Flipper 7--Outer Limits 63The Saint 4--Jackie Gleason Show 3-Take a Chance 6:00 P.M, 9--Take A Chance 1-2--Mr. Magoo 8:30 P.M. $--Academy Performance #-2--Kentucky Jones J-- Lawrence Welk Show &3--NHL Hockey Boston At Toronto 4-Gilligan's island Comedy 9:00 P.M. €-2--Movie . Broadway 9:30 PLM. 1--Debut -- Z Cars 7---Hollywood Palace 10:00 P.M, 9--The Avengers 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M, é3--Juliette 10:30 P.M. 1i--Biockbuster 7--Jimmy Dean Show 10:45 P.M. €3--Sports, Unlimited 11:00 P.M. -9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) Weather: Sports 12:15 P.M. Ni--Block Buster Com tinued %--Metro Final #-2--Saturday Nigh? a? The Movies Nigh) Miro 11:20 P.M, 7-43--Late Show 6--Sports 1:30 P.M. §--Answering Service é--Feature SUNDAY 9:00 A.M 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--B'wana Don 9:30 A.M. N--tIfalian Journal 7--Supercar 2--Capt. Bob 10:90 A.M, 11--Carasello &--The Bible Answers 7--Rocket Ship 7 ropol is 4--Lamp Unto My Feel 2--Church Invitation 10:30 A.M. TI--O.H.A. Jr. A Hockey 9--Portrait 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2---Catholic Hour 11:00 A.M, %--Meta Presents 6--This is The Lite 7--Holy Mass 6--Celebration of the Mass 4--Church Service 1:30 AM. 9--Spectrum &--The Christophers 7--Discovery 12:00 NOON 9--Italian Album TV &--Felix The Cat 7--Challenge Sports &--The Answer 12:18 PLM 4--Americans At Work 12:30 P.M. li--Pleasure of Life --Mr,, Wizard 4---UB Round [abie Pane ?--Bullwinkle é--Live and Learn 4--Face The Nation 3--Cartoons Family Playhouse 1:00 P.M. i--Continental Mintature 9--Bud Sherman Show 7--Directions '65 6--Heritage 4-TV Hour of Stars Fury 1:30 P.M, 11--Spoflight 9--House on the Hill J--Issues and Answers 63--Country Calendar 4--NFL Football 2:00 P.M. Mi--Club 11 Dance Party 9--Theatre '6-3--World of Sport 4--Film Feature 2:30 P.M. 7--Dialogue 4---NFL. Football 2--Doctors at Work 3:00 P.M, 7--My Little Margle 2---Bowlling 3:30 P.M, 8--Popeye 7--~The Deputy 4:00 #. ll--Dennis The Menace 7--Bowiling 230 P.M. Tiny Talent Time 9--It's Your Move 63--Sports international $:00 P.M. li--Family Theatre 9--After Four 8-2--Wild Kingdom 7--Wrestling $3--Show of Shows 4--Jack Benny 5:30 P.M. 9--Telepol! $-2--G.E. College Bowl 6--Time of Your Life 4--Crosscurrents in Education 3--Natlonal Velvet 6:00 PLM. 9--Filpper 7--dig Show of Week 6--Stingray 4--Twentieth Century 3--77 Sunset Strip 2---Meet The rress 6:30 PLM, 11--Rawhide 9--Walt Disney 6--Candid Camere 4--Mister Ed. 7:00 P.M, 63--Patty Duke Show Lassie Color 7---Wagon Train 63--Flashback 4--My Favorite Martian 8:00 P.M. 643--Ed. Sullivan 8:30 P.M. %--Man From U.N.C,L.E, &-2--Bill Dana Show 7--Broadside 9:00 PA. $-6-3-2--Bonanza 7--Movie 4--My Living Doll 9:30 P.M, li--The Reporter 9--Peyton Place 4--Joey Bishop Show 10:00 P.M, 1i--The Reporter 9--Nobel Prize Awards of 1964 6-2--The Rogues 63--This Hour Has Seven Days 4--Candid Camera 10:30 P.M. 11--BIil Dana Show 4--Wha?'s My Line 11:00: P.M, 119-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) Weather, Sports 11:20 PLM, 7-4-3--Late. Show 2-Awaro Theatre 11:30 PLM. li--Men Behind The Nation %--Dougias Fisher 4--Human Jungle MONDAY | 8:00 A.M, |!1--~Schnitzel_ House | 9--News; Miss Helen | 4--Captain Kangaroo 6:30 A.M. 4---NFL Football; Second| Game TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--~Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie CBLT-TV Channel 6~Toronto WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo 100 A.M. 9--Playtime With Bobby 7--Dialing For Dollars 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Movie 9:30 A.M, N--Ed. Allen 9--Meta: Geography 7--Father Knows Best 10:00 A.M, |1l--Super Bingo 9--Playtime With 8-2--Make Room Daddy 7--Giri Talk 63--Educational Program 4--News 10:30 A.M. 1i--Father Knows Best 9--Bingo Bobby For Youth &-2--What's This Song 7--Price is Right 63--Across Canada 4--i Love Lucy 11;00 A.M, VW--Scariett Hill --James Beard Show 8-2--Concentration 7--Message 6-3--Friendly Giant 4--Andy of Mayberry WS AM, |6-3--Chez Helene | 11:30 A.M. li--Albert J, Steed 9--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Missing Links 6-3--Butternut Square 4-The McCoys 12:00 NOON 8-2--Say When 7--Surtside 6 6--Elwood Glover 4--News and Weather 3--Popeye and Pals 12:15 P.M 4--Speaker ef the House 12:30 P.M. 9--Theatre &2--Truth or Consequences 4--Search for Tomorrow 3--Noonday Report 12:43 P.M, 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, V--Lucky Score &--Matinee 7--Atternoon Show 4--Meet The Millers 6-3--Movle 2--Mike Dougles Show 1:30 P.M. 1l--Mid Day Matinee 4--As The Worla furna 2:00 P.M. 9--Abracadabra 4--Password 2--Loretta Young 2:30 P.M, 9%--Four of A Kind 8-2--The Doctors 7--Day In Court 6--Loretta Young 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo 3:08 P.M. %--People In Conflle? 8-2--Another World 7--Genera! riospital 63--As The World Turns 4--To Teli The Truth 3:30 P.M, 1i--Funny Company 4--Edge ot Night 4:00 P.M, 9--Mickey Mouse Club &--The Match Game 7--Major Adams, Trail master 6-43--Secret Storm 2---Captain Bob 4:30 P.M. 'i1--Dennis The Menace 9--Sea Hunt 6-3--Razzie Dazzle 4--Leave It To Beaver MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. Family Theatre %--Five O'Clock Matinee 8--Superman J--The Early Show 6--World Of Nature 5:30 P. &Leave If To Beaver é--Music Hop 2--Tales of Wells Farge 6:00 PMA. 6--Karen 2--Today, 1964 18 *.M 4--Sports with Chuck $--Romper Room Healy HERE WE ARE, HUEY... MILK TOAST FOR THE TUMMY ACHE! DID You CAL TM SICK? MY 'TEACHER, AND TELL. HER CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Kings, as 80 ad- dressed 6. Judging severely 10. June-bug 11, Dilutes 13. Notions 16. A short distance 17. German- ium: sym, 18, Art style 21, Each; abbr. 22. On land 25. So. Am. fish 28, Lift 29, Grand- 6, Signal system 7. Before 8. Snare 9, Salad ingredients 10. Excavate 12, Garden tool 14, Bedeck 15, A learned man 19, From: prefix 20, Take into custody, as athief 23. Cowboy's rope 24. Three- O08 @4aa toed IRIE[AIDIE MEAIPIAIC IE! sloth = ECE Mime ct tr 25. Be of IR QGOR A one IRIAICIAMEPIU/PIPIETT) mind EJRIO|S|E MENIO|O|SIE} 26. Vessels: SS 0 ee T lal lololP} no oe 30. Bom- bycid Yesterday's Answer moth 33, Listen 34. Viper 39, Brood of West fr d originally-with a holding of five spades to the A-K-Q-10. It is certainly reason- able to assume that he does not also have the kind of diamonds > or he would have opened the bidding. Accordingly, you cash the K-Q-J of hearts, discarding the ace of diamonds from dummy! Then you cash the A-K-Q of clubs and play the four of dia- monds towards the queen. It does not matter whether East goes up 'with the king or not, or how he has discarded previously. Regardless of what he does or has done, you make your ten tricks. TASS CORRESPONDENT OTTAWA (CP)--Vladimir G. Mikhailov, 41, has taken over as the new correspondent in Canada of Tass, the Soviet news agency. He replaces Alex- under Zhigulev, the agency's correspondent here for the last five years, who has returned to Moscow. SALLY'S SALLIES "Don't be so fussy, sir! Just cram it in!" "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL' & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. mothers; affect. $1, Sun god 32. Hurl 33, Exclama- tion 35. Lizards 38. Harmonizes 40, Moral 43. Bark 44. A burial- place 47. High: , fashion DOWN 1. Tin: sym. 2. Part of "to be" 3. One of many lines . of seats 4. Epoch 6. Poses, as for one's Y UY, portrait 2-12 Wish To Be Short 'Height of Folly' EDMONTON (CP) -- The height of folly is wanting to be short, says a manager of a store specializing in catering to the needs of tall women, Mrs. F. Schuitema, whose tallest customer is six-foot-six, said she's never heard tall women complain about their height. "On the contrary, tall women are usually proud of those extra inches. They walk proudly, too." With her when she spoke was Mrs. Peter McDougall, five-foot- 5% inches. She said she never -- to be shorter than she "Tall girls are just.as smart, probably smarter, than shorter girls. Fashionwise, we can do so many outlandish things shorter girls can't get awey with--like Suggestions for your @ LIGHTING sy bell & all imaginable types POLE LAMPS & DESK LAMPS DOOR CHIMES by Edwerds & NuTone CLOCKS Electric & Transistor by Westclox NOMA LIGHTS Figurines & Vinyl Trees ELECTRIC FANS Greatly Reduced CONSUMER DIVISION RUDDY ELECTRIC Ltd. 725-3539 222 Bond West