THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, December 10, 1964 13A THESE CITIZENS HELPED 'AUDITORIUM ical i or J MURRAY J. MacLEOD MALCOLM SMITH ALBERT WALKER, MLA Stewart Alger is another | Murray MacLeod iss mem- Malcolm' Smith, former Albert V. Walker, member hard-working member of the ber of the Civic Auditorium president of Lecal 222, UAW- ue lechues sae eee i i sandaellgcaney --_-- committee. CLC is one of Labor's repre- strong emnent te the Audi- ae _ forium proposal in early City Treasurer Frank Mark- © post of financial consultant to mittee. sentatives wcll Civic Audi- days of the project when he son served in the imporiant the Civic Auditorium com- torium committee. was a City Councillor. OSHAWA i AUDITORIUM Built by Ourselves . .. for Ourselves ... OUR CONGRATULATIONS We tip our hat with respect ond congratulations to those whose dedication enthused our hearts and our civic pride. We extend a very sincere "well done" to the thousands whose dollars, both in pledges and in cash donations, made our fine Civic Auditorium @ .. possible. We are proud, and feel somewhat honoured, that we were selected te provide Quality controlled Ideal Ice Cream Products to the new Oshawa Civic Auditorium cafeteria and refreshment booths. IDEAL DAIRY PRODUCTS ICE CREAM DIVISION OSHAWA 390 RITSON RD. NORTH PHONE 723-1212 SECS Se De RES ERE SESE EES ETT e ee cee eee e eens) same