Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1964, p. 28

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28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 10, 1964 33--Automobiles Wanted 37--Auctions $ ALL CASH $ For clean cors, or trucks we deal up or down. Liens poid. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used cor to 'Ted Talk "Cosh" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 TAKESHORE on Wreckers want cars for + prices paid. 200 Wenteortn Benth 25-1181. 181. Ht DON'T STRAIN over household chores. Painters, vat ee Cleaners and other services need are offered in the Times Business Services Directory daily, OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. 34--Automobile Repair AUCTION SALE Soturaay, Dec, 12, 1964. Pro- perty of the J. A, Vipond Estate' Centre St., Brook- lin, A full line of household furniture. Chesterfield suite, dining room suite, buffet, china cabinet, radio, televis- ion, 3 rugs with pads, electric range, coal and wood stove, dishes, refrigerator, end tables, bed and drasser, wash- ing machine, vaccum cleaner, oir rifle, quantity of tools, ex- pec ladder, "many other orticles TERMS CASH SALE AT 1 P.M. A white stucco 4 room house with bath, Will be offered for sole, subject to reserve bid. Terms, day of sale. AUCTIONEER LOYAL POUGE TRANSMISSION specialists, _ transmis- sions are our oy A auc 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 7: EXPERT A -- and front end suspension alignment. 226 Celina Street Call 723-4233. OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert carburetor and auto sectie service, 222 NOTICE OF SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION King Street West, 728-0817. 35--Lost and "Se LOST -- Pair of | glasses in parking lot, | Oshawa Shopping Centre, or inside Telephone 72 728- 5084. Eaton's. Medium brown with gold trim.| ADDITION NO. 1 TO R. S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE | & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE OSHAWA, ONTARIO Sealed Tenders, on a stipu- lated sum basis, plainly marked "Tender for Addition No. 1 to R. S. McLaughlin Collegiate & Vocational In- stitute, Oshawa, Ontorio" will be received until 3.00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Wednesday, December 23, 1964 at the office of the Business Administrator for the Board of Education of the City of Oshawa, 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario, or at the office of Gordon S, Adam- son & Associates, Architects, 123 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, Ontario. Plans. and specifications may be obtained from the Archi- tect on deposit of a certi- fied cheque for $100.00 pay- able to the Architect. This deposit wil be returned upon return of plans ond spécifica- tions in good conditién, Tenders of Mechanical and Electrical sub contractors will be deposited in the Bid Depository, Oshawa and Dist- rict Construction Exchange, 80A Wolfe Street, Oshawa, until 3.00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time). Monday, December 21, 1964 Tenders will be accepted sub- ject to the approval of the Oshowa City Council and the Ontario Municipal Board. The lowest or ony tender will not be accepted. The Board of Education of the 'City of Oshawa. George Drynan, Q.C. Chairman J.R. Backus, Business Administrator and Secretary-Treasurer THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA TENDER Furnishings. Equipment and Supplies for the New Wing Addition of Hills- | dale Manor Home for the aged, Oshawa, Ontario. Sealed Tenders, plainly mark- ed as to contents, will be re- ceived at the office of The City Clerk, Civic Administra- tion Building, Oshawa, Ont- erio until 11 o'clock A.M, (E.S.T.) Friday, Januory 8th, 1965, for the: following Group A Bedroom Furnish- ings, Group B Dining Furnishings, Group C Lounge Furnishings Group D Bed Care Equipment Group E Blankets Group F Linen ond Bedding Group G Kitchen Equipment Group H Cleaning and Main- tenance Equipment Group | Dropery ond Installo- tion Group J Carpeting and Instol- lation Group K Office Furniture ond Equipment. Tender Forms, Specifications, and lists of item tained in. eoch group, ore available ot the office of The City Purchasing Agent, Civic Ad- ministration Building, Os' shawo Ontario The . lowest or Tender not necessarily occepted W. J. CROMPTON, Purchasing Agent, 1 RICHARD C. MCKNIGHT will not responsible for any debts contracted my name by anyone on or after this dat December 10, 1964 without' my writte consent. Richard E. McKnigt $84 Harmony Rd EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE, Economic +» that's Times Action Want Ads. U oom today. Telephone 723-3492, "be 1958 Volkswagen pick-up truck serial no, 303394 will be sold by public auction by Sabyen Motor Sales Ltd., on the 8th day of January, 1965 ot the hour of 2 o'clock in. the afternoon ot the pre- mises of Sabyan Motor Sales Ltd., 340 Ritson Rd. South, Oshawa, Ont., for defoult in payment by one Peter Weld, the person liable as debtor of repayer and storage charges amounting to $86 for which the said Sabyon Motor Sales Ltd., claims a lien dated at Oshawa, Ont, this 10th doy of December 1964. 38--Coming Events SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO CLUB CAMELOT (King St. E.--one block east of city limits--Opposite 'Bad Boys"), FRIDAY, DEC. 11th | $1200 IN PRIZES | EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7:45 20--$20 GAMES--20 1--$150 JACKPOT--1 | 2--$250 JACKPOT--2 =| --$30 SPECIALS--5 JACKPOT NOS, 52 end 56 | ADMISSION $1.00 | | ai No Children Please HOLY LY CROSS BINGO FREE ADMISSION Friday, Dec. 11th 20 REGULAR GAMES 18 Games at $10 each 1 Game et $30.00 1 Game at $50.00 SPECIAL JACKPOT $170 in 56 Nos. $20.00 Consolation PLUS $10.00 each horizontal line SHARE-the-WEALTH Regular Jackpot $200 in 56 Nos. $20.00 Consolation GOOD PARKING 7:45 P.M. NO CHILDREN TEN TURKEYS DRAWN OSHAWA JAYCEES BINGO TONIGHT 20 gomes at $20, 5 games at $30 -- $150. Jackpot 2 - $250 Jockpots NUMBERS 51 and 56 Early. Bird Game RED BARN Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Classified Ads YWCA NOEL BAKE SALE AND TEA In aid of YWCA World Ser- vice Fund, Soturday, Dec. 12, 1964; 2:30 - 4:30 P.M. Afternoon tea 50c. Children's Refreshments 25¢ NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albers and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 Moy be doubled or tripled $180 IN JACKPOTS a Door Prize $15 THE UNITED CHURCH CHOIR, Port erry, will present their annual Vesper rvice in the. church auditorium on Sun. y, December 13 at 4 p.m. A children oir will assist the senior choir in th esentation of sacred Christmas music r, 4 HERE'S WHERE GIFTS FOR EVE Ur Gil TO FIND RYONE ! ristmas t Spotter Trees and Trim For the Home For Him For the Family SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees, fresh cut, No, 1 Grade, Reasonable prices. Apply 200 Court Street. CHOICE pruned Scotch and Spruce Christmas Trees. Scott's Farm, Harmony Road North, to the end of pavement. Turn left, 2nd farm, north side. CHRISTMAS TREES! 97c up. Chinn's, corner of Park Road South at Hill- side. Pine spruce. One or 1,000. 723- 7088 Free delivery. BEAUTIFUL expertly trimmed shaped Pine and Spruce trees, freshly cut. Delivery. 144 Arinis. 725-3710. CHRISTMAS TREES SCOTCH PINE Corner Brock S. & Victoria Street, Whitby ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN MEN'S CLUB and CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE No. 1 Pruned Scotch Pines. Good color, Apply to: | MRS, SADIE HAMILTON | Orono, Ontario Phone No. 1 Ring 16 ~ YULETIDE GIFT | & TRIM SHOP YOUR, . .. "ONE STOP CHRISTMAS SHOP" Features: No. 1 top quolity trees, gift wrap, . table centres, door -- knockers, fancy candles, garlands, indoor-outdoor lights, out- door figures, Santas, bulbs, bells, etc. Shop today! RUNDLE GARDEN) CENTRE LTD. | 1015 KING E, Shop in Warmth! | | For a complete OF sess * CHRISTMAS TREES (will spray) * LIGHTS Indoor and Outdoor * DECORATIONS ® FLOWERING HOUSE PLANTS Mums, Poinsettos, Cyclamens selection 2 Locations to... J. A. Janssen & Sons LTD. 843 King W. 728-9429 Al Preston's Sunoco Simcoe St. North HOT COFFEE TO EACH CUSTOMER _ 5000 TREES ON LOT Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch Pines Also Spruce & Balsam 6 ft. - 7 ft. - 8 ft. SPECIAL... 97c - 1.50 - 2.00 Sprayed any color For Nominal Charge. CHRISTMAS TREE LAND Oshawa Garden Centre OPEN EVENINGS BE DIFFERENT Mr. Business Man and Home Owner Hand Paintings of SANTA REINDEER, SNOWMEN ETC., ON YOUR WINDOWS SEE OUR EXCLUSIVE DISPLAY AT J.A. Janssen and Sons Ltd. Rundle Garden: Centre Sherwin Wms. Paint Co. We You Name it -- Paint It BERT BOKKERS STUDIOS 131 Albert St. 728-4061 ORDER 3 DAYS TO WEEK, IN ADVANCE For the Child; ren 'PONIES Christmas hold until 723-2593 for sale. Will Pertect gifts 725 6551 =: BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES T.V. Towers $50, up OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS 728-8180 _BILL LEASK REFLECT A MOMENT! WOULDN'T A MIRROR MAKE A GREAT GIFTA POLISHED PLATE GLASS MIRRORS With silver backing that's Guar- janteed for 5 years, |-- Oval and Rectangular -- Plain and Ornate -- Wall ond Full Length -- Mantie and Vanity ust IN TIME FOR GIFTING... 259%, OFF ODD SIZES For the Finest in Mirrors See... VERN GLASS Simcoe N, & Wayne Sts. Telephone 728-6214 This Year Giye The Gift That Keeps On Giving... An OSHAWA "TIMES SUBSCRIPTION If you have friends or rela- tives who are living out-of- send the Oshawa Times, a yeor-round. gift that is sure to be a daily reminder of your thought- fulness, town, * DAD been asking for @ BLACK & DECKER FINISHING SANDER ONLY 21.95 at MILLWORK AND BUILDING SUPPLY 1279 Simcoe N. 728-6291 POOL TABLES 11 models NO MONEY DOWN | 6. months payments with up to 4 years to pay. MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT CORP, CANADA LTD. 690 Drake St., Oshawa 725-9151 After hours 725-3661 $ SAVINGS $ parts, and. | 24 hr. on auto repairs, accessories, speed custom equipment. towing. "HOGS" 1600 KING E, 728-778) (10% off with this coupon) THIS YEAR GIVE HIM FLYING TRAINING For private pilots, This is a Government approved school, Aircraft rentals also available. J. V. AVIATION LIMITED Hanger 2, Oshowa Municipal Airport, Stevenson Rd. N. 728-3191 For Him or Her FOR THE MOTORIST Give a gift wropped Ontario Motor League Membership For information Call 728-8334 For Anyone _ GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Model Automobile, Alr- plane; Boat Kits. The Big- gest Selection in town, POLLARD Radio & Television Service 153 Simcoe S. 723-9512 New and Used PORTABLE: AND STANDARD TYPEWRITERS One year guarantee on all machines Jenkins Business Machines (Sales & Service) OPEN EVENINGS 728-7783 INDIA HANDICRAFTS * CALL THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT KING ST, EAST 123-3474 Will be pleased to.give you further details and act upon your instructions, 1259 Simcoe St, N. 723-1161 | Holiday 'Food -- | WHITE ROCK capons, 6 Ibs. and up, fresh killed, oven ready, delivered, $2.50 each Bhs calsislig 725-8304, LIKE ARMCHAIR SHOPPING ? Phone 668-3311 For details on Gift Packs of SELECT APPLES | RED WING ORCHARDS ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS FOWL Litz Processing | Plant | Special! rates for Banquets, | Bowling Alleys, 723-4722 CHRISTMAS FOWL Capons ond Turkeys dressed | and delivered. | | FRANK HOAG | Rossland Road West | Diol 725-6837 117-Bloor St. E For your Christmas gift sel- ections, may we suggest this year a handcrafted gift from India. On display ore brass a.nd wood coffee tobles, Rosewood: and Ivory carvings, silver jewellery, silks, evening purses, vases, condleholders, rose bowls and many other beautiful and exclusive pieces. For Appointment _PHONE 725-2987 _| Give *** That Lasting Gift "A Gift Certificate" For A PORTRAIT IN OIL Sittings Arranged ot your Convenience. Call CLARK STUDIO 325 BROCK NORTH WHITBY -- 668-4497 RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS ASSORTED ROSARIES ST. JOSEPH'S MISSALS $5 to $18 CERAMIC STATUES » $2.25 to $13 Lovely assortment of Crucifix and Nativity Sets PARKVIEW VARIETY STORE 98 OLIVE AVE. V. Bachand, owner Mrs. Open daily 'til 10 p.m. 725-8232 deferred} ne SKATES NEW and USED SOLD ond EXCHANGED Also BICYCLES and TRICYCLES Apply DRAYTON CYCLE 204 Bond St. E. SOMETHING... THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL LOVE BABY BUDGIES Wonderful assortment of rare species and colors. MRS. T. BROAD 114 Elgin East 723-9767 'SURE TO PLEASE! A Gift Certificate from LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-5941 Shoes, Slippers for the Family Use Our Convenient Layawoy Plan | | | ELMER'S "The Christmas Store with Gifts Galore" Got gift problems? Drop into Elmer's Bargain House and see the large selection of gift ideas for the whole family. ELMER'S BARGAIN 'HOUSE STORE HOURS: 12 noon to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed all day Monday 253 BLOOR ST. E. FROM... SANTA'S PACK FOR ALL THE FAMILY SLIPPERS * Busy feet will appre- ciate these warm house slippers Christmas morn and every morn, * Complete range of sizes, styles and colors. BIGGEST SELECTION TOWN! BURNS Co. LTD. 1 KING W. 725-4611 "Use our lay away" IN For Holiday Fun GIVE * * * your Party Clothes "THE FESTIVE LOOK' Vadiant Cleaners Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 Pick-up & Delivery SMITH BEVERAGES LIMITED Authorized Bottlers: for PEPSI-COLA CANADA LTD. and Crush International Limited "750 Farewell St., Oshawa TELEPHONE 723-1011 The Safe Way To Celebrate THE HOLIDAY SEASON Ride with MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi For Her JUICE EXTRACTOR § SALE! - All makes. Free demonstration, See them work and compare. Also blenders and coffee grinders, Buy now . savet The Sunshine Shop 24 Prince haldeasd Oshawa. _ "STAR res ELNA SEWING MACHINES ore here! up to $100 off on all '64 models by your Elina deoler Oshawa Sewing Centre 329 Simcoe S 728-2391 ONLY 12 SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS jassets rose by approximately |just over $5,500,000 ,000. ql 4 Bank Of Commerce Expands Facilities Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce expanded its serv- ices to the public during the past year by a substantial in- crease, in the number of vranches and a continuing ex- tension of electronic techniques according to William Currie, Chief General Managér Mr. Currie told the annual meeting of shareholders that the yolume of loans and the number of depositors and cur- rent and chequing account cus- tomers increased. He reported that the Bank's): $255,000,000 to a new peak of The number of branches and the past year by 51 to a total of 1,334. Of this total, 1,302 are in Canada and. the remainder are in the United States, Eng- land, the Bahamas and the West Indies, with representative 7 ie in Switzerland and the There was an increase of almost 14 per cent in commer- cial and other loans, widely spread over the full range of the Bank's lending business, Mr. Currie said. Government of Canada direct and guaranteed securities were reduced by $78,000,000 to finance in part the expansion in loans. Total deposits were up $188, 000,000 to $4,971,000,000, banking offices increased during "The liquid position of the Bank continues to be strong with quick assets at $2,560,000, 900, equal to 48.99 per cent of the Bank's total liabilities to the public," Mr. Currie -said. The number of the Bank's: shareholders increased by . 1,282 to' 17,098, and the the total of: shareholders' equity -- compris« ing paid-up capital, rest account' and undivided profits -- was $277,768,867. Earnings per share were $3. 07 and net profit was. $21,402,602, These figures represented in- creases of 14 cents in earnings per share, and just over $1,000, teolg net profit, compared to. 96: " He reported that Canadian, Imperial Bank of Commercey which pioneered the use of com- puter techniques in Canadian banking, is continuing to extend the benefits: of electronic and efficiency. A second com- puter was added this year to the data processing centre' # Toronto. DAILY , 10 to 10, a GIFTS GALORE F.P.S. FOR PRICE SAKE + + + > > EH OE FOR PRACTICAL SANTAS FAMOUS PRODUCTS SOLD FOR PARTICULAR SHOPPERS FUN -- PREMIUMS -- SAVINGS FOR PRICE SAKE FOR POWERFUL SPECIALS FOR PERFECT SELECTIONS FANTASTIC PRICE SLASHING FINE PROFESSIQNAL SERVICE OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE THE ONLY TELEVISION WITH A = YEAR PICTURE TUBE GUARANTEE V abes yo, ren voth old end new, 0 a ae | ie SER es BOM | Automatic kK K KK KKK See it First at... STARR PH i LIPS MONITRON 500 TELEVISION 5 Features of the Future Plus 2-year Picture Tube Guarantee TWO YEAR PICTURE TUBE GUARANTEE Every Philips picture tube is guaranteed for two years . twice as long as other manufacturers. This is because of the extra features in a Philips TV set which protect the picture tube and other sensitive components. When others develop an almost indestructable picture tube, they too will cast aside the armour glass with its hilation and picture distortion, MONITRONIC CIRCUIT STABILIZER An exclusive Philips designed circuit which automatically monitors fluctuating voltage from house current to pre- vent picture shrink and "bloom" components from the damaging effects of power surge. PHILIPS '65 M@DELS @ PRE-SET FINE TUNING # MONITRON CIRCUIT STABIL- IZER @ "SOUND OFF" MUTING SWITCH @ LIGHT CHAN- NEL INDICATOR e FRAME GRID, LONG Life Tuses WITH @ AIR-COOLED, HINGED CHASSIS e TRUE HIGH FiDE- YOUR LITY SOUND e FURNITURE CRAFTED CABINETS. STAR 491 RITSON RD. S. - OSHAWA aK ake KKK kk TRADE FURNITURE and FURNITURE & APPLIANCES -- protects expensive PRICED FROM 19929 UP APPLIANCES

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