Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1964, p. 26

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurndey, December 10, 1900 "No 'Cents in Waiting ... Times Action Want Ads Save You Money" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY! SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT Barristers Co.,| JAMES MACDONALD, cer and RT Chartered Account- , a7 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, aa 73-120, BA, LLB, Notary 1 Buliding, 286 King , Oshawa, Ontario. Client Go,,| avaliable. 725-4716 or 725-4717. Pub-|good credit 1 parking|dation or Money To Loan PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? If you have ap Tee aieat Tt ves bees you up $5,000 cut payments in half or less for consoll- e bee se" ag purpose. Tele- phone Toronto 481-5289, Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt serv! on calls, Waiter vara 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. Surveyors Barristers, cGIBBON and snares. jents' avaliable for solicitors. Cit funds Mortgages hte yh and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario oF LS fi ere y ast, (3rd, foot) , * ae oe C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. '| Building Moterials McCULLOUGH pbc CO. LTD. place to buy all your fy ding moterials, 1070 SIMCOE N. (Westside? 728-4688 Antiques' Building Trades NTIQUES HANDCRAFT GIFTWARE Including dishes, furniture, 'glassware, etc. Wager's Antique Shop 12 highway 2 miles ey: f Brooklin. Quality Carpentry and General Repairs Alterations, rec rooms; cup- boards, floor, ceiling and wall tiles, arborite etc. Satis- faction guaranteed. H. McKOY 725-8576 HiDDEN by agg _ and i, glass, furniture. lamps, small CARPENTRY ali kinds. Cupboards, rec rooms, remodelling. Cor Aay 49 Drew street 728-9300. Barristers -€REIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and Yerone Barristers, of Commerce jay Solicitors. : -- Ndi mcoe ec T. K. Ed) USED building materials, Ritson road south. Tel 4940 after 5 p.m. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- neys built and Dean ad gas linings In- roofs repaired. Free estimates. City Yard, Whitby 668- MORTGAGE MONEY WANTED 1, FIRST. MORTGAGE Masson Street, Valued at $15,500. Need $11,000 at 742%. INDUSTRIAL Zone next to G.M. south plant, Ist mortgage mon- jes wanted in blocks of $25,000 or more to total $250,000 at 9%. IRST " MORTGAGES Assortment, smal! quanti- ty of seconds total $125,- 000, Average interest ot parcel 942%, some at 12%. SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 Simcoe St. N. 735-3560 Toronto Direct Line 925-6073 and na 3 ic Sale bought and >and arranged. MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Sol Hic. Mortgage cifors, les fund: available, 36% King Street a saa-ti07. |" PH P. MANGAN, Solicitor. poe loan. Office 14% Skins Street | toca) East, conene 728-8232. GREER AND es Barristers, Soll- cltors, by 4 re by ig Dial T2278, hones: J. M. Greer, ac, essa Terence V. Keily, BA, BCI, 728-5832 YMAN AND HYMAN, Barrister, Soii-| 2 citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times fer gd 86 King Street East, 723-1137. Clients' funds available for mortgages. me $. Hyman, QC; Herbert $. Hyman, UMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, HILL MAN. ht le Leer pe "tee King ag - ay oes Hillman, w "aA LLB. r {| ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing our ig og Lagos work and repairs. "| Large and Small jobs. L. and H. Roofing and Loaeinochan RR 3, 725-6937. NEW PLASTERING and repairs, re- gar a Rec. rooms. Free estimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420. BUYS OF THE DAY are waiting for you today and every day In Classified. ALL TYPES buliding repairs, chimneys, new and repaired, oe ik and concrete repairs. 1 types remodelling. HOME IMPROVEMENTS roofing, and eavesfroughing, and general repute. 'al ork guaranteed. P. Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-2061. PLASTERING and patching, new and old work, basement parget, free esti- mates. Telephone 723-4871. CHIMNEYS, new and re-built, and repairs, pte and eee A Cann, RR 3, Osha ROOFING, aati cas insutating: joors gtd » Me QC. G. BA, tis; 4. D, Office: esidence: 723-4326; 1 arog alia NHA and other first mortgage' funds available. Classified Rates DEADLINES WORD 5 cig previous ou Lost And" FOUND of ication bintis. roy rg 9.0 a of publication tassirieD 'DISPLAY in re-roofing, ceiling tile and all kinds of repairs. J, ". Dingier, 723-6603. Cartage Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuation, Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association and Surveyor, Commercial bive prints, 1 Ontario Street, 725-5632, H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-6881. TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS and Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION WOMEN'S SPEED RECORDS INTHE WATER ARE ALMOST AS FAST AS THOSE OF THE MEN. SCRAPS. Ate -->_ DO InsECHs mM GENERAL COME THROUGH ¢ AME. WINTER 1X GOOD SHAPE. EVEN WHERE, TEMPERATURES DROP 1o 25 DEGREES BELOW ZERO ? Yes: ARUE an CHATTERERS + gow A RUSSIAN, MARRIED 58 WIVES 1H 6 YEARS AND WAS SAID fo BE THE FATHER oF 102 CHILDREN. Oe Foes Hennes am, IL Docll an vrerad, 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale 728-5143 TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 NOW Service Calls Till 9 P.M. TR.LO. ieee 728-51 SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 | MOVING? Call us! V. J. Cartage, Fully Insured. Just as cheap as moving your- self, or 725-6880. Caterers FORMAL AND INFORMAL CONTINENTAL BUFFETS delightfully presented in your own home. Party trays for every occasion, ame, CHR sees Visit the ONTARIO TRADING POST & VIENNA RESTAURANT, (3 miles north of Orono on Hwy. 115, to relax and en-. joy the pleasant continental atmosphere, the Canadian and Europeon dishes so ap- petizingly prepared and serv- ed. Banquets and receptions catered to. ONTARIO. TRADING POST & Vienna Catering Service ORONO, Phone 10 r 19 2nd MORTGAGES UP TO 80% OF APPRAISED PROPERTY VALUE TERMS UP TO 10 YSARS NO, HIDDEN CHARGES NO BONUSES NO BROKERAGE FEES YOU CAN REPAY ALL OR PART AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE OR PENALTY THE REALTY DIVISION OF SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED 725-6541 17 Simcoe St. N. 27 Superior Offices in Ontario PONTIAC INN, under new management. p he cater for weddings, camer, etc, late 150. ond rooms and lly 728-1297 of 723-5521 Dentistry pr OR. C. B. -- Dental Surgeon, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-8441, 1 column -- 4 p.m. day 2 column er larger -- previous Spee eee AND gocnec hon? a.m. day of publication box NUMBER lye Aas Hc a.m. day all Shrougtr either tal failure or delay In for- warding such Bac od however caused or otherwise. The Times wilt ' be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days : REGULATIONS | The Oshawa Times wil not be re sponsible for iti ny wri fe Sn alton fore ines Cr irge asi nd tion of the "advertisement in which Tne mf Sade Times reserves the right Dressmaking DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting @ speciality Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372, DRESSMAKING Specialty bridal} gowns, also suits, coats, dresses, altera- he Reasonable rates. Call Whitby 5149 LOOK SMARTI All kinds ¢ ere and alterations. Telephone 725-1944, DRESSMAKING -- ali seas of ladies' wear. High quality work. Call 668-8463. Mrs. Voogiarv, 1110 Henry street, Whitby. MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages OSHAWA ELECTRONICS CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re WHITBY'S LOCAL SUPPLIER Texaco Furnace Fuel Oil and Stove Oil, FREE Burner Ser- vice. "blue coal' Cannel Coal, Semet-Solvay Coke, Wood, BUILDING SUPPLIES. SAWDONS' LIMITED (Whitby) 244 Brock S. BILLIARD TABLES All sizes--(Slate Tops) 668-3524 : Chapman Billiard Supply 1186 Queen St. W. Toronto SMILE You're in Valley Creek Furni- ture where they pay the most, sell the cheapest. When sell- Ing or buying used furniture and appliances phone 728- 4401 or come to the store 16¥2 Bond W. MUST BE SOLD to settle estate. & televisions, some like new; 7 refrigera- tors, Ideal for cottage~ or recreation room; 3 sets automatic washers and dryers; 8 automatic washers; 3 dryers; electric dish water, under counter model; 2 plece chesterfield; 14 " electric fan; electric hot water tank complete; assorted windows, aluminium and wood; child's skils; 1956 Bulck,.4 door hardtop; 1959 Chevrolet, sedan delivery; 1957 Meteor stationwagon like new; 1957 Chevrolet, 4 NO. 7 SPRUCE and Scotch Pine, planta- tion stock, freshly cut as needed. 509 Bloor Street East. Telephone 723-2281. Free delivery CHRISTMAS TREES. Wholesale and Re- tail. Taunton Road, 1 mile east of The Acres Restaurant. Gordon Power. Tele phone Orono 9 Ring 10. 13--Articles for Rent 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sele RENTALS OF ALL KINDS * Sanding Machines * Plumber's Tools Painter's Equipment Welding Equipment Builder's Equipment SKATE AND HOCKEY EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE * * Now at Stan's you can ex- change your old SKATE and HOCKEY EQUIP- DRIVER SALESMAN FOR CATERING TRUCK Must be experienced Permanent. Top wages and Commission. Apply GORD'S ENVOY RESTAURANT | 522 Ritson Rd. South MENT with a fair allow- ance on New or Used Equipment. OPEN 8 A.M. to 9 P.M, till December 24th STAN'S Sharpening & Rental Ltd. . 223 King St. West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 CHAIRS -- lamps, bedroom suites, ches- terfields, mattresses, etc, On sale! 10 per cent to 40 per cent off! Large selection! Easy terms! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe south, 2--PIECE skating outfit, size 10, black velvet corduroy with white fur trim, Tele- Phone 728-5048. PLOW FOR jeep, electric hydraulic; two snow tires and wheels to fit '62 Olds' 800 x 14, whitewalls; voltage regulator tester (new); complete set of valve receders, Black and Decker; acetylene welding out- fit. Apply 97 Durham Street. NO, 1 SCOTCH PINE. ; Wholesale, Reason- able. prices. Dial 623-553: FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new quality furniture only $299. Includes complete bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles. Pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe south. NJAGARA THERMO cycle pad and hand unit with suitcase, $100. cash, Call 728-2596 BLOND CHORD ORGAN with bench. After 5 p.m., Call 728-2653. SHOWCASE, commercial stove and grill, fish-chip outfit (small), meat slicer, Coca Cola machine, chip machine, pe gas }ex. Sundae glasses, coffee stove and 18 Grenfell Street. 728-8237. FOR SALE -- Barbie doli clothes, wed- ding dresses, bridesmaids' dresses, coat sets, slack sets, evening gowns, Call Avenue. Telephone 725-0500. pairs. All work guaranteed, 511 Dean door stationwagon. Telephone 728-2061 NEW garage 12 by 20, 2 doors. 2 alum Well Drilling--Digging num windows. Asphalt Shingled roof, De- livered to your lot only $430. 725-9478. WELL tby In 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut BUYING OR SELLING furniture or 263-2294 9--Market Basket ye ine position. Telephone Whitby, Experienced Sheet Metal Workers WANTED Capable to work to drawing specifications. APPLY TO: Personnel Department BATA SHOE CO. of CANADA LTD. BATAWA, ONTARIO 15---Employment Wanted HAIRDRESSER -- Lady having just completed a four weeks refresher course eg Bagge? like baby sitting job in re- urn for room and board. Telephone yosasas, 17--Female Help Wanted LADIES Earn 10 - 20 - $30 working two or more evenings a week. No investment, collecting or delivering, Car necessary. For interview CALL 668-3215 or 728-7942 WANTED Girls for paste-up and girls for typing and general work, Advertising experience an asset. Reply P.O. Box 56, Oshawa WHITBY -- Day care wanted for kinder- bad et Brock St. south on Palmers- . School area, Dial 668-4965 after Hy ORDERS for freezers. 4 Ibs. -- 12 25, gelivery on 10 or more. Telephone 728-529 FRESH BEEF -- pork, barbecued and dressed poultry; home baking; pre- serves; pickles; cheese, eggs; apples; fruit (fresh and citrus); honey; cut flow- ers and plants at Tri-County Farmers Market, 1275 Simcoe Street North every street west, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. 1--Women's Column LADIES, no baby sitter needed! No waiting. Qualified hairdresser will do permanents, cuts, sets, color in your own home. 728-4337 between 8.30 p.m, and mn. appliances. Call Elmer, Hampton or 263- BAUER skates, prices, new and used, terms Dominion Tire Store, Bond Street West. good 48 Friday, 12 noon to 6 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m. fo 2 p.m., year, round. WOMAN to care for children while per er works, live in, private room, time off. Very ed Neti only. Picker ing 942-0363 before 2 HOUSEKEEPER ms ns home with five children. Live' in. Telephone Whitby, 668-4160. IN BROOKLIN -- Urgently needed someone to mind children while mother works, 5 day week. Brooklin, 665-4816. TRUST COMPANY REQUIRES YOUNG MAN 18 to 21 For Accountant Trainee Position The successful candidate must possess grade 12 education and be willing to word hard and accept responsibility. Some experience desirable but not essential. Apply in writing to P.O. Box 5, Oshawa Ontario, GOOD for part-timers. Turn your spare experience necessary. Man Required For Part-time Security Work H. 'GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER AJAX 5 $10,400 full price, immiacu- late 6 room brick burigalow located in the heart of Ajax; storms and screens, finished recreation room, plus many extras. Immediate Possession, WHITBY $11,995, large 6 room bun. golow with paved Bi be Hig ee screens, immocu- ate condition throughout, Close to schools, shopping, etc. Carries $81 monthly, with taxes. N.H.A. RESALE $14,750, only 7 months old, storms ond screens, tastefully decorated th hout, vanity in bathroom, Choice West Whitby location, $82 MONTHLY WITH TAXES Large 6 room brick bungalow featuring finished recreation room, paved drive, extra large fully landscaped lot, Possession tomorrow. BROOKLIN $1,000 down -- beautiful ranch style bungalow on large professionally landscap- ed lot. Many extras. Posses- sion tomorrow, EAST WHITBY tue iee full price, carries $81 monthly. N.H.A. re. sole only 6 months old, storms and screens, exhaust fan, -- immaculate condition throughout. Owner transferred, COLLEGE HILL - OSHAWA $13,200 full price, beautiful 1% storey brick home on large corner lot, paved drive, garage, storms and screens, aluminum awnings, plus, 'plus, plus. Tastefully decor. ated, two beehirn ) ii 44 em kitchen, mony extras. Pe ES sn of a buy today. Ps INEGI tics CALL AX 942-3310 OSHAWA 723-6461 OSHAWA 723-6431 in Oshawa Weekends and all public holl- days. Write to: PINKERTON'S OF CAN. LTD. 15 Toronto Street Toronto, Ontario time into cash. $30 to $40 weekly. No Write Rawileigh, JONES & DOUGAN GET READY For the New Yedr with the most important purchase of your lifetime. Here's @ home that you will be proud to call Dept. L-310-6C, 4005 Richelieu Street, St. pest Montreal, 10--Farmer's Column NEW and USED TV's, General Electric and Phillips Appliances. Wayne's 78 Sim- coe North, Telephone 723-1411, 10.30 p, PERMANENTS on special, renner JEAN'S INTERIOR, Exterior Decorating. washing, er jobs which you require. Free estimates. Just ding Us at 723-9761. We're not expensive, we lust look that way. ro oe Hair- dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone 725-5363. THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No down payment, $14. ae at Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 728-919 STANDARD typewriter, a $40., manual cs aaale H macnine $25., elec- tric $75. Fou national cash register also 2 "rotate Malt 723-4434, HONEST CAL'S Furniture and appil- ances. Name brands at biggest discounts anywhere, We carry Restonic and Bever- 2--Personal ly mattress furniture lines. Your author- zed GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West, 728-9191. (English Tailor) Invisible Mending 10 PRINCE ST. LEN PULLAN CUSTOM TAILORING Suit and Dress Alterations 728-5311 TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupil- cators, cheque writers, comptometers, files, furniture. We buy, sell, chi -- Ice, Largest stock, budget ter: and used. Low overhead, low price, et Hamilton, Raglan. m2" HEAVY DUTY range, Moffat, good condition, $30; sump pump with 40 foot $20. Apply 228 Verdun E1716, after 5. Interest at 7% Open Mortgages lo bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages Fast service. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 LADIES, THINK THRIFTY! Alterations, and_ style Reason- able rates. For appointment, telephone 728-1823. Gardening and Supplies TREE to trim? Call "Slim". Or cut th down. Free estimates. 725-5118 or ait Instruction +d poset id Lapde von) its proper cl in the case of ceciey we ee The Tignes will not be held r sible for more space then than nie which the actual error occupies. be advertising matter correct sume no liability of advertisment if any inaccuracies In any form are con yg ore Any ertisement cancelled before pobication will be charged one day's IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 7--Swap and Borter Eth for Sale ; Basket ONTARIO DRIVING SCHOOL Leam to Drive 1964 Models PICK-UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Control Cors Licensed Instructor Automatic and Standard Oshawa 728-6934 LEARN TO DRIVE atthe ~ Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars. Professional instructors, 728-0091 OSHAWA AND WHITBY Whitby Driving School J. A. OSTERHOUT--Owner Dual Controlled Cars, Personal Courteous Service. Fully licerised and Insured. |Privare and corporate monies for all mortgages. of sale. purchased. Creighton, Murdoch and Victor. FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. agreements purch: and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street F. Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone! 723-419) ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold/H. Stark, Ltd., Simcoe ALL TYPES of reais and remodelling, jnew and used materials. Reasonable care. The cost of this ad, daily for one year, Too small to be noticed? You're reading It}?! "0w. $0352 Marie Murduff will Oshawa, Dec. .14th, 16th. Phone be pointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 Removal of superfluous hair 15th, Genosha Hotel on these dates for ap- ONE DUAL WHEEL tag-slong float, in good condition. Dial 728-9528. BABY TENDA, baby carriage, corner end table, youth bed, 30" gas range, aytoma- iS oe a rocking horse, Telephone Ajax 42-55) a portable, | UP Road| 985-2645 HORSES boarded $20 monthly, box or standing stalls, good riding area. Tele Phone' 263-2303 STRAW BALES, « 300 wheat, 500 oat. Tele- phone 723-5370. DEAD and "dager farm stock picked Margwill Fur Forms Tyrone. Telephone Hampton 263-2721; License 333-C-64. BALED HAY and straw for sale. Pick-up or delivery. Whitby 668-8003, 11--Pets and Livestock POODLES, Toys, miniatures and stand- ards. Registered. Telephone Whitby 668 05. 4) OFFER YOUR SERVICE regularly In the business bujiding marketplace -- The Times Classified Section. Dial 723-3492 now and a friendly ad-writer will help you, TOY COLLIES and Terriers, also Labra- dors, $25., $50, delivered. Port Perry, 30.06 OR 308 automatic rifles wanted. Telephone Bowmanville 623-5589. REGISTERED Dachshund puppies, Ready for Christmas. Telephone 728-6690. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, nine weeks old. Male and female. Telephone after 4 p.m., 728-8053. TYPEWRITERS, standard and. portable, adding machines, cash registers, store fix- tures, new and used, sales and service. Telephone 728-3664; evenings 725-9748. BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. MODELLING services or Telephone 668-4497. art fashion and photography. Write to ee and Studio, 325 Brock Street West, Whitby 1963 MARCONI Hi-fi Stereo, walnut finish, reaulee price $595. 'Will sacrifice. Call Brooklin 655-3142. 7--Swap and Sartor SHP Clinton Outboard motor with sep ON STRIKE? Your credit's good! Con- tact Honest Cal's Furniture. No payment for two months. Then interest only. 424 King West, 728-9191. arate gas tank. sell, 728-0558. Seinen imps, pipes, fittings, Christmas trees, 97¢ up. Chinn, Park South and Hillside. 723-7088. Trade for good used television set or will SINKS (Stainless steel, $6); vanities, $4; tubs, $20; laundry tubs, $15.95; trailers, cars. corner STORE COUNTERS FOR SALE -- Apply Al Pattenick's Department Store, 5 Sim- coe Street South, Oshawa, auth toes: TREES, sold by Pentecostal routh group. Ist class Scotch Pine. Free Naive, Whitby or Oshawa. Brock Street North, next to Canadian Tire. Call 668-5772. reements Drynan, (See "Barristers.'*) Sale agi Mortgages and agreement ased and sold, Hennick East, 723-7232. Optometrist RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe Plumbing and Heating Plumbing, Mega ay A aia Engineering, 255) treet South. Estimates free, Dial 723-1191, J. Foley. Rug-Upholstery Service OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug and Upholstery Cleaning. At our ga or in your CAEL 725- 9961 CHESTERFIELDS and old chai; re covered jike new. Get the best for "css at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street. Call 728-6451 . Free estimates. CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and 8--Articles for Sale SNOW BLOWER, rubber Sigg Briggs and Sree Motor, Price $65. white mina puppies. Call 728-9122. REGISTERED male and female Pomer- anian puppies, Eight weeks old by Christ- mas. Telephone. 725-4007. COZY J RANCH, speek og registered Ger- man Shepherds,pupples, champion blood- lines. Stud services, boarding, quarter horses, foals, traller Ashburn, Brooklin 655-4662. CAIRN TERRIERS, seven weeks, male and fernale. Telephone 728-9380. BEAUTIFUL, baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin East. 12--Articles Wanted WANTED -- Modern dining room. Suite In good condition. Reasonable. After 5 p.m. Call 668-5088. BALED STRAW wanted. 1 CHIHUAHUA caer registered. Also ture poodle Telephone Water Soft Salt Ice Salt Snow Shovels Bird Feeders Wild Bird Feed Purity Dog Meal Purina Dog Feeds Master Diet Est; 1909 Cooper Smith Co. 16 Celina Street 723-1139 "This & That' Master Dog Meats BROWN ALASKA seal coat, full length, size 42, good as new. Beautiful English China, full dinner set service for tweive - will split. Cuttery set in chest for eight. 725-6865. TOYS -- Dolls, carriage, table and chairs; musical rocking chair; toy crib; many small toys in excellent condition. Telephone 728-3464, SCRAP HARDWOOD, one-foot lengths, 7.75 single cord. Dial 723-2281 after 4 p.m. WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City 44 Simcoe Street '+[pading Post Store, South, 723-1671, | price to Box 726, Oshawa Times. kindergarten | ON STRIKE against high prices! Tre- mendous savings. All merchandise dras- tically slashed- Special discounts to GM oo Wilson Furniture, 20 Church reet. SKI equipment -- includes ski boots, size 7-8, poles and skis. Original price, $100., now selling $55. Telephone 723-7671. EXERCYCLE, two-speed, 1-3 HP motor, excellent condition, Cost $400. Best offer. 8-2315. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-ft. tower structure, all-channel antenna, installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180. GUNS -- Bought, sold, Traded. Repaired at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West. SALE OF GENUINE WM. ROGERS SILVERWARE 42 PIECE SERVICE FOR EIGHT 728-9731, PORTABLE tape recorder, broadcast quality. Telephone 728-5556 after 6 p.m. PLAYER PIANO, excellent condition, with rolls, $399. cash or best offer, Re- aaNTeD --Old model Winchester rifle. Telephone 725-8183, "ieiageretodgpegg: WANTED, live In and take charge ot three children. For infor- mation call 728-2119 between 4.30 and 5.30) ,, o'clock HOUSEKEEPER -- middle-aged, for one gentleman. Live In, Apply 149 Wilson Road South. RELIABLE woman or Help care for 2 children. room. Good home.~ Sherman 723-3211. RELIABLE housekeeper, live in, new home, four children, three In school ,$15. weekly. References required. Telephone 723-2536. 18--Male Help W widow to live-in. Light duties. Apply Mrs. ted ED service station attend: ant, minimum 3 years capable of minor repairs, chauffeur's license and bondable Apply Midway B.P. No. 2 Highway at Thickson road. 728-4411, ELECTRICIAN for house Se. Good wages. Call 723-6045 after 5 wiring, part- ry help wanted immediately, live m Blackstock area, Telephone Sunderland, FS- | 65 ring 101 after 9 p.m. $1,000 IN A MONTH Is not too Lag, Pl for the man we want in the a Over 40, Take short auto trips. Write V v. B. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petro- ek Corp., 534 N. Main Sto., Ft. Worth 1, 'exas. CAREER OPPORTUNITY Position available for High school graduate to leam cheque printing business, | pleasant working conditions, technical training facilities, all company benefits, promis- ing future. Must be capable, having ambition and be wil- ling to learn. TELEPHONE 723-2233 For Appointment INDUSTRIAL CAFETERIA MANAGER 30 to 45 For cafteria in this area. Applicants must have exper- lence; in the food business. Please write giving particu- lars of age, qualifications and Previous experience to BOX 626 Oshawa Times DRUMS -- Orchestra, full set or snare and cymbals. in good condition. Must be jreadsonable. Describe, state make and GOOD used dining room suite, table, chairs, buffet, china cabinet wanted. Telephone 725-8645. 13--Articles for Rent Taping, Weddings recorded, tape recorders, record play- $95 A WEEK while in training Full or part time, age 21 or over. Apply Genosha Hotel, 9:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M, or 19--Male or Female Help Wanted ANY restaurant -- Hotel workers interes- ted in belonging to the Restaurant Work- ers Union are invited to telephone local agent at 728-3996. 20--Real Estate for Sale JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 833 Simcoe St. South NORTH WEST $15,400 Full Price. Lovely mew 3 bedroom brick bunga- low, Near Oshawa Golf Club. Hollywood kitchen and lovely lot. NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE! Tidy 4 room bungalow fea- turing ideal location and low carrying charges. $8,500. full price. NORTH END Real neat 2 storey dwelling cleverly modernized with sep- arate dining room. Nice lot, garage and paved drive. 725-2753 723-9750 725-6297 728-0594 723-1021 723-4270 728-0035 Elmer Fredin James Gibbens Sally Wallace John Gravelle Joe Crawford Murray Boyle Fred May telephone 723-4641. ask for Mr. Smythe. ers, projectors, M.C. work, P.A. systems, Mobile P.A. broadcasting, background music, dances, Hi-Fi Equip- ment. GUDGEON ASSOCIATES SOUND EQUIPMENT 723-5121 CARPENTERS Must be experienced in trim and cabinet work. 723-1712 or nights 728-6922 Brides, Bridesmaids, gowns, crinolines, headpieces, veils, mink stoles, white fox furs, dishes, cutlery, glasses, tables, chairs, church run- ners. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 LEARN TO BEA BARTENDER Actual practice behind Cocktail Bar, no theory, daily classes, BAR TRAINING HEADQUARTERS OF ONTARIO 1166 Dundas West Toronto 534-4912 PRICED FOR $13,950.00 with $1,000 down Attractive three bedroom bungalow, practically new home in top condition, Pay- your own. You'll just love te. invite your friends over for @ sociable evening, a cord game, or party. See this one floor three bedroom beauty with attached: garage at $15,500 and only. $2,300 down. Now Your New Year's Gift. to Mom ond the Kids, Six rooms and what @ basement, FAMILY HAPPINESS There's lots of it In this friendly, storey and a half home, located just off Simcoe Street. Loads of room, and comfort here, at a price you can afford. $11,500. with $2,500 down will give you the key, right after Christ. mas. Sparkling clean through out, and close to shopping, schools, and transportation. The lot is deep, with lots of space for children to play. YOUR CAR Your lot, your boat, or mortgage could be the on Payment on this one floor three bedroom, brick home located in North Whitby, just minutes from G.M, or Lasce Steel. Try us with a trode, You may be in for a pleas- ant surprise. JONES & DOUGAN Real Estate. Brokers 668-8841 DOCTOR'S OPPORTUNITY Large 11 room home, ultra- modern condition through- out, 2 car garage, adjacent Simcoe St. N., vacant front- age provides parking for 12 cars. Architect designed ~ these premises for Doctors Resid- ence and Medical Centre, now zoned accordingly. NORTH SHORE REALTY LTD. 112 Simcoe St, N. Telephone 725-3560: ments of $98.00 carries taxes, interest and principal, Call Harry Bates 725-1186 or 728-6923 W. T. LAMSON MUST SELL Four bedroom, Two storey home. In good location. Close to bus and schools. Features built-in garage, 4 piece. bath and new oil furnace. Nicely Peenate' Hale. Worited REAL ESTATE Estete for Sa ee . Price reduced to 200-----Real Estete ft le treed lot, P ti Sal $11,000 with small down payment. Home is now va- cant and owner says, 'Bring all offers'. Immediate posses- sion, To inspect call: 728-5103 Clearing at 29.95 or 2.00 per week. Free 4-piece Rogers silver service to first 50 cus- tomers, Phone 723-6541 for FREE DELIVERY USED VACUUM cleaners and polishers, :good condition, $10. up. Telephone 728- 6956. g DIAL 668-4176 1010 Dundas E., Whitby Wanted LILLIAN MA& MARSH, bea Dancing 24--Stores, Offices and Storage School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Pre S--Houses for Rent School, K » Fridays, 26--Aporiments for 'Rent Masonic Temple, 723-7253 j 7---Rooms for Rent HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, Beeetoom and. red fap, R. A.D. Ballet, Highland. Waban | 708 so Atomoblie se now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122 1--Compact Cars for Sole Janitor Service 'Sale and Service 3--Automobiles Wanted ZOOM CLEANERS -- We clean offices,|CUARANTEED 'repairs to ail rhea 34-----Automobile Repair homes, garages, anything - that Is dirty. ne and ranges. Free estimates, Call S--Lost and We like to zoom in and out, to make spotiess. Call 723-9761 and ask. for 'Ar, Zoom. Winter rates. Lets keep Oshawa, Alex end Whitby eiean. CARRIER BOYS REQUIRED To deliver Globe and Mail Oshawa and surrounding districts Call 725-4473 EXPERIENCED meter mechanics re- quired.. Telephone Ajax, 942-2120 for appointment, or apply to "Stark WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644, HALL AVAILABLE for private parties, dances, banquets, etc., seating capacity 200. Reserve now for hay and sleigh rides. Little Buckaroo Ranch, 725-2737. CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, TELEVISIONS and sewing machines. We rent et reasonable rates: Honest Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191. ENTERTAINING -- - Fifty to one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis, Club for ban- Uae oa Ai gecd estimate. See our material ering. Dalton Upholistering, 75 Charles 8 Street, 723-7212, RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- lished 17 years, Complete range of mate- riels. Wor guaranteed five years. re Credit terms, Mattresses re-bullt, Furniture re-finished. Oshawa aa Company, 287 Dean Avenve,| built by Sebastian Hohmann, Also reed organ, $20, Ritson Road North, VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, brushes, 'etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering. TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL! 40-ft. structure, Including all-channel antenna, installed, guaranteed, y experts, 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television. Call 728-5142 A DUNCAN "Phyfe | folding « dinette table; and four chairs; two ig end tables; 723- OPEN HOUSE DAILY HARMONY VILLAGE New exciting models Harmony Road South, east of Donovan Collegiate . ; FRASER BELL W..O. Martin Realtor Builder and Neve : ONLY ¢ MILES from Oshawa' on Hi Electronics, Finiey Avenue, Alax. | BRIVATE SALE -- Six-yedr-old three-|with regular bus service. 2 bedroom ton 4 TWO MEN, ful! or part-fime, with car.j/bedroom bungalow, excellent condition.}galow with ho: water heating, low taxes No experience necessary. Special rovte/Carries for $91 monthly. Well decorated|and |arge jo! For - further information quets, parties. weddings, anniversaries.|work, excellent income. Apply 231 Maryjand landscaped, fenced lot and pavedjcall Vern Morton 728-9474 or 655-3482 Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking, Rea-|Street or telephone 728-2383 after 7 eve-|driveway. Good north-east location, $13,-jevenings. Paul Ristow Lid. Realtor 17 'sonable rates, 723-2140, inings, 900, Telephone 728-5251, King St. Gast. IDEAL GIFT! Saves work, money. Aids Cleaning, washing, beauty. Free trial. a Water Softeners, Whitby, 668- very r 9763. MAN'S winter coat, tuxedo and leather jacket. Size 44 to 46. Also Boy's suit, size 6, All like new, 725-0507, priced. er SUITE -- Four piece. Desk, side ROY'S SOFT water service to all water cabinet, telephone table, cabinet and units, specializing In sovereign. 63 Lom-jchair. son condition, Asking $250 Whitby berdy Cresc. Scarborough, 674-8383, [sis-sven 7--Auctions 38--Coming fivents

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