Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1964, p. 25

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REPORT FROM OTTAWA Minister Favreau of complicity No one, including the Conser-|son and withhold judgment until sith te ected Stele Tatcal mary is et! Mara Reeve THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 10,1964 25 defeated didate, polled 595 s defeated: candidate, polled 85] Miacistrate Waits The results of the vote for . | thi hool board : cape rpcisran yest Fon Howpabal Bed Election Card of Thanks... My sincere thanks for the tremendous voluntary sup- port received on Mondoy during the election for the Township Area School Boord. | realize fully that this is an important post that will require a great deal of time and effort, especially in its @rganization stage, and | shall do my best to merit the confidence you in the affair, but they do allege|has said that if there are find- that he was negligent in the per-|ings from the inquiry which re- formance of his duties by not|quire action by the federal gov- S eturne bringing the information which|ernment, that such action will i i be taken swiftly and without ( ica fear or favor. 4 Charles Healey was re-elect-/ed) -- Norman Whitney, 580, "'Nothi .n{ed reeve of Mara Township in/Francis Lamb, 514, Margaret/C. A. Thoburn has the same VOTE ANTI-CLIMACTIC PR ne B= lly aig Seudag's cooa> ainetion. io poll. Black, 505, Gerald Westcott 505 complaint as 7,000 other Toron-| RUSSELL C. HONEY charges levelled at the govern- Hotogagwty © yore out eg found, should go uncorrected." _ 458 votes. 'His opponents, pense oe oa 502, a can't get a hospital MP for Durham Ridin; ment. by Conservative Erik Niel-|ryiday afternopn was anti-cli- he said. Warning of the danger Fether hed Meee ae an Wright 367 se Gabe ig Magistrate, Thoburn, 64,) This report is a potpourri of|sen, As the events of the week! mactic as only 30 Conservatives|°! Dianket charges and accusa-| clherstone, polled 364 and 308) Wright, 9: chairman of the Metropolitan tems highlighting my duties as|unfolded it appeared that the|voted in support of the motion,|ti00S by innuendo, the prime] votes, respectively. 2 \Toronto Licensing Commission, | your representative in the pent Lane poresney Pct Ranged against them in support wally it pre gor pare Be ary pera won the con- CATTY DECISION ljoined the list of people in the' i anger lefeat. si ib- ' st for ; . " I i s- | ' Fal ceenh; ten ten' af Cored re aig a ee Taistes of Mr. Favreau were 96 Lib.|ed, must be punished by respon-| °°" 5 awe f a Pr tor | VANCOUVER (CP) ~ After|Ntar'hag whee he' come, Fil have ploced in me. Again my thanks 'and. best. wishes mons is stumbling through the|was quite valid, forced the gov-|NDP, Social Credit and Credi-|'ible action, "the innocent must ae ue "1314 years of investigation city| with a sinus infection. i to all the people-of Darlington for a Merry Christmas latest edition of the flag debate./crnment to widen the terms. of|tiste parties not be ruined by ruthless and/Mrs. Evelyn Speiran, polled jtriciais tave decided that the| Since the condition isn't seri-| end @ Happy New Year. ; The battle is being carried on|reference of the judicial inquiry} If the facts are as alleged by irresponsible words', 521. Skinner family here do not need|0us, he has to wait his turn. | ey Sl ann Hap tegen which was set tp te look into|Mr. Nielsen it would seem that MONEY MAKER Pabeurert* apeeGiliveny mene a permit fo sell Siamese cats. a wrap a ": ve mbe | i at two former)|the inister j 8 ] y n tr an an Byers were elect- A showe about 7, i @ last ditch stand to prevent the penis so Liberal Cabinet Sere tat tic pine' wintires erating in " Wachinston® st, ed to the council. They had|A neighbor had complained that) or. awaiting admission fo one! report of the flag committee| Ministers had interfered in an| However, it might be as well tolduces some $9,000,000,000 injvotes of 722,635 and 628, re-|the Skinners were turning her!of 'Toronto's nine major hos-| I spectively. John McFadyen, the'back yard into a cat preserve. 'nitals. | coming to a vote, The design) extradition case in Montreal. |follow the advice of Mr. Pear-'U.S. curvency every year. w » a, now before parliament was ap- proved by a 10 to 4 vote of the A Division of the S. S. Kresge C Limited Debate On Flag Held In House H. Bruce Tink hich recommended one maple leaf centred on a white back- ground with vertical red bars at each side. There are about 30 Conserva- tives who are prepared to follow their leader. Several prominent Conservatives such as Leon Bal- cer and Gordon Fairweather have indicated they are anxious to have the matter come before parliament for a vote and they are not in favor of another pro- longed filibuster. 2 peg an SPECT CULAR TIRE SALE! Prich special committee OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. I am writing this report on : Friday and in the debate so far) ™@ this week, up to and including} a yesterday's debate, the Conser- @ vatives have had 23 speakers | Fak (14 hours and.17 minutes); the | i Liberals three speakers (one| hour four minutes); the NDP three speakers (39 minutes); | the Creditistes two speakers (46| minutes) and Social Credit one @peaker (12 minutes). Last summer's debate when the whole matter was first be- fore the House occupied 22 days and in that debate the Conser- yatives had 117 speakers; Lib- erals 32; NDP 10; Social Credit eight and Creditiste seven. CO-OPERATIVE FEDERALISM Last week I was a member of the federal delegation at the Federal-Provincial ARDA Con- ference in Montreal. The con- ference approved a new agree- ment between the federal gov- SAVE MORE ON THESE SERVICE SPECIALS! SAFE, TROUBLE-FREE WINTER DRIVING SHOCK Special ! SECOND 9. SHOCK ONLY with the purchase of first shock at $8.66 Original Equipment type, double action Quality shocks for most cars. Pin Type, Fully Guaranteed, Why Settle for One New Tire When You Can Get Two Brand New Tires For the Low Price of $17.76 five years. This conference rep resented Mr. Pearson's -"co-|% operative federalism" in its best form as the complicated agree-| e, ment was worked out in detail i, and approved by representatives| gage, of the federal government and 9) all 10 provinces | ARDA is a joint federal-pro-| vincial program and is the chief weapon of the governments of Canada in the war against rural -- Your Choice 2 BRAND NEW NYLON g SNOW or REGULAR ANY SIZE BATTERY SALE $71. 11-0: Sizes to fit all Chev., Pontiac, Dodge, Plymouth, Ford and Meteor. 6or 12 Volt. New exclusive with Silver Cobalt added for instant starts, In- - stalled Free in minutes. Full 2 yeor Guarantee. SNOW TIRES Now In Stock! et sete the. AMIDA : Gordrame of the few days Inct| Mae 1965 $ week which followed the| LOW PROFILE FOR ie Whitby District Bowling Results 6T. JOHN THE EVANGELIST) ; WHITBY Mixed Bowling League Standings after first section| # Nov. 30: ] BLACK TUBE TYPE 670x15 24 month 750x14 Guarantee 500x13 520x14 500x15 590x14 No Trade-in Needed! Weekly Total Tire Rotation every 5,000 Flat or Ti repai Hammond 292, 249, Matt Kol-| * ube repeirs sterer 285, 226, John Majcher| ; 280, Jack Veitenheimer 276, Don| © Kennelly 249, Allan Oerton 244, 234, Bill Schroer 241, 238 208,) «, George Mayer 240, 210, 202,| Ted Kapuchinski 236, 223, Jim! - McCarroll 223, 219, Tec Hughes| 222, Jim Smyth 219, 213, Bob|:: Edwards 212, Harold Forbes 206, Joe Kapuchinski 206. 13 WHITBY AND DISTRICT (WEDS.) MEN'S LEAGUE Triples 600 and over -- Bill| Shearer 730 (291, 272; Les Reed 723 (267, 235, 221); Don Reed 704 (262, 258), Al Fillier 702 (263, 250); Bob James 668 (261), Bob Plaskitt 652 (282), Harry Vanstavern 651 (281, 235), Keith Sharman 633 (230); Bruce Hen- derson 628 (250); Jim Mifflin) 616 (230); George Childs 614) my 6 Hot Mac's 26695 SNOW 3 No Names 25171 Free Installati Sree ore, We = Ladies: 30 Month Guarantee Hegre eres it we 4 687, George Mayer 652, Ted] iB wy, = ; : ee ; Correct ' 7 x @ Adjust Torsion bers on Chrysler 603, Don Kennelly 574, John Buckley 236, Fran Schatzman 670x15 .. 2 for $23.76 650x13 ... 2 for $29.76 750x14 .. 2 for $23.76 800x15 ... 2 for $35.76 Teams Pinfall Points Points 7 Beatles, winners 26709 5 43 L Jerks 25675. 2 3 nt '10 Blind Mice 25957 5 3: ik, OR NO DOWN ALIGNMENT 5 Nuts 25757 REGULAR } 2 Hot 'n Tots 25232 Mary Forbes 628, Myra Buckley J ; | : - ; 866. Men: Tom Hammond 738, A 4 esac at { . © Correct Caster and Camber ; : ¢ © Adjust Front Wheel Beori se FREE SERVICES a ghine © Correct Tos in ond Toe Out Kapuchinski_ 642, Allan Oerton| " ; 636, Jim McCarroll 617, Jim 2 tor $1 9 97 INCLUDE: Prouct . Installation of all Ti for . * Cemeleee Sep ent are apni . re ns jon of all Tires Majcher 563, Bob Edwards 552. 600x16 eau neai Singles 200 and over Ladies: | Black Tubeless 4 230, M Bibe: 223, Ret Wright 206, Marie Brooks 203, 710x15 .. 2 for $25.76 650x15 ... 2 for $29.76 760x15:., 2 for $27.76 710x15 ... 2 for $33.76 iP eo . coca 2 tr S876 et. diene 850x14 .. 2 for $31.76 BRAKES RELINED ALL 54 1 66 4 WHEELS Including Labor Drive with contidence and stop with safety with our guorenteed Bonded Linings. Sizes to fit most cars. Class 'A" Licensed Mechanics to serve you. Tire and Wheel 9 GoGetters 26314 5 38 8 Spitfires 25538 PAYMENT ve Se NYLON SPEGIAL $6). 8 3 Matt Kolsteren 696, Bill Schoer. Smyth 603, Jack Veitenheimer Mary Forbes 238, 206, Myra| | Black Tube Type 500x13 Fran Ottenbrite 200. Men: Tom 800x15 .. 2 for $29.76 760x15 .,. 2 for $33.76 Alignment check 850x14 ... 2 for $35.76 Exhaust system, safety Inspection Useful Gift Suggestions For The Driver In The Family CORONADO BATTERY SNOW BRUSH and SCRAPER TRI-POD UPHOLSTERY MAT CHARGER 57' JACK CLEANER (262); Earl Brich 604 (246). ee Singles 220 and over -- Art ob ogg lk halt hed gp Aig Si bla Will not tip or fall, no Locke 276, Joe Ciampo 265, D.| | we oe attecas baal flip ef @ switch. Com < stooping of bending Quickly cleans leather, [ " 2 © 5, D. sign and reinforced heel eS en Sere FROST SHIELDS necessdry end tums with plastic vinyl, removes only one-finger action any kind of stain Coppolino 247, Keith Laundry a4 pod. Assorted colours post 5.55 a ae or no-glare 97° 7.25 K.MART 9T' TAIL PIPE 244, Don Henderson 241, Norm K-MART Lee 236, Glen McCoy 235, Tony| SPECIAL 5.45 Hn opt pase : VICEROY TRANSMISSION | . ENGINE SPOT FLUID SPECIAL 57° WINDSHIELD WASHER . STARTING ie ONLY wy. LAMP ANTIFREEZE "G0" ; BARDAHL TOP OIL FOR GAS 1 43 FLUID 0 ] , tion in sub-zero weather Unbreakable container, Vandermale 235, Joe Lazaro) HEATER chrome pleted dcoz. SPECIAL Assures wiper-blade ac Oe ¢ K-MART ¢ 57 SPECIAL .. 11 Plastic scraper with hardwood handle, SPECIAL K-MART SPECIAL Jack Kingerlee, 229; Rusty] ; Tripp, 224; Don Craggs, 223, 7 Chas. Snelgrove, 222; William] * James 222, Jack Mothersil! 221, Ray Patterson, 221 Team Standings -- Custom Tailors 15, Joker's 14,| # Joe's Barber Shop 12, Mitton] 7 Machinery 12, Rambler's 11, Drew's 10, Sam's Barber Shop) ¢ 3 10, Honyocker's 10, Dunlop 10 Whitby Tote 9. A and T. Mo-| tors 8, Bel] Taxi 8, Millwork 5 4S Whitby Barber Shop 4, Paper- Ai maker's 3, Andceu'sd | with the purchase of o Muffler. All Mufflers for Ford, Meteor, Chev., Pontiac, Dodge and Plymouth '49.63, Single Exhaust. MUFFLERS $10.00 INSTALLED FREE in minutes 234, Ernie Shepperson 233, 223, (Frost Plug Type) Beoutif lamp with 12 volt sealed in sub-zero temperature, J. Rypstra 232, K. Roduck 229, Waterproof ord gives Aids weok batteries. longer battery lite. Eas beam. Plugs: inte cigar Lewis ly instolled, site lighter. 4.99 4.91 K-MART K-MART SPECIAL SPECIAL .. K-MART 1 il 9 . SPECIAL STEERING WHEEL COVER tin EE ee LOCATED ON HIGHWAY No. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA & WHITBY

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