20--Real Estate for Sale | 20--Real Estate for Sole LIST AND MOVE ON. THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS REAL ESTATE-- ~+-MORTGAGES-- --INSURANCE-- 14 SUITE APARTMENT The .bést investment ever. Below $7 000 per suite. 5 years old. érn brick, Com- plete with fridges ond stoves, washers, dryers, all two bed- rooms, newly decorated, hot water oil ope ree i $25,000 down, Col Re orton Rankine ot 728- 5123 or 728-3682. $11,000 6 ldrge room dwelling, 2 storey, oll heated, Located on Albert Street close to King Street. Oonly $2,000 down ' with terms, Call Mr. Jock Ap- omy at 728-5123 or 723- 33 EASTHAVEN Attractive 6 yeor old bungo- low, 3 bedrooms, step saving kitchen, living room, 4 piece both. Oil heat. Poved drive. Priced to sell ot only $14,- 900 .with.monthly . payments of only $102.00 including toxes, Be sure to inspect and moke an offer. Call Mr. Roy Yeo ot 728-5123, or 725- 2217. CLOSE TO ST. GREGORY'S}. JUST LISTED 7 room brick horne with 2 bathrooms, extra large living room with fireplace, This is a terrific family home with 4 bedrooms. Asking only $16,- 900 with reasonable terms. Call Mr, Ed Drumm ot 728- 5123° or 725-9345, COUNTRY LIVING Attractive frame bungalow, 2 bedrooms, electri¢ heat, car- port. All this, plus 5 acres of choice land, can be yours for $12,500. Suggest your own down payment. Call Mr. Irwin Cruikshonks at 728-5123 or 728-5205. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe St, North Open Every Evening MEMBERS OF O.D.R.E.B. SEE PAGE 5 OLIVE HOWE Reo! Estate 668-8981 8 churcn or clubhouse, Brick Pulling. Two useable floor 'areas, oil anne parking, located on Albert street, Property in good condition, Has many Uses; now vacant. Zoned RS to Inspect call Jack Appleby 728-5123 or Bolahood Bros, Ltd: BUILDER'S lose, your gein. Last _s available, make an offer. Call A ica Real Estate Limited at ey 77%- Four bedroom home with attached gar- hed hp vl oil heated, built in stove and Sold, trade considered, Cail ey Sheri at S. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited. 728-6286, ONLY $13,900 for this 4 year old, large yer old. erge bedroom brick bu genta repayable at $100. Must taxes, be ah - Hyman Real Estate Limited. 728- 22-92. --________-- few!" $. ber Packs luding sold, Call Bill Swarbriek brick DOUGLAS J. M. | BULLIED REALTOR 723-1168 723-439] INCOME BUNGALOW 6 large rooms for the owner in this modern 1200 sq. ft. brick bungalow. Complete with 4 pc. coloured bath with vanity, modern kitchen with double stainless stee! sinks and exhoust fan. Basement presently rented ot $130.00 per month, hos separote met- er rodiant heat, and 3 pe. both, NORTH WEST A bedroom brick 11 storey with paved drive, partially finished rec room, hardwood ond tile floors throughout. oil heat, storms and screens, T.V, .antenna, dryer wiring, 4 pc. bath with extra stool in' basement. Full price $13,- 500° with moderate down poyment. 333 King St. West Member of the Oshawa and _District Real Estote Board ___ [20--Real Estate for Sale 20--RKeal Estate for Sale 26--Apartments for Rent 27--Reoms for Rent SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 (Over a Quarter Century of Service) BARGAIN --- NORTH END $8,900. full price for this large 2 storey brick home located just a short distance from hospital. Low down payment and only $65.00 per month. Taxes only $154.00 per year. Call: soon or you will be too late. CENTRE ST. SOUTH, WHITBY Close to Henry St.. High school, Most attractive 5% room bungalow. Hollywood kitchen, 4 pc. bathroom with vanity. Owner _ transferred, $13,900, Reasonable down payment. CENTRAL PARK BLVD, SOUTH 8 yeor old, 5 room brick bungalow near | separate | school. Most ottractive home with isch Asking $14,- 700. INCOME HOME 8 year old, 6 room 114 storey, gorage. Large lot. Part rented $70.00 monthly. Asking $15,400. with -reas- onable down payment. JOSEPH BOSCO 728-7377 833 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Modern store with modern six foom apartment attached. Located in densely populated area in heort of city. Includes excellent grocery and variety business. Asking $35,000 with terms. BYNG AVENUE Three bedroom brick bunga- Jow with attached garage: Electric heat and newly de- corated, Immediate occupancy on this lovely home in North Oshéwa. Only $16,000 with terms. TEN ROOMS $3,900 full price. Handy- man's opportunity. This is a double cottage ot Bowman- ville Beach, now rented. 723-1021 723-4270 728-0035 725-2753 723-9750 725-6297 728-0594 Joe Crawford Murray Boyle Fred Moy Elmer Fredin James Gibbons Sally Wallace John Gravelle * Smart Business People Sing the Praises of, Oshawa Times Classified Ads STORE AND APARTMENT | GARDEN CRESCENT Terrific amount of good liv- ing in the 6 room bungalow located on a large lot with paved driveway. Finished rec. room. Spacious living room and dining room. Call the Office "for further informa- tion, COMMUTER SPECIAL JUST WEST OF CITY 3 year old brick bungalow. Much below replacement cost, Three good bedrooms, attached garage, convenient and good location, Thickson Rd. S, Exceptional buy. SEVEN ROOM brick, 2 storey home on two acres of land. Just 8 years old. Has extra washroom, Country living with city con~ venience, Just outside Osh- awa, Four spacious: bed- rooms. Several fruit trees. A wonderful place for your family. Offers Privacy and comfort. Asking $17,800, A real home. For your assurance of the finest home money can buy, Be Sure H.. KASSINGER is the BUILDER For full particulars call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 728-7996 725-1015 725-3867 Charles Chaytor Neil Campbell irene Brown ae ar a -- 2%2-storey, eight-réom Mary Street North, oil pe ld for appointment. 725-6916 after 3.30 p.m. fae FULL PRICE. Brick bungalow, Payments of $102 including interest, prin- cipal and taxes. Schofield-Aker Limited, 728-1066, PRIVATE SALE large well built 4 bed- room- home, oi! heat, spacious garden, orchard and lawn, Good terms. Outskirts of Oshawa. Telephone 723-7688. $1,200 DOWN, $80 p three-bedroom bri . Call Bill Jahnaston, acer r Limited, 728-1066. er month buys lovely home, with fae VACANCIES WORRYING YOU? Find re Viable tenants the easy way with a fast acting Times Action Want Ad. Telephone 723-3492 for an ad-writer, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 'MINK' MARVEL By ALICE BROOKS Glamorize a simple dress with @ soft-as-fur capelet. Deep col- lar, bow are so smart. "Mink" marvel, Takes only 8 (40 gr.) balls of mohair. Brush for fur look. Knit, purl bands form design. Pattern 7079: knit directions, all sizes. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add ic sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. First time! 3 FREE PA TERNS in big. exciting 1965 Needlecraft Catalog! 200 de. signs -- smart stoles, jackets, hats. toys, afghans, linens, everything! Send 25c. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 complete quilt patterns--piéced and applique, for beginners, ex- perts. Send 60c now. Want-Ads Don't Cost - They Pay PRINTED PATTERN 4636 SIZES 10-18 SPORTY PAIR - By ANNE ADAMS Turtleneck blouse and jumper 20 great together -- or separate- ly for campus, career, country, Jumper doubles as dress, too. Printed Pattern 4636: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 jumper 2% yards 54-inch; blouse 1% yards 35:inch FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins tern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont NEW! 300 sparkling designs, 5 exciting fashion and fabric' features plus coupon for ONE FREE PATTERN -- any one you choose! Send for new Fall- Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. (no stamps, please) for this pat- Lee Bill Johnston Marg Hall Steve Macko Allan Thompson Moible Boudreau Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill MeFeeters 725-1726 360 King Street West. Free, rosy, safe parking. METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E: 728-4678 BUILDING LOTS 60 ft. lots, al! prepaid ser- vices including underground wiring ond pavement. Choice location, NEAR SEPARATE SCHOOLS Choice 5 room bungolow with attached goroge, extra lorge living room and kitchen, loads of cupboords, 3 bedrooms. See this today. Asking $16,- 500. with $2900 down LIVE RENT FREE Modern Tri-Plex, . complete with stoves, fridges, washer, dryet, and large scenic lot. Excellent revenue ond rent- ing areo, Close to all ser- vices. POSSESSION ON N.H.A, APPROVAL Hollywood kitchen, walk-out basement, 3 bedroom - bun- galow, convenient east-end location, prepaid -- services. $15,395.00 with $2400 down balance on 1 N.H.A. mort- gage. CENTRAL PARK BLVD. SOUTH Close to King St most at- tractive 3 bedroom, bunga- low, extra lorge kitchen good dining orea, al! rooms, poved drive, many ex. tras, extra washroom. Asking $14,900 © with reasonable down payment, Balance on 1 open mortgage. TWO STORES For rent, excellent locations. Reasonable rent. Immediate possession. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 723-2894 728-1066 723-1358 728-5868 728-2870 728-2233 with lorge NINE $099 FULL DOWN -- 'one NHA 6A] per cent mortgage. $: Wink @r bonus on} these homes. 4 bedraéms, spiit level, 2 baths, storms and screens, twin sinks, sodded front and rear, 17 ft. bedrooms, 25 ft. livingroom, .only 2 -available. Carries 38 low as $83 monthly if you qualify. Full price only $14,645. Also have 3 bedrooms and garages only $1090 down, Call Gerry Hill Whitby 4668-9951. Or after hours collect 'to AM 7-9712, Manderhill Real Estate Lid PERMANENT. home sites, overlooking Lake Scugog. New planned subdivision, every convenience. Five minutes to Sea- grave Village on highway ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 DOWN $1,500 DOWN $13,300 list price, could not duplicate for that amount, 5 year old, large 3 bedroom bungalow. Lots of storage space, basement partitioned ond has a long recreation room, Call 728-5157, $14,500 TWO AT THIS PRICE Both 3 Bedroom Brick, in de- sirable neighbourhood, well located near schools, trons- portation and shopping. 6% N.H.A. financing at $103.00 monthly. For more detail phone 728-5157. SIX PLEX JUST LISTED 3 yeor old modern solid brick IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 2 and 3 bedroom spacious suites OXFORD PARK TOWERS Stove & Fridge included Broadloomed corridors & Elevator service Enquire about our delayed lease plan and reserve your apartment now' Model suite and rental of- fice open from - 9 pm daily. -- Of Reserve now for March Ist occupancy 1, 2 and three bedroém suites in the soph- isticated atmosphere of Casa Manana Court, Adult living in an excellent location, For further information call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors -- 723-1121 or Rental py 723-6361 from 2 + 9 p.m. Apartment building, paved porking for 10 cars, Larger. than average suites. Hot water heating by oil, fully equipped with stoves, fridges, dryers, etc, Will accept trade fer more detail phone 726- 157, DOWN PAYMENT $1,000 $8,500.00 asking, 4 room cute frame bungalow, near bus line, taxes are less than $100.00 yearly, older citi- zens special at $50.00 mon- thly principal and interest. Call 728-5157, 728-5157 11 SALESMAN. AND 4 BROKERS © "ASSIST" YOU ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 728:5157 22--Lots 'for Sale We Do Not "'Seli'"" Properties We "Assist" You to Buy 728-5157 LOT FOR SALE. Hills of Kirby. Fast run- ning trout stream. Acreage on both sides of stream. Brand new, three-bedroom cottage. Complete all year round for use. Electric heat, fireplace. Small down pay- ment if you wish. Norfh Shore Realty, 112 Simcoe Street North, 725-3560. PARK ROAD and "Ridgeway. y. Beautifully landscaped corner lot, overlooking Golf Club, North Shore Realty, 112 Simcoe Street North. 725-3560, TWO SUBURBAN lots, 100 feet X 214 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED|-- LUXURIOUS LIVING SEE THE VISCOUNT 300 GRENFELL Featuring large master bed- room with walk-in closets, broadloomed corridors, im- pressive lobby, beautifully landscaped lawns, immediate occupancy. Now -- showing for your inspection our com- pletely furnished 2-bedroom model. Suite. For information see supt. at THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marland Ave.,,Apt. 111 728-4283 GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite ADULTS ONLY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TELEPHONE 723-1712 -- 728-2911 For Appointment "UPPER DUPLEX OFF HILLCROFT ST, Large 20 foot living room, bedroom, dinette and kitchen, stove, refrigerator, carpeting ond drapes, Adults, Parking space. DIAL 725-3026 THREE-ROOM apartment, partially fur- pismo if wanted, sult couple with baby, quick sale, Realty Limited, 728- 23--Real Estate Wanted WE NEED "HOUSES" URGENTLY FOR A "FAST" SALE LIST WITH ACTIVE feet. Bickle Mfg aa Call Active | | | | | Street. For further WAREHOUSE fo rent -- 50" x 22', 88 REALTY LIMITED across from Post Office 14 SALEMEN TO "ASSIST" YOu 7265197 2. RESALE HOMES ln. Whitby Required Now Call Bill Johnston Schofield Aker Ltd, 728-1066 or 723-2265 SELL YOUR HOME TO FAST .. . FOR_ CASH OR TERMS, LIST WITH JOHN F, DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville 623- 3950 24--Stores, Offices, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES COCK UP office. $35.00 per month. Plenty of parking, Phone 728-6286. --= only. Phone 723-3290. 15th of pecereer after 4 p.m. OSHAWA -- Two-bed: Telephone . 728 22 apartment, "relrigeretor, 'hove location. Telephone i 668-5449 or Oshawa 728-0625 after Sst vane: ROOM apartment, sink and cup- boards in kitchen, also heat and lights free. Apply 505 Albert Street, Oshawa, WHITBY -- unfurnished apt, for rent immediate possession, adults preferred or 1 child only. For information tele- Phone 668-5413. THREE unfurnished rooms and bath, TV outlet. Central. Abstainers only. No chiid- ren. Available January |. Telephone 725- FOUR-ROOM pen higpeene all private, hot ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N, 728-867 | 34--Automobile Repair THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 7, 1964 2] TRA U iN Ih transmis- sions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339. EXPERT brake service and DEATH PENALTY ARGUMENT: front end suspension ore: 226 Celina Street. Call 723-423 OSHAWA =a Centre offers expert carburetor and auto eletre service, 222 King Street West, 728-0817. 35--Lost and Found FURNISHED housakeegl room. Share oath) with one person, arkiog. T SOWMANVILLE™ --. Near br seatpy extra large room, attractively for two gentlemen, twin beds, gh = le Pel 401, good meals. Bowmanville 623- Sink FURNISHED housek room, 'ator, central. and cupboards. Refrii Close to hospital. Suitable Call 725-9559 FURNISHED room for rent, Home privi- now. T 9808. TWO furnished light housek Suit young working couple. C Apply at 306 Pacific 5 LARGE yea twin ee ae oa. Close to down' north General Motor: fod hospital. pos 74 Oshawa Boulevard jorth. HOUSEKEEPING -- fridge and Stove, Suit married couple or two gentle- men. Apply 25 Division Potrest, FURNISHED room in quiet Ney cen- tral. Suit gentleman. Telephone 723-9225. 28--Room and Board ROOM and board, 5 day week. Close to north GM, hospital and downtown. Tele- phone 723-9677. ROOM 'and board one or two willing to poet Tdehone 9 723-3325. ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen willing to share. 5-day week, shift work- ers welcome. 183 Park Road South, 723-2644, ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, TV, parking, lunches packed. Telephone 723-1671, ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, close to north plant, hospital and bus line, single rooms. Telephone 725-2305. 29-----Wanted to Rent WOMAN with three small children, ur- ently needs three or four unfurnished 'coms. Reasonable, References avail- able. 7257121. WANTED TO RENT: Two-bedroom house by a couple with one child. Phone 728-1508. WANTED TO RENT or lease 5D to 75- acre farm in Bowmanville, Oshawa dis- trict preferred, Reply stating particulars to Box 519, Oshawa Times. WANTED --- Two or three bedroom house, in Oshawa, by December ist. Telephone collect Port Perry 985-7274. ing rooms. to bus. TED 'CAMPIN, MOTORS Welcomes You Back To Previous Location 607 King St. E. 723-4494--Res: 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD. MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 "$ ALL CASH $ For clean cars, or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up ot down Always top quality 1958 CHEVROLET two-door, ¢ good clean car. Must be sold this week. No reason- able offer refused. Telephone Whitby 668-4517. phone 728-7815 water heating, all Avail- able Immediately. Telephone 725-0809. FURNISHED threeroom apartment, pri- vate bathroom, private entrance, opposite! Anderson Street High School. Suitable for couple. Whitby 668-3276. 3% ROOMS aelirnished 'apariment, main floor, newly decorated, one child. Apply 744 Simcoe Street South, side door. THREE ROOM furnished : apartment F pri- vate bathroom, Suit quiet couple. Apply 218 Arthur Street. BOWMANVILLE. Modern five room ap artment end bath plus garage, Seif- contained, cdach house, oil heated, Avail- GROUND FLOOR -- two bedroom, un- furnished. Separate entrance, possession, central, reasonable. Adults HEATED apartment for rent. Available January | at 111 Dundes Street West, Whitby. Dial 623-5833, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, al! conven- lences, private entrance, newly decorated, ample parking facilities, gas range sup- plied. Immediate possession. Apply 165 Verdun Road, Oshawa, NICE clean three-room partment, all pent furniture. Apply 258 Cadliiag Avenue FIVE-ROOM, two-bedroom apartment in duplex, stove and refrigerator, lots of parking. Apply 665 Bloor Street East. Telephone 723-1282. $100, N MONTHLY. } Near "Shopping ¢ Centre. Two-bedroom apartment, refrigerator, built-in stove, Working adults only. Apply 330 Buena Vista Avenue, Apartment 1. TWO-BEDROOM apartment for rent. Available January |. Refrigerator, stove, dryer and washer supplied. Apply 299 Montrave, » Apt. 3. KING and Gibbon area, top floor, mod- ern two-bedroom, adults only, $105. log Bolahood. Mediate possession. Mr, 728. 5123. TWO-BEDROOM heated apartment, suit working couple, laundry facilities, heavy duty wiring. Immediate posses- sion. Apply 320 Verdun Road after 5 em. %6 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH, Bowman- ville. Twobedroom apartment in apart- ment building Range and refrigerator immedi- ately, Dial 424-3552. MODERN two-bedroom apartment on 15 Gibbons. Stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer free. Available after December 15. Adults only. Apply Apartment 2 in same building. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room upstairs apartment, $95 a month, private bath and entrance, no children, tile and carpeting. Apply 261 Cordova able January Ist. Nice view, Dial 623! 5406. immediate] 1953 PONTIAC, good shape, Radio etc. $150 or best offer, After 5 p.m. Call 725- 6630. 1958 FO! "two-door custom, radio, sao, "Whitby, 668-2139, 1953 BUICK. Excellent condition, 4 door automatic. Radio. 2 extra tres and 2 snow tires $150. Dial 942-4784, 1962 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, $1,000, take over payments, Excellent condition. Must sell. 155 Verdun Road. , standard, East after 4, 723-228) 1932 CHEVROLET coupe, partially re Stored, new battery, licence, $550, and drive sway. Apply Howard Motors, Kent Street North, Whitby. 1959 CHEV. four-door, standard trans- mission, good condition, Asking $850. or best. offer. Apply 230 Cordova Road or telephone 723-9685. 1954 CHEVROLET $100 or best offer 2159 or apply 741 Beaupre Avenue. 1957 CADILLAC, sedan De Ville, Fleet- wood interior, all power options, body in very good condition, mechanically A-1, private sale, Apply 33 Adelaide Avenue West or 723-7605. $795--195) PONTIAC © Parisienne, "A door, automatic, push-button radio used as for lady only.|p. leges. Suitable one or two ladies, Near}, 728- 1957 CHEVROLET station wagon, tele- -|USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make|_ trailers, also used-tires, 509 Bloor Street) Good running condition. Telephone 723-|~ LOST: North Newcastle, biack and answers to name of Mala At Has a a marking on . Please call 725-711 ae Lady's purse aise @ sum of money and important papers, vicinity Four Corners, Whitby on Monday. Finder please call 668-2815, Reward. LOST: Male dog, color black and silver, erd = pup, an- two 4 Three-year-old Chihuahua dog, ', black and brown, Family pet. Reward. Telephone 655-3073 Brooklin, -|36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET ANN DURNO--DECEASED, Creditors ond 'others huving claims against the Estate of Margaret Ann Durno, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County. and Province of On- tario are required to send, full porticulars and details of their claims in writing or otherwise to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Executors on or before the 31st day of December, 1964 in as much as after that date the assets of this estate will be distribut- ed having regard only to the claims that have been receiv- ed by the undersigned, DATED AT OSHAWA, this Ath day of December, 1964, JAMES A, MACDONALD, Barrister & Solicitor, 286 King Street West, OSHAWA, Ontario. Solicitor for: KENNETH DURNO ond CECIL DURNO, Executors of the Estate of MARGARET DURNO. PERCY HAROLD MciNROY, Buena Vista, Oshawa, will not be re Sponsible for any debts contracted in my name, by anyone, on or after this date, December 5, 1964, without my written consent, -- Percy. H, Mcinroy. 352 38--Coming Events ready to abolish hanging. 09 By JOSEPH MacSWEEN LONDON (CP) -- Britain, home of 'some of the most bi- zaare murders, is apparently The main argument this time, though, seems centred around the meaning of "life," or just how long a so-called life sen- tence should run. A private member's bill. to end hanging, published Satur- day with ali-party support in the House of Commons, does not tackle this issue in a specific way but merely states that all murderers should get life im- prisonment, Although the anti - hanging measure is virtually certain of approval, controversy swirls around the present system of deeming '"'life" to be a matter of 15 years, with killers often obtaining freedom in nine or 10 years. .. Anti-abulitionists have also noted that Canada is among the countries still retaining the death penalty for capital mur- der, but newspapers have also reported that the Canadian House of Commons, like the British is planning a "free" vote on the issue. The politica) correspondent for the Sunday Times predicts a strenuous Commons cam- paign to strengthen the British bill in the definition of life im- prisonment to replace hanging. The Sunday Express, in an anti-abolition article, says Syd- ney Silverman, the Labor mem- ber who introduced the bill, and other backers will give every assurance that life imprison- ment wi'l, in fact, be a lifetime thing. "But, however sincere at the time, how much will such assur- ances be worth once abolition becomes law?" the newspaper asks. There is consilerable argu- ment about how much of a de- BINGO St. Gertrude's Auditorium TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M. 690 KING ST. E, AT. FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $230 - 56 Nos. $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 53 Nos. $100 $20 Consolation, Good Prizes PARKING IN SCHOOL YARD DURING ROAD CONSTRUCTION WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos, 51 ond 57 TONIGHT -- 8 P.M. RED BARN _EXTRA BUSES ~ KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 56 and 51 EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. wW. EASTVIEW PARK EUCHRE BOYS' CLUB (Main Floor) EULALIE AVE. MON., DEC. 7th, 8 P.M. 50c Refreshments and Prizes STREAMS OF MUD Scientists have discovered huge streams of mud have carved massive canyons . 2,000 feet below the surface of the Indian Ocean, second car. Excellent condition. 668-5447) 1956 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, transmission, New battery. 'Good fires. Reliable transportation, Must sell $135. 725-8885. 31---Compact Cars for Sale VOLVO SALES: and SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New ond Used Cors 334 Riston Rd. 5. 723-3461 Open Evenings ENVOY deluxe new tires. Superb iv oad, 723-3292. THREE-ROOM apariment, newly dacor- ated. Heat and utilities supplied. Imme-|-- diate Lge Suit couple, one child STORE OR OFFICE space for rent, 21¥%x 132. Ideal for beauty shop or office. Parking. Central location: Celina information, 725-6605. cubic feet, $50 monthly. Apply Mackie's Van and Storage. Telephone 728-6279 days. 728-4844 or 728-9632. FOUR Soom two bedroom unfurnished apartment, private bathroom, heat, hydro; water included. $75 monthly, Telephone 723-6826. 2 ROOM furnished apartment, clean, quiet, close to hospital, suit working 25--Houses for Rent IMMEDIATE possession, three- and four. bedroom house. Just completed. Brand new, all maintenance included. Free park- Ing. 'Less than apartment rent. Firat choices facing water. Phone Owner, 942 1600, between | p.m. 8 and 2 p.m. THREE ROOM winterized d cottage | at take, $25 monthly, Telephone 726-0480. EIGHT-ROOM ranch style home, bath, oil furnace, five acres of land with pond. Close to church, store "apo ses 'on good highway. Winter and sports centre, Good possibilities, er market gardening. tmmediate possession. $80. monthly with option of, buying. Contact w Stapleton, Newtonville, 786-2244, Beach,| ELGIN AT PARK ROAD, four-bedroom, wharves, etc \Proven very valuable orch-/1'4-storey, oi! heat. Possession December ard land: North Shore Realty, Street North, 725-3560. 112 Simcoe} 15, $100. monthly. John Bolahood, 728-5123, Mr, couple. T 28-5984. 2 BEDROOM apartment for rent. Avail- able December 29. Infant welcome. Tele- phone THREE-room apartment. Ground floor. Heavy-duty wiring. Private bath, attached garage. Suit couple $65 monthly . 728-3739. 27--Rooms for Rent NICELY furnished room for rent for single person in clean home close to north General Motors. 105 Mary Street, 728-0764, NICELY furnished room. In quiet home, near General Motors north plant; Gentle. man preferred. Apply 232 Athol street, east FURNISHED rooms. Single beds. Close to south General Motors. Parking space Call 725-2915. SINGLE AND DOUBLE rooms; meais if desired. Apply 25 Division Street, 723-1807. a GatiaaAGER good condition, two new tires. Telephone 725-1818 after 5 p.m. 32--Trucks for Sale 1963 CHEVROLET pick-up truck, model 1524. Telephone 725-4853. 1950 CHEVROLET 'ton panel. condition, $95. Telephone 723-752). Cy eee bil CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used cor to "Ted Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "Sove". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 - OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. SHAW auto Wrecking Co., cars boughi parts for sale. Iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street east 725-231) LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wan! cars el; Good e, RUFUS CHOATE, 52 stands 7; at rail of converted fireboat that he calls home while his wife, Alice; makes a pie in for wrecking. Highest prices paid, 200 Wentworth East, 725-1181, the galley at the World War Il submarine base of Dutch VETERAN RETIRES VICTORIA (CP) -- Captain Fred Hucul, 33, of Victoria Maple Leafs has decided to re- tire after 14 seasons of profes- sional hockey. He plans to leave the Western Hockey League team here this week and return to his cattle ranch at Caroline, Alta., about 120 miles northwest of Calgary. Hucul was a de- fenceman in the national league with Chicago Black Hawks for How Long For Life Sentence? terrent the death penalty really vivid polnt thet Ie Gertelany i point that a deterrent for the ten who is hanged--he cannot commit new murders. The case is recalled of topher Simcox, whose dea sentence for Killing his wife was commuted to life in 1948, He was released 10 yaers later, only to murder his sister-in-law five years after that. The new measure is intended to replace the compromise 1957 Homizide Act, which. retained the death penalty for murders committed with guns, explo- sives, or in the course of theft, or for murder of policemen. Jagan May Be Replaced GEORGETOWN (AP)--Some 225,000 British Guianians are voting today in an election ex- pected to replace Marxist Prime Minister Cheddi Jagan's government with a shaky, mid- dle-road coalition. The contest is considered a turning point for the racially disturbed British colony on the northern coast of South Amer- ica, which has been seeking in- dependence. British Guiana has had inter- nal self-government since 1961, but has not yet acquired inde- pendence. Last year, Governor Sir Rich- ard Luyt assumed full powers following two years of disturb- ances, particularly racial strife between East Indians and Ne- roes. The British have been afraid to free the colony while a Marxist holds power there. Pre-election surveys indicate that Jagan's Peoples Progres- sive Party may win about 45 per cent of the popular vote; Under a new proportional rep- resentation plan, However, if it does not win more than 50 per cent of the vote, Jagan will probably lose contro] of the as- sembly. His chief rival, who is ex- pected to forge the new coall- tion, is Forbes Burnham, 41, Negro socialist leader of the four years from 1951. People's National Congress. DUTCH HARBOR, Unalaska Island (AP)--Rufus Choate at 52 is a man. who can look at the |flanks of glacier-clad mountains on this bleak Aleutian island and see a booming sheep and cattle ranch. He can peer at an abandoned postoffice, which once this Second World War U.S. Army outpost. and envision a rambling, comfortable home. A leaky barracks is to him a henhouse; a prisoner-of-war stockade, a horse corral; ware- houses, shearing sheds for his sheep; an old ammunition dump, buried in the side of a mountain, a walk-in food cellar. Last spring, Choate sold his 6,000-acre cattle ranch in the Big Horn foothills near Miles City, Mont., and set out with his family for what he considers to be "the last great open range left in the United States." Helping him are his wife, Alice; a daughter, Sue, 21, and sons Jim, 20, and Ted ~10. BOUGHT FIREBOAT The Choates bought a con- verted 74-year-old fireboat, the Robert Eugene, in Seattle. They crammed it full of pro- Harbor on Unalaska Island in the Aleutians. Choate, who last spring sold his 6,000 acre cattle ranch in Montana, hopes io establish 'a sheep and catiie ranch on the 268,000 served| of Pair Forsake Montana For Bleak Island Home visions and livestock and salléd the 2,035 miles to this dot of land in the Aleutian chain, learning navigation on the way. Awaiting the family was the entire northeastern comer of Unalaska--268,000 acres--on a 20-year lease from the bureau land management...It in- cluded an abandoned army camp. They are still living on the Robert Eugene, tied up at the old Dutch Harbor submarine base where Japanese dive bombers killed 43 in June, 1942. The ranch population has grown to 500 Columbia sheep, 52 Hereford cattle, 50 chickens, four. sows, a boar, three geese, five saddle horses, a heifer and a milk cow. CONSIDER NAME They're thinking of naming the spread the Bar Nothing. Choate, who has built two ranches, feels the third will be the luckiest, "We'll make out fine," he said, pointing to the grassy low- lands where his sheep grazed. "There is going to be an in- gar out there--I'm sure of acres he has leased for 20 years on the bleak island. The Choates left Montana with their three children because "Life was pretty cut and dried back there."