~ eS Vyeau = ONLY THERE AINT NOI PAR! WHAT, WHY OH, THERES LOTSA IN ALL BRIGHT AN' SHINY~ I PON'TCHA COME THE HOUSE AN' COPY IT?! TIM STILL GAINING WEIGHT! AND I'M BEGINNING TO GET. WORRIED ABOUT IT/ PUGH-LIPS WOULD HELP MB ANY4 THINK PUSH= AVS WOULD Features Syndicate, tnc., 1964. World rights reserved. 7 EXACTLY ON MY RECEIVER. WITH S| THIS PRINCIPLE WE CAN TRANSMIT HUMAN VOICES! SR THE LONE RANG SECRET AGENT X9 TELEVIS CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WGR:-TV Channel 2--Buffalo CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, li---Famity Theatre 9--Five O'Clock Matinee | 8--Superman 7--The Early Show 6--World Of Nature 4--Five O'Clock Show Ny 7--Ben +3--The Six Wee*her - fh: ALWAYS THAT PANG OF THERE'S NEVER ANYTHIN: OVER THE REST OF THE CHOLLA 19. A Goop Boy/ Now WES BACK HOME... THESE OLD 4 WILL SEE GRASS A WAVIN 1 MAXROYS! a Sa! G WHAT DID YOU WANT TO ABOUT, PAW? prom LK J---=-- ~ MICKEY MOUSE "THEN COULD I HAVE WHAT'S ALL THAT } + ABOUT ? y--< Sar 3 \ "hr ? + e ~_ tes OH, JUST GRANDMA'sS 6OFY- C 2% SARTED WAY L ey 3 ° SHE SCARES "EM OUT 1 OF THE HOUSE / (6) \ P WOW LONG WERE YOU DOWN WITH YOUR COLD, BUBBA? fom ALL MY MBALS IN BED! T ~~ WOULDNT BE UP YET EXCEPT T KNOW FROM BEFORE THAT AFTER THE THIRD DAY.. "A 2--Yog!. Bear 5:30 PLM. 6--Music Hop 2~--Tales of Wells Fargo) 4:08 PM, 6--Karen 2--Today, 1964 6:13 P.M deSports with chuck _|#2--Tonight Healy | 6--Municipal | Coverage 3% P.M. } | 11-P--News, Weather, Tue Sports | 6:00 6-2--Huntiey-Brinkiey |11--Sehnitzel News | News; 7---M-Squad 4--Across Canada } 8:30 $--Romper | 6:43 PL | Family Theatre 9:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 9--Playtime @--The Addams Family | Bobby ; &2--Alfred Hitchcock Casey Miss Helen | Captain Kangaroo ION LOG CBLT-TV Channel 6-Torento WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel §--Rochester -» CKVR-TV Channel] 3--Barrie 12:00 NOON 'Hes 4---Slattery's People 10:30 P.M, 6---Toronto File | T1008 P.M. | 11-9-8-7-6-6-3-2--News ther Popeye and Pals. | (2:18 P.M. | 4--Speaker of the House and Sports 12:30 P.M, W215 PLM. Metro Final --Viewpoint 11:28 P.M. | 7-4eLate Show 4--Night Metre | 19:30 P.M. 9--Pierre Berton 4--Search for Tomorrow | 3--Noonday Report 12:45 PLM, Guiding Light Show Election SDAY A.M. House is ie | Meet the Millers | deMike Douglas Shaw 1:30 PM. Day Matinee The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 9--Abracadabra | 4--Password | 2-Loretta Young |11--Mid AM, baad Room With Uncle 7--Dialing For Dollars 2:30 P.M. 4--Mike's © 2-Movie 9:30 » Weather, .4--Phil Silvers Show U 3--No Time For Serg- eants 2--Bachelor Father 7:30 PLM. 9---Mickey 7--Voyage To Bottom of The Sea j 43--Don Messer's Jubilee 4--To Tell the Truth 2--Checkmate |}i--Ed | 0--Meta 10:00 i--Super Bi 9--Playtime 4--News 10:30 \1l--Father K 9--Bingo | 8:00 PM. 11--Twelve O'Clock High 9--Bewltched 63--Show of the Week 4--I've Got A Secret 8:30 P.M. 9--Bingo 7--No Time For Sergeants 19:00 4--Andy Griffith Show 11--Seariett 2--Have Gun Will Travel| 9 james B 9:00 P.M. 1\--Slattery's People F--Civie Elections 63--Friendly ly Willams 4---Andy of 7--Wendy and Me | ms Ie we a |63--Chez Hel 7:30 PM by j 7--Take A Chance Pat ced Mes 7--Bing Crosby Show | 4--Star Performance : 10:00 P.M. VW--That Regis Philbin | 7--Price ts | 7--Message Allen 7--Father Knows 8-2--Make Room Di y 7--Girl Falk } 63--School Telecasts /8-2--What's This Song &3--Across Canada +i Love Lucy | 8-2--Concentration 9--Toronto Today | &-2--Jeopardy 7---Missing Links | 6-3--Butternut Square | 4-The McCoys crnival | %--Four of A Kind #2--The Doctors 7--Day in Court | 6--Loretta Young | 4--House Party | 3-Super Bingo | 700 P.M, 9--People in Confilet 7--General Hospital | 8-2--Another World |&3--As the World Turns | 4-To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M. 1i--Furny Program 9--It's Your' fhove 8-2--You Don't Say 7--The Young Marrieds 63--Take Thirty 4--Edge of Night 4:00 PLM. %--Mickey Mouse Club &~The Match Game | 7--Malor Adams, Trail- | master | 643--Secret_ Storm | 2--Captain. Bob aM. Bast A.M. ingo With Bobby For A.M. nows Best Right AM. Hill eard Show 4:30 PLM. lant -? 1~Yog! Bear Mayberry lene ALM. 'Steed 4--Leave it To Beaver TUESDAY VE. 5:00 P.M. |Family Theatre | $-Five O'Clock Matinee 8--Superman YOUR HEALTH | yo /) MI) Eye Inflammation | Needs Treatment By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD. Dear Dr. Molner: I would like information on an uncommon ailment. My doctor says I have arthritis of the eye. What are the symptoms and treatment? Can it be cured? Can it impair vision or cause blindness?-- F.D.J. 4 Are you sure, sir, that. you haven't got your "itis'" mixed up? Arthritis is stiffness, pain and deformity of a joint An eye condition which sounds similar is iritis, inflammation of the iris or colored membrane of the eye surrounding the pupil. it is true (although not. com- mou} that rheumatoid arthritis as well as other collagen dis- eases can sometimes cause in- flammation of the eye as a com- plication, but we can't call if "arthritis of the eye" except by resorting to poetic licence. Anyway, there are many dis- orders and infections of the iris, jfrom that and other causes |They produce pain, excessive | fow of tears, and distarbances) af wiaion. Whether vision is impaired or even destroyed depends on the precise type of ailment, and de- pends even more on whether the ailment is treated or neglected. Since iritis may be related to infections elsewhere in the body, underlying causes should be cor- rected. Antibiotics are frequently used, but for specialized cases, other treatments may be re- quired. I refer you to your eye doctor. Most iritis responds well to treatment. Dear Sir: Would you answer these questions about the bar- tholin glands: ' 1--Is any antibiotic effective for bartholinitis? 2--If the glands are infected, wouldn't they enlarge? (They were very much enlarged be- fore being drained, but not since.) 3--If there is infection, would there be a discharge that would be irritating? 4--What. can be done 'for an [--f THESE SHOULD MAKE YOUR GIRL FORGIVE YOU! > AND TLL TAKE A BOUQUET OF CATNIP TOO! ae agi 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 7, 1964 99 CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1. Minister's 1. Mayan house: . Indians Scot. 2. Sweetsop 6.Condescend 3. Particle of negation 4, Vehicles with runners 5. Otherwise 6. Quiets TA cafeteria necessity 8. Cereal grain 9. Poem 10. Through 16. Sorrow 17. Accumulate 18. A sudden roll of aship 19. Worship 12. Sultan's ~ decree 13, Merchant Marine officers 14. Newer 15. Famous American admiral 17. A mournful flying insect catcher 21. : SICA MNS THlolD) nied (PIAIVIE Mm IAI Re] IRIOISIINMMATEIGIe lo} (RIOTS SI Tle le le[s} PMR ATHIE Io} (iS Bis ATC ICMMOINTE! IATTITIT IRIE MEE INIDIS] MOT TRIE MAIL IAlS ISTE MECILIOlG} SIUCEMTIAINAT 36. Leather flask for oil 37. Comfort 38, Jump, as on one foot t [2 73 5 fyye it WE 3 9 UM Oe | 38. Greeting: var, 41, Hospital CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesters' \Individuel Championship Pley) FAMOUS HANDS West dealer. . East-West ; aK104 e6 OAKQI852 235 98T3 ances $33 i oeat Sous 31063 AQ6S goies 10 HAEQ? The bidding: North East Gouth 1 Pes 2 > 4 Pass ise 6¢NT Opening lead -- king of hearts. It would certainly be reason- able to assume that when two teams get together to play for the world championship the calibre of bridge that resulted || would be representative of the best. But while it is true that in general this expectation is met, it ig also true that in such matches there invariably occur a few scattered hands which shock the faithful and make them realize that even the ex: pert foot is made of clay. nprising when you con- sider that each participant plays several hundred hands makes several thousand deci for the course. As an example of how bridge should not be played, look this hand which occurred in the match between Great Britain and the United States in 1056. The bidding went as shown when a British pair held North-South cards. Why jump-shifted in hearts than clubs or spades, ther four notrump was as Blackwood, I don't know, the fact is that South wound as declarer in six West pogreslige| no finding st opening Being an old-fashioned player, and having no desire to experi- ment with other ideas, he led the K-A of hearts, which made Uncle Sam 50 points richer. When the U.S. held the North- South cards, the bidding was equally odd. North opened with three notrump and South sponded six notrump. The Am- erican pair were playing @ sys- tem where the three notrump opening was a gambling bid thet showed a long minor suit that could be run, and little else. pepe 1,020 points. So, in what less than brilliant WESTER Uo Cleaning e Parts on your Furnace when you marenete 95-1212 & 24-Hour Service FREE @ "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS, Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. te 10 P.M. Ey COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colbome St. at Church St. 728-6341 poe OPEN ommme DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days « Week pei 45, Giraffe- like mammal 46. Quench 47. Crowns of heads 48. Church official ied have not helped much. Soap is irritating --MRS. AD 1--Usually one or more of the antibiotics will be effective, but it is usual to drain the glands, too, as was done in your case. 2 and 3--So long as they re- main open and draining, you would not expect enlargement Any drainage would be washed alkaline condition in the vagi- nal area? Acid douches, atc. away by natural secretions or would avert tisk of irritation. 4--There are numerous medi- cated douches. Rely on whatever your doctor suggests. However, douching is not going to do much good for an infécted bartholin gland. These glands are situated at the outlet, not.in the area that a douche would reach. Sit- ting in a hot bath would be more effective, both for sooth- ing effect and for sleaning. © Vegetables © Meots © Groceries @ Fresh Fruits FREE DELIVERY 723-5241 Offering Safe, Courteous Service 46 King St. W. Oshawa