B.C. MINISTER Ralph Raymond Loffmark, 43, is the minister of industrial development, trade and com- merce, in the British Colum- bia cabinet. He was elected Sept. 30, 1963, to the provin- cial legislature as a member for Vancouver Point Grey and was elevated to the cabinet Post on March 20, this pest, (CP Photo) 'Little' U.K. Election Is Due Soon LONDON (Reuters)--The La- bor government today named two of its elected members of Parliament to the House of Lords, thus setting up a "'little eral election' expected in anuary. Byelections to fill the two seats, and three others vacated when outgoing Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home named three Conservatives to the House of Lords, will probably all be held on the same day. They are not expected to bring any change in party standing in the House of Com- mons, since all the seats are wegarded as "safe" for the party that held them. The two Labor members of Parliament were given life peer- ages today in order to open up safe Labor seats for two lead- ing members of Wilson's cab- inet who are not members of the House of Commons. They are Foreign Secretary Patrick Gordon Walker, who will run in the East London seat of Leyton (Labor by almost 8,000 votes in October) and Technology Minister Frank Cousins, who will seek election tn Nuneaton (Labor by 11,700 in October). The two new peers were, among 13 Labor supporters and three Liberals, all named as life peers today. Among the home secretary in the 1945-51 Labor government; Fenner Brockway, 76, for many years a controversial figure in move- ments aimed at helping people in Britain's colonies; and Har- old Collison, 55, chairman of the 8,000,000-member Trades Union Congress. The three Liberals named to the peerage included Lady Vio- let Bonham Carter, 77, daugh- ter of former Liberal prime minister H. H. Asquith. Jailed Three Years Indecent Assault WOODSTOCK (CP) -- David Bennett Brewer, 35, of Wood- stock was sentenced Thursday to three years in penitentiary after Magistrate R. G. Groom of Tillsonburg convicted him Nov. 20 of a charge of indecent assault. Brewer was charged after a nine-year-old girl was assaulted in a wood near here Aug. 29. VOTE DAVID J. POWLESS FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION Sound Administration for Your Family and Mine. December 7, 1964 Stop Shopping A : ~ r all yours..+- CHRISTMAS Size 35 x 21 x 3%". ~ Players in Montreal and Canadian colors. Uses two size 'D" Batteries Jungle Battlefront Set Complete with jeeps, tank, orm- red carrier, amphibious weasel, tnt 77 exploding bridge, cannon, guns, tents, soldiers, ete. Be os RN ETE MOBILE ARMORED BATTLE FORCE 20" Goliath Tonk, 20 Half Track Tank Destroyer, 14" pud- % 97 dle jumper; 16" scissor bridge, « Jeep, tonk, soldiers with geor. .. SHOOTING GALLERY Litho board h >i Pkg cn sf 97 gun and 4 darts ATOMIC TANK 36" | PI Tank cmp ith Hing mi $4. 77 +n 5 WINDMILL PLASTIC TEA SETS Sets contain: 3 cups, saucers, pm di knives, forks, spoons, each teapot, cream jug and aie bowl. Assorted decora- tions, MISSILE ROCKET 'scr' Complete with three lounching towers, 3 stoge missile, Hel 77 port with eopter, 2 rocket In- e stallotions, missile corrier, ete. TOW TRUCK 14g Toe The INFLATED VINYL PLAY BALLS 97: Balls. with .Christ- mas design in red and green. colors. 10" diam. geese JET PLANE $9.97 Size 16 x 1342". Litho design plane complete with lights. our Shopping Convenience OPEN NIGHTLY | UNTIL 10 P.M. NEEDS 98 4 'METAL CAR with FRICTION MOTOR Assorted designed cars , for te sec These s? O27 all move with Batteries. "Use Your K-mart CREDIT CARD"! GUERRILLA FIGHTER NOT AS ILLUSTRATED Monkey Division Set consists of 'motorized automatic pistol with rapid fire on hagas ment gun attach grenade, DUMP TRUCK 14" long Plastic Dump Trucks in.assorted colors . » Anti-Tank Rockets ond Louncher,-Armor Piercing Shells and Launcher and Guerrilla Gun in one. CHATTY CATHY '. 2.88 20" Tall doll with sleeping eyes, velvet ond lace dress and speaks 18 different phrases. Assorted hair styles and colours to choose from. ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY DONKEY RIDE 'EM PLUSH ANIMAL Stuffed body mounted on four wheels, 19" long and 9%" wide. Also none B99 figure available ........ MIGHTY 'M0' CANNON Complete with breech loading and remote contro! firing mechanism. Fires $ plastic. cannon balls .... DELIVERY TRUCK 14" long Plastic Trucks in "dl Cc sorted COIOS 3050s caine Metal Overland Train 11%" long train with litho design, whistling sound $ and mystery action ..... SERVICE STATION SET pe tery $©.77 Two late model cars, wax, sponges, towels and signs.