Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Dec 1964, p. 14

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Absentees Spoil Spirit Of Giving In Volunteer Jobs By ROBERTA RoEsCH _{mailed should be carefully wrap:|>aper is also available:in travel ped for protection. Gift wrap ex-|snsembles Which help, you en- perts have mafy suggestiohs to] sure your gifts arrive intact and help you make stifé yotit pre-j|9n time. Once the parcel jis Wrapped, have it weighed for sents arrive safe and pretty: eirect posthge and eared I AT THE White Cross Centre's open house last week, Mr. T. J. Heath, left, presi- dent of the Oshawa Branch, White Cross Cen Canadian Mental Health Asso- ciation and inspector of public schools, Mrs. Heath, Mrs. Margaret Shaw, Mrs. Lyman tre Displays Achievements To The Public Mrs. Lyman Gifford gra-; Giously presided at the opening of the White Cross Centre's Open House, held recently at 187 Simede street south. In her femerks she paid tribute to the work done by the Canadian Mental Health Association and the White Cross Centre. Mrs. Gifford was introduced by Mr. Thomas Heath, president of the Oshawa Branch, Canadian Men- tal Health Association. Work done by members of the Centre for example painting, leather and copper craft work, was on display, The bazaar tables and white elephant tables afforded opportunities for pur- whases. Refreshments were served by some of the White Cross Centre members, Pouring tea was Mrs. Thomas Heath and Mrs. Alice Rickard. Among the people assisting in this event were: Miss" Beryl Gifford arid Miss Beryl Bas- singwaighte, executive secre- tary of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association, admire a paint- ing done by a mierfiber of the centre. Other paintings, leath- er and copper craft work were also on display. -- --Oshawa Times Photo Wemen 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 4, 1964 Bassingthwaighte; s Of the Pilot Club, Mrs. Jack Bar- nard, Mrs. Walter Beach, Mrs. J, L. Dodds, Mrs. C. C. Stewart, Mrs. George Rudd, Mrs. Helen Chapman, Mrs, Frank Prosser, Mrs. Helen Thorndyke, Mrs. William Shewchuk, Mrs. R. V. Sheffield, Mrs. Ted Stewart, Miss Millie Moise, Miss Lois Vandusen, Miss Cecilia Kelly, Miss Emily Skerratt, Miss Claire Nash, and others. Beauty Battles Hard Water Scum Lemon rubs, milk baths, vine- @@r rinses and beer shampoos. These ate just a few of the looks dull, won't fluff out, and is brittle after setting," he says. The mineral hardness in the water leaves soap scum and curd in the hair which causes a dingy film. It also makes hair snag and mat, he says. "With softened water," says Mr, Freeman, "hair comes per- tectly clean and looks brilliant. You can see and feel a distinct difference after only one rins- ing with hair taking on a softer, .|fuller body while becoming more should] manageable -- an essential for this season's hair styles." Water hardness in Canada vaties from slightly hard to very hard with homemakers in the prairie 6s and south- ern Ontario fighting the hardest lighter comb-out, |battles. CELEBATING SILVER WEDDING ~ Friends from the Ukrainian, _Ttalian and English speaking communities were present to hélp Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kote- lewetz (above), Park road north, celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary recently in the Ukrainian National Fed- eration Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Kotelewetz wete married in the Ukraine and came to Can- ada, settling in Oshawa in 1951. They have four chil- dren, Boris, Valentina, Nadia and William, who arranged the surprise party for their parents, Also present was the mother of the bride of 2 years, Mrs. Maura Mochna- chuk, who lives with couple. « Chairmen Oshawa Sofety League . Member Troffie Advisory Council . Executive Member Oshawa Heart Foundation . Provincial Returning Officer , FOR COUNCIL ELECT Martin, G. |X The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch' 43 held its weekly meeting with the president, Mrs. Norman Mc- Evers presiding. The financial report of the bazaar was given by Mrs. Rob- ert Williams. It was a decided suecess and the best bazaar in every respect held by the Aux- iliary over the years. Mrs. Alyn Elliot, convener and Mrs. Mc- Evers expreséed their thanks to all conveners and members who had donated and worked so faithfully to ensure its success. Plans were made to send do- nations from the. monies rais- ed, first and foremost to the Men's Branch, to help finance the Children's Christmas tree and party the sum of $200; a further donation to the Poppy Fund;' and to the TB Seals the sum of $25. Letters of tnanks were read from recipients of scholarships given by the Aux- Lmtd to the Oshawa Colleg- es. Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar swells Coffer For Legion Work It was annouriced that t he election of officers would be held Tuesday, December. 8, and all members were asked to come out and vote.-It was point- ed out that the membership of the Auxiliary was large accord- ing to the books but the attend- ance at business meetings was poor. Members were asked to try to attend at least some of the meetings and especially next week's election of officers, so there would be a good atterid- ance, Dues must be paid up till the end of September to be eligible to vote. The installation dinner will be held on January 12, price $1.10 and tickets will be on sale next week. The Christmas party is on December 15 with an ex- change of gifts,-price for gifts one dollar and with members name enclosed. Mrs. James Anderson gave a financial report on recent cater- ing and on the cedar chest draw lvolunteer transportation corps lwork by doing the following If you're a volunteer worker, how good are you at your job? Better, we hope, than some olunteers we have to report to- y. "Despite all the good volun- teers in the world, the trouble) * tiously as they would a paid) © job "Consequently, too many of i them consider their two hours, 10 hours of 20 hours a week a completely sporadic thing which doesn't have to involve them too much if they want to give it a whirl for a while and then move on to something else." "Equally as bad," another re- eruiter added, "are the count- less volunteers who are unde- f ble on a project éven while they're gi it a whirl. They feel because they're work- ing 'for free' they're free to be absent at will. "Just today, for example, I ran into this situation twice in my own job of supervising 4 Two years old today are Peter and Paul, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, THE TWINS SHARE A BIRTHDAY Northview road, Oshawa. The boys have a big playmate at home, a brother, Mark, eight years old. for handicapped children. One driver was néver héard from at all. And another called while we had children waiting to say she had 86 much to do she couldn't drive today." THROWS IN SPONGE "another very trying prob- lem," a third recruiter said, "is the volunteer who gets 'miffed' when things don't go her way. She throws in the spongé and leaves us whenever she isn't pleased, We know things don't run smoothly at times, but we try to do our best." None of these thrée examples is a pretty picture to view. keep yourself out of that frame- four things, if you're a volunteer worker or plan to be one soon. 1. Before you commit your- MITCHELL'S CORNERS H-S Mitchell's Corners Home and School Association held its No- vember meeting at the school Griffith explained the new ap- proach in mathematics to the parents, Mr. L. Heard thanked Mr. Griffith for his talk. Re- freshments were served. recently, with a large attend- ance, The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Arthur Peeling. The minutes were read by the recording secretary, Mrs. William Nicholls. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Lorne Heard. The new bylaw was read by Mrs. Coulson Scott. Mrs. M. Emmons' room, Grade 2, won the room banner for the largest attendance, Mrs. Roy Larmer introduced the guest speaker for the eve- ning who was Mr. Murray Griffith, the principal and teacher of Grade 7 and '8. Mr. DRAPERY MATERIAL in various colours & fabrics 8 & up M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA PHONE 723-7: ----* ir local post office. How fo get a BETTER REST| VIANNA For That SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MENU , @ SALAMI self to volunteer work, select the job carefully. Match it to your own talent and interests and make sure you believe in it wholeheartedly. When these strengths are supporting the job, you're likely to be a "Reg- ular" instead of a 'Sporadic. 2. Prior to signing up for a volunteer job, make a serious analysis of how much time you will have for it. Then definitely plan before you plunge. 3. Unless you have lots of hours to give to volunteer. ac- tivities, resolve to do an active and good job for one or two-.or- ganizations, instead of having your name on the roll call for innumerablé ones, Remember, in almost every case it's better to be "Present" at one job than it is to be "Absent" at 10. 4. Wherever you work as 4 volunteer, make a genuine ef-| fort to get along with the other/ THIS IS THE TIME FOR ACTION. Let us fully understand the importance in every area of society, to prepare today's stu- dénts. for tomorrow's opportunities. Dec. 7 -- VOTE and RE-ELECT MRS. ANNIE LEE Board of Education | @ SMOKED MEATS @ VIRGINIA HAM @ KRAKOWSKA @ POLISH KALBASA: and mony more. . . Ask obout our Party Packs. We cerry oli kinds of baked fresh goods, including Ger- mah Foney Pastries ond Jewish Rye Breed ond Rolls. VIANNA DELICATESSEN /® 543 RITSON RD. 8. 728-3281 eVeRYone FROM DAVIDSON'S SHOE STORE 31 SIMCOE ST. N. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA workers. You're likely to meet all types on the job so when things aren't running smoothly re-| member that errors afe human while forgiveness is divine. held at the bazaar. HUMORESQUE CLUB The Humoresque Club for the Blind held a social last Thurs- day evening at the ORC Build- ing with the president, Miss Vera Siblock, presiding. After the singing of the club song and the verse for the Blind, Miss Vera Siblock turned the meeting over to the social convener, Mrs. Murray Chute. The evening was spent playing calling the numbers. Winners were: Mrs, Guy Forrest, Miss Vera Siblock, Mrs. Arthur Wake- ly, Mrs. William Suddard, Mrs. Percy Mountjoy, Miss Freda White, Mrs. Murray Chute, Mrs. Howard fHliott, Mr. Roland Cousins, Mrs. Dennis Klimezak, Mrs. Peter Gatchell, Mrs. Den- his Mochnachuk, Mrs. Thomas McDonotigh and Miss Ada Mc- Donough. Refreshments were served by Lionettes Mrs. Jack Anderson and Mrs. Roy Willmar assisted by Lion Jack Anderson and Har- old Phillips. HAPPY DOUBLES CLUB The regular meeting of the King Street United Church Hap- Py Doubles Club was held re- cently. The devotional part of the evening was held in the chapel with Christmas as the theme. Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gomme conducted the worship service. Mrs. James Bell sang "Silent Night" accompanied by Miss Hazel Rundle at the chapel organ. Mr. Tetry Keys played several Christmas carols on his violin. The club members moved to the centennial hall for a short business meeting at which time the | --Mary's Studio | UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Mrs, Frank Burrows thanked the committee and the entire club for making the 20th anni- varsany week end a terrific success, Mr. and Mrs. James Powell and their group portrayed 'The Night before Christmas."' The meeting closed with a sing- song led by Mr. Cyril Powell. Refreshments were served by FOR CHRISTMAS SWAN'S HARDWARE fs arm 'Brooks Fireplace 6 OFF LES EVENISS SALES | 15 PRINCE ST. 725-4632 || the group in charge. bingo with. Lion Harold Phillips |, 2 FO! Recorder, ete. Make Fleetwo @ RECORD FREE Look What ROGER'S Offering FOR THE PRICE OF A Tremendous offer! Buy the, major appli- ance you want as a gift for Christmas und gét additional FREE gift... Roger Majestic Notdemende With Every Major Appliancé Purchase, such giffs os @ TAPE RECORDERS @ PORTABLE TY's RADIOS @ CLOTHES DRYERS etc. GIFTS R CHRISTMAS GIVING such as Tape HI-Fi Radio, Record Player, etc., your sélection today! od Dumont Speed Queen Crosley- Moffat Kelvinator PLAYERS e TRANSISTOR TILL FEB, 1965 APPLIANCES 155 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-2151 MPAA MMP MEM M CHOOSE FROM ) Corning Ware Snow Blowers TV Trays Carving Sets Rifles Rods and Reels Cocktail Sets HAIR CUTTING KIT Elec. SHOE SHINER | Every purchase entitles you Stocking . . . it's about 8 | quolity toys... what a gift -------- oo eR THE WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE OF OSHAWA Directors of SIMCOE HALL BOYS' CLUB EASTVIEW Announces Registrations For SWIMMING COURSES CHILDREN--Registrations--Wed. Dec. 9th, 1:30--4:00 P.M, -- 7;00---9:00 P.M, Lessons--12-1 hr, weekly--Fee $6.00 (plus membership) : MOTHERS & PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN--Registration--Wed, Dec. 16th, 1:30--4:00 P.M. -- 7:00--9;:00 P.M. Lessons---6 - ¥ hr, weekly--Fee $1.50. ADULT--Registrations--Wed. Dec. 16th, 1:30---4;00 P.M. -- 7:00--9:00 P.M, Lessons 12-hr, weekly--Fee $10.00. LADIES--Thursday mornings 9:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. MIXED ADULT & YOUNG ADULT -- Tuesdays, 9:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M. LADIES RECREATIONAL SWIMMING--Wednesdays 9:30--10:30 A.M.--Fee $6.00 for twelve weeks. ADULT RECREATIONAL SWIMMING--Wednesdays 9:00---10:30 P. M.--Thursdays 3:00 4:00 P.M. Fee--50c admission. ; NUMBERS LMITED IN CLASSES--REGISTER ON THESE DATES FOR INFORMATION CALL--728-5121 eo OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GIF TS Melmac Dinnerware @ & . + and many, many more gifts thet please. ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH ........ 9.95 neehs sunias FREE DRAW $150 WORTH OF TOYS Canisters Polishers Vacuum Cleaners Power Tools Small Appliances Kitchen Sets Fireplace Equipment Figurines iii) sae ---- ee ee - + I I | to @ draw on Sonto's Big | feet high ond filled with 1 for Christmas, ae a oe ee es TV TRAYS Good selection, Including fibreglass PRICED 7.7 7 FROM TOYS "Swan's have the best selection". Come in and see for yourself, Kaye's have the ¢lothes for you. The latest styles in all sizes, make your Christmas a happy one. Shop where your satisfac- tion is our pleasure, Say Charge It At Kaye's BUY KAYE'S GIFT CERTIFICATES Ladies' Wear fe AND KAYE Ss Sport Weer Be sure to visit our stores in Bowmanville 68 SIMCOE ST. NORTH # 725-5451 'i ance You can give him this Handiowe, Weteh for CNoristinas for just *1 ao week! ncn RES aR 8 es. Make _yaur.. sélection *. today from our excel- @ lént rarige: of farhous brand narhe- watches -by: such makers @8 ... , *® BULOVA.::° - © OMEGA: : BURNS TIMEX LONGINES WITTNAUER JEWELLERS . 723-7022 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. till. 9 PLM. SATURDAYS TILL 6 P:M.- USE YOUR CREDIT

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