pane eae ae acon gna The witness was insurance|special report by C THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, December 3, 1964 2] NBC Puts Bobby In The Spotlight Fs ad YORK Mae ype Na-;Democratic and Republican Broadcasting Company,|sénators, was both fascinating oe a 'aan decision Tuesday, and disillusioning. dropped most of its regular aft-) The full treatment served up ernoon television programming by NBC as a public service was for live coverage of the hear- ings by a Senate subcommittee |infinitely more illuminating investigating the Bobby Baker|than the "highlights" of the case. day's testimony <-- Pid a. late afternoon. tan Don Reynolds, His testi: NBC plans to continue its cov- Seas' deals ts Peat, 'tar erage as long as the hearings the peppery wrangling between !continue. enn YOU'LL ENJOY DEALING WITH ge SPECIALISTS! SERVICE STORES Z| ANIMAL SLIPPERS A Sizes 4 to 10 .. STRAIGHTEN | THE WHEELS! "TRY PUTTING IT IN LOW! BACK UP! When snow says NO! the best advice is... ac0 =O GOODFYEAR Goop*VEAR SERVICE STORES 162 KING ST. E. OSHAWA -- 725-9351 hed Your Convenience OPEN NIGHTLY ' UNTIL 10 P.M. Veal Sundays Excepted ne ie PS = mig SCHRISTMAS ) MEN'S SLIPPERS IPPERS pore opera ze ost Mile lined 'aoe brown; 'black and tan colors, Sizes 6 to 12, PATE Ele Women's SLIPPERS © _ Moccasin slippers with padded and matching shearling collar, Sizes 4 to 10, Si CHILDREN'S ' Plush character slippers with full foam i} backing and split leather soles. @ Plush Booties with laminated _ and leather sole, Sizes 4 to 10. 2.76 CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS Washable Corduroy Slippers with unbreakable backs, foam soles, side elastic gore for - extra fitting qualities. Sizes 5 4-53 eoeweecereeesereeees SLIPPER SOX Ladies' SATIN PUMPS Heavy Bulky Knit Slipper Sox with lea Sole. Hand washable, Assorted sizes ta colors. Child's Boys' & Giris' 97 1-7 SHOPATK. RANTS PAU LLQCLOA CLAM GIR] SLL suaces ano cones K-MART'S OWN GIANT REDSKIN. | er Pork Chops DOOR-CRASHER SPECIA Fruit Cake PEANUTS Potatoes, Veg. a: BB Light or Dark Roll and Butter Friday 10 A.M. : MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Assorted styles and colors. Choice of sizes. Thursday 7 P.M. LADIES' WOOL SKIRTS Tweeds, Plains and Chalk Stripes. Assorted colors, styles and sizes. Tinted Free in the colour of your choice, Available in High or Illusion Hee! heights, Sizes 4 to 10B and 6 te 9AA, DRUG DEPARTMENT o kintasee OPERATED BY G. TAMBLYN LIMITED except Sunday 'OLD SPICE' GIFT SET Atter Shave SPECIALS PHILI-SHAVE SPEEDSHAVER 18:95 DOOR-CRASHER SPECIAL! Friday 2 a Telephone Tables ee ak esis Lotion §=--f ELECTRIC-PORTABLE Nis iciie ritt,, | TOOTHBRUSH 1495 |, Zztoul Zlouer Deodorant Rc ARLEN ANTS RARE Ces caS TTR ! 9.97 4 TWEED nln sinew 14 | COLOGNE. 1-83 | Toller Werer .. deel Shulton Toilet 1 7 Wee... baa * MAX FACTOR §& TOILETRIES «| $1.73 LISTERINE 79% ANTISEPTIC 14 ox. ... NEW DAWN = 4.43 HAIR COLORING ... | Ja DOOR-CRASHER SPECIAL! ' s N Friday 7 P.M. S DELUXE ALKA-SELTZER GAc - J GOLF CARTS Oe re el ¢ we 5 BY A-JAY i PEPSODENT -- INSTAMATIC 100 (f FAMILY SIZE 79 wie CAMERA OUTFIT Takes better pictures. So easy to use, Loads instantly, auto | eat ; VASELINE | mop. bowers, fan fg oO ¢ ' bulbs and film cartri idge, PPAR SOR tee Sn Ces mori ie 95 to 00 * Bf Instamatic "150" Outfit 27.95 | . r LOCATED ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY $11.97