"V2 : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 3, 1964 AT LABOR COUNCIL FORUM (Continued from Page 13) Richard Donald -- Recreation facilities are sadly lacking here. There are lots of private clubs: golf, curling, ski and tennis, and others. Council cares so little they couldn't even keep the Kinsmen stadium in shape: There isn't even a scoreboard in Alexandra Park. Ald. Norman Down -- Re- gional planning is necessary. It is bound to hurt some but we 'need good planning. Someone is going to be a martyr to those crosswalks some day. I'm frightened at the faith the little fellows put in them. TI am against the ward sys- tem. " Jan. Drygala -- I don't say we can reduce taxes but they must}? be stopped, be held level. Or we won't have our own homes, we wil! be renting. Home improve- ments, resulting in increased assessment and higher taxes, a penalty. Unfair. Ald. Cliff Pilkey -- We must make every effort to hold the tax line and bring down the debenture debt, This year we retired more than we bought. vide services. And it is impos- sible to provide services an still hold the tax line and the debenture debt. We have made tremendous progress in road and sewer programs in the last two years. Ald. Alice Reardon -- I'm just a housewife but I have quite a stake in this city, Lived here since 1927 and raised five chil- dren here. Attended council meetings for eight years, and learned a lot. Sat .on welfare board for six years. On the UAW Women's Auxiliary for several years. I will work for 1) a centennial pool; 2) low cost housing; 3) holding the tax line; 4) reduc- tion of debenture debt. Mrs. Margaret Shaw -- The harmony is wonderful. There is no criticism, no searching and the hallmark of a good govern- ment? Some council. members are too sweet to be wholesome up. There has slipshod government and bad housekeeping. are the most important part of financial However, we must still pro-lfrom: the senior facilities garbage collection methods in It is time for a general shake- been enotigh Alex Shestowsky -- Finances a city's business, We need good planning, and help government on ever-expanding school costs. We should expand city hall (addition), examine other cities and clean up our own city, We should expand the representation on the Industrial Commission. Rene Thiebaud--Why not use schools rather than rent polling places. Cost $2700 to rent polling places. One-way system will get rid of every-day traffic jam on |... Parking garages | King street. would help. Mrs. Christine Thomas -- Dur- ing my term as mayor, the Woods, Gordon and Damas and|" Smith reports were brought in. They were for implementation only when that implementation provided some- thing better than what we had. method of gathering informa- tion. They wanted me to form a committee--they even named the members -- to "edit" the report, I said no, it. is up io council. Yes, recommendations ruined the city administration. fic) report was not easy. Any implementation cost money. Athol. should have been. used with Bond, rather than King street. guidance and}; there were two some. of the would have reports, and The Damas and Smith (traf- On buses -- In 'spite of criti- cism of the bus deficit, the peo- ple are much better off finan- cially than they would be if the service was. privately-owned. (In answer to a question, Mrs. NOW OPEN! COLONIAL RESTAURANT Charming French Decor 5 Spe elieed in' Southern. Fried Chicken. Take Out Orders 10 Bond St. W. 723-6021 Thomas said she would be "de- lighted' to be able to collect taxes from federal properties such as those around the Har- bor. We turned 'over 'the 'land and now the city benefit, she said. Mrs, Thomas also predicted| yet. the Harbor will not develop for many years, despite the "hun- dreds of thousands of dollars being spent there." She said the building of warehousing space derives no "You would help, at least give some jobs, Ernest Whiting -- The council is in harmony. The meloily 1s seratch my 'back; I'll scratch yours." It is insulting; I haven't heard any new "ideas I favor the ward system, 1 have seen nothing in the Labor Council's report to show the ward system is wrong. It de- serves a chance. Douglas H. Wilson -- 1 want a five year tax exemption on home improvements. Improve- ments are a form of penalty now. The province should pay 80 big need and we must use tax dollars to the very best advan- tage. I favor a swimming pool at the civie.centre and more pools around the city. per cent of the cost of educa- tion. Education is a provincail matter. Edward Zalewski -- { want to participate in Oshawa's de- velopment, New industry is a DIAMONDS FIRST FOUND Diamonds were first found in South Africa in the Orange River in 1867 and this soon Jed to the discovery at Kimberley, later a world diamond "centre. centennial Mitchell PARK IS PROJECT. . _ ST. THOMAS, Ont, (CP)--A park, named for Ontario Premier F, Hepburn, is the project for this city. The park also will have a sculpture group commissioned from former St. wartime Thomas resident, Rebecca Sis- ler, The sculpture will depict a jutist, a flautist and a singer. Mitchell Hepburm died near _ here in 1953, & Ald. John Dyer -- I've never seen councillors be re at budget time. The adunicipal| --< . 2. -- | ~~ = = | Act says we must set a mill rate | | to cover needed: expenses. I have| % VD GIFTS GALORE ' ; never seen it done. The council | y ! tries to make the tax rate eas- | . " | jer . than...they by obligation | . Q: " : | . should, It cost $1,330,000 for) dao for : | police and fire protection ved : ' fe | ts, soerwe 9 section. it You Are Invited to Use Your Credit -- No Down Payment Necessary NO PAYMENTS REQUIRED UNTIL WORK RESUMES ! no planning on council. This is| I did not respect the W-G Dyer said council bought office furniture from the struck Gen- | eral Printers company because they submitted the lowest ten-| der. | Ald. Cephas Gay -- No prom- | ises to make but will work hard | for city. Give conscientious serv- | ' FOR PRICE SAKE ice. Douglas L. Gower--We lack | TT -- RCE TRTEET -- SRIRIRIRER IN recreational facilities and there i" el enough industry coming %& FOR PRACTICAL SANTAS . This st b i - sideration. We weak at 'tant %&. FAMOUS PRODUCTS SOLD , b ¥ soe, oe ee ee FOR PARTICULAR SHOPPERS v t and t ee | FUN -- PREMIUMS -- SAVINGS % FOR PRICE SAKE x FOR POWERFUL SPECIALS x FOR PERFECT SELECTIONS % FANTASTIC PRICE SLASHING % FINE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Buy Brand Name Merchandise at Dunn's. Names You Know You Can Trust. Arrow, Jockey,, B.V.D., Van Heusen, McGregor, Stanfields, Craft and Jay Berma. UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED portant issues knowing nothing | ' 9 about them.. We have spent |e ; close to $50,000 on reports de-| , signed to tell them how to run . tet! or the city. And those reports are | probably gathering dust. The| With the purchase of Any Man"s Two Trouser Suit Priced from 49.50 council appears to be running at | 50 per cent capacity. All these suits are of the finest materials and workmanship. Made in Canada, Where else can you get such a FREE OFFER like this, Suit sizes 35 to 52, year: period. | i | George C. Martin--The mayor is doing a, full-time job but some on council are not. 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