|20---Real Estate for Sale. 20---Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Rea! Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 2, 1964 3] 20--Reel Estate for Sele METCALF Real Estate Ltd. 40 King St. East.. » 728-4678 EAST END AREA $13,000 with $2200 will buy this immacu- GRANDVIEW GARDENS Lovely brick veneer side split level home with built-in gar- well landscaped and fenced yord. MOHAWK STREET Luxuriously appointed and well cared for fanch bun- galow in quiet wel! establish- ed. prestige ocation, The many refinements added such as--troadioom, built-in stove naturel stone fireploce, rec room with bar, awnings, at- tached gorage with colsed-in finished breezeway--will af ford many years of quiet com- fort. Stiuated on o large and exceptionally well landscaped lot. Asking $25,000. NEAR CORPUS CHRISTI Most attractive 5 room bun- galow, with attached ° gar- age, all large rooms, lot beau- tifully -- landscaped paved drive, close to all schools, bus, etc. a real buy aot $16,- 500 with $2900 down 20--Reol Estate for Sale H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 BAGOT ST, 728-1679 'ATHOL ST. E, 3 bedroom rug brick home storey and half, Nice size living room with mantel, full dining™room, large modern kitchen. Oil heated, garage. Asking price $12,950.00, one 614% mortgage. fe BRAEMOR GARDENS 3-4 and 5 bedroom homes in exclusive area completely decorated inside ond out. Fully landscaped. Under- ground wiring, Oshawo's most convenient community. "SPLIT LEVEL Five rooms $15,995.00 N.H. A, mortgage. In east end, close to schools. Three bed- rpoms, 4 pc. tiled bath with vanity, Plenty of cupboards, good sized kitchen, L-shaped living and dining room, full basement, well landscaped. Carries for $81.21 per month principal and interest INVESTMENT E} WALK-OUT BASEMENT Brand new--possession on N.H:A. approval--5 2 room 3° bedroom bungalow, Holly- wood kitchen.' Lot fully sodd- ed, storms, 'screens, fully til- ed bath. All this for only $15,395 with only $2400 down, TRI-PLEX Just $ years old, good in- come. 3 fridges, 3 stoves, washer and dryer, good sized fot. Call now for more details. (OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Ken Hann . Jack Osborne Bob Johnston . Dick Barrioge Joe Mage MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B SELLING ? Try "The Luck of The Irish" CALL BILL DOUGAN Jones & Dougan Real Estate Brokers 668-8841 OPPORTUNITY Four single family dwellings under one roof. Each unit will be two: storeys having two or three bedrooms, its own furnace and recreation room and patio. Monthly in- come $490.00. Reasonable down payment NORTH WEST On o quiet street is this 3 bedroom brick bungalow with a large kitchen, forced air oi! Lot 45' x 120', T.V. tower storms and screens, Asking $14,500 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Six room, 2 storey brick fom ily home, central location, living. room with fireplace separate dining room, 3 large bedrooms and: tiled bath, broadloom «in living and. din- ing rooms, extro stool in basement, well landscaped. $2,000.00 down, $100.00 per month principal and in- terest Store building well located on King Street, 3 storey with lot 31 x 161, in ida! business opportunity and immediote possession, down poyment $15,000.00, within block of four corners. NORTH END Situated in Oshawa's most exciusive neighborhood. A lovely three bedroom brick home complete with fireplace ~----Huge sunroom, attached goroge. Priced $17,950.00. 728-8254 723-3240 723-7335 723-3788 723-3770 Chorles Smith Phyllis Jubb Syd. Goodfellow John Kitchen Loreen Kellett out basement to small creek, tty; of tion, close ie 'school. For # lease phone Walter Mittler, pl Guide Realty Ltd. Resitors, 723-112). BEAUTIFUL brick bungalow with walk- Built- Thor stove iby oven; bathroom with van- Excelient north east loca- in | { | COMMERCIAL PROPERTY| closer look 728-7083. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS GUIDE REALTY LTD. Realtors 16 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-1121 FOR THE ASTUTE BUYER $16,800 with just $3,000 down one private mortgage for the complete. balance di 7%. 3 good sized be attached garage, large tivike room with open fireplace and separate dining area, Lot size, is 100 x 208. Evesything-here the fastidious buyer could de- sire ond the price is right. Seen anytime. MONEY MAKERS The ideal location of this 9 room home makes it easily one of the best income homes we have among our listings. Walking distonce to North plant, only steps to downtown, No c@gr. needed here. Full price is only $14,- 200 KING W., COMMERCIAL Investors opportunity in this choice location near the shop- ping . centre. 4. bedrooms, brick home with large gar- oge, property can easily be converted into © business and lots of room far living quarters KINSDALE CRESC 6 room large stone bungalow with attached garage, extra large pie shaped lot well landscaped with fruit. trees, bushes and evergreens. A beautifu' home and priced at only $16,800. Call now to inspect N. E. AREA This 1 ¥2 storey brick home in immaculate condition, fea- tures 6 Jarge rooms, with many extras, such as a paved driveway, storms and screens. Beautiful treed yard. The ex- cellent financing makes this' on attractive buy DOWNTOWN 17 room brick home with garage, presently used as a rooming house. 60 ft. front- age. Zoned commercial, ex. cellent location on King St. West. Just 2 blocks from Simcoe St 4 BEDROOM HOME $13,900 for this 7 room, 1% 'storey brick home in excellent. condition. Locoted on LoSolle Ave. . Extras clude broadioom, T.V. tower and oerial and garage. LESLIE STREET If 2 bedrooms ore sufficient, for your needs, and if you appreciate a garage, o sepor- ate dining room ond oil heat, and if you want to stey.under $12,000 with a 6% mort- goge that carries for only $60, then don't pass up the chance to inspect this storey and a half gem 6% N.H.A. RESALE $3,500 down, with payments of 96.50 monthly, P. I. & T. buys this 3 bedroom home with finished rec room. Call now to see this bargain JUST LISTED Owner transferred and reluc- tantly must sell his. | yeor old 2. storey,( 4 bedroom home with attached garage. This home has mony feotures, too numerous to list) mahog- any cupboards, built-in stove and oven, hood and fan, plus a floor plan thet will make any woman envious, The full basernent lends itself to any use that the man of the house desires, Priced at only $19,- 500 WHITBY --~ 4 PLEX Live in @ 2 bedroom apart- ment free, and collect rent off the other three. Pays for itself and leaves you money in your pocket. The full asking price only $23,000 in- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Drive-in Root Beer stand' on Highway No. 12, just north of Brooklin. All chattels ond equipment included. Owners must sell os partnership being dissolved. COUNTRY LIVING SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 (Over o Quarter Century of Service) THIS [S NIFTY IF YOU'RE THRIFTY it isn't every day (or even every year) that you can find @ good house ot o low price. Needs a few touch-ups but has plenty of potentials. Has 5 good size rooms, walk-out basement, close to schools, bus service and shopping. Take advantage of this 6 per cent and only $101.00 P.I.T. JUST LISTED Six year old, four bedroom with paved drive. The ground floor; den plus extra toilet in basement and the well fenced back yard make this an ideal home for the larger family. Yes the price is right too, Asking only $13,950.00. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT In a wonderful home of your own, This is an ideo! time to buy because it's "off season' and realty prices are more favorable mow. Six lovely rooms, 4 pc. bath with vanity, hardwood floors, and double gorage plus paved drive. A bargain for less than $15,- 000.00 NORTH EAST AREA Custom built 4 bedroom home completely decorated. Two baths with vanities, built-in stove and oven, completely landscaped and many extras in this two month old home, Priced $18,900 BEAU VALLEY Just 5 months old and owner transferred. Lovely 5 room brick bungalow with garage on large ravine lot 70 x 129' with creek running through rear of property, We would be happy to show you this fine electrically heated home with walkout basement and point out its many extras built in for your comfort and enjoy- ment LOOKING For a comfortable, 3 bedroom brick bungalow on a large 60 x 132' lot in @ quiet resi dential area, then we have just such a home. It hos o completely finished rec. room with ber ond a two piece washroom in the basement and also a well protected at- tached carport with built-in storage. Asking price for this well kept 5 yeor old bun- golow is just $16,900. WHITBY AREA Asking price $32,000. 30 acres high vacont lard on Kingston Road (Highway 2) just outside present Town Limits of fast growing Whit- by Watch for our special Saturday night ad in the Builders section, featur- ing 4 different homes weekly, For full particulars 'call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9AM. to9 P.M 723-2894 728-1066 723-7996 723-1358 728-5868 725-3867 728-2870 728-2233 725-1015 725-0201 725-1726 360 King Street West Free, parking Margoret Lee . Bill Johnston Chorles Chaytor Marg Hail! Steve Macko Irene Brown Allan Thompson Maible Boudreau Neil Campbell Rég. Aker Bill McFeeters easy, sofe, SAVE $500. Armstrong Hornes WILSON ROAD SOUTH (ot Dean Avenue) From. $15,400 CTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 3 LOTS VILLAGE OF HAMPTON N.H.A, approved. Near new school. Size 100' x 200'. Coll 728-5157. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 3 private offices and bath, corner Simcoe Street & Athol. LOTS $2,000 in builf- up e@rea of new N.H.A. homes. 10 minutes to town, Call 728-5157. $1,200 DOWN MAPLE GROVE 2 bedroom bungalow . with large attached garage, situat- ed on o well landscaped 66' x 200' tot. All city conveni- ences. Taxes only $136.00, Hurry) coll 728-§157 now, $1,000 DOWN 6 room bungalow hos separ- ate dining room, oil heating, T.V. tower, storms and storm doors aluminum. This is a good 'buy. Hurry, call 728- 5157 to-nite $1,500 DOWN 2 storey older home, priced to go. Full modern bath, separate dining room as well as large modern kitchen Wall to wall carpeting, well decorated, modem oil fur- nace. Call 728-5157 before its too lote ANOTHER 2 STOREY $1,800.00 DOWN for the bal room home One mortgage ance, buys 9 "Esso" furnace, garage and paved drive. Lots of fruit trees iri rear garden, Try on offer. Phone 728-5157 now. $900 DOWN Buys 4 room bungalow with new 'Esso' furnace. Carries for $50.00 monthly. Hurry, call now, 728-5157 $1,800.00 retreat 25 acre summer sandy beach. Terms available Dial 728-5157. 14 SALESMEN TO "ASSIST" YOU on ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 After 9 P.M. Phone 725-0239 728-1070 728-9326 ~ KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103 King Street West NORTH WEST $18,900.00 Spocious brick bungalow about 5 5 yeors.old with living room about 27 ft. long, extra bath patio, fliagstone walk, ever greens and more than ample shrubbery, nicely landscoped lot 100 by 165 feet CLOVERDALE STREET Just a- few years old and looking for a buyer, 3 bed- rooms, tiled both, oi! heating, aluminum storms and screens, only $13,500.00 ROWENA STREET Madernized 3 bedroom brick home with large modern kitchen, 4 piece bath, re creation room, double paved drive, large aluminum awn- ing. Asking $12,900. with _terms. PRICED FOR $13,950.00 with $1,000. down Attractive three bedroom HARM - LIST AND MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- REAL ESTATE -- -- MORTGAGES -- -- INSURANCE -- WHO's SORRY NOW This owner isn't about his new job in Montreal, but he is sorry about having to sell his attarctive home on Nipi- gon street. Lorge modern kitchen, living room with broadloom 3 good size bed- rooms, 4 piece bath, Choice location. Priced to sell at $15,500.00 with monthly poyments of only $87.00 including taxes. Shown by oppointment only. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Let that spare cash work for you. | have several nice pro- perties showing returns of 20%. Give me a call. Mr. Charies Rankine at 728-5123 or 728-3682 EASTHAVEN Here's the one thot will sell quickly. Attractive 5 room bungalow with paved drive and fenced yard. Choice lo cation. Priced for fast sale at only. $14,900. with month- ly payments of only $102.00 including taxes, Eorly pos session. Be the first to in- spect and make an offer Ask' for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728- 5123 or 725-2217 $15,700 Spacious three bedroom brick bungalow with huge holly- wood kitchen and large living room, Nicely finished rec room with bar. Storms and screens, well landscaped and fenced lot. Monthly payments just $99.00 including taxes. Delay will mean disappoint- ment. Call Mr. trwin Cruik- shanks now at 728-5123 or 728-5205 FIRST TIME OFFERED 14 SUITES APARTMENT. BUILDING All 2 bedroom 414 room suites with fridge and stove in each apartment. Washers and dryers. T.V. outlets, as- phalt driveway and parking, good brick building only 4 years old. Hot water oil heat ed, always fully rented and well located near Park Road Very reasonably priced at $95,000.00, with low down payment. !t will pay you to investigate further by calling Mr. Jack Appleby at 728- 5123 or 723-3398. ATHOL STREET EAST TRADE ACCEPTED Exceptionally well built home with all the extras you want such as a natural fireplace, new kitchen with loads of cupboards, modern bath; new rec. room with bar, new forc- ed air oil furnace and many more. Act now. Call Mr. Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725- 9345 BROOKLIN $13,900 A beautiful 3 bedroom ranch er with attached garage partial rec room, patio, paved drive. Owner commuting to Toronto and is anxious to see on offer. Call now be- fore it's sold. Ask for Mr. Ed. Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345 | BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simeoe Street North Open Every Evening "JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 833 Simcoe St. South UNDER PRICED Extra nice résale bungalow. On nice lot and has com- pletely finished rec-room with 4-piece bath. Only $14,900 terms. NORTH END Sommerville Ave N.H.A Resale in this desirable loco- tion. Has completed rec-room built-in stove and oven and many other extras. - CONVENIENCE TWO SUBURBAN lots, feet quick D. W. McQUAY REALTOR 519 Brock St. South Whitby, Ontario Whitby 668-5868 Toronto 925-2965 Claremont 649-2109 OUTSTANDING VALUE $12,000 -- Six rooms on one floor makes this a step saver ---- all tile floors for easy cleaning. Windows from floor to ceiling in living and din- ing rooms makes this home extra bright. Full grown trees in back yard provide shade and an excellent playground for children. $75.00 oa month, principal, interest and taxes, which is much less than you would pay to rent o home in this area. . This home will sell fast, call now for appointment. 'Ivan Kelle- stine. "WHITBY" Situated on a short, quiet street across from o well equipped park with rink makes this an ideal home for a family. with children The large"llandscaped lot is nicely fenced and the de tached two car gorage has space for any gorden equip- ment, Inside this three bed- room "Custom built" home isa modern kitchen and large living room, all work in basement done by skilled labor, large panelled rec room with separate bar room closed in furnace and laun- dry rooms. Down payment and terms can be arranged. Call tvan Kellestine for ap- pointment OSHAWA NORTH $14,900.00 -- 10 year old brick bungalow--would cost much more to build today. 1000 sq. ft. of well planned flor spoce. Living room brightened by large front window and made cozy with o natural stone fireplace. An abundance of cupboards in the basement, a full wall of shelves and a bar in the fin- ished rec room. Detached garage on large fenced, land- scaped lot. Make an appoint- ment to see this home to- day. Call Ivan Kellestine. RESIDENTIAL ACREAGES TROUT STREAMS FARMS COMMERCIAL BUSINESS LOTS WHITBY three-bedroom -- bung: well decorated, spotiessly clean, wood kitchen tached garage, with paved drive. mediate McGill Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. FOUR BEDROOM HOME with bulit in stove and oven, attached carport, decora- ted and many other extras, NHA financ- D. Hyman Real Estate Limit ing. Call S$. 728-6286 low, molly. Basement apartment, at- Im- Possession. Asking $2,000. down CONNAUGHT STREBT: dining room, three bedrooms, bi $2,000 down, carries for $100 P.1. Call Syd ice 723-7335, H. Millen Real Estate Six room two storey rug brick home, fireplace, separate plenty of parking. Telephone , 728-6: 24--Stores, Offices, Storage LOCK UP office avaliable, $35.00 00 month] i ei for Rent apartment, beeen it quiet ag seer avaliable im- a suit qui al Apply 320 Verdun Road after 25--Houses for Rent ture on 'gn Road. immedi Session. Apply lenry Eikens,. = | GOOD farm house with 25 acres of pas- immediate pos- RR 218, S1X-ROOM jately, lease Leyrved central. 725-7653 p.m. three-bedroom, modern brick | 668- bungalow, $100 monthly, available immed- Telephone| ¥. WHITBY -- Coma three-bedroom house, - | entr DU tral, oll heeted. 728-2653. WHITBY -- Three large "| Stove and obasretert four + o'clock. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in triplex. Large living room, dining ares, 2 ous entrance. Adults, Call Mrs. Lee Three" Fooms, cen. Immediate possession, ional. Private 5050. h gsberd house with garden, imme- dial Halle 1 mite west of C road. At the 'morni ession, $60 pay, Aas Asaly Len house Seturdey and auoaey 'ance, Dial Whitby IMMEDIATE occupancy, two kit decorated, edly sult middle-aged coupl will Port Perry, Sunday noon, WINDSOR AVE house with kitchen. Apply Road South from Ing. Less than apartment rent. 1600, bi 1 p.m, and 2 p.m. on premises at 381 rite Seer, Saturday noon until room 149 Wilson IMMEDIATE 'pos possession, three. and four: bedroom house. Just completed. Brand new, all maintenance inciuded. Free par rst choices facing watér, Phone Owner, 942- etween with range, Lf yenie Ht HEATED be rag for rent. Le agt or January 1 at Street Wi Whitby. Dial 23-580 TWO-ROOM = apariment and porch, ichens,| ground. entrance, separate Sortiion, pri- eight rooms, central north, $136 monthly. | yau'e pines... Syannane Paul Ristow, Limited, Realtor 728-9474, pigeons oye bungalow, electrically heat- TWo-e furni an ap nd Ur A hice quiet 60. con. 'elephone apartment, 'ge and . 'Monthly, entri 24) poaniiies tntestoorn Seon pret for working couple, private 'ance, Available ee iste Bloor Street Wes! ny Fiv the 725. 'E-ROOM, saa eirain apartment in duplex, stove and Petepnone FOUR-ROOM apartment | refrigerator, lots of Apply 665 Bloor Street East. 723-1282. : -- $55 monthly: Privates Tele Telephone IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Suites in Stove & Fridge included Broadioomed corridors & Elevator service Enquire about our delayed lease plan and reserve your apartment now Model suite and rental of fice open from 2 - 9 p.m doily 3 Oe ce Reserve now for March Ist occupancy 1, 2 and: three bedroom suites in the soph- isticated atmosphere of Cosa Manana Court, Adult living in on excellent location For further information call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors -- 723-1121 or Rental Office 723-6361 from 2- p.m 300 GRENFELL room) with walk-in broadloomed corridors, pressive lobby, landscaped lawns, occupancy. Now model. ot im FULL DOWN -- to one these homes. 4 bedrooms, split level, baths, storms and screens, sodded front and rear, 17 ft. bedrooms, 25 2 available. Carries ly If you qualify. Full bedrooms and garages only Ned Fe iee Call Gerry; rs "Real | ft. livingroom, baad as low as $83 moni price only $14,665. Also have 3 Hill Whitby 668-895 collect to AM ora, Estate Ltd. jer 'Manderhii NHA 6% per cent mortgage. $800 winter bonus on 2 ruinsints' THE DIPLOMAT |28--Room and Board WHITBY - [shin 'workers, Dial see supt. 340 Marland Ave., Apt. 111 728-4283 22----Lots for Sale 26--Apartments for Rent 2 and 3 bedroom spacious OXFORD PARK. TOWERS LUXURIOUS LIVING SEE THE VISCOUNT Featuring large master bed- closets, im- beautifully immediate showing for your inspection our com- pletely furnished 2-bedroom Suite. For information aret TWO-BEDROOM apartment, 1, S@p- je entrance, private bath centra! . immediate possession. Apply 91 Celina Street, Apart. ment 1 jenc TWO-BEDROOM apariment, all conven- es, private entrance, newly decorated, ample parking facilities, gas ra plied Verdun Road, Oshawa. Immediate possession. Apply hs 27--Rooms for Rent | | ing ed GM LIG stov busi entrance. shift workers. Call 725-688), HOUSEKEEPING hospital netgear FURNISHED room, ty 4 fo hospital and downtown. Telephone 723-6988. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD..N. 728-867 | LARGE. ROOM, suitable for one or two people. Apply 55-Celina Street or 728-4403. FURNISHED ROOM I quiet home, park- facilities.. Apply 203. Chadburn Street or telephone 723-7370. CENTRALLY LOCATED, ¢léan, furnish- room for gentleman, close to North plant. Telephone 723-9895, HT HOUSEKEEPING oom, private Suitable 'for gentleman. "No ~~ room, fridge and e. Suit married couple or two gentie- men, Apply 25 Division Street. FURNISHED room suitable for nurse or ness girls, cooking privileges, Telephone 728-0260. near ONE large ee pret room, Tele phone 728-45) psetelBL uA RSOR SEE COE -|ALBERT STREET, nicely furnished bed- room, sult refined woman. Telephone after 5 p.m. and all day Saturday. 728-5079. bed: tow! tral shai Twi boa: hou: GLE AND DOUBLE rooms; meals ¥ desired. Apply 25 Division Street. LARGE furnished room for rent. Twin s. Ladies preferred. Close to down in. Apply 4 Oshawa Bivd. North, FURNISHED room In quiet home, cen 9225. Ci Suit gentieman, Telephone 723- CAREER GIRL needed to share smal modern house with professional woman, Room of your own, Food separate of red. Furniture supplied. 668-874 Whitby. '© furnished housekeeping rooms, bed room and kitchen with sink and cup rds. Parking space, Also one furnishee sekeeping room with refrigerator, Priv vate entrance. Apply 156 Agnes Street. ON No 638 BRIGHT. spacious bed-sittingroom, mod- ern furniture, in.clean home, Close Shopping Centre. Suit gentleman, . Apply % light housekeeping E furnished for gentleman, Privileges, parki excessive drinking. Telephone 7. to Fernhill Boulevard, 725-7295, In family home, desires life. No night- Dial 668-8571 [congue STREET 57 East Room d board for gentleman willing to share, single beds, close to North General Motors BUILDING LOT FOR $1,700.00 71 x 210 feet with schools ond bus close by. Good homes in surrounding area. Owner will consider terms. Contact Bill Millar: 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite ADULTS ONLY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TELEPHONE 723-1712-- 728-2911 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT $115 Simcoe St. North All conveniences, parking, og Available February. 1, | age ree _For Appointment _ | _725- -3302 We Do Not "'Sell" Properties We 'Assist' You to Buy ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 D apa newly decorated, Private bath, heated, child welcome, home, trance. Apply 467 'Drew. riment, central, new hydro, re frigerator, stove, TV outlet, private en- a hl Ailes A I ONE-BEDROOM, three-room apartment, unfurnished, ground floor, private bath- room, private entrance, ample cele T 8. jand central to downtown. Apply 57 Col- borne Sfreet East 723- ROOM. AND BOARD for Gentlemen, TV, parking, packed. Telephone lunches 1671. | Clos line, tunel by KIN wan ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for one anes gentlemen, @ 0 north plant, hota and bus single rooms: Telephone 725-2305. hes packed, steady day wevksr onl¥e Telephone near Rossland and Simcoe. 728-2742 after 7 p.m, 29--Wanted to Rent -- WANTED TO. RENT: 1 Two-bedroom house 8 couple with one child. Phone 728-1508. G STREET west, Park Road ares, ted -- large unfurnished room, with housekeeping privileges. 723-1940-- 6 to 8 Monday, Wednesday, Friday evening. GARAGE required located in Oshawa, Telephone. for rent, centrally 725-6473. trict BACHELOR apartntent, furnished, eat WANTED TO RENT or lease 50- fo 75 acre farm in Bowmanville, Oshawa dis- preferred. Reply stating particulars Times. to Box 519, Oshawa T TWO to three bedroom house, Whitby area, wanted by professional man with small family, by January 1. 728-5117 betore 5.30. WANTED house, Telephone collect Port Perry 985-7274. Oshawa, Call Two or three bedroom in Oshawa, by December 3ist. sitting room with 20 ACRES -- Fast Bhp ltd trout rll gif ech excellent for build! good road front- age. Call John ome 723-6590 Keith Peters realtor Bickle Subdivision. Reduced sale, $2000.00 each. Call Realty Limited, 728-5157. 100 feet X 214 for Active | sWo. 23--Real Estate Wanted TO SELL YOUR HOME FAST ... FOR SH si man, Bus stop. Telephone 723-4967. kitchen electrically equipped, stove, refrigerator, ink, TV aerial, suit business 30--Automobiles for Sale Available immediately. 401, left. side), between 7 and 9 TWO-BEDROOM heated heavy duty wiring. sion. Apply 320 Verdun Road after p.m. ville. Two-bed: FOUR-ROOM apartment in exchange for baby sifting. Furnished or unfurnished Apply Whitby. Pickering townline, (third de aA ea of aaa, suit working couple, laundry facilities, Immediate -- posses- 76 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH, Bowman- room apartment in apart- 5 TED CAMPIN MOTORS Welcomes You Back To Previous Location 607 King St. E. 723-4494--Res: 725-5574 SPOT CASH $18,500 FOURPLEX Money making fourplex, three blocks to downtown. Excel- lent income and return on your. money. ment building, Range and refrigerator. Broadioom throughout. Available immedi- ately. Dial 623-3552. RIVERSIDE ORIVE - bungalow, : practically new home in top condition. Pay ments of $98.00 carries taxes, interest, and principal Hurry! CA OR TERMS, LIST WITH JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 WANTED 200 to 500 ACRES Must hove some water front- age. This quality owner built home is just 10 minutes drive north It features o large modern Hollywood kitchen, 3 spacious bedrooms, a closed-in breeze-° way and on attached garage. . The rec room is completely finished. The lot size is 100 x 150. Interested? Coll us to- night! 1¥2 STOREY We have listed another im- maculate home in a choice location. 3 bedrooms, family size kitchen, dining room, oil heated and paved drive. $13,- 900 full. price. Homes sell fast in this area. Your in- spection invited PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade-up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 MODELS OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to .10 P.M. -- two-bedroom apartment, unfurnished, newly decorated, private entrance, heat and hot water in. Cluded, Use of basement and garden lot Phone 728-2661. THREE-ROOM apariment, sink and cup boards in kitchen, also heat and lighfs past itd 1955 BUICK, four-door hardtop, $150. wilt free. Apply SOS Albert Street, Oshawa. EP accept older car as ag payment. ly NICE, CLEAN three-room | apartment, all 360 Ritson Road Sout App new furniture. Apply 258 Cadillac South.|" aeaietenntineienienntinay 133 DURHAN STREET, Oshawa, twol!9% CHEVROLET 'coupe, partially re bedrooms and kitchen, suit couple, im-|Sfored new. battery, licence, $550. and mediate possession, near Shopping Centre./dtive away Apply Howard Motors, Kent Apply above Street North, Whitby, $100. MONTHLY. Near 'Shopping Centre: 1959 CHEV. four-door, standard trans: Two-bedroom -- apartment, refrigerator, built-in stove. Working adults only. Apply mission, good condition. Asking $850, or best offer. Apply 230 Cordova Road or 330 Buena Vista Avenue, Apartment 1 "three rooms, telephone 723-9685. NICE, CLEAN furnished" couple or girls Nigreasinag No children. Apply 248 -Toron' TaDEDROOM --< apartment for rent. Available January 1, Refrigerator, stove, dryer and oo a supplied. Apply 299 Montrave, Apt. FOUR-ROOM, foe "bedroom unfurnished celal private bathroom hydro, water included. $75 monthly. Tele. phone 723-6826. THREE unfurnished rooms, private en- trance, $65 monthly Including heat and part of hydro. Immediate possession Telephone 725-9123. FURNISHED one bedroom Apply 258 Cadillac A' South pe nae __.| KING and Gibbon area, top floor, mod-|1953 BUICK. Excellent condition, 4 door ern two-bedroom, adults only, S105. im-|automatic. Radio, 2 extra tires and & mmegiate Possession. Mr. Bolahood. 728-/5now fires $150. Dial 9424784, 5123. 1957 CHEVROLET sedan, A-1 condition, standard, 6, radio. $600 or best offer. Tele phone 728-3029 195) CHEVROLET, Good transportation, Telephone 728-5245 "All Armstrong Homes heated with clean dependable gas" * PHONE 723-6461 H. GRIFFIN: REAL ESTATE BROKER SEE PAGE 5 OLIVE HOWE Real Estate 668-898! SIX ROOM ranch bungalow in Zion on # large lot. Recently decorated. Immediate Possession. Cali S. D. Hyman Real Estate ted. 728-6786, $13,900 FULL PRICE for this five room brick bungalow located on Farewell. This home ts in excellent condition and has one Mortgage for the balance, Call 5. D. Hy- man Real Estate Limited. - 728-6286. TRADE YOUR PRESENT HOME on « new one by Hi James Gibbens Sally Wallace John Gravelle Joe Crawford Murray Boyle Fred May 728-0035 Elmer Fredin 725-2753 $14,000 CASH . for this. "gracious ¢ family home with brick fireplace, separate dining. room. Four full-sized bedrooms my a few steps from transportation. Large well kept garden. May be pur- chased with reasonable down payment and one mortgage for the balance. For details please phone Walter Mittler, es v4 or Guide Realty Ltd., Realtors, 2 PRIVATE sale - 723-9750 725-6297 728-0594 723-1021 723-4270 Call Harry Bates 725-1186 or 728-6923 W. T. LAMSON _REAL ESTATE SELLING ? Try "The Luck of The Irish' CALL BILL DOUGAN Jones & Dougan Real Estate Brokers 668-884 | PRIVATE -- low down payment" sidered, lovely bungalow, brand new,| on Norden kitehen, fly landscaped, close Tol Owe) yours cd. tre nites gee in schools, shopping and bus. Telephone 728/311 so, "Call Loreen 'Kellett, 7239770. Hi aa sn dhe laa | Millen Real Estate Ltd Construction. Call| INVESTORS: Here is.@ real opportunity| aan cis wee sr'oNyman Rech Eola Lined Sat be andor o's" arony cone. FULL PRICE. 70, down, Seen 6286 'mercially zoned on Highway No. 2. For f . fed ESR Fees your $6,000 you can have this} Vhitby: New floor covering, newly deco- THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, four years Aplex pay tor Itself and leave you about| "ated. Oil heated, excellent location. old, brick, ir north end of Peterborough. $1,500 at the end of the' year. For more| l2xe5 $146. Terms to suit your budget. Would like to trade for house in Oshawa.linte nation, call Nick Siblock, 725-5701, Call Helen Simpson at W. Schatzmann, Telephone 742-4063 Peterborough "Gulde Realty a vas Realtor. Whitby 668-3338 ara aSBh and be aA or Guide Realty, Ltd., Realtors, 723-1121. | Mui de cea sae tke $1,200 DOWN, per month buys loveiy|$i2,900 FULL PRICE. Brick bungalow.|2 ACRES 7 room house very modern, three-bedroom brick home, with extraj/Payments of $102 including interést, prin-jattached garage, % acre raspberries, lerge gerage. Cail Bill Johnston, Scho-|cipal end taxes. Schofield-Aker Limited,|Bowmanville location. John Kuipers 723- }fleld-Aker Limited, 728-1066, 71066. Kelth Peters Realtor, EASY TO KNIT By ALICE BROOKS | Practical, handsome! Protect) and please the men in your life with these sets Easy-knit! Snug-fit helmet nose-protecting ski mask, mit SHIFTY ten sets are ideal for Winter-| By ANNE ADAMS in eo ne anes ae | SHIFT into high fashion gear Thirty-five cents (coins) for praia gap ps ge ny io | ong gga vay th Surah, poplin with same or con- oR ang {trast color binding ' ' : ; cg residents add 1 cents sales tax. govt ter ae ptions gece Print plainly PATTERN NUM-|,,.5 0 3% yards S ven None, Oe FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in| ¢°0r Peacock First time . EE sit coins (no stamps, pleas®) for Wolter Mittler ia Neetiverah Catalog! 200 this pattern. Ontario 'residents Cotes add two cents sales tax. Print) ,°%% 5080" designs -- smart stoles, jackets, plainly. SIZE. NAME rint] Lucas ngithcely hats, toys, afghans, linens, erything! Send 25 cents DRESS, STYLE NUMBER roti vi eve , oor A Send order to ANNE ADAMS,| | ¢ '1 a¢5, DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16\care of The Oshawa Times, CS ae --, algae ote Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont Py ' NEW! 300 sparkling' d Roy Eaeeatt 1E ' 8 r ' experts Send 60 cents now. parkling designs,! tony Siblock |five exciting fashion and fabric], p a Young ; | features plu coupon for ONE Want-Ads Don't Cost - They Pay Write to: BOX 514 OSHAWA TIMES 24--Stores, Offices, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L.. WILSON AT THE TIMES RENTAL OF OFFICE $75 PER MONTH Office Street tate ompletely ready for space for 4 cors Realty Ltd., Realtors, 2). 1957 PONTIAC, good body, excellent motor, radio, snow tires, $600, Telephone 725-2101 1954 DODGE station wagon, two heaters, electric wipers. Must be sold. hy tle cash offer. 725-9218 anytime ve afte 1960 CHEVROLET % ton | pic . One owner. 36,000 original miles, immécilete inside and out. Wil take older car in trade. 728-4038 1952 OLDSMOBILE, - In running condition, $50 of best offer. Call 728-0215 1964 PONTIAC Laurentian -- four-door jautomatic. Radio and heater. Seat belts. Positraction. Tinted glass, 2,500 miles, under new Car warranty Telephone 723-20\7 Large well-built four- bedroom home, full basement, oi] heat, spacious garden, orchard and lawn, outskirts of Oshawa, Telephone 723-7688. Open Daily from 9am, to9 p.m -- 2a-storey, eight-room 496 Mary Street North, oli Telephone for appointment. 725-6916 after 3.30 p.m. NEW three: sbedroom. brick 'bungalow Ir In Newcastle. For ' appointment telephone} 987-4716 BROOKLIN bungalow at $76 monthly in- Cluding taxes, near schools and shopping. ..| Call Bill Johnston, Schofield-Aker Limited Con- | 728-1066. Leon Manitius Steve Englert Jean Peacock 725-8068 728-5581 725-4330 728-0208 728-7083 723-2537 725-4330 728-0768 725-5701 655-3821 723-1121 725-3454 725-4362 723-7183 FREE apartment, THREE ROOM apartment, eleciricaliy heated, private bathroom, unfurnished, no children, abstainers. Immediate _posses- sion. $75 monthly. Telephone 728-0976. unfurnished apt. for rentli9s¢ FORD, standard transmission, @ WHitsy -- immediate possession, adults preferred) snow tires, new radiator, battery Must For information aad boss $75 Telephone 725-888! for rent on Pearson Suitable for Real Es- other office work, serviced and tenant. Parking Call Guide 723- or or | child only Phone 668-5413 OSHAWA: Nice ciean unfurnished heated| 3-room upstairs apartment. TV aerial Immediate possession. $55 monthly. Dial 623-3950, |FREE PATTERN -- any one full part ors, co }you choose' Send for new Fall - Winter Pattern Catalog, 50 Gui cents. Realty Limited 4723-1421 |30--Automobies for Sale Continued on Page $2) * "