THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December z, 1708 2g TWO MEMBERS RESIGN Northern Ont. 'Ignored' SUDBURY (CP)--Young Lib-|to form a new Northern Ontario erals from two Northern On- tario ridings decided Monday to|said members had not previ- split away from the Ontariojously been allowed to take part ¥ jin policy .making, but said the -|new organization party members in the| residents of the area "a voice part of the province. unanimously|have never had before." passed at a meeting of the Sud- bury ani Nickel Belt District|,, sonm the new association is A resolution Young Liberal Association ac- cused the Ontario association of|0t based on revenge and added "totally ignoring Northern On- tario' members." R.°E. Marcotte, president of| federally. the Sudbury association said : the Ontario president has vis- ited the area once in five years. He said there is a lack of com munication involving miles and|§ minds The meeting agreed to send letters asking for support to Liberal associations in the con- stituencies of Algoma East, Al goma West, Nipissing, Temiska ming, Cochrane, Port. Arthu and Fort William. If the replies to the letters| | Marcotte ' said, a convention will be held i ; are 'favorable, Mr. Young Liberal Association. He would give in political affairs such as they Mr, Marcotte said the move that the group will support the Liberal party provincially and Sunday School Concert Set GREENWOOD (TC) -- The Kinsale Branch of the Women's Institute was held at the home of a former member, Mrs. R. E. Mowbray of Brooklin. The mem- bers welcomed Mrs, John @ period of illness. Plans were made for cards to be sent to shut-ins and for- mer ae pe for Christmas. Mrs. McTaggart, assisted by we. Hugh Crawford; gave an interesting report of the Area Convention recently in To- ronto, The hostess served a dainty lunch, She was assisted by two former members of the Kin- sale Branch, who now live in Brooklin. Mr, and Mrs. C. McTaggart viiited Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pegg and, other relatives at Stouff- Ter, T. H. Fleetham, Wil- Ham A. Brown and Miss Bea- trice McLean attended the Osh- #wa Presbytery of the United Church at St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, I. B, Perkin visited the former's brother, C. ©. Perkin of Toronto. The day was a family birthday party forT. B:, C, E., and Joan Perkin. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Miss Edith Howard and William on the passing of their sister, Mrs. Lew Haggerman, formerly of Whitevale. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Brown visited their eon, Fred Brown and family. The local church choir and the Valley View Public School Choir are putting on an eve- pees at the church Dec. 4, Mr, Mrs. E. Pegg will also show slides of their trip to the East coast last summer. The Sunday _ School : concert will be held Friday evening, Dec, 18. Mrs. Emerson Ormerod, of Toronto, visited Miss Edith Howard and William Ormerod. Mrs. I.. McLean is visiting with her sister ut Stoney Creek. The new Gerry Fisher house is rapidly approaching comple- tion, Several were at Ajax United wreh when Rev. R, K. Mc- an, President of the Bay of Quinte Conferenae, spoke on the "New Curriculum." DARKNESS NO HAZARD HALIFAX (CP) -- Competi- tors in the Halifax Sports Car club rally had no problems try- ing to read maps in the dark. All the navigators in the 20 competing cars were, blind. They were youths drawn from the Nova Scotia school for the blind here, and their instruction sheets were in braille. One rally official described the nav- igators as "amazing." He said "they can figure a mathemati- cal equation in braille faster than most people can on paper.' King-| ister Tremblay; was accused stone, their president, back after rey : Accused Inquiry Chief Raymond Denis, a Montreal lawyer and former executive assistant to Immigration Min- of offering a bribe in a nar- cotics smuggling case by Eric Nielsen, an MP for the Yukon. (CP. Photo) 'Scotia Assets Jump 14 Percent A 14 per cent increase in total assets, which for the first time have passed the $3 billion mark is reported today by The Bank of Nova Scotia in its annual re- port, covering the fiscal year ended October 31, 1964. Personal savings (Canadian) are up nearly 644 per cent to $1,024 millions compared with $962 millions at the end of the Preceding year. Total deposits, at $2,855 millions show an in- crease of 14.65 per cent over the previous year. Substantial increases in loans are also shown in the financial statement, Total loans increased $307 millions, or over 18 per 'Yleent during the year; standing at close to $2 billions. Total securities are down some $40 millions, primarily in the area of foreign securities, Net profit of $9.7 millions rep- resented a gain of 11% per cent over the preceding year, and on a per share basis was $3.24 com- pared with $3.03 in the year end- ing October 31, 1963. After pay- ment of dividends totalling $2.55 per share -- up 10 cents from the year haline -- slightly more than $2 millions was carried for- ward to undivided profits, which rose to about $3 millions. Of this amount, $2 millions was trans- ferred' to Rest Account, bring- ing the Bank's Capital and Rest to $139 millions. NEWS IN BRIEF STUDY POLLUTION QUEBEC (CP)--The problem i 'water pollution is to be stud- ied by Quebec® province's 4-H clubs during the next. few months. 'Forest, ,Suardian of natural resources," will be the theme. of the clubs' activities. A spokesman for the clubs said water pollution 'would receive special attention because it "constitutes a major problem." BUSINESSES BILINGUAL MONTREAL (CP) -- P. E. Robert, president of the Mont- real St. Jean Baptiste Society, said 156 business firms have made their corporate names bi- lingual in the last year. Mr. Robert said the campaign for bilingual business names now is concentrating on professional business associations after un- successful attempts to get uni- versity student aid in promot- ing bilingual names and signs for consumers. Look Whot ROGER'S Offering >" FO! FOR THE PRICE OF A Tremendous offer! Buy the major appll- ence you went as:a gift for-Christmas ond get additional FREE gift. . Recorder, etc. Make a @ RECORD FREE ROGE Fleetwood . Roger Majestic Nordemende With Every Major Applionce Purchose, such gifts os © TAPE RECORDERS © PORTABLE TV's Bane? @ CLOTHES DRYERS ete, GIFTS R' CHRISTMAS GIVING + such as Tape Hi-Fi Radio, Record Player, your selection today! ete Dumont Speed Queen Crosley- Moffat Kelvinator PLAYERS @ TRANSISTOR TILL FEB, 1965 APPLIANCES 155.SIMCOE SOUTH 728-2151 Quality Bakery Products Jane Parker BLUEBER dane Parker JELLY or Jane Parker, Sliced BREAD crackeo wuear Jane Parker SPICED F dane Parker, Brown 'N Serve FRENCH ROLLS ory seo Reg. Price each 680--SAVE i4e large 24-0z size 5 5 ¢ RY PIE ! LEMON ROLL x3 3x Reg. Priee loaf 280----SAVE Te 2 24-02 loaves i | Oe Reg, Priee pkg 35e--SAVE 40 RUIT BUNS pkg of 6 3 Te Reg. Price pkg 29e----SAVE Se 1-0z pkg 21 saqune re nck he wr aamy eine corre RIB PORTION lb SPECIAL THIS WEEK! BOKAR COFFEE VIGOROUS & WINEY (CUSTOM GROUND) $7.35 1-POUND BAG Sie -- SAVE do 3-LB BAG FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BANANAS Z fresh CHIQUITA BRAND, FULLY MATURED Ju ORANGES NEW CROP, NAVELS, FINEST QUALITY CRANBERRIE CHRISTMAS STOCK, FOR SAUCE OR JELLY 35: TANGERINES 2 iAmOcan enw, ¢ "SIZE 150 DOZEN : 5 ae: in MEAT 'That Cours! New Crop, Florida, Fancy, No. 1 Grade YELLOW CORN California, New Crop, Firm and Green BRUSSELS SPROUTS ior 39e b29e 'll California, New Crop CARROTS 2 large benches 3 Se British Columbia, No, 1 Grade, Large Size 90's 5 AO PORK LOIN SALE 3 to 3'h-lbs PORTION - 43: TENDERLOIN 3 to 3'A-lbs 49: CENTRE CUTS OR CHOPS 69: RIB HALF LOIN +49: TENDERLOIN 'sn © 59 PORK TENDERLOIN super-Risht Quality »8% Super: Short Super-Right Quality CHICKEN LIVERS +49: CHOPPED SUET +29 Map! Paci _ PIN SIDE BACON «Right Quality, Red Brand Steer Beef, or Cross Cut B ROAST 6% o Leaf, Vac Pas, Rindless nto pks Mb Se MINCED PORK +49: Super-Right, Vac Pac COOKED Schneider's, Red Hot WIENERS Allgood -- Smoked, Sliced, Rindless SIDE BACON HAM berks Qs tb cello pkg 53: tb pkg 5 & FISH FEATURES Bea Seald, Cooked flo, Whole or Half INK SALMON 'Ib 59 HEINZ BABY FOODS 4%-FL-OZ TIN 10-99. Miracle Whip All Purpose (6¢ Coupon on Back of Bag) With Free 4:02. package of New Monarch Sauce S and Gravy Flour Inside) Del Monte, Fanay Quality GREEN BEANS -- CUT WAX BEANS -- CUT CORN -- CREAM STYLE YOUR CHOICE "YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT AaP Reg. Price Jar 780--~SAVE 14 SALAD DRESSING 22/1<:i 59 MONARCH FLOUR 7.000 74. 922.1.00 oztins Be SOLE PORTIONS « 59 Se 'Give Ap Food Certificates Available in Denominations of $1.00 & $5.00 'THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY 7, AP) FOOD STORES » DEPENDABILITY ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1964 dieeilineainadins vais A&P LEADS AGAIN - NEW LOW PRICES AsP INSTANT COFFEE 6-02 JAR 10-02 JAR RG. $1.39 A«P LOW, LOW PRICES Special Blond Reg. Price pkg 990--8AVE f@e A«P TEA BAGS pkg of 120 m 89% HEINZ KETCHUP 2 nteciie Se Tomato Rice, Vegetable or Celery SPECIAL! CLARK'S SOUPS = Ahern 9 Facial Tissue Reg. Price 2 pkgs 650--SAVE 60 SCOTTIES wii or coloured 2 pkgs of 400 5 Qe Gerber's, All Varieties SPECIAL! JUNIOR FOODS =--__ 2s hecin 35 White Swan, White or Coloured Reg. Price pkg 880---BAVE So TOILET TISSUE Raagely darted FRY'S COCOA Hb iin Be Colgate (With % More Free) DENTAL CREAM _ siensconte 9c Antiseptic Reg. Price bt 650--B8AVE 6e LISTERINE 7-ozbotle 5 Ye Clark's (in Chill Sauce) SPECIAL! PORK & BEANS =. 2. 20A21m 39 Water Conditioner Reg. Price pkg 870~BAVE 4o BORATEEM = 44ez pkg 3 3e Monarch riee pkg 87o-BAVE fie BROWNIE MIX "B iserste 1.00 Big "GQ", Country eg. Price pkg 81o--SAVE Te CORN FLAKES 2 10-02 pkgs. 5 Se Lowney Angelus Reg. Price pkg 460--SAVE 60 MARSHMALLOWS +s 39 FROZEN FOOD FEATURES A&P Fanoy Quality, Sliced SPECIALT STRAWBERRIES 15-02 ok Mc French Fried, Crinkle Cut SPECIAL! A«éP POTATOES rb bes Qe Pennywise, Beef or Reg. Price pkg 59e--SAVE 190 VEAL STEAKETTES 2:01: 99% Libby's Mixed 2b ke 3 Qe VEGETABLES | tor stew ANJOU PEARS ' ee Ee ake